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Alam, Sarwar, University of Arkansas
Alam, Sarwar, University of Arkansas (United States)
Alam, Sarwar, University of Arkansas ()
Alanen, Riikka, Centre for Applied Language Studies (CALS), University of Jyväskylä
Alastuey, Maria Camino Bueno
Alatis, James E.
Albala, Ken
Albala, Ken, University of the Pacific ()
Albayrak, H. Şule, Marmara University
Albayrak, Ismail, Australian Catholic University
Albera, Dionigi, Institut d’Ethnologie Méditerranéenne, Européenne et Comparative, Aix-en-Provence
Albero Santacreu, Daniel, University of the Balearic Islands
Albero Santacreu, Daniel J., University of the Balearic Islands
Alberti, Lucia , CNR Italy
Alberts, Wanda, Leibniz University
Albinus, Lars, Aarhus University
Albrecht, Terrance L., Wayne State University
Albright, Adam, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Albuyeh, Ann, University of Puerto Rico
Alby, Sophie, Université de la Guyane
Alciati, Roberto, University of Turin
Alcock, Joan P.
Alcock, Susan E., Clare College, Cambridge
Alcover, Josep Antoni, IMEDEA; American Museum of Natural History; Seccio d'Espeleologia
Alddosari, Ayedh

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