Humanities and Religious Studies

Reflections on the Future


  • David W Atkinson MacEwan University Author



Universities, Humanities, Religious Studies, application, paradigm, centrality, future, model


There is particular angst expressed today about the future of the Humanities, although this concern has been with us for a long
time. Many are concerned that the Humanities are dying and no longer occupy a position of importance in our universities. While there is every reason to be concerned, there has never been a time when the Humanities are more important. The Humanities must no longer accept a position at the periphery of universities and must, instead, assert their centrality. Religious Studies, as a relatively new Humanities discipline, offers a path forward. It suggests an openness that serves as a paradigm for the Humanities with regard to how to look outside themselves for new ways of doing research and teaching their students.


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Reflections from the Field

How to Cite

Atkinson, D. W. (2020). Humanities and Religious Studies: Reflections on the Future. Religious Studies and Theology, 39(1), 106-120.