Onomastic strategies

A pragmatic approach to the use of personal


  • Atoma Batoma University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Author






In this article I propose to analyze three verbal strategies underlying the use of personal names by the Kabye of northern Togo. Such strategies fulfill a variety of purposes, including attempts to influence the behavior of a name-bearer in the context of interpersonal or social relationships. They are often implemented with the intent to help name-bearers live up to their name. Among these strategies I examine (1) the choice of a name, (2) its intonation and (3) its amplification. All three strategies fall within the scope of the socio-pragmatic approach to naming (the giving of names as well as their use) defined here as essentially an act of interpellation.

Author Biography

  • Atoma Batoma, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    Atoma Batoma is an Associate Professor of Library Administration and an Adjunct Professor of Library and Information Science at the University of Illinoisat Urbana-Champaign, United States. His main research interests include Africanonomastics and communication ethics. The following are three of his publicationson African onomastics: (2009) Onomastics and indirect communication among the Kabre of Northern Togo. Nordic Journal of African Studies (18)3: 215-234,http://www.njas.helsinki.fi/; (2010) Talking through one's dog: Zoonymy andpolemical communication in traditional Africa. Onoma (44): 15-34, http://poj.peetersleuven.be/content.php?url=issue&journal_code=ONO&issue=0&vol=44;(2019) Secret names, true identities: Onomastics and metaphysics among the Kabye. Onomastica Uralia (11): 247-258, http://mnytud.arts.unideb.hu/onomural/.


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How to Cite

Batoma, A. (2020). Onomastic strategies: A pragmatic approach to the use of personal . Sociolinguistic Studies, 13(2-4), 193–208. https://doi.org/10.1558/sols.37846

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