The Many Faces of Feedback on Writing

A Historical Perspective


  • Miriam Eisenstein Ebsworth New York University Author



Feedback, error correction, writing process, Text Evaluation


This article traces the development of feedback from comments on product alone to the interactive process-oriented approaches that are currently the state of the art. A range of variables that impact how feedback is given and received are considered. Attention is also paid to feedback givers, their beliefs, philosophies, and practices along with a critical view of language varieties and the roles they play in teachers’ evaluation of writing. Finally, the evolution of written feedback to incorporate the development of online technologies brings us to the present time and an exploration of their use and efficacy.

Author Biography

  • Miriam Eisenstein Ebsworth, New York University

    Miriam Eisenstein Ebsworth, Ph.D. Linguistics from the CUNY Graduate Center, is Director of Doctoral Programs in Multilingual Multicultural Studies at New York University, Steinhardt. Dr. Ebsworth is currently Research Matters editor of Writing and Pedagogy, and editorial board member of the Bilingual Research Journal and The International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching. A recipient of the New York State TESOL Outstanding Teacher Award and the NYU School of Education Teaching Excellence Award, her research interests include second language writing, intercultural pragmatics, and language and technology.


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Eisenstein Ebsworth, M. (2014). The Many Faces of Feedback on Writing: A Historical Perspective. Writing and Pedagogy, 6(2), 195-221.

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