Perceptions of multimodal learner-driven feedback in EAP


  • Clare Maas Trier University Author



Learner-driven feedback, muldimodal feedback, L2 Writing


The ‘Learner-Driven Feedback’ (LDF) procedure is innovative in its combination of approaches to feedback provision in second/foreign language writing instruction which a) respond to learners’ individual queries and b) employ digital modes of delivery ([anonymised ] 2016). In LDF, formative feedback is given by the teacher, but the learners indicate on what aspects of their writing and in what mode they would like to receive feedback. In this study, LDF was used with 36 postgraduate students of an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) class at a university in Germany. The presented analysis of survey data highlights high levels of receptivity to LDF and reveals students’ perceptions of the affordances of different digital delivery modes for improving their writing. While feedback in the form of margin comment bubbles was perceived to be helpful to foster improvement in general language accuracy, students preferred emailed or audio-recorded feedback for the improvement of their writing related academic skills. The potential applicability of LDF for EAP and other writing instruction contexts is discussed based on these findings.

Author Biography

  • Clare Maas, Trier University

    Clare Maas (neé Fielder) is a lecturer in EFL and EAP at Trier University (Germany). She holds post-graduate qualifications from the University of Wales and Trinity College London. Before moving into tertiary education, she taught English at German grammar schools, and English for Specific Purposes at several language academies in the UK and Germany. Her professional interests include EAP materials development and CPD for teachers. She has presented and published on the topic of feedback in ELT, and blogs at


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Research Matters

How to Cite

Maas, C. (2018). Perceptions of multimodal learner-driven feedback in EAP. Writing and Pedagogy, 9(3), 487-516.

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