Revising revising and a focus on double vision in drafting

A look at one writing program’s strategies for increasing revision practices in first-semester composition


  • Tara Hembrough Southeastern Oklahoma State University Author





At the comprehensive research university described in this study, some students taking a required, first-semester, composition course in the fall make great progress in their ability to draft and revise the curriculum’s major essays. Yet, they still fail the class. Many of these students are on their way to becoming practiced writers but require additional assistance to move beyond a definition of revision consisting solely of editing and proofreading strategies. To support such students, I created a voluntary, spring-semester, Composition I course foregrounding both lower- and higher-order revision practices in which students could continue to work on previous assignment drafts from fall. In a three-year, mixed methods, case study involving an experimental course-design model, students enrolling in a Composition I class focused on revision strategies demonstrated both positive revision-related drafting and course outcomes, according to findings. This article includes a description of the course’s framework and its assessment practices. The results of this study have implications for teaching revision in first-year composition. 

Author Biography

  • Tara Hembrough, Southeastern Oklahoma State University

    Dr. Tara Hembrough is an Assistant Professor at Southeastern Oklahoma State University. She teaches in the English Department and serves as the Area Head for Professional and Technical Writing. Her forthcoming publications concern student veterans and writing program administration.


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Research Matters

How to Cite

Hembrough, T. (2019). Revising revising and a focus on double vision in drafting: A look at one writing program’s strategies for increasing revision practices in first-semester composition. Writing and Pedagogy, 11(1), 49-80.