2. Humanism and the Conquest of Fear
Dublin Core | PKP Metadata Items | Metadata for this Document | |
1. | Title | Title of document | 2. Humanism and the Conquest of Fear - Everyday Humanism |
2. | Creator | Author's name, affiliation, country | Dale McGowan; Foundation Beyond Belief; |
3. | Subject | Discipline(s) | Philosophy; Religion |
4. | Subject | Keyword(s) | humanism; humanist ethics; contemporary ethical issues; |
5. | Subject | Subject classification | Humanist & secular alternatives to religion (HRQA) |
6. | Description | Abstract | This chapter begins with the startling double-paradox that fear often makes us feel safer while actually increasing our individual and collective risk. Our dysfunctional relationship with fear has a profound effect on everything from parenting to education to entertainment to foreign policy. This essay uses recent research in the social and biological sciences to establish these premises, and then to argue that disentangling ourselves from our addiction to fear is one of the most urgent and progressive humanist projects of our time. It further argues that the history and philosophy of humanism make it especially well suited to inform and encourage this humane undertaking, though a profound refocusing of humanist attention is required. |
7. | Publisher | Organizing agency, location | Equinox Publishing Ltd |
8. | Contributor | Sponsor(s) | |
9. | Date | (YYYY-MM-DD) | 25-Nov-2014 |
10. | Type | Status & genre | Peer-reviewed Article |
11. | Type | Type | |
12. | Format | File format | |
13. | Identifier | Uniform Resource Identifier | https://journals.equinoxpub.com/index.php/books/article/view/20491 |
14. | Identifier | Digital Object Identifier | 10.1558/equinox.20491 |
15. | Source | Journal/conference title; vol., no. (year) | Equinox eBooks Publishing; Everyday Humanism |
16. | Language | English=en | en |
18. | Coverage | Geo-spatial location, chronological period, research sample (gender, age, etc.) |
United States; Western World, contemporary |
19. | Rights | Copyright and permissions | Copyright 2014 Equinox Publishing Ltd |