Landscape and Settlement
Dublin Core | PKP Metadata Items | Metadata for this Document | |
1. | Title | Title of document | Landscape and Settlement - Citadel and Cemetery in Early Bronze Age Anatolia |
2. | Creator | Author's name, affiliation, country | Christoph Bachhuber; Freie Universität, Berlin; |
3. | Subject | Discipline(s) | Archaeology |
4. | Subject | Keyword(s) | ecology; farming; settlement patterns; mining and metallurgy |
6. | Description | Abstract | Chapter 2 examines how Early Bronze Age settlements and societies interacted with the landscapes they inhabited. It presents an overview of subsistence economies, palaeoenvironmental data, settlement patterns, metallurgical industries, and other potential activities that could have had anthropogenic impacts on landscapes. The discussion considers the impacts caused by the demands of agriculture, horticulture, pastoralism and timber. Unprecedented crowding of mixed-farming settlements in alluvial plains was a cause and effect of these impacts. Chapter 2 ends with a case study that focuses on the citadel of EBA Troy in its regional and landscape setting, and begin to consider the ascendance of citadel elites within these environmental and demographic contexts. |
7. | Publisher | Organizing agency, location | Equinox Publishing Ltd |
8. | Contributor | Sponsor(s) | |
9. | Date | (YYYY-MM-DD) | 01-Jan-2016 |
10. | Type | Status & genre | Peer-reviewed Article |
11. | Type | Type | |
12. | Format | File format | |
13. | Identifier | Uniform Resource Identifier | |
14. | Identifier | Digital Object Identifier | 10.1558/equinox.24589 |
15. | Source | Journal/conference title; vol., no. (year) | Equinox eBooks Publishing; Citadel and Cemetery in Early Bronze Age Anatolia |
16. | Language | English=en | en |
18. | Coverage | Geo-spatial location, chronological period, research sample (gender, age, etc.) |
Anatolia, early Bronze Age |
19. | Rights | Copyright and permissions | Copyright 2014 Equinox Publishing Ltd |