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A Man of God and Huldah: Prophets in the Tale of Josiah

Dublin Core PKP Metadata Items Metadata for this Document
1. Title Title of document A Man of God and Huldah: Prophets in the Tale of Josiah - Josiah
2. Creator Author's name, affiliation, country Lowell Handy; Loyola University Chicago (retired); United States
3. Subject Discipline(s) Biblical Studies
4. Subject Keyword(s) Josiah; King of Judah; First Esdras; Kings; Chronicles; biblical; prophets; historiography
5. Subject Subject classification Josiah
6. Description Abstract Consideration is given to the presentation of the two prophets who get narrative content in the Josiah story. The man of god who predicts Josiah and then whose corpse is honored by Josiah indicates the importance of Josiah in the full narrative of Kings. Huldah appears as the voice of Yahweh to tie the coming death of Judah after the death of Josiah into the cultic concerns of the books of Kings and Chronicles. Neco gets a note for appearing as a prophet in Chronicles and First Esdras.
7. Publisher Organizing agency, location Equinox Publishing Ltd
8. Contributor Sponsor(s)
9. Date (YYYY-MM-DD) 15-Aug-2020
10. Type Status & genre Peer-reviewed Article
11. Type Type
12. Format File format PDF
13. Identifier Uniform Resource Identifier
14. Identifier Digital Object Identifier 10.1558/equinox.37477
15. Source Journal/conference title; vol., no. (year) Equinox eBooks Publishing; Josiah
16. Language English=en en
18. Coverage Geo-spatial location, chronological period, research sample (gender, age, etc.)
19. Rights Copyright and permissions Copyright 2014 Equinox Publishing Ltd