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4. Speaking Tests and Interactive Listening Construct

Dublin Core PKP Metadata Items Metadata for this Document
1. Title Title of document 4. Speaking Tests and Interactive Listening Construct - Assessing Speaking
2. Creator Author's name, affiliation, country Fumiyo Nakatsuhara; University of Bedfordshire;
2. Creator Author's name, affiliation, country Vivien Berry; British Council;
2. Creator Author's name, affiliation, country Chihiro Inoue; United Kingdom
2. Creator Author's name, affiliation, country Nahal Khabbazbashi; University of Bedfordshire;
3. Subject Discipline(s) Linguistics
4. Subject Keyword(s) assessing second language; second language speaking; language testing; oral testing; speaking test; L2; classroom assessment; interactive listening
5. Subject Subject classification Language Testing
6. Description Abstract Chapter 4 deals with interactive speaking tests that are tapping into an interactive listening construct. The chapter shows the extent to which interactive speaking tests (e.g. the interview format, peer-peer format) are testing test-takers’ listening ability as well as speaking ability, and how interactive listening skills can be assessed through speaking tests. In both chapters, the authors discuss how rating scales and rating systems can cater for the assessment of interactional competence and interactive listening skills.
7. Publisher Organizing agency, location Equinox Publishing Ltd
8. Contributor Sponsor(s)
9. Date (YYYY-MM-DD) 01-Oct-2026
10. Type Status & genre Peer-reviewed Article
11. Type Type
12. Format File format PDF
13. Identifier Uniform Resource Identifier
14. Identifier Digital Object Identifier 10.1558/equinox.40214
15. Source Journal/conference title; vol., no. (year) Equinox eBooks Publishing; Assessing Speaking
16. Language English=en en
18. Coverage Geo-spatial location, chronological period, research sample (gender, age, etc.)
19. Rights Copyright and permissions Copyright 2014 Equinox Publishing Ltd