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19. The Relevance of Social-critical Exegesis for Old Testament Theology

Dublin Core PKP Metadata Items Metadata for this Document
1. Title Title of document 19. The Relevance of Social-critical Exegesis for Old Testament Theology - If I Forget You, Jerusalem!
2. Creator Author's name, affiliation, country Niels Peter Lemche; University of Copenhagen ;
3. Subject Discipline(s) Biblical Studies
4. Subject Keyword(s) sociology and the Bible; Anthropology and the Bible; Rainer Albertz; family religion; Old Testament; Biblical Studies; minimalism; Bible; Genesis; Daniel; Psalms; Prophets; Christian theology; Copenhagen School
5. Subject Subject classification Old Testament
6. Description Abstract Sociology in stricto sensu as it is understood today means the study of behavioral patterns in contemporary – mostly Western societies. In the Anglo-Saxon world the historical ramifications of sociology developed into social anthropology, cultural anthropology as well as processional anthropology – to limit the number to three branches – there are more. These different types of sociology imply different methods, and the sociological analyses also of biblical material is dependent of the type of sociology used by the researcher. The example presented is Rainer Albertz’s use of the concept of family religion.
7. Publisher Organizing agency, location Equinox Publishing Ltd
8. Contributor Sponsor(s)
9. Date (YYYY-MM-DD) 07-Aug-2024
10. Type Status & genre Peer-reviewed Article
11. Type Type
12. Format File format PDF
13. Identifier Uniform Resource Identifier
14. Identifier Digital Object Identifier 10.1558/equinox.44810
15. Source Journal/conference title; vol., no. (year) Equinox eBooks Publishing; If I Forget You, Jerusalem!
16. Language English=en en
18. Coverage Geo-spatial location, chronological period, research sample (gender, age, etc.)
19. Rights Copyright and permissions Copyright 2014 Equinox Publishing Ltd