Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies, Issue Number 6, November 1998

SEIDHR AND SEIDHRWORKERS: Recovering shamanic practice in contemporary Heathenism

Jenny Blain
Issued Date: 17 Feb 2012


The Saga of Eirik the Red describes the visit of a spákona, a seeress, to a Greenland farm, one thousand years ago. Her clothing and shoes, her staff and cloak, are detailed. She is asked to predict the progress of the community; she eats a meal of the hearts of the farm animals, and the next day a “high seat” is made ready for her, where she will sit to foretell. She engages in ritual practices known as seidhr, which requires a special song to be sung to “the powers” in order that she may gain their knowledge, in trance.

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DOI: 10.1558/pome.v13i6.6


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