Latest Issue: Vol 22, No 2 (2020) RSS2 logo

Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies

Chas Clifton, Colorado State University-Pueblo

Letters and Review Editor
Christopher Chase
Send Books for Review to Christopher Chase
402 Catt Hall
Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa 50011-1302

Editor Emeritus
Fritz Muntean, Vancouver

The Pomegranate is the first International, peer-reviewed journal of Pagan studies. It provides a forum for papers, essays and symposia on both ancient and contemporary Pagan religious practices. The Pomegranate also publishes timely reviews of scholarly books in this growing field. The editors seek both new interpretations and re-examinations of those traditions marked both by an emphasis on nature as a source of sacred value (e.g., Wicca, modern Goddess religions) as well as those emphasizing continuity with a polytheistic past (e.g., Ásatrú and other forms of 'reconstructionist' Paganism). The editors also seek papers on the interplay between Pagan religious traditions, popular culture, literature, psychology and the arts.

Metrics/Indexing and Abstracting
H-Index 2015: 5
CiteScore 2018: 0.14
SJR 2018: 0.111
SNIP 2018: 0.446

Publication and Frequency
May and November

ISSN 1528-0268 (print)
ISSN 1743-1735 (online)

Editor's Blog


A ‘Cookbook’ for Tarot

When I was in college and learning to cook, I looked at a lot of cookbooks — books owned by my friends who were “foodies” avant la lettre. But the trouble with cookbooks is that they were one self-contained recipe after another. “What I need,” I thought, “was a ‘process’ cookbook. It would say something […]
Posted: 2025-02-25More...

Wassailing the Apple Trees Revived in the West of England

Em Sibley, the “wassail queen,” after successfully completing the ceremony at Sheppy’s farm in Bradford-on-Tone, England (New York TImes). From the New York TImes (February 13, 2025) A jet of steam rises with a hiss as a red hot poker plunges into a bowl of cider. A garlanded woman spears a piece of toast with […]
Posted: 2025-02-15More...

Did the Professor Die for What He Knew of His Mentor’s Past?

Shortly after 1 p.m. on May 21, 1991, a secretary working on the third floor of Swift Hall at the University of Chicago heard a faint “pop,” as she described it. The sound came from the men’s restroom next to her office. It was produced by a .25-caliber (6.35 mm) pistol that had fired one […]
Posted: 2025-02-12More...

Does the Pagan Resurgence Start with Folklore?

“Politics is downstream from culture,” people like to say online — which is just a re-statement of something that I have long believed, that “Life imitates Art.” Maybe I am just reflecting my online environment and the podcasts that I listen to, but folklore is suddenly big. My feed has a lot of British contributors […]
Posted: 2025-01-11More...

A Waking Dream: The New Age Salvation Army

This is what a background in religious studies plus sleep-deprivation will do to you. On Friday I was in Manitou Springs, the old spa town on the west side of Colorado Springs, where I spent most of my twenties and had various formative experiences, such as meeting my wife, forming a coven, running a business, […]
Posted: 2024-12-22More...

Lithuanian Pagans Gain More Official Recognition, But What Does that Really Mean?

A Romuva celebration (Euronews). After repeated tries, the Lithuanian Pagan group Romuva, which was formally organized in the early 20th century, has received a higher level official recognition Romuva has been granted official recognition following the Constitution and the Law on Religious Communities and Associations, as well as the Justice Ministry’s conclusion that it meets […]
Posted: 2024-12-14More...

Talking about “Pagan Religions in 5 Minutes”

Pagan Religions in 5 Minutes brings together seventy short essays, each answering a question such as “Do all Pagans follow the same festivals?” or “What are Technopagans?” or “What is the difference between Wicca and witchcraft?” It’s part of a “5 Minutes” series from Equinox Publishing, which also publishes a book series on “Contemporary and […]
Posted: 2024-11-22More...

Angela Puca on the Origins of Today’s Pagan Samhain

Let the velvet-voiced Dr. Puca explains how the festival of Samhain gained its present form — and remember, Samhain is a season, a -“tide.”
Posted: 2024-10-31More...


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