Latest Issue: Vol 48, No 3-4 (2019) RSS2 logo

Journal History

Welcome to The Bulletin's new site. Please note that this site will be continuously developed over the coming months as we expand its features, so it may look different when you visit next time. Here is an outline of what we are planning to do, a short history of the journal and an invitation to become a contributor.

The Bulletin began life 39 years ago as the CSSR Bulletin when it was published by the Council of Societies for the Study of Religion. In 2009 the Council disbanded and the journal moved to Equinox

Historically the journal has published articles that address religion in general, the history of the field of religious studies, method and theory in the study of religion, and pedagogical practices. Research featured in the journal has covered and will continue to cover any religion from any time period (from ancient religions to new religious movements) but articles published in the Bulletin are typically distinguished by their social scientific methods (e.g., sociological, anthropological, cognitive scientific) or critical theory apparatus (i.e.,postcolonialist, poststructuralist, neomarxist). The Bulletin will continue to publish invited 'Essays On' which are survey articles on important topics in the study of religion. Future topics will include a Retrospective on Bruce Lincoln's Discourse and the Construction of Society and issues featuring essays on "Religion and War", "Religion and Secularism in Turkey", "Queer Pedagogy in the Discipline of Religion" and a special issue on "Religion in the Public Sphere". The Bulletin will also continue to publish peer-reviewed articles and encourages readers to submit articles through the journal's online submission system (see Contribute, above).

From 2010 (volume 39), the Bulletin is published in print and, for the first time, online, with a print frequency of 4 issues per volume. Increasingly the online edition will include supplemental content that will not appear in the print version and which will be published on a continuous basis. Some of this content will be open access while other additional content will be part of a new subscription package (to be introduced in 2011/12) or will be available as pay-per-view.

Among new open access features will be the publication of author interviews, theses abstracts in the field of religious studies, blogs, reader forums, and a wiki online registry of all graduate programs in religion worldwide.

In addition, with the inauguration of its new website, the Bulletin takes on a larger role within Equinox to become an access route into all Equinox publications -- books and journals -- in the field of religious studies, theology, biblical studies and related disciplines. From the Bulletin's home page, readers are now able to search across the entire Equinox publication list in religion, view the full text of book reviews from any of our religion journals, order sample copies and view sample chapters of textbooks. Additional functionality will be added in the coming months.

Finally, over the next few months, the Bulletin's online edition will start to incorporate a number of new subscription features. These will include reprints of key articles from the Bulletin's archives and 'Key Thinkers in the Study of Religion’ which are compact introductions to the life and work of major figures in the study of religion.

Publication Frequency (Print Edition): Feb, April, September and November
ISSN: 2041-1863 (Print)
ISSN: 2041-1871 (Online)

Editorial Address:
Philip Tite
c/o Equinox Publishing Ltd
Office 415, The Workstation
15 Paternoster Row
Sheffield, S1 2BX

Equinox Publishing Ltd - 415 The Workstation 15 Paternoster Row, Sheffield, S1 2BX United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)114 221-0285 - Email: [email protected]

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