CALICO Journal, Vol 16, No 3 (1999)

Using a Computer in Foreign Language Pronunciation Training: What Advantages?

Maxine Eskenazi
Issued Date: 7 Aug 2014


This paper looks at how speech-interactive CALL can help the classroom teacher carry out recommendations from immersion-based approaches to language instruction. Emerging methods for pronunciation tutoring are demonstrated from Carnegie Mellon University's FLUENCY project, addressing not only phone articulation but also speech prosody, responsible for the intonation and rhythm of utterances. New techniques are suggested for eliciting freely constructed yet specifically targeted utterances in speech-interactive CALL. In addition, pilot experiments are reported that demonstrate new methods for detecting and correcting errors by mining the speech signal for information about learners' deviations from native speakers' pronunciation.

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DOI: 10.1558/cj.v16i3.447-469


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