Glossing Frequency and L2 Reading Comprehension: The Influence of CALL Glossing
This study challenges the assertion that an increase in L1 glossing results in more L2 reading comprehension. The results of this study, a quantitative meta-analysis, indicate that there is a significant difference (p = .04) in L2 reading comprehension between groups based on how much L1 glossing is provided. It was found that the group with the highest average effect size–which had all computer-assisted language learning (CALL) studies–included studies with 50% or more L1 glossing. However, the second largest mean effect size came from a group that contained 5% or less L1 glossing. In looking across groups in this meta-analysis, it was found that of the six studies with the largest effect sizes, five of them were CALL studies. In light of this finding, this paper will discuss the interaction of the variables of CALL glossing and percentage of text glossed in order to determine their possible influence on L2 reading comprehension.
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