CALICO Journal, Vol 35, No 3 (2018)

Preparing the Online Language Program Administrator: A Needs Analysis of Intensive English Programs in the United States

Angel Steadman, Rachel Kraut
Issued Date: 17 Sep 2018


As fully-online classes continue to grow in popularity, administrators of language programs in higher education settings are increasingly responsible for implementing and overseeing online language teaching classes and curricula. However, few language program administrators have extensive experience in online education, and little training exists at the administrative level for this field. In this mixed-methods study, survey and interview data with Intensive English Program (IEP) administrators in the United States show that less formal training and experience in online education are correlated with lower perceived self-efficacy among IEP administrators faced with managing online programs, and that IEP administrators overwhelmingly believe additional training would be beneficial. This study examines the needs described by participants and provides recommendations for future training options based on the needs identified.

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DOI: 10.1558/cj.34636


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