CALICO Journal, Vol 38, No 2 (2021)

Swedish as a Second Language Teachers’ Perceptions and Experiences with CALL for the Newly Arrived

Anna Hell, Shannon Sauro
Issued Date: 20 May 2021


The use of digital technology in the subject of Swedish as a second language (SSL) has increased in recent years. Schools in Sweden have received many newly arrived students due to the migration situation prevailing in contemporary European society. This article shares the findings of a study carried out on six SSL teachers’ perceptions and experiences of using digital technology for SSL with newly arrived students. Participants’ responses to interview questions were analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings indicated the following: participants negotiated the digital tools as an entry ticket for the newly arrived students to become engaged with the teaching, to support literacy development, and to aid communication. The findings also underscore the challenges that respondents struggled with in teaching using digital technology. Results suggest that although digital technology is a regular part of Swedish education, there is no clear research-based framework for computer-assisted language learning (CALL) in SSL education or teacher education that teachers can rely on, meaning that it is up to teachers themselves to uncover relevant uses of digital technology to support SSL teaching.

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DOI: 10.1558/cj.41169


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