Negotiating behavioural change: Therapists’ proposal turns in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Issued Date: 17 Sep 2013
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is an internationally recognised method for treating depression. However, many of the techniques involved in CBT are accomplished within the therapy interaction in diverse ways, and with varying consequences for the trajectory of therapy session. This paper uses conversation analysis to examine some standard ways in which therapists propose suggestions for behavioural change to clients attending CBT sessions for depression in Australia. Therapists’ proposal turns displayed their subordinate epistemic authority over the matter at hand, and emphasised a high degree of optionality on behalf of the client in accepting their suggestions. This practice was routinely accomplished via three standard proposal turns: (1) hedged recommendations; (2) interrogatives; and (3) information-giving. These proposal turns will be examined in relation to the negotiation of behavioural change, and the implications for CBT interactions between therapist and client will be discussed.
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PDF (Price: £17.50 )DOI: 10.1558/cam.v9i3.229
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Beck, A. T., Rush, J., Shaw, B. and Emery, G. (1979) Cognitve Therapy of Depression. New York: The Guilford Press.
Blackburn, I.-M. and Davidson, K. (1990) Cognitive Therapy for Depression and Anxiety: A Practitioner’s Guide. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications.
Butler, C., Potter, J., Danby, S., Emmison, M. and Hepburn, A. (2010) Advice implicative interrogatives: Building ‘client centred’ support in a children’s helpline. Social Psychology Quarterly 73: 265–287.
Clift, R. (2006) Indexing stance: Reported speech as an interactional evidential. Journal of Sociolinguistics 10 (5): 569–595.
Drew, P. and Heritage, J. (eds) (1992) Talk at Work: Interaction in Institutional Settings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ekberg, K. and LeCouteur, A. (in press) Co-implicating and re-shaping clients’ suggestions for behavioural change in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy practice. Qualitative Research in Psychology.
He, A. (1993) Exploring modality in institutional interactions: Cases from academic counselling encounters. Text 13 (2): 503–528.
Heritage, J. (2010) Questioning in medicine. In A. F. Freed and S. Ehrlich (eds) ‘Why Do You Ask?’: The Function of Questions in Institutional Discourse, 42–68. New York: Oxford University Press.
Heritage, J. and Raymond, G. (2005) The terms of agreement: Indexing epistemic authority and subordination in talk-in-interaction. Social Psychology Quarterly 68 (1): 15–38.
Heritage, J. and Raymond, G. (2010) Navigating epistemic landscapes: Acquiescence, agency and resistance in responses to polar questions. In J.-P. deRuiter (ed.) Questions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Heritage, J. and Sefi, S. (1992) Dilemmas of advice: Aspects of the delivery and reception of advice in interactions between health visitors and first time mothers. In P. Drew and J. Heritage (eds) Talk at Work, 359–419. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Houtkoop-Steenstra, H. (1990) Accounting for proposals. Journal of Pragmatics 14: 111–124.
Hudson, T. (1990) The discourse of advice giving in English: ‘I wouldn’t feed till Spring no matter what you do’. Language and Communication 10 (4): 285–297.
Hutchby, I. and Wooffitt, R. (2008) Conversation Analysis. 2nd edn. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Jefferson, G. (1986) Notes on ‘latency’ in overlap onset. Human Studies 9: 153–183.
Jefferson, G. (2004) Glossary of transcript symbols with an introduction. In G. Lerner (ed.) Conversation Analysis: Studies from the First Generation, 13–23. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Kinnell, A.-M. and Maynard, D. W. (1996) The delivery and receipt of safer sex advice in pretest counselling sessions for HIV and AIDS. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 24: 405–437.
Peräkylä, A., Antaki, C., Vehviläinen, S. and Leudar, I. (2008) Conversation Analysis and Psychotherapy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Pomerantz, A. (1984) Agreeing and disagreeing with assessments: Some features of preferred/dispreferred turn shapes. In J. M. Atkinson and J. C. Heritage (eds) Structures of Social Action: Studies in Conversation Analysis, 57–101. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Raymond, G. (2003) Grammar and social organization: Yes/no interrogatives and the structure of responding. American Sociological Review 68: 939–967.
Raymond, G. (2010) Grammar and social relations: Alternative forms of yes/no-type initiating actions in health visitor interactions. In A. F. Freed and S. Ehrlich (eds) ‘Why Do You Ask’: The Function of Questions in Institutional Discourse, 87–107. New York: Oxford University Press.
Raymond, G. and Heritage, J. (2006) The epistemics of social relations: Owning grandchildren. Language in Society 35: 677–705.
Schegloff, E. (2007) Sequence Organization in Interaction. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Silverman, D. (1997) Discourses of Counselling: HIV Counselling as Social Interaction. London: Sage.
Simmons, K. (2010) Resisting Behavioural Change: Proposal-resistance Sequences in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Sessions for Clients with Depression. Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Adelaide, Adelaide.
Stokoe, E. (2011) Simulated interaction and communication skills training: The ‘Conversation Analytic Role-play Method’. In C. Antaki (ed.) Applied Conversation Analysis: Changing Institutional Practices, 119–139. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Waring, H. Z. (2007) The multi-functionality of accounts in advice-giving. Journal of Sociolinguistics 11 (3): 367–391.
Wright, J., Basco, M. and Thase, M. (2006) Learning Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy. Washington: American Psychiatric Publishing.
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