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Vol 14, No 2 (2011)

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Table of Contents


Editorial: Report from the XXXIV Denton Conference on the Study of Implicit Religion PDF
Tatjana Schnell 127-128
Editorial Note and Invitation PDF
Edward Bailey 253


Incarnating the Money-Sign: Notes on an Implicit Theopolitics PDF
Devin Singh 129-140
There and Back Again: Transhumanist Evangelism in Science Fiction and Popular Science PDF
Robert M. Geraci 141-172
Boots, Indecency, and Secular Sacred Spaces: Implicit Religious Motives Underlying an Aspect of Airline Dress Codes PDF
Andrew Wilson 173-192
Charles: An Implicitly Religious Confusion PDF
Roger Grainger 193-199

Review Article

Paying Attention: Myth, Loss and Longing PDF
William Ramp 201-214
Don Cupitt’s Ethical Jesus and a Secular Transcendence: A Review of Cupitt’s Jesus and Philosophy PDF
John Hey 215-222

Book Reviews

Review: Christmas: a Candid History by Bruce David Forbes. University of California Press, 2007. 187pp. Pb. $14.95/£10.95, ISBN-13: 9780520258020; Hb. $24.95/£16.95, ISBN-13: 9780520258020. PDF
Ted Harrison 223-225
Review: The Strange Death of Moral Britain by Christie Davies. Transaction Publishers, 2007. Pb. 294pp. $24.95, ISBN-13: 9781412806220 PDF
Peter Brierley 226-229
Review: Popular Christianity in India: Riting between the Lines, edited by Selva J. Raj and Corinne C. Dempsey. State University of New York Press, 2002. 284pp. Pb. $31.95/£25.00, ISBN-13: 9780791455203. PDF
Derek B. Murray 230-231
Review: Sacred Sites, Contested Rites/Rights: Pagan Engagements with Archaeological Monuments, by Jenny Blain and Robert Wallis, Sussex University Press, 2007. Pb 256pp. $37.50/£17.95, ISBN-13: 9781845191306. PDF
Derek B. Murray 232-233
Review: The Courage To Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of the Teacher’s Life, by Parker J. Palmer, Wiley, 2007. Hb. 272pp. $27.95/£19.99, ISBN-13: 9780787996864 PDF
Wendy K. Allen 234-235
Review: The Death of Christian Britain: Understanding Secularisation, edited by C. Brown, Routledge, 2009 (2nd ed.) and Pulling out of the Nosedive: What the 2005 English Church Census Reveals, London Christian Research, 2006. PDF
Mike Collins 236-239
Review: Mother Teresa of Calcutta: In the Heart of the World Thoughts, Stories and Prayers, edited by Becky Benenate. New World Library, 2010. Pb. 109pp., $12.95, ISBN-13: 9781577319009. PDF
Stella Mills 240-241
Review: From Boys to Men: Spiritual Rites of Passage in an Indulgent Age, by Bret Stephenson, Park Street Press, 2006. Pb. 289pp., $18.95, ISBN-13: 9781594771408. PDF
Paul Nathanson 242-248
Review: The Search for Spirituality: Our Global Quest for Meaning and Fulfilment, by Ursula King. Canterbury Press, 2009, Pb., 250pp., £12.99. ISBN-13: 9781853119422. PDF
Israel Selvanayagam 249-252

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