Pythiai and Inspired Divination in the Delphic Oracle: Can Cognitive Sciences Provide Us with an Access to “Dead Minds”?
Issued Date: 23 Jan 2014
The aim of this article is to deepen our knowledge of mantic procedures used at Delphi, especially with respect to the mental state of the Pythia, which was induced in the course of oracular sessions. The first section provides a short reconstruction of the Delphic oracular session based on the information gleaned from historical and (to lesser extent) archaeological sources. The second section aims for clarification of some contentious points, which are still the subject of intensive scholarly debates and controversies. They concern particularly questions about the authorship of pronounced oracles and the method by which the Pythia brought about her reputed mantic abilities. The third section raises a question about how and to what degree our knowledge about the history of the Delphic oracle and the Pythia’s behaviour in the course of oracular consultations is deepened by looking at it from the perspective of cognitive psychology. A cognitive perspective can, perhaps, give us useful material for possible comparisons based on analogically similar cases of spirit possession currently studied anthropologically, psychologically, and neurologically.
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Arnott, G. W. 1989. “Nechung: A Modern Parallel to the Delphic oracle?” Greece and Rome 36: 152–57.
Athanassiadi, P. 1989–1990. “The Fate of Oracles in Late Antiquity: Didyma and Delphi”. Deltion christianikés archaiologikés etaireias (n.s.) 15: 271–78.
Bonner, C. 1943. “The Technique of Exorcism”. Harvard Theological Review 36: 39–49.
Bouché-Leclerque, A. 1880. Histoire de la Divination dans l’Antiquité III. Paris: Ernest Leroux.
Bourguignon, E. (ed.). 1973. Religion, Altered State of Consciousness, and Social Change. Columbus, OH: Ohio University Press.
Bousquet, J. 1940. “H. W. Parke, The Delphic oracle”. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 64: 226–29.
Bowden, H. 2003. “Oracles for Sale”. In Herodotus and His World, edited by Peter Derow and Robert Parker. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 256–74.
—2005. Classical Athens and the Delphic oracle: Divination and Democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Cohen, E. 2007. The Mind Possessed: The Cognition of Spirit Possession in an Afro-Brazilian Religious Tradition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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De Boer, J. Z., J. R. Hale and J. Chanton. 2001. “New Evidence for the Geological Origins of the Ancient Delphic oracle”. Geology 29: 707–10.;2
Dodds, E. R. 1951. The Greeks and the Irrational. Los Angeles and Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Etiope, G. et al. 2006. “The Geological Links of the Ancient Delphic oracle (Greece): A Reappraisal of Natural Gas Occurrence and Origin”. Geology 34: 821–24.
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—1950. “Le Délire de la Pythie est-il une Légende?” Revue des études anciennes 52: 306–24.
—1965. Greek Oracles. London: Elek Books.
Flower, M. A. 2008. The Seer in Ancient Greece. Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press.
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Foster, J., and D. Lehoux. 2007. “The Delphic oracle and the Ethylene-Intoxication Hypothesis”. Clinical Toxicology 45: 85–89.
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Johnston, S. I. 2008. Ancient Greek Divination. Malden, MA and Oxford: Wiley and Blackwell.
Kehoe, A. B., and D. H. Giletti. 1981. “Women’s Preponderance in Possession Cults: The Calcium-Deficiency Hypothesis Extended”. American Anthropologist 83: 549–61.
Klass, M. 2003. Mind Over Mind: The Anthropology and Psychology of Spirit Possession. Oxford: Rowman and Littlefield.
La Coste-Messelière, P. de. 1925. “Inscriptions de Delphes”. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 49: 61–103.
—1969. “Topographie Delphique”. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 93: 730–58.
Latte, K. 1940. “The Coming of the Pythia”. Harvard Theological Review 33: 9–18.
Lehoux, D. 2007. “Drugs and the Delphic oracle”. Classical World 101: 41–56.
Lewis, I. M. 2003 [1971]. Ecstatic Religion: A Study of Shamanism and Spirit Possession. London and New York: Routledge.
Malkin, I. 1989. “Delphoi and the Founding of Social Order in Archaic Greece”. Metis 4: 129–53.
Manetti, G. 1993. Theories of Signs in Classical Antiquity. Bloomington and Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University Press.
Maurizio, L. 1995. “Anthropology and Spirit Possession: A Reconsideration of the Pythia’s Role at Delphi”. Journal of Hellenic Studies 115: 69–86.
—1997. “Delphic oracle as Oral Performances: Authenticity and Historical Evidence”. Classical Antiquity 17: 308–34.
McLeod, W. E. 1961. “Oral Bards at Delphi”. Transactions of the American Philological Association 92: 317–25.
Mikalson, J. D. 2005. Ancient Greek Religion. Malden and Oxford: Blackwell.
Mischel, W., and F. Mischel. 1958. “Psychological Aspects of Spirit Possession”. American Anthropologist 60: 219–60.
Mussies, G. 1988. “Identification and Self-Identification of Gods in Classical and Hellenistic Times”. In Knowledge of God in the Graeco-Roman World, edited by Roelf van der Broek, Tjitze Baarda and Jaap Mansfeld. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1–18.
Morgan, C. 1990. Athletes and Oracles: The Transformation of Olympia and Delphi in the Eighth Century BC. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Nebesky-Wojkovitz, R. de. 1956. Oracles and Demons of Tibet: The Cult and Iconography of the Tibetan Protective Deities. Den Haag: Mouton.
Oohashi, T., et al. 2002. “Electroencephalographic Measurement of Possession Trance in the Field”. Clinical Neurophysiology 113: 435–45.
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Oesterreich, Traugott K. 1930 [1921]. Possession: Demonical and Other Amon Primitive Races in Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and Modern Times. London: Kegan Paul.
Parke, H. W. 1943. “The Days for Consulting the Delphic oracle”. Classical Quarterly 37: 19–22.
—1967. The Oracles of Zeus: Dodona, Olympia, Ammon. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
—1985. The Oracles of Apollo in Asia Minor. London: Croom Helm.
Parke, H. W., and Donald E. W. Wormell. 1956a. The Delphic oracle I. The History. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
—1956b. The Delphic oracle. II. The Oracular Responses. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Parker, R. 1985. “Greek States and Greek Oracles”. In Crux. Essays in Greek History Presented to G. E. M. de St. Croix on his 75th Birthday, edited by Paul A. Cartledge and David F. Harvey. London: Duckworth, 298–326.
Piccardi, L. 2000. “Active Faulting at Delphi, Greece: Seismotectonic Remarks and a Hypothesis for the Geological Environment of a Myth”. Geology 28: 651–54.;2
Piccardi, L., et al. 2008. “Scent of a Myth: Tectonic, Geochemistry and Geomythology at Delphi (Greece)”. Journal of the Geological Society 165: 5–18.
Pouilloux, J. 1952. “Promanties Collectives et Protocole Delphique”. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 76: 484–513.
Pressel, E. 1973. “Umbanda in São Paulo: Religious Innovation in a Developing Society”. In Religion, Altered State of Consciousness, and Social Change, ed. Erika Burguignon. Columbus, OH: Ohio University Press, 264–318.
Price, S. R. F. 1985. “Delphi and Divination”. In Greek Religion and Society, edited by Patricia E. Easterling and John V. Muir. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 128–54.
Robertson, N. 1987. “The True Meaning of the ‘Wooden Wall’”. Classical Philology 82: 1–20.
Rohde, E. 1898 [1894]. Psyche: Seelencult und Unsterblichkeitglaube der Griechen II. Leipzig – Tübingen: Mohr [Paul Siebeck].
Roux, G. 1976. Delphes: Son Oracle et Ses Dieux. Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
Rosenberger, V. 2001. Griechische Orakel: Eine Kulturgeschichte. Stuttgart: Theiss.
Sechrist, D. 2003. “It’s a Gas: Has a Team of U.S. Scientists Solved the Mystery behind the Strange Powers of the Oracle at Delphi?” Current Science 88: 6–7.
Sissa, G. 1990. Greek Virginity. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Sourvinou-Inwood, C. 1987. “Myth as History: The Previous Owners of the Delphic oracle”. In Interpretations of Greek Mythology, ed. Jan Bremmer. London: Croom Helm, 215–41.
Spiller, H. A., J. R. Hale and J. Z. de Boer. 2002. “The Delphic oracle: A Multidisciplinary Defense of the Gaseous Vent Theory”. Clinical Toxicology 40: 189–96.
Swain, S. 1991. “Plutarch, Hadrian and Delphi”. Historia 40: 318–30.
Todd, O. J. 1939. “An Inelegant Greek Verse”. Classical Quarterly 33: 163–65.
Ward, C. A. 1989. “The Cross-Cultural Study of Altered States of Consciousness and Mental Health”. In Altered States of Consciousness and Mental Health, ed. Colleen A. Ward. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 15–35.
Whittaker, C. R. 1965. “The Delphic oracle: Belief and Behaviour in Ancient Greece and Africa”. Harvard Theological Review 57: 21–47.
Will, E. 1942. “Sur la Nature du Pneuma Delphique”. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 66: 161–75.
—1997. “Recherches sur la cella du temple de Delphes”. In Oracles et Prophéties dans l’Antiquité: Actes du Colloque de Strasbourg 15-17 juin 1995, ed. Jean-Georges Heintz. Paris: De Boccard, 271–82.
Arnott, G. W. 1989. “Nechung: A Modern Parallel to the Delphic oracle?” Greece and Rome 36: 152–57.
Athanassiadi, P. 1989–1990. “The Fate of Oracles in Late Antiquity: Didyma and Delphi”. Deltion christianikés archaiologikés etaireias (n.s.) 15: 271–78.
Bonner, C. 1943. “The Technique of Exorcism”. Harvard Theological Review 36: 39–49.
Bouché-Leclerque, A. 1880. Histoire de la Divination dans l’Antiquité III. Paris: Ernest Leroux.
Bourguignon, E. (ed.). 1973. Religion, Altered State of Consciousness, and Social Change. Columbus, OH: Ohio University Press.
Bousquet, J. 1940. “H. W. Parke, The Delphic oracle”. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 64: 226–29.
Bowden, H. 2003. “Oracles for Sale”. In Herodotus and His World, edited by Peter Derow and Robert Parker. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 256–74.
—2005. Classical Athens and the Delphic oracle: Divination and Democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Cohen, E. 2007. The Mind Possessed: The Cognition of Spirit Possession in an Afro-Brazilian Religious Tradition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Compton, T. 1994. “The Herodotean Mantic Session at Delphi”. Rheinisches Museum 137: 217–23.
Courby, F. M. 1915. Fouilles de Delphes II.1. Topographie et Architecture: La Terasse du Temple. Paris: Fontemoing.
Crahay, R. 1956. La Littérature Oraculaire chez Hérodote. Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
Crapanzano, V., and V. Garrison (eds). 1977. Case Studies in Spirit Possession. New York: Wiley.
Dempsey, T. 1918. The Delphic oracle, Its Early History, Influence and Fall. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Daux, G. 1949. “Un règlement cultuel d’Andros (Vème siècle avant J-C.)”. Hesperia 18: 58–72.
De Boer, J. Z., J. R. Hale and J. Chanton. 2001. “New Evidence for the Geological Origins of the Ancient Delphic oracle”. Geology 29: 707–10.;2
Dodds, E. R. 1951. The Greeks and the Irrational. Los Angeles and Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Etiope, G. et al. 2006. “The Geological Links of the Ancient Delphic oracle (Greece): A Reappraisal of Natural Gas Occurrence and Origin”. Geology 34: 821–24.
Evans, J. A. S. 1982. “The Oracle of the ‘Wooden Wal’”. Classical Journal 78: 24–29.
Farnell, L. R. 1907. The Cults of the Greek States IV. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Fehrle, E. 1905. Die Kultische Keuschheit im Altertum. Giessen: A. Topelmann.
Flacelière, R. 1938. “Le fonctionnement de l’oracle de Delphes au temps de Plutarque”. In Études d’Archéologie Grecque: À Robert Werner, ed. Yves Béguinon. Gand: École des Hautes Études, 69–107.
—1950. “Le Délire de la Pythie est-il une Légende?” Revue des études anciennes 52: 306–24.
—1965. Greek Oracles. London: Elek Books.
Flower, M. A. 2008. The Seer in Ancient Greece. Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press.
Fontenrose, J. 1978. The Delphic oracle: Its Responses and Operations with a Catalogue of Responses. Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press.
Foster, J., and D. Lehoux. 2007. “The Delphic oracle and the Ethylene-Intoxication Hypothesis”. Clinical Toxicology 45: 85–89.
Hale, J. R., et al. 2003. “Questioning the Delphic oracle”. Scientific American 289: 67–73.
Holland, L. B. 1938. “The Mantic Mechanism at Delphi”. American Journal of Archaeology 37: 201–14.
Johnston, S. I. 2008. Ancient Greek Divination. Malden, MA and Oxford: Wiley and Blackwell.
Kehoe, A. B., and D. H. Giletti. 1981. “Women’s Preponderance in Possession Cults: The Calcium-Deficiency Hypothesis Extended”. American Anthropologist 83: 549–61.
Klass, M. 2003. Mind Over Mind: The Anthropology and Psychology of Spirit Possession. Oxford: Rowman and Littlefield.
La Coste-Messelière, P. de. 1925. “Inscriptions de Delphes”. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 49: 61–103.
—1969. “Topographie Delphique”. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 93: 730–58.
Latte, K. 1940. “The Coming of the Pythia”. Harvard Theological Review 33: 9–18.
Lehoux, D. 2007. “Drugs and the Delphic oracle”. Classical World 101: 41–56.
Lewis, I. M. 2003 [1971]. Ecstatic Religion: A Study of Shamanism and Spirit Possession. London and New York: Routledge.
Malkin, I. 1989. “Delphoi and the Founding of Social Order in Archaic Greece”. Metis 4: 129–53.
Manetti, G. 1993. Theories of Signs in Classical Antiquity. Bloomington and Indianapolis, IN: Indiana University Press.
Maurizio, L. 1995. “Anthropology and Spirit Possession: A Reconsideration of the Pythia’s Role at Delphi”. Journal of Hellenic Studies 115: 69–86.
—1997. “Delphic oracle as Oral Performances: Authenticity and Historical Evidence”. Classical Antiquity 17: 308–34.
McLeod, W. E. 1961. “Oral Bards at Delphi”. Transactions of the American Philological Association 92: 317–25.
Mikalson, J. D. 2005. Ancient Greek Religion. Malden and Oxford: Blackwell.
Mischel, W., and F. Mischel. 1958. “Psychological Aspects of Spirit Possession”. American Anthropologist 60: 219–60.
Mussies, G. 1988. “Identification and Self-Identification of Gods in Classical and Hellenistic Times”. In Knowledge of God in the Graeco-Roman World, edited by Roelf van der Broek, Tjitze Baarda and Jaap Mansfeld. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1–18.
Morgan, C. 1990. Athletes and Oracles: The Transformation of Olympia and Delphi in the Eighth Century BC. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Nebesky-Wojkovitz, R. de. 1956. Oracles and Demons of Tibet: The Cult and Iconography of the Tibetan Protective Deities. Den Haag: Mouton.
Oohashi, T., et al. 2002. “Electroencephalographic Measurement of Possession Trance in the Field”. Clinical Neurophysiology 113: 435–45.
Oppé, A. P. 1904. “The Chasm at Delphi”. Journal of Hellenic Studies 24: 214–40.
Oesterreich, Traugott K. 1930 [1921]. Possession: Demonical and Other Amon Primitive Races in Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and Modern Times. London: Kegan Paul.
Parke, H. W. 1943. “The Days for Consulting the Delphic oracle”. Classical Quarterly 37: 19–22.
—1967. The Oracles of Zeus: Dodona, Olympia, Ammon. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
—1985. The Oracles of Apollo in Asia Minor. London: Croom Helm.
Parke, H. W., and Donald E. W. Wormell. 1956a. The Delphic oracle I. The History. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
—1956b. The Delphic oracle. II. The Oracular Responses. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Parker, R. 1985. “Greek States and Greek Oracles”. In Crux. Essays in Greek History Presented to G. E. M. de St. Croix on his 75th Birthday, edited by Paul A. Cartledge and David F. Harvey. London: Duckworth, 298–326.
Piccardi, L. 2000. “Active Faulting at Delphi, Greece: Seismotectonic Remarks and a Hypothesis for the Geological Environment of a Myth”. Geology 28: 651–54.;2
Piccardi, L., et al. 2008. “Scent of a Myth: Tectonic, Geochemistry and Geomythology at Delphi (Greece)”. Journal of the Geological Society 165: 5–18.
Pouilloux, J. 1952. “Promanties Collectives et Protocole Delphique”. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 76: 484–513.
Pressel, E. 1973. “Umbanda in São Paulo: Religious Innovation in a Developing Society”. In Religion, Altered State of Consciousness, and Social Change, ed. Erika Burguignon. Columbus, OH: Ohio University Press, 264–318.
Price, S. R. F. 1985. “Delphi and Divination”. In Greek Religion and Society, edited by Patricia E. Easterling and John V. Muir. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 128–54.
Robertson, N. 1987. “The True Meaning of the ‘Wooden Wall’”. Classical Philology 82: 1–20.
Rohde, E. 1898 [1894]. Psyche: Seelencult und Unsterblichkeitglaube der Griechen II. Leipzig – Tübingen: Mohr [Paul Siebeck].
Roux, G. 1976. Delphes: Son Oracle et Ses Dieux. Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
Rosenberger, V. 2001. Griechische Orakel: Eine Kulturgeschichte. Stuttgart: Theiss.
Sechrist, D. 2003. “It’s a Gas: Has a Team of U.S. Scientists Solved the Mystery behind the Strange Powers of the Oracle at Delphi?” Current Science 88: 6–7.
Sissa, G. 1990. Greek Virginity. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Sourvinou-Inwood, C. 1987. “Myth as History: The Previous Owners of the Delphic oracle”. In Interpretations of Greek Mythology, ed. Jan Bremmer. London: Croom Helm, 215–41.
Spiller, H. A., J. R. Hale and J. Z. de Boer. 2002. “The Delphic oracle: A Multidisciplinary Defense of the Gaseous Vent Theory”. Clinical Toxicology 40: 189–96.
Swain, S. 1991. “Plutarch, Hadrian and Delphi”. Historia 40: 318–30.
Todd, O. J. 1939. “An Inelegant Greek Verse”. Classical Quarterly 33: 163–65.
Ward, C. A. 1989. “The Cross-Cultural Study of Altered States of Consciousness and Mental Health”. In Altered States of Consciousness and Mental Health, ed. Colleen A. Ward. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 15–35.
Whittaker, C. R. 1965. “The Delphic oracle: Belief and Behaviour in Ancient Greece and Africa”. Harvard Theological Review 57: 21–47.
Will, E. 1942. “Sur la Nature du Pneuma Delphique”. Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 66: 161–75.
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