Language and Sociocultural Theory, Vol 3, No 1 (2016)

Language and social determinism in the Vygotskian tradition: A response to Ratner (2015)

Peter E. Jones
Issued Date: 22 Apr 2016


‘[Starbucks baristas] live for the moment in the immediate, circumscribed, visible, here and now … This catalyzes the fragmented, disorganized, non descriptive, nonsystematic, illogical, limited speech (and thinking) of these individuals’ (Ratner, 2015: 68).

‘In a little less than three years, I’ve been on strike 10 times. I’ve watched as the movement spread to Chicago, St. Louis, and then all around the country and the world. I traveled to Denmark, where I visited with fast-food workers who are paid more than $21 an hour, and it gave me hope that winning higher pay was actually possible.’ (Winning $15 an hour means everything to me: winning-the-15-minimum-wage-fight-commentary.html).

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DOI: 10.1558/lst.v3i1.30502


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