Language and Sociocultural Theory, Vol 5, No 2 (2018)

Collaborative use of multimodal resources in discussions of L2 grammatical meaning: A microgenetic analysis

Christine Mary Jacknick
Issued Date: 14 Dec 2018


Gesture use in the second language classroom has been a focus of much recent research pairing a micro-discourse analytic lens with sociocultural theory (Matsumoto and Dobs, 2016; Rosborough, 2014; Smotrova and Lantolf, 2013; van Compernolle, 2015; van Compernolle and Smotrova, 2014), with several researchers noting that examination of gesture use during grammar lessons is an under-researched area (Hudson, 2011; Lazaraton, 2004; Smotrova, 2014). This study addresses this gap by examining the collaborative multimodal interaction of learners and their teacher during a teacher-fronted grammar lesson in an adult English as a Second Language classroom, with particular focus on gesture. By revealing how spontaneously occurring gestures in the classroom facilitate discussion, and ultimately, understanding of a grammatical form, this study underscores the value of using fine-grained analysisof multimodal classroom interaction to reveal microgenesis.

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DOI: 10.1558/lst.32487


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