The Divine Feminine in the Silver Age of Russian Culture and Beyond: Vladimir Soloviev, Vasily Rozanov and Dmitry Merezhkovsky
Issued Date: 8 Feb 2016
The so-called Silver Age of Russian culture saw a revived interest in unorthodox religious ideas and new ways of thinking about the divine. The religious philosophy of this era was influenced by three thinkers who stressed the importance of the Divine Feminine: philosopher Vladimir Soloviev, journalist Vasily Rozanov, and novelist Dmitry Merezhkovsky. While Soloviev’s “sophiology” was a Russian continuation of a long tradition of Christian mysticism, Rozanov overtly appealed to preChristian Pagan images of the Divine Feminine as necessary for modern humans, while Merezhkovsky envisioned a synthesis of Christian and Pagan views in his “Third Covenant” theology. Later in the twentieth century we see in Russia and among Russian émigrés new religious movements with a stress on images of the Divine Feminine, which could have been suggested by Silver Age religious philosophy (the Roerichs’ “Living Ethics,” Gleb Botkin’s Church of Aphrodite, Daniil Andreyev’s “Rose of the World,” and Russian and Ukrainian NRMs of the 1990s). The present essay outlines the main traits of the Divine Feminine as it formed among the three Silver Age philosophers, and how their ideas may have influenced Russian alternative religion.
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Literaturnaya Entsiklopedia: Slovar’ literaturnikh terminov, Vol. 1.Edited by N. Brodsky et al. Moscow: L. D. Frenkel.
Losev, Aleksei F. Vladimir Soloviev i ego vremya (Vladimir Soloviev and his time). Moscow: Progress, 1990.
Lunkin, Roman N. “Beloye Bratstvo: ot kontsa sveta k semeinomu schastyu” (The White Brotherhood: from the end of the world to family happiness). Religiia i pravo 3, (2008): 24–29.
Merezhkovsky, Dmitry S. Taina Zapada: Atlantida-Evropa (Mystery of the West; Atlantis-Europe). Moscow: Eksmo, 2007.
Mochul’ski, Konstantin V. Gogol. Soloviev. Dostoyevsky. Moscow: Respublika, 1999.
Nikolai Berdyayev, “O “vechno-babyem” v russkoi dushe” (Of the “eternally effeminate” in the Russian soul), In Sud’ba Rossii. Moscow: Eksmo-press, Folio, 1998.
Nikolyukin, Alexander N. Rozanov. Moscow: Molodaya Gvardiya, 2001.
Matich, Olga. “The Merezhkovskys’ Third Testament and the Russian Utopian Tradition.” In Christianity and the Eastern Slavs, II: Russian Culture in Modern Times, 158–71. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994,.
Religiozno-philosophskoye obschestvo v Sankt-Peterburge (Petrograde): Istoriya v materialakh i dokumentakh. T. 2: 1909–1914.(Religious-Philosophical Society in Saint-Petersburg [Petrograd]: History in materials and documents). Moscow: Russkiy put’, 2009),
Roerich, Nikolai K. “Zhenschinam” (1931). URL: [date of access: 02.05.2014].
Romanov, Boris N. Daniil Andreyev: Povestvovaniye v dvenadtsati chastyakh. Moscow: Progres-Pleyada, 2013.
Rozanov, Vasily V. Lyudi lunnogo sveta: Metafizika khristianstva. Saint-Petersburg: A. S. Suvorin –-Novoye Vremya, 1913.
———. “Posledniye listya 1916 g.” (Last leaves, 1916). In Sobraniye sochineniy. Posledniye listya (Moscow: Respublika, 2000).
———. Sobraniye sochineniy. Apokalypsis nashego vremeni.Moscow: Resapublika, 2000..
———. Sobraniye sochineniy. Vo dvore yazychnikov (Collection of works. in the court of the Gentiles). Moscow: Respublika, 1999.
Ruether, Rosemary Radford. Goddesses and the Divine Feminine: A Western Religious History. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005.
Sarychev, Y. V. Religiya Dmitriya Merezhkovskogo: “Neokhristianskaya” doktrina i ee khudozhestvennoye voploscheniye. (The religion of Dmitry Merezhkovsky: “Neo-Christian” doctrine and its artistic expression). Lipetsk: IG INFOL, 2001.
Soloviev, Vladimir. Izbrannoye (Selected poems). Saint Petersburg: Diamant, 1998.
———. Russia and the Universal Church. Translated by Herbert Rees. London” Geoffrey Bles; The Centenary Press, 1948.
Stammler, Heinrich A. “Apocalypse: V. V. Rozanov and D. H. Lawrence.” Canadian Slavonic Papers 16, no. 2 (1974): 221–44.
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