Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies, Vol 17, No 1-2 (2015)

Navigating Academia and Spirituality from a Pagan Perspective

Michael York
Issued Date: 8 Feb 2016


From early encounters with Methodism, Will Durant and Anton LaVey, my spiritual questing intersected with the Haight-Ashbury Counterculture. One culmination of this encounter was the emergence of the Strawberry Hill Coven. A second culmination was my disenchantment with Turtle Island and self-exile to Europe. In time – after many years of wandering through both Europe and India, I began to read for my Ph.D. at King’s College London and became completely seduced by the academic world. This seduction coincided with the rise of contemporary Western paganism as a new religious movement as well as the sociological interest in understanding the movement. The rest of this contribution delineates what I have been able to witness of the advance of Pagan Studies within the field of education. Successes have been slow but incremental and steady. For the well-being of our planet, they are also vitally necessary.

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DOI: 10.1558/pome.v17i1-2.29681


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Murray, Margaret. The God of the Witches. London: Sampson Low, 1933.

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