


A Critical Primer


Cover Page

Aging in an Aging Society

Critical Reflections
Cover Page

Constructing Data in Religious Studies

Examining the Architecture of the Academy


Cover Page

Reframing Authority

The Role of Media and Materiality


Pills, Life, Agency

HIV Treatment Decisions as Language in Social Context


Humor and Language

Two Things that Make Us Human


Cover Page

The Limits of Discursive Interpretation

A Translation of Kitāb iʿjāz al-bayān fī tafsīr Umm al-Kitāb by Ṣadr al-Dīn Qūnawī


Cover Page

Analyzing the Media

A Systemic Functional Approach
Cover Page

Yoga in Britain

Stretching Spirituality and Educating Yogis


Cover Page

Trajectories and Themes in World Popular Music

Globalization, Capitalism, Identity


Cover Page

The Lifetime Soundtrack

Music and Autobiographical Memory


Cover Page

Buddhist Path, Buddhist Teachings

Studies in Memory of L.S. Cousins


Cover Page

English Composition Teacher's Guidebook

How to Survive (and Even Thrive) as an Adjunct or Part-time Instructor
Cover Page

Provincial Headz

British Hip Hop and Critical Regionalism


Cover Page

The Original Mediterranean Cuisine

Medieval Recipes for Today (second edition)


Cover Page

She’s at the Controls

Sound Engineering, Production and Gender Ventriloquism in the 21st Century


Cover Page


A Critical Primer


Cover Page

Children in Minority Religions

Growing Up in Controversial Religious Groups


Cover Page

Assessing English on the Global Stage

The British Council and English Language Testing, 1941-2016


Cover Page

The Complexity of Conversion

Intersectional Perspectives on Religious Change in Antiquity and Beyond


Cover Page

Rwanda 1994

Genocide in the 'Land of a Thousand Hills'


Cover Page

Translocal Lives and Religion

Connections between Asia and Europe in the Late Modern World


Cover Page

Method Today

Redescribing Approaches to the Study of Religion


Rome, 1000-1527 AD

Archaeology and History


Cover Page

Sounds Northern

Popular Music, Culture and Place in England’s North


Cover Page

Surviving the Induction Years of Language Teaching

The Importance of Reflective Practice


Cover Page

The Long Shadow of the Little Giant

The Life, Work and Legacy of Tubby Hayes (Second Edition)


Cover Page

A Ṣūfī Apologist of Nīshāpūr

The Life and Thought of Abū ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Sulamī


Cover Page


A Critical Primer


Sufism and Scripture

A Historical Survey of Approaches to the Qur'an in the Sufi Tradition


Cover Page

New Antiquities

Transformations of Ancient Religion in the New Age and Beyond


Cover Page

Identifying Roots

Alex Haley and the Anthropology of Scriptures


Cover Page


A Cultural History (2nd edition)


Renunciation and Asceticism in Early Sufi Biographical Literature

A Critical Edition and a Case Study of an 11th Century Text


Cover Page

The Rosary and the Microphone

Religious Impulse in U2’s Mediated Brand


Cover Page

Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion

Plant Life in South Asian Traditions


Cover Page

Contours of the Flesh

The Semiotics of Pain


Cover Page

Identity, Politics and the Study of Islam

Current Dilemmas in the Study of Religions


Cover Page

The Holy in a Pluralistic World

Rudolf Otto’s Legacy in the 21st Century
Cover Page

Prosodic Variation (with)in Languages

Intonation, Phrasing and Segments


Cover Page

Delights from the Garden of Eden

A Cookbook and History of the Iraqi Cuisine, abridged second edition


Assessing English on the Global Stage

The British Council and English Language Testing, 1941-2016


Cover Page

Advancing Nonviolence and Social Transformation

New Perspectives on Nonviolent Theories


Cover Page

This is Hip

The Life of Mark Murphy


Cover Page

Enlightened Martyrdom

The Hidden Side of Falun Gong


Cover Page

The Relational Dynamics of Enchantment and Sacralization

Changing the Terms of the Religion Versus Secularity Debate


Cover Page

Critical Theory and Early Christianity

Walter Benjamin, Gilles Deleuze, Alain Badiou, and Judith Butler


Cover Page

The History of European Jazz

The Music, Musicians and Audience in Context
Cover Page

On Verbal Art

Essays in Honour of Ruqaiya Hasan


Cover Page

Ecology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe

Conditions for Subsistence and Survival (Volume 1)
Cover Page

Technology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe

Transmission of Knowledge and Culture (Volume 2)
Cover Page

Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe

Pioneering, Resource Use, Coping with Change


Cover Page

Walking Through Jordan

Essays in Honor of Burton MacDonald


Cover Page

Ḥanafī Māturīdīsm

Trajectories of a Theological Legacy, with a Study and Critical Edition of al-Khabbāzī’s Kitāb al-Hādī


Cover Page

The Qur’ān and Kerygma

Biblical Receptions of the Muslim Scripture across a Millennium


Cover Page

Theory in a Time of Excess

Beyond Reflection and Explanation in Religious Studies Scholarship


Cover Page

Sensual Religion

Religion and the Five Senses


Cover Page

The Insider/Outsider Debate

New Perspectives in the Study of Religion


Cover Page

Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion

In Celebration of Tim Jensen’s 65th Birthday


Cover Page

Legacies of the Occult

Psychoanalysis, Religion, and Unconscious Communication


Cover Page

Vernacular Knowledge

Contesting Authority, Expressing Beliefs


Cover Page

Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías

Aprendizaje y Enseñanza de la Lengua Extranjera


Cover Page

Summer Farms

Seasonal Exploitation of the Uplands from Prehistory to the Present


Cover Page

Do You Want to Know a Secret?

The Autobiography of Billy J. Kramer


Cover Page

Landmarks in CALL Research

Looking Back to Prepare for the Future, 1995-2015


Cover Page

Stag and Stone

Religion, Archaeology and Esoteric Aesthetics


Cover Page

Embodiment and Black Religion

Rethinking the Body in African American Religious Experience


Cover Page

Restoring the Chain of Memory

T.G.H. Strehlow and the Repatriation of Australian Indigenous Knowledge


Cover Page

Antipodean Riffs

Essays on Australasian Jazz


Cover Page

Contemporary Puritan Salafism

A Swedish Case Study



Cover Page

The Godfather of British Jazz

The Life and Music of Stan Tracey


Cover Page

Human Communication across Cultures

A Cross-cultural Introduction to Pragmatics and Sociolinguistics


Cover Page

Islam and the Tyranny of Authenticity

An Inquiry into Disciplinary Apologetics and Self-Deception


Cover Page

An Introduction to Relational Network Theory

History, Principles, and Descriptive Applications


Cover Page


The Life and Works of Graham Collier


Cover Page

Song for Someone

The Musical Life of Kenny Wheeler


A Test Book

Another Book


Cover Page

Being Viking

Heathenism in Contemporary America


Cover Page

The Birth of the Academic Article

Le Journal des Sçavans and the Philosophical Transactions 1665-1700


Cover Page


A Cognitive Account of Linguistic Meaning


Medieval Visby and Gotland

The History and Archaeology of a Baltic Metropolis in its Context



Cover Page

The Sheep People

The Ontology of Making Lives, Building Homes and Forging Herds in Early Bronze Age Norway


Cover Page

Playful Texts and the Emergent Reader

Developing metalinguistic awareness
Cover Page

The Study of Religious Experience

Approaches and Methodologies


The Archaeology of Medieval Sicily

Cultures, Social Structures, Economies


Thunder in their Hearts

South African Jazz in Britain
Francis Gooding



Annie Potts


The Archaeology of Stari Bar

The Evolution, Dissolution and Reinvention of an Adriatic Town


Encyclopedia of Film Music and Sound

Volume 1: Frameworks, Process and Production
Volume 2: People, Place and Representation
Mark Evans


The Dictionary Wars

The Dictionary Wars

The Struggle for Language from the Birth of the Enlightenment to the French Revolution
David Eick


Joni Mitchell

Jill Halstead


Elton John

Dave Laing


Gone in the Air

The Life and Music of Eric Dolphy
Brian Morton



Food in Ancient Egypt

Aloisia de Trafford


Process Types and Participant Roles in the English Clause

A New Systemic Functional Approach
Amy Neale


Elvis Presley


Roots, Image, Comeback, Phenomenon
Mark Duffett


Talkin’ ‘bout Fela

Max Reinhardt, Rita Ray


Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion

Plant Life in South Asian Traditions


Language and Representation

A Socio-Naturalistic Approach to Human Development (Second edition)
Chris Sinha
The Texture of Casual Conversation

The Texture of Casual Conversation

A Multidimensional Interpretation
Diana Slade, Christian Matthiessen

Geoarchaeology and the Environment

Ancient Answers for Modern Problems
Russell B. Adams, John Grattan


Harmonic Grammar and Harmonic Serialism

Harmonic Grammar and Harmonic Serialism

John J. McCarthy, Joe Pater


Cover Page

Sounds Icelandic

Essays on Icelandic Music in the 20th and 21st Centuries


Aimee Semple McPherson

Among the Savage Branches, 1926 - 1944

Burial Practices in Ancient Israel and the Neighboring Cultures (c. 1500-330 BCE)

Archaeology, Texts and their Correlation
Jürg Hutzli, Stefan Münger

The Archaeology of Circulation, Exchange and Human Migration

Techniques, Cases, Evidence
David L. Peterson, John V. Dudgeon


Codes of Conduct

Code Switching and the Everyday Performance of Identity


Persuade Me!

Adolescent Political Discourse in Virtual and Non-Virtual Spaces


Cover Page


Approaches to Video Game Music
Cover Page

Soulless Matter, Seats of Energy

Metals, Gems and Minerals in South Asian Traditions


Morality in Practice

Exploring Childhood, Parenthood and Schooling in Everyday Life
Jakob Cromdal, Michael Tholander


The Power of Language

The Power of Language

How Discourse Influences Society
Second Edition
Lynne Young, Michael Fitzgerald, Saira Fitzgerald


Cover Page

Entering the Stream to Enlightenment

Experiences of the Stages of the Buddhist Path in Contemporary Sri Lanka


Cover Page

Divine Covenant

Science and Concepts of Natural Law in the Qur’an and Islamic Disciplines


Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class

Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class

A Teacher's Guide
Alice Chik, Tracey Costley, Martha C. Pennington



Understanding Cypriote Cult

Potnios Theron and the Search for a Principal Male Divinity in Iron Age Cyprus
Derek B. Counts


Grammatical Metaphor as a Construction Type

A Semiotic-Functional Model
Miriam Taverniers


Seriously Creative Writing

Stylistic Strategies in Non-Fictional Writing
Sky Marsen


Death's Dominion

Death's Dominion

Power, Identity, and Memory at the Fourth-Century Martyr Shrine
Nathaniel J. Morehouse


The Black Sea in Prehistory

Cycles of Interaction and Emergence from the 4th to the 2nd Millennia BCE
Alexander A. Bauer


Genre Pedagogy Across the Curriculum

Genre Pedagogy Across the Curriculum

Theory and Application in U.S. Classrooms and Contexts
Luciana de Oliveira, Joshua Iddings


Communication in Surgical Practice

Communication in Surgical Practice

Sarah J. White, John Cartmill


Describing Language: Form and Function

Describing Language: Form and Function

The Collected Works of Ruqaiya Hasan Vol 5
Ruqaiya Hasan, Jonathan J. Webster


Medieval Europe Around the North Sea

The German Ocean

Medieval Europe around the North Sea
Brian Ayers


Cover Page

Essays in Speech Processes

Language Production and Perception


Team Talk

Teamwork and Team Talk

Decision-making across the Boundaries in Health and Social Care
Srikant Sarangi, Per Linell


Cover Page

Peripheral Concerns

Urban Development in the Bronze Age Southern Levant


Nuragic Sanctuaries

Symbols, Ritual and the Management of Power in Prehistoric Sardinia


The Multimodal Analysis of Online Newspapers

The Multimodal Analysis of Online Newspapers

Developing Analytical Skills and Project Work with Students
Mariavita Cambria, Rosalba Rizzo

Virtual Worlds for Learning and Teaching

Applications of Distributed Language
Dongping Zheng

Handbook for Children's Digital Literacy

Maria Grazia Sindoni, Ivana Marenzi, Rosella Gennari


Movies, Moves and Music

Movies, Moves and Music

The Sonic World of Dance Films
Mary Fogarty, Mark Evans


The Beatles

The Beatles

Ian Inglis


The Problem of Nostalgia in the Study of Identity

Strategic Acts in the Study of Identity

Towards a Dynamic Theory of People and Place
Vaia Touna


Corpora and Meaning

Steven Jones, Howard Jackson


Writing from the Inside

The Power of Reflective Writing in the Classroom
Olivia Archibald, Maureen Hall


Public Information Films

Multimodal, Cross-Cultural and Evolutionary Aspects
Anthony Baldry, Deirdre Kantz


Web-based Concordancing and Annotation

Web-based Concordancing and Annotation

Self-access Project Work and Syllabus Construction through Structured Web Explorations
Anthony Baldry, Francesca Coccetta

Yinshun and his Exposition of Madhyamaka

New Studies of the Da Zhidu Lun in Twentieth-century China and Taiwan
Stefania Travagnin


Arting, Writing, and Culture

Arting and Writing to Transform Education

An Integrated Approach for Culturally and Ecologically Responsive Pedagogy
Anna Sumida, Meleanna Meyer, Miki Maeshiro


Verbal Art: A Social Semiotic Perspective

Verbal Art: A Social Semiotic Perspective

The Collected Works of Ruqaiya Hasan Vol 7
Ruqaiya Hasan, Jonathan J. Webster


Context in the System and Process of Language

Context in the System and Process of Language

The Collected Works of Ruqaiya Hasan Vol 4
Ruqaiya Hasan, Jonathan J. Webster


The Beatles and their Audiences

Creativity, Reception, Interpretation


Cover Page

The Inbox

Understanding and Maximizing Student-Instructor E-mail


Cover Page

The Beatles in Perspective

A Carnival of Light


Cover Page

The Imagined Sky

Cultural Perspectives



Cover Page

Marine Ventures

Archaeological Perspectives on Human-Sea Relations


Cover Page

Muslim Qur’anic Interpretation Today

Media, Genealogies and Interpretive Communities


Cover Page

Face and Face Practices in Chinese Talk-in-Interaction

A Study in Interactional Pragmatics


Prophets and Prophecy in the Qur'an

Narratives of Divine Intervention in the Story of Humankind

AoL East and West

A Study of the Art of Living Foundation


Becoming a Teacher Who Writes

Becoming a Teacher Who Writes

Let Teaching be your Writing Muse
Nancy Gorrell


Citadel and Cemetery in Early Bronze Age Anatolia

Citadel and Cemetery in Early Bronze Age Anatolia

(Volume 13)
Christoph Bachhuber


Village Life in the Land of Bambuk

Assembling the Village in Medieval Bambuk

An Archaeology of Interaction at Diouboye, Senegal
Cameron D. Gokee


Functional Syntax Handbook

Analysing English at the Level of Form
Robin Fawcett


Cover Page

Finding Myth and History in the Bible

Scholarship, Scholars and Errors
Cover Page

A History of Biblical Israel

The Fate of the Tribes and Kingdoms from Merenptah to Bar Kochba


Welcome to My World

A Writing Course
Martha C. Pennington, Theresa Malphrus Welford


Sounding Funny

Sounding Funny

Sound and Comedy Cinema
Mark Evans, Philip Hayward


Cover Page

New Religiosity in Contemporary Sweden

The Dalarna Study in National and International Context


Rufus Wainwright

Rufus Wainwright

Katherine Williams
Cover Page

Nothing Could be Further from the Truth

Collected Columns of Reed M. N. Weep, 1997-2011


Cover Page

The Long Shadow of the Little Giant

The Life, Work and Legacy of Tubby Hayes


Reflective Practice for Novice Language Teachers

From Trainee to Teacher

Reflective Practice for Novice Teachers
Thomas S. C. Farrell


Unity in Discourse: Texture and Structure

Unity in Discourse: Texture and Structure

The Collected Works of Ruqaiya Hasan Vol 6
Ruqaiya Hasan, Jonathan J. Webster


The Insider/Outsider Problem in the Study of Religion

A Reader
Second Edition
Russell T. McCutcheon, Suzanne Owen


Early Mahāyāna

Setting Out on the Great Way

Essays on Early Mahāyāna Buddhism
Paul Harrison


Layering and Directionality: Metrical Stress in Optimality Theory

Layering and Directionality

Metrical Stress in Optimality Theory
Brett Hyde


Understanding Allomorphy

Understanding Allomorphy

Perspectives from Optimality Theory
Eulàlia Bonet, Maria-Rosa Lloret, Joan Mascaró


Cover Page


Untangling English Spelling


Writing Systems

Writing Systems

Second edition
Geoffrey Sampson


Renewing the 'Search for Structure'

Searching for Structure in Pottery Analysis

Applying Multiple Scales and Instruments to Production
Alan F. Greene, Charles W. Hartley


Cover Page

Chasing Down Religion

In the Sights of History and the Cognitive Sciences


Academic Writing Step by Step

Academic Writing Step by Step

A Research-based Approach
Christopher N Candlin, Peter Crompton, Basil Hatim


Empirical Translation Studies

Empirical Translation Studies

Interdisciplinary Methodologies Explored
Meng Ji



Egyptian Religion

Egyptian Religion

Greek and Latin Sources in Translation
Boyo Ockinga, Ian Plant


A Multimodal Analysis of Picture Books for Children

A Multimodal Analysis of Picture Books for Children

A Systemic Functional Approach
Arsenio Jesús Moya Guijarro


Impoliteness in Corpora

Impoliteness in Corpora

A Comparative Analysis of British English and Spoken Turkish
Hatice Çelebi


The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae

The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae

The complete story of Reggae told through its greatest songs, famous and forgotten
Michael Garnice


Sects & Stats

Sects & Stats

Overturning the Conventional Wisdom about Cult Members
James R. Lewis


Cover Page

Anime, Religion and Spirituality

Profane and Sacred Worlds in Contemporary Japan


Everyday Humanism

Everyday Humanism

Dale McGowan, Anthony B. Pinn


Hybridity in Systemic Functional Linguistics

Hybridity in Systemic Functional Linguistics

Grammar, Text and Discursive Context
Donna R. Miller, Paul Bayley


Haitian Creole

Haitian Creole

Structure, Variation, Status, Origin
Albert Valdman


Meaning-Centered Grammar

An Introductory Text
Second Edition
Craig Hancock
Text Linguistics

Text Linguistics

The How and Why of Meaning
M.A.K. Halliday, Jonathan J. Webster
Systemic Phonology

Systemic Phonology

Recent Studies in English
Wendy L. Bowcher, Bradley A. Smith


Claiming Identity in the Study of Religion

Claiming Identity in the Study of Religion

Social and Rhetorical Techniques Examined
Monica R. Miller


Beyond 2.0

Beyond 2.0

The Future of Music
Steve Collins, Sherman Young
Cover Page

Creativity and Writing Pedagogy

Linking Creative Writers, Researchers, and Teachers


Cover Page

Philosophy and the End of Sacrifice

Disengaging Ritual in Ancient India, Greece and Beyond


Lay Buddhism and Spirituality

Lay Buddhism and Spirituality

From Vimalakirti to the Nenbutsu Masters
Michael Pye
The Archaeology of Medieval Spain, 1100-1500

The Archaeology of Medieval Spain, 1100-1500

Magdalena Valor, Avelino Gutiérrez


Distant Views of the Holy Land

Distant Views of the Holy Land

Felicity Cobbing, David Jacobson


On Biology, History and Culture in Human Language

On Biology, History and Culture in Human Language

A Critical Overview
Juan-Carlos Moreno, José-Luis Mendívil-Giró
Falco and Beyond

Falco and Beyond

Neo Nothing Post of All
Ewa Mazierska
Textbook Gods

Textbook Gods

Genre, Text and Teaching Religious Studies
Bengt-Ove Andreassen, James R. Lewis



Jazz Me Blues

Jazz Me Blues

The Autobiography of Chris Barber
Chris Barber with Alyn Shipton


Marking Place in the Field of Religion
Russell T. McCutcheon
An Unholy Row

An Unholy Row

Jazz in Britain and its Audience, 1945-1960
Dave Gelly
An Introduction to English Sentence Structure

An Introduction to English Sentence Structure

Clauses, Markers, Missing Elements
Jon Jonz
Developing Systemic Functional Linguistics

Developing Systemic Functional Linguistics

Theory and Application
Fang Yan, Jonathan J. Webster
Methods for the Study of Religious Change

Methods for the Study of Religious Change

From Religious Studies to Worldview Studies
André Droogers, Anton van Harskamp


Individual Differences and Processing Instruction

Individual Differences and Processing Instruction

James F. Lee, Alessandro G. Benati
Buddhist Temples of Kyōto and Kamakura

Buddhist Temples of Kyōto and Kamakura

Beatrice Lane Suzuki, Michael Pye
Historical Archaeologies of Cognition

Historical Archaeologies of Cognition

Explorations into Faith, Hope and Charity
James Symonds, Anna Badcock, Jeff Oliver
Buddhism and Ireland

Buddhism and Ireland

From the Celts to the Counter-Culture and Beyond
Laurence Cox
Charming Beauties and Frightful Beasts

Charming Beauties and Frightful Beasts

Non-Human Animals in South Asian Myth, Ritual and Folklore
Fabrizio M. Ferrari, Thomas Dähnhardt
East by Mid-East

East by Mid-East

Studies in Cultural, Historical and Strategic Connectivities
Anchi Hoh, Brannon Wheeler
Choice in Language

Choice in Language

Applications in Text Analysis
Gerard O'Grady, Tom Bartlett, Lise Fontaine
Nina Simone

Nina Simone

Richard Elliott
Iconic Books and Texts

Iconic Books and Texts

Sacred texts (HRLC)
James W. Watts
Metonymy in Language, Thought and Brain

Metonymy in Language, Thought and Brain

Bogus 2;aw Bierwiaczonek
Applied Linguistics

Applied Linguistics

Towards a New Integration?
Lars Sigfred Evensen
Contrastive Discourse Analysis

Contrastive Discourse Analysis

Functional and Corpus Perspectives
Maite Taboada, Susana Doval Suárez, Elsa González Álvarez
The Applied Linguistic Individual

The Applied Linguistic Individual

Sociocultural Approaches to Identity, Agency and Autonomy
Phil Benson, Lucy Cooker
Heavy Metal

Heavy Metal

Controversies and Countercultures
Titus Hjelm, Keith Kahn-Harris, Mark LeVine
THE QUR’ĀN - A New Annotated Translation  A.J. Droge

The Qurʾān

A New Annotated Translation
Delights from the Garden of Eden

Delights from the Garden of Eden

A Cookbook and History of the Iraqi Cuisine
Nawal Nasrallah
Issues in Second Language Teaching

Issues in Second Language Teaching

Alessandro G. Benati
Systemic Functional Perspectives of Japanese

Systemic Functional Perspectives of Japanese

Descriptions and Applications
Elizabeth A. Thomson, William S. Armour
Linguistic Derivations and Filtering

Linguistic Derivations and Filtering

Minimalism and Optimality Theory
Hans Broekhuis, Ralf Vogel
Chinese Discourse and Interaction

Chinese Discourse and Interaction

Theory and Practice
Yuling Pan, Dániel Z. Kádár
Reading Visual Narratives

Reading Visual Narratives: Image Analysis of Children’s Picture Books

Image Analysis of Children's Picture Books
Clare Painter, JR Martin, Len Unsworth


Interactions with Japanese Buddhism

Interactions with Japanese Buddhism

Explorations and Viewpoints in Twentieth Century Kyōto
Michael Pye
Soul Unsung

Soul Unsung

Reflections on the Band in Black Popular Music
Kevin Le Gendre
Mr. P.C.

Mr. P.C.

The Life and Music of Paul Chambers
Rob Palmer
Global Tribe

Global Tribe

Technology, Spirituality and Psytrance
Graham St John
Trad Dads, Dirty Boppers and Free Fusioneers

Trad Dads, Dirty Boppers and Free Fusioneers

British Jazz, 1960-1975
Duncan Heining
Prophecy and Power

Prophecy and Power: Muhammad and the Qur'an in Light of Comparison

Muhammad and the Qur’an in the Light of Comparison
Marilyn Robinson Waldman, Bruce B. Lawrence, Robert M. Baum, Lindsay Jones
The Music of Fantasy Cinema

The Music of Fantasy Cinema

Janet K. Halfyard
The Structure of Modern Irish

The Structure of Modern Irish

A Functional Account
Brian Nolan
The Phonology of Contrast

The Phonology of Contrast

Anna 1;ubowicz
Nick Cave

Nick Cave

A Study of Love, Death and Apocalypse
Roland Boer
Learning to Write/Reading to Learn

Learning to Write/Reading to Learn

Genre, Knowledge and Pedagogy in the Sydney School
David Rose, JR Martin
James Brown

James Brown

John Scannell
The Five-Minute Linguist

The Five-Minute Linguist

Bite-sized Essays on Language and Languages
Second Edition
E.M. Rickerson, Barry Hilton
Brian Wilson

Brian Wilson

Kirk Curnutt
Send in the Clones

Send in the Clones

A Cultural Study of the Tribute Band
Georgina Gregory
The Lost Women of Rock Music

The Lost Women of Rock Music

Female Musicians of the Punk Era (second edition)
Helen Reddington
Gender Matters

Gender Matters

Sara Mills
Listening to Shin Buddhism

Listening to Shin Buddhism

Starting Points of Modern Dialogue
Michael Pye
Prosody Matters

Prosody Matters

Essays in Honor of Elisabeth Selkirk
Toni Borowsky, Shigeto Kawahara, Mariko Sugahara, Takahito Shinya
Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science

Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science

A Teacher's Guide to Scientific Literacy and Poetic Response
Nancy Gorrell with Erin Colfax
Ibn 'Arabi and the Contemporary West

Ibn 'Arabi and the Contemporary West

Beshara and the Ibn 'Arabi Society
Isobel Jeffery-Street
Tend your Garden

Tend your Garden

Nurturing Motivation in Young Adolescent Writers
Mary Anna Kruch
Celestial India

Celestial India

Madame Blavatsky and the Birth of Indian Nationalism
Isaac Lubelsky


Orientalists, Islamists and the Global Public Sphere

Orientalists, Islamists and the Global Public Sphere

A Genealogy of the Modern Essentialist Image of Islam
Dietrich Jung
Exploring College Writing

Exploring College Writing

Reading, Writing, and Researching across the Curriculum
Dan Melzer
The 'Backwards' Research Guide for Writers

The 'Backwards' Research Guide for Writers

Using your Life for Reflection, Connection, and Inspiration
Sonya Huber
Whys & Therefores

Whys & Therefores

A Rational Look at the English Language
William Rutherford
London, 1100-1600

London, 1100-1600

The Archaeology of a Capital City
John Schofield
Morphosyntactic Alternations in English

Morphosyntactic Alternations in English

Functional and Cognitive Perspectives
Pilar Guerrero Medina
Language and Education: Learning and Teaching in Society

Language and Education: Learning and Teaching in Society

The Collected Works of Ruqaiya Hasan Vol 3
Ruqaiya Hasan, Jonathan J. Webster
The College Writing Toolkit

The College Writing Toolkit

Tried and Tested Ideas for Teaching College Writing
Martha C. Pennington, Pauline Burton
Beyond Meditation

Beyond Meditation

Expressions of Japanese Shin Buddhist Spirituality
Michael Pye
Teaching Linguistics

Teaching Linguistics

Reflections on Practice
Koenraad Kuiper


Exploring New Paths in Language Pedagogy

Exploring New Paths in Language Pedagogy

Lexis and Corpus-Based Language Teaching
María Moreno Jaén, Fernando Serrano Valverde, María Calzada Pérez
Poetry and Culture in Middle Kingdom Egypt

Poetry and Culture in Middle Kingdom Egypt

A Dark Side to Perfection
R.B. Parkinson
The Language Impact

The Language Impact

Evolution -- System -- Discourse
Alwin Frank Fill
Earogenous Zones

Earogenous Zones

Sound, Sexuality and Cinema
Bruce Johnson
Playing God

Playing God

Belief and Ritual in the Muttappan Cult of North Malabar
Theodore Gabriel
Literacy and Social Responsibility

Literacy and Social Responsibility

Multiple Perspectives
Frances Christie, Alyson Simpson
Dub in Babylon

Dub in Babylon

Understanding the Evolution and Significance of Dub Reggae in Jamaica and Britain from King Tubby to Post-punk
Christopher Partridge
Writing Readable Research

Writing Readable Research

A Guide for Students of Social Science
Beverly Lewin
Language, Interaction and Frontotemporal Dementia

Language, Interaction and Frontotemporal Dementia

Reverse Engineering the Social Mind
Andrea W. Mates, Lisa Mikesell, Michael Sean Smith
Drawn to Sound

Drawn to Sound

Animation Film Music and Sonicity
Rebecca Coyle†

Religion and Politics in the Graeco-Roman World

Redescribing the Isis-Sarapis Cult
Panayotis Pachis
Metaphor Analysis

Metaphor Analysis

Research Practice in Applied Linguistics, Social Sciences and the Humanities
Lynne Cameron, Robert Maslen
Language, Cognition and Space

Language, Cognition and Space

The State of the Art and New Directions
Vyvyan Evans, Paul Chilton
Sermon of One Hundred Days

Sermon of One Hundred Days

Part One
Venerable Seongcheol, Linda Covill
An Introduction to the Grammar of Old English

An Introduction to the Grammar of Old English

A Systemic Functional Approach
Michael Cummings
An Introduction to Irish English

An Introduction to Irish English

Carolina P. Amador-Moreno
Buddy Holly

Buddy Holly

Dave Laing
Conflicts in Interpretation

Conflicts in Interpretation

Petra Hendriks, Helen de Hoop, Irene Krämer, Henriëtte de Swart and Joost Zwarts
Earth, Empire and Sacred Text

Earth, Empire and Sacred Text

Muslims and Christians as Trustees of Creation
David L. Johnston
Machine-Aided Linguistic Discovery

Machine-Aided Linguistic Discovery

An Introduction and Some Examples
Vladimir Pericliev
Phonological Argumentation

Phonological Argumentation

Essays on Evidence and Motivation
Steve Parker




Global Raving Countercultures
Graham St John
Aspects of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics

Aspects of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics

Jerzy Bartmi 4;ski, Jörg Zinken
What the Buddha Thought

What the Buddha Thought

Richard Gombrich
Semantic Variation: Meaning in Society and in Sociolinguistics

Semantic Variation: Meaning in Society and in Sociolinguistics

The Collected Works of Ruqaiya Hasan Vol 2
Ruqaiya Hasan, Jonathan J. Webster
Terror Tracks

Terror Tracks

Music, Sound and Horror Cinema
Philip Hayward

Imagistic Traditions in the Graeco-Roman World

A Cognitive Modeling of History of Religious Research
Luther H. Martin, Panayotis Pachis
Everyday Readers

Everyday Readers

Reading and Popular Culture
Ian Collinson
Face, Communication and Social Interaction

Face, Communication and Social Interaction

Francesca Bargiela-Chiappini, Michael Haugh
Lionel Richie

Lionel Richie

Sharon Davis


Nicola Dibben
Text Type and Texture

Text Type and Texture

Gail Forey, Geoff Thompson
Novice Language Teachers

Novice Language Teachers

Insights and Perspectives for the First Year
Thomas S. C. Farrell


From Language to Multimodality

From Language to Multimodality

New Developments in the Study of Ideational Meaning
Carys Jones, Eija Ventola


The Power of Technology in the Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean

The Power of Technology in the Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean

The Case of the Painted Plaster
(Volume 12)
Ann Brysbaert


Culture and Gender of Voice Pitch

Culture and Gender of Voice Pitch

A Sociophonetic Comparison of the Japanese and Americans
Ikuko Patricia Yuasa


English Tense and Aspect in Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar

English Tense and Aspect in Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar

A Critical Appraisal and an Alternative
Carl Bache


Meaningful Arrangement

Meaningful Arrangement

Exploring the Syntactic Description of Texts
Edward McDonald
The Development of Scientific Writing

The Development of Scientific Writing

Linguistic Features and Historical Context
David Banks
Intonation in the Grammar of English

Intonation in the Grammar of English

M.A.K. Halliday, William S. Greaves
Notes from the Fortune-Telling Parrot

Notes from the Fortune-Telling Parrot

Islam and the Struggle for Religious Pluralism in Pakistan
David Pinault
Rural Landscapes of the Punic World

Rural Landscapes of the Punic World

(Volume 11)
Peter van Dommelen, Carlos Gómez Bellard
Zarathustra and Zoroastrianism

Zarathustra and Zoroastrianism

Michael Stausberg
Genre Relations

Genre Relations

Mapping Culture
JR Martin, David Rose
Language, Identity and Study Abroad

Language, Identity and Study Abroad

Sociocultural Perspectives
Jane Jackson
The Disappearance of Writing Systems

The Disappearance of Writing Systems

Perspectives on Literacy and Communication
John Baines, John Bennet, Stephen Houston
Sociocultural Theory and the Teaching of Second Languages

Sociocultural Theory and the Teaching of Second Languages

James P. Lantolf, Matthew E. Poehner


An Archaeological Reader
Russell B. Adams
Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics through the Cardiff Grammar

Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics through the Cardiff Grammar

An extension and simplification of Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar (Third Edition)
Robin Fawcett
Sexed Texts

Sexed Texts

Language, Gender and Sexuality
Paul Baker
Origin and Evolution of Languages

Origin and Evolution of Languages

Approaches, Models, Paradigms
Bernard Laks
Optimality Theory, Phonological Acquisition and Disorders

Optimality Theory, Phonological Acquisition and Disorders

Daniel A. Dinnsen, Judith A. Gierut
Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan

Keith Negus


Elvis Costello

Elvis Costello

Dai Griffiths
Saivism in the Diaspora

Saivism in the Diaspora

Contemporary Forms of Skanda Worship
Ron Geaves
The Cognitive Linguistics Reader

The Cognitive Linguistics Reader

Vyvyan Evans, Benjamin K. Bergen, Jörg Zinken
Archaeology from the Ploughsoil

Archaeology from the Ploughsoil

Studies in the Collection and Interpretation of Field Survey Data
Colin Haselgrove, Martin Millett, Ian Smith
Dialogue in Focus Groups

Dialogue in Focus Groups

Exploring Socially Shared Knowledge
Ivana Marková, Per Linell, Michèle Grossen and Anne Salazar Orvig
William Verrall's Cookery Book, 1759

William Verrall's Cookery Book, 1759

With an Introduction by Colin Brent
William Verrall
Playing with Words

Playing with Words

Humour in the English Language
Barry Blake
Delivering Processing Instruction in Classrooms and in Virtual Contexts

Delivering Processing Instruction in Classrooms and in Virtual Contexts

Research and Practice
James F. Lee, Alessandro G. Benati
Being Prez

Being Prez

The Life and Music of Lester Young
Dave Gelly


Modern Cookery for Private Families

Modern Cookery for Private Families

Eliza Acton, Elizabeth Ray


Analysing Literary Sumerian

Analysing Literary Sumerian

Corpus-based Approaches
Jarle Ebeling, Graham Cunningham
Hidden Generalizations

Hidden Generalizations

Phonological Opacity in Optimality Theory
John J. McCarthy
Suffixal Rivalry in Adjective Formation

Suffixal Rivalry in Adjective Formation

A Cognitive-Corpus Analysis
Zeki Hamawand
Language and Verbal Art Revisited

Language and Verbal Art Revisited

Linguistic Approaches to the Study of Literature
Donna R. Miller, Monica Turci
Indian Religions

Indian Religions

Renaissance and Renewal
Anna S. King
Enclosing the Past

Enclosing the Past

Inside and Outside in Prehistory (Volume 15)
Anthony Harding, Susanne Sievers, Natalie Venclová


Open Up the Doors

Open Up the Doors

Music in the Modern Church
Mark Evans
Writing the Economy

Writing the Economy

Activity, Genre and Technology in the World of Banking
Graham Smart
Language, Culture and Identity in Applied Linguistics

Language, Culture and Identity in Applied Linguistics

Richard Kiely, Pauline Rea-Dickins, Helen Woodfield and Gerald Clibbon
The 9/11 Handbook

The 9/11 Handbook

Annotated Translation and Interpretation of the Attackers' Spiritual Manual
Hans G. Kippenberg, Tilman Seidensticker
Debating Orientalization

Debating Orientalization

Multidisciplinary Approaches to Change in the Ancient Mediterranean
Volume 10
Corinna Riva, Nicholas C. Vella
Lee Morgan

Lee Morgan

His Life, Music and Culture
Tom Perchard
Reconfiguring Europe

Reconfiguring Europe

The Contribution of Applied Linguistics
Constant Leung, Jennifer Jenkins
Living Life Without Loving the Beatles

Living Life Without Loving the Beatles

A Survivor's Guide
Gary Hall
The Velvet Underground

The Velvet Underground

Richard Witts


The First City
Mario Liverani
The Power of Language

The Power of Language

How Discourse Influences Society
Lynne Young, Brigid Fitzgerald†
Out of the Long Dark

Out of the Long Dark

The Life of Ian Carr
Alyn Shipton
Language in Psychiatry

Language in Psychiatry

A Handbook of Clinical Practice
Jonathan Fine
System and Corpus

System and Corpus

Exploring Connections
Geoff Thompson, Susan Hunston
Multimodal Transcription and Text Analysis

Multimodal Transcription and Text Analysis

A Multimodal Toolkit and Coursebook
Foreword by Jay Lemke
Anthony Baldry, Paul J. Thibault


Continuing Discourse on Language

Continuing Discourse on Language

A Functional Perspective, Volumes 1 and 2
Jonathan J. Webster, Ruqaiya Hasan, Christian Matthiessen
Functional Dimensions of Ape-Human Discourse

Functional Dimensions of Ape-Human Discourse

James D. Benson, William S. Greaves
Meaning-Centered Grammar

Meaning-Centered Grammar

An Introductory Text
Craig Hancock
Sussex Recipe Book

Sussex Recipe Book

With a few excursions into Kent
M.K. Samuelson, Hattie Ellis
Jazz Visions

Jazz Visions

Lennie Tristano and His Legacy
Peter Ind
Chasin' the Bird

Chasin' the Bird

The Life and Legacy of Charlie Parker
Brian Priestley
A History of Pottery and Potters in Ancient Jerusalem

A History of Pottery and Potters in Ancient Jerusalem

Excavations by K.M. Kenyon in Jerusalem 1961-1967
H. J. Franken
Medieval Towns

Medieval Towns

The Archaeology of British Towns in their European Setting
John Schofield, Alan Vince†


Studies in Form and Function
Alex Klinge, Henrik Høeg Müller
Language, Society and Consciousness

Language, Society and Consciousness

The Collected Works of Ruqaiya Hasan Vol 1
Ruqaiya Hasan, Jonathan J. Webster
The Last Miles

The Last Miles

The Music of Miles Davis, 1980 - 1991
George Cole
Castles and Landscapes

Castles and Landscapes

Power, Community and Fortification in Medieval England
O.H. Creighton


Analysing Casual Conversation

Analysing Casual Conversation

Suzanne Eggins, Diana Slade


First Civilizations

First Civilizations

Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt (Second Edition)
Robert Chadwick


The Art of Cookery

The Art of Cookery

John Thacker, Ivan Day
Applied Linguistics at the Interface

Applied Linguistics at the Interface

British Association for Applied Linguistics, Mike Baynham, Alice Deignan, Goodith White
Handful of Keys

Handful of Keys

Conversations with Thirty Jazz Pianists
Alyn Shipton
Myth and Politics in Ancient Near Eastern Historiography

Myth and Politics in Ancient Near Eastern Historiography

Mario Liverani, Zainab Bahrani, Marc Van De Mieroop
Explorations in Functional Syntax

Explorations in Functional Syntax

A New Framework for Lexicogrammatical Analysis
G. David Morley
Hellenisation, Empire and Globalisation

Hellenisation, Empire and Globalisation

Lessons from Antiquity
Luther H. Martin, Panayotis Pachis


The Boke of Keruynge

The Boke of Keruynge

(Book of Carving)
Wynken de Worde, Peter Brears


The Iron Age in Britain and Ireland

Recent Trends
Tim Champion, John Collis


The Early Medieval Trading Centres of Northern Europe
David Hill, Robert Cowie

Society and Settlement in Iron Age Europe

Actes du XVIIIe Colloque de l'AFEAF, Winchester (April 1994)
John Collis
The Neolithisation of Denmark

The Neolithisation of Denmark

Anders Fischer, Kristian Kristiansen


The French Cook

The French Cook

Englished by I.D.G., 1653
François Pierre La Varenne, Philip and Mary Hyman


The Complete Servant

The Complete Servant

Samuel and Sarah Adams, Pamela Horn


The Science of Logic and the Art of Thinking

Second edition
F. Kargopoulos, A. Raftopoulos


The Good Housewife's Jewel

The Good Housewife's Jewel

Thomas Dawson, Maggie Black

Barrows in the Peak District

Recent Research
John Barnatt, John Collis
Liebig Company's Practical Cookery Book

Liebig Company's Practical Cookery Book

Compiled by Hannah M. Young, 1894
Hannah M. Young


Beeton's Book of Household Management

Beeton's Book of Household Management

A Facsimilie of the First Edition of 1861
Isabella Beeton


The Experienced English Housekeeper

The Experienced English Housekeeper

Elizabeth Raffald, Roy Shipperbottom


A Culinary Campaign

A Culinary Campaign

Alexis Soyer, Elizabeth Ray, Michael Barthorp


The Cookery Book of Lady Clark of Tillypronie

The Cookery Book of Lady Clark of Tillypronie

Charlotte Clark, Geraldene Holt

Ilchester Volume 2

Archaeology, Excavations and Fieldwork to 1984
Peter Leach


Use Wear Analysis and Obsidian

Theory, Experiments and Results
Linda M Hurcombe

Early Edom and Moab

The Beginning of the Iron Age in Southern Jordan
Piotr Bienkowski

Crop Husbandry Regimes

An Archaeological Study of Farming in Northern England, 1000 BC - AD 500
Marijke Van der Veen


Roman Britain

Recent Trends
F J Jones

Excavations at Lurk Lane, Beverley, 1979-82

Peter Armstrong, D G Tomlinson

Henges, Stone Circles

John Barnatt


The English Bread Book

The English Bread Book

Eliza Acton, Elizabeth Ray

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