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Vol 1, No 2 (2007)

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Table of Contents


From the Editors: A Report on Our First Year PDF
Bonnie McElhinny , Sara Mills 169-172


Communities of Practice in Sociolinguistic Description: Analyzing Language and Identity Practices among Black Women in Appalachia PDF
Christine` Mallinson , Becky Childs 173-206
Contradictions in Gendered Discourses: Feminist Readings of Sexist Jokes? PDF
Jane Sunderland 207-228
“But her language skills shifted the family dynamics dramatically.” Language, gender and the construction of publics in two British newspapers. PDF
Sally Johnson , Astrid Ensslin 229-254
Can the term "genderlect" be saved? A postmodernist re-definition. PDF
Heiko Motschenbacher 255-278

Research Notes

Feminist psychology, conversation analysis and empirical research: An illustration using identity categories PDF
Ann Weatherall 279-290


Understanding girls’ friendships, fights and feuds: A practical approach to girls’ bullying. By Valerie E. Besag. New York: Open University Press, 2006 PDF
Krista K. Gauthier 291-294
Gender shifts in the history of English. Anne Curzan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 200 PDF
Dániel Z. Kádár 295-300
Language, identity, and stereotype among Southeast Asian American youth: The Other Asian. Angela Reyes. Mahwah, NJ; London: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2007 PDF
Edmundo Luna 301-304
Japanese language, gender, and ideology: Cultural models and real people. Edited by Shigeko Okamoto and Janet S. Shibamoto Smith. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. PDF
Katsue Akiba Reynolds 305-314
Discourse and identity. Bethan Benwell and Elizabeth Stokoe. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2006 PDF
Dharshi Santhakumaran 315-318
Language and woman’s place: Text and commentaries. Edited by Mary Bucholtz. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. PDF
Devyani Sharma 319-326
Speaking out: The female voice in public contexts. Edited by Judith Baxter. Basingstoke, England and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. PDF
Lal Zimman 327-333

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