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Vol 3, No 1 (2009)

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Table of Contents


Metaphorically speaking: Constructions of gender and career in the Danish financial sector PDF
Lise-Lotte Holmgreen 1-32
What do women want? Linguistic equality and the feminization of job titles in contemporary France PDF
Rémi A. van Compernolle 33-52
‘The other kind of coming out’: Transgender people and the coming out narrative genre PDF
Lal Zimman 53-80
Men and emotion talk: Evidence from the experience of illness PDF
Jonathan Charteris-Black , Clive Seale 81-113


Gendered discourse in the professional workplace. Louise Mullany. Basingstoke, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. 2007. pp. 236. PDF
Joanna Pawelczyk 115-120
Women speaking up: Getting and using turns in workplace meetings. Cecilia E. Ford. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2008. pp. 256. PDF
Rebecca Wey 121-125
Metaphor and gender in business media discourse: A critical cognitive study. Veronika Koller. Hampshire, England: Palgrave Macmillan. 2004. pp. 256. PDF
Charlotte White 127-130
New perspectives on language and sexual identity. Liz Morrish and Helen Sauntson. Basingstoke, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. 2007. pp. 240. PDF
Heiko Motschenbacher 131-133
Words, worlds, and material girls – language, gender, globalization. Bonnie S. McElhinny (ed.) New York: Mouton de Gruyter. 2007. pp. 454 PDF
Najat Benchiba-Savenius 135-138

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