Latest Issue: Vol 28, No 1 (2021) RSS2 logo

Browse Author Index

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Lacerda, Francisco, Stockholm University
Lakoff, Robin, The University of California at Berkeley
Land, Elliott, University of York
Lane, Chris
Langford, Ian
LaNOG, Language and National Origin Group, Language and National Origin Group
Larner, Samuel, University of Central Lancashire
Laubstein, Ann Stuart, Carleton University
Lawrence, Sophie, Department of Linguistics, University of Cambridge
Lee, Jieun, Ewha Womans University
Lee, Mee Wun, University of New England
Leeman, Adrian, University of Cambridge
Leung, Ester S.M., Baptist University of Hong Kong
Leung, Janny H.C., University of Hong Kong
Leung, Janny H. C., The University of Hong Kong
Leung, Janny H.C., The University of Hong Kong
Leung, Janny H.C., The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Levi, Judith N., Northwestern University
Levi, Judith N.
Lewis, Jack Windsor
Li, Jian, Zhejiang Gongshang University
Licoppe, Christian, Telecom Paristech
Lindsey, Geoff
Linfoot, Kerry, United States Air Force Academy
Linfoot-Ham, Kerry, University of Florida
Liu, Juan, Guangzhou Maritime University
Liu, Yujie, Beijing Jiaotong University
Llamas, Carmen, University of York
Llamas, Carmen, University of York
Llopis, Maria Angeles Orts, University of Murcia
Loakes, Deborah, University of Melbourne
Lowndes, Sarah, BBC Information
Luchjenbroers, June
Luchjenbroers, June

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