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Gabriel, Theodore, University of Gloucestershire
Gadjev, Vladimir, Independent Scholar
Gadot, Yuval, Tel Aviv University
Gadsby, Blair
Gadsby, David, National Park Service
Gaffney, Christopher
Gaffney, Vince
Gaido, Angélica , Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina
Gaines, Abigail, Teacher
Gal, Lee Perry, University of Haifa / Israel Antiquities Authority
Galaty, Michael, University of Michigan
Galbraith, Deane, University of Otago
Galbraith, Jane
Galili, Ehud, University of Haifa
Gallagher, Christopher, University of Tokyo
Gallagher, Eugene
Galliot, Sébastien , Centre for Research and Documentation on Oceania, Marseilles
Gambash, Gil, University of Haifa
Gambhir, Vijay, University of Pennsylvania
Gambhir, Vijay
Gambhirananda, Swami
Gandulla, Bernardo , Universidad de Buenos Aires
Ganz, David, University of Zurich
Gao, Ge, San José State University
Garber, Zev, Los Angeles Valley College
García, Adolfo, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata
García, Adolfo, Institute of Cognitive and Translational Neuroscience (INCYT, Argentina) and the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET, Argentina)
Garcia, Guilherme , McGill University
Garcia, Mina, Elon University
García Camino, Iñaki
García de la Maza, Casilda, University of Basque Country
Garcia Garcia, E. Macarena
García Porras , Alberto, University of Granada
García Velasco, Daniel, University of Oviedo
García-Parejo, Isabel, Complutense University, Madrid
Garcia-Riaza, Blanca
Gardell, Mattias, Uppsala University
Gardeła, Leszek, University of Rzeszów
Gardiner, Cass
Gardiner, Mark, Mount Royal University
Gardner, Rod, Griffith University
Gardner, Sheena, University of Birmingham
Gardner, Sheena, Coventry University
Gardner, Sheena, Coventry University
Gareau, Paul, University of Alberta
Garfield, Jay L., Smith College
Garibaldi, Camila , Aarhus University
Garland, Ed, Writer and Independent Scholar
Garnice, Michael , Writer
Garnice, Michael , Freelance writer
Garrett, Nina
Garrett, Paul B.
Garrett, Paul B., Temple University ()
Garrison, Thomas, Ithaca College
Garrod, Suzi, Next Steps for Living, Dying, Grieving
Garvin, Diana
Garza, Thomas, University of Texas Austin
Gaspar, Borbala, University of Arizona
Gasparro, Giulia
Gasparro, Giulia , University of Messina
Gasparro, Giulia , University of Messina
Gaul, Anny
Gauthier-Mamaril , Elaina, University of Aberdeen (PhD candidate)
Gavioli, Laura, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Gaydarska, Bisserka
Geaves, Ron, Cardiff University
Geaves, Ron, Liverpool Hope University ()
Gedge, David Lewis
Geeraerts, Dirk, University of Leuven
Geertz, Armin, Aarhus University
Geertz, Armin, Aarhus University
Geertz, Armin, Department of the Study of Religion, Chair of the Religion, Cognition and Culture Research Unit (RCC) and Section Leader in the MINDLab coalition, Aarhus University, Denmark.
Geiger, Leonie, University of Bonn (PhD student)
Gelichi, Sauro, University Ca' Foscari
Geller, Mark, University College London
Gellner, David N.
Gelly, Dave, The Observer
Gelly, Dave, The Observer (United States)
Gemie, Sharif, University of South Wales
Gent, Bill, University of Warwick
Genz, Hermann, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
George, Andrew, SOAS, University of London
George, Neil, York University
George, Neil, York University (PhD candidate)
Geraga, Maria, University of Patras
Geraty, Lawrence T. , La Sierra University
Gerety, Finnian, Brown University
Gerety, Finnian, Harvard University, USA
Gerger, Haluk, Independent Scholar
Gerke, Barbara, Humboldt University of Berlin
Germany, Stephen, Universität Basel
Gesshō, Sasaki, Otani University
Gethin, Rupert, University of Bristol
Geyh, Charles Gardner, Indiana University Maurer School of Law
Ghafil, Mohamed Amine
Ghai, Mandira
Ghasemi, Saeid
Ghio, Alain
Ghosh, Kashyapi
Giampietri, Valeria , Sapienza University, Rome
Gibbons, William, Texas Christian University
Gibbs, Raymond, University of California, Santa Cruz
Gibson, Lucy, Edge Hill University
Gidding, Aaron, Independent Scholar
Gierut, Judith A. , Indiana University
Gil, Fernando
Gilan, Amir, Tel Aviv University
Gilbert, Pamela K., University of Florida
Gilders, William, Emory University
Giles, Audrey, University of Ottawa
Gilhus, Ingvild, University of Bergen
Gilhus, Ingvild, University of Bergen (Norway)
Gilhus, Ingvild, University of Bergen ()
Gilhus, Ingvild, University of Bergen
Gill, Sam, University of Colorado
Gillis, Amy
Gillmayr-Bucher, Susanne , Catholic Private University of Linz, Austria
Gillmeister, Heiner, University of Bonn, retired
Gillon, Les, University of Central Lancashire
Gimeno Sanz, Ana, Universitat Politècnica de València
Giorda, Mariachiara, University of Roma Tre
Giorgi, Alberta, University of Bergamo
Giraldo Moreno, Javier, Jesuit priest
Giuffre, Liz, University of New South Wales
Giuffre, Liz, University of Technology, Sydney
Giuffre, Liz, Macquarie University
Giupponi, Luca
Giupponi, Luca, Michigan State University
Giustarini, Giuliano, Mahidol University
Given, Michael, University of Glasgow
Gjerde, Jan Magne, Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research
Gjerde, Jan Magne, Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History Faculty of Humanities, University of Oslo
Gjerde, Jan Magne, Tromsø University Museum - UiT the Arctic University of Norway
Gkinidis, Emmanouil
Gleason, Jesse, Southern Connecticut State University
Gleason, Jesse, Southern Connecticut State University
Glenn, Alexis
Glørstad, Håkon , University of Oslo
Glørstad, Håkon , University of Oslo
Glørstad, Zanette , University of Oslo
Goad, Heather, McGill University
Goatly, Andrew, Lingnan University
Godlewska, Małgorzata , University of Gdańsk
Goemans, Magdalena, Carleton University (PhD candidate)
Goertler, Senta, Michigan State University
Goffriller, Martin Sebastian , China University of Mining and Technology
Gojda, Martin
Gokcora, Deniz, Borough of Manhattan Community College/CUNY
Gokee, Cameron, Independent Scholar
Gokee, Cameron, Appalachian State University
Gokool, Roshni, University of KwaZulu Natal
Goldberg, Adele, Princeton University
Goldberg, Ariel Micah, Johns Hopkins University
Goldberg, David
Goldberg, David, Independent scholar ()
Goldenberg, Naomi, University of Ottowa
Goldhahn, Joakim, Linnaeus University, Sweden
Goldmark, Daniel
Goldsmith, John , Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy
Goldstein, Joseph, Barre Center for Buddhist Studies
Goldstein, Leslie F., University of Delaware
Golombek, Paula, University of Florida
Gombrich, Richard, Oxford University
Gombrich, Richard , Oxford University
Gombrich, Richard, University of Oxford / Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies
Gomes Coelho, Rui, Department of Anthropology, Binghamton University
Gomez, Abel R., University of Oklahoma
Gómez, Pascual Cantos , University of Murcia
Gómez-Bravo, Ana, University of Washington
Gómez-Bravo, Ana , University of Washington
Gonçalves, Alison , University of Santa Catarina
Gonsalves, Francis, Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth, Pune, India
Gonzales, Patrisia, University of Arizona
Gonzalez, Gloriana, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Gonzalez, Laura , Universidad de Oviedo, Spain
Gonzalez Alvarez, David
González Álvarez, Elsa, University of Santiago de Compostela
González-García, Francisco, University of Almenia
González-Lloret, Marta, University of Hawaii, Manoa
Gooch, Todd, Eastern Kentucky University
Goodfriend, Elaine Adler
Gooding, Francis , Writer
Goodman, Charles, Binghamton University
Goodwin, Megan, Northeastern University
Goral, Mira, City University of New York
Gordan, Jessica , Idle No More
Gorisse, Marie-Hélène , University of Birmingham
Gorrell, Nancy with Erin Colfax, English Teacher
Gorrell, Nancy with Erin Colfax, English Teacher (United Kingdom)
Gorrell, Nancy S., English teacher and poet
Gosden, Chris, University of Oxford
Gosden, Hugh, Formerly at Tokyo Institute of Technology
Gosner, Linda R., Texas Tech University
Goss, Jonathan, University of Hawai'i at Manoa
Gosse, Bernard
Gossip, James, Cornall Archaeological Unit, UK
Gósy, Mária, Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Gough, Brendan, School of Social, Psychological & Communication Sciences Calverly Building, Rm 902b Leeds Metropolitan University City Campus Leeds LS1 3HE
Gouskova, Maria, New York University
Gouveia, Carlos, Universidade de Lisboa
Govantes-Edwards, David J., Newcastle University
Grabbe, Lester, University of Hull
Graber, Jennifer, University of Texas in Austin
Grabois, Howard, East Carolina University
Grabowska, Magdalena , University of Gdansk
Grady, Joseph, Cultural Logic, Washington D.C.
Grady, Joseph, Cultural Logic, LLC, Providence
Graff, Sarah, Arizona State University
Gragg, Douglas
Graham, M. Patrick
Graham, Nicole, University of Kent, PhD Candidate
Graham, William A.
Grant, Chrissy, Tourism Reef Advisory Committee / Reef 2050 Advisory Committee for the Great Barrier Reef
Grant, Rhiannon
Grattan, John , Aberystwyth University
Grau, Marion, Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society
Gray, Patience
Graybill, Rhiannon, University of Richmond
Graybill, Rhiannon, Rhodes College
Graziano, Mike
Greaves, William S., York University
Greaves, William, Glendon College, York University, Toronto.
Greaves, William S., York University
Greaves, William S., York University, Toronto ()
Greaves † , William S. , York University
Grech, Helen, University of Malta
Greco, Nicholas, Providence University College, Canada
Green, Shelby, Abilene Christian University
Greenberg, Raphael, Tel Aviv University
Greene, Alan F. , Stanford University
Greene, Alan F. , New York University
Greener, Aaron, Bar-Ilan University
Greenfield, Haskel, University of Manitoba and St. Paul's College
Greenstein, Edward L., Bar-Ilan University
Greer, Jonathan, Grand Rapids Theological Seminary
Greer, Jonathan, Grand Valley State University
Gregg, Stephen, University of Wolverhampton
Gregg, Stephen, University of Wolverhampton
Gregory, Georgina, University of Central Lancashire
Grethlein, Jonas, University of Heidelberg
Gries, Stefan, University of California
Gries, Stefan, University of California, Santa Barbara
Grieve, Pete
Griffen, Vanessa, International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
Griffin, Lauren, University of Oklahoma
Griffin, Lauren Horn, Louisiana State University
Griffin, Lynda
Griffith, Alison, University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand
Griffith, Alison
Griffiths, Dai, Oxford Brookes University
Grigorieva, Alexandra
Grimes, D. Jamil, Middle Tennessee State University
Grimshaw, Jane, Rutgers University
Gripentrog, Stephanie, University of Griefswald
Grohmann, Kleanthes, University of Cyprus
Grosglik, Rafi, Beit Berl College and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Gross, Rita, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Gross, Sally, University of Westminster
Gross, Sally, University of Westminster (United Kingdom)
Gross, Sally, University of Westminster
Grossen, Michèle, Universite de Lausanne
Gruber, David, City University of Hong Kong
Grung, Anne-Hege, University of Oslo
Grużdź, Witold, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Warsaw, Poland
Grzebałkowska, Magdalena, Journalist and Author
Grzegorczyk, Grzegorz , University of Gdańsk
Grøn, Ole , University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Gu, Mingyue (Michelle), University of Hong Kong
Gu, Yueguo, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Guadalupe Hernández Alvarado, Martha, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Mexico
Gubel, Eric
Gudme, Anne Katrine, University of Copenhagen
Guenzi, Caterina, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales
Guerriero, Silas, PUC-SP Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Sao Paulo - Brazil
Guibert, Gérôme, University Paris III (La Sorbonne Nouvelle)
Guillaume, Philippe, University of Berne
Guillaume, Philippe, University of Berne
Guillem, Anaïs , University of California, Merced
Guillen, Gabriel, Middlebury Institute of International Studies
Guinard, Michel, Uppsala University
Guittard, Charles
Gumirova, Olga
Gummer, Natalie, Beloit College, Wisconsin
Gün , Bahar , İzmir University of Economics, Turkey
Gundrosen , Stine
Gunzburg, Darrelyn, University of Bristol and University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Gunzburg, Darrelyn, University of Bristol and University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Guowen, Huang, Sun Yat-sen University
Guowen, Huang, South China Agricultural University
Guowen, Huang, Sun Yat-sen (Zhongshan) University
Guowen, Huang , Sun Yat-sen University
Guowen, Yang, Institute of Linguistics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Gur-Arieh, Shira, The Max Planck Institute
Gurevich, David, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Gurung, Binti
Gutfeld, Oren
Guth, Sarah, SUNY COIL Center
Gutierrez, Avelino, University of Oviedo
Gutiérrez, María Gabriela , Teacher, Reading to Learn
Gutkowski, Mark
Gutkowski, Stacey, King’s College London
Guttman, Naomi, Hamilton College
Guzzo, Natália , Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

1 - 303 of 303 Items    

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