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Sa Cavalcante Schuback, Marcia, Södertörn University
Sadler, A.W.
Sadot, Paul, University of Chichester
Sadovina, Irina, University of Tartu
Saeedi, Zari, Allameh Tabataba’i University
Saferstein, Barry , California State University, San Marcos
Saferstein, Barry, California State University San Marcos
Saggioro, Alessandro , Sapienza University, Rome
Sahlström, Fritjof, Uppsala University
Sai, Youcef, Trinity College, Dublin
Saide, Anondah, University of North Texas
Sain, Ruby, Jadavpur University / Adamamas University
Sakach, An, Arizona State University
Salaberry, M. Rafael, Rice University
Salazar Orvig, Anne
Salguero, C. Pierce, Penn State University
Salisbury, Roderick, University of Leicester
Sallabank, Julia, University of London
Salmond, Noel, Carleton University
Salomonsen, Jone, University of Oslo
Saltos Galarza, Napoleón, Central University of Ecuador
Salvador, Isabella , Museo delle Scienze, Trento
Salvini, Mattia, Mahidol University, Thailand
Salvo, Irene, Georg-August University Göttingen, Germany
Salzmann, Martin, Universitat Leipzig
Samek-Lodovici, Vieri, University College London
Sampson, Geoffrey
Sampson, Geoffrey, Sussex University, Professor Emeritus
Sampson, Geoffrey , University of South Africa
Samsari, Eleni , University of Patras
Samson, Martin, Saint-Paul University
Samuel, Geoffrey
Samuel, Sajay, Penn State University
San Roman, Manuel, Universidad de Magallanes
Sánchez , Carlos Alberto , San Jose State University
Sanchez Gutierrez, Claudia
Sánchez-Perry, Josefrayn, University of Texas at Austin, PhD candidate
Sandberg, Anders, University of Oxford
Sandberg, Jaana, Centre for School Development, the City of Gothenburg
Sanders, Barry
Sanders, Karen
Sandford, Jeremy
Sandner, Wolfgang, University of Marburg
Sandra, Dominiek, University of Antwerp
Sanjek†, David
Sano, Motoki, National Institute for Information and Communication Technology
Santich, Barbara, University of Adelaide
Santich, Barbara, University of Adelaide
Sanzi, Ennio
Sanzi, Ennio
Sarangi, Srikant , Aalborg University
Sarangi, Srikant, Aalborg University
Sarangi, Srikant, Cardiff University (United Kingdom)
Sarangi, Srikant, Aalborg University (Denmark)
Saricaoglu, Aysel, TED University
Sarikaya, Yasar, University of Giessen
Sarkar Das, Mallarika, University of Calcutta
Sasaki, Shizuka , Hanazono University, Japan
Sasine, Daniel
Sasson, Vanessa R., Marianopolis College
Satha-Anand, Suwanna, Chulalongkorn University
Satlow, Michael , Brown University
Saunders, Jennifer
Savage-Rumbaugh, Sue
Savignac, David
Savvopoulos, Kyriakos, Alexandria Center for Hellenistic Studies
Sawin, Thor, Middlebury Institute of International Studies
Sawyer, Jacob, Pennsylvania State University
Sayyid, Salman, University of Leeds
Scalici, Giorgio, NOVA University, Lisbon
Scalone, Pascaline, King's College London
Scannell, John, Macquarie University
Schaap-Jonker, Hanneke, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Schaberg, David, University of California, Los Angeles
Schachterle, Joshua , Independent Scholar
Schachterle, Joshua Daniel, Independent Scholar
Schadla-Hall, Tim
Schaeffer, Kurtis, University of Virginia
Schaflechner, Jürgen, University of Heidelberg
Schaudig, Hanspeter
Scheffer, Thomas, Goethe University Frankfurt
Schenker, Theresa, Yale University
Scherer, Nancy, Arizona State University
Schermerhorn, Seth, Hamilton College
Scheyhing, Nicola, Independent Scholar
Schiavo, Viviana , University of Naples “L’Orientale”
Schick, Laurie, Oklahoma State University
Schilbrack, Kevin, Appalachian State University
Schilbrack, Kevin
Schilling, Natalie, Georgetown University
Schimid, Stephan, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Schink, Alan, Paracelsus Medical University of Salzburg
Schleicher, Marianne, Aarhus University
Schleicher, Marianne, Aarhus University
Schleicher, Marianne, Aarhus University
Schleppegrell, Mary, University of Michigan
Schleppegrell, Mary, University of Michigan (United States)
Schlieter, Jens, University of Bern
Schmeiser, Peggy, University of Saskatchewan
Schmidt, Bettina, University of Wales Trinity St David
Schmidt, Bettina, University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Schmidt, Clea , University of Manitoba
Schmidt, Emily
Schmidt, Joshua
Schmidt-Leuikel, Perry, University of Münster
Schmitt, Elena, Southern Connecticut State University
Schmitt, Lou, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Schmitt, Norbert, Nottingham University
Schneider, Tammi J., Claremont Graduate University
Schneier, Joel, University of Central Florida
Schnöller , Andrea, Meditation Teacher
Schnurr, Stephanie, University of Warwick
Schoeb, Veronika
Schofield, John, Museum of London
Schofield, John, University of York
Schofield, John , Museum of London (retired)
Schofield, John, University of York
Schol-Wetter, Anne-Mareike , Dutch Bible Society
Schol-Wetter, Anne-Mareike , University of Utrecht
Scholefield, Lynne, St Mary's University
Schonthal, Ben, University of Otago
Schönthal , David, Cardiff University
Schorey, Shannon, PhD candidate
Schorey, Shannon
Schroeder, Jean-Pol, Independent Scholar
Schulze, Jürgen P. , University of California San Diego
Schumann, John, UCLA
Schüz, Peter, University of Munich
Schwartz, Gillian, University of Vienna
Schwartz, Stephen, Center for Islamic Pluralism, Washington, DC
Schweig, Graham, Christopher Newport University, Virginia
Schweitzer, Teagan
Scobbie, James, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh
Scott, Claire, Macquarie University
Scott, Derek, University of Leeds
Scott, Katrina
Scott, Mary, Institute of Education
Scott, Niall, University of Central Lancashire
Scott-Maxwell, Aline, Sir Zelman Cowen School, Monash University
Seale, Becky, Coleg Sir Gar, South Wales
Seale, Rebecca, Coleg Sir Gar
Seesengood, Robert, Albright College
Segal, Robert, University of Aberdeen
Segall, Seth Zuihō, Independent Scholar
Seger, Joe, Mississippi State University
Segovia, Carlos, St Louis University, Madrid and Camilo Jose Cela University, Madrid
Seguin, Pierre-Emmanuel
Seidensticker, Tilman, University of Jena
Seitsonen, Oula, Archaeology, University of Helsinki
Sekedat, Bradley, University of California, Davis
Seland, Eivind, University of Bergen
Selberg, Torunn, University of Bergen
Selby, Jennifer, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Selby, Jennifer, Memorial University of Newfoundland ()
Selkirk, Elisabeth, University of Massachusetts
Sellami-Baklouti, Akila
Sellevold, Berit
Sels, Liselotte, AP University College Antwerp
Selz, Gebhard, University of Vienna
Semerari , Giulia Saltini , University of Michigan
Semino, Elena, Lancaster University
Sendłak, Joanna , Writer
Senneca, Antonio, University College Cork
Senshō, Murakami
Seongcheol, Venerable
Seri, Andrea, The University of Chicago
Sernesi, Marta, University of Oxford
Serrano-Lopez, Maria, Edgaging: Empowering Education
Serry, Salma
Serry, Salma
Sevilla, Diego , Pennsylvania State University
Sevilla Pavón, Ana, Universitat de Valencia/IULMA
Sevilla Pavón, Ana, Universitat de Valencia/IULMA
Sewell, Lisa, Villanova University
Seymour-Smith, Sarah, Nottingham Trent University
Sferra, Francesco, Univeristà degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale
Sferra, Joe, composer and performer
Shadrack, Jasmine Hazel, Falmouth University/ University of Missouri / BIMM Berlin
Shadrack, Jasmine Hazel, Western University, Canada (Canada)
Shafer-Elliott, Cynthia, Jessup University
Shafer-Elliott, Cynthia, Jessup University
Shafir, Roee, University of Haifa
Shafirova, Liudmila , University of Aveiro, Portugal
Shagalov, Ekaterina
Shah, Bindi, University of Southampton
Shahack-Gross, Ruth, University of Haifa
Shai, Itzhaq , Ariel University
Shaiken, Harley
Shaker, Anthony, Independent Scholar
Shaker, Anthony
Shaker, Anthony
Shakhnovich, Marianna , Saint-Petersburg State University
Shakova, Darya, Georgetown University
Shamir, Nofar, University of Haifa
Shamos, Geoffrey, University of Pennsylvania
Shanahan, Madeline
Shankar, Jishnu , Columbia University
Shankar, Ravi, Central Connecticut State University
Shanks, Madison, University of South Carolina
Shantz, Colleen, University of Toronto
Shapiro, Laura
Share, David, University of Haifa
Sharify-Funk, Meena , Wilfrid Laurier University
Sharoff, Serge, University of Leeds
Sharp, Michael
Shauku, A.K., State University of New York College at Buffalo
Shaw, Brian, Louisiana State University
Shaw, Brian
Shaw, Richard
Shaw, Sarah, University of Oxford
Shay, C. Thomas
Sheedy, Matt, Universität Bonn
Sheedy, Matt, University of Manitoba (Canada)
Sheedy, Matt, University of Manitoba
Sheedy, Matt, University of Bonn
Sheedy, Matthew, University of Manitoba
Sheen, Brian, Roseland Observatory, UK
Shemesh, Yonatan, Yale University
Shepro, Richard Warren
Shepro, Richard Warren , University of Chicago ()
Shetty, Parinitha , University of Mangalore
Shields, Chloe
Shields-Argelès, Christy
Shin'ichi, Hisamatsu, Kyoto University
Shiner, Marion
Shingiray, Irina, Oxford University
Shingler, Edward, SPOT Project, University of California, Santa Cruz
Shinohara, Kazuko, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Shinya, Takahito, Otsuma Women's University
Shipton, Alyn, Royal Academy of Music, London
Shipton, Alyn, Independent musician
Shipton, Alyn, Independent musician, author and broadcaster
Shipton, Alyn
Shipton, Alyn, Royal Academy of Music, London (United Kingdom)
Shiqing, Yan, Suzhou University
Shiran, Adi, PhD candidate, The University of Chicago Divinity School
Shishlina, Natalia , State Historical Museum
Shizutoshi, Sugihira, Otani University
Shōjun, Bandō, Otani University
Shojun †, Bando, Otani University
Shōnin, Kakunyo, Otani University
Shooshtaryzadeh, Forugh , Gazvin Univerity
Shterin, Marat, King's College London
Shtienberg, Gilad, University of California, San Diego
Shūgaku, Yamabe
Shults, Fount LeRon, University of Agder
Shum, Winnie
Shushan, Gregory, Ian Ramsey Centre, Oxford University
Shuttle, Penelope
Shuttleworth, Mark, University College London
Sibbesson, Emilie
Sibley, Collin, University of California, Santa Barbara
Siekmann, Sabine, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Sievers, Susanne , German Archaeological Institute
Sigsgaard, Anna-Vera Meidell, University College of Copenhagen
Sigvartsen, Jan Åge
Sijapati , Megan Adamson , Gettysburg College
Silano, Martha, Bellvue College
Silva, Fabio, Bournemouth University
Silva, Sonia, Skidmore College
Silveira, Rosane , Federal University of Santa Catarina
Silverman, Jason, University of Helsinki
Silverman, Jason M.
Simmons, Amber , University of Georgia
Simmons, Caleb, University of Mississippi
Simmons, K. Merinda, University of Alabama
Simmons, K. Merinda, University of Alabama
Simmons, K. Merinda, University of Alabama
Simmons, K. Merinda, University of Alabama
Simms, Elizabeth M.
Simpson, Alyson, University of Sydney
Simpson, Emily, Dartmouth College
Sindoni, Maria Grazia , University of Messina
Singh, Nikky-Guninder, Colby College, Maine
Singh, Sudipta, The Council for World Mission
Sinha, Chris , Lund University
Sinllanto, Alumno
Sinllanto, Alumno, Independent scholar
Sinner, Alejandro G. , University of Victoria
Sintes Olives, Elena, Independent scholar
Sirakova, Sevgi Mutlu
Sirimane, Yuki
Sirimane, Yuki
Siu, Phoebe, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Sivakumar, Deeksha, Emory University
Sivasundaram, Sujit , University of Cambridge
Sjö, Sofia, Donner Institute, Turku
Sjödin, Anna-Pya, Mid-Sweden University
Sjöström, Arne, University of Lund
Ska, Jean-Louis, Pontifical Biblical Institute
Skaarup, Jørgen
Skandfer, Marianne, Tromsø Museum – The University Museum, UIT - The Arctic University of Norway
Skandfer, Marianne, Tromsø Museum – The University Museum, UIT - The Arctic University of Norway
Skar, Birgitte, University Museum, Norway
Skar, Birgitte , Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Skarpeid, Jon, Department of Cultural Studies and Languages Faculty of Arts and Education University of Stavanger NORWAY
Skarpnes, Steinar, Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society (PhD student)
Skillen, Paul, University of Chester
Skillen, Paul
Skillen, Paul , University of Chester
Skillen, Paul , University of Chester
Skilling, Peter, Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient and Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok
Skilling, Peter
Skoda, Uwe, Aarhus University, Denmark
Skolbekken, John-Arne , Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Skriletz, Claire, Independent Scholar
Skudiene, Ruta, Independent Scholar
Slade, Diana, Australian National University
Slade, Diana, Australian National University
Slade, Diana, University of Technology Sydney ()
Slade, Diana, University of Technology Sydney
Slater, Tammy, Iowa State University of Science and Technology
Slater, Tammy, Iowa State University
Slingerland, Edward, University of British Columbia
Slobin, Dan, University of California, Berkeley
Slotte Russo, Pamela, Helsinki University
Slouber, Michael, Western Washington University, USA
Sly, Gloria, Independent scholar
Smagur, Emilia, Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw
Smart, Graham , Carleton University
Smart, Nick, Royal Academy of Music
Smart, Ninian
Smart, Robert, Quinnipiac University
Smedegaard, Flemming, University of Southern Denmark
Smith, Alan G. , Writer
Smith, Alexander, College at Brockport, Delta College and University of Rochester
Smith, Andrew, George Washington University
Smith, Bradley A. , Curtin
Smith, Bradley A. , School of Education at Curtin University
Smith, Brent, Grand Valley State University
Smith, Christopher, Independent Scholar
Smith, Connor, University of California San Diego
Smith, David, Lancaster University
Smith, David
Smith, David, Lancaster University (United Kingdom)
Smith, Geoff, University of Hong Kong
Smith, Ian
Smith, Ian , Royal Commision on Ancient and Historical Monuments (Scotland) ()
Smith, Ian, Writer, Broadcaster and Musician
Smith, J. Z.
Smith, Jennifer, University of North Carolina
Smith, Jennifer, University of North Carolina
Smith, Joseph L., University of Alabama
Smith, Leslie, Avila University
Smith, Leslie, Avila University
Smith, Leslie, Avila University
Smith, Leslie, Avila University
Smith , Martha, Fullerton College
Smith, Matthew
Smith, Michael Sean, UCLA
Smith, Michael Sean, UCLA ()
Smith, Michael Sean, UCLA (United States)
Smith, Nicola, Liverpool John Moores University
Smith, Nicola, Newcastle College
Smith, Ray, Musician and writer
Smith Roberts, Martha, Denison University
Smith Roberts, Martha, University of California, Santa Barbara
Smith Roberts, Martha, Dennison University
Smith-Roberts, Martha, University of California, Santa Barbara
Smith-Roberts, Martha
Snyder, Frankie, Independent Scholar
Soares, Maria , Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Soboslai, John, Montclair State University
Sōetsu, Yanagi, Otani University
Sōetsu †, Yanagi, Philosopher
Sōhaku †, Kobori, Abbot of Ryōkōin
Sojková, Barbora, University of Oxford
Sokolov, Ray
Sokolskaya, Maria
Solanki, Monika, University of Leicester
Soler , Inmaculada Gómez , Dublin City University
Solevag, Anna, School of Mission and Theology, VID Specialized University, Stavanger, Norway
Solheim, Steinar, University of Oslo
Solibakke, Karl Ivan
Solin, Anna , University of Helsinki
Solomon, Frank, University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Solomon, Richard, University of Washington
Solomon, Tom, University of Bergen
Solovyova, Alevtina, Russian State University for the Humanities
Sommer, Bradley J., U.S. Center of Military History / Miami University
Soneira Martínez, Ramón , University of Erfurt
Sood, Sheena, Delaware Valley University
Soon-II, Hwang, Oxford University
Soon-II, Hwang, Dongguk University (Republic of Korea)
Sophocleous, Andry, University of Nicosia
Sorce Keller, Marcello, University of Bern
Sorokina, Anastasia , Southern Connecticut State University
Sosis, Richard, University of Connecticut
Soto, Gabriella, University of Arizona
Spanò Giammellaro†, Antonella
Sparks, David, M.L.I.S. Teacher, author, and ethnomusicologist
Sparks, Mariah, Singer, storyteller and librarian
Spatafora, Francesca
Speakman, Jeff, Smithsonian Institution
Spence, Lyndel, University of Sydney
Spencer-Oatey, Helen, University of Warwick
Sperling, Uwe, Tartu University
Spiers, Louise, University of Northampton
Spillett, Simon
Spinola†, Maria, Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Argentina
Spirou, Penny, University of Notre Dame, Australia
Spitzer, Mark, University of Central Arkansas
Spitzer, Mark, University of Central Arkansas
Splendido, Frida, Lund University
Spoerri, Bruno, Jazz Musician
Sprang, Katherine
Sprang, Katherine, Foreign Service Institute ()
Spriggs, Matthew , The Australian National University
Springer, Sarah, Independent Scholar
Sprouse, Ronald, University of California, Berkeley
Squires, Lauren, The Ohio State University
Srinivas, Tulasi, Emerson University
Sriniwass, Sridevi, University of Malaya
St John, Graham , Griffith University
St John, Graham, University of Queensland
St John, Graham, University of Queensland
St. Clair Tullo, Ellen, Newcastle University
St. Laurent, Beatrice, Bridgewater State University
Stadler, Martin, University of Würzburg
Staf, Susanne, Centre for School Development, the City of Gothenburg
Stagno, Anna , University of Genoa/University of the Basque Country
Stalker, Nancy
Stam, Deirdre C.
Stanford, Mark, University of Oxford
Stańko, Tomasz , Jazz musician
Stanley, Ben Jamieson , University of Delaware
Stanley, Timothy, The University of Newcastle
Stary, Giovanni, University of Venice
Staubs, Robert, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Stausberg, Michael, University of Bergen
Stausberg, Michael, University of Bergen
Stausberg, Michael , University of Bergen
Stavridopoulos , Ioannis , University of Aegean
Stedman, Chris, Harvard University
Steen, Sheldon, Florida State University
Steenstrup, J.J.S.
Steenstrup, J.J.S.
Stefanidis, Emmanuelle, Universite Paris-Sorbonne
Stefanowitsch, Anatol, University of Bremen
Steidl, Catherine, University of Colorado, Boulder
Steiner, Erich, Saarland University
Steinitz, Lesley
Stella, Federico
Stemberger, Joseph
Stendahl, Bjorn, Independent Scholar
Stenger, Jan, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Stenström, Anna-Brita
Stenvall, Maija, University of Helsinki
Stenzel, Julia, Kathmandu University
Stephen, J. Drew
Stephens, Tim, University of the Arts, London
Stepp, Kyla K., Central Michigan University
Steriade, Donca, MIT
Stern, Ian
Sternberg, Robert, Oklahoma State University
Sterponi, Laura, University of California, Berkeley
Stevens, Francesca, Falmouth University
Stevenson, Ian, University of Technology Sydney
Stewart, Adam, Crandall University, Moncton
Stewart, Devin, Emory University
Stewart, Haeden, University of Chicago
Stewart, Jon, BIMM
Stewart, Veronica, Sydney Voice Studio and Macquarie University
Stimac, Zrinka, Georg Eckert Institute
Stinson, Michelle A.
Stites, Lauren, Temple University
Stockhammer, Philipp, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich
Stockhausen, Karlheinz, composer and conductor
Stockhausen-Verlag, .
Stöckl, Hartmut, Salzburg University
Stöckl, Hartmut, University of Salzburg
Stoddard, Brad, McDaniel College, Westminster, Maryland
Stoddard, Brad
Stoichkov, Emil, Actor
Stokke, Jo-Simon
Stokoe, Elizabeth, Loughborough University, UK
Stone, David L., University of Michigan
Storå, Jan, University of Stockholm
Storchan, Benyamin, Israel Antiquities Authority
Stordalen, Terje, University of Oslo
Storkel, Holly L.
Strange, John
Strange, Simon, Bath Spa University
Strauch, Ingo , University of Lausanne
Street, Brian, Kings College London
Street, Joe, Northumbria University
Strenski, Ivan , University of California Riverside
Strenski, Ivan , University of California Riverside (retired)
Strijdom, Johan, University of South Africa
Strong, John, Department of Religious Studies Bates College, Lewiston, Maine USA
Stroud, Katya, Heritage Malta
Stroumsa, Guy, University of Oxford
Strub, J.A., University of Texas, Austin
Stuart-Smith, Virginia, Artarmon
Stubbe, Maria, University of Otago
Stubbs, Michael, University of Trier
Stümpel, Anna-Elisa, University of Groningen
Styers, Randall, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Su, Fu-hsing, National Chiayi University
Suarez, Jesus

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