Latest Issue: Vol 40, No 2 (2021): Special Issue: Canadian Jewish Women Writers RSS2 logo

Vol 30, No 1 (2011)

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Table of Contents

Loius Massignon and Ali Shariati: An Enigmatic Encounter of Christianity and Islam PDF
Mohammad Emami 101-105
Ibrahim Abu-Rabi’ PDF
David Goa 114-115


Preface PDF
Earle Waugh 1-2


Fundamentalism and Fanaticism: A Comparative Analysis PDF
Ahmad F. Yousif 3-26
Tiqtiq, Brother Tadger, and Charles Dickens: The Theatre-in-the Round of Mackenzie Inuit Missions 1857-1863. PDF
Walter Vanast 27-56
Confronting Myths of Difference: Fundamentalism, Religion and Globalization in Mohsin Hamid’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist PDF
David Gay 57-70
Jesus Christ as Woman Wisdom? Complicating the Gender of Christ PDF
Susanne Guenther Loewen 71-82
A Secret Code at Shugborough Hall? PDF
Duncan Fishwick 83-100

Book Reviews

Book Review: Inventing Authority: The Use of Church Fathers in Reformation Debates over the Eucharist by Esther Chung-Kim. Baylor University Press, 2011. 230pp., hb., $49.95. ISBN-13: 9781602582132 PDF
Adrian M. Leske 106-107
Book Review: Joseph Smith, Jesus and Satanic Opposition: Atonement, Evil and the Mormon Vision, by Douglas J. Davies. Ashgate, 2010. 282 pp., index, bibliography, pb. $29.22. ISBN-13: 9781409406709. PDF
Kurt Widmer 108-110
Book Review: Carried by a Promise – A Life Transformed Through Yoga by Swami Radhananda. Timeless Books, 2011. PDF
Cathy Anne Pachnowski 111-113

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