Browse Title Index

Issue Title
Ritual, Personhood and the New Animism Harebrained? Abstract
Michael Houseman
Ritual, Personhood and the New Animism The Ritual Use of Plants in the Caribbean Abstract
Christina Welch
Ritual, Personhood and the New Animism Spirit Possession and Trance as Humpty Dumpty words: Reflection on Adjusted Styles of Communication Abstract
Bettina Schmidt
Ritual, Personhood and the New Animism ‘Guesthood’ as a Scientific Method: Principles Supporting Relational Research Abstract
James Cox
Ritual, Personhood and the New Animism The Animacy of Fire and Personhood of Plants in Land Restoration Abstract
Sarah Pike
Ritual, Personhood and the New Animism Indigenous Tourism: A Perfect Site for ‘Guesthood’ Research? Abstract
Helen Jennings
Sacred Psychology A Wayward Beginning Abstract
Samuel Bendeck Sotillos
Sacred Psychology Birth as Theophany Abstract
Samuel Bendeck Sotillos
Sacred Psychology The Metaphysics of Trauma Abstract
Samuel Bendeck Sotillos
Sacred Psychology The Enigma of Psychosis Abstract
Samuel Bendeck Sotillos
Sacred Psychology Addiction and Wholeness Abstract
Samuel Bendeck Sotillos
Sacred Psychology Death as Transformation Abstract
Samuel Bendeck Sotillos
Sacred Psychology Theoretical Presuppositions Abstract
Samuel Bendeck Sotillos
Sacred Psychology Rehabilitating Psychology Abstract
Samuel Bendeck Sotillos
Al-Ghazālī’s Moral Psychology Introduction Details
Joel Craig Richmond
Al-Ghazālī’s Moral Psychology Relinquishing Vice Abstract
Joel Craig Richmond
Al-Ghazālī’s Moral Psychology The Scale of Action Abstract
Joel Craig Richmond
Al-Ghazālī’s Moral Psychology Elements of Restraint Abstract
Joel Craig Richmond
Al-Ghazālī’s Moral Psychology Reorientations of Thought Abstract
Joel Craig Richmond
Al-Ghazālī’s Moral Psychology Self-Surrender Abstract
Joel Craig Richmond
Al-Ghazālī’s Moral Psychology Conclusion Details
Joel Craig Richmond
Al-Ghazālī’s Moral Psychology Bibliography Details
Joel Craig Richmond
The Mariavites Abbreviations Details
Damian Cyrocki
The Mariavites Preface Details
Damian Cyrocki
The Mariavites Introduction Abstract
Damian Cyrocki
The Mariavites Events Leading up to the Revelations of 1983 Abstract
Damian Cyrocki
The Mariavites Mariavites Inside the Roman Catholic Church Abstract
Damian Cyrocki
The Mariavites Period between Schism with Rome and the Death of Mateczka Abstract
Damian Cyrocki
The Mariavites Reforms in the Church of Mariavites Abstract
Damian Cyrocki
The Mariavites Aftermath of the Reforms Abstract
Damian Cyrocki
The Mariavites Conclusions Abstract
Damian Cyrocki
The Mariavites Bibliography Details
Damian Cyrocki
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 Foreword Details
David Butt
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 Editorial Introduction Details
Kazuhiro Teruya, Kaela Peijia Zhang, Diana Slade
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 Introduction Details
Christian Matthiessen
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 A Grammar and a Lexicon for a Text-production System Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 Systemic Grammar in Computation: The NIGEL Case Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 Semantics for a Systemic Grammar: The Chooser and Inquiry Framework Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 Two Approaches to Semantic Interfaces in Text Generation Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 Metafunctional Complementarity and Resonance in Syntagmatic Organization Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 Fuzziness Construed in Language: A Linguistic Perspective Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 On the Idea of Theory-neutral Description Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 Interview with Christian Matthiessen (Cardiff 1998) Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 Halliday’s Conception of Language as a Probabilistic System Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 Instantial Systems and Logogenesis Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 Systemic Functional Morphology: The Lexicogrammar of the Word Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 The Architecture of Language According to SFL: Some Reflections on Implications for Neurosemiotics Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 List of Figures Details
Christian Matthiessen, Kazuhiro Teruya, Kaela Peijia Zhang, Diana Slade
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 List of Tables Details
Christian Matthiessen, Kazuhiro Teruya, Kaela Peijia Zhang, Diana Slade
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 Acknowledgements Details
Christian Matthiessen, Kazuhiro Teruya, Kaela Peijia Zhang, Diana Slade
Advancing Critical CALL across Institutions and Borders 1. Introduction to Critical CALL across Institutions and Borders Abstract
Emma Britton, Angelika Kraemer, Theresa Austin, Hengyi Liu, Xinyue Zuo
Advancing Critical CALL across Institutions and Borders 2. Critical Virtual Exchange: At the Interface of Critical CALL, Critical Digital Literacy, and Critical Global Citizenship Education Abstract
Mirjam Hauck
Advancing Critical CALL across Institutions and Borders 3. Advancing Inclusion through Pre-Mobility Virtual Exchange Abstract
Ángela-María Alonso-Morais
Advancing Critical CALL across Institutions and Borders 4. COILing Discrimination Narratives across Continents: A Virtual Exchange Project between a Community College in New York City and a Four-Year College in Jordan Abstract
Deniz Gokcora, Raymond Oenbring
Advancing Critical CALL across Institutions and Borders 5. Using Technology and Art in a Middle School Exploratory Heritage Language Program: Diversity Matters Abstract
Lulu Ekiert, Theresa Austin
Advancing Critical CALL across Institutions and Borders 6. Indigenizing Language Pedagogies with Technology: Entangling Human and Nonhuman Affordances for Indigenous Language and Culture Maintenance, Revitalization, and Reclamation Abstract
Sabine Siekmann, Joan Parker Webster, Steven L. Thorne
Advancing Critical CALL across Institutions and Borders 7. Developing an Interactive AI-Based Spoken Dialog System for Improving Oral Proficiency in Indonesian and Burmese Abstract
Rahmi Aoyama, Maw Maw Tun, Reza Neiriznaghadehi
Advancing Critical CALL across Institutions and Borders 8. Technology-Enabled Interinstitutional Professional Development for Less Commonly Taught Languages Abstract
Emily Heidrich Uebel, Luca Giupponi, Koen Van Gorp, Thomas Garza
Advancing Critical CALL across Institutions and Borders 9. Interinstitutional and Transnational Language Teacher Professional Development: Teachers’ Critical Reflections and Future Directions Abstract
An Sakach, Trang Phan
Advancing Critical CALL across Institutions and Borders 10. Advancing Arabic Language Education: Empowering Teachers and Promoting Critical CALL through the Arabic Teachers’ Council Abstract
Kamilia Rahmouni
Long Agos and Worlds Apart Introduction Abstract
Sean Egan
Long Agos and Worlds Apart All Our Yesterdays Abstract
Sean Egan
Long Agos and Worlds Apart Almost Grown Abstract
Sean Egan
Long Agos and Worlds Apart I Can't Dance with You Abstract
Sean Egan
Long Agos and Worlds Apart I Feel Much Better Abstract
Sean Egan
Long Agos and Worlds Apart Something I Want to Tell You Abstract
Sean Egan
Long Agos and Worlds Apart Wham Bam Thank You Mam Abstract
Sean Egan
Long Agos and Worlds Apart It's Too Late Abstract
Sean Egan
Long Agos and Worlds Apart Own Up Time Abstract
Sean Egan
Long Agos and Worlds Apart Afterglow Abstract
Sean Egan
Long Agos and Worlds Apart Acknowledgements Details
Sean Egan
Long Agos and Worlds Apart Selected Bibliography Details
Sean Egan
Long Agos and Worlds Apart Index Details
Sean Egan
Gender and Sacred Textures Gender and Sacred Text(ure)s: Extending the Field of Sacred Text Studies Details
Marianne Schleicher
Gender and Sacred Textures Old Norse Women’s Use of Sacred Textures in Crisis Situations Abstract
Emma C. Sørlie Jørgensen
Gender and Sacred Textures Drinkable Ink or Womb-Destroying Words? A Solution for Suspected Adultery in Numbers 5:11–31 Abstract
Rosanne Liebermann
Gender and Sacred Textures Jewish Women and Sacred Text(ure)s: Making Women’s Religious Agency in Jewish Book Culture Intelligible Abstract
Marianne Schleicher
Gender and Sacred Textures The Gender of Purple Manuscripts and the Makeup of Sacred Scriptures Abstract
Thomas Rainer
Gender and Sacred Textures “Then Queen Esther Daughter of Abihail Wrote”: Gendered Agency and Ritualized Writing in Jewish Scriptural Practice Abstract
Joanna Homrighausen
Gender and Sacred Textures “I Left My Bible At Home…”: Evangelical Women’s Bodies as Biblical Text in the Workplace during the 1980s Abstract
Rachel E. C. Beckley
Gender and Sacred Textures Doing Piety through Care: Embodied Enactments of the Qur’an and Gender Perceptions in Muslim families in Contemporary Denmark Abstract
Abir Mohamad Ismail
Celebration of Awareness Introduction Details
Erich Fromm
Celebration of Awareness Foreword Details
Ivan Illich
Celebration of Awareness A Call to Celebration Details
Ivan Illich
Celebration of Awareness Violence: A Mirror for Americans Details
Ivan Illich
Celebration of Awareness Not Foreigners, Yet Foreign Details
Ivan Illich
Celebration of Awareness The Eloquence of Silence Details
Ivan Illich
Celebration of Awareness The Seamy Side of Charity Details
Ivan Illich
Celebration of Awareness The Vanishing Clergyman Details
Ivan Illich
Celebration of Awareness The Powerless Church Details
Ivan Illich
Celebration of Awareness The Futility of Schooling Details
Ivan Illich
Celebration of Awareness School: The Sacred Cow Details
Ivan Illich
Celebration of Awareness Sexual Power and Political Potency Details
Ivan Illich
Celebration of Awareness Planned Poverty: The End Result of Technical Assistance Details
Ivan Illich
Celebration of Awareness A Constitution for Cultural Revolution Details
Ivan Illich
Deschooling Society Introduction Details
Ivan Illich
Deschooling Society Why We Must Disestablish School Details
Ivan Illich
Deschooling Society Phenomenology of School Details
Ivan Illich
Deschooling Society Ritualization of Progress Details
Ivan Illich
Deschooling Society Institutional Spectrum Details
Ivan Illich
Deschooling Society Irrational Consistencies Details
Ivan Illich
Deschooling Society Learning Webs Details
Ivan Illich
Deschooling Society Rebirth of Epimethean Man Details
Ivan Illich
Disabling Professions Disabling Professions Details
Ivan Illich
Disabling Professions Healthism and Disabling Medicalization Details
Irving K. Zola
Disabling Professions Professionalized Service and Disabling Help Details
John McKnight
Disabling Professions Lawyers and Litigants: A Cult Reviewed Details
Jonathan Caplan
Disabling Professions Craftsman into Baby Sitter Details
Harley Shaiken
Energy and Equity Foreword Details
José Antonio Viera-Gallo
Energy and Equity The Energy Crisis Details
Ivan Illich
Energy and Equity The Industrialization of Traffic Details
Ivan Illich
Energy and Equity Speed-Stunned Imagination Details
Ivan Illich
Energy and Equity Net Transfer of Lifetime Details
Ivan Illich
Energy and Equity The Ineffectiveness of Acceleration Details
Ivan Illich
Energy and Equity The Radical Monopoly of Industry Details
Ivan Illich
Energy and Equity The Elusive Threshold Details
Ivan Illich
Energy and Equity Degrees of Self-Powered Mobility Details
Ivan Illich
Energy and Equity Dominant vs Subsidiary Motors Details
Ivan Illich
Energy and Equity Underequipment, Overdevelopment and Mature Technology Details
Ivan Illich
Gender Sexism and Economic Growth Details
Ivan Illich
Gender The Reported Economy Details
Ivan Illich
Gender The Unreported Economy Details
Ivan Illich
Gender Shadow Work Details
Ivan Illich
Gender The Feminization of Poverty Details
Ivan Illich
Gender Ambiguous Complementarity Details
Ivan Illich
Gender Socio-Biological Sexism Details
Ivan Illich
Gender Social-Science Sexism Details
Ivan Illich
Gender Gender and Tools Details
Ivan Illich
Gender Gender, Rent, Trade, and Crafts Details
Ivan Illich
Gender Gender and Kinship Details
Ivan Illich
Gender Gender and Wedlock Details
Ivan Illich
Gender Space/Time and Gender Details
Ivan Illich
Gender Gender and the Home Details
Ivan Illich
Gender Gender and the Grasp of Reality Details
Ivan Illich
Gender Gender and Speech Details
Ivan Illich
Gender Gender and Transgression Details
Ivan Illich
Gender The Rise of the Heterosexual Details
Ivan Illich
Gender The Iconography of Sex Details
Ivan Illich
Gender From Broken Gender to Economic Sex Details
Ivan Illich
H2O and the Waters of Forgetfulness H2O and the Waters of Forgetfulness Details
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past Introduction Details
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past The De-Linking of Peace and Development Abstract
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past The Right to Dignified Silence Abstract
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past I Too Have Decided to Keep Silent Abstract
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past Alternatives to Economics: Toward a History of Waste Abstract
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past Silence is a Commons Abstract
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past Dwelling Abstract
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past The Message of Bapu's Hut Abstract
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past Disvalue Abstract
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past The Three Dimensions of Public Option Abstract
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past The Educational Sphere Abstract
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past The History of Homo Educandus Abstract
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past Taught Mother Tongue Abstract
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past H2O and the Waters of Forgetfulness Abstract
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past A Plea for Research on Lay Literacy Abstract
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past Mnemosyne: The Mold of Memory Abstract
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past Computer Literacy and the Cybernetic Dream Abstract
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past Twelve Years after Medical Nemesis: A Plea for Body History Abstract
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past The Institutional Construction of a New Fetish: Human Life Abstract
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past Medical Ethics: A Call to De-bunk Bio-ethics Abstract
Ivan Illich
In the Vineyard of the Text Introduction Details
Ivan Illich
In the Vineyard of the Text Reading toward Wisdom Details
Ivan Illich
In the Vineyard of the Text Order, Memory, and History Details
Ivan Illich
In the Vineyard of the Text Monastic Reading Details
Ivan Illich
In the Vineyard of the Text Lectio in Latin Details
Ivan Illich
In the Vineyard of the Text Scholastic Reading Details
Ivan Illich
In the Vineyard of the Text From Recorded Speech to the Record of Thought Details
Ivan Illich
In the Vineyard of the Text From Book to Text Details
Ivan Illich
Limits to Medicine Preface Details
Ivan Illich
Limits to Medicine Introduction Details
Ivan Illich
Limits to Medicine 1. The Epidemics of Modern Medicine Details
Ivan Illich
Limits to Medicine 2. The Medicalization of Life Details
Ivan Illich
Limits to Medicine 3. The Killing of Pain Details
Ivan Illich
Limits to Medicine 4. The Invention and Elimination of Disease Details
Ivan Illich
Limits to Medicine 5. Death Against Death Details
Ivan Illich
Limits to Medicine 6. Specific Counterproductivity Details
Ivan Illich
Limits to Medicine 7. Political Countermeasures Details
Ivan Illich
Limits to Medicine 8. The Recovery of Health Details
Ivan Illich
Shadow Work Introduction Details
Ivan Illich
Shadow Work The Three Dimensions of Public Choice Details
Ivan Illich
Shadow Work Vernacular Values Details
Ivan Illich
Shadow Work The War Against Subsistence Details
Ivan Illich
Shadow Work Research by People Details
Ivan Illich
Shadow Work Shadow Work Details
Ivan Illich
ABC Preface Details
Ivan Illich, Barry Sanders
ABC Words and History Details
Ivan Illich, Barry Sanders
ABC Memory Details
Ivan Illich, Barry Sanders
ABC Text Details
Ivan Illich, Barry Sanders
ABC Translation and Language Details
Ivan Illich, Barry Sanders
ABC The Self Details
Ivan Illich, Barry Sanders
ABC Untruth and Narration Details
Ivan Illich, Barry Sanders
ABC From Taught Mother Tongue to Newspeak and Uniquack Details
Ivan Illich, Barry Sanders
ABC Silence and the We Details
Ivan Illich, Barry Sanders
The Right to Useful Unemployment Foreword Details
Ivan Illich
The Right to Useful Unemployment Introduction Details
Ivan Illich
The Right to Useful Unemployment Disabling Market Intensity Details
Ivan Illich
The Right to Useful Unemployment Disabling Professions Details
Ivan Illich
The Right to Useful Unemployment Enabling Distinctions Details
Ivan Illich
The Right to Useful Unemployment Equity in Useful Unemployment Details
Ivan Illich
The Right to Useful Unemployment Outflanking the New Professional Details
Ivan Illich
The Right to Useful Unemployment The Post-professional Ethos Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality Introduction Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality Two Watersheds Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality Convivial Reconstruction Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality 1. Biological Degradation Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality 2. Radical Monopoly Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality 3. Overprogramming Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality 4. Polarization Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality 5. Obsolescence Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality 6. Frustration Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality 1. The Demytholization of Science Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality 2. The Rediscovery of Language Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality 3. The Recovery of Legal Procedure Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality 1. Myths and Majorities Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality 2. From Breakdown to Chaos Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality 3. Insight into Crisis Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality 4. Sudden Change Details
Ivan Illich
Food and Communication Fava Beans and Béchamel: Translating Egyptian Food as Modern Cuisine Details
Anny Gaul
Food and Communication Secrets of the Great Chefs: Decrypting Untrustworthy Communications from the Kitchens of Carême, Escoffier and Guérard Details
Ray Sokolov
Food and Communication The Evolution of Cookbooks in the Digital Age Details
Ken Albala, Christine Larson
Food and Communication ‘Anything is possible!’: MasterChef, World-Wide Illusion Details
Robert Appelbaum
Food and Communication Tatattoouille on the Menu: Tats in the Kitchen, a Side of Ink, and Food as Communication Details
Paula Arvela
Food and Communication Totalitarian Tastes: The Political Semantics of Food in Twentieth-Century Germany Details
Volker Bach
Food and Communication Communicating Frenchness: Escoffier and the Export of Terroir Details
Janet Beizer
Food and Communication Nobody Said to Cook: The Chinese Food of Emily Hahn and Time-Life Books Details
Lucey Bowen
Food and Communication Tablecloth and River: Dramatizing Historical Land Claims in Tomson Highway’s Ernestine Shuswap Gets Her Trout Details
Shelley Boyd
Food and Communication Communicating Jewish Identity Through Taste: Jewish Flavour Principles as Culinary ‘Midrash’ Details
Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus
Food and Communication Defining ‘Cuisine’: Communication, Culinary Grammar, and the Typology of Cuisine Details
Anthony F. Buccini
Food and Communication ‘That Was Good’: Eating, Drinking and the Etiquette of Slurping in Japan Details
Voltaire Cang
Food and Communication Lessons from Generations Past: Timely and Timeless Communication Strategies of Some Canadian Cooks of Note  Details
Nathalie Cooke
Food and Communication Common Senses: Sound and Touch in London Food Shopping Details
Anastasia Edwards
Food and Communication Children’s Culinary Culture: Why It Matters Details
Elizabeth Fakazis
Food and Communication When Menus Talk: The Bernard Fread Menu Collection Details
Rebecca Federman
Food and Communication By Any Other Name Details
Priscilla Parkhurst Ferguson
Food and Communication The Past on a Plate: Images of Ancient Feasts on Italian Renaissance Maiolica Details
Allison Fisher
Food and Communication Dinner Isn’t Served!: The Use of Historic Cookery as a Method of Interacting with Visitors to Hampton Court Palace Details
Richard Fitch
Food and Communication Framework for a New Culinary-Arts Curriculum Details
Peter Hertzmann
Food and Communication Deep-frying the Nation: Communicating about Scottish Food and Nutrition Details
Christine Knight
Food and Communication Messages of Subversion: Communicating Czech Nationalism through Culinary History Details
Michael Krondl
Food and Communication Dragon on a Platter: The Art of Naming Chinese Dishes Details
Kian Lam Kho
Food and Communication Communicating Superfoods: A Case Study of Maca Packaging Details
Jessica Loyer
Food and Communication A French Culinary Figure in the Anglosphere: Translating Édouard de Pomiane for English Books and Television Details
Katherine Magruder
Food and Communication The Language of Food Gifts in an Eighteenth Century Dining Club India Details
Aurora Mandelkern
Food and Communication Hot, Sour, Salty…Write: Saveur Magazine, Thai Food Culture, and the Communicative Potential of Food & Travel Journalism Details
Robert McKeown
Food and Communication Food Fight: Survival and Ideology in Cookbooks from the Spanish Civil War  Details
Maria Paz Moreno
Food and Communication On Food and Fascism: Plating up Oral Histories Details
Karima Moyer-Nocchi
Food and Communication The Author, the Reader, the Text: Literary Communication of a 1611 Spanish Cookbook Details
Carolyn A. Nadeau
Food and Communication The Squander Bug: Propaganda and its Influence on Food Consumption in Wartime Australia Details
Diana Noyce
Food and Communication I Am What I Don’t Eat: Food and Eating as a Form of Communicating Distinction in the Jewish Literature of the Second Temple Period Details
Harriet Publicover
Food and Communication Looking Good: Picturing Food in Early Books and Prints Details
Marcia Reed
Food and Communication Whitebait or Blanchailles? Cuisine and Chaos in Britain, 1865-1914 Details
Laura Shapiro
Food and Communication The Rhetoric of Salmon: The War of Words, Images and Metaphors in the Battle of Wild-caught vs. Farmed Salmon Details
Richard Warren Shepro
Food and Communication The Comté Aroma Wheel: History of an Invention, Ethnography of a Practice. A Look at the Early Years Details
Christy Shields-Argelès
Food and Communication ‘What if I smell your peanuts and die?’ Communicating Fact and Fiction about Peanut Allergy Details
Matthew Smith
Food and Communication Communicating Gourmet Values in Japanese Popular Media Details
Nancy Stalker
Food and Communication Crossing the Kosher Food Barrier: Outside Influences on Talmudic Food Details
Susan Weingarten
Food and Communication Foreword Details
Mark McWilliams
Food and Language The Language of Food Details
Judith Jones
Food and Language Food and Language: What’s In a Name? Details
Joan P. Alcock
Food and Language Shinagaki Tales: Reading Between the Lines of a Japanese Menu Details
Elizabeth Andoh
Food and Language In Praise of Shadows: Japanese Language for Japanese Food Experience Details
Kimiko Barber
Food and Language ‘Truly the Ear Tests Words as the Palate Tastes Food’ (Job :): Synaesthetic Food Metaphors for the Experience of the Divine in Jewish Tradition Details
Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus
Food and Language The Anatolian Origins of the Words ‘Olive’ and ‘Oil’ and the Early History of Oleïculture Details
Anthony F. Buccini
Food and Language The Visual Language of the Recipe: A Brief Historical Survey Details
Ruth Carroll
Food and Language Re-viewing a Surrealist’s Distasteful Writings: Georges Bataille’s Linguistic Consumption of/with the Eye Details
Janine Catalano
Food and Language A Limousin-French Dictionary as a Source on the History of Cooking: Potatoes in the Tulle Area in the Early Nineteenth Century Details
Monique Chastanet
Food and Language The Emergence of the Cookbook and the Evolution of Cooking Terminology in Imperial Russia Details
Didi DiVirgilio
Food and Language Sex, Food, and Valentine’s Day: Language of Food – Language of Love: A Linguistic Analysis of Valentine’s Day Menus in a Selection of Parisian Restaurants at Present Details
Carole Faivre
Food and Language The Italian Language of Food: Notes from a Translator Details
Maureen B. Fant
Food and Language How Do You Describe a Champagne Jelly? Details
Len Fisher
Food and Language The Rhetoric of American Restaurant Menus and the Use of French Details
Paul Freedman
Food and Language Ministries and Campaigns: The Political Language and Tactics of Popular British Food-writing Details
Charlotte Frew
Food and Language Russian Food Words at Home and Abroad Details
Alexandra Grigorieva
Food and Language German on the Menu – Serving Nationalism: Franco-German Linguistic Relations and an Evaluation of the Present Situation Details
Ursula Heinzelmann
Food and Language Recipe Structure – An Historical Survey Details
Peter Hertzmann
Food and Language A Very Cold Collation: Food Stories from Polar Words Details
Bernadette Hince
Food and Language The Unspoken Language of Food Details
Sybil Kapoor
Food and Language Recipes and Dishes: What Should Be Copyrightable? Details
Cathy K. Kaufman
Food and Language What’s in the Name of a Dish? The Words Mean what the People of the Mediterranean Want them to Mean… Details
Aglaia Kremezi, Anissa Helou
Food and Language What Can the Culinary Historian Learn from the Linguist? Ten Suggestions Details
Rachel Laudan
Food and Language Hidden Voices from the Culinary Past: Oral History as a Tool for Food Historians Details
Máirtín Mac Con Iomaire
Food and Language ‘A Vulgar Care’: Talking about Food in Eighteenth-Century Anglo-American Novels Details
Mark McWilliams
Food and Language Early Modern Spanish Cookbooks: The Curious Case of Diego Granado Details
Carolyn A. Nadeau
Food and Language Food for Thought: Ye Sette of Odd Volumes Dining Society Details
Joan Navarre
Food and Language Korma, Kavurma, Ghormeh: A Family, or Not So Much? Details
Charles Perry
Food and Language Retrieving Food History through Linguistics: Culinary Traditions in Early Bantuphone Communities Details
Birgit Ricquier, Koen Bostoen
Food and Language Telling Porkies: The Nomenclature of the Pig and its Parts Details
Gillian Riley
Food and Language A Plate of Fresh Jewish Maidens With Potatoes Details
Alicia Rios Ivars, Ray Sokolov
Food and Language The Meaning of Pepper: Money, Medicine and Magic Details
Caroline Rowe
Food and Language Food as Story: Story as Food Details
William Rubel
Food and Language ‘Doing’ Words: The Evolution of Culinary Vocabulary Details
Barbara Santich
Food and Language The Language of Butchery Diagrams Details
Teagan Schweitzer
Food and Language George Washington Carver: Bulletin Author Details
Elizabeth M. Simms
Food and Language The Language of the Food of the Poor: Studying Proverbs with Jean-Louis Flandrin Details
David C. Sutton
Food and Language Empanadas with Turkish Delight or Borekitas de Lokum? The Sweet-sour Journey of Sephardic Cuisine and Ladino Language Details
Aylin Öney Tan
Food and Language Using Language to Investigate Ellen Chantrill’s Recipe Book Details
Malcolm Thick
Food and Language Gynaecophagia: Metaphors of Women as Food in the Talmudic Literature Details
Susan Weingarten
Food and Language Would a Dish By Another Name Taste as Good? Western Dishes in Cantonese Cooking Details
Willa Zhen
Food and Language Blogs about Food on the Internet or How Everyone has Something to Say about what we Eat Details
Marcia Zoladz
Food and Language Vocabularies of Middle Eastern Food Details
Sami Zubaida
Food and Language Foreword Details
Carolin C. Young
Food and Material Culture Foreword Details
Mark McWilliams
Food and Material Culture Autarchic by Design: Aesthetics and Politics of Kitchenware Details
Diana Garvin
Food and Material Culture Sporks, Pestles and Peelers: Why Kitchen Technology Matters Details
Bee Wilson
Food and Material Culture The Soup that went into the Tureen: Connecting the Dots between Food and Material Culture Details
Carolin C. Young
Food and Material Culture The Future of Tableware and Cooking Vessels Details
Ken Albala
Food and Material Culture Salt-pot / Tuz Testisi: A salt and Terracotta Water Cooler from Turkey Details
Nilhan Aras
Food and Material Culture Towards and Anthrolpology of Bimby Food-processors in Italy Details
Elisa Ascione
Food and Material Culture Digital Gastronomy Details
Adrian Bregazzi
Food and Material Culture Bottles, Glasses and Contrasting Beer Cultures in Belgium and the United States Details
Anthony F. Buccini
Food and Material Culture The Bamboo Tea Whisk in Japanese Tea Tradition Details
Voltaire Cang
Food and Material Culture Trench Fare: Cooking under Fire, France 1914-1918 Details
Kyri W. Claflin
Food and Material Culture The Significance and Symbolism of Sugar Sculpture at Italian Court Banquets Details
June di Schino
Food and Material Culture Refrigeration and the Americanization of Immigrants in the First Half of the Twentieth Century Details
Betsey Dexter Dyer, Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus
Food and Material Culture Shaken, not Stirred: The Story of Mixers and Mixing Details
Len Fisher, Janet Clarkson, Alan Parker
Food and Material Culture Napkins and Handkerchiefs in Early Modern Drama Details
Joan Fitzpatrick
Food and Material Culture Kitchen Knives: The New Bling Details
Peter Hertzmann
Food and Material Culture Tsatsal: The Symbolism and Significance of Mongolian Milk Spoons Details
Sharon Hudgins
Food and Material Culture Katai: Coconut Scrapers Details
Phil Iddison
Food and Material Culture Moulds for Shaping and Decorating Food in Turkey Details
Priscilla Mary Işin
Food and Material Culture An Examination of Elite Consumption Trends in Ceramic Tableware in Georgian Ireland Details
Tara Kellaghan
Food and Material Culture The Cow Creamer and the 'Cudster' Details
Llio Teleri Lloyd-Jones
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Banu Özden
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Patience Gray
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Patience Gray
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Patience Gray
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Robert Bluck
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Robert Bluck
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Robert Bluck
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Robert Bluck
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Robert Bluck
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Robert Bluck
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Robert Bluck
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Robert Bluck
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Robert Bluck
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Robert Bluck
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Robert Bluck
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
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Peter Brears
Cooking & Dining in the Victorian Country House General Index Details
Peter Brears
Cooking & Dining in the Victorian Country House Food Index Details
Peter Brears
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Dr. Pamela Tudor-Craig, Lady Wedgewood
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Spike Bucklow
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Spike Bucklow
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Spike Bucklow
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Spike Bucklow
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Spike Bucklow
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Spike Bucklow
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Spike Bucklow
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Judith Williamson
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Judith Williamson
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Judith Williamson
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Judith Williamson
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Judith Williamson
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Judith Williamson
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Judith Williamson
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Judith Williamson
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Judith Williamson
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Judith Williamson
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John Cage
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John Cage
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John Cage
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John Cage
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John Cage
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John Cage
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Robin Maconie
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Robin Maconie
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Karlheinz Stockhausen, Robin Maconie (Editor)
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Karlheinz Stockhausen, Robin Maconie (Editor)
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Karlheinz Stockhausen, Robin Maconie (Editor)
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Karlheinz Stockhausen, Robin Maconie (Editor)
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Karlheinz Stockhausen, Robin Maconie (Interviewer)
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Karlheinz Stockhausen, Robin Maconie (Interviewer)
Stockhausen on Music Suggested Further Reading Details
. Stockhausen-Verlag
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. Stockhausen-Verlag
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. Stockhausen-Verlag
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. Stockhausen-Verlag
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Robin Maconie
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Tina Hobin
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Tina Hobin
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Tina Hobin
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Tina Hobin
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Tina Hobin
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Tina Hobin
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