Browse Title Index

Issue Title
The Qurʾān 2 The Cow ۞ Al-Baqara Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
Falco and Beyond 2 The culture industry under neoliberal regime Abstract
Ewa Mazierska
Continuing Discourse on Language 2. The development of systemic functional linguistics in China Abstract
Fang Yan, Zhang Delu, Edward McDonald, Huang Guowen
Ancient Cookware from the Levant 1. The Levantine Corridor and Cyprus -- Geographical Parameters Abstract
Gloria London
East by Mid-East 2. The Muslim Appropriation of Confucian Thought in Eighteenth-Century China Abstract
Sachiko Murata
Morphosyntactic Alternations in English 2. The study of alternations in a dialogic Functional Discourse Grammar Abstract
J. Mackenzie
How Buddhism Acquired a Soul on the Way to China 2. The Verification of the Traditional Attributions of Translatorship Abstract
Jungnok Park
The Archaeology of Circulation, Exchange and Human Migration 2. Tracing Networks: Tracking Objects, Modeling Movements Abstract
Lin Foxhall, Katharina Rebay-Salisbury, Roderick Salisbury, Ann Brysbaert, Jose Fiadeiro, Anthony Harding, Colin Haselgrove, Yi Hong, Monika Solanki, Emilio Tuosto, Peter van Dommelen, Ian Whitbread
From Language to Multimodality 2 Using corpus data to have a closer look at the Experiential function Abstract
Lyn Flowerdew
Lay Buddhism and Spirituality 2 Vimalakīrti’s Discourse on Emancipation Abstract
Izumi Hōkei
Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science 2 What is Poetry? Developing the Poetic Eye Abstract
Nancy with Erin Colfax Gorrell
Iconic Books and Texts 2. “Winged Words”: Scriptures and Classics as Iconic Texts Abstract
William A. Graham
Ancient Cookware from the Levant 20. Late Ottoman/Mandate and Recent Wheel-thrown Ceramics Abstract
Gloria London
Falco and Beyond 20 In a shadow of the original: Falco – Verdammt, wir leben noch! Abstract
Ewa Mazierska
The Language Impact 20. Interaction between Language and World (Ecological Linguistics) Abstract
Alwin Frank Fill
Buddhist Temples of Kyōto and Kamakura 20 Nichiren Temples in Kyōto: Honkokuji Abstract
Beatrice Lane Suzuki
The Qurʾān 20 Ṭā’ Hā’ ۞ Ṭā’ Hā’ Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
Iconic Books and Texts 20. The Gospels as Imperialized Sites of Memory in Late Ancient Christianity Abstract
Jason T. Larson
Learning to Write/Reading to Learn 2.1 Beginnings: the Writing Project
2.2 Types of writing in infants and primary school
2.3 Knowledge about language: genre
2.4 Teaching genre: Language and Social Power project
2.5 Negotiating meaning: teacher—student interactions
David Rose, J. R. Martin
Falco and Beyond 21 Falco (dis)covered Abstract
Ewa Mazierska
Communication and Professional Relationships in Healthcare Practice 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Application of theory to professional discourse practice 2.3 Conversation analysis: a theory to give explanatory  value to the organisation of discourse 2.4 Summary Abstract
Sally Candlin, Peter Roger
Buddhist Temples of Kyōto and Kamakura 21 Nichiren Temples in Kyōto: Honnōji Abstract
Beatrice Lane Suzuki
Iconic Books and Texts 21. Possessing the Iconic Book: Ben Sira as Case Study Abstract
Claudia V. Camp
The Qurʾān 21 The Prophets ۞ Al-Anbiyā Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
Iconic Books and Texts 22. Ancient Iconic Texts and Scholarly Expertise Abstract
James W. Watts
Falco and Beyond 22 Falco commented on by his fans Abstract
Ewa Mazierska
Buddhist Temples of Kyōto and Kamakura 22 Historic Temples of Kamakura Abstract
Beatrice Lane Suzuki
The Qurʾān 22 The Pilgrimage ۞ Al-Ḥajj Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
Buddhist Temples of Kyōto and Kamakura 23 Bodhisattvas and Buddhas of Kamakura Abstract
Beatrice Lane Suzuki
Falco and Beyond 23 Falco and I Abstract
Ewa Mazierska
The Qurʾān 23 The Believers ۞ Al-Mu’minūn Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 24 The Light ۞ Al-Nūr Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
Continuing Discourse on Language 25. Invoking attitude: the play of graduation in appraising discourse Abstract
Sue Hood, J. R. Martin
The Qurʾān 25 The Deliverance ۞ Al-Furqān Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 26 The Poets ۞ Al-Shu‘arā’ Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 27 The Ant ۞ Al-Naml Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
Continuing Discourse on Language 27. Typology of MOOD: a text-based and system-based functional view Abstract
Kazuhiro Teruya, Ernest Akerejola, Alice Caffarel, Julia Lavid, Thomas H. Andersen, Uwe Helm Petersen, Pattama Patpong, Flemming Smedegaard, Christian Matthiessen
The Qurʾān 28 The Story ۞ Al-Qaṣaṣ Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 29 The Spider ۞ Al-‘Ankabūt Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
From Language to Multimodality 3 A survey of process type classification over difficult cases Abstract
Michael O'Donnell, Michelle Zappavigna, Casey Whitelaw
Applied Linguistics 3. An empirical evaluation of competing paradigms Abstract
Lars Sigfred Evensen
The 'Backwards' Research Guide for Writers 3. Areas of Expertise: Using What You Already Know Abstract
Sonya Huber
Syntax-Prosody in Optimality Theory 3. Branching Sensitivity, Prosodic Recursion and Mapping Constraints Abstract
Max Tarlov
Ancient Cookware from the Levant 3. Modern Data Sources: Government Reports, Early Visitors and Ehtnoarchaeology Abstract
Gloria London
Morphosyntactic Alternations in English 3. Constraints on syntactic alternation: Lexical-constructional subsumption in the Lexical-Constructional Model Abstract
Francisco Ruiz de Mendoza, Ricardo Mairal Usón
Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class 3. Creating Identities in an Intertextual World Abstract
Charles Bazerman
Historical Archaeologies of Cognition 3. Discipline, Church and Landscape: The Material Culture of Social Hierarchy in Northern Finland from the Seventeenth to the Eighteenth Centuries Abstract
Timo Ylimaunu
Optimality Theory, Phonological Acquisition and Disorders 3 Fundamentals of experimental design and treatment Abstract
Judith A. Gierut
Falco and Beyond 3 Ganz allein und so romantisch: beyond classes and masses Abstract
Ewa Mazierska
The Qurʾān 3 House of ‘Imrān ۞ Āl-‘Imrān Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
Face, Communication and Social Interaction 3. How to get rid of a telemarketing agent? Facework strategies in an intercultural service call Abstract
Rosina Márquez-Reiter
Everyday Humanism 1. On the Meaning of Life Abstract
Jennifer Michael Hecht
Intonation in the Grammar of English 3 Interpretation of sound Abstract
M.A.K. Halliday, William S. Greaves
Continuing Discourse on Language 3. Introduction: a working model of language Abstract
Ruqaiya Hasan
Language, Cognition and Space 3 Language and inner space Abstract
Benjamin K. Bergen, Carl Polley, Kathryn Wheeler
Jazz Visions 3. Living in New York – Working with Lennie in the Early Days Abstract
Peter Ind
Buddhist Temples of Kyōto and Kamakura 3 Nanzenji Abstract
Beatrice Lane Suzuki
The Language Impact 3. Religion, Philosophy and Language Impact Theories Abstract
Alwin Frank Fill
How Buddhism Acquired a Soul on the Way to China 3. Self in Early Buddhist Soteriology Abstract
Jungnok Park
Chinese Discourse and Interaction 3. Self-repair in Mandarin and Cantonese: Delaying the next item due in casual conversation and news interviews Abstract
Wei Zhang, Angela Chan
Gender Matters 3. Sexism and poetry Abstract
Sara Mills
Myth and Politics in Ancient Near Eastern Historiography 3. Shunashura, or: on reciprocity Abstract
Mario Liverani
Dub in Babylon 3. Sound-System Culture and Jamaican Dub in the UK Abstract
Christopher Partridge
Iconic Books and Texts 3. Talking about “Iconic Books” in the Terminology of Book History Abstract
Deirdre C. Stam
Poetry and Culture in Middle Kingdom Egypt 3. Text and Intertext Abstract
R.B. Parkinson
Individual Differences and Processing Instruction 3. The Effects of Language Background on the Results of Processing Instruction on the Spanish Subjunctive/ Indicative Contrast after the Adverb cuando Abstract
James F. Lee, Erin M. McNulty
Prosody Matters 3. The formal definition of the ONSET constraint and implications for Korean syllable structure Abstract
Jennifer Smith
Lay Buddhism and Spirituality 3 The Heart Sūtra (Prajñā-pāramitā-hṛdaya-sūtra) Abstract
Shaku Hannya
Language and Education: Learning and Teaching in Society 3 The implications of semantic distance for language in education [1985] Abstract
Ruqaiya Hasan
Developing Systemic Functional Linguistics 3. The meaning of function: Syntax in Systemic Functional Linguistics Abstract
Zhang Delu
The Development of Scientific Writing 3. The Royal Society and Newton Abstract
David Banks
The Applied Linguistic Individual 3 The struggle to belong: individual language learners in Situated Learning Theory Abstract
Martin Lamb
Buddhism and Ireland 3. The Two Empires: Ireland in Asia, Asia in Ireland Abstract
Laurence Cox
Choice in Language 3 The use of appraisal resources in the construction of second language teacher-researcher identity Abstract
Norma Barletta, Jorge Mizuno, Gillian Moss
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 3. The Value(s) of Belief: Ancient Religion, Cognitive Science and Interdisciplinarity Abstract
Jason Davies
Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science 3 What is Science? Developing the Scientific Eye Abstract
Nancy with Erin Colfax Gorrell
Explorations in Functional Syntax 3 Word Unit Abstract
G. David Morley
East by Mid-East 3. Xinjiang as Portrayed in Qing’s Historical Gazetteers Housed at the Library of Congress Abstract
Anchi Hoh
The Qurʾān 30 The Romans ۞ Al-Rūm Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
Learning to Write/Reading to Learn 3.1 Embedded literacy: the Write it Right project
3.2 Genre and field
3.3 Understanding things: classification and composition
3.4 Understanding processes: activity sequencing
3.5 Expressing opinions: knowledge and values
3.6 Buil
David Rose, J. R. Martin
Communication and Professional Relationships in Healthcare Practice 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Interactive frames and knowledge schemas 3.3 Frames and footings illustrated 3.4 Trust 3.5 Summary Abstract
Sally Candlin, Peter Roger
The Qurʾān 31 Luqmān ۞ Luqmān Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 32 The Prostration ۞ Al-Sajda Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 33 The Factions ۞ Al-Aḥzāb Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 34 Sheba ۞ Sabā’ Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 35 Creator ۞ Fāṭir Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 36 Yā’ Sīn ۞ Yā’ Sīn Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 37 The Ones Who Line Up ۞ Al-Ṣāffāt Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 38 Ṣād ۞ Ṣād Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 39 The Companies ۞ Al-Zumar Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
Optimality Theory, Phonological Acquisition and Disorders 4 A typology of opacity effects in acquisition Abstract
Daniel A. Dinnsen
The Development of Scientific Writing 4. A way forward Abstract
David Banks
Individual Differences and Processing Instruction 4. Age and the Effects of Processing Instruction on the Acquisition of English Passive Constructions among School Children and Adult Native Speakers of Turkish Abstract
Alessandro G. Benati
Morphosyntactic Alternations in English 4. Alternation and Participant Role: A contribution from a Systemic Functional Grammar Abstract
Amy Neale
Face, Communication and Social Interaction 4. Analysing Japanese ‘face-in-interaction’: insights from intercultural business meetings Abstract
Michael Haugh, Yasuhisa Watanabe
Ancient Cookware from the Levant 4. Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology Abstract
Gloria London
Applied Linguistics 4. Communication and discourse: Towards an integrated view Abstract
Lars Sigfred Evensen
How Buddhism Acquired a Soul on the Way to China 4. Development of a Buddhist Self Abstract
Jungnok Park
Buddhism and Ireland 4. Esotericism Against Empire: Irish Theosophy Abstract
Laurence Cox
Falco and Beyond 4 Falco’s many languages: local, national and transnational Abstract
Ewa Mazierska
Language and Education: Learning and Teaching in Society 4 Forms of discourse, forms of knowledge: reading Bernstein (with David Butt) Abstract
Ruqaiya Hasan
Buddhist Temples of Kyōto and Kamakura 4 Ginkakuji Abstract
Beatrice Lane Suzuki
Everyday Humanism 7. Personal Reflection on Humanist Memorial Services Abstract
Susan Rose
The Applied Linguistic Individual 4 Individuality, imagination and community in a globalizing world: an Asian EFL perspective Abstract
Tomoko Yashima
Language, Cognition and Space 4 Inside in and on: typological and psycholinguistic perspectives Abstract
Michele Feist
Continuing Discourse on Language 4. Language and society in a systemic functional perspect Abstract
Ruqaiya Hasan
The Language Impact 4. Language as energeia: Wilhelm von Humboldt Abstract
Alwin Frank Fill
Myth and Politics in Ancient Near Eastern Historiography 4. Leaving by chariot for the desert Abstract
Mario Liverani
The 'Backwards' Research Guide for Writers 4. Living and Loving the Questions Abstract
Sonya Huber
Lay Buddhism and Spirituality 4 Nāgārjuna’s Mahāyāna-viṃśaka Abstract
Yamaguchi Susumu
Jazz Visions 4. Other Inuences on Jazz Musicians and Artists During the Fifties Abstract
Peter Ind
Gender Matters 4. Post-feminist text analysis Abstract
Sara Mills
Dub in Babylon 4. Punks, Poetry, and Anti-racism Abstract
Christopher Partridge
Developing Systemic Functional Linguistics 4. Systemic linguistic interpretation of constructivism Abstract
Yan Shiqing
East by Mid-East 4. The Cosmopolitan Canopy of East Maritime SE Asia: Minority citizenship in the Phil-Indo Archipelago Abstract
Bruce B. Lawrence
Prosody Matters 4. The end of the word in Makassar languages Abstract
Hasan Basri, Ellen Broselow, Daniel Finer
From Language to Multimodality 4 The grammar of emotion in English and Spanish: a systemicfunctional approach Abstract
Julia Lavid
Iconic Books and Texts 4. The Iconic Book: The Image of the Bible in Early Christian Rituals Abstract
Dorina Miller Parmenter
Intonation in the Grammar of English 4 The linguistic environment of intonation Abstract
M.A.K. Halliday, William S. Greaves
Poetry and Culture in Middle Kingdom Egypt 4. The Social Context Abstract
R.B. Parkinson
Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science 4 What is Science Poetry? A Tsunami of Possibility Abstract
Nancy with Erin Colfax Gorrell
The Qurʾān 4 Women ۞ Al-Nisā’ Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
Explorations in Functional Syntax 4 Word Group Abstract
G. David Morley
Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class 4. Writing Creativity and Discovery: Process and Pedagogy Abstract
Martha Pennington
Historical Archaeologies of Cognition 4. ‘Believe, Hon’: Markets, Faith and Archaeology in Twenty-First Century Baltimore Abstract
David Gadsby
Chinese Discourse and Interaction 4. “Do I really have to?” The give-and-take of deontic meaning in Chinese Abstract
Agnes He
The Qurʾān 40 Forgiver ۞ Ghāfir Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
Learning to Write/Reading to Learn 4.1 From learning to write to Reading to Learn
4.2 A functional perspective on reading
4.3 Engaging readers: stories
4.4 Informing readers: factual texts
4.5 Evaluating issues and texts: arguments and text responses
4.6 Intensive st
David Rose, J. R. Martin
Communication and Professional Relationships in Healthcare Practice 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Empathy: What is it and how is it conveyed? 4.3 Empathy in context 4.4 Face and facework 4.5 Summary Abstract
Sally Candlin, Peter Roger
The Qurʾān 41 Made Distinct ۞ Fuṣṣilat Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 42 Consultation ۞ Al-Shūrā Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 43 Decoration ۞ Al-Zukhruf Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 44 The Smoke ۞ Al-Dukhān Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 45 The Kneeling ۞ Al-Jāthiya Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 46 The Sand Dunes ۞ Al-Aḥqāf Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 47 Muḥammad ۞ Muḥammad Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 48 The Victory ۞ Al-Fatḥ Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 49 The Private Rooms ۞ Al-Ḥujurāt Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
Optimality Theory, Phonological Acquisition and Disorders 5 An unusual error pattern reconsidered Abstract
Daniel A. Dinnsen, Ashley W. Farris-Trimble
Applied Linguistics 5. Approaches to learning Abstract
Lars Sigfred Evensen
The Applied Linguistic Individual 5 Chaos and the complexity of second language acquisition Abstract
Vera Menezes
Everyday Humanism 3. The Humanist Case for Cooperation Abstract
Chris Stedman
From Language to Multimodality 5 Construing attitude and experience in discourse – the interaction of the TRANSITIVITY and APPRAISAL systems Abstract
Claire Scott
East by Mid-East 5. Cosmopolitan Muslim Intellectuals and the Mediation of Cultural Islam in Indonesia Abstract
Carool Kersten
Chinese Discourse and Interaction 5. English ‘then’ in colloquial Singapore Mandarin Abstract
Cher Lee
Falco and Beyond 5 Falco’s many clothes and friends Abstract
Ewa Mazierska
Prosody Matters 5. Final devoicing: Production and perception studies Abstract
Scott Myers
Jazz Me Blues Harlem Bound Abstract
Chris Barber
Buddhist Temples of Kyōto and Kamakura 5 Higashiyama Temples Today Abstract
Patricia Yamada
Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science 5 How to Teach Science Poetry Writing: Teacher as “Chemical Artist” Abstract
Nancy with Erin Colfax Gorrell
Iconic Books and Texts 5. Images to be Read and Words to be Seen: The Iconic Role of the Early Medieval Book Abstract
Michelle P. Brown
Intonation in the Grammar of English 5 Intonation in meaning Abstract
M.A.K. Halliday, William S. Greaves
The Language Impact 5. Language, Thought, Reality Abstract
Alwin Frank Fill
The 'Backwards' Research Guide for Writers 5. Learning to See Abstract
Sonya Huber
Jazz Visions 5. Lennie and the Changes in Jazz from the Fifties Abstract
Peter Ind
Language and Education: Learning and Teaching in Society 5 Literacy, everyday talk and society [1996] Abstract
Ruqaiya Hasan
Poetry and Culture in Middle Kingdom Egypt 5. Literature in Culture Abstract
R.B. Parkinson
Ancient Cookware from the Levant 5. Clay Deposits, Traditional Mining and Clay Preparation in Cyprus Abstract
Gloria London
Continuing Discourse on Language 5. Method and imagination in Halliday’s science of linguistics Abstract
David Butt
How Buddhism Acquired a Soul on the Way to China 5. Nirvāṇa and a Permanent Self Abstract
Jungnok Park
Lay Buddhism and Spirituality 5 Outline of the Avataṃsaka Sūtra (Kegonkyō) Abstract
Beatrice Lane Suzuki
Language, Cognition and Space 5 Parsing space around objects Abstract
Laura Carlson
Explorations in Functional Syntax 5 Phrase Unit Abstract
G. David Morley
Dub in Babylon 5. Psychotic Jonkanoo: Theorizing Post-punk Dub Abstract
Christopher Partridge
Myth and Politics in Ancient Near Eastern Historiography 5. Rib-Adda, righteous sufferer Abstract
Mario Liverani
Individual Differences and Processing Instruction 5. The Age Factor on the Primary, Secondary and Cumulative Transfer-of-Training Effects of Processing Instruction on the Acquisition of French as a Second Language Abstract
Cecile Laval
Morphosyntactic Alternations in English 5. The causative/inchoative alternation in Functional Discourse Grammar Abstract
Daniel García Velasco
Buddhism and Ireland 5. The First Irish Buddhists: Jumping Ship and ‘Going Native’ Abstract
Laurence Cox
Developing Systemic Functional Linguistics 5. The system network for generating expressions of Chinese aspect Abstract
Yang Guowen
The Qurʾān 5 The Table ۞ Al-Mā’ida Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
Historical Archaeologies of Cognition 5. Trans-Atlantic Perspectives on Eighteenth-Century Clothing Abstract
Carolyn White
Gender Matters 5. Transitivity analysis Abstract
Sara Mills
Face, Communication and Social Interaction 5. “ That’s a myth”: Linguistic avoidance as a political face-saving strategy in broadcast interviews Abstract
Erick Anchimbe
The Qurʾān 50 Qāf ۞ Qāf Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
Learning to Write/Reading to Learn 5.1 A pedagogic metalanguage
5.2 Grammar: words and structures
5.3 Discourse: meaning beyond the clause
David Rose, J. R. Martin
Communication and Professional Relationships in Healthcare Practice 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Submissive, assertive and aggressive  communication behaviours 5.3 Politeness: solidarity vs deference 5.4 Assertion and aggression through a linguistic lens 5.5 Persuasion 5.6 Convincing or coercive (persuasive or pushy)? 5.7 Summary Abstract
Sally Candlin, Peter Roger
The Qurʾān 51 The Scatterers ۞ Al-Dhāriyāt Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 52 The Mountain ۞ Al-Ṭūr Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 53 The Star ۞ Al-Najm Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 54 The Moon ۞ Al-Qamar Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 55 The Merciful ۞ Al-Raḥmān Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 56 The Falling ۞ Al-Wāqi‘a Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 57 Iron ۞ Al-Ḥadīd Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 58 The Disputer ۞ Al-Mujādila Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 59 The Gathering ۞ Al-Ḥashr Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
Intonation in the Grammar of English 6 A detailed demonstration: how sound makes meaning in the microtext ‘Prince Lazarus’ Abstract
M.A.K. Halliday, William S. Greaves
Language, Cognition and Space 6 A neuroscientific perspective on the linguistic encoding of categorical spatial relations Abstract
David Kemmerer
Ancient Cookware from the Levant 6. Manufacturing Technique for Cypriot Red Clays Abstract
Gloria London
Applied Linguistics 6. Approaches to research methodology Abstract
Lars Sigfred Evensen
Chinese Discourse and Interaction 6. Approaching Chinese power in situated discourse: From experience to modelling Abstract
Yueguo Gu
Historical Archaeologies of Cognition 6. Articles of Faith and Decency: The Huguenot Refugees Abstract
Greig Parkes
Myth and Politics in Ancient Near Eastern Historiography 6. Aziru, servant of two masters Abstract
Mario Liverani
From Language to Multimodality 6 Bridging the metafunctions: tracking participants through taxonomies Abstract
Nick Moore
How Buddhism Acquired a Soul on the Way to China 6. Chinese Ideas about Self before the Arrival of Buddhism Abstract
Jungnok Park
Buddhist Temples of Kyōto and Kamakura 6 Chion-in Abstract
Beatrice Lane Suzuki
Falco and Beyond 6 Der weiße Schwarze: the uses and meanings of Falco’s rap Abstract
Ewa Mazierska
The Applied Linguistic Individual 6 Drifting in and out of view: autonomy and the social individual Abstract
Phil Benson
Explorations in Functional Syntax 6 Elements of Clause Structure Abstract
G. David Morley
East by Mid-East 6. Emerging Islamic-Confucian Axis in the Virtual Ummah: Connectivity and Constraint in the Contemporary China Abstract
Ho Wai-Yip
The Development of Scientific Writing 6. First person pronoun subjects Abstract
David Banks
Language and Education: Learning and Teaching in Society 6. Globalization, literacy and ideology [2003] Abstract
Ruqaiya Hasan
Optimality Theory, Phonological Acquisition and Disorders 6 Innovations in the treatment of chain shifts Abstract
Michele L. Morrisette, Judith A. Gierut
Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science 6 It’s a Gem! Rocks and Minerals Abstract
Nancy with Erin Colfax Gorrell
Jazz Visions 6. Lennie’s Inuence and What Happened to His Associates from Those Fifties Days Abstract
Peter Ind
Developing Systemic Functional Linguistics 6. Linguistic sign and the science of linguistics: The foundations of appliability Abstract
Ruqaiya Hasan
Poetry and Culture in Middle Kingdom Egypt 6. Literary form Abstract
R.B. Parkinson
The Qurʾān 6 Livestock ۞ Al-An‘ām Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
Iconic Books and Texts 6. Looking at Words: The Iconicity of the Page Abstract
S. Brent Plate
Individual Differences and Processing Instruction 6. Processing Instruction and the Age Factor: Can Adults and School-age Native Speakers of German Process English Simple Past Tense Correctly? Abstract
Tanja Angelovska, Alessandro Benati
The 'Backwards' Research Guide for Writers 6. Responding to Reality Abstract
Sonya Huber
Morphosyntactic Alternations in English 6. Spontaneous and facilitative events revisited Abstract
Juana Marín-Arrese
Everyday Humanism 6. Humanism and the Expression of Love Abstract
Anne Klaeysen
Buddhism and Ireland 6. The Founders: Social Movements, Counter-Culture and the Crumbling of Catholic Hegemony Abstract
Laurence Cox
Lay Buddhism and Spirituality 6 The Hymn on the Life and Vows of Samantabhadra Abstract
Izumi Hōkei
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 6. Impiety and Versions of Rationalization of Religion in Classical Greece Abstract
Emese Mogyoródi
Prosody Matters 6. The role of prosody in Russian voicing Abstract
Jaye Padgett
The Language Impact 6. The ‘Linguistic Seduction’ of Thought (Bacon, Locke, Berkeley, Hume; Mauthner, Kainz): The Harmful Impact of Language Abstract
Alwin Frank Fill
Gender Matters 6. Third Wave feminist text analysis Abstract
Sara Mills
Face, Communication and Social Interaction 6. Two sides of the same coin: how the notion of ‘face’ is encoded in Persian communication Abstract
Sofia Koutlaki
The Qurʾān 60 The Examined Woman ۞ Al-Mumtaḥana Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
Learning to Write/Reading to Learn 6.1 The curriculum genre: a theory of teaching and learning Abstract
David Rose, J. R. Martin
The Qurʾān 61 The Lines ۞ Al-Ṣaff Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
Communication and Professional Relationships in Healthcare Practice 6.1 Introduction: impression management 6.2 Impression management 6.3 Professional discourse and interdiscursivity 6.4 Summary  Abstract
Sally Candlin, Peter Roger
The Qurʾān 62 The Assembly ۞ Al-Jumu‘a Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 63 The Hypocrites ۞ Al-Munāfiqūn Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 64 Mutual Defrauding ۞ Al-Taghābun Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 65 Divorce ۞ Al-Ṭalāq Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 66 The Forbidding ۞ Al-Taḥrīm Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 67 The Kingdom ۞ Al-Mulk Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 68 The Pen ۞ Al-Qalam Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 69 The Payment Due ۞ Al-Ḥāqqa Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
Applied Linguistics 7. A methodological illustration Abstract
Lars Sigfred Evensen
Jazz Visions 7. A Reection on Lennie as I Knew Him – the Man and Musician Abstract
Peter Ind
The Applied Linguistic Individual 7 A social-ecological exploration of autonomy, beliefs and identity Abstract
Jane Kehrwald
Ancient Cookware from the Levant 7. Traditional Firing Techniques for Ceramics Abstract
Gloria London
Developing Systemic Functional Linguistics 7. Appliable Discourse Analysis Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
Historical Archaeologies of Cognition 7. Assuming the Aspect of a Civilized Place: Methodists in Paradise Abstract
Jonathan Prangnell, Kate Quirk
Iconic Books and Texts 7. Between the Textual and the Visual: Borderlines of Late Antique Book Iconicity Abstract
Zeev Elitzur
Explorations in Functional Syntax 7 Clause Unit Abstract
G. David Morley
Buddhism and Ireland 7. Cultivating Buddhism in Ireland: Choices for the Future Abstract
Laurence Cox
Optimality Theory, Phonological Acquisition and Disorders 7 Developmental shifts in children’s correspondence judgments Abstract
Judith A. Gierut, Daniel A. Dinnsen
Individual Differences and Processing Instruction 7. Exploring Possible Effects of Gender and Enhanced vs. Unenhanced Processing Instruction on the Acquisition of Case Marking in L2 German Abstract
Zoe Agiasophiti
Face, Communication and Social Interaction 7. Face, identity and interactional goals Abstract
Helen Spencer-Oatey
Gender Matters 7. Feminism and naming Abstract
Sara Mills
Lay Buddhism and Spirituality 7 Fudō the Immovable Abstract
Beatrice Lane Suzuki
The Language Impact 7. General Semantics (Korzybski, Hayakawa, Stuart Chase) Abstract
Alwin Frank Fill
Language, Cognition and Space 7 Genesis of spatial terms Abstract
Claude Vandeloise
Buddhist Temples of Kyōto and Kamakura 7 Higashi Honganji Abstract
Beatrice Lane Suzuki
Choice in Language 7 Investigating thematic choices in two newspaper genres: A methodological proposal Abstract
Julia Lavid, Jorge Arús, Lara Moratón
Language and Education: Learning and Teaching in Society 7 Literacy pedagogy and social change: directions from Bernstein’s sociology [2007] Abstract
Ruqaiya Hasan
Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class 7. Local Voices, Global Imagination: Using Ethnography as a Creative Approach to Student Research and Academic Writing Abstract
Pauline Burton
Everyday Humanism 10. On the Limits of Charity Abstract
Anthony B. Pinn
The Development of Scientific Writing 7. Nominalisation Abstract
David Banks
How Buddhism Acquired a Soul on the Way to China 7. Non-self but an Imperishable Soul in Chinese Buddhist Translations Abstract
Jungnok Park
Prosody Matters 7. Phonetic evidence for prosodic word prominence in American English Abstract
Mariko Sugahara
From Language to Multimodality 7 Tactic augmentation and circumstantial augmentation in the creation of field meanings Abstract
Sridevi Sriniwass
Poetry and Culture in Middle Kingdom Egypt 7. The Cultural Themes of Literature Abstract
R.B. Parkinson
The Qurʾān 7 The Heights ۞ Al-A‘rāf Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
East by Mid-East 7. The Middle East and the Philippines: Transnational Linkages, Labor Migration and the Remaking of Philippine Islam Abstract
Vivienne Angeles
Intonation in the Grammar of English 7 The secondary tones Abstract
M.A.K. Halliday, William S. Greaves
Morphosyntactic Alternations in English 7. The semantics of English middles and pseudo-middles Abstract
Casilda García de la Maza
Myth and Politics in Ancient Near Eastern Historiography 7. The story of Joash Abstract
Mario Liverani
The 'Backwards' Research Guide for Writers 7. Uncharted Obsessions Abstract
Sonya Huber
Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science 7 What’s Buggin’ you? Insects and Other Living Things Abstract
Nancy with Erin Colfax Gorrell
Chinese Discourse and Interaction 7. ‘Face’ in Taiwanese business interactions: From emic concepts to emic practices Abstract
Wei-Lin Chang, Michael Haugh
Falco and Beyond 7 “And then I waste it…”: scandalizing in the age of neoliberalism Abstract
Ewa Mazierska
The Qurʾān 70 The Stairways ۞ Al-Ma‘ārij Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
Communication and Professional Relationships in Healthcare Practice 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Discourse within the crucial site of health assessment 7.3 ‘Interviewing’ and ‘just talking’ 7.4 The use of metaphor 7.5 Summary  Abstract
Sally Candlin, Peter Roger
The Qurʾān 71 Noah ۞ Nūḥ Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 72 The Jinn ۞ Al-Jinn Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 73 The Enwrapped One ۞ Al-Muzzammil Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 74 The Cloaked One ۞ Al-Muddaththir Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 75 The Resurrection ۞ Al-Qiyāma Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 76 The Human ۞ Al-Insān Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 77 The Ones Sent Forth ۞ Al-Mursalāt Abstract
A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 78 The News ۞ Al-Naba’ Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 79 The Snatchers ۞ Al-Nāzi‘āt Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
Applied Linguistics 8. A relational way ahead? Abstract
Lars Sigfred Evensen
How Buddhism Acquired a Soul on the Way to China 8. A Survey of Interpolations and Adaptations of an Agent in Saṃsāra Abstract
Jungnok Park
Morphosyntactic Alternations in English 8. An antipassive interpretation of the English “conative alternation”: Semantic and discourse-pragmatic dimensions Abstract
Pilar Guerrero Medina
The 'Backwards' Research Guide for Writers 8. Beginner’s Mind Abstract
Sonya Huber
Lay Buddhism and Spirituality 8 Ceremonies for Disciples on Mount Kōya Abstract
Beatrice Lane Suzuki
Face, Communication and Social Interaction 8. Evoking face in self and other presentation in Turkish Abstract
Ṣükriye Ruhi
Language, Cognition and Space 8 Forceful prepositions Abstract
Joost Zwarts
East by Mid-East 8. Globalization, Modernity and Migration: The Changing Visage of Social Imagination Abstract
Darlene de Leon Spena
Everyday Humanism 5. A Guide to Resources for Educating the Next Generation Abstract
Bob Bhaerman
From Language to Multimodality 8 Instantial and conventional representations in scientific knowledge construction Abstract
Ann Montemayor-Borsinger
Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science 8 Into the Field: It’s Only Natural Abstract
Nancy with Erin Colfax Gorrell
Iconic Books and Texts 8. It Is What It Is (Or Is It?): Further Reflections on the Buddhist Representation of Manuscripts Abstract
Jacob Kinnard
Developing Systemic Functional Linguistics 8. Labelling discourse acts: Interpersonal projection across registers Abstract
Geoff Thompson
The Language Impact 8. Linguistic Constructivism Abstract
Alwin Frank Fill
Myth and Politics in Ancient Near Eastern Historiography 8. Messages, women, and hospitality: Inter-tribal communication in Judges 19–21 Abstract
Mario Liverani
Historical Archaeologies of Cognition 8. Reflections on Resistance: Agency, Identity and Being Indigenous in Colonial British Columbia Abstract
Jeff Oliver
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 8. Ancient Mesopotamian Scholars, Ritual Speech and Theorizing Religion without "Theory" or "Religion" Abstract
Alan Lenzi
Explorations in Functional Syntax 8 Sentence Unit Abstract
G. David Morley
Gender Matters 8. Sexism and racism in music Abstract
Sara Mills
Language and Education: Learning and Teaching in Society 8 Socialization and cross-cultural education [1976] Abstract
Ruqaiya Hasan
Poetry and Culture in Middle Kingdom Egypt 8. Tales Abstract
R.B. Parkinson
The Applied Linguistic Individual 8 Teenagers making sense of their foreign language practices: individual accounts indexing social discourses Abstract
Anne Pitkänen-Huhta, Tarja Nikula
Buddhist Temples of Kyōto and Kamakura 8 Temple Celebrations at Chion-in and Higashi Honganji Abstract
Beatrice Lane Suzuki
Falco and Beyond 8 The 1970s: leaving the Hallucination Company behind Abstract
Ewa Mazierska
Individual Differences and Processing Instruction 8. The Effects of Processing Instruction and Traditional Instruction on Two Different School-age Learners: The Case of English Present Simple Tense Third Person Singular Abstract
Marina Mavrantoni, Alessandro G. Benati
The Qurʾān 8 The Spoils ۞ Al-Anfāl Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Development of Scientific Writing 8. Thematic structure Abstract
David Banks
Ancient Cookware from the Levant 8. How to Treat Clay Pots Prior to Use with Food Abstract
Gloria London
Prosody Matters 8. Variable cues to phrasing: finding edges in Egyptian Arabic Abstract
Sam Hellmuth
Chinese Discourse and Interaction 8. What are Chinese respondents responding to? A close examination of question-answer sequences in survey interviews Abstract
Yuling Pan
Jazz Visions 8. What Do We Mean by Jazz? Abstract
Peter Ind
Continuing Discourse on Language 8. What people do to know: the construction of knowledge as a social-semiotic activity Abstract
Astika Kappagoda
The Qurʾān 80 He Frowned ۞ ‘Abasa Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 81 The Shrouding ۞ Al-Takwīr Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
Communication and Professional Relationships in Healthcare Practice 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Issues arising in the delivery of news 8.3 Some discourse strategies used when delivering news 8.4 Strategies used in the delivering of bad news 8.5 Discourse strategies used in the structuring of news delivery 8.6 Summary Abstract
Sally Candlin, Peter Roger
The Qurʾān 82 The Rending ۞ Al-Infiṭār Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 83 The Defrauders ۞ Al-Muṭaffifīn Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 84 The Splitting ۞ Al-Inshiqāq Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 85 The Constellations ۞ Al-Burūj Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 86 The Night Visitor ۞ Al-Ṭāriq Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 87 The Most High ۞ Al-A‘lā Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 88 The Covering ۞ Al-Ghāshiya Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 89 The Dawn ۞ Al-Fajr Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
Morphosyntactic Alternations in English 9. A frame-semantic approach to syntactic alternations: The case of build verbs Abstract
Hans Boas
Jazz Visions 9. Appreciating Jazz Improvisation Abstract
Peter Ind
The Language Impact 9. Cognitive Linguistics: the Impact of Metaphor and Frame Abstract
Alwin Frank Fill
Chinese Discourse and Interaction 9. Discourse analysis of Chinese speakers’ indirect and contraryto- face-value responses to survey interview questions Abstract
Anna Chan
Poetry and Culture in Middle Kingdom Egypt 9. Discourses and Dialogues Abstract
R.B. Parkinson
Face, Communication and Social Interaction 9. Face and self in Chinese communication Abstract
Ge Gao
Language, Cognition and Space 9 From the spatial to the non-spatial: the ‘state’ lexical concepts of in, on and at Abstract
Vyvyan Evans
Gender Matters 9. Gender and politeness Abstract
Sara Mills
Ancient Cookware from the Levant 9. Making Breads, Roasting Grains and Cooking Other Food Abstract
Gloria London
Individual Differences and Processing Instruction 9. Individual Differences and Processing Instruction Abstract
James F. Lee
The Applied Linguistic Individual 9 Individuality in L2 identity construction: the stories of two Chinese learners of English Abstract
Mingyue (Michelle) Gu
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 9. Magic and Religion in Ancient Egypt Abstract
Rita Lucarelli
From Language to Multimodality 9 Mapping Ideational meaning in a corpus of student writing Abstract
Sheena Gardner
Developing Systemic Functional Linguistics 9. Modelling ellipsis in EFL classroom discourse Abstract
Yang Xueyan
Prosody Matters 9. Recursive prosodic phrasing in Japanese Abstract
Junko Ito, Armin Mester
The Qurʾān 9 Repentance ۞ Al-Tawba Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
Drawn to Sound 9 Resilient Appliances: Sound, Image and Narrative in The Brave Little Toaster Abstract
Jon Fitzgerald, Philip Hayward
Historical Archaeologies of Cognition 9. Resistance, the Body and the V-sign Campaign in Channel Islander World War II German Internment Camps Abstract
Gillian Carr
East by Mid-East 9. Shifting Paradigms: Solidarity Groups and the Muslim Secessionist Problem in the Philippines Abstract
Sharon Caringal
Language and Education: Learning and Teaching in Society 9 Some sociological considerations in second language teaching [1978) Abstract
Ruqaiya Hasan
Explorations in Functional Syntax 9 Structural Complexities Abstract
G. David Morley
The 'Backwards' Research Guide for Writers 9. Take Note Abstract
Sonya Huber
How Buddhism Acquired a Soul on the Way to China 9. The Characteristics of the Chinese Buddhist Concept of Self Abstract
Jungnok Park
Optimality Theory, Phonological Acquisition and Disorders 9 The prominence paradox Abstract
Daniel A. Dinnsen, Ashley W. Farris-Trimble
Lay Buddhism and Spirituality 9 The Pure Land Doctrine in Shōkū’s “Plain Wood” Nenbutsu Abstract
Sugihira Shizutoshi
The Development of Scientific Writing 9. The semantic nature of themes Abstract
David Banks
Iconic Books and Texts 9. The Tell-Tale Iconic Book Abstract
M. Patrick Graham
Buddhist Temples of Kyōto and Kamakura 9 Tōfukuji Abstract
Beatrice Lane Suzuki
Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science 9 Writing from Awe, Wonder, Reverence, and Empathy Abstract
Nancy with Erin Colfax Gorrell
The Qurʾān 90 The Land ۞ Al-Balad Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
Communication and Professional Relationships in Healthcare Practice 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Developing expertise 9.3 Strategies for developing coherence in the discourse 9.4 Comparing the discourse of the expert practitioner  with that of the novice practitioner 9.5 Summary Appendix 9.1  Abstract
Sally Candlin, Peter Roger
The Qurʾān 91 The Sun ۞ Al-Shams Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 92 The Night ۞ Al-Layl Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 93 The Morning Light ۞ Al-D ụḥā Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 94 The Expanding ۞ Al-Sharḥ Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 95 The Fig ۞ Al-Ṭīn Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 96 The Clot ۞ Al-‘Alaq Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 97 The Decree ۞ Al-Qadr Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 98 The Clear Sign ۞ Al-Bayyina Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
The Qurʾān 99 The Earthquake ۞ Al-Zalzala Abstract
translated by A. J. Droge
Applied Linguistics at the Interface A Cantonese syllabary for English soccer Abstract
Geoff Smith
Analysing Literary Sumerian A catalogue of Sumerian literature (based on Miguel Civil's catalogue of Sumerian Literature) Abstract
Graham Cunningham
David Pinault
Systemic Functional Perspectives of Japanese A computational model of language in context and its application to the understanding of Japanese text Abstract
Noriko Ito, Toru Sugimoto
System and Corpus A corpus-based study of the conjunction kɔ:3 in Thai: an exploration of textual resources Abstract
Pattama Patpong
Finding Myth and History in the Bible A couple of stone disks or simply a pair of disks? About the Hebrew word obnayim (Exodus 1:16; Jeremiah 18:3) Abstract
Fabrizio Pennacchietti
Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics through the Cardiff Grammar A final analysis task Abstract
Robin Fawcett
An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies A focus on spoken interaction Abstract
Anne McCabe
The Lost Women of Rock Music A Ladder Through the Glass Ceiling? Abstract
Helen Reddington
Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics through the Cardiff Grammar A minimal theory of syntax: keeping things simple Abstract
Robin Fawcett
James Brown A Musical Future Abstract
John Scannell
English Tense and Aspect in Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar A new SFL description of tense and aspect Abstract
Carl Bache
Beyond Meditation A Note on The Eastern Buddhist Abstract
Michael Pye
Buddhist Temples of Kyōto and Kamakura A Note on The Eastern Buddhist Abstract
Beatrice Lane Suzuki †
Listening to Shin Buddhism A Note on The Eastern Buddhist Abstract
Michael Pye
Lay Buddhism and Spirituality A Note on The Eastern Buddhist Abstract
Michael Pye
William Rutherford
High Culture and Experience in Ancient Egypt A planned world? The early city, patterns and meanings of settlement Abstract
John Baines
Analysing Literary Sumerian A quantitative analysis of the Sumerian proverb collections Abstract
Jon Taylor
Trad Dads, Dirty Boppers and Free Fusioneers A Race Apart Abstract
Duncan Heining
Everyday Readers A Reader profiles Abstract
Ian Collinson
Listening to Shin Buddhism A Rejoinder to Mrs. Rhys Davids’ Comment (1932) Abstract
Yamabe Shūgaku
Textbook Gods A Reservoir of Symbols: On the Conceptualization of “Religion” in Introductory Books for RE in Teacher Education in Norway Abstract
Bengt-Ove Andreassen
Scouse Pop A Sense of Place Abstract
Paul Skillen
Metonymy in Language, Thought and Brain A short history of the concept of metonymy Abstract
Boguslaw Bierwiaczonek
Buddy Holly A Studio Career: Nashville–Clovis–New York, 1956–1959 Abstract
Dave Laing
Beyond Meditation A Study in the Pure Land Doctrine of Shōkū (1177–1247) Abstract
Sugihira Shizutoshi
Explorations in Stylistics A stylistic analysis of Elizabeth Jennings’ ‘One Flesh’: poem as product and process Abstract
Andrew Goatly
A History of Pottery and Potters in Ancient Jerusalem A Survey of Pottery Production in the Iron Age Abstract
H. J. Franken
Landmarks in CALL Research A Theoretical Foundation for the Development of Pedagogical Tasks in Computer Mediated Communication Abstract
M. Rafael Salaberry
Teaching Linguistics A toolbox for teaching phonetics Abstract
Jen Hay
Finding Myth and History in the Bible A view from the West: The relationship between Phoenicia and “colonial” worlds in the Persian period Abstract
Ida Oggiano
The Phonology of Contrast A.1 Constraint violations in Finnish Abstract
Anna Lubowicz
The Phonology of Contrast A.2 Harmonic bounding in Polish Abstract
Anna Lubowicz
Local Power in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia Abbreviations Details
Andrea Seri
Analysing Literary Sumerian Abbreviations Abstract
Jarle Ebeling, Graham Cunningham
Zarathustra and Zoroastrianism Abbreviations Abstract
Michael Stausberg
The Structure of Modern Irish Abbreviations Abstract
Brian Nolan
What the Buddha Thought Abbreviations Abstract
Richard Gombrich
Brian Wilson Abbreviations Abstract
Kirk Curnutt
Prolegomena to a History of Islamicate Manichaeism Abbreviations and Conventions Abstract
John C. Reeves
Earogenous Zones About the Authors Details
Bruce Johnson
Morphosyntactic Alternations in English About the contributors Abstract
Pilar Guerrero Medina
Myth and Politics in Ancient Near Eastern Historiography Acknowledgements Abstract
Mario Liverani
Intonation in the Grammar of English Acknowledgements Abstract
M.A.K. Halliday, William S. Greaves
Multimodal Transcription and Text Analysis Acknowledgements Abstract
Anthony Baldry, Paul J. Thibault
Bob Dylan Acknowledgements Abstract
Keith Negus
The Velvet Underground Acknowledgements Details
Richard Witts
Chasin' the Bird Acknowledgements Abstract
Brian Priestley
Language and Verbal Art Revisited Acknowledgements Details
Donna R. Miller
An Introduction to English Sentence Structure Acknowledgements Abstract
Jon Jonz
Learning to Write/Reading to Learn Acknowledgements Details
David Rose, J. R. Martin
Language, Identity and Study Abroad Acknowledgements Details
Jane Jackson
The Archaeology of Medieval Spain, 1100-1500 Acknowledgements Abstract
Magdalena Valor, Avelino Gutierrez
Open Up the Doors Acknowledgements Details
Mark Evans
Terror Tracks Acknowledgements and About the Authors Abstract
Philip Hayward
Explorations in Stylistics Acknowledgements Abstract
Andrew Goatly
Individual Differences and Processing Instruction Acknowledgements Abstract
James F. Lee, Alessandro G. Benati
An Introduction to Irish English Acknowledgements Abstract
Carolina P. Amador-Moreno Amador Moreno
The Phonology of Contrast Acknowledgements Abstract
Anna Lubowicz
Gender Matters Acknowledgements Abstract
Sara Mills
Reflective Writing for Language Teachers Acknowledgements Details
Thomas S. C. Farrell
London, 1100-1600 Acknowledgements Details
John Schofield
Language, Interaction and Frontotemporal Dementia Acknowledgements Abstract
Andrea W. Mates, Lisa Mikesell, Michael Sean Smith
Whys & Therefores Acknowledgements Details
William Rutherford
Ibn 'Arabi and the Contemporary West Acknowledgements Abstract
Isobel Jeffery-Street
Teaching Linguistics Acknowledgements Abstract
Koenraad Kuiper
James Brown Acknowledgements Abstract
John Scannell
Morphosyntactic Alternations in English Acknowledgements Abstract
Pilar Guerrero Medina
An Unholy Row Acknowledgements Abstract
Dave Gelly
Global Tribe Acknowledgements Abstract
Graham St John
Nina Simone Acknowledgements Abstract
Richard Elliott
Charming Beauties and Frightful Beasts Acknowledgements Abstract
Thomas Dähnhardt
Enculturation Processes in Primary Language Acquisition Acknowledgements Abstract
Anna Dina L. Joaquin
Jazz Me Blues Acknowledgements Abstract
Chris Barber, Alyn Shipton
Falco and Beyond Acknowledgements Abstract
Ewa Mazierska
The Qurʾān Acknowledgments Abstract
A. J. Droge
Language and Education: Learning and Teaching in Society Acknowledgments Details
Jonathan J. Webster
Earth, Empire and Sacred Text Acknowledgments Details
David L. Johnston
Send in the Clones Acknowledgments Details
Georgina Gregory
Earogenous Zones Acknowledgments Details
Bruce Johnson
Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science Acknowledgments Details
Nancy with Erin Colfax Gorrell
The 'Backwards' Research Guide for Writers Acknowledgements Details
Sonya Huber
Exploring College Writing Acknowledgements Abstract
Dan Melzer
Issues in Second Language Teaching Acknowledgments Abstract
Alessandro G. Benati
The Lost Women of Rock Music Acknowledgments Details
Helen Reddington
Developing Systemic Functional Linguistics Acknowledgments Abstract
Fang Yan, Jonathan J. Webster
Culture and Gender of Voice Pitch Acoustic analyses of voice pitch Abstract
Ikuko Patricia Yuasa
Language, Identity and Study Abroad Ada’s journey Abstract
Jane Jackson
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Aesara Abstract
Ian Plant
Enculturation Processes in Primary Language Acquisition Affiliation as motivation for interaction: A neurobiology for the interactional instinct Abstract
Anna Dina L. Joaquin
Buddy Holly After the Day the Music Died: Memorializing Abstract
Dave Laing
Buddy Holly After the Day the Music Died: Presence and Representations Abstract
Dave Laing
System and Corpus Afterwords Abstract
M.A.K. Halliday
Rural Landscapes of the Punic World Agrarian Landscapes and Rural Communities Abstract
Peter van Dommelen
Bob Dylan Album Discography Abstract
Keith Negus
Elvis Costello Album Discography Abstract
Dai Griffiths
Jazz Me Blues All the Cats Join in Abstract
Chris Barber
The Last Miles Amandla Abstract
George Cole
Beyond Meditation Amida as Saviour of the Soul Abstract
Yamabe Shūgaku
Contrastive Discourse Analysis An annotation scheme for dynamic modality in English and Spanish Abstract
Juan Rafael Zamorano-Mansilla, Marta Carretero
Terror Tracks An Audiovisual Foreshadowing in Psycho Abstract
Scott Murphy
Prophecy and Power: Muhammad and the Qur'an in Light of Comparison An Experiment in Comparison: Muhammad and Alinesitoué Abstract
Robert M. Baum, Marilyn Robinson Waldman
The Development of Scientific Writing An interpersonal coda Abstract
David Banks
An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies An introduction to linguistics and language studies Abstract
Anne McCabe
English Tense and Aspect in Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar An introduction to the IFG model of tense Abstract
Carl Bache
Isobel Jeffery-Street
Essays in Speech Processes An investigation of locus equations in cited versus spontaneous speech in Persian Abstract
Golnaz Modarresi Ghavami
Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics through the Cardiff Grammar An overview of the syntax of MOOD Abstract
Robin Fawcett
Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics through the Cardiff Grammar An overview of the syntax of TRANSITIVITY: Participants as Subjects and Complements Abstract
Robin Fawcett
An Unholy Row An Unholy Row Abstract
Dave Gelly
Intonation in the Grammar of English Analysis guide Abstract
M.A.K. Halliday, William S. Greaves
An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies Analyzing written language Abstract
Anne McCabe
Trad Dads, Dirty Boppers and Free Fusioneers Ancients and Moderns Abstract
Duncan Heining
Lionel Richie Angel Abstract
Sharon Davis
Celestial India Annie Besant: Her Pre-Theosophical Career Abstract
Isaac Lubelsky
Contrastive Discourse Analysis Annotating thematic features in English and Spanish: A contrastive corpus-based study Abstract
Jorge Arús, Julia Lavid, Lara Moratón
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Anyte Abstract
Ian Plant
Multimodal Transcription and Text Analysis Appendices Abstract
Anthony Baldry, Paul J. Thibault
Language, Interaction and Frontotemporal Dementia Appendices Abstract
Andrea W. Mates, Lisa Mikesell, Michael Sean Smith
London, 1100-1600 Appendix Abstract
John Schofield
How Buddhism Acquired a Soul on the Way to China Appendix Abstract
Jungnok Park †
The Development of Scientific Writing Appendix 1 Abstract
David Banks
Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics through the Cardiff Grammar Appendix 1 Abstract
Robin Fawcett
Dialogue in Focus Groups Appendix 1 Basic bibliography on tool kits and methodological guidelines Abstract
Ivana Markova, Per Linell, Michèle Grossen, Anne Salazar Orvig
The Development of Scientific Writing Appendix 2 Abstract
David Banks
Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics through the Cardiff Grammar Appendix 2 Abstract
Robin Fawcett
Dialogue in Focus Groups Appendix 2 Focus group data corpuses Abstract
Ivana Markova, Per Linell, Michèle Grossen, Anne Salazar Orvig
Dialogue in Focus Groups Appendix 3 The ‘moral dilemma’ focus groups: excerpts in original language Abstract
Ivana Markova, Per Linell, Michèle Grossen, Anne Salazar Orvig
Language in Psychiatry Appendix A Abstract
Jonathan Fine
The 'Backwards' Research Guide for Writers Appendix A. Experiments in this Book: Short Abstract
Sonya Huber
Tend your Garden Appendix A: Books with Strong, Positive, Global Characters Abstract
Mary Anna Kruch
Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science Appendix A: Recommended “Timely” Course Designs Abstract
Nancy with Erin Colfax Gorrell
Language in Psychiatry Appendix B Abstract
Jonathan Fine
The 'Backwards' Research Guide for Writers Appendix B. Experiments in this Book: Long Abstract
Sonya Huber
Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science Appendix B: Recommended Two-Week Unit Plan Abstract
Nancy with Erin Colfax Gorrell
Tend your Garden Appendix B: Suggested Resources for "War" Theme Abstract
Mary Anna Kruch
The 'Backwards' Research Guide for Writers Appendix C. Experiments in this Book: Take-Home Abstract
Sonya Huber
Tend your Garden Appendix C: ADVERB (gray) Activity Cards for "You Be the Sentence" Lesson Abstract
Mary Anna Kruch
Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science Appendix C: Science Poetry Resources for the Teacher Abstract
Nancy with Erin Colfax Gorrell
11182 - 11681 of 13181 Items << < 18.362 19.362 20.362 21.362 22.362 23.362 24.362 25.362 26.362 > >> 

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