Browse Title Index

Issue Title
The 'Backwards' Research Guide for Writers Appendix D. Recommended Reading Abstract
Sonya Huber
Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science Appendix D: Further Reading for the Teacher Abstract
Nancy with Erin Colfax Gorrell
Tend your Garden Appendix D: SUBJECT (pink) Activity Cards for "You Be the Sentence" Lesson Abstract
Mary Anna Kruch
The 'Backwards' Research Guide for Writers Appendix E. Source Citations Using MLA Style Abstract
Sonya Huber
Tend your Garden Appendix E: VERB (blue) Activity Cards for "You Be the Sentence" Lesson Abstract
Mary Anna Kruch
Tend your Garden Appendix F: ADJECTIVE (green) Activity Cards for "You Be the Sentence" Lesson Abstract
Mary Anna Kruch
Tend your Garden Appendix G: PHRASE (red) Activity Cards for "You Be the Sentence" Lesson Abstract
Mary Anna Kruch
Intonation in the Grammar of English Appendix to Part I Abstract
M.A.K. Halliday, William S. Greaves
Intonation in the Grammar of English Appendix to Part II Abstract
M.A.K. Halliday, William S. Greaves
The Lost Women of Rock Music Appendix: List of Interviewees Abstract
Helen Reddington
Open Up the Doors Appendix: Song Classication and Analysis Abstract
Mark Evans
Applied Linguistics at the Interface Applied linguistics at the interface Abstract
Mike Baynham, Alice Deignan, Goodith White
Enculturation Processes in Primary Language Acquisition Appraisal, behavior and language pragmatics Abstract
Anna Dina L. Joaquin
Debating Orientalization Approaching Ancient Orientalization via Modern Europe Abstract
David Wengrow
Jordan Archaeology in Jordan: A Brief History Abstract
Russell Adams
The Five-Minute Linguist Are dialects dying? Abstract
Walt Wolfram
Indian Religions Arthur Avalon Among the Orientalists: Sir John Woodroffe and the Re-imaging of the Tantras Abstract
Kathleen Taylor
Elements of Music Management What is Music Management? Abstract
Sally Gross, George Musgrave
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Aspasia Abstract
Ian Plant
Chomskyan Linguistics and Its Competitors Aspects of language development and use Abstract
Pius ten Hacken
What the Buddha Thought Assessing the Evidence Abstract
Richard Gombrich
The Imagined Sky Astrology as a Social Framework: The ‘Children of Planets’, 1400–1600 Abstract
Geoffrey Shamos
The Imagined Sky At Night’s End Abstract
Tyler Nordgren
Language in Psychiatry Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Abstract
Jonathan Fine
The Last Miles Aura Abstract
George Cole
An Unholy Row Austerity Stomp Abstract
Dave Gelly
Sounding Funny Austin Powers: Intentional Music Man Abstract
Liz Giuffre, Mark Evans
Chomskyan Linguistics and Its Competitors Author Index Abstract
Pius ten Hacken
Language and Verbal Art Revisited Author Index Abstract
Donna R. Miller
The Development of Scientific Writing Author Index Abstract
David Banks
Conflicts in Interpretation Author Index Abstract
Petra Hendriks, Helen de Hoop, Irene Kramer, Henriette de Swart, Joost Zwarts
Tend your Garden Author Index Abstract
Mary Anna Kruch
The 'Backwards' Research Guide for Writers Author Index Details
Sonya Huber
Prosody Matters Author Index Abstract
Toni Borowsky, Shigeto Kawahara, Takahito Shinya, Mariko Sugahara
Exploring College Writing Author Index Abstract
Dan Melzer
Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class Author Index Abstract
Alice Chik, Tracey Costley, Martha Pennington
The Development of Scientific Writing Author's Note Abstract
David Banks
Language and Education: Learning and Teaching in Society Author's preface Details
Ruqaiya Hasan
Jazz Me Blues Automobile Blues Abstract
Chris Barber
Everyday Readers B Conducting the interviews Abstract
Ian Collinson
What the Buddha Thought Background Information Abstract
Richard Gombrich
Hans G. Kippenberg
Textbook Gods Bad Religions and Good Religions: The Representation of Religion and Religious Traditions in a New Swiss Textbook Abstract
Katharina Frank
Literacy and Social Responsibility Beating educational inequality with an integrated reading pedagogy Abstract
David Rose
Whys & Therefores BEING CREATIVE Abstract
William Rutherford
Notes from the Fortune-Telling Parrot BEING HINDU IN PAKISTAN: LEGACY AND SURVIVAL Abstract
David Pinault
Charming Beauties and Frightful Beasts Beware the Crocodile: Female and Male Nature in Aśvaghoṣa’s Saundarananda Abstract
Alice Collett
Finding Myth and History in the Bible Beyond Garbini’s Anti-Mosaic Pentateuch: Nehushtan as Literary Tie between the Torah and the Historical Books Abstract
Philippe Guillaume
An Introduction to the Grammar of Old English Beyond the clause: cohesion and metaphor Abstract
Michael Cummings
Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics through the Cardiff Grammar Beyond the simple clause: two further dimensions Abstract
Robin Fawcett
Earogenous Zones Beyond the Valley of the Ultra Cliché: Erotic Plenitude in the Films of Russ Meyer Abstract
Mark Evans, Matt Burgess
Myth and Politics in Ancient Near Eastern Historiography Bibliography Abstract
Mario Liverani
Intonation in the Grammar of English Bibliography Abstract
M.A.K. Halliday, William S. Greaves
Bob Dylan Bibliography Abstract
Keith Negus
Prolegomena to a History of Islamicate Manichaeism Bibliography Abstract
John C. Reeves
Local Power in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia Bibliography Abstract
Andrea Seri
Chasin' the Bird Bibliography Abstract
Brian Priestley
Jazz Visions Bibliography Abstract
Peter Ind
The Archaeology of Medieval Spain, 1100-1500 Bibliography Abstract
Magdalena Valor, Avelino Gutiérrez
Open Up the Doors Bibliography Abstract
Mark Evans
Earth, Empire and Sacred Text Bibliography Abstract
David L. Johnston
Send in the Clones Bibliography Abstract
Georgina Gregory
Elvis Costello Bibliography Abstract
Dai Griffiths
Notes from the Fortune-Telling Parrot Bibliography Abstract
David Pinault
The Phonology of Contrast Bibliography Abstract
Anna Lubowicz
Gender Matters Bibliography Abstract
Sara Mills
What the Buddha Thought Bibliography Abstract
Richard Gombrich
Ibn 'Arabi and the Contemporary West Bibliography Abstract
Isobel Jeffery-Street
James Brown Bibliography Abstract
John Scannell
An Unholy Row Bibliography Abstract
Dave Gelly
Celestial India Bibliography Abstract
Isaac Lubelsky
Issues in Second Language Teaching Bibliography Abstract
Alessandro G. Benati
The Lost Women of Rock Music Bibliography Abstract
Helen Reddington
Nina Simone Bibliography Abstract
Richard Elliott
Falco and Beyond Bibliography Abstract
Ewa Mazierska
London, 1100-1600 Bibliography and abbreviations Abstract
John Schofield
Björk Biographical overview Abstract
Nicola Dibben
Prolegomena to a History of Islamicate Manichaeism Biographical Testimonia about Mani Abstract
John C. Reeves
Lee Morgan black culture between the national and the universal Abstract
Tom Perchard
Heavy Metal Black metal soul music: Stone Vengeance and the aesthetics of race in heavy metal Abstract
Kevin Fellezs
Lee Morgan blues truth, sound and identity Abstract
Tom Perchard
Embodiment and Black Religion Bodies and Religion Abstract
CERCL Writing Collective
Chasin' the Bird Body and soul Abstract
Brian Priestley
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Boeo Abstract
Ian Plant
The Last Miles Books and websites Abstract
George Cole
Indian Religions Brahminisation of Dravidian Religions: The Case of the Muttappan Cult of North Malabar Abstract
Theodore Gabriel
Language, Interaction and Frontotemporal Dementia Brain, Language, Society: Where FTD Has Led Us Abstract
John Schumann
Buddhism and Ireland Buddhism in Ireland: An Introduction to the Problem Abstract
Laurence Cox
Hellenisation, Empire and Globalisation Buddhism, Manichaeism, Markets and Empires Abstract
Gustavo Benavides
Chasing Down Religion Buddhist Hymns and Medieval Plainsong: Some Reflections on the Links Between Neuroscience, Music and Religion Abstract
Kevin Trainor, Anne Clark
Buddy Holly Buddy Holly Timeline Abstract
Dave Laing
Ibn 'Arabi and the Contemporary West BULENT RAUF Abstract
Isobel Jeffery-Street
The Development of Scientific Writing By way of a conclusion Abstract
David Banks
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Caecilia Trebulla Abstract
Ian Plant
The Velvet Underground Cale Abstract
Richard Witts
The Five-Minute Linguist Can a threatened language be saved? Abstract
Akira Y. Yamamoto
The Five-Minute Linguist Can computers teach languages faster and better? Abstract
Sue E. K. Otto
The Five-Minute Linguist Can monolingualism be cured? Abstract
Katherine Sprang
The Five-Minute Linguist Can you make a living loving languages? Abstract
Frederick H. Jackson
The Five-Minute Linguist Can you use language to solve crimes? Abstract
Robert Rodman
Trad Dads, Dirty Boppers and Free Fusioneers Can’t Stop the Rock Abstract
Duncan Heining
Textbook Gods Cartographic Representations of Religion(s) in Norwegian Textbooks Abstract
Suzanne Anett Thobro
The Archaeology of Medieval Spain, 1100-1500 Castles and Fortifications Abstract
Avelino Gutiérrez, Magdalena Valor
London, 1100-1600 Castles, palaces and royal houses Abstract
John Schofield
Nina Simone Categories Abstract
Richard Elliott
The Structure of Modern Irish Causation Abstract
Brian Nolan
What the Buddha Thought Causation and Non-random Process Abstract
Richard Gombrich
High Culture and Experience in Ancient Egypt Celebration in the landscape: a hunting party under Amenemhat II Abstract
John Baines
Chasin' the Bird Celebrity Abstract
Brian Priestley
Enculturation Processes in Primary Language Acquisition Challenges to the theory and conclusion Abstract
Anna Dina L. Joaquin
Aspects of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics Changes in the Polish stereotype of ‘a German’ Abstract
Jerzy Bartminski
Methods for the Study of Religious Change Chapter 1 Introduction Abstract
André Droogers, Anton van Harskamp
Earth, Empire and Sacred Text Chapter 1 POSTMODERNITY AND THE DOUBLE WALL Abstract
David L. Johnston
Earth, Empire and Sacred Text Chapter 10 A BIBLICAL TRUSTEESHIP OF HUMANITY Abstract
David L. Johnston
Hybridity in Systemic Functional Linguistics 10. Registerial hybridity: Indeterminacy among fields of activity Abstract
Christian Matthiessen, Kazuhiro Teruya
Earth, Empire and Sacred Text Chapter 11 A COMMON THEOLOGY OF TRUSTEESHIP Abstract
David L. Johnston
Earth, Empire and Sacred Text Chapter 12 CONCLUSION Abstract
David L. Johnston
The Insider/Outsider Debate Chapter 18: Scientology Inside Out: Complex Religious Belonging in the Church of Scientology and the Free Zone Abstract
Stephen Gregg, Aled Thomas
Embodiment and Black Religion 1. "Heaven Knows No Color": Hybrid Bodies in Father Divine's Peace Mission Movement Abstract
CERCL Writing Collective
An Introduction to English Sentence Structure Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Jon Jonz
Earth, Empire and Sacred Text Chapter 2 BEYOND MODERNISM: TIME, SPACE AND THE SELF Abstract
David L. Johnston
The Insider/Outsider Debate Chapter 2: The Emics and Etics of Religion: What we Know, How we Know it, and Why this Matters Abstract
Steven Sutcliffe
Earth, Empire and Sacred Text Chapter 3 BEYOND MODERNISM: FROM THEORY TO ACTIVISM Abstract
David L. Johnston
Empirical Translation Studies 4. Normalization in translating personal collocations: A corpus study of Chinese translations of Ulysses Abstract
Defeng Li, Wang Qing, Yuanjian He
Communication in Surgical Practice Chapter 4 Psychological Effects in Surgical Decision-making: Evidence, Ethics and Outcomes Abstract
Y. Gavriel Ansara
Earth, Empire and Sacred Text Chapter 4 QUR’AN, BIBLE, HERMENEUTICS AND THEOLOGY Abstract
David L. Johnston
Methods for the Study of Religious Change Chapter 5 Fieldwork on Ritual: Understanding through Participation Abstract
Kim Knibbe, Marten van der Meulen, Peter Versteeg
Empirical Translation Studies 5. Modelling proximity in a corpus of literary retranslations: A methodological proposal for clustering texts based on systemic-functional annotation of lexicogrammatical features Abstract
Adriana Pagano, Giacomo Patrocinio Figueredo, Annabelle Lukin
Earth, Empire and Sacred Text Chapter 5 READING HOLY SCRIPTURES Abstract
David L. Johnston
Earth, Empire and Sacred Text Chapter 6 ADAM AS GOD’S KHALĪFA: QUR’ANIC DATA Abstract
David L. Johnston
Methods for the Study of Religious Change Chapter 6 Fieldwork on Experience: Spirituality, Individuality and Authority Abstract
Peter Versteeg, Johan Roeland
Hybridity in Systemic Functional Linguistics 6. Teaching through English: Maximal Input in meaning making Abstract
John Polias, Gail Forey
Empirical Translation Studies 2. The foreign and the domestic in translations: Combining reception and corpus analysis Abstract
Hanu Kemppanen, Jukka Mäkisalo
Earth, Empire and Sacred Text Chapter 7 TAFSĪR OF Q. 2:30: CLASSICAL PERIOD Abstract
David L. Johnston
Earth, Empire and Sacred Text Chapter 8 TAFSĪR OF Q. 2:30: MODERN PERIOD Abstract
David L. Johnston
Empirical Translation Studies 8. Translating introductions and wishes in audio-visual dialogues: Evidence from a corpus Abstract
Silvia Bruti, Veronica Bonsignori
The Insider/Outsider Debate Chapter 20: Both Outside and Inside: "Ex-Members" of New Religions and Spiritualities and the Maintenance of Community and Identity on the Internet Abstract
Carole Cusack
Methods for the Study of Religious Change Chapter 9 Fieldwork on Identity: Contested and Politicized Research Abstract
Martijn de Koning, Edien Bartels, Daniëlle Koning
Earth, Empire and Sacred Text Chapter 9 TAFSIR OF Q. 2:30: POSTMODERN PERIOD Abstract
David L. Johnston
Beyond Meditation Character List for Historical Persons Abstract
Michael Pye
Buddhist Temples of Kyōto and Kamakura Character List for Historical Persons Abstract
Michael Pye
Listening to Shin Buddhism Character List for Historical Persons Abstract
Michael Pye
Lay Buddhism and Spirituality Character List for Historical Persons Abstract
Michael Pye
An Introduction to English Sentence Structure Chart 4.2 Identifying Word Types
List 2.1 Six Process Types
List 3.2 Participant Functions
List 3.3 Circumstance Types
Chart 5.1 The Verb Group
Chart 7.1 The Noun Group
Chart 4.3 The Adjective Group
Chart 4.4 The Adverb Group
Chart 4.5 The Prepositional Phrase (a Preposition Group and Its Complement)
List 4.1 Some Common (and Not-So-Common) Prepositions
List 5.1 The Many Unusual Forms of Be
List 6.1 Wh- Markers for Content Questions
List 8.1 Wh- Markers for Embedded Clauses
List 9.1 Some Common (and Not-So-Common) Clause Markers
Chart 9.1 A Comparison of Wh- Clause Embedding with Nonwh- Clause Subordination
Embedded Wh- ClauseTypes (Summarized from Chapter 8)
Jon Jonz
Conflicts in Interpretation Children’s late mastery of marked interpretations Abstract
Petra Hendriks, Helen de Hoop, Irene Kramer, Henriette de Swart, Joost Zwarts
Applied Linguistics at the Interface Chinese-speaking childrens’ awareness of English phonological units Abstract
Fu-hsing Su, Li-szu Huang
Isobel Jeffery-Street
Jazz Me Blues Chris Barber on CD: A Selective Record List Abstract
Chris Barber
Prolegomena to a History of Islamicate Manichaeism Chronological Arrangement of Authorities Abstract
John C. Reeves
Analysing Literary Sumerian Chronological table Abstract
Jarle Ebeling, Graham Cunningham
Bob Dylan Chronologies Abstract
Keith Negus
Local Power in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia Chronology Abstract
Andrea Seri
Applied Linguistics at the Interface Citation analysis: a multidisciplinary perspective on academic literacy Abstract
Nigel Harwood
Trad Dads, Dirty Boppers and Free Fusioneers Class Will Out! Abstract
Duncan Heining
Systemic Functional Perspectives of Japanese Classifying natural phenomena through language: lexicogrammatical resources for constructing taxonomies in Japanese biology textbooks Abstract
Chie Hayakawa
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Cleobulina Abstract
Ian Plant
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Cleopatra Abstract
Ian Plant
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Cleopatra (Alchemist) Abstract
Ian Plant
Textbook Gods Closed and Open Concepts of Religion: The Problem of Essentialism in Teaching about Religion Abstract
Torsten Hylen
The Neolithisation of Denmark Coastal Farmers - the neolithisation of northernmost Germany Abstract
Sönke Hartz, Dirk Heinrich, Harold Lübke
Everyday Readers ‘Doing things with books’: listening to everyday readers Abstract
Ian Collinson
What the Buddha Thought Cognition; Language; Nirvana Abstract
Richard Gombrich
Origin and Evolution of Languages Colin Renfrew’s hypothesis on the Near-Eastern origin of the original Indo-European people: an evaluation Abstract
Jean-Paul Demoule
Language and Verbal Art Revisited Collocation as the determinant of verbal art Abstract
Bill Louw
The Imagined Sky Comets and Meteors: The Ignored Explanations for Myths and the Apocalypse Abstract
Patrick McCafferty
Trad Dads, Dirty Boppers and Free Fusioneers Coming of Age in Soho Abstract
Duncan Heining
The Language Impact Commented List of Thinkers on Language Impact Abstract
Alwin Frank Fill
Language in Psychiatry Communication Disorders Abstract
Jonathan Fine
Culture and Gender of Voice Pitch Comparative sociophonetic research of voice pitch Abstract
Ikuko Patricia Yuasa
Origin and Evolution of Languages Comparativism: from genealogy to genetics Abstract
Bernard Laks
Landmarks in CALL Research Comparing Face-To-Face and Electronic Discussion in the Second Language Classroom Abstract
Mark Warschauer
Delivering Processing Instruction in Classrooms and in Virtual Contexts Comparing modes of delivering Processing Instruction and meaning-based output instruction on Italian and French subjunctive Abstract
James F. Lee, Alessandro G. Benati
Delivering Processing Instruction in Classrooms and in Virtual Contexts Comparing three modes of delivering Processing Instruction on preterite/imperfect distinction and negative informal commands in Spanish, with Jorge Aguilar-Sánchez and Erin M. McNulty Abstract
James F. Lee, Alessandro G. Benati
Whys & Therefores COMPARISON & CONTRAST Abstract
William Rutherford
The Last Miles Compilations Abstract
George Cole
The Structure of Modern Irish Complex predicates and Irish light verb constructions Abstract
Brian Nolan
Applied Linguistics at the Interface Composing competence: how L1 and L2 writing experience interact Abstract
Hiroe Kobayashi, Carol Rinnert
Whys & Therefores COMPOUND INTEREST Abstract
William Rutherford
Explorations in Stylistics Conceptual metaphor, its paradoxes, modifications and distortions in the poetry of John Donne Abstract
Andrew Goatly
Origin and Evolution of Languages Conceptualization, communication, and the origins of grammar Abstract
Frederick Newmeyer
The Structure of Modern Irish Concluding discussion Abstract
Brian Nolan
Issues in Second Language Teaching Concluding Remarks Abstract
Alessandro G. Benati
Culture and Gender of Voice Pitch Conclusion Abstract
Ikuko Patricia Yuasa
English Tense and Aspect in Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar Conclusion Abstract
Carl Bache
The Phonology of Contrast Conclusion Abstract
Anna Lubowicz
The Lost Women of Rock Music Conclusion Abstract
Helen Reddington
Nina Simone Conclusion Abstract
Richard Elliott
How Buddhism Acquired a Soul on the Way to China Conclusion Abstract
Jungnok Park †
Lee Morgan conclusion: east 3rd street Abstract
Tom Perchard
Nick Cave Conclusion: Gates to the Garden – The Search for Redemption Abstract
Roland Boer
Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science Conclusion: Toward a New Interdisciplinary Literacy Abstract
Nancy with Erin Colfax Gorrell
Trad Dads, Dirty Boppers and Free Fusioneers Conclusion: What is this Thing Called, Love? Abstract
Duncan Heining
Open Up the Doors Conclusion: ‘When the Music Fades’ Abstract
Mark Evans
Conflicts in Interpretation Conclusions Abstract
Petra Hendriks, Helen de Hoop, Irene Kramer, Henriette de Swart, Joost Zwarts
The Archaeology of Medieval Spain, 1100-1500 Conclusions and Hopes for the Future Abstract
Magdalena Valor, Avelino Gutiérrez, John Schofield
Rural Landscapes of the Punic World Conclusions: Rural Landscapes of the Punic World Abstract
Peter van Dommelen
Chasin' the Bird Confirmation Abstract
Brian Priestley
Continuing Discourse on Language Congratulations to M. A. K. Halliday on the occasion of your 80th birthday Abstract
Ruqaiya Hasan, Jonathan Webster, Christian Matthiessen
Language and Verbal Art Revisited Construing the ‘primitive’ primitively: grammatical parallelism as patterning and positioning strategy in D. H. Lawrence Abstract
Donna R. Miller
Language, Identity and Study Abroad Contemporary poststructuralist notions of language, culture, and identity Abstract
Jane Jackson
High Culture and Experience in Ancient Egypt Contexts and representations of high culture Abstract
John Baines
Open Up the Doors Contextualising Contemporary Congregational Music Abstract
Mark Evans
Whys & Therefores CONTRACTIONS, CONTRACTIONS! Abstract
William Rutherford
Contrastive Discourse Analysis Contrastive analyses of evaluation in text: Key issues in the design of an annotation system for attitude applicable to consumer reviews in English and Spanish Abstract
Maite Taboada, Marta Carretero
Björk Contribution Abstract
Nicola Dibben
System and Corpus Contributors Details
Geoff Thompson, Susan Hunston
Analysing Literary Sumerian Contributors Abstract
Jarle Ebeling, Graham Cunningham
Face, Communication and Social Interaction Contributors and Transcription Conventions Abstract
Michael Haugh, Francesca Bargiela-Chiappini
Language, Interaction and Frontotemporal Dementia Contributors Abstract
Andrea W. Mates
Prosody Matters Contributors Abstract
Toni Borowsky, Shigeto Kawahara, Takahito Shinya, Mariko Sugahara
The Applied Linguistic Individual Contributors Details
Phil Benson
Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class Contributors Abstract
Alice Chik, Tracey Costley, Martha Pennington
Beyond Meditation Conventions on Names, Titles and Scripts Abstract
Michael Pye
Buddhist Temples of Kyōto and Kamakura Conventions on Names, Titles and Scripts Abstract
Beatrice Lane Suzuki †
Listening to Shin Buddhism Conventions on Names, Titles and Scripts Abstract
Michael Pye
Lay Buddhism and Spirituality Conventions on Names, Titles and Scripts Abstract
Michael Pye
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Corinna Abstract
Ian Plant
Language, Identity and Study Abroad Cori’s journey Abstract
Jane Jackson
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Cornelia Abstract
Ian Plant
Analysing Literary Sumerian Corpora, corpus linguistics and the Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature Abstract
Jarle Ebeling
Open Up the Doors Corporate Worship Gets Personal Abstract
Mark Evans
Contrastive Discourse Analysis Corpus analysis and phraseology: Transfer of multi-word units Abstract
Juan-Pedro Rica-Peromingo
System and Corpus Corpus analysis: the state of the art and three types of unanswered questions Abstract
Michael Stubbs
Explorations in Stylistics Corpus linguistics, Systemic Functional Grammar and literary meaning: a critical analysis of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone Abstract
Andrew Goatly
Finding Myth and History in the Bible Correspondence Abstract
Jim West
The Imagined Sky Cosmos, Culture and Landscape: Documenting, Learning and Sharing Australian Aboriginal Astronomical Knowledge in Contemporary Society Abstract
John Goldsmith
An Unholy Row Couth, Kempt and Shevelled Abstract
Dave Gelly
Earth, Empire and Sacred Text CPT IN THE HEBRON DISTRICT Abstract
David L. Johnston
The Music of Fantasy Cinema Creating Magic with Music: The Changing Dramatic Relationship between Music and Magic in Harry Potter Films Abstract
Jamie L. Webster
Terror Tracks Creative Soundtrack Expression: Tôru Takemitsu’'s Score for Kwaidan Abstract
Kyoko Koizumi
Applied Linguistics at the Interface Creativity, conformity and complexity in academic writing Abstract
Mary Scott, Joan Turner
Elvis Costello Criticism Abstract
Dai Griffiths
Tend your Garden Cultivating a Writing Community Abstract
Mary Anna Kruch
Enculturation Processes in Primary Language Acquisition Cultural practices for internalization Abstract
Anna Dina L. Joaquin
System and Corpus Culture related linguistic differences in tourist websites: the emotive and the factual. A corpus analysis within the framework of Appraisal Abstract
Martin Kaltenbacher
Lionel Richie Dancing on the ceiling Abstract
Sharon Davis
Charming Beauties and Frightful Beasts Dark Shades of Power. The Crow in Hindu and Tantric Religious Traditions Abstract
Xenia Zeiler
Being Prez DB blues Abstract
Dave Gelly
Nick Cave Death Abstract
Roland Boer
The Velvet Underground Death and Transfiguration Abstract
Richard Witts
Language and Verbal Art Revisited Debating the function of language in poetry: meta-textual musings in the Spanish 50s generation Abstract
María Rodrigo Mora
Lee Morgan decline and ascent Abstract
Tom Perchard
Language and Verbal Art Revisited Deconstructing standard syntax: tendencies in Modern German prose writing Abstract
Anne Betten
The Last Miles Decoy Abstract
George Cole
Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science Dedication Details
Nancy with Erin Colfax Gorrell
Tend your Garden Dedication Details
Mary Anna Kruch
Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class Dedication Abstract
Alice Chik, Tracey Costley, Martha Pennington
Hans G. Kippenberg
Rural Landscapes of the Punic World Defining the Punic World and its Rural Contexts Abstract
Peter van Dommelen
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Demo Abstract
Ian Plant
Earogenous Zones Depraved Desire: Sadomasochism, Sexuality and Sound in mid-1970s Cinema Abstract
Clarice Butkus
Systemic Functional Perspectives of Japanese Description of MOOD in Japanese: examining Mood types in a selected set of texts Abstract
Nagisa Fukui
Buddhist Temples of Kyōto and Kamakura Details of Original Publication Abstract
Michael Pye
Landmarks in CALL Research Developing L2 Oral Proficiency through Synchronous CMC: Output, Working Memory, and Interlanguage Development Abstract
J. Scott Payne, Paul J. Whitney
Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics through the Cardiff Grammar Developing reliable analysis skills: towards an adequate set of Guidelines Abstract
Robin Fawcett
Explorations in Stylistics Developments in stylistics Abstract
Andrew Goatly
Language, Identity and Study Abroad Dialectical, situated L2 learning Abstract
Jane Jackson
Dialogue in Focus Groups Dialogical analyses of focus groups: data and analytical approaches Abstract
Ivana Markova, Per Linell, Michèle Grossen, Anne Salazar Orvig
Dialogue in Focus Groups Dialogism: interaction, social knowledge and dialogue Abstract
Ivana Markova, Per Linell, Michèle Grossen, Anne Salazar Orvig
Dialogue in Focus Groups Dialogue and the circulation of ideas Abstract
Ivana Markova, Per Linell, Michèle Grossen, Anne Salazar Orvig
The Five-Minute Linguist Did German almost become the language of the United States? Abstract
Nancy P. Nenno
Beyond 2.0 Digital Music Abstract
Steve Collins, Sherman Young
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Dionysia Abstract
Ian Plant
The Disappearance of Writing Systems Disappearance of Writing Systems: The Manchu Case Abstract
Giovanni Stary
Chasing Down Religion Disciplinary Clans Abstract
Steven Hrotic
Chasin' the Bird Discography Abstract
Brian Priestley
James Brown Discography Abstract
John Scannell
Falco and Beyond Discography Abstract
Ewa Mazierska
Nina Simone Discography and videography Abstract
Richard Elliott
Contrastive Discourse Analysis Discourse markers and coherence relations: Comparison across markers, languages and modalities Abstract
Maite Taboada, María de los Ángeles Gómez-González
Contrastive Discourse Analysis Discourse markers in French and German: Reasons for an asymmetry Abstract
Séverine Adam, Martine Dalmas
Language, Interaction and Frontotemporal Dementia Dispassionate Heuristic Rationality Fails to Sustain Social Relationships Abstract
Alan Fiske
Finding Myth and History in the Bible Dividing the image of God: the creation of man and woman in Genesis Abstract
Caterina Moro
The Five-Minute Linguist Do all Arabs speak the same language? Abstract
Jerry Lampe
The Five-Minute Linguist Do all languages come from the same source? Abstract
Allan R. Bomhard
The Five-Minute Linguist Do all languages have the same grammar? Abstract
Mark C. Baker
The Five-Minute Linguist Do animals use language? Abstract
Donna Jo Napoli
The Five-Minute Linguist Do Deaf people everywhere use the same sign language? Abstract
Leila Monaghan
The Five-Minute Linguist Do languages have to change? Abstract
John McWhorter
The Five-Minute Linguist Do you have to be a masochist to study Chinese? Abstract
Barry Hilton
The Five-Minute Linguist Does anybody here speak Klingon? Abstract
Christopher Moseley
Origin and Evolution of Languages Does history begin before Sumer? Abstract
Serge Cleuziou
The Five-Minute Linguist Does our language influence the way we think? Abstract
Geoffrey K. Pullum
Lionel Richie Don’t wanna lose you Abstract
Sharon Davis
The Last Miles Doo-Bop Abstract
George Cole
Jazz Me Blues Down Home Rag Abstract
Chris Barber
Heavy Metal Dworkin’s nightmare: Porngrind as the sound of feminist fears Abstract
Lee Barron
Sermon of One Hundred Days Early Buddhist Thought Abstract
Venerable Seongcheol
East by Mid-East 1. East by Mid East: Studies in Cultural, Historical and Strategic Connectivities Abstract
Anchi Hoh, Brannon Wheeler
Myth and Politics in Ancient Near Eastern Historiography Editor's Introduction Abstract
Zainab Bahrani, Marc Van De Mieroop
Language and Education: Learning and Teaching in Society Editor's introduction Details
Jonathan J. Webster
Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science Editor's Preface Details
Martha Pennington
Tend your Garden Editor's Preface Details
Martha C. Pennington
Reflective Writing for Language Teachers Editor's Preface Details
Thomas S. C. Farrell
Exploring College Writing Editor's Preface Abstract
Martha C. Pennington
Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class Editor's Preface Abstract
Alice Chik, Tracey Costley, Martha Pennington
Listening to Shin Buddhism Editorial from 1934 (Anonymous) Abstract
Michael Pye
Listening to Shin Buddhism Editorial from 1949 (Anonymous) Abstract
Michael Pye
The 'Backwards' Research Guide for Writers Editor’s Preface Details
Martha C. Pennington
Trad Dads, Dirty Boppers and Free Fusioneers Education, Education, Education Abstract
Duncan Heining
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Egeria Abstract
Ian Plant
High Culture and Experience in Ancient Egypt Egypt as physical, social, and represented landscape Abstract
John Baines
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Elephantis Abstract
Ian Plant
High Culture and Experience in Ancient Egypt Elite experience Abstract
John Baines
Language, Identity and Study Abroad Elsa’s journey Abstract
Jane Jackson
Björk Emotion Abstract
Nicola Dibben
Open Up the Doors Ending the Corporate Worship Wars Abstract
Mark Evans
Lionel Richie Endless love Abstract
Sharon Davis
The 9/11 Handbook Endnotes Abstract
Tilman Seidensticker, Hans G. Kippenberg
Buddy Holly Endnotes Details
Dave Laing
Tend your Garden Engaging Young Writers with Relevant, High-Interest Lessons Abstract
Mary Anna Kruch
Applied Linguistics at the Interface English in Africa and the emergence of Afro-Saxons: globalization or marginalization? Abstract
Casmir Rubagumya
Literacy and Social Responsibility Enhancing literacy education for refugee children Abstract
Denise Lynch
The Music of Fantasy Cinema Entering the Labyrinth: How Henson and Bowie Created a Musical Fantasy Abstract
Liz Giuffre
Literacy and Social Responsibility Envoi Abstract
Frances Christie, Alyson Simpson
An Unholy Row Envoi Abstract
Dave Gelly
Sermon of One Hundred Days Epilogue Abstract
Venerable Seongcheol
Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science Epilogue (What is Being Said Last) Abstract
Nancy with Erin Colfax Gorrell
First Civilizations Epilogue: The twilight of the first civilizations Abstract
Robert Chadwick
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Erinna Abstract
Ian Plant
Conflicts in Interpretation Escape from stress: pronouns in Dutch Abstract
Petra Hendriks, Helen de Hoop, Irene Kramer, Henriette de Swart, Joost Zwarts
Send in the Clones Establishing a Typology Abstract
Georgina Gregory
Textbook Gods Establishing Religion through Textbooks: Religions in Japan’s “Ethics” Program Abstract
Satoko Fujiwara
Zarathustra and Zoroastrianism Ethics, Purity and Gender Abstract
Michael Stausberg
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Eucheria Abstract
Ian Plant
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Eudocia Abstract
Ian Plant
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Eurydice Abstract
Ian Plant
Zarathustra and Zoroastrianism Every Beginning is Zarathustra Abstract
Michael Stausberg
What the Buddha Thought Everything Is Burning: The Centrality of Fire in the Buddha's Thought Abstract
Richard Gombrich
Landmarks in CALL Research Evolutionary Trajectories, Internet-mediated Expression, and Language Education Abstract
Steven L. Thorne, J. Scott Payne
Jordan Evolving Landscape and Environment in Jordan Abstract
Phillip Macumber
Language, Interaction and Frontotemporal Dementia Examining Perseverative Behaviors of a Frontotemporal Dementia Patient and Caregiver Responses: The Benefits of Observing Ordinary Interactions and Reflections on Caregiver Stress Abstract
Lisa Mikesell
The Language Impact Expansion and Limitation Abstract
Alwin Frank Fill
Global Tribe Experience, the Orient and Goatrance Abstract
Graham St John
Language, Interaction and Frontotemporal Dementia Exploring the Moral Bases of Frontotemporal Dementia through Social Action Abstract
Michael Sean Smith
Heavy Metal Extreme music for extreme people? Norwegian black metal and transcendent violence Abstract
Michelle Phillipov
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Fabulla Abstract
Ian Plant
Face, Communication and Social Interaction 1. Face and interaction Abstract
Michael Haugh
Indian Religions Faculties, Breaths and Offices: Some Vedic and Sâ›khya Notions of the Body and Personality Abstract
Dermot Killingley
Charming Beauties and Frightful Beasts Falling Rain, Reigning Power in Reptilian Affairs: The Balancing of Religion and the Environment Abstract
Ivette Vargas-O’Bryan
Send in the Clones Fandom and Collective Participation Abstract
Georgina Gregory
The Music of Fantasy Cinema Fantasy and the Exotic Other: The Films of Ray Harryhausen Abstract
Mark Brill
The Music of Fantasy Cinema Fantasy Meets Electronica: Legend and the Music of Tangerine Dream Abstract
Lee Barron
Charming Beauties and Frightful Beasts Fear, Reverence and Ambivalence. Divine Snakes in Contemporary South India Abstract
Amy Allocco
An Introduction to Irish English Fictional representations of Irish English Abstract
Carolina P. Amador-Moreno Amador Moreno
Teaching Linguistics Field methods: Where the rubber meets the road Abstract
Wes Collins
An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies Fields of linguistics Abstract
Anne McCabe
Multimodal Transcription and Text Analysis Film texts and genres Abstract
Anthony Baldry, Paul J. Thibault
Zarathustra and Zoroastrianism First Encounters Abstract
Michael Stausberg
Dialogue in Focus Groups Focus groups as a dialogical method Abstract
Ivana Markova, Per Linell, Michèle Grossen, Anne Salazar Orvig
Dialogue in Focus Groups Focus groups as communicative activity types Abstract
Ivana Markova, Per Linell, Michèle Grossen, Anne Salazar Orvig
Dialogue in Focus Groups Focus groups through the lens of dialogism Abstract
Ivana Markova, Per Linell, Michèle Grossen, Anne Salazar Orvig
Celestial India Following the Steps of the Orientalists – The Quest for the Linguistic Origins Abstract
Isaac Lubelsky
Language in Psychiatry Foreword Abstract
Bill Fraser
The Archaeology of Medieval Spain, 1100-1500 Foreword Abstract
John Schofield
Face, Communication and Social Interaction Foreword Abstract
Yoshiko Matsumoto
London, 1100-1600 Foreword Details
John Schofield
Teaching Linguistics Foreword Abstract
Brian Joseph
Communication and Professional Relationships in Healthcare Practice Foreword Abstract
Sally Candlin, Peter Roger
Enculturation Processes in Primary Language Acquisition Foreword Abstract
John Schumann
Earth, Empire and Sacred Text Foreword by Bishop Kenneth Cragg Details
Kenneth Cragg
Sermon of One Hundred Days Foreword by Hwang Soon-Il Abstract
Hwang Soon-II
How Buddhism Acquired a Soul on the Way to China Foreword: The Late Jungnok Park Abstract
Richard Gombrich
Metonymy in Language, Thought and Brain Formal metonymy Abstract
Boguslaw Bierwiaczonek
Tend your Garden Forward by Kia Jane Richmond Abstract
Mary Anna Kruch
Prolegomena to a History of Islamicate Manichaeism Fragments of Manichaean Scripture: A Classified Collection of Islamicate Testimonia Abstract
John C. Reeves
Applied Linguistics at the Interface Frame shifting and identity construction during whole class instruction Abstract
Vally Lytra
Global Tribe Freak out: the trance carnival Abstract
Graham St John
Listening to Shin Buddhism Freedom and Necessity in Shinran’s Concept of Karma (1986) Abstract
Ueda Yoshifumi
System and Corpus Frequency profiles of some basic grammatical systems: an interim report Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
Celestial India Friedrich Max Müller – Orientalism at the Zenith Abstract
Isaac Lubelsky
Movies, Moves and Music From Choreocinema To Experimental Screendance: A Personal Archaeology Abstract
Greg Faller
System and Corpus From concordance to text: appraising ‘giving’ in Alma Mater donation requests Abstract
Donna R. Miller
Finding Myth and History in the Bible From Moses to the Essenes Abstract
Etiene Nodet
Nothing Could be Further from the Truth FROM THE PUBLISHER TO THE READER Abstract
Janet Sinllanto Joyce II
Indian Religions From Totapuri to Maharaji (Prem Rawat)? Reflections on a Lineage (Parampara) Abstract
Ron Geaves
Send in the Clones From “Ghost” and Cover Bands, to Pop Parody and Tributes Abstract
Georgina Gregory
Beyond Meditation Full Details of Original Publication Abstract
Michael Pye
Listening to Shin Buddhism Full Details of Original Publication Abstract
Michael Pye
Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics through the Cardiff Grammar Full Guidelines for clause analysis Abstract
Robin Fawcett
Buddhist Temples of Kyōto and Kamakura Further Bibliographical Notes Abstract
Michael Pye
An Introduction to the Grammar of Old English Further Readings Abstract
Michael Cummings
Finding Myth and History in the Bible G. Garbini and the Poetry of Leah Goldberg Abstract
Francesco Bianchi
Teaching Linguistics Games for exploring language origins and change Abstract
Alison Wray
Analysing Literary Sumerian Gendered literacy and numeracy in the Sumerian literary corpus Abstract
Eleanor Robson
The Lost Women of Rock Music General Editor’s Preface Details
Derek Scott
Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science General Index Abstract
Nancy with Erin Colfax Gorrell
Beyond Meditation General Index Abstract
Michael Pye
Listening to Shin Buddhism General Index Abstract
Michael Pye
Beyond Meditation General Introduction Abstract
Michael Pye
Listening to Shin Buddhism General Introduction Abstract
Michael Pye
Origin and Evolution of Languages Genetic evolution and the evolution of languages Abstract
Luigi Cavalli-Sforza
Contrastive Discourse Analysis Genre- and culture-specific aspects of evaluation: Insights from the contrastive analysis of English and Italian online property advertising Abstract
Gabrina Pounds
Send in the Clones Getting Established and Maintaining a Career Abstract
Georgina Gregory
Genre Relations Getting going with genre Abstract
JR Martin, David Rose
The Imagined Sky Giotto’s Sky: The Fresco Paintings of the First Floor Salone of the Palazzo della Ragione, Padua, Italy Abstract
Darrelyn Gunzburg
AoL East and West Globalization/Glocalization Abstract
Inga Bårdsen Tøllefsen, Milda Ališauskienė, James R. Lewis
Language in Psychiatry Glossary Abstract
Jonathan Fine
An Introduction to English Sentence Structure Glossary Abstract
Jon Jonz
The Archaeology of Medieval Spain, 1100-1500 Glossary Abstract
Magdalena Valor, Avelino Gutiérrez
Sermon of One Hundred Days Glossary Abstract
Hwang Soon-II
The Qurʾān Glossary of Key Names, Terms, and Abbreviations Abstract
A. J. Droge
The Language Impact Glossary of Terms Abstract
Alwin Frank Fill
Nick Cave God, Pain and the Love Song Abstract
Roland Boer
Listening to Shin Buddhism Goodness and Naturalness (1951) Abstract
Kenryō Kanamatsu
Tend your Garden Growing Process Writing Linked to the Arts Abstract
Mary Anna Kruch
Charming Beauties and Frightful Beasts Guardian Spirits, Omens and Meat for the Clans: The Place of Animals among the Apatanis of Arunachal Pradesh Abstract
Sarit Chaudhuri
The Qurʾān Guide to Further Reading Abstract
A. J. Droge
An Unholy Row Guide to Recordings Abstract
Dave Gelly
Technomad Hardcore, You Know the Score Abstract
Graham St John
Nick Cave Hearing Around Corners: Nick Cave Meets Ernst Bloch Abstract
Roland Boer
Heavy Metal Heavy metal and the deafening threat of the apolitical Abstract
Niall Scott
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Hedyle Abstract
Ian Plant
Indian Religions Height and Size in Indian Iconography Abstract
Christopher Aslet
Heavy Metal Hellfest: The thing that should not be? Local perceptions and Catholic discourses on metal culture in France Abstract
Gérôme Guibert
Lionel Richie Hello Abstract
Sharon Davis
Charming Beauties and Frightful Beasts Her Majesty’s Servants: The Tame and the Wild under the British Raj Abstract
Davide Torri
Indian Religions Hinduism—Hindutva—Hindu Dharma Abstract
Klaus Klostermaier
Elements of Music Management Music Development: The Role of A and R - Music will Never Stop Abstract
Sally Gross
Genre Relations Histories Abstract
JR Martin, David Rose
AoL East and West History Abstract
Inga Bårdsen Tøllefsen, Milda Ališauskienė, James R. Lewis
The Disappearance of Writing Systems History without Text Abstract
Chris Gosden
Beyond Meditation Hōnen Shōnin (1133–1212) and the Jōdo Ideal Abstract
Beatrice Lane Suzuki
Charming Beauties and Frightful Beasts Horses that Weep, Birds that Tell Fortunes: Animals in South Asian Muslim Ritual and Myth Abstract
David Pinault
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Hortensia Abstract
Ian Plant
London, 1100-1600 Houses, daily life and neighbourhoods Abstract
John Schofield
The Archaeology of Medieval Spain, 1100-1500 Housing and Domestic Life Abstract
Avelino Gutiérrez, Magdalena Valor
The Five-Minute Linguist How are dictionaries made? Abstract
Erin McKean
The Five-Minute Linguist How are the sounds of language made? Abstract
Peter Ladefoged
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Amelia C. Murdoch
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Ana Maria Carvalho
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The Five-Minute Linguist How does the brain cope with multiple languages? Abstract
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The Five-Minute Linguist How have our ideas about language learning changed through the years? Abstract
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The Five-Minute Linguist How many kinds of writing systems are there? Abstract
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The Five-Minute Linguist How many languages are there in the world? Abstract
M. Paul Lewis
The Five-Minute Linguist How many languages can a person learn? Abstract
Richard Hudson
The Five-Minute Linguist How many Native American languages are there? Abstract
Marianne Mithun
Systemic Functional Perspectives of Japanese How to argue in Japanese: a systemic functional interpretation of the logico-semantic relations in Japanese expression Abstract
Motoki Sano, Elizabeth A. Thomson
System and Corpus How to handle lexical semantics in SFL: a corpus study of purposes for using size adjectives Abstract
Serge Sharoff
London, 1100-1600 Human health and the environment Abstract
John Schofield
Chasin' the Bird I remember you Abstract
Brian Priestley
Rural Landscapes of the Punic World Ibiza: the Making of New Landscapes Abstract
Carlos Gómez Bellard
William Rutherford
The Imagined Sky Imagery and Narrative in an Ancient Horoscope: P.Lond. 130 (Greek Horoscopes No. 81) Abstract
Roger Beck
The Imagined Sky Images in the Heavens: A Cultural Landscape Abstract
Bernadette Brady
Indian Religions Images of Samkara: Understanding the Other Abstract
Jacqueline Suthren Hirst
An Introduction to Irish English Implications for English as a foreign language teachers and learners Abstract
Carolina P. Amador-Moreno Amador Moreno
A History of Pottery and Potters in Ancient Jerusalem Imported Slip-glazed and Plain Pottery from Greece Abstract
H. J. Franken
Culture and Gender of Voice Pitch Impressionistic observations of men’s and women’s voice Abstract
Ikuko Patricia Yuasa
Earogenous Zones In Extremis: The Roots, Soundscapes and Significations of Twenty-first-century Zombie Porn Abstract
Ralph G. Marsh
Beyond Meditation In Memory of Sasaki Gesshō Abstract
Michael Pye
A History of Pottery and Potters in Ancient Jerusalem In Search of the Jerusalem Potters Abstract
H. J. Franken
Analysing Literary Sumerian In the company of ni2 'self' and 'fear(someness)' Abstract
Graham Cunningham
Terror Tracks Incorporating Monsters: Music as Context, Character and Construction in Kubrick’s The Shining Abstract
Jeremy Barham
The Disappearance of Writing Systems Increasingly Redundant: The Growing Obsolescence of the Cuneiform Script in Babylonia from 539 BC1 Abstract
David Brown
Myth and Politics in Ancient Near Eastern Historiography Index Abstract
Mario Liverani
Language in Psychiatry Index Abstract
Jonathan Fine
Multimodal Transcription and Text Analysis Index Abstract
Anthony Baldry, Paul J. Thibault
System and Corpus Index Abstract
Geoff Thompson, Susan Hunston
The Last Miles Index Abstract
George Cole
Bob Dylan Index Abstract
Keith Negus
Language and Education: Learning and Teaching in Society Index Abstract
Jonathan J. Webster
Local Power in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia Index Abstract
Andrea Seri
The Disappearance of Writing Systems Index Abstract
John Baines, John Bennet, John Houston
Chasin' the Bird Index Abstract
Brian Priestley
Genre Relations Index Abstract
JR Martin, David Rose
Systemic Functional Perspectives of Japanese Index Abstract
Elizabeth A. Thomson, William S. Armour
Dialogue in Focus Groups Index Abstract
Ivana Markova, Per Linell, Michèle Grossen, Anne Salazar Orvig
Jazz Visions Index Abstract
Peter Ind
An Introduction to English Sentence Structure Index Abstract
Jon Jonz
Language, Identity and Study Abroad Index Abstract
Jane Jackson
The Archaeology of Medieval Spain, 1100-1500 Index Abstract
John Schofield
Being Prez Index Abstract
Dave Gelly
Terror Tracks Index Abstract
Philip Hayward
Delivering Processing Instruction in Classrooms and in Virtual Contexts Index Abstract
James F. Lee, Alessandro G. Benati
Language, Cognition and Space Index Abstract
Vyvyan Evans, Paul Chilton
Send in the Clones Index Abstract
Georgina Gregory
Face, Communication and Social Interaction Index Abstract
Francesca Bargiela-Chiappini, Michael Haugh
Elvis Costello Index Abstract
Dai Griffiths
Explorations in Stylistics Index Abstract
Andrew Goatly
Individual Differences and Processing Instruction Index Abstract
James F. Lee, Alessandro G. Benati
Notes from the Fortune-Telling Parrot Index Abstract
David Pinault
An Introduction to the Grammar of Old English Index Abstract
Michael Cummings
Everyday Readers Index Abstract
Ian Collinson
Earogenous Zones Index Abstract
Bruce Johnson
An Introduction to Irish English Index Abstract
Carolina P. Amador-Moreno Amador Moreno
Zarathustra and Zoroastrianism Index Abstract
Michael Stausberg
Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics through the Cardiff Grammar Index Abstract
Robin Fawcett
The Phonology of Contrast Index Abstract
Anna Lubowicz
The Structure of Modern Irish Index Abstract
Brian Nolan
Gender Matters Index Abstract
Sara Mills
Historical Archaeologies of Cognition Index Abstract
James Symonds, Anna Badcock, Jeff Oliver
Reflective Writing for Language Teachers Index Abstract
Thomas S. C. Farrell
London, 1100-1600 Index Abstract
John Schofield
Language, Interaction and Frontotemporal Dementia Index Abstract
Andrea W. Mates, Lisa Mikesell, Michael Sean Smith
What the Buddha Thought Index Abstract
Richard Gombrich
Sermon of One Hundred Days Index Abstract
Hwang Soon-II
Literacy and Social Responsibility Index Abstract
Frances Christie, Alyson Simpson
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