Browse Title Index

Issue Title
European Perspectives on Islamic Education and Public Schooling Mainstream Secular and Qur'an-based Islamic Education, Student Perspectives on the Relation between Two Disparate Forms Abstract
Jenny Berglund
European Perspectives on Islamic Education and Public Schooling How Secular Educational Policies have Changed the Contents of Religious Education Curricula and Teachers' Training Programmes in Modern Turkey Abstract
Mahmut Zengin
European Perspectives on Islamic Education and Public Schooling Introduction Abstract
Jenny Berglund
European Perspectives on Islamic Education and Public Schooling The Others: Muslim Faith-based Schools in a Catholic-majority Country Abstract
Mariachiara Giorda, Alberta Giorgi
European Perspectives on Islamic Education and Public Schooling Character and Values Education in English Schools: What can Private Islamic Faith and State Funded Public Schools Learn from Each Other? Abstract
Farah Ahmed
European Perspectives on Islamic Education and Public Schooling Index Abstract
Jenny Berglund
Fabricating Difference Introduction Abstract
Steven Ramey
Fabricating Difference 1. Myths of the French Republic Abstract
Mayanthi Fernando
Fabricating Difference 2. Concerning Voices: Thinking with Fernando about Bigotry and Silence Abstract
Damon Berry
Fabricating Difference 3. The Power of Persecution and Martyrdom in Modern Discourse Abstract
Tara Baldrick-Morrone
Fabricating Difference 4. The Myths of France, Periodization, and Sovereign Power Abstract
Stephanie Frank
Fabricating Difference What Difference Does It Make? Critical Theory and Public Discourse Abstract
Steven Ramey
Fabricating Difference 5. Strategies of ‘Othering’ in Contemporary India Abstract
Vincent Burgess
Fabricating Difference 6. Clashing Allegiances: The Practicality of Constructing National Identity Abstract
Andie Alexander
Fabricating Difference 7. ISIS: What’s a Poor Religionist to Do? Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Fabricating Difference 8. Give Me Liberty or Give Me Pizza: (Or, How the Public Transcript Fabricates Difference) Abstract
Thomas Whitley
Fabricating Difference 9. Racialized Religion in America: Terrorist Bodies, Turbans, and Mistaken Identity Abstract
Martha Smith Roberts
Fabricating Difference 10. Why Do We Still Wear the Shoe That Bites? Abstract
Deeksha Sivakumar
Fabricating Difference 11. Rightly Disdained by Intelligent Persons: Magic, Superstition, and the Disenchantment of the World Abstract
Ian Alexander Cuthbertson
Fabricating Difference 12. Secular Publics and the Study of Religion: A Few Considerations for Critical Scholars Abstract
Charles McCrary
Fabricating Difference Preface Abstract
Steven Ramey
Fabricating Difference References Abstract
Steven Ramey
Fabricating Difference Index Abstract
Steven Ramey
Identity, Politics and the Study of Islam Identity, Apologetics, and the Shapes of Critique in the Study of Islam Details
Matt Sheedy
Identity, Politics and the Study of Islam 1. The Modesty of Theory Abstract
Ruth Mas
Identity, Politics and the Study of Islam 2. I Want My Discipline Back Abstract
Salman Sayyid
Identity, Politics and the Study of Islam 3. Religion, History, Ethics: Rethinking the Crisis of Western Qur’anic Studies Abstract
Alexandre Caeiro, Emmanuelle Stefanidis
Identity, Politics and the Study of Islam 4. Identity Politics and the Study of Islamic Origins: The Inscriptions of the Dome of the Rock as a Test Case Abstract
Carlos Segovia
Identity, Politics and the Study of Islam 7. A Modest Proposal for Islamic Studies Abstract
Devin Stewart
Identity, Politics and the Study of Islam 5. Jews, Jewish Studies, and the Study of Islam Abstract
Sarah Imhoff
Identity, Politics and the Study of Islam 6. The Quest for the Historical: Can Biblical Studies Lead Qur’anic Studies away from Theology? Abstract
James Crossley
Identity, Politics and the Study of Islam The Meaning and End of Scholarship on Religion Details
Russell McCutcheon
Identity, Politics and the Study of Islam Index Abstract
Matt Sheedy
The Holy in a Pluralistic World Transporting Rudolf Otto into the 21st Century Abstract
Ulrich Rosenhagen, Gregory Alles
The Holy in a Pluralistic World 1. Rudolf Otto's Post-Kantian Platonism Abstract
Todd Gooch
The Holy in a Pluralistic World 2. Liberal Piety: Rudolf Otto and the Protestant Liberal Theology of his Age Abstract
Peter Schüz
The Holy in a Pluralistic World 3. Religious League of Humanity and Universal Protestant Senate: Rudolf Otto’s Interreligious Critique of Nathan Söderblom and the Ecumenical Movement Abstract
Ulrich Rosenhagen
The Holy in a Pluralistic World 4. Rudolf Otto and the Theory of Religion Abstract
Robert Neville
The Holy in a Pluralistic World 5. Rudolf Otto and the Problem of Categories Abstract
Gregory Alles
The Holy in a Pluralistic World 6. Nostalgia, Trauma, and the Numinous: Twentieth-Century Jewish Readings of Rudolf Otto’s Das Heilige Abstract
Melissa Raphael-Levine
The Holy in a Pluralistic World 7. Wonderstruck: Otto, Vision, and Modern Hinduism Abstract
Tulasi Srinivas
The Holy in a Pluralistic World 8. Looking Bodhidharma in the Eye: The Beginnings of Otto's Interreligious Encounters with Japanese Buddhists Abstract
Katja Triplett
The Holy in a Pluralistic World 9. The Idea of the Holy in African Religions Abstract
Robert M. Baum
The Holy in a Pluralistic World 10. The Numinous in Theologies of Modern Architecture Abstract
Karla Britton
The Holy in a Pluralistic World 11. Devotional Poetry's Mysterium Tremendum Abstract
Constance Furey
The Holy in a Pluralistic World 12. Rudolf Otto and the Study of Religion and Violence: Preserving the Numinous Abstract
Michael Jerryson
The Holy in a Pluralistic World 13. The Continuing Relevance of Rudolf Otto for Theology and Religious Studies Abstract
Jörg Lauster
The Holy in a Pluralistic World Index Details
Ulrich Rosenhagen, Gregory Alles
Delights from the Garden of Eden Preface Abstract
Nawal Nasrallah
Delights from the Garden of Eden List of By-ways and Asides Abstract
Nawal Nasrallah
Delights from the Garden of Eden Measurements, Equipment and Ingredients Abstract
Nawal Nasrallah
Delights from the Garden of Eden That Little Street in Baghdad Abstract
Nawal Nasrallah
Delights from the Garden of Eden Part One: Back to the Roots Abstract
Nawal Nasrallah
Delights from the Garden of Eden Part Two: Medieval Baghdadi Cooking Abstract
Nawal Nasrallah
Delights from the Garden of Eden Part Three: The Post-medieval Era Abstract
Nawal Nasrallah
Delights from the Garden of Eden Bread Abstract
Nawal Nasrallah
Delights from the Garden of Eden Dairy Products Abstract
Nawal Nasrallah
Delights from the Garden of Eden Vegetarian Appetizers, Side Dishes and Salads Abstract
Nawal Nasrallah
Delights from the Garden of Eden Snacks and Street Food Abstract
Nawal Nasrallah
Delights from the Garden of Eden Soups Abstract
Nawal Nasrallah
Delights from the Garden of Eden Stews Abstract
Nawal Nasrallah
Delights from the Garden of Eden Rice, and other Grains and Beans Abstract
Nawal Nasrallah
Delights from the Garden of Eden Lamb and Beef, and Ground Meat dishes Abstract
Nawal Nasrallah
Delights from the Garden of Eden Stuffed Foods Abstract
Nawal Nasrallah
Delights from the Garden of Eden Poultry Abstract
Nawal Nasrallah
Delights from the Garden of Eden Fish Abstract
Nawal Nasrallah
Delights from the Garden of Eden Savory Pastries Abstract
Nawal Nasrallah
Delights from the Garden of Eden Desserts Abstract
Nawal Nasrallah
Delights from the Garden of Eden Jams, and Syrups for Sherbets Abstract
Nawal Nasrallah
Delights from the Garden of Eden Pickles and Sauces Abstract
Nawal Nasrallah
Delights from the Garden of Eden Beverages Abstract
Nawal Nasrallah
Delights from the Garden of Eden Glossary Abstract
Nawal Nasrallah
Delights from the Garden of Eden Works Cited Abstract
Nawal Nasrallah
Delights from the Garden of Eden Indexes Abstract
Nawal Nasrallah
Delights from the Garden of Eden Illustration Credits Abstract
Nawal Nasrallah
Assessing English on the Global Stage Appendix 1: Overview of the Aptis Test Papers Abstract
Cyril Weir
Assessing English on the Global Stage Appendix 2: British Council Assessment Research Awards and Grants 2013-2016 Abstract
Cyril Weir
Queering Language, Gender and Sexuality 1 Queering Language, Gender and Sexuality: Theory and Practice Abstract
Tommaso Milani
Queering Language, Gender and Sexuality 2. Models of Gay Male Identity and the Marketing of 'Gay Language' in Foreign-Language Phrasebooks for Gay Men Abstract
Rusty Barrett
Queering Language, Gender and Sexuality 4. Incomprehensible Language? Language, Ethnicity and Heterosexual Masculinity in a Swedish School Abstract
Tommaso Milani, Rickard Jonsson
Queering Language, Gender and Sexuality 3. The Desire for Identity and the Identity of Desire: Language, Gender and Sexuality in the Greek Context Abstract
Costas Canakis
Queering Language, Gender and Sexuality 8. Constructing Hegemonic Masculinities in South Africa: The Discourse and Rhetoric of Heteronormativity Abstract
Russell Luyt
Queering Language, Gender and Sexuality 9. On-line Constructions of Metrosexuality and Masculinities: A Membership Categorization Analysis Abstract
Matthew Hall, Brendan Gough, Sarah Seymour-Smith, Susan Hansen
Queering Language, Gender and Sexuality 10. A Bit too Skinny for Me: Women's Homosocial Constructions of Heterosexual Desire in Online Dating Abstract
Kristine Mortensen
Queering Language, Gender and Sexuality 5. Do Bodies Matter? Travestis' Embodiment of (Trans)Gender Identity through the Manipulation of the Brazilian Portuguese Grammatical Gender System Abstract
Rodrigo Borba, Ana Cristina Ostermann
Queering Language, Gender and Sexuality 6. Butch Camp: On the Discursive Construction of a Queer Identity Position Abstract
Veronika Koller
Queering Language, Gender and Sexuality 7. The Other Kind of Coming Out: Transgender People and the Coming out Narrative Genre Abstract
Lal Zimman
Queering Language, Gender and Sexuality 12. Language, Sexuality and Place: The View from Cyberspace Abstract
Brian King
Queering Language, Gender and Sexuality 13. Homophobia as Moral Geography Abstract
William Leap
Queering Language, Gender and Sexuality 11. Normal Straight Gays: Lexical Collocations and Ideologies of Masculinity in Personal Ads of Serbian Gay Teenagers Abstract
Ksenija Bogetic
Queering Language, Gender and Sexuality Acknowledgements Abstract
Tommaso Milani
Queering Language, Gender and Sexuality Index Abstract
Tommaso Milani
Fabricating Identities Introduction Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Fabricating Identities Who are You? I'm a Religious Studies Scholar Abstract
K. Merinda Simmons
Fabricating Identities Am I a Religious Studies Scholar? Abstract
David Robertson
Fabricating Identities Who are You? I'm Wednesday's Child Abstract
Craig Martin
Fabricating Identities Seeing the Forest and the Trees Abstract
Sarah Levine
Fabricating Identities Who are You? I'm Greek Abstract
Vaia Touna
Fabricating Identities You're Greek? Well..., I'm (Northern) Irish, Kind'a... Abstract
Christopher Cotter
Fabricating Identities Who are You? I'm a Miser Abstract
Steven Ramey
Fabricating Identities Contesting Labels and the Study of Religion Abstract
Anja Kirsch
Fabricating Identities Who are You? I'm a Leg Crosser Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Fabricating Identities Who am I? Merely a Player Abstract
Candace Mixon
Fabricating Identities Who are You? I'm a Feminist Abstract
Leslie Smith
Fabricating Identities Atheism and its Consequences Abstract
Ian Alexander Cuthbertson
Fabricating Identities Who are You? I'm a Vegetarian Abstract
Steven Ramey
Fabricating Identities You are what you Eat Abstract
Sarah Dees
Fabricating Identities Who are You? I'm an Alabamian Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Fabricating Identities Secrecy, Stories and Boundaries Abstract
Emily Schmidt
Fabricating Identities Who are You? I'm Vaia and I'm Touna Abstract
Vaia Touna
Fabricating Identities "Naaaaaw you Show me YOUR ID" Abstract
Richard Newton
Fabricating Identities Who are You? I'm a New Mom Abstract
K. Merinda Simmons
Fabricating Identities I'm a Soon-to-be Dad Abstract
Jason Ellsworth
Fabricating Identities Who are You? I am/am not a McCutcheonite Abstract
Craig Martin
Fabricating Identities I Know you are, but what am I? Abstract
Stacie Swain
Fabricating Identities Who are You? I'm Short (...and Cute) Abstract
Leslie Smith
Fabricating Identities I'm "Irish", Torontonian,...French? Abstract
Matt Sheedy
Fabricating Identities Express Yourself Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Fabricating Identities Preface Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Fabricating Identities Index Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Enlightened Martyrdom Introduction Abstract
James Lewis, Huang Chao
Enlightened Martyrdom The Doctrine of Li Hongzhi: Falun Gong - Between Sectarianism and Universal Salvation Abstract
David Palmer
Enlightened Martyrdom The Religion and Politics of Falun Gong Abstract
Junpeng Li
Enlightened Martyrdom From Spiritual Healing to Protest: Falun Gong's Emerging Culture of Martyrdom Abstract
Susan Palmer
Enlightened Martyrdom Burning Faith: Interpreting the 1.23 Incident Abstract
James Lewis
Enlightened Martyrdom “You Don’t Want to Have That Kind of Thought in Your Mind”: Li Hongzhi, Aliens, and Science Abstract
Stefano Bigliardi
Enlightened Martyrdom Friendly Fire: How Falun Gong Mistook Me for an Enemy Abstract
Heather Kavan
Enlightened Martyrdom Falun Gong's Attack on Academic Freedom Abstract
Helen Farley
Enlightened Martyrdom Devil Killing and the Essence of Falun Gong Abstract
Fang Yong
Enlightened Martyrdom The Self-contradictions in Li Hongzhi's Statements about Illness Abstract
Yan Cao
Enlightened Martyrdom Scientific or Anti-scientific: A Critical Analysis of "Science" Discourses in Falun Gong Abstract
Wang Chengjun
Enlightened Martyrdom The Falun Gong Political Narative: Creating the Illusion of So-called "Forced Organ Harvesting" Abstract
Campbell Fraser
Enlightened Martyrdom "Clarifying the Truth": Falun Gong's Media Strategies Abstract
James Lewis
Enlightened Martyrdom Index Abstract
James Lewis, Huang Chao
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion List of Figures Abstract
Fabrizio Ferrari, Thomas Dähnhardt
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion 2. “Pagoda Tree”: Plants and Other Foliate Motifs on Indians Coins through History Abstract
Shailendra Bhandare
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion 3. Divine Flora, Divine Love: The Place of Natural Scenery in the Ultimate Vision of Kr̥ṣṇa Bhakti Abstract
Graham Schweig
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion 4. Perfumed Islam: The Culture of Scent at the Nizamuddin Basti Abstract
Mikko Viitamäki
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion 5. The Bodhi Tree and Other Plants in the Pāli Tipiṭaka Abstract
Antonella Serena Comba
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion 6. Wood, Water, and Waste: Material Aspects of Mortuary Practices in South Asia Abstract
Albertina Nugteren
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion 7. The Herbal Arsenal and Fetid Food: The Power of Plants in Early Tantric Exorcism Rituals Abstract
Michael Slouber
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion 8. Tree-Hugger: The Sāmavedic Rite of Audumbarī Abstract
Finnian Gerety
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion 9. Caryota Urens: From Vegetable Manifestation of God to Sacred Tree of the Shamans of Odisha Abstract
Stefano Beggiora
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion 10. Rice and Rice Culture. Cultivation and Worship of a Divine Plant in Western Odisha Abstract
Uwe Skoda
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion 11. Agriculture, Floriculture and Botanical Knowledge in a Middle Bengali Text Abstract
Fabrizio Ferrari
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion List of Tables Abstract
Fabrizio Ferrari, Thomas Dähnhardt
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion Introduction Abstract
Fabrizio Ferrari, Thomas Dähnhardt
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion General Index Abstract
Fabrizio Ferrari, Thomas Dähnhardt
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion Index of Botanical Species Abstract
Fabrizio Ferrari, Thomas Dähnhardt
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion 1. A Modern Kalpavr̥kṣa: Sathya Sāī Bābā and the Wish-fulfilling Tree Abstract
Antonio Rigopoulos
New Antiquities Introduction: What are New Antiquities? Abstract
Dylan Burns, Almut-Barbara Renger
New Antiquities Ancient Goddesses for Modern Times or New Goddesses from Ancient Times? Abstract
Meret Fehlmann
New Antiquities The Artifice of Daidalos: Modern Minoica as Religious Focus in Contemporary Paganism Abstract
Caroline Tully
New Antiquities Archaeology, Historicity and Homosexuality in the New Cultus of Antinous: Perceptions of the Past in a Contemporary Pagan Religion Abstract
Ethan Doyle White
New Antiquities Transforming Deities: Modern Pagan Projects of Revival and Reinvention Abstract
Kathryn Rountree
New Antiquities ‘From Aphrodite to Kuan Yin’ - 'The Tao of Venus' and its Modern Genealogy: Invoking Ancient Goddesses in Cos(met)ic Acupuncture Abstract
Almut-Barbara Renger
New Antiquities Reading History with the Essenes of Elmira Abstract
Anne Kreps
New Antiquities The Jungian Gnosticism of the Ecclesia Gnostica Abstract
Olav Hammar
New Antiquities The Impact of Scholarship on Contemporary “Gnosticism(s)”: A Case Study on the Apostolic Johannite Church and Jeremy Puma Abstract
Matthew Dillon
New Antiquities Studying the “Gnostic Bible”: Samael Aun Weor and the Pistis Sophia Abstract
Franz Winter
New Antiquities Binding Images: The Contemporary Use and Efficacy of Late Antique Ritual Sigils, Spirit-Beings, and Design Elements Abstract
Jay Johnston
New Antiquities (Neo-)Bogomil Legends: The Gnosticizing Bogomils of the Twentieth-Century Balkans Abstract
Dylan Burns, Nemanja Radulovic
New Antiquities Acknowledgements Abstract
Dylan Burns, Almut-Barbara Renger
New Antiquities Index Abstract
Dylan Burns, Almut-Barbara Renger
Tennis From the Preface to the First Edition Abstract
Heiner Gillmeister
Tennis Preface to the Second Edition Abstract
Heiner Gillmeister
Tennis The Origins of Tennis: The Monks' Racket Abstract
Heiner Gillmeister
Tennis The Tennis Games of the Middle Ages Abstract
Heiner Gillmeister
Tennis The Language of Tennis Abstract
Heiner Gillmeister
Tennis Tennis in the Renaissance Literature Abstract
Heiner Gillmeister
Tennis Tennis in the German Ballhouse Abstract
Heiner Gillmeister
Tennis Lawn Tennis: The Sturdy Bastard Abstract
Heiner Gillmeister
Tennis Lawn Tennis in America Abstract
Heiner Gillmeister
Tennis Continental Colonies: Lawn Tennis in France Abstract
Heiner Gillmeister
Tennis Lawn Tennis under the Kaiser Abstract
Heiner Gillmeister
Tennis List of Plates Abstract
Heiner Gillmeister
Tennis List of Figures Abstract
Heiner Gillmeister
Tennis Acknowledgements Abstract
Heiner Gillmeister
Tennis Notes Abstract
Heiner Gillmeister
Tennis Bibliography Abstract
Heiner Gillmeister
Tennis Illustration Sources Abstract
Heiner Gillmeister
Tennis Index Abstract
Heiner Gillmeister
An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies Abstract
Anne McCabe
An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies Analysing the Spoken Language Abstract
Anne McCabe
An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies Words and their Meanings: Morphology and Semantics Abstract
Anne McCabe
An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies Syntax and Lexicogrammar Abstract
Anne McCabe
An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies Analysing Text and Discourse Abstract
Anne McCabe
An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies Language Change Abstract
Anne McCabe
An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies Language Variation Abstract
Anne McCabe
An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies Language, Biology and Learning Abstract
Anne McCabe
An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies Fields of Linguistics Abstract
Anne McCabe
An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies Glossary Abstract
Anne McCabe
An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies Acknowledgements Abstract
Anne McCabe
An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies Index of Names Abstract
Anne McCabe
An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies Subject Index Abstract
Anne McCabe
The Long Shadow of the Little Giant Introduction Abstract
Simon Spillett
The Long Shadow of the Little Giant A Face not Built for Gloom (1935-1951) Abstract
Simon Spillett
The Long Shadow of the Little Giant Boy Wonder Terrorist (1951-1955) Abstract
Simon Spillett
The Long Shadow of the Little Giant ’56 not ’45 (1955-1958) Abstract
Simon Spillett
The Long Shadow of the Little Giant The End of the Old Order (1958-1959) Abstract
Simon Spillett
The Long Shadow of the Little Giant Now its Who have They Got? (1959-1961) Abstract
Simon Spillett
The Long Shadow of the Little Giant Down in the Village (1961-1962) Abstract
Simon Spillett
The Long Shadow of the Little Giant Tubby Hayes Loves you Madly (1963-1964) Abstract
Simon Spillett
The Long Shadow of the Little Giant The Best of Both Worlds (1964-1965) Abstract
Simon Spillett
The Long Shadow of the Little Giant Addictive Tendencies (1966-1967) Abstract
Simon Spillett
The Long Shadow of the Little Giant The Other Scene (1967-1968) Abstract
Simon Spillett
The Long Shadow of the Little Giant The Beginning of the End (1969-1972) Abstract
Simon Spillett
The Long Shadow of the Little Giant It’ll be me Next (1972-1973) Abstract
Simon Spillett
The Long Shadow of the Little Giant The Lost Leader – The Legacy of Tubby Hayes Abstract
Simon Spillett
The Long Shadow of the Little Giant Selected Discography Abstract
Simon Spillett
The Long Shadow of the Little Giant Acknowledgements Abstract
Simon Spillett
The Long Shadow of the Little Giant Notes Abstract
Simon Spillett
The Long Shadow of the Little Giant Index Abstract
Simon Spillett
A Ṣūfī Apologist of Nīshāpūr List of Figures Abstract
S.Z. Chowdhury
A Ṣūfī Apologist of Nīshāpūr Acknowledgements Abstract
S.Z. Chowdhury
A Ṣūfī Apologist of Nīshāpūr Introduction Abstract
S.Z. Chowdhury
A Ṣūfī Apologist of Nīshāpūr Reviewing the Literature on al-Sulamī Abstract
S.Z. Chowdhury
A Ṣūfī Apologist of Nīshāpūr Geography and Environment Abstract
S.Z. Chowdhury
A Ṣūfī Apologist of Nīshāpūr Khurāsānian Protégés: Examining al-Sulamī’s Main Influences Abstract
S.Z. Chowdhury
A Ṣūfī Apologist of Nīshāpūr Vita Sulamii Abstract
S.Z. Chowdhury
A Ṣūfī Apologist of Nīshāpūr Textual Terrain and Taxonomy: The Oeuvre of Abū c Abd al-Raḥmān al-Sulamī Abstract
S.Z. Chowdhury
A Ṣūfī Apologist of Nīshāpūr "Words along the Way": Surveying alSulamī’s Mystical Lexicon… Abstract
S.Z. Chowdhury
A Ṣūfī Apologist of Nīshāpūr “Mystical Interiority: al-Sulamī’s Method of Self-Transformation” Abstract
S.Z. Chowdhury
A Ṣūfī Apologist of Nīshāpūr Conclusions: An Apologetics for a Ṣūfī Orthodoxy Abstract
S.Z. Chowdhury
A Ṣūfī Apologist of Nīshāpūr References Abstract
S.Z. Chowdhury
A Ṣūfī Apologist of Nīshāpūr Index Abstract
S.Z. Chowdhury
Regional Approaches to Society and Complexity Preface Abstract
Alex Knodell, Thomas Leppard
Regional Approaches to Society and Complexity Foreword Abstract
Colin Renfrew
Regional Approaches to Society and Complexity Regional Approaches to Society and Complexity: Setting an Agenda Abstract
Alex Knodell, Thomas Leppard
Regional Approaches to Society and Complexity 2. The Development of Complex Society on Crete: The Balance between Wider Context and Local Agency Abstract
Sturt Manning
Regional Approaches to Society and Complexity 4. Prestige-Goods Economies: The Prehistoric Aegean and Modern Northern Highland Albania Compared Abstract
Michael Galaty
Regional Approaches to Society and Complexity 3. Gelb and Gell in the Aegean: Thoughts on the Relations between 'Writing' and 'Art' Abstract
John Bennet
Regional Approaches to Society and Complexity 5. Continent, Region, Micro-Region, Site: Settlement Nucleation in the European Neolithic Abstract
William Parkinson
Regional Approaches to Society and Complexity 7. Political Borders in Pausanias' Greece Abstract
Sylvian Fachard
Regional Approaches to Society and Complexity 6. Industrial Landscapes, Spatial Politics and Settlement Change in the Roman East Abstract
Bradley Sekedat
Regional Approaches to Society and Complexity 8. Monumental Engagements: Cultural Interaction and Island Traditions in the West Mediterranean Abstract
Peter van Dommelen, Alexander Smith
Regional Approaches to Society and Complexity 9. Does Island Archaeology Matter? Abstract
Cyprian Broodbank
Regional Approaches to Society and Complexity 10. Islands in the Comparative Stream: The Importance of Inter-Island Analogies to Archaeological Discourse Abstract
Scott Fitzpatrick
Regional Approaches to Society and Complexity 11. A Thorny Endeavor: Historical Archaeology and Diachronic, Regional Landscape Survey in the Caribbean Lesser Antilles Abstract
Krysta Ryzewski
Regional Approaches to Society and Complexity 12. Embedded Heterarchies of the Maya: Political Structure and Interactions Inspired by Peer Polity Interaction Abstract
Thomas Garrison
Regional Approaches to Society and Complexity 13. Complexities and Emergence: The Case of Argos Abstract
Christopher Witmore
Regional Approaches to Society and Complexity 14. The Way Things Are... Abstract
A. Bernard Knapp
Regional Approaches to Society and Complexity 15. Tradition and Divide in Archaeological Publication Abstract
Camilla MacKay
Regional Approaches to Society and Complexity 16. Retrospect and Prospect in Regional Archaeology Abstract
Thomas Leppard, Alex Knodell
Regional Approaches to Society and Complexity Afterword: My Life with John F. Cherry Abstract
Jack Davis
Regional Approaches to Society and Complexity List of Figures and Tables Abstract
Alex Knodell, Thomas Leppard
Regional Approaches to Society and Complexity Index Abstract
Alex Knodell, Thomas Leppard
Regional Approaches to Society and Complexity Introduction to Part I Abstract
Alex Knodell, Thomas Leppard
Regional Approaches to Society and Complexity Introduction to Part II Abstract
Alex Knodell, Thomas Leppard
Regional Approaches to Society and Complexity Introduction to Part III Abstract
Alex Knodell, Thomas Leppard
An Exploration of Writing Introduction Abstract
Peter Daniels
An Exploration of Writing Syllables and Syllabaries Abstract
Peter Daniels
An Exploration of Writing Segments and Alphabets Abstract
Peter Daniels
An Exploration of Writing Consonants and Abjads Abstract
Peter Daniels
An Exploration of Writing Moras and Kana Abstract
Peter Daniels
An Exploration of Writing Clusters and Abugidas Abstract
Peter Daniels
An Exploration of Writing Morphemes and Morphograms Abstract
Peter Daniels
An Exploration of Writing Words and Heterogams Abstract
Peter Daniels
An Exploration of Writing Hybrids and Innovations Abstract
Peter Daniels
An Exploration of Writing Recoveries and Decipherments Abstract
Peter Daniels
An Exploration of Writing Pictograms and Mysteries Abstract
Peter Daniels
An Exploration of Writing Origins and Characteristics Abstract
Peter Daniels
An Exploration of Writing Graphonomy and Linguistics Abstract
Peter Daniels
An Exploration of Writing Foreword by David L. Share, University of Haifa Abstract
David Share
An Exploration of Writing Acknowledgments Abstract
Peter Daniels
An Exploration of Writing Maps Abstract
Peter Daniels
An Exploration of Writing References Abstract
Peter Daniels
An Exploration of Writing Indexes Abstract
Peter Daniels
An Exploration of Writing Envoi Abstract
Peter Daniels
An Exploration of Writing List of Illustrations Abstract
Peter Daniels
Verbal Art and Systemic Functional Linguistics This Discipline Called Stylistics Abstract
Donna R Miller
Verbal Art and Systemic Functional Linguistics Halliday and Hasan: The Development of their Language-in-Literature Theories and Practices Abstract
Donna R Miller
Verbal Art and Systemic Functional Linguistics The Case for Slotting Jakobson into SSS Abstract
Donna R Miller
Verbal Art and Systemic Functional Linguistics Educational Stylistics: SFL/SSS+ and Guiding to Language-in-Literature Literacy Abstract
Donna R Miller
Verbal Art and Systemic Functional Linguistics Systemic Functional Stylistics and... Abstract
Donna R Miller
Verbal Art and Systemic Functional Linguistics Afterwords Abstract
Donna R Miller
Verbal Art and Systemic Functional Linguistics List of Tables Details
Donna R Miller
Verbal Art and Systemic Functional Linguistics List of Figures Details
Donna R Miller
Verbal Art and Systemic Functional Linguistics List of Acronyms Details
Donna R Miller
Verbal Art and Systemic Functional Linguistics Acknowledgements Details
Donna R Miller
Verbal Art and Systemic Functional Linguistics Preliminaries Abstract
Donna R Miller
Verbal Art and Systemic Functional Linguistics List of Appendices Details
Donna R. Miller
Verbal Art and Systemic Functional Linguistics Notes Details
Donna R. Miller
Verbal Art and Systemic Functional Linguistics References Details
Donna R. Miller
Verbal Art and Systemic Functional Linguistics Name Index Details
Donna R. Miller
Verbal Art and Systemic Functional Linguistics Subject Index Details
Donna R. Miller
Comparison To What Can I Compare Thee? Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Comparison History Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Comparison Possibilities Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Comparison Context Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Comparison Acknowledgements Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Comparison Preface Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Comparison Introduction: A Personal Journey in and through Comparison Details
Aaron Hughes
Comparison Future Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Comparison References Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Comparison Index Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Comparison Further Reading Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Sufism and Scripture Introduction Abstract
Harith Bin Ramli
Sufism and Scripture 1. Mystical and Esoteric Scriptural Exegesis in Pre-Islamic Settings Abstract
Harith Bin Ramli
Sufism and Scripture 2. Early Tafsīr and the Emergence of the Sufi Tradition Abstract
Harith Bin Ramli
Sufism and Scripture 3. Qur’an Exegesis in the Writings of the Fourth/Tenth Century Sufis Abstract
Harith Bin Ramli
Sufism and Scripture 4. The Sufi Scholars of Khurasan: al-Sulamī, al-Qushayrī, al-Ghazālī Abstract
Harith Bin Ramli
Sufism and Scripture 5. The Path of Love: Aḥmad al-Ghazālī, ʾAyn al-Quḍāt al- al-Hamadhānī, Ruzbihān al-Baqlī and Jalāl al-Dīn al-Rūmī Abstract
Harith Bin Ramli
Sufism and Scripture 6. Central Asian Masters: The Kubrawiyya, the Khwājagān and the Rise of Sufi Orders on the Post-Mongol Era Abstract
Harith Bin Ramli
Sufism and Scripture 7. Further East: Qur’an Exegesis in the Writings of Sufis in India, China and the Malay Archipelago Abstract
Harith Bin Ramli
Sufism and Scripture 8. al-Andalus Abstract
Harith Bin Ramli
Sufism and Scripture 9. Ibn ʿArabī and the Akbarī School Abstract
Harith Bin Ramli
Sufism and Scripture 10. Ibn ʿAjība and the Later Medieval North African Tradition Abstract
Harith Bin Ramli
Sufism and Scripture 11. Sufi Tafsīr in the Ayyubid and Mamluk Eras Abstract
Harith Bin Ramli
Sufism and Scripture 12. al-Suhrawardī and the Ishrāqī School Abstract
Harith Bin Ramli
Sufism and Scripture 13. Sufi Tafsīr in the Age of “Gunpowder Empires” Abstract
Harith Bin Ramli
Sufism and Scripture 14. Contemporary Approaches to Sufi Tafsīr Abstract
Harith Bin Ramli
Sufism and Scripture Conclusion Abstract
Harith Bin Ramli
Gender Introduction Abstract
K. Merinda Simmons
Gender Sex/Gender Abstract
K. Merinda Simmons
Gender Exotic/Familiar Abstract
K. Merinda Simmons
Gender Rhetoric/Politics Abstract
K. Merinda Simmons
Gender Authority/Experience Abstract
K. Merinda Simmons
Gender Conclusion Abstract
K. Merinda Simmons
Identifying Roots The Anthropology of Scriptures Abstract
Richard Newton
Identifying Roots Identifying with Alex Haley "Before This Anger" Abstract
Richard Newton
Identifying Roots "The Book that Changed America" Abstract
Richard Newton
Identifying Roots "The Saga of an American Family" Abstract
Richard Newton
Identifying Roots Kunta Kinte in American TV, Film, and Music Abstract
Richard Newton
Identifying Roots Root-Work in the Academic Study of Religion Abstract
Richard Newton
Identifying Roots Rooting Identity Abstract
Richard Newton
Identifying Roots Acknowledgements Abstract
Richard W. Newton, Jr.
Identifying Roots Bibliography Abstract
Richard W. Newton, Jr.
Identifying Roots Index Abstract
Richard W. Newton, Jr.
Renunciation and Asceticism in Early Sufi Biographical Literature 1. Introduction Abstract
Meis Al-Kaisi
Renunciation and Asceticism in Early Sufi Biographical Literature 2. Abū Nu‛aym al-Iṣfahānī Abstract
Meis Al-Kaisi
Renunciation and Asceticism in Early Sufi Biographical Literature 3. Arabic Biographical Writing Abstract
Meis Al-Kaisi
Renunciation and Asceticism in Early Sufi Biographical Literature 4. Ḥilyat al-awliyā’ wa-ṭabaqāt al-aṣfiyā’: A Critical Analysis of the Text Abstract
Meis Al-Kaisi
Renunciation and Asceticism in Early Sufi Biographical Literature Ḥilyat al-awliyā’ wa-ṭabaqāt al-aṣfiyā’ Abstract
Meis Al-Kaisi
Surviving the Induction Years of Language Teaching Setting the Scene Abstract
Thomas Farrell
Surviving the Induction Years of Language Teaching The Induction Years Abstract
Thomas Farrell
Surviving the Induction Years of Language Teaching Reflecting on Philosophy in the First Year Abstract
Thomas Farrell
Surviving the Induction Years of Language Teaching Reflecting on First Year Principles Abstract
Thomas Farrell
Surviving the Induction Years of Language Teaching Reflecting on Theory in the First Year Abstract
Thomas Farrell
Surviving the Induction Years of Language Teaching Reflecting on Practice in the First Year Abstract
Thomas Farrell
Surviving the Induction Years of Language Teaching Reflecting Beyond First Year Practice Abstract
Thomas Farrell
Surviving the Induction Years of Language Teaching Reflecting on Third Year Philosophy Abstract
Thomas Farrell
Surviving the Induction Years of Language Teaching Reflecting on Third Year Principles Abstract
Thomas Farrell
Surviving the Induction Years of Language Teaching Reflecting on Third Year Theory Abstract
Thomas Farrell
Surviving the Induction Years of Language Teaching Reflecting on Third Year Practice Abstract
Thomas Farrell
Surviving the Induction Years of Language Teaching Analyzing the Third Year Abstract
Thomas Farrell
Surviving the Induction Years of Language Teaching Professional Development Through Reflective Practice Abstract
Thomas Farrell
Surviving the Induction Years of Language Teaching Analyzing the First Year Abstract
Thomas Farrell
Surviving the Induction Years of Language Teaching Reflecting on Third Year Beyond Practice Abstract
Thomas Farrell
Surviving the Induction Years of Language Teaching References Details
Thomas S.C. Farrell
Surviving the Induction Years of Language Teaching Index Details
Thomas S.C. Farrell
Surviving the Induction Years of Language Teaching Series Editor's Preface Details
Thomas S.C. Farrell
The Rosary and the Microphone Introduction Abstract
Nicholas Greco
The Rosary and the Microphone From Underground to Overground: U2 from Boy to Rattle and Hum Abstract
Nicholas Greco
The Rosary and the Microphone U2 and the Blinding Lights of the City Abstract
Nicholas Greco
The Rosary and the Microphone Beautiful Day: Technological Optimism, Gesture and Intimacy Abstract
Nicholas Greco
The Rosary and the Microphone The Rosary and the Microphone: Social Justice and the Stage Abstract
Nicholas Greco
The Rosary and the Microphone Linear: A Way Forward Abstract
Nicholas Greco
The Rosary and the Microphone Songs of Innocence as Barthes' Ideal Novel Abstract
Nicholas Greco
The Rosary and the Microphone Conclusions: A Cosmopolitan Christianity Abstract
Nicholas Greco
The Rosary and the Microphone Preface Abstract
Nicholas Greco
The Rosary and the Microphone The Irish in America: Nationalism and Politics on Tour Abstract
Nicholas Greco
The Rosary and the Microphone Acknowledgements Abstract
Nicholas Greco
The Rosary and the Microphone Bibliography Abstract
Nicholas Greco
The Rosary and the Microphone Index Abstract
Nicholas Greco
The Northern Soul Scene Introduction Abstract
Tim Wall, Sarah Raine, Nicola Smith
The Northern Soul Scene Welcome to Dreamsville: A History and Geography of Northern Soul Abstract
Joanne Hollows, Katie Milestone
The Northern Soul Scene Long After Tonight is All Over Abstract
Stuart Cosgrove
The Northern Soul Scene Dave Godin and the Politics of the British Soul Community Abstract
Joe Street
The Northern Soul Scene Soul Boy, Soul Girl: Reflections on Gender and Northern Soul Abstract
Katie Milestone
The Northern Soul Scene Acquiring Rights and Righting Wrongs? Abstract
Ady Croasdell
The Northern Soul Scene Out on the Floor: The Politics of Dancing on the Northern Soul Scene Abstract
Tim Wall
The Northern Soul Scene ReMarking Old Records, Making New Meaning: Debating the Questionable Home of Northern Soul Abstract
Nicola Smith
The Northern Soul Scene Nostalgia, Symbolic Knowledge and Generational Conflict Abstract
Lucy Gibson
The Northern Soul Scene Myths on/of the Northern Soul Scene Abstract
Sarah Raine, Tim Wall
The Northern Soul Scene Searching for the Subcultural Heart of Northern Soul: From Pillheads to Shredded Wheat Abstract
Andrew Wilson
The Northern Soul Scene Interviews with Tony Palmer, Elaine Constantine, and Liam Quinn Abstract
Tim Wall
The Northern Soul Scene Beyond the Master Narrative of Youth: Researching Ageing Popular Music Scenes Abstract
Nicola Smith
The Northern Soul Scene Life with Soul is Better, Much Better Abstract
Dani Herranz
The Northern Soul Scene Portrait of Tom Page Details
William Ellis
The Northern Soul Scene Portrait of Sean Chapman Details
William Ellis
The Northern Soul Scene Portrait of Emily Jane Details
William Ellis
The Northern Soul Scene Portrait of John Manship Details
William Ellis
The Northern Soul Scene Soul Survivors Abstract
John Barrett
The Northern Soul Scene Portrait of Sammy Dee Details
William Ellis
The Northern Soul Scene Portrait of Harriet Dalkin Details
William Ellis
The Northern Soul Scene The Voice of Participants on the Scene Abstract
Mark Duffett, Sarah Raine, Tim Wall
The Northern Soul Scene I'm Still Looking for Unknowns All the Time: The Forward (E)motion of Northern Soul Dancing Abstract
Paul Sadot
The Northern Soul Scene Photographic Dossier (3) Abstract
Richard Oughton
The Northern Soul Scene Portrait of Kev Roberts Details
William Ellis
The Northern Soul Scene Groove Me: Dancing to the Discs of Northern Soul Abstract
David Sanjek†
The Northern Soul Scene Portrait of Jenny Wilkes Details
William Ellis
The Northern Soul Scene Critical Reflection Abstract
Tim Wall
The Northern Soul Scene Index Abstract
Sarah Raine, Tim Wall, Nicola Smith
The Northern Soul Scene Acknowledgements Abstract
Sarah Raine, Tim Wall, Nicola Smith
The Northern Soul Scene Photographic Dossier (1) Abstract
John Barrett
The Northern Soul Scene Photographic Dossier (2) Abstract
Bethany Kane
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art - The Alta Conference on Rock Art III Abstract
Jan Magne Gjerde, Mari Arntzen
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art Location is (Almost) Everything: Rock Art Differences across the Sacred Landscape of the Klamath Basin (Oregon/California, USA) Abstract
Robert David, Margaret Conkey
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art Spiritual Landscapes: Diversity in Practices and Perceptions in Northern Fennoscandia Abstract
Charlotte Damm
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art The Cultural Understanding of Sound in Rock Art Landscapes: The Limits of Interpretation Abstract
Margarita Diaz-Andreu, Tommaso Mattioli, Michael Rainsbury
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art Bonding and Bounding in Australian Rock Art: The Panaramitee Tradition and Simple Figurative Styles Abstract
Natalie Franklin
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art Snowscapes of Rock Art: Seasons and Seasonality of Stone Age Rock Art in Northernmost Europe Abstract
Jan Magne Gjerde
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art On the Chronology and Use of Hunter-Gatherer: Rock Painting Sites in Northern Europe Abstract
Joakim Goldhahn
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art Approaching Rock Art Regions: Trans-Pecos Texas (USA) as an Illustrative Case Study Abstract
Jamie Hampson
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art Changing Settlements, Shores and Boats through 5000 Years: Dating and Connecting Petroglyphs to the General Archaeological Record - A Case from Northernmost Norway Abstract
Knut Helskog
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art The Management of the Kåfjord Rock Art Site Abstract
Martin Hykkerud
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art Prehistoric Deep-sea Exploitation: Visual Clues of the Rock Art of the White Sea and Alta Abstract
Liliana Janik
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art Making Time, Timing Art: Image and Process in Neolithic Britain and Ireland Abstract
Andrew Jones, Marta Diaz-Guardamino
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art Hunting Land in Rock Art of Northern Fennoscandia Abstract
Eugen Kolpakov
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art Evidence for Animal Sacrifices in Front of the Rock Painting of Kotojärvi, Southeastern Finland Abstract
Antti Lahelma
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art Birds and Blurred Boundaries: Communities of Practice and the Problem of Regions in San Rock Art Abstract
Ghilraen Laue
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art Seasons and Landscape in North European Hunter-Gatherer Rock Art: The Case of Salmon at Honnhammar, Central Norway Abstract
Trond Linge
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art New Data on the Chronology of Lake Onega and the White Sea Area Petroglyphs Abstract
Nadezhda Lobanova
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art The Appreciation of Reindeer: Rock Carvings and Sami Reindeer Knowledge Abstract
Marianne Skandfer
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art 21st Century Innovation in Conserving the Rock Art of Northern Australia Abstract
Paul Tacon
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art Skills and Traces: Imagining Differences in Engravings, Northern Cape, South Africa Abstract
Silvia Tomaskova
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art Whose Country? Native Title and Authenticity in Rock Art Research Abstract
Leslie Zubieta, Jo McDonald
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art Desert Rock Art: Social Geography at the Local Scale Abstract
Jo McDonald
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art Image and Identity: Modelling the Emergence of a 'New' Rock Art Tradition in Southern Africa Abstract
Geoffrey Blundell
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art The Mind in the Wild: On ‘Motemic’ Variation in Late Mesolithic Scandinavian Rock Art Abstract
Ingrid Fuglestvedt
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art Rethinking Variability in Rock Art in the Northern Cape, South Africa: Empirical and Theoretical Considerations Abstract
David Morris
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art Desert Varnish and the Marine Transgression: A Chronological Indicator for Murujuga Rock Art Abstract
Ken Mulvaney
Perspectives on Differences in Rock Art Index Abstract
Jan Magne Gjerde, Mari Arntzen
Phonology in Protolanguage and Interlanguage 5. The Production of Selected Phonemically Short versus Long Hungarian Vowel Pairs by 5-, 6, and 7-Year Olds Abstract
Ferenc Bunta, Tilda Neuberger, Judit Bona, Alexandra  Markó, Agnes Jordanidisz
Phonology in Protolanguage and Interlanguage 2. Crosslinguistic Interaction in Early Bilingual Phonology: A Critical Review Abstract
Margaret Kehoe
Phonology in Protolanguage and Interlanguage 3. German-Spanish Bilinguals’ Phonological Grammars: Permeable or Resilient? Abstract
Conxita Lleó
Phonology in Protolanguage and Interlanguage 7. Schwa Productions in Spanish-English Bilingual Adults Abstract
Kelly Millard, Mehmet Yavaş
Phonology in Protolanguage and Interlanguage 4. Acquired Singleton Fricatives and Lateral in Cluster Development: A Bilingual Child Case Abstract
Elena Babatsouli
Phonology in Protolanguage and Interlanguage

6. Phonological Development and Language Proficiency of Bilingual Children who Learn Greek as a Second Language
Eleni Morfidi, Eleni Samsari
Phonology in Protolanguage and Interlanguage 8. Identification and Discrimination of Initial Voiceless Stops by Catalan and Portuguese Learners of English: The Role of Formal Instruction and L2 Exposure Abstract
Angelica Carlet , Anabela Rato
Phonology in Protolanguage and Interlanguage 9. The Impact of Production Complexity in German L2 by French Native Speakers: Focus on /h/ and Vowel Duration Contrast Abstract
Jane Wottawa, Martine Adda-Decker, Frédéric Isel
Phonology in Protolanguage and Interlanguage 10. The Acquisition of Second Dialect Speech: An Acoustic Examination of the Production of Ecuadorian Spanish Assibilated Rhotics by Andalusian Speakers of Spanish Abstract
Esperanza Ruíz-Peña, Diego Sevilla, Yasaman Rafat
Phonology in Protolanguage and Interlanguage 11. The Perceptual Weight of Word Stress, Quantity and Tonal Word Accent in Swedish Abstract
Åsa Abelin, Bosse Thorén
Phonology in Protolanguage and Interlanguage Preface Details
Elena Babatsouli, David Ingram
Phonology in Protolanguage and Interlanguage Prologue Details
Elena Babatsouli, David Ingram
Phonology in Protolanguage and Interlanguage Synopsis on Protolanguage Abstract
Elena Babatsouli, David Ingram
Phonology in Protolanguage and Interlanguage Synopsis on Interlanguage Abstract
Elena Babatsouli, David Ingram
Phonology in Protolanguage and Interlanguage 1. Are Speech Sound Disorders Phonological or Articulatory? A Spectrum Approach Abstract
David Ingram, A. Lynn Williams, Nancy Scherer
Phonology in Protolanguage and Interlanguage Index Abstract
Elena Babatsouli, David Ingram
Experiential Grammar in Systemic Functional Linguistics Introduction Abstract
Beatriz Quiroz
Experiential Grammar in Systemic Functional Linguistics Historical Overview Abstract
Beatriz Quiroz
Experiential Grammar in Systemic Functional Linguistics Experience as Meaning: Cryptogrammar Abstract
Beatriz Quiroz
Experiential Grammar in Systemic Functional Linguistics The Construal of Experience Across Languages: Beyond English Grammatical Accounts Abstract
Beatriz Quiroz
Experiential Grammar in Systemic Functional Linguistics The Construal of Experience Through Language: Beyond Lexicogrammar Abstract
Beatriz Quiroz
Experiential Grammar in Systemic Functional Linguistics Bibliography Details
Beatriz Quiroz
Experiential Grammar in Systemic Functional Linguistics Index Details
Beatriz Quiroz
Translocal Lives and Religion 1. From Comparative to Connected Religion: Translocal Aspects of Orientalism and the Study of Religion Abstract
Philippe Bornet
Translocal Lives and Religion 2. "In-Between" Religiosity: European Kāli-bhakti in Early Colonial Calcutta Abstract
Gautam Chakrabarti
Translocal Lives and Religion 4. The Curious Case of the Drs. D’Abreu: Catholicism, Migration and a Kanara Catholic Family in the Heart of the Empire, 1890-1950 Abstract
Dwayne Menezes
Translocal Lives and Religion 5. Religion and the "Simple Life": Dugald Semple and Translocal "Life Reform" Networks Abstract
Steven Sutcliffe
Translocal Lives and Religion 6. Re-discovering Buddha’s Land: The Transnational Formative Years of China’s Indology Abstract
Minyu Zhang
Translocal Lives and Religion 7. Charles Pfoundes and the Forgotten First Buddhist Mission to the West, London 1889-1892: Some Research Questions Abstract
Brian Bocking
Translocal Lives and Religion 9. A "Christian Hindu Apostle"?: The Multiple Lives of Sadhu Sundar Singh (1889-1929?) Abstract
Philippe Bornet
Translocal Lives and Religion 10. The Chen Jianmin (1906-1987) Legacy: An "Always on the Move" Buddhist Practice Abstract
Fabienne Jagou
Translocal Lives and Religion 11. Afterword Abstract
Maya Burger
Translocal Lives and Religion Index Details
Philippe Bornet
Translocal Lives and Religion 8. Travelling Through Interstitial Spaces: The Radical Spiritual Journeys of Pandita Mary Ramabai Saraswathi Abstract
Parinitha Shetty
Translocal Lives and Religion Editor's Preface Details
Philippe Bornet
Translocal Lives and Religion 3. The Making of the Ideal Transnational Disciple: Unravelling Biographies of Margaret Noble/Sister Nivedit Abstract
Gwilym Beckerlegge
Translocal Lives and Religion Foreword Details
Sujit Sivasundaram
Translocal Lives and Religion List of Figures Details
Philippe Bornet
Method Today Introduction: Method Today Abstract
Brad Stoddard
Method Today Afterword Abstract
Gregory Alles
Method Today 1. Comparison Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Method Today 2. He who Knows One Language Knows None: On the Inevitabilities of Comparison and Translation Abstract
Lucas Carmichael
Method Today 3. Comparison and the Production of Knowledge Abstract
Thomas Carrico
Method Today 4. On Z-factors and Empires Abstract
Andrew Durdin
Method Today 5. Complicating ‘Comparison’: On Perspective, Rhetoric, and Recognition in the Study of Religion Abstract
Stacie Swain
Method Today 6. Response Details
Aaron Hughes
Method Today 7. Forget about Defining "It" : Reflections on Thinking Differently in Religious Studies Abstract
Naomi Goldenberg
Method Today 8. Preaching to the Choir? Religious Studies and Religionization Abstract
Ian Alexander Cuthbertson
Method Today 9. Religion and Description Abstract
Daniel McClellan
Method Today 10. Perhaps Action Enough Abstract
Emily Crews
Method Today 11. In Pursuit of a Pushier Study of Those Words we Like to Put in Quotes Abstract
Neil George
Method Today 12. Response to the Responses Details
Naomi Goldenberg
Method Today 13. Explanation and the Study of Religion Abstract
Egil Asprem, Ann Taves
Method Today 14. “Constitution God-Given Rights”: Explaining Religion and Politics in the Malheur Occupation Abstract
Spencer Dew
Method Today 15. Ontological v. Axiological Approaches to Religion Abstract
Joel Harrison
Method Today 16. Is Explanation Existential? Abstract
Paul Kenny
Method Today 17. Causal Explanations in the Study of Religion Abstract
Erin Roberts
Method Today 18. To Our Critics Details
Egil Asprem, Ann Taves
Method Today 19. Interpretation and the Study of Religion Abstract
Kevin Schilbrack
Method Today 20. Homo Interpretans Abstract
Jennifer Eyl
Method Today 21. Combining and Constituting Abstract
Mark Gardiner, Steven Engler
Method Today 22. Subjectivity and Meaning Abstract
Joshua Lupo
Method Today 23. Interpretation Abstract
Matt Sheedy
Method Today Index Abstract
Brad Stoddard
Method Today 24. A Reply to My Critics Details
Kevin Schilbrack
Sounds Northern 1. Manpool, the Musical: Harmony and Counterpoint on the Lancashire Plain Abstract
Richard Witts
Sounds Northern 2. Another Uniquely Mancunian Offering?: Un-Convention and the Intermediation of Music Culture and Place Abstract
Paul Long, Jez Collins
Sounds Northern 3. 'They Say a Town is Just a Town, Full Stop, but What do They Know?': Architecture, Urbanism and Pop in Sheffield Abstract
Owen Hatherley
Sounds Northern 4. ‘I Thought I Heard That up North Whistle Blow’: African American Blues Performance in the North of England Abstract
Tom Attah
Sounds Northern 7. Scrap Value: Sleaford Mods, Invisible Britain and the Edge of the North Abstract
Brian Baker
Sounds Northern 9. The Missing Star of MC Tunes Abstract
Les Gillon, Ewa Mazierska
Sounds Northern 10. Hashtag 0161: Did Bugzy Malone put Manny on the map? Abstract
Kamila Rymajdo
Sounds Northern 5. The Contrasting Soundscapes of Hull and London in David Bowie's Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars Abstract
Peter Atkinson
Sounds Northern 6. Hard Floors, Harsh Sounds and the Northern Anti-Festival: Futurama 1979-1983 Abstract
Ian Trowell
Sounds Northern 8. From Broken Glass to Ruf Diamonds: Manchester Hip Hop Abstract
Adam de Paor-Evans
Sounds Northern Is It Really Grim Up North?: Popular Music in the North of England Abstract
Ewa Mazierska
4182 - 4681 of 13181 Items << < 4.362 5.362 6.362 7.362 8.362 9.362 10.362 11.362 12.362 13.362 > >> 

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