Browse Title Index

Issue Title
Medieval Visby and Gotland 2. Parishes and churches Abstract
Anders Andrén
Medieval Visby and Gotland 3. Settlement and social order Abstract
Anders Andrén
Medieval Visby and Gotland 4. Rural economy Abstract
Anders Andrén
Medieval Visby and Gotland 5. Early Visby Abstract
Anders Andrén
Medieval Visby and Gotland 6. A north-European metropolis Abstract
Anders Andrén
Medieval Visby and Gotland 7. The civil war in 1288 Abstract
Anders Andrén
Medieval Visby and Gotland 8. The Danish conquest in 1361 Abstract
Anders Andrén
Medieval Visby and Gotland 9. The castle of Visborg Abstract
Anders Andrén
Medieval Visby and Gotland 10. A Danish province Abstract
Anders Andrén
Medieval Visby and Gotland Eplilogue Abstract
Anders Andrén
The Sheep People Towards an Archaeology Informed by Human-Animal Studies Abstract
Kristin Armstrong Oma
The Sheep People Understanding Animals: Perception, Sentience and Anthropomorphism Abstract
Kristin Armstrong Oma
The Sheep People Animal Agency Abstract
Kristin Armstrong Oma
The Sheep People Three-aisled Houses in Early Bronze Age Rogaland: Who were the Household Members? Abstract
Kristin Armstrong Oma
The Sheep People A Closer Look at Sheep, Sheepdogs and the Dynamics of Herding Abstract
Kristin Armstrong Oma
The Sheep People The Sheep People: Towards an Archaeology of Ontology Abstract
Kristin Armstrong Oma
The Sheep People List of Figures Abstract
Kristin Armstrong Oma
The Sheep People List of Tables Abstract
Kristin Armstrong Oma
The Sheep People Acknowledgements Abstract
Kristin Armstrong Oma
The Sheep People Appendix Abstract
Kristin Armstrong Oma
The Sheep People Bibliography Abstract
Kristin Armstrong Oma
The Sheep People Index Abstract
Kristin Armstrong Oma
The Study of Religious Experience Foreword Abstract
Peggy Morgan
The Study of Religious Experience 1. How to Study Religious Experience: Historical and Methodological Reflections on the Study of the Paranormal Abstract
Fiona Bowie
The Study of Religious Experience 2. Ethnological and Neurophenomenological Approaches to Religious Experiences Abstract
Michael Winkleman
The Study of Religious Experience 10. Is it Possible to Have a ‘Religious Experience’ in Cyberspace? Abstract
Gary Bunt
The Study of Religious Experience 4. Cultural-Linguistic Constructivism and the Challenge of Near-Death and Out-of-Body Experiences Abstract
Gregory Shushan
The Study of Religious Experience 3. Fieldwork and Embodied Knowledge: Researching the Experiences of Spirit Mediums in the Brazilian Vale do Amanhecer Abstract
Emily Pierini
The Study of Religious Experience 6. Immediate Revelation or the Basest Idolatry? Theology and Religious Experience Abstract
Robert Pope
The Study of Religious Experience 8. Text and Experience: Reflections on 'Seeing' in the Gospel of John Abstract
Catrin Williams
The Study of Religious Experience 7. An Argument from Religious Experience: Origins and Revelations Abstract
Tristan Nash
The Study of Religious Experience 9. Music as Spiritual Experience Abstract
June Boyce-Tillman
The Study of Religious Experience 5. Provincializing Religious Experience; Methodological Challenges to the Study of Religious Experiences in Brazil Abstract
Bettina Schmidt
The Study of Religious Experience Acknowledgements Abstract
Bettina Schmidt
The Study of Religious Experience Introduction Abstract
Bettina Schmidt
The Study of Religious Experience Bibliography Abstract
Bettina Schmidt
The Study of Religious Experience Index Abstract
Bettina Schmidt
Textbook Violence Significant or Insignificant Absence? Religion and Violence in RE Textbooks for Norwegian Teacher Education Abstract
Bengt-Ove Andreassen
Textbook Violence This is not a Religion! 'The Trechery of the Images' of Aum, Yasukuni and Al-Qaeda in Japanese Textbooks Abstract
Satoko Fujiwara
Textbook Violence Talking about Conflicts in Pursuit of the Common Good, or how to Handle Sensible Topics while Learning about Religions: The Approach of Ethics and Religious Culture Textbooks in Quebec Abstract
Sivane Hirsch
Textbook Violence Toward an Appreciation of Non-Normativity: A Quasi-Autobiography Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Textbook Violence Self-Contradictions and Projected Otherness: Images of Sikh Militancy in the Writings of Orientalist Scholars and Contemporary Textbook Authors Abstract
James Lewis
Textbook Violence Undermining Authority: The Representation of Buddhism and Discourse on Modernity in Religion Education Textbooks Abstract
Kai Nyborg
Textbook Violence Colonial Conflicts: Absence, Inclusion and Indigenization in Textbook Presentations of Indigenous Peoples Abstract
Torjer Olsen
Textbook Violence Reading Beyond the Lines: What Students Learn from their History Textbooks Abstract
Michael Romanowski
Textbook Violence Ignore the War: Concentrate on Peace: Textbook Analysis of Strategies in Post-conflict Societies: A Praxeological Approach Abstract
Zrinka Stimac
Textbook Violence Representations of Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust in RE Textbooks for Norwegian Upper Secondary School Abstract
Suzanne Thobro
Textbook Violence Aniconism and Images in Norwegian RE-textbooks: Representations and Historical Change Abstract
Sissel Undheim
Textbook Violence Introduction Abstract
Bengt-Ove Andreassen, James Lewis
Textbook Violence Index Abstract
James Lewis, Bengt-Ove Andreassen, Suzanne Thobro
An Introduction to Relational Network Theory Foreword: On the Creation and Creator of RNT Abstract
M.A.K. Halliday
An Introduction to Relational Network Theory Introduction Abstract
Adolfo García
An Introduction to Relational Network Theory 1. The Origins of Relational Network Theory Abstract
Adolfo García
An Introduction to Relational Network Theory 2. From Language Structure to Language Processing Abstract
Adolfo García
An Introduction to Relational Network Theory 3. From Neurological Structures to Language Processing Abstract
Adolfo García
An Introduction to Relational Network Theory 5. An RNT Approach to the Polish Genitive Abstract
Adolfo García
An Introduction to Relational Network Theory 6. An RNT Approach to Spanish Pronominal Clitics and Verb Endings Abstract
Adolfo García
An Introduction to Relational Network Theory 7. An RNT Approach to Participants in English Texts Abstract
Adolfo García
An Introduction to Relational Network Theory 8. An RNT Approach to Speech Errors in English and Polish Abstract
Adolfo García
An Introduction to Relational Network Theory 4. An RNT Approach to Russian Obstruent Onsets Abstract
Adolfo García
An Introduction to Relational Network Theory Afterword Details
Adolfo García
An Introduction to Relational Network Theory An Interview with Sydney Lamb Abstract
Adolfo García
An Introduction to Relational Network Theory Glossary of Terms Abstract
Adolfo García
An Introduction to Relational Network Theory Indexes Abstract
Adolfo García
An Introduction to Relational Network Theory References Abstract
Adolfo García
An Introduction to Relational Network Theory List of Figures and Tables Abstract
Adolfo García
An Introduction to Relational Network Theory Acknowledgments Abstract
Adolfo García
Mosaics Preface Abstract
Duncan Heining
Mosaics At Home with the Folks Abstract
Duncan Heining
Mosaics Berklee with Herb Abstract
Duncan Heining
Mosaics Return of the Native Abstract
Duncan Heining
Mosaics Down another Road Abstract
Duncan Heining
Mosaics Nil Desperandum - The Jazz Hustler Abstract
Duncan Heining
Mosaics 'Author! Author!' Abstract
Duncan Heining
Mosaics Glad to be Gay Abstract
Duncan Heining
Mosaics The Day of the Dead Abstract
Duncan Heining
Mosaics The Eighties or 'Graham Collier - the Wilderness Years' Abstract
Duncan Heining
Mosaics Pte. James Collier Returns to Hong Kong Abstract
Duncan Heining
Mosaics Educating NYJO Abstract
Duncan Heining
Mosaics 'Not for any Jazz Use' Abstract
Duncan Heining
Mosaics The Last Suites Abstract
Duncan Heining
Mosaics Legacy Abstract
Duncan Heining
Mosaics List of Figures Abstract
Duncan Heining
Mosaics Bibliography Abstract
Duncan Heining
Mosaics Mosaics Interviews and Correspondence Abstract
Duncan Heining
Mosaics Appendix 1: Graham Collier Discography Abstract
Duncan Heining
Mosaics Appendix 2: Compositions Abstract
Duncan Heining
Mosaics Appendix 3: Graham Collier BBC Radio Broadcasts Abstract
Duncan Heining
Mosaics Appendix 4: Royal Academy of Music Collier Alumni Abstract
Duncan Heining
Mosaics Index Abstract
Duncan Heining
From Jazz to the World, from the World to Jazz Jazz as a music of migration, a 'world music' Abstract
Duncan Heining
From Jazz to the World, from the World to Jazz Don Cherry. An example of world jazz Abstract
Duncan Heining
From Jazz to the World, from the World to Jazz Astor Piazzolla Abstract
Duncan Heining
From Jazz to the World, from the World to Jazz Brazilian artists Eliane Elias, Antonion Carlos Jobim, Gato Barbieri and Egerberto Gismonti Abstract
Duncan Heining
From Jazz to the World, from the World to Jazz Greece, Mikis Theodorakis and Savina Yannatou. Abstract
Duncan Heining
From Jazz to the World, from the World to Jazz South Africa Abstract
Duncan Heining
From Jazz to the World, from the World to Jazz France, a musical melting pot Abstract
Duncan Heining
From Jazz to the World, from the World to Jazz Britain Abstract
Duncan Heining
From Jazz to the World, from the World to Jazz Italy Abstract
Duncan Heining
From Jazz to the World, from the World to Jazz USA Abstract
Duncan Heining
From Jazz to the World, from the World to Jazz World Music as both a 'brand' and a music of commitment. Abstract
Duncan Heining
From Jazz to the World, from the World to Jazz Conclusion, whither jazz or jazz withers..... Abstract
Duncan Heining
From Jazz to the World, from the World to Jazz Recording List Abstract
Duncan Heining
Subtle Citation, Allusion, and Translation in the Hebrew Bible 1. Echoes of Texts Past Abstract
Ziony Zevit
Subtle Citation, Allusion, and Translation in the Hebrew Bible 3. Method in Determining the Dependence of Biblical on Non-Biblical Texts Abstract
David M. Carr
Subtle Citation, Allusion, and Translation in the Hebrew Bible 12. Gauging Egyptian Influences on Biblical Literature Abstract
Michael V. Fox
Subtle Citation, Allusion, and Translation in the Hebrew Bible 9. The Book of Job and Mesopotamian Literature: How Many Degrees of Separation? Abstract
Edward L. Greenstein
Subtle Citation, Allusion, and Translation in the Hebrew Bible 11. To Refer or Not to Refer: That is the Question Abstract
Peter Machinist
Subtle Citation, Allusion, and Translation in the Hebrew Bible 4. Subtle Citation, Allusion, and Translation: Evidence in Hittite Texts and Some Biblical Implications Abstract
Ada Taggar-Cohen
Subtle Citation, Allusion, and Translation in the Hebrew Bible 10. Method in the Study of Textual Source Dependence: The Covenant Code Abstract
David P. Wright
Subtle Citation, Allusion, and Translation in the Hebrew Bible 5. Identifying Torah Sources in the Historical Psalms Abstract
Marc Z. Brettler
Subtle Citation, Allusion, and Translation in the Hebrew Bible 7. Literary Allusions and Assumptions about Textual Familiarity Abstract
Joel S. Baden
Subtle Citation, Allusion, and Translation in the Hebrew Bible 8. Isaiah 60–62 in Intertextual Perspective Abstract
Marvin A. Sweeney
Subtle Citation, Allusion, and Translation in the Hebrew Bible 6. Identifying Subtle Allusions: The Promise of Narrative Tracking Abstract
Jeffery M. Leonard
Subtle Citation, Allusion, and Translation in the Hebrew Bible 2. Identifying Literary Allusions: Theory, and the Criterion of Shared Language Abstract
Joseph Kelly
Subtle Citation, Allusion, and Translation in the Hebrew Bible 13. A Future for Back-referencing Abstract
Ziony Zevit
Subtle Citation, Allusion, and Translation in the Hebrew Bible Index of Modern Authors Abstract
Ziony Zevit
Subtle Citation, Allusion, and Translation in the Hebrew Bible Index of Subjects Abstract
Ziony Zevit
Subtle Citation, Allusion, and Translation in the Hebrew Bible Index of Biblical Passages Abstract
Ziony Zevit
Leadership, Social Memory and Judean Discourse in the Fifth - Second Centuries BCE Introduction Abstract
Diana Edelman
Leadership, Social Memory and Judean Discourse in the Fifth - Second Centuries BCE Memory and Political Thought in Late Persian/Early Hellenistic Yehud/Judah: Some Observations Abstract
Ehud Ben Zvi
Leadership, Social Memory and Judean Discourse in the Fifth - Second Centuries BCE Memories of Judah’s Past Leaders Utilized as Propaganda in Yehud Abstract
James Bos
Leadership, Social Memory and Judean Discourse in the Fifth - Second Centuries BCE Mystified Authority: Legitimating Leadership Through “Lost Books” Abstract
Kåre Berge
Leadership, Social Memory and Judean Discourse in the Fifth - Second Centuries BCE Israel’s King as Primus Inter Pares: The “Democratic” Re-conceptualization of Monarchy in Deut 17:14–20 Abstract
Reinhard Müller
Leadership, Social Memory and Judean Discourse in the Fifth - Second Centuries BCE The Kingdom of God in Samuel Abstract
Geoffrey Parsons Miller
Leadership, Social Memory and Judean Discourse in the Fifth - Second Centuries BCE Reconsidering Davidic Kingship in Ezekiel Abstract
Christophe Nihan
Leadership, Social Memory and Judean Discourse in the Fifth - Second Centuries BCE Imagining the Memory of an Elder: Job 29–30 Abstract
Terje Stordalen
Leadership, Social Memory and Judean Discourse in the Fifth - Second Centuries BCE At the Hands of Foreign Kings: Divine Endorsement of Foreign Rulers in the Hebrew Bible in the Memory of Persian and Hellenistic Yehud Abstract
Thomas Bolin
Leadership, Social Memory and Judean Discourse in the Fifth - Second Centuries BCE At the Crossroads of Persian and Hellenistic Ideology: The Book of Esther as "Political Theology" Abstract
Beate Ego
Leadership, Social Memory and Judean Discourse in the Fifth - Second Centuries BCE Models of Local Political Leadership in the Nehemiah Memoir Abstract
Anne Fitzpatrick
Leadership, Social Memory and Judean Discourse in the Fifth - Second Centuries BCE The Three Constitutions in Greek Political Thought Abstract
Lynette Mitchell
Leadership, Social Memory and Judean Discourse in the Fifth - Second Centuries BCE Monarchy, Oligarchy, and Democracy in the Constitutional Debate in Herodotus and in 1 Samuel 8 Abstract
Wolfgang Oswald
Leadership, Social Memory and Judean Discourse in the Fifth - Second Centuries BCE Remembering Samson in a Hellenized Jewish Context (Judges 13–16) Abstract
Diana Edelman
Leadership, Social Memory and Judean Discourse in the Fifth - Second Centuries BCE Judith Maccabee? On Leadership, Resistance, and the Great Deeds of Little People Abstract
Anne-Mareike Schol-Wetter
Leadership, Social Memory and Judean Discourse in the Fifth - Second Centuries BCE List of contributors Abstract
Diana Edelman, Ehud Ben Zvi
Leadership, Social Memory and Judean Discourse in the Fifth - Second Centuries BCE Abbreviations Abstract
Diana Edelman, Ehud Ben Zvi
Leadership, Social Memory and Judean Discourse in the Fifth - Second Centuries BCE Index of Ancient Sources Abstract
Diana Edelman, Ehud Ben Zvi
Leadership, Social Memory and Judean Discourse in the Fifth - Second Centuries BCE Author Index Abstract
Diana Edelman, Ehud Ben Zvi
Stag and Stone Introduction: Of Stags on Stones Abstract
Jay Johnston
Stag and Stone Chapter 1. Matter: Cultivation and Co-Learning Abstract
Jay Johnston
Stag and Stone Chapter 2. Spheres of Debate: Discussing Ambiguous Objects Abstract
Jay Johnston
Stag and Stone Chapter 3. Antler Aesthetics: Alternate Epistemologies and Material Culture Abstract
Jay Johnston
Stag and Stone Chapter 4. Static Shamans: Agency and Iconography Abstract
Jay Johnston
Stag and Stone Chapter 5. Transpecies Narrative: Strange and Shifty Beasts Abstract
Jay Johnston
Stag and Stone Chapter 6. Speaking Stones: Runic Inscriptions and the Legacy of Religious Discourse on their Interpretation Abstract
Jay Johnston
Stag and Stone Chapter 7. Landscape Amulets: Materiality, Animality and Ecological Responsibility Abstract
Jay Johnston
Stag and Stone Inconclusive: Ethical Enchantment and Politics of Bewilderment Abstract
Jay Johnston
Restoring the Chain of Memory The Context: Central Australia, T.G.H. Strehlow and His Detractors Abstract
James Cox
Restoring the Chain of Memory Restoring the Chain of Memory: A Theory of Religion and Indigenous Religions Abstract
James Cox
Restoring the Chain of Memory Eternity: Arrernte Myths of Creation Abstract
James Cox
Restoring the Chain of Memory Personal Monototemism in a Polytotemic Community Abstract
James Cox
Restoring the Chain of Memory Songs of Central Australia Abstract
James Cox
Restoring the Chain of Memory ‘One Hour Before Sunset’: The Loss of Indigenous Religious Knowledge Abstract
James Cox
Restoring the Chain of Memory Strehlow the ‘Insider’ as a Phenomenologist of Religion Abstract
James Cox
Restoring the Chain of Memory T.G.H. Strehlow and the Repatriation of Knowledge Abstract
James Cox
Restoring the Chain of Memory Preface Abstract
James Cox
Restoring the Chain of Memory Knowledge, Tradition and Authority Abstract
James Cox
Restoring the Chain of Memory List of Illustrations Abstract
James Cox
Restoring the Chain of Memory Acknowledgements Abstract
James Cox
Restoring the Chain of Memory Bibliography Abstract
James Cox
Restoring the Chain of Memory Index Abstract
James Cox
Contemporary Puritan Salafism Introduction Abstract
Susanne Olsson
Contemporary Puritan Salafism Tradition and Authority Abstract
Susanne Olsson
Contemporary Puritan Salafism Salafi Islam Abstract
Susanne Olsson
Contemporary Puritan Salafism The Local Puritan Group Abstract
Susanne Olsson
Contemporary Puritan Salafism Jurisprudence and Sources Abstract
Susanne Olsson
Contemporary Puritan Salafism Da‘wah – The Call to Islam Abstract
Susanne Olsson
Contemporary Puritan Salafism Constructing In-Group and Out-Group Abstract
Susanne Olsson
Contemporary Puritan Salafism Epilogue Abstract
Susanne Olsson
Contemporary Puritan Salafism Acknowledgments Abstract
Susanne Olsson
Contemporary Puritan Salafism Note on Transliteration and Terminology Abstract
Susanne Olsson
Contemporary Puritan Salafism Glossary Abstract
Susanne Olsson
Contemporary Puritan Salafism Bibliography Abstract
Susanne Olsson
Contemporary Puritan Salafism Index Abstract
Susanne Olsson
The Making of the Musical World Preface Abstract
Andrew Killick
The Making of the Musical World The Music Tree Abstract
Andrew Killick
The Making of the Musical World West Africa: Joining In and Standing Out Abstract
Andrew Killick
The Making of the Musical World Africa in America: Old Ways, New Means Abstract
Andrew Killick
The Making of the Musical World Western Europe: The Familiar Stranger Abstract
Andrew Killick
The Making of the Musical World The Middle East: Another Way of Thinking Abstract
Andrew Killick
The Making of the Musical World Around the Mediterranean: Islamic Interactions Abstract
Andrew Killick
The Making of the Musical World Latin America: A Tale of Five Continents Abstract
Andrew Killick
The Making of the Musical World The Caribbean: Powerhouse of Popular Styles Abstract
Andrew Killick
The Making of the Musical World American Popular Music and the World Abstract
Andrew Killick
The Making of the Musical World South Asia: Another Tree in the Wood Abstract
Andrew Killick
The Making of the Musical World East Asia: Ancient Traditions and Modern Inventions Abstract
Andrew Killick
The Making of the Musical World Southeast Asia: Distant Connections, Local Sounds Abstract
Andrew Killick
The Making of the Musical World Popular and Traditional Musics of Indigenous Peoples Abstract
Andrew Killick
The Making of the Musical World Back to Africa: Global Language, Local Accent Abstract
Andrew Killick
The Making of the Musical World Reflections: Unity and Diversity in the World’s Music Abstract
Andrew Killick
An Iconography of Japanese Identity Imagining communities Abstract
Ken Tann
An Iconography of Japanese Identity Theorizing cultural icons and collective identities Abstract
Ken Tann
An Iconography of Japanese Identity A multidimensional approach to identity discourse Abstract
Ken Tann
An Iconography of Japanese Identity People and things we celebrate Abstract
Ken Tann
An Iconography of Japanese Identity Our sense of community Abstract
Ken Tann
An Iconography of Japanese Identity Values we share Abstract
Ken Tann
An Iconography of Japanese Identity Things we do with identity Abstract
Ken Tann
An Iconography of Japanese Identity Identifying with icons Abstract
Ken Tann
An Iconography of Japanese Identity Identity, the floating signifier Abstract
Ken Tann
The Insider/Outsider Debate Chapter 1: Relational Religious Lives: Beyond Insider/Outsider Binaries in the Study of Religion Abstract
Stephen Gregg, George Chryssides
The Insider/Outsider Debate Chapter 3: The Death Pangs of the Insider/Outsider Dichotomy in the Study of Religion Abstract
Ron Geaves
The Insider/Outsider Debate Chapter 4: Research Ethics Beyond the Binaries of Right and Wrong Abstract
Marie Dallam
The Insider/Outsider Debate Chapter 5: Taking the Body Seriously, Taking Relationalities Seriously: An Embodied and Relational Approach to Ethnographic Research in the Study of (Lived) Religion Abstract
Nina Hoel
The Insider/Outsider Debate Chapter 7: "On the Edge of the Inside": A Contemplative Approach to the Study of Religion Abstract
Lynne Scholefield
The Insider/Outsider Debate Chapter 11: Close Encounters of a Guru Kind: Ethnographic Research as Encounters with the Cognitive Worlds of Others Abstract
Stephen Jacobs
The Insider/Outsider Debate Chapter 15: When it Gets Crowded under the Umbrella: An Examination of Scholarly Categorization of Buddhist Communities in the United States Abstract
Claire Skriletz
The Insider/Outsider Debate Chapter 8: Taking Sides: On the (Im)possibility of Participant-Observation Abstract
Rebecca Moore
The Insider/Outsider Debate Chapter 6: Negotiating Blurred Boundaries: Ethnographic and Methodological Considerations Abstract
Fiona Bowie
The Insider/Outsider Debate Chapter 10: Imported Insider/Outsider Boundaries: The Case of Contemporary Chinese Christianity Researchers Abstract
Naomi Thurston
The Insider/Outsider Debate Chapter 9: Who Researches? Who Changes? Christian Autoethnography and Muslim Pupil Identity in a Church of England Primary School Abstract
Tom Wilson
The Insider/Outsider Debate Chapter 14: Navigating Multiplicity in a Binary World: A Javanese Example of Complex Religious Identity Abstract
Katherine Rand
The Insider/Outsider Debate Chapter 13: Between Institutional Oppression and Spiritual Liberation: The Female Ordination Movement in the Catholic Church and its Utilization of Social Media Abstract
Lyndel Spence
The Insider/Outsider Debate Chapter 19: Moving Out: Disengagement and Ex-Membership in New Religious Movements Abstract
George Chryssides
The Insider/Outsider Debate Chapter 16: Being Catholic since Vatican II: Challenges and Opportunities in Secular Times Abstract
Andrew Lynch
The Insider/Outsider Debate Chapter 17: Reflexive and Holistic Switchers: Older Women/Newer Commitments Abstract
Janet Eccles
The Insider/Outsider Debate Chapter 12: Who is a Jew? New Approaches to an Old Question Abstract
Dan Cohn-Sherbok
The Insider/Outsider Debate Index Abstract
George Chryssides, Stephen Gregg
Legacies of the Occult Freud, the Unconscious and the 'Irreligious' Psychoanalysis of Religion Abstract
Marsha Aileen Hewitt
Legacies of the Occult Fluid Subjectivities, Extended Minds and Unseen Worlds: Mystical Psychologies of Frederic W.H. Myers and William James Abstract
Marsha Aileen Hewitt
Legacies of the Occult What is the 'this' that Changes Everything? Abstract
Marsha Aileen Hewitt
Legacies of the Occult Telepathic 'Presencing' in the Analytic Relationship Abstract
Marsha Aileen Hewitt
Legacies of the Occult Psychoanalytic Hierophanies: The Sacred in Transit Abstract
Marsha Aileen Hewitt
Legacies of the Occult Concluding Thoughts on the Psychoanalytic Psychology of Religion Abstract
Marsha Aileen Hewitt
Legacies of the Occult Preface Abstract
Marsha Aileen Hewitt
Legacies of the Occult Acknowledgements Abstract
Marsha Aileen Hewitt
Legacies of the Occult Notes Abstract
Marsha Aileen Hewitt
Legacies of the Occult References Abstract
Marsha Aileen Hewitt
Legacies of the Occult Index Abstract
Marsha Aileen Hewitt
Vernacular Knowledge An Introduction to Vernacular Knowledge Abstract
Ülo Valk
Vernacular Knowledge 1. In Quest of Lost Heritage, Ethnic Identity, and Democracy: The Belarusian Case Abstract
Anastasiya Astapova
Vernacular Knowledge 2. Humour and Resistance in Russia’s Ecological Utopia: A Look at the Anastasia Movement Abstract
Irina Sadovina
Vernacular Knowledge 10. Practices of Niggunim: Contemporary Jewish Song in a Vernacular Religion Perspective Abstract
Ruth Illman
Vernacular Knowledge 3. Visual Media and the Reconfiguration of Divinity in Moldovan Radical Religion Abstract
James Kapaló
Vernacular Knowledge 11. Feminist Folk, Christian Folk and Black Madonnas Abstract
Melanie Landman
Vernacular Knowledge 4. Blessings beyond Time and Place: The Fluid Nature of Narrative Tradition in Contemporary Hinduism Abstract
Martin Wood
Vernacular Knowledge 13. The Upper Room: Domestic Space, Vernacular Religion, and the Observant University Catholic Abstract
Leonard Primiano
Vernacular Knowledge 5. Truth, Variation and the Legendry: The Case of Saint Madhavadeva’s Birth Place in Assam Abstract
Ülo Valk
Vernacular Knowledge 7. When a Cosmic Shift Fails: The Power of Vernacular Authority in a New Age Internet Forum Abstract
Robert Howard
Vernacular Knowledge 8. Making Sense: The Body as a Medium to Supernatural Reality Abstract
Kristel Kivari
Vernacular Knowledge 9. Seeking as a Late Modern Tradition: Three Vernacular Biographies Abstract
Steven Sutcliffe
Vernacular Knowledge 12. Negotiating Vernacular Authority, Legitimacy and Power: Creativity, Ambiguity and Materiality in Devotion to Gauchito Gil Abstract
Marion Bowman
Vernacular Knowledge 16. Ghosts in Belief, Practice and Metaphor Abstract
Paul Cowdell
Vernacular Knowledge 14. Dealing with the Dead: Vernacular Belief Negotiations Among the Khasi of North Eastern India Abstract
Margaret Lyngdoh
Vernacular Knowledge 15. An Immured Soul: Contested Ritual Traditions and Demonological Narratives in Contemporary Mongolia Abstract
Alevtina Solovyova
Vernacular Knowledge 6. Unearthing the Narratives of the Róngkups of Sikkim: From Vernacular Alternatives to Institutionalised Beliefs Abstract
Reep Lepcha
Vernacular Knowledge 25 Years of Vernacular Religion Scholarship Details
Marion Bowman
Vernacular Knowledge Acknowledgements Details
Ülo Valk, Marion Bowman
Vernacular Knowledge Index Details
Ülo Valk, Marion Bowman
Understanding the Paragraph and Paragraphing Paragraphs and Paragraphing: An Overview of the Issues Abstract
Iain McGee
Understanding the Paragraph and Paragraphing Paragraph Genesis Abstract
Iain McGee
Understanding the Paragraph and Paragraphing Teaching and Learning Paragraphing (I): The Late 19th Century Abstract
Iain McGee
Understanding the Paragraph and Paragraphing Teaching and Learning Paragraphing (II): The 1960s Abstract
Iain McGee
Understanding the Paragraph and Paragraphing The Paragraph Break and Other Discourse-Managing Tools Abstract
Iain McGee
Understanding the Paragraph and Paragraphing Cohesion and the Paragraph Abstract
Iain McGee
Understanding the Paragraph and Paragraphing The Psychological Effect of Paragraphs and Paragraph Organization on Readers Abstract
Iain McGee
Understanding the Paragraph and Paragraphing The Process of Writing Paragraphs Abstract
Iain McGee
Understanding the Paragraph and Paragraphing Editor's Preface Abstract
Martha Pennington
Understanding the Paragraph and Paragraphing Preface Abstract
Iain McGee
Understanding the Paragraph and Paragraphing Wrapping up the Paragraph Abstract
Iain McGee
Understanding the Paragraph and Paragraphing Dedication Abstract
Iain McGee
Understanding the Paragraph and Paragraphing References Abstract
Iain McGee
Understanding the Paragraph and Paragraphing Author Index Abstract
Iain McGee
Understanding the Paragraph and Paragraphing Subject Index Abstract
Iain McGee
Romance-Germanic Bilingual Phonology Introduction Abstract
Mehmet Yavaş, Margaret Kehoe, Walcir Cardoso
Romance-Germanic Bilingual Phonology Factors Affecting L2 Learning across the Lifespan: Spanish Learners of English Abstract
Wendy Baker-Smemoe
Romance-Germanic Bilingual Phonology Production and Perception of Danish Front Rounded /y/: A Comparison of Ultimate Attainment in Native Spanish and Native English Speakers Abstract
Ocke-Schwen Bohn, Camila Garibaldi
Romance-Germanic Bilingual Phonology Interactions between Native and Non-Native Vowels in French-Danish Contact: Production Training Study Abstract
Natalia Kartushina
Romance-Germanic Bilingual Phonology Vowel Reduction in German-Spanish Bilinguals Abstract
Margaret Kehoe, Conxita Lleó
Romance-Germanic Bilingual Phonology Production in English Laterals by Early Sequential Spanish-English Bilinguals Abstract
Mehmet Yavaş
Romance-Germanic Bilingual Phonology English Sonorant Codas in a Brazilian Portuguese-English Bilingual Context Abstract
Rosane Silveira, Alison Gonçalves
Romance-Germanic Bilingual Phonology Medial Coda and Final Stops in Brazilian Portuguese-English Contact Abstract
Paul John, Walcir Cardoso
Romance-Germanic Bilingual Phonology The Initial Development of Voice Onset Time in Early Successive French-Swedish Bilinguals Abstract
Frida Splendido
Romance-Germanic Bilingual Phonology Voice Onset Time in German-Italian Simultaneous Bilinguals: Evidence on Cross-Language Influence and Markedness Abstract
Tanja Kupisch, Conxita Lleó
Romance-Germanic Bilingual Phonology Acquisition of English Stress by Québec Francophones Abstract
Guilherme Garcia, Natália Guzzo
Romance-Germanic Bilingual Phonology Cross-Language Influence in the Productions of French-English Bilingual Children: Separation or Interaction? Abstract
Christelle Dodane, Ranka Bijeljac-Babic
Romance-Germanic Bilingual Phonology Environmental Markedness in Portuguese-English Contact Abstract
Robert Carlisle
Romance-Germanic Bilingual Phonology The Sociophonetics of Spanish–English Contact in the United States Abstract
Barbara Bullock, Daniel Olson
Romance-Germanic Bilingual Phonology Acknowledgments Details
Mehmet Yavaş
Romance-Germanic Bilingual Phonology Index Details
Mehmet Yavaş
The al-Ghazali Enigma and why Shari'a is not Islamic Law Studying Shari’a and al-Ghazali Abstract
Haifaa Khalafallah
The al-Ghazali Enigma and why Shari'a is not Islamic Law Chapter 1: The Contexts: Al-Ghazali and His Worlds (1917–1996) Abstract
Haifaa Khalafallah
The al-Ghazali Enigma and why Shari'a is not Islamic Law Chapter 2: The Texts: On the Shelves Abstract
Haifaa Khalafallah
The al-Ghazali Enigma and why Shari'a is not Islamic Law Chapter 3: Elusive Texts: The Book of Tension Abstract
Haifaa Khalafallah
The al-Ghazali Enigma and why Shari'a is not Islamic Law Chapter 4: Untidy Texts: Ghazali vs Ghazali Abstract
Haifaa Khalafallah
The al-Ghazali Enigma and why Shari'a is not Islamic Law Chapter 5: Textualising Context: The Case of Women Abstract
Haifaa Khalafallah
The al-Ghazali Enigma and why Shari'a is not Islamic Law Chapter 6: The Contents: Scripture—The Almighty and Women’s Leadership Abstract
Haifaa Khalafallah
The al-Ghazali Enigma and why Shari'a is not Islamic Law Chapter 7: Shari’a: Dynamic Method or Fixed Law? Does it Matter? Abstract
Haifaa Khalafallah
The al-Ghazali Enigma and why Shari'a is not Islamic Law Chapter 8: Shari'a and the Telling of the Muslim Story Abstract
Haifaa Khalafallah
The al-Ghazali Enigma and why Shari'a is not Islamic Law What is in a Historical Narrative? Abstract
Haifaa Khalafallah
The al-Ghazali Enigma and why Shari'a is not Islamic Law Acknowledgements Abstract
Haifaa Khalafallah
The al-Ghazali Enigma and why Shari'a is not Islamic Law Appendix 1: Portrait of a Seminar: How Senior Fuqaha Saw Shari’a in the Late Twentieth Century Abstract
Haifaa Khalafallah
The al-Ghazali Enigma and why Shari'a is not Islamic Law Appendix 2: Shaykh Abd Allah al-Mashad’s Fatwa on the Rejection of Hadith Reports Abstract
Haifaa Khalafallah
The al-Ghazali Enigma and why Shari'a is not Islamic Law Appendix 3: Shaykh Abd al-Latif Mushtahiri’s Letter Regarding Sunna and Hadith Abstract
Haifaa Khalafallah
The al-Ghazali Enigma and why Shari'a is not Islamic Law Selected Bibliography Abstract
Haifaa Khalafallah
The al-Ghazali Enigma and why Shari'a is not Islamic Law Index Abstract
Haifaa Khalafallah
Embodiment and Black Religion 2. Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm, Head, this is God Body: The Body as a Site of Religious Expression in the Five Percenters Abstract
CERCL Writing Collective
Embodiment and Black Religion 3. Making Bodies with a Brush Stroke: African American Visual Art and the Re/constitution of Black Embodiment Abstract
CERCL Writing Collective
Embodiment and Black Religion 4. Unchained Bodies: Black Womanhood, Resistance, and Complex Subjectivity in Black Literature Abstract
CERCL Writing Collective
Embodiment and Black Religion 5. It was Written on her Face: Religion and Black Women's Embodied Emotion in Film Abstract
CERCL Writing Collective
Embodiment and Black Religion 6. "School Daze": Embodiment and Meaning Making in Black Greek Letter Organizations Abstract
CERCL Writing Collective
Embodiment and Black Religion 7. Hoodies and Headwraps: Everyday Religion and the Dressing of Black Bodies Abstract
CERCL Writing Collective
Embodiment and Black Religion 8. Gathering around the Table: Food Practices and Religious Meaning Abstract
CERCL Writing Collective
Embodiment and Black Religion 9. Every-Body's Truth: The New Genetics of Race and the Quest for Complex Subjectivity Abstract
CERCL Writing Collective
Embodiment and Black Religion Epilogue Abstract
CERCL Writing Collective
Embodiment and Black Religion Acknowledgements Abstract
CERCL Writing Collective
Embodiment and Black Religion Bibliography Abstract
CERCL Writing Collective
Embodiment and Black Religion Index Abstract
CERCL Writing Collective
Antipodean Riffs Introduction Abstract
Bruce Johnson
Antipodean Riffs 1. Demons of Discord Down Under: 'Jump Jim Crow' and 'Australia's First Jazz Band' Abstract
John Whiteoak
Antipodean Riffs 2. Early Jazz in Australia as Oriental Exotica Abstract
Aline Scott-Maxwell
Antipodean Riffs 3. Got a Little Rhythm?: The Australian Influence on Swing in New Zealand during the 1930s and 1940s Abstract
Aleisha Ward
Antipodean Riffs 4. The Reception of Jazz in Adelaide and Melbourne and the Creation of an Australian Sound in the Angry Penguins Decade Abstract
Bruce Clunies Ross
Antipodean Riffs 5. Cuba Street Parade: Identity, Authenticity and Self-Expression in Contemporary Australasian Jazz Scenes Abstract
Nick Tipping
Antipodean Riffs 6. The Lost History of Jazz on early Australian Popular Music Television Abstract
Liz Giuffre
Antipodean Riffs 7. Shotgun Weddings and Bohemian Dreams: Jazz, Family Values and Storytelling in Australian Film Abstract
Christopher Coady
Antipodean Riffs 8. Perspectives on the Melbourne International Women's Jazz Festival Abstract
Marjorie Denson
Antipodean Riffs 9. ‘A Tale of Five Festivals’ Exploring the Cultural Intermediary Function of Australian Jazz Festivals Abstract
Brent Keogh
Antipodean Riffs 10. 'I Wouldn't Change Skins with Anybody': Dulcie Pitt/Georgia Lee, a Pioneering Indigenous Australian Jazz, Blues and Community Singer Abstract
Karl Neuenfeldt
Antipodean Riffs 12. Lydia in Oz: The Reception of George Russell in 1960s Australia Abstract
Pierre-Emmanuel Seguin
Antipodean Riffs Acknowledgements Abstract
Bruce Johnson
Antipodean Riffs 11. Examining the Legend and Music of Australian Saxophonist, Frank Smith Abstract
Ralph Whiteoak
Antipodean Riffs 13. Expressive Identity in the Voices of Three Australian Saxophonists: McGann, Sanders and Gorman Abstract
Sandy Evans
Antipodean Riffs 14. Sex and the Sonic Smorgasbord The Necks—Extending the ‘Jazz’ Piano Trio Format Abstract
Jane Galbraith
Antipodean Riffs Index Abstract
Bruce Johnson
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Chapter 1: Researching Language Teaching and Learning: Three Research Approaches Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Chapter 2: Underlying Worldviews (Philosophies) for Mixing Methods Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Chapter 3: Following a Purpose and Achieving Goals in Undertaking MMR Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Chapter 4: Mixed Methods Research Designs Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Chapter 5: Research Questions, Sampling Procedures and Data Collection Strategies Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Chapter 6: Analysing Data and Making Inferences Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Chapter 7: Writing Proposals for MMR Studies Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Chapter 8: A Framework for Analysing MMR Studies Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Chapter 9: Researching Language Components Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Chapter 10: Researching Communication Skills Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Chapter 11: Researching Motivation and Attitude Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Chapter 12: Researching Language Testing and Assessment Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Chapter 13: Round up of the book Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Preface Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Introduction Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning List of Figures Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning List of Tables Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Index Abstract
A. Riazi
The Godfather of British Jazz Early Inspiration Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz A Wing and a Prayer Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz Champing at the Jazz Bit Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz Soho Nights Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz Late Set Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz Grass Roots Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz Time and Changes Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz Nepotism Begins at Home Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz 'Twas Ever Thus Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz The Jazz Marie Celeste Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz Onwards and Sideways Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz The Godfather of British Jazz Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz Discography Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz Preface Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz Acknowledgements Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz Notes Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz Index Abstract
Clark Tracey
Human Communication across Cultures Language, Communication and Culture Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures The Structural Features of Language Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Pragmatics Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Cooperative Principle and Implicature Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Speech Acts Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Routines Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Politeness Strategies Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Conversational Organization Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Social Factors Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Dialects Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Language and Ethnicity Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Gender Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Bilingualism Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Preface for Instructors Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Preface for Students Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Acknowledgements Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Author Biographies Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Glossary Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Bibliography Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Index Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion In Honour of Tim Jensen Abstract
Peter Antes, Armin Geertz, Mikael Rothstein
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 1. The Magic and Drudgery in J.Z. Smith's Theory of Comparison Abstract
Ivan Strenski
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 2. Revisiting Comparative Religion in the Light of Contemporary Criticism Abstract
Morny Joy
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 3. Comparative and Historical Studies of Religions: The Return of Science Abstract
Luther Martin
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 4. The Historical and Comparative Study of Religions: A Rhetorical Approach Abstract
Jørgen Sørensen
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 5. Taking Comparativism Two Levels Further and One Step Backwards Abstract
Anders Petersen, Jesper Sørensen
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 6. A Method Without Explanatory Theory: Ugo Bianchi’s Historical-Comparative Methodology after Thirty Years Abstract
Giulia Gasparro
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 7. Myth, Space, and the History of Religions: Reflections on the Comparative Study Of Ancient Wilderness Mythologies from Mesopotamia, the Hebrew Bible, and Early Christianity Abstract
Laura Feldt
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 8. History of Religions Without an Object?: Comparing Theoretical Objects in the History of Religions and in Anthropology Abstract
Jeppe Jensen
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 9. Towards a Secular Theory of Religious Experience Abstract
Olav Hammar
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 10. Conceptions of Religion in the Cognitive Science of Religion Abstract
Armin Geertz
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 11. Phenomenology of Religion Revisited Abstract
Peter Antes
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 12. Fanfare for the Common e.g.: On the Strategic Use of the Mundane Abstract
Russell T. McCutcheon
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 13. Theories as Borders: Sites of Entry and Exit in Comparative Religion Abstract
Veikko Anttonen
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 14. Claims for a Plurality of Knowledges in the Comparative Study of Religions Abstract
Donald Wiebe
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 15. Why the Concept of “World Religion” Has Survived in Japan: On the Japanese Reception of Max Weber’s Comparative Religion Abstract
Satoko Fujiwara
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 16. The Study and Making of Christian Religion in Danish Academic Theology Abstract
Jens-André Herbener
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 17. O Felix Culpa! On Teaching Religion Around Theologians Abstract
Gustavo Benavides
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 18. Religious Studies in Brazil: An Area (Still) under Construction Abstract
Silas Guerriero
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 19. Normative Rationality and the Future Prospects of Religion Education: The Perspective of Scientific Realism Abstract
Matti Kamppinen
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 20. “RS-Based RE”: Tim Jensen’s Straightforward Contribution to the Development of Didactics of the Academic Study of Religions Abstract
Wanda Alberts
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 21. Tracing the “Non-Denominational”: Japan and the UK Abstract
Brian Bocking
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 22. Teaching the Secular Moral Code in French State Schools: The Debate Between Providing an Upbringing and Providing an Education From the French Revolution to Our Time Abstract
Valentine Zuber
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 23. Privileging Communication: Evidentiary Admissible Statements and Comparison in the Study of Religion Abstract
Abrahim Khan
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 24. Whose Rights? The Danish Debate on Ritual Infant Male Circumcision as a Human Rights Issue Abstract
Mikael Aktor
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 25. Current Perspectives on the Notion of Toleration in the Roman World Abstract
María del Mar Marcos Sánchez
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 26. Pluralism and Plurality in the Study of Religions Abstract
Christoph Bochinger
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 27. Utopia and Heterotopia in Post-Apartheid South African Muslim Discourse Abstract
Abdulkader Tayob
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 28. What Is a “God” Actually?: Some Comparative Reflections Abstract
Einar Thomassen
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 29. What Became of Superhuman Beings?: Companions and Field Guides in the Study of Religion Abstract
Ingvild Gilhus
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 30. The Alimentary Construction of Social and Supernatural Identities: Religious Commensality Codes of the Penan with a Comparative Twist Abstract
Mikael Rothstein
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 31. Salvific Space and Religious Pluralism: Did Hindu Pilgrimage Develop from the Vedic Tradition? Abstract
Knut Jacobsen
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 32. Sounds Religious Abstract
Rosalind Hackett
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 33. The Study of Religion in Russia: The Foundation of the Museum of the History of Religion Abstract
Marianna Shakhnovich
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 34. Beyond Comparative Religion: Theology of Religions and Ethical Mysticism Abstract
Jan Hjärpe
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 35. Raffaele Pettazzoni and Károly Marót: Companions-in-Arms in the Field of the History of Religions Abstract
Giovanni Casadio
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion Tim Jensen's Bibliography Abstract
Peter Antes
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion Index Abstract
Peter Antes
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 1. The Present and Future of Ancient Religion Abstract
Brent Nongbri
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 4. Imagining Religion in Antiquity: A How To Abstract
Kevin Schilbrack
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 5. Philosophical Reflections on the Presocratics: A Contribution to the Scientific Study of Religion Abstract
Donald Wiebe
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 7. Theorizing About (Which?) Origins: Herodotus on the Gods Abstract
Nickolas Roubekas
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 10. Manipulating "Religion": The Egyptian ‘Theologoumena’ in Diodorus Siculus Abstract
Panayotis Pachis
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 13. Religion, Geography, and the Impossibility of Jewish Identity Abstract
Sarah Imhoff
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 14. Whither Shall we Go? Tertullian and Christian Identity Formation Abstract
Nickolas Roubekas
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 15. The Anachronism of "Early Christian Communities" Abstract
Sarah Rollens
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 16. Cognitive Study of (Ancient) Religions Abstract
Leonardo Ambasciano
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 18. Texts Abstract
James Crossley
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 20. Epilogue: The Jabberwocky Dilemma - Take Religion for Example Abstract
Luther Martin
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity Editor's Preface Abstract
Nickolas Roubekas
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 12. Defining Judaism: The Case of Philo Abstract
Michael Satlow
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity Index Abstract
Nickolas Roubekas
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías La comunicación mediada por computador y su integración en el aprendizaje de segundas lenguas [The integration of Computer-mediated Communication in Second Language Learning] Abstract
Margarita Vinagre , Marta González-Lloret
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías Telecolaboración y creación de relatos digitales: Una propuesta metodológica [Telecollaboration and digital Story Creation: A Methodological Proposal] Abstract
Ana Sevilla Pavón, Ana Gimeno Sanz
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías La complejidad lingüística en la comunicación mediada por computadora [Linguistic Complexity in CMC] Abstract
Karina Collentine
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías ‘¡Flipo con tus clases!’: La formación de profesorado en la didáctica de lenguas a través de clases invertidas y telecolaboración [‘Your Classes Flip Me Out!': The Training of Language Teachers Through Flipped Classes and Telecollaboration] Abstract
Melinda Dooly
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías La adquisición de competencias para inglés profesional con la metodología a distancia [The acquisition of Professional English Competences in a Distance Learning Education Environment] Abstract
María Jordano de la Torre, Pilar Rodríguez Arancón
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías Dinámicas de colaboración eficaz en la comunicación mediada por computador: Estudio de un caso de profesores en formación a distancia [Effective Collaborative Dynamics in Computer-Mediated Communication: A Case Study of Teacher Training in Distance Education] Abstract
Margarita Vinagre
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías Mundos virtuales en la enseñanza de lenguas: hacia un aprendizaje significativo a través de la interacción, la acción y el juego [Virtual Worlds in Language Education: Towards Meaningful Learning through Interaction, Action and Play] Abstract
Kristi Jauregi Ondarra, Silvia Canto
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías Episodios relacionados con la lengua según el tipo de interlocutor en la comunicación mediada por computadores [Language Related Episodes and Interloctutor Type in CMC] Abstract
M. Camino Bueno-Alastuey
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías Escritura colaborativa en el siglo XXI [Collaborative Writing in the 21st Century] Abstract
Ana Oskoz, Idoia Elola
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías El desarrollo pragmático en una segunda lengua a través de la comunicación mediada por tecnologías: Una visión panorámica [CMC L2 Pragmatic Development: An Overview] Abstract
Marta González-Lloret
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías AICLE/EMI y CMC: Un tándem efectivo para el desarrollo de la interacción comunicativa escrita [CLIL/EMI and CMC: An Effective Tandem to Develop Written Interaction] Abstract
María Luisa Pérez Cañado
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías Direcciones de investigación de la CMT para la del aprendizaje y enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras y segundas lenguas [Directions of CMC for Foreign and Second Language Teaching and Learning Research] Abstract
Lourdes Ortega
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías Lista de Figuras y Tablas [List of Figures and Tables] Abstract
Marta González-Lloret, Margarita Vinagre
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías Índice [Index] Abstract
Marta González-Lloret, Margarita Vinagre
Summer Farms Introduction Abstract
John Collis
Summer Farms Pastoral Exploitation of the Caspian and Don Steppes and the North Caucasus during the Bronze Age: seasonality and isotopes Abstract
Natalia Shishlina, Yuri Larionova
Summer Farms ‘Salaš’: summer farming and transhumance in the Czech Republic from a (pre)historic and environmental perspective Abstract
Dagmar Dreslerová
Summer Farms Hard cheese: upland pastoralism in the Italian Bronze and Iron Ages Abstract
Mark Pearce
Summer Farms Shepherds and miners through time in the Veneto highlands: ethnoarchaeology and archaeology Abstract
Mara Migliavacca
Summer Farms Seasonal settlements and husbandry resources in the Ligurian Apennines (17th–20th centuries) Abstract
Anna Stagno
Summer Farms The ‘invisible’ shepherd and the ‘visible’ dairyman: ethnoarchaeology of alpine pastoral sites in the Val di Fiemme (eastern Italian Alps) Abstract
Francesco Carrer
Summer Farms Going up the mountain! Exploitation of the Trentino highlands as summer farms during the Bronze Age: the Dosso Rotondo site at Storo (northern Italy) Abstract
Franco Nicolis, Elisabetta Mottes, Michele Bassetti, Elisabetta Castiglioni, Mauro Rottoli, Sara Ziggiotti
Summer Farms Pastoral land use and climate between the 17th and 19th century in the Italian Southern Alps (Pasubio massif, Trento): a preliminary report Abstract
John Collis, Marco Avanzini Avanzini, Isabella Salvador
Summer Farms Alpine huts, livestock and cheese in the Oberhasli region (Switzerland): medieval and early modern building remains and their historical context Abstract
Brigitte Andres
Summer Farms An historical ecology of the Neolithic to Medieval Periods in the southern French Alps: a reassessment of ‘driving forces’ Abstract
Kevin Walsh, Florence Mocci
Summer Farms An Archaeological Approach to the brañas: summer farms in the pastures of the Cantabrian Mountains (northern Spain) Abstract
David Gonzalez Alvarez, Margarita Fernández Mier, Pablo López Gómez
Summer Farms Elusive sel sites: the geoarchaeological quest for Icelandic shielings and the case of Þorvaldsstaðasel, in northeast Iceland Abstract
Patrycja Kupiec, Karen Milek, Guðrún Gísladóttir, James Woollett
Summer Farms List of Figures Abstract
John Collis
Summer Farms List of Tables Abstract
John Collis
Summer Farms List of Contributors Abstract
John Collis
Summer Farms Index Abstract
John Collis
Do You Want to Know a Secret? Foreword Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? Little Children -- 1943-1958 Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? I'll Be on My Way -- 1958-1962 Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? Silver Dream -- 1963-1964 Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? It's Gotta Last Forever -- 1964-1966 Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? Twilight Time -- 1967-1970 Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? You Make Me Feel Like Someone -- 1966-1967 Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? You Can't Live on Memories -- 1972-1983 Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? I Won the Fight --1984-2006 Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? To Liverpool with Love -- from 2006 Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? Recordings List Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? Acknowledgements Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? We're Doing Fine -- 1963-1964 (part 2) Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? Gone Away -- 1970-1971 Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? Notes Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? Index Abstract
Billy Kramer
Landmarks in CALL Research Introduction Abstract
Greg Kessler
Landmarks in CALL Research Index Abstract
Greg Kessler
A Critical Edition of ʿUmdat al-Nāzir ʿalā al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir Introduction Abstract
Khadiga Musa
A Critical Edition of ʿUmdat al-Nāzir ʿalā al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir 1. Defining al-Qawāʿid and al-Qawāʿid al-Fiqhiyyah Abstract
Khadiga Musa
A Critical Edition of ʿUmdat al-Nāzir ʿalā al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir 2. The Relation Between al-Qawāʿid al-Fiqhiyyah and al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir Abstract
Khadiga Musa
A Critical Edition of ʿUmdat al-Nāzir ʿalā al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir 3. The Origins of al-Qawāʿid al-Fiqhiyyah Abstract
Khadiga Musa
A Critical Edition of ʿUmdat al-Nāzir ʿalā al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir 4. The Development of al-Qawāʿid al-Fiqhiyyah Abstract
Khadiga Musa
A Critical Edition of ʿUmdat al-Nāzir ʿalā al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir 5. The Purpose of al-Qawāʿid al-Fiqhiyyah Abstract
Khadiga Musa
A Critical Edition of ʿUmdat al-Nāzir ʿalā al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir 6. Ibn Nujaym and his al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir Abstract
Khadiga Musa
A Critical Edition of ʿUmdat al-Nāzir ʿalā al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir 7. Abū ‘l-Suʿūd and his Commentary Abstract
Khadiga Musa
A Critical Edition of ʿUmdat al-Nāzir ʿalā al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir 8. The Manuscripts Abstract
Khadiga Musa
A Critical Edition of ʿUmdat al-Nāzir ʿalā al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir The edited text of ‘Umdat al-Nāẓir ‘alā al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir Abstract
Khadiga Musa
A Critical Edition of ʿUmdat al-Nāzir ʿalā al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir References Abstract
Khadiga Musa
A Critical Edition of ʿUmdat al-Nāzir ʿalā al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir Index Abstract
Khadiga Musa
The Qur’ān and Kerygma From al-Fātiḥah to Hallelujah: The Qur’ānic Psalter of Ḥafṣ al-Qūṭī Abstract
Jeffrey Einboden
The Qur’ān and Kerygma “Verily have I Found Allāh Oft-Returning”: The Qur’ānic Poetics of Sulaimān al-Ghazzī Abstract
Jeffrey Einboden
The Qur’ān and Kerygma “The Religion of the Messiah in Multitudes”: Echoes of the Qur’ān across Christian Schisms Abstract
Jeffrey Einboden
The Qur’ān and Kerygma “Adheres to the Arabic Idiom”: Ludovico Marracci’s Qur’ānic Vulgates Abstract
Jeffrey Einboden
The Qur’ān and Kerygma “By Origin and Language an Hebrew”: The Genesis of a Judaic Qur’ān Abstract
Jeffrey Einboden
The Qur’ān and Kerygma A “Totally Typological” Christian Qur’ān: Northrop Frye’s Triple Mirror Abstract
Jeffrey Einboden
The Qur’ān and Kerygma Introduction Abstract
Jeffrey Einboden
The Qur’ān and Kerygma Coda: “Synthesis of the Word” Abstract
Jeffrey Einboden
3182 - 3681 of 13181 Items << < 2.362 3.362 4.362 5.362 6.362 7.362 8.362 9.362 10.362 11.362 > >> 

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