Browse Title Index

Issue Title
The Cognitive Linguistics Reader 25. Space Under Construction: Language-specific Spatial Categorization in First Language Acquisition Abstract
Melissa Bowerman, Soonja Choi
The Cognitive Linguistics Reader Does Language Shape Thought? English and Mandarin Speakers' Conceptions of Time Abstract
Lera Boroditsky
The Cognitive Linguistics Reader 27. Language and Thought Online: Cognitive Consequences of Linguistic Relativity Abstract
Dan Slobin
The Cognitive Linguistics Reader 28. Linguistic Selection: An Utterance-based Evolutionary Theory of Language Abstract
William Croft
The Cognitive Linguistics Reader Annotated Further Reading Abstract
Vyvyan Evans, Benjamin K. Bergen, Jörg Zinken
Living Life Without Loving the Beatles Prologues Abstract
Gary Hall
Living Life Without Loving the Beatles Introduction Abstract
Gary Hall
Living Life Without Loving the Beatles The Grade One Abstract
Gary Hall
Living Life Without Loving the Beatles The Grade Two Abstract
Gary Hall
Living Life Without Loving the Beatles The Culture Vulture Abstract
Gary Hall
Living Life Without Loving the Beatles The Nostalgic Impolitic Abstract
Gary Hall
Living Life Without Loving the Beatles The Latecomer Abstract
Gary Hall
Living Life Without Loving the Beatles The Music Industry -- A Fab Four Fantasy Land Abstract
Gary Hall
Living Life Without Loving the Beatles The Musician Abstract
Gary Hall
Living Life Without Loving the Beatles Avoiding The Beatles' Music in the Public Place Abstract
Gary Hall
Living Life Without Loving the Beatles The American Abstract
Gary Hall
Living Life Without Loving the Beatles Let it Be ...Naked (Not a Pretty Sight) Abstract
Gary Hall
Living Life Without Loving the Beatles Bongo Bailey -- The Early Years Abstract
Gary Hall
Living Life Without Loving the Beatles The Beatle Head Abstract
Gary Hall
Living Life Without Loving the Beatles Compassion, Context and Communication Abstract
Gary Hall
Living Life Without Loving the Beatles The 'Maxwell's Silver Hammer' Rites of Passage Abstract
Gary Hall
Living Life Without Loving the Beatles Epilogue Details
Gary Hall
Living Life Without Loving the Beatles Afterword to the Revised Edition Abstract
Gary Hall
Indian Religions Preface Abstract
Karel Werner
Indian Religions Introduction Abstract
Anna S. King
Indian Religions Acknowledgments Abstract
Anna S. King
Indian Religions Notes on Contributors Abstract
Anna S. King
Meaningful Arrangement Briefing Abstract
Edward McDonald
Meaningful Arrangement 1 Meaning and structure Abstract
Edward McDonald
Meaningful Arrangement 2 Processing the text Abstract
Edward McDonald
Meaningful Arrangement 3 Linear sequence and structural order Abstract
Edward McDonald
Meaningful Arrangement 4 Identifying syntactic units Abstract
Edward McDonald
Meaningful Arrangement 5 Bracketing and labelling Abstract
Edward McDonald
Meaningful Arrangement 6 Constituency and dependency Abstract
Edward McDonald
Meaningful Arrangement 7 Identifying clause functions Abstract
Edward McDonald
Meaningful Arrangement 8 Analysing function structures Abstract
Edward McDonald
Meaningful Arrangement 9 Words and phrases Abstract
Edward McDonald
Meaningful Arrangement 10 Combining clauses Abstract
Edward McDonald
Meaningful Arrangement 11 Information flow Abstract
Edward McDonald
Meaningful Arrangement 12 Full words and empty words Abstract
Edward McDonald
Meaningful Arrangement 13 Delimiting syntax Abstract
Edward McDonald
Meaningful Arrangement 14 Theorising syntactic relations (i): case Abstract
Edward McDonald
Meaningful Arrangement 15 Theorising syntactic relations (ii): transitivity Abstract
Edward McDonald
Meaningful Arrangement 16 Modelling syntactic patterning (i): syntagmatic approaches Abstract
Edward McDonald
Meaningful Arrangement 17 Modelling syntactic patterning (ii): paradigmatic approaches Abstract
Edward McDonald
Meaningful Arrangement 18 'Doing syntax': aims and methodologies Abstract
Edward McDonald
Meaningful Arrangement Debriefing Abstract
Edward McDonald
Meaningful Arrangement References Abstract
Edward McDonald
Meaningful Arrangement Index of names Abstract
Edward McDonald
Meaningful Arrangement Index of terms Abstract
Edward McDonald
Meaningful Arrangement Acknowledgements Abstract
Edward McDonald
Suffixal Rivalry in Adjective Formation Preface Abstract
Zeki Hamawand
Suffixal Rivalry in Adjective Formation Adjectival suffixation Abstract
Zeki Hamawand
Suffixal Rivalry in Adjective Formation Categorisation of adjectival suffixes Abstract
Zeki Hamawand
Suffixal Rivalry in Adjective Formation De-verbal domains Abstract
Zeki Hamawand
Suffixal Rivalry in Adjective Formation De-nominal domains Abstract
Zeki Hamawand
Suffixal Rivalry in Adjective Formation Domain interaction Abstract
Zeki Hamawand
Suffixal Rivalry in Adjective Formation Conclusions Abstract
Zeki Hamawand
Suffixal Rivalry in Adjective Formation Notes Abstract
Zeki Hamawand
Suffixal Rivalry in Adjective Formation References Abstract
Zeki Hamawand
Suffixal Rivalry in Adjective Formation Subject index Abstract
Zeki Hamawand
Suffixal Rivalry in Adjective Formation Suffix index Abstract
Zeki Hamawand
Suffixal Rivalry in Adjective Formation Adjective index Abstract
Zeki Hamawand
Lionel Richie Preface Details
Sharon Davis
Lionel Richie Discography Details
Sharon Davis
Lionel Richie Bibliography Details
Sharon Davis
Lionel Richie Index Details
Sharon Davis
Lionel Richie Index of songs and albums Details
Sharon Davis
Björk Acknowledgements Details
Nicola Dibben
Björk Copyright acknowledgements Details
Nicola Dibben
Björk Introduction Details
Nicola Dibben
Björk Notes Details
Nicola Dibben
Björk References Details
Nicola Dibben
Björk Discography and Filmography Details
Nicola Dibben
Björk Index Details
Nicola Dibben
Talkin’ ‘bout Fela Preface Abstract
Max Reinhardt, Rita Ray
Talkin’ ‘bout Fela Teacher Don’t Teach Me Nonsense: The Rascally Boy (1938 – 1958) Abstract
Max Reinhardt, Rita Ray
Talkin’ ‘bout Fela The London Scene: Fela's Student Years (1958 - 63) Abstract
Max Reinhardt
Talkin’ ‘bout Fela Its Highlife Time: The Highlife-Jazz Years (Lagos and Accra 1964-1968) Abstract
Max Reinhardt
Talkin’ ‘bout Fela Why Blackman Dey Suffer: Black Power, Black Panthers and the Birth of Afrobeat (Los Angeles 1969) Abstract
Max Reinhardt, Rita Ray
Talkin’ ‘bout Fela Expensive Shit: African Superstar and the Shrine (Lagos 1970-1974) Abstract
Max Reinhardt
Talkin’ ‘bout Fela Zombie: The Kalakuta Republic vs the Nigerian Army (1976-1978) Abstract
Max Reinhardt, Rita Ray, Rita Ray
Talkin’ ‘bout Fela Movement of the People: Politics and the Black President Abstract
Max Reinhardt
Talkin’ ‘bout Fela Afrodisiac: Fela, Women & Lady Abstract
Max Reinhardt, Rita Ray
Talkin’ ‘bout Fela Music is the Weapon: Resurrection (1979 – 1997) Abstract
Max Reinhardt, Rita Ray
Talkin’ ‘bout Fela Fear not for Man: Legacy Abstract
Max Reinhardt, Rita Ray
Talkin’ ‘bout Fela Nigerian Highlife and Victor Olayia Abstract
Max Reinhardt, Rita Ray
Talkin’ ‘bout Fela Fela Discography Abstract
Max Reinhardt, Rita Ray
Talkin’ ‘bout Fela Fela Time Line Abstract
Max Reinhardt, Rita Ray
Talkin’ ‘bout Fela Whose Talkin’ ’Bout Fela?: Details of the people behind the Voices Details
Max Reinhardt, Rita Ray
Debating Orientalization Contents Abstract
Corinna Riva
Debating Orientalization List of Contributors Abstract
Corinna Riva
Debating Orientalization List of Figures Abstract
Corinna Riva
Debating Orientalization Dedication Abstract
Corinna Riva
Debating Orientalization Index Abstract
Corinna Riva
Reading Visual Narratives: Image Analysis of Children’s Picture Books Acknowledgements Abstract
Clare Painter, J.R. Martin, Len Unsworth
Reading Visual Narratives: Image Analysis of Children’s Picture Books Reading the Visual in Children’s Picture Books Abstract
Clare Painter, J.R. Martin, Len Unsworth
Reading Visual Narratives: Image Analysis of Children’s Picture Books Preface Abstract
Clare Painter, J.R. Martin, Len Unsworth
Reading Visual Narratives: Image Analysis of Children’s Picture Books Enacting Social Relations Abstract
Clare Painter, J.R. Martin, Len Unsworth
Reading Visual Narratives: Image Analysis of Children’s Picture Books Construing Representations Abstract
Clare Painter, J.R. Martin, Len Unsworth
Reading Visual Narratives: Image Analysis of Children’s Picture Books Composing Visual Space Abstract
Clare Painter, J.R. Martin, Len Unsworth
Reading Visual Narratives: Image Analysis of Children’s Picture Books Intermodality: Image and Verbiage Abstract
Clare Painter, J.R. Martin, Len Unsworth
Reading Visual Narratives: Image Analysis of Children’s Picture Books References Abstract
Clare Painter, J.R. Martin, Len Unsworth
Reading Visual Narratives: Image Analysis of Children’s Picture Books Index Abstract
Clare Painter, J.R. Martin, Len Unsworth
Reconfiguring Europe Introduction Abstract
Constant Leung, Jennifer Jenkins
Reconfiguring Europe The devil in the kaleidoscope: can Europe speak with a single voice in many languages? Abstract
Arturo Tosi
Reconfiguring Europe Dealing with multilingualism in multicultural Europe: immigrant minority languages at home and school Abstract
Guus Extra
Reconfiguring Europe Prospects for linguistic diversity in Europe and beyond: views from a small island Abstract
Julia Sallabank
Reconfiguring Europe Figuring out the Englishisation of Europe Abstract
Robert Phillipson
Reconfiguring Europe Unity in diversity: English as a lingua franca for Europe Abstract
Juliane House
Reconfiguring Europe Data-driven learning in German for academic purposes: a corpus-based approach for specialist learners Abstract
Martina Mollering
Reconfiguring Europe Academic language development programme (widening participation) Abstract
Pascaline Scalone, Brian Street
Reconfiguring Europe Evaluating Europe: parameters of evaluation in the British press Abstract
Monika Bednarek
Reconfiguring Europe Use of language: a sign and cause of alienation Abstract
Natalie Braber
Reconfiguring Europe Contributors Abstract
Constant Leung, Jennifer Jenkins
Lee Morgan a note on the text Details
Tom Perchard
Lee Morgan acknowledgements Details
Tom Perchard
Lee Morgan appendix: interviews conducted Details
Tom Perchard
Lee Morgan notes Details
Tom Perchard
Lee Morgan bibliography Details
Tom Perchard
Lee Morgan index Details
Tom Perchard
Uruk Bibliography Details
Mario Liverani
Uruk Figures Details
Mario Liverani
Uruk Index Details
Mario Liverani
Text Type and Texture Preface Abstract
Gail Forey, Geoff Thompson †
Text Type and Texture Acknowledgements Abstract
Gail Forey, Geoff Thompson †
Text Type and Texture List of contributors Abstract
Gail Forey, Geoff Thompson †
Text Type and Texture Introduction Abstract
Gail Forey, Geoff Thompson †
Text Type and Texture The textual metafunction as a site for a discussion of the goals of linguistics and techniques of linguistic analysis Abstract
Peter Fries
Text Type and Texture Theme, Subject and the unfolding of text Abstract
Geoff Thompson †, Susan Thompson
Text Type and Texture Theme, field and genre: thematic realisations in academic articles and their popularisations Abstract
John Corbett
Text Type and Texture Thematic content in peer reviews of scientific papers Abstract
Hugh Gosden
Text Type and Texture Text-type and texture: the potential of Theme for the study of research writing development Abstract
Ann Montemayor-Borsinger
Text Type and Texture ‘to elicit an honest answer – which may occasionally be the same as the truth’: texture, coherence and the antagonistic political interview Abstract
David Hyatt
Text Type and Texture Projecting clauses: interpersonal realisation of control and power in workplace texts Abstract
Gail Forey
Text Type and Texture What can linguistics tell us about writing skills? Abstract
Michael Hoey
Text Type and Texture Multimodal layout in school history books: the texturing of historical interpretation Abstract
Caroline Coffin, Beverly Derewianka
Text Type and Texture Texturing interpersonal meanings in academic argument: pulses and prosodies of value Abstract
Sue Hood
Text Type and Texture Cultural stereotype and modality: a study into modal use in Brazilian and Portuguese meetings Abstract
Tony Berber Sardinha, Leila Barbara
Text Type and Texture Boomer dreaming: the texture of re-colonisation in a lifestyle magazine Abstract
J.R. Martin
Text Type and Texture Index Abstract
Gail Forey, Geoff Thompson †
Modeling Ungrammaticality in Optimality Theory 1 Modeling ungrammaticality Abstract
Curt Rice, Sylvia Blaho
Modeling Ungrammaticality in Optimality Theory 2 Less than zero: correspondence and the null output Abstract
Matthew Wolf, John McCarthy
Modeling Ungrammaticality in Optimality Theory 3 Dutch diminutives and the question mark Abstract
Marc van Oostendorp
Modeling Ungrammaticality in Optimality Theory 4 Hard constraints in Optimality Theory Abstract
Orhan Orgun, Ronald Sprouse
Modeling Ungrammaticality in Optimality Theory 5 Lexical and morphological conditioning of paradigm gaps Abstract
Adam Albright
Modeling Ungrammaticality in Optimality Theory 6 A gap in the feminine paradigm of Hebrew: a consequence of identity avoidance in the suffix domain. Abstract
Outi Bat-El
Modeling Ungrammaticality in Optimality Theory 7 Covert and overt defectiveness in paradigms Abstract
Péter Rebrus, Miklós Törkenczy
Modeling Ungrammaticality in Optimality Theory 8 The neutralization approach to ineffability in syntax Abstract
Géraldine Legendre
Modeling Ungrammaticality in Optimality Theory 9 Wh-Islands: a view from Correspondence Theory Abstract
Ralf Vogel
Modeling Ungrammaticality in Optimality Theory Language index Abstract
Curt Rice, Sylvia Blaho
Modeling Ungrammaticality in Optimality Theory Author index Abstract
Curt Rice, Sylvia Blaho
Phonological Argumentation Foreword Abstract
Elisabeth Selkirk
Phonological Argumentation Introduction Abstract
Steve Parker
Phonological Argumentation 1 Grammar is both categorical and gradient Abstract
Andries W. Coetzee
Phonological Argumentation 2 Phonological evidence Abstract
Paul de Lacy
Phonological Argumentation 3 Underphonologization and modularity bias Abstract
Elliott Moreton
Phonological Argumentation 4 Contrast, comparison sets, and the perceptual space Abstract
Máire Ni Chiosáin, Jaye Padgett
Phonological Argumentation 5 Morpheme-specific phonology: Constraint indexation and inconsistency resolution Abstract
Joe Pater
Phonological Argumentation 6 Source similarity in loanword adaptation: Correspondence Theory and the posited source-language representation Abstract
Jennifer Smith
Phonological Argumentation 7 Exploring recursivity, stringency, and gradience in the Pama-Nyungan stress continuum Abstract
John Alderete
Phonological Argumentation 8 Acoustics of epenthetic vowels in Lebanese Arabic Abstract
Maria Gouskova, Nancy Hall
Phonological Argumentation 9 The onset of the prosodic word Abstract
Junko Ito, Armin Mester
Phonological Argumentation 10 Infixation as morpheme absorption Abstract
Ania Łubowicz
Phonological Argumentation 11 Vowel length in Arabic verb stems Abstract
Sam Rosenthall
Phonological Argumentation References Abstract
Steve Parker
Phonological Argumentation Author index Abstract
Steve Parker
Phonological Argumentation Index of constraints Abstract
Steve Parker
Phonological Argumentation Index of languages, linguistic families, and dialects Abstract
Steve Parker
Phonological Argumentation Subject index Abstract
Steve Parker
Phonological Argumentation List of contributors Abstract
Steve Parker
Out of the Long Dark List of illustrations Abstract
Alyn Shipton
Out of the Long Dark Introduction and Acknowledgements Abstract
Alyn Shipton
Out of the Long Dark Northumbrian Sketches Abstract
Alyn Shipton
Out of the Long Dark From King's College to Queen's Commission Abstract
Alyn Shipton
Out of the Long Dark On the Bum Abstract
Alyn Shipton
Out of the Long Dark Stephenson's Rocket -- the Emcee Five Abstract
Alyn Shipton
Out of the Long Dark Affectionate Fink -- Harold McNair and 1960s London Abstract
Alyn Shipton
Out of the Long Dark Shades of Blue -- the Rendell-Carr Quintet Abstract
Alyn Shipton
Out of the Long Dark Elastic Rock -- the Formation of Nucelus Abstract
Alyn Shipton
Out of the Long Dark United Jazz and Rock and the Long Dark Abstract
Alyn Shipton
Out of the Long Dark Old Heartland Abstract
Alyn Shipton
Out of the Long Dark Into the Media Abstract
Alyn Shipton
Out of the Long Dark List of Recordings Abstract
Alyn Shipton
Out of the Long Dark Notes Abstract
Alyn Shipton
Out of the Long Dark Index Abstract
Alyn Shipton
Language, Culture and Identity in Applied Linguistics Introduction Abstract
Richard Kiely, Pauline Rea-Dickins, Helen Woodfield, Gerald Clibbon
Language, Culture and Identity in Applied Linguistics Language, learning and identification Abstract
Roz Ivanic
Language, Culture and Identity in Applied Linguistics Identity in a francophone cultural context: issues of language rights and language use in Canada Abstract
Maeve Conrick
Language, Culture and Identity in Applied Linguistics Sami languages: between hope and endangerment Abstract
Hannele Dufva, Sari Pietikainen
Language, Culture and Identity in Applied Linguistics Identity formation and dialect use among young speakers of the Greek-Cypriot community in Cyprus Abstract
Andry Sophocleous
Language, Culture and Identity in Applied Linguistics Perceptions of varieties of spoken English: implications for EIL Abstract
Sue Fraser
Language, Culture and Identity in Applied Linguistics Variation in disciplinary culture: university tutors’ views on assessed writing tasks Abstract
Hilary Nesi, Sheena Gardner
Language, Culture and Identity in Applied Linguistics Interdisciplinarity and writer identity: students’ views and experiences Abstract
Bojana Petric
Language, Culture and Identity in Applied Linguistics Who or what is the students’ audience? The discoursal construction of audience identity in undergraduate assignments Abstract
Lynda Griffin
Language, Culture and Identity in Applied Linguistics Revealing and obscuring the writer’s identity: evidence from a corpus of theses Abstract
Maggie Charles
Language, Culture and Identity in Applied Linguistics Face in L2 argumentative discourse: psycholinguistic constraints on the construction of identity Abstract
Doris Dippold
Language, Culture and Identity in Applied Linguistics The effects of processing instruction and meaning output-based instruction on the acquisition of the Italian subjunctive of doubt and opinion Abstract
Alessandro G. Benati
Language, Culture and Identity in Applied Linguistics The conditions and consequences of professional discourse studies Abstract
Srikant Sarangi
Language, Culture and Identity in Applied Linguistics Contributors Abstract
Richard Kiely
Saivism in the Diaspora Preface Abstract
Ron Geaves
Saivism in the Diaspora Introduction Abstract
Ron Geaves
Saivism in the Diaspora Siva and his Family Abstract
Ron Geaves
Saivism in the Diaspora The Worship of Murugan in South India and Sri Lanka Abstract
Ron Geaves
Saivism in the Diaspora The Worship of Baba Balaknath in the Punjab Abstract
Ron Geaves
Saivism in the Diaspora Migration Patterns and Relocation of Religious Tradition Abstract
Ron Geaves
Saivism in the Diaspora The Worship of Baba Balaknath in Britain Abstract
Ron Geaves
Saivism in the Diaspora Punjabi Pilgaimages: Shahtalai Abstract
Ron Geaves
Saivism in the Diaspora Punjabi Pilgimages: The Tirtha Yatra Abstract
Ron Geaves
Saivism in the Diaspora Murugan Worship in Britain Abstract
Ron Geaves
Saivism in the Diaspora The Role of Ritual in the Diaspora Tamil Saivite Temple Abstract
Ron Geaves
Saivism in the Diaspora Murugan Worship in Britain: Skanda Vale Abstract
Ron Geaves
Saivism in the Diaspora Vernacular and Scriptural: Sanskrization Revisited Abstract
Ron Geaves
Saivism in the Diaspora Endnotes Abstract
Ron Geaves
Saivism in the Diaspora Bibliography Abstract
Ron Geaves
Saivism in the Diaspora Index Abstract
Ron Geaves
Understanding Cypriote Cult Introduction: Votive Religion at the Crossroads: Prolegomena to the Study of Cult in Cyprus Abstract
Derek B. Counts
Understanding Cypriote Cult The Prehistoric Shadow of the Potnios Theron Abstract
Derek B. Counts
Understanding Cypriote Cult The Master of the Lion Abstract
Derek B. Counts
Understanding Cypriote Cult The Master of the Ram Abstract
Derek B. Counts
Understanding Cypriote Cult The Master of the Goat Abstract
Derek B. Counts
Understanding Cypriote Cult Lesser Potnioi Abstract
Derek B. Counts
Understanding Cypriote Cult Potnia Theron Abstract
Derek B. Counts
Understanding Cypriote Cult The God Inscribed? Apollo and Cypriote Epigraphy Abstract
Derek B. Counts
Understanding Cypriote Cult The God Incarnate? Ritual Transformation and Theriomorphism in Cypriote Cult Abstract
Derek B. Counts
Understanding Cypriote Cult Conclusion: Borderless Kingdoms: Cult, Iconography, and Identity in Iron Age Cyprus Abstract
Derek B. Counts
Rural Landscapes of the Punic World List of Contributors Details
Peter van Dommelen
Rural Landscapes of the Punic World List of Figures and Tables Details
Peter van Dommelen
Rural Landscapes of the Punic World Preface Details
Peter van Dommelen
Rural Landscapes of the Punic World Bibliography Details
Peter van Dommelen
Rural Landscapes of the Punic World Index Details
Peter van Dommelen
Rural Landscapes of the Punic World Contents Details
Peter van Dommelen
Enclosing the Past Introduction Abstract
Anthony Harding, Susanne Sievers, Natalie Venclová
Enclosing the Past Enclosures and Fortifications in Central Europe Abstract
Evžen Neustupný
Enclosing the Past Large Prehistoric Enclosures in Bohemia: The Evidence from the Air Abstract
Martin Gojda
Enclosing the Past Does Enclosure Make a Difference? A View from the Balkans Abstract
John Chapman, Bisserka Gaydarska, Karen Hardy
Enclosing the Past Neolithic and Post-Neolithic Enclosures in Moravia in their Central European Context Abstract
Valdimír Podborský, Jaromír Kovárnik
Enclosing the Past The First Known Enclosures in Southern Britain: Their Nature, Function and Role, in Space and Time Abstract
Roger Mercer
Enclosing the Past Zambujal and the Enclosures of the Iberian Peninsula Abstract
Michael Kunst
Enclosing the Past Enclosing and Excluding in Bronze Age Europe Abstract
Anthony Harding
Enclosing the Past Defining Community: Iron, Boundaries and Transformation in Later Prehistoric Britain Abstract
Richard Hingley
Enclosing the Past Oppida und ihre Linearen Strukturen Abstract
Susanne Sievers
Enclosing the Past Spätkeltische Viereckschanzen in Süddeutschland: Unfriedung-Abgrenzung-Umwehrung Abstract
Günter Wieland
Enclosing the Past Enclosing, Enclosures and Elites in the Iron Age Abstract
Natalie Venclová
Enclosing the Past Enclosure in Iron Age Wessex Viewed from Modern Ávila Abstract
John Collis
Enclosing the Past Index Abstract
John Collis
Enclosing the Past List of Figures, Plates and Tables Abstract
John Collis
Understanding Allomorphy The Prenominal Allomorphy Syndrome Abstract
Eulàlia Bonet, Maria-Rosa Lloret, Joan Mascaró
Understanding Allomorphy L'Allomorphie Radicale dans les Lexèmes Adjectivaux en Français: Le Cas des Adverbes en -ment Abstract
Gilles Boyé, Marc Plénat
Understanding Allomorphy The Nature of Allomorphy: Evidence from Burushaski Plurals Abstract
Patrik Bye
Understanding Allomorphy Obviative Prefix Allomorphy in Sahaptin and Nez Perce Abstract
Sharon Hargus, Noel Rude, Virginia Beavert
Understanding Allomorphy Phonologically Conditioned Suppletive Allomorphy: Cross-linguistic Results and Theoretical Consequences Abstract
Mary Paster
Understanding Allomorphy Accentual Allomorphs in East Slavic: An Argument for Inflection Dependence Abstract
Donca Steriade, Igor Yanovich
Understanding Allomorphy Syllable-counting Allomorphy by Prosodic Templates Abstract
Jochen Trommer
Understanding Allomorphy Allomorphy in OT: The Italian Mobile Diphthongs Abstract
Geert Booij, Bart van der Veer
Understanding Allomorphy Lexical Insertion Occurs in the Phonological Component Abstract
Matthew Wolf
Understanding Allomorphy Introduction by the Editors Abstract
Eulàlia Bonet, Maria-Rosa Lloret, Joan Mascaró
Understanding Allomorphy Index Abstract
Eulàlia Bonet, Maria-Rosa Lloret, Joan Mascaró
High Culture and Experience in Ancient Egypt Preface Abstract
John Baines
High Culture and Experience in Ancient Egypt List of figures Abstract
John Baines
High Culture and Experience in Ancient Egypt Conventions Abstract
John Baines
High Culture and Experience in Ancient Egypt Chronological table Abstract
John Baines
High Culture and Experience in Ancient Egypt Map Abstract
John Baines
High Culture and Experience in Ancient Egypt References Abstract
John Baines
High Culture and Experience in Ancient Egypt Index Abstract
John Baines
Corpora and Meaning Preface Abstract
Steven Jones
Corpora and Meaning An Introduction to Corpora and Meaning Abstract
Steven Jones
Corpora and Meaning Issues of Data and Methodology Abstract
Steven Jones
Corpora and Meaning Lexicography Abstract
Steven Jones
Corpora and Meaning Synonymy Abstract
Steven Jones
Corpora and Meaning Antonymy Abstract
Steven Jones
Corpora and Meaning Polysemy Abstract
Steven Jones
Corpora and Meaning Neologisms and Productivity Abstract
Steven Jones
Corpora and Meaning Phraseology Abstract
Steven Jones
Corpora and Meaning Conclusions Abstract
Steven Jones
Dub in Babylon Acknowledgements Details
Christopher Partridge
Dub in Babylon Endnotes Details
Christopher Partridge
Dub in Babylon Bibliography Details
Christopher Partridge
Dub in Babylon Discography Details
Christopher Partridge
Dub in Babylon Filmography Details
Christopher Partridge
Dub in Babylon Index of Subjects Details
Christopher Partridge
Dub in Babylon Index of Names Details
Christopher Partridge
The Development of Scientific Writing 5. Passives Abstract
David Banks
Playing with Words The nature of humour Abstract
Barry Blake
Playing with Words What do people joke about? Abstract
Barry Blake
Playing with Words Where humour is to be found Abstract
Barry Blake
Playing with Words Laughs in the lexicon Abstract
Barry Blake
Playing with Words Puns Abstract
Barry Blake
Playing with Words Grammatical ambiguities Abstract
Barry Blake
Playing with Words Jokes Abstract
Barry Blake
Playing with Words Introduction Abstract
Barry Blake
Playing with Words Wit Abstract
Barry Blake
Playing with Words Language in context Abstract
Barry Blake
Playing with Words Errors Abstract
Barry Blake
Playing with Words Rhymes Abstract
Barry Blake
Playing with Words Beyond a joke Abstract
Barry Blake
Playing with Words Notes and sources Abstract
Barry Blake
Playing with Words References and further reading Abstract
Barry Blake
Playing with Words Index Abstract
Barry Blake
Blocking and Complementarity in Phonological Theory Introduction Abstract
Eric Baković
Blocking and Complementarity in Phonological Theory A brief history of blocking Abstract
Eric Baković
Blocking and Complementarity in Phonological Theory Elsewhere in SPE Abstract
Eric Baković
Blocking and Complementarity in Phonological Theory Elsewhere in OT Abstract
Eric Baković
Blocking and Complementarity in Phonological Theory The Elsewhere Condition Abstract
Eric Baković
Blocking and Complementarity in Phonological Theory The Elsewhere Guarantee Abstract
Eric Baković
Blocking and Complementarity in Phonological Theory Conclusion Abstract
Eric Baković
Blocking and Complementarity in Phonological Theory Preface Abstract
Eric Baković
Blocking and Complementarity in Phonological Theory References Abstract
Eric Baković
Blocking and Complementarity in Phonological Theory Index Abstract
Eric Baković
Aspects of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics Afterword Abstract
Jerzy Bartminski
Aspects of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics References Abstract
Jerzy Bartminski
Aspects of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics Index Abstract
Jerzy Bartminski
Culture and Gender of Voice Pitch List of Figures Abstract
Ikuko Patricia Yuasa
Culture and Gender of Voice Pitch List of Tables Abstract
Ikuko Patricia Yuasa
Culture and Gender of Voice Pitch Acknowledgements Abstract
Ikuko Patricia Yuasa
Culture and Gender of Voice Pitch Notes on Transcription of Japanese Abstract
Ikuko Patricia Yuasa
Culture and Gender of Voice Pitch References Abstract
Ikuko Patricia Yuasa
Culture and Gender of Voice Pitch Index Abstract
Ikuko Patricia Yuasa
Drawn to Sound Acknowledgements Details
Rebecca † Coyle
Drawn to Sound About the Authors Details
Rebecca † Coyle
Drawn to Sound Introduction: Audio Motion: Animating (Film) Sound Abstract
Rebecca † Coyle
Drawn to Sound 1 “Everybody Scream!”: Tim Burton’s Animated Gothic-Horror Musical Comedies Abstract
Janet K. Halfyard
Drawn to Sound 2 Halas & Batchelor’s Sound Decisions: Musical Approaches in the British Context Abstract
Paul Wells
Drawn to Sound 3 An Animated Partnership: Joe Hisaishi’s Musical Contributions to Hayao Miyazaki’s Films Abstract
Kyoko Koizumi
Drawn to Sound 4 Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed… Something Blue: The Beatles’ Yellow Submarine Abstract
Ian Inglis
Drawn to Sound 5 Polar Grooves: Dance, Music and Musicality in Happy Feet Abstract
Philip Hayward
Drawn to Sound 6 Minstrelsy and Musical Framing in Who Framed Roger Rabbit Abstract
Neil Lerner
Drawn to Sound 7 An Aesthetic of Ambiguity: Musical Representation of Indigenous Peoples in Disney’s Brother Bear Abstract
Janice Esther Tulk
Drawn to Sound 8 Sonic Nostalgia and Les Triplettes de Belleville Abstract
Daniel Goldmark
Drawn to Sound 10 Lupin III and the Gekiban Approach: Western-styled Music in a Japanese Format Abstract
Kentaro Imada
Drawn to Sound 12 Cowboy Bebop: Corporate Strategies for Animation Music Products in Japan Abstract
Aki Yamasaki
Drawn to Sound Index Details
Rebecca † Coyle
English Tense and Aspect in Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar Preface Abstract
Carl Bache
English Tense and Aspect in Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar References Abstract
Carl Bache
English Tense and Aspect in Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar List of the sources of the examples Abstract
Carl Bache
English Tense and Aspect in Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar Appendix: Empirical investigation of the SFL tense system in BNC Abstract
Carl Bache
English Tense and Aspect in Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar Index Abstract
Carl Bache
An Introduction to the Grammar of Old English Complexes of clauses, groups and words Abstract
Michael Cummings
An Integrative Architecture for Systemic Functional Linguistics and Other Theories of Language The aims of this book Abstract
Robin Fawcett
An Integrative Architecture for Systemic Functional Linguistics and Other Theories of Language Ten demands on SFL (and other theories of language) to expect in the twenty-first century Abstract
Robin Fawcett
An Integrative Architecture for Systemic Functional Linguistics and Other Theories of Language The architecture of ‘language itself’: the common ground between alternative versions of SFG Abstract
Robin Fawcett
An Integrative Architecture for Systemic Functional Linguistics and Other Theories of Language The major differences between the alternative SFL versions of ‘language itself’: how significant are these for the wider architecture? Abstract
Robin Fawcett
An Integrative Architecture for Systemic Functional Linguistics and Other Theories of Language How do we choose between features in system networks? Abstract
Robin Fawcett
An Integrative Architecture for Systemic Functional Linguistics and Other Theories of Language A brief survey of current alternative SFL architectures Abstract
Robin Fawcett
An Integrative Architecture for Systemic Functional Linguistics and Other Theories of Language Key developments within the ‘consulting’ architectures Abstract
Robin Fawcett
An Integrative Architecture for Systemic Functional Linguistics and Other Theories of Language An overview of the components of a comprehensive architecture Abstract
Robin Fawcett
An Integrative Architecture for Systemic Functional Linguistics and Other Theories of Language A microplanner at work: choosing a Subject Theme Abstract
Robin Fawcett
An Integrative Architecture for Systemic Functional Linguistics and Other Theories of Language The architecture at work: a walk-through Abstract
Robin Fawcett
An Integrative Architecture for Systemic Functional Linguistics and Other Theories of Language Evaluating alternative architectures Abstract
Robin Fawcett
An Integrative Architecture for Systemic Functional Linguistics and Other Theories of Language Conclusions Abstract
Robin Fawcett
Modern Cookery for Private Families Introduction Abstract
Elizabeth Ray
Modern Cookery for Private Families Preface Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Introductory Chapters Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Soups Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Fish Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Dishes of Shellfish Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Gravies Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Sauces Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Cold Sauces and Salads Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Store Sauces Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Forcemeats Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Boiling and Roasting Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Beef Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Veal Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Mutton Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Pork Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Poultry Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Game Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Curries and Potted Meats Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Vegetables Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Pastry Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Souffles and Omlets Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Boiled Puddings Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Baked Puddings Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Eggs and Milk. Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Sweet Dishes, or Entremets. Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Preserves Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Pickles Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Cakes Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Confectionary Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Dessert Dishes Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Syrups and Liqueurs Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Coffee and Chocolate Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Bread Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Foreign and Jewish Cookery Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Vocabulary of Terms Abstract
Eliza Acton
Modern Cookery for Private Families Index Abstract
Eliza Acton
The Art of Cookery Introduction Details
Ivan Day
The Art of Cookery Bibliography Details
John Thacker
The Art of Cookery Notes Details
John Thacker
The Art of Cookery The Art of Cookery Details
John Thacker
The Art of Cookery Preface Details
John Thacker
The Art of Cookery Original Index Details
John Thacker
The Art of Cookery Recipes Details
John Thacker
The Art of Cookery Menus Details
John Thacker
The Art of Cookery Glossary Details
John Thacker
The Good Housewife's Jewel Introduction Details
Maggie Black
The Good Housewife's Jewel Editor's Note Details
Maggie Black
The Good Housewife's Jewel Boiling and Stewing Details
Thomas Dawson
The Good Housewife's Jewel Roasting, Frying, Fritters and Puddings Details
Thomas Dawson
The Good Housewife's Jewel Miscellaneous Savoury Recipes Details
Thomas Dawson
The Good Housewife's Jewel Baking Details
Thomas Dawson
The Good Housewife's Jewel Eggs and Cream Details
Thomas Dawson
The Good Housewife's Jewel Fruit and Preserving Details
Thomas Dawson
The Good Housewife's Jewel Salads and Vegetables Details
Thomas Dawson
The Good Housewife's Jewel Banqueting Food Details
Thomas Dawson
The Good Housewife's Jewel Three Drinks Details
Thomas Dawson
The Good Housewife's Jewel Husbandry Details
Thomas Dawson
The Good Housewife's Jewel Remedies Details
Thomas Dawson
The Good Housewife's Jewel Glossary Details
Thomas Dawson
The Good Housewife's Jewel Index Details
Thomas Dawson
The Boke of Keruynge Introduction Abstract
Wynkyn de Worde
The Boke of Keruynge Original Black Letter and Interpretation Abstract
Wynkyn de Worde
The Boke of Keruynge Drawings and Explanations Abstract
Wynkyn de Worde
The Boke of Keruynge Glossary Abstract
Wynkyn de Worde
The Boke of Keruynge Appendix Abstract
Wynkyn de Worde
The Boke of Keruynge Wynkyn de Worde (biographical information) Abstract
Wynkyn de Worde
Sociocultural Theory and the Teaching of Second Languages List of contributors Abstract
James P. Lantolf, Matthew E. Poehner
Sociocultural Theory and the Teaching of Second Languages List of figures Abstract
James P. Lantolf, Matthew E. Poehner
Sociocultural Theory and the Teaching of Second Languages List of tables Abstract
James P. Lantolf, Matthew E. Poehner
Sociocultural Theory and the Teaching of Second Languages Introduction to Sociocultural Theory and the Teaching of Second Languages Abstract
James P. Lantolf, Matthew E. Poehner
Sociocultural Theory and the Teaching of Second Languages 1 Both Sides of the Conversation: The Interplay between Mediation and Learner Reciprocity in Dynamic Assessment Abstract
Matthew E. Poehner
Sociocultural Theory and the Teaching of Second Languages 2 The effects of dynamic assessment on L2 listening comprehension Abstract
Rumia Ableeva
Sociocultural Theory and the Teaching of Second Languages 3 Changing Examination Structures within a College of Education: The Application of Dynamic Assessment in Pre-service ESOL Endorsement Courses in Florida Abstract
Tony Erben, Ruth Ban, Robert Summers
Sociocultural Theory and the Teaching of Second Languages 4 A dialogic Approach to Teaching L2 Writing Abstract
Holbrook Mahn
Sociocultural Theory and the Teaching of Second Languages 5 Embodied Language Performance: Drama and the ZPD in the Second Language Classroom Abstract
John Haught, Steven McCafferty
Sociocultural Theory and the Teaching of Second Languages 6 Agency in the Classroom Abstract
Leo van Lier
Sociocultural Theory and the Teaching of Second Languages 7 Revolutionary Pedagogies: Learning that Leads (to) Second Language Development Abstract
Eduardo Negueruela-Azarola
Sociocultural Theory and the Teaching of Second Languages 8 French as a Second Language: University Students Learn the Grammatical Concept of Voice: Study Design, Materials Development, and Pilot Data Abstract
Sharon Lapkin, Merrill Swain, Ibtissem Knouzi
Sociocultural Theory and the Teaching of Second Languages 9 Mediation as Objectification in the Development of Professional Academic Discourse: A Corpus-informed Curricular Innovation Abstract
Steven Thorne, Jonathon Reinhardt, Paula Golombek
Sociocultural Theory and the Teaching of Second Languages 10 A Concept-based Approach to Teaching: Writing through Genre Analysis Abstract
Marilia Ferreira, James P. Lantolf
Sociocultural Theory and the Teaching of Second Languages 11 Materializing Linguistic Concepts through 3-D Clay Modeling: A Tool-and-Result Approach to Mediating L2 Spanish Development Abstract
Maria Serrano-Lopez, Matthew E. Poehner
Sociocultural Theory and the Teaching of Second Languages 12 The Unfulfilled Promise of Teaching for Communicative Competence: Insights from Sociocultural Theory Abstract
Sally Magnan
Sociocultural Theory and the Teaching of Second Languages 13 Contribution and Language Learning: Service-learning from a Sociocultural Perspective Abstract
Howard Grabois
Sociocultural Theory and the Teaching of Second Languages Index Abstract
James P. Lantolf, Matthew E. Poehner
Haitian Creole Preface Abstract
Albert Valdman
Haitian Creole Acknowledgements Abstract
Albert Valdman
Haitian Creole Introduction Abstract
Albert Valdman
Haitian Creole The Phonological System Abstract
Albert Valdman
Haitian Creole Variation in the Forms of Words Abstract
Albert Valdman
Haitian Creole Toward a Systematic Autonomous Spelling Abstract
Albert Valdman
Haitian Creole The Structure of the Haitian Creole Lexicon Abstract
Albert Valdman
Haitian Creole The Origin of the Haitian Creole Lexicon Abstract
Albert Valdman
Haitian Creole Basic Sentence Structure Abstract
Albert Valdman
Haitian Creole The Verbal System Abstract
Albert Valdman
Haitian Creole The Structure of Noun Phrases Abstract
Albert Valdman
Haitian Creole Complex sentences: Coordination, Subordination, and Clefting Abstract
Albert Valdman
Haitian Creole Variation in Haitian Creole Abstract
Albert Valdman
Haitian Creole Language Planning and Language Choice in Education Abstract
Albert Valdman
Haitian Creole The Genesis and Development of Haitian Creole Abstract
Albert Valdman
Haitian Creole References Abstract
Albert Valdman
Haitian Creole Subject Index Abstract
Albert Valdman
Haitian Creole In Memoriam Abstract
Albert Valdman
Haitian Creole Author Index Abstract
Albert Valdman
Archaeology from the Ploughsoil Introduction and Acknowledgements Abstract
Colin Haselgrove, Martin Millett, Ian Smith
Archaeology from the Ploughsoil 1. Inference from Ploughsoil Artefact Samples Abstract
Colin Haselgrove
Archaeology from the Ploughsoil 2. Field Survey Calibration: a Contribution Abstract
Martin Millett
Archaeology from the Ploughsoil 3. Sample Bias, Regional Analysis and Fieldwalking in British Archaeology Abstract
Nigel Mills
Archaeology from the Ploughsoil 4. Identifying Neolithic Settlements in Britain: the Role of Field Survey in the Interpretation of Lithic Scatters Abstract
Robin Holgate
Archaeology from the Ploughsoil 5. Approaching the Fens the Flexible Way Abstract
David Crowther, Charles French, Francis Pryor
Archaeology from the Ploughsoil 6. "One cannot dig at Random in a Peat Bog". The Eastern Vale of Pickering and the Archaeology of a Buried Landscape Abstract
Edward Cloutman, Tim Schadla-Hall
Archaeology from the Ploughsoil 7. Survey of a Settlement: a Strategy for the Etruscan site at Doganella in the Albegna Valley Abstract
Lucy Walker
Archaeology from the Ploughsoil 8. Settlement, Economy or Behaviour? Micro-regional Land Use Models and the Interpretation of Surface Artefact Patterns Abstract
Christopher Gaffney, Vince Gaffney, Martin Tingle
Archaeology from the Ploughsoil English, French and German Summaries Abstract
Colin Haselgrove, Martin Millett, Ian Smith
Archaeology from the Ploughsoil Index Abstract
Colin Haselgrove, Martin Millett, Ian Smith
Archaeology from the Ploughsoil Lists of Figures Abstract
Colin Haselgrove, Martin Millett, Ian Smith
Archaeology from the Ploughsoil List of Tables Abstract
Colin Haselgrove
Archaeology from the Ploughsoil List of Contributors Abstract
Colin Haselgrove
Novice Language Teachers Insights and perspectives for the first year of language teaching Abstract
Thomas Farrell
Novice Language Teachers Teachers' use of metaphor in making sense of the first year of teaching Abstract
Steve Mann
Novice Language Teachers Trained for teaching high school, poached for teacher training: A case study of a Cambodian English teacher's first year of teaching in Cambodia Abstract
Stephen Moore
Novice Language Teachers Learning to teach in the first year: a Singapore case study Abstract
Thomas Farrell
Novice Language Teachers Occupational socialization in the first year of teaching: perspectives from Thailand Abstract
David Hayes
Novice Language Teachers The transition from teacher education to ESL/EFL teaching in the first year for non-native English speaking teachers in Canada Abstract
Clea Schmidt
Novice Language Teachers The beliefs and practices of novice teachers in Hong Kong: change and resistance to change in an Asian teaching context Abstract
Alan Urmston, Martha Pennington
Novice Language Teachers Teaching post-CELTA: the interplay of novice teacher, course and context Abstract
Michaela Borg
Novice Language Teachers Ghosts on the cupboard: discursive hauntings during the first year of French Immersion teaching in Canada Abstract
Lace Brogden, Becky Page
Novice Language Teachers From rats to language learners: The transition from the biochemistry laboratory to the language classroom in the first year of teaching Abstract
Yen-Ling Ting, Michael Watts
Novice Language Teachers Formation of ESL teacher identity during the first year: an introspective study Abstract
Alix Furness
Novice Language Teachers My first year of language teaching in Japan Abstract
Yuki Iwamura
Novice Language Teachers Index Abstract
Thomas Farrell
Novice Language Teachers Contributors Abstract
Thomas Farrell
Language and Representation Preface to the Second Edition Abstract
Chris Sinha
Language and Representation Preface to the First Edition Abstract
Chris Sinha
Language and Representation 1. Theories of the Sign Abstract
Chris Sinha
Language and Representation 2. Old Wine in New Bottles: Psychology and Cognitive Linguistics Abstract
Chris Sinha
Language and Representation 3. The Dialectics of Representation Abstract
Chris Sinha
Language and Representation 4. Grounding, Mapping and Acts of Meaning Abstract
Chris Sinha
Language and Representation 5. The Phylocultural Complex Abstract
Chris Sinha
Language and Representation 6. Language, Mind and Nature Abstract
Chris Sinha
Language and Representation 7. From Signals to Symbols to System Abstract
Chris Sinha
Language and Representation 8. Language and the Signifying Object Abstract
Chris Sinha
Language and Representation 9. Language, Culture and Embodiment Abstract
Chris Sinha
Language and Representation 10. Language and Other Artifacts: Biocultural Dynamics Abstract
Chris Sinha
Language and Representation Coda Abstract
Chris Sinha
Monumentality, Place-making and Social Interaction on Late Bronze Age Cyprus Introduction: Building Power Abstract
Kevin D. Fisher
Monumentality, Place-making and Social Interaction on Late Bronze Age Cyprus Society and Built Environment on Late Bronze Age Cyprus: Changing Perspectives Abstract
Kevin D. Fisher
Monumentality, Place-making and Social Interaction on Late Bronze Age Cyprus The Social Dynamics of Built Environments Abstract
Kevin D. Fisher
Monumentality, Place-making and Social Interaction on Late Bronze Age Cyprus An Integrative Approach to Analyzing Past Built Environments Abstract
Kevin D. Fisher
Monumentality, Place-making and Social Interaction on Late Bronze Age Cyprus Toward a Biography of the Ashlar Building at Enkomi Abstract
Kevin D. Fisher
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