Browse Title Index

Issue Title
Textbook Gods Index Abstract
Bengt-Ove Andreassen
Distant Views of the Holy Land Biographies of Photographers, Artists and Illustrators Abstract
Felicity Cobbing, David Jacobson
Distant Views of the Holy Land Galilee Abstract
Felicity Cobbing, David Jacobson
Distant Views of the Holy Land Samaria Abstract
Felicity Cobbing, David Jacobson
Distant Views of the Holy Land Judea and Philistia Abstract
Felicity Cobbing, David Jacobson
Distant Views of the Holy Land Jerusalem and Bethlehem Abstract
Felicity Cobbing, David Jacobson
Distant Views of the Holy Land Bibliography Abstract
Felicity Cobbing, David Jacobson
Hybridity in Systemic Functional Linguistics 1. Hybridity & systemic functional linguistics Abstract
Donna R. Miller, Paul Bayley
Hybridity in Systemic Functional Linguistics 2. On the (non)necessity of the hybrid category behavioural process Abstract
David Banks
Hybridity in Systemic Functional Linguistics 3. Hybridity in TRANSITIVITY: Phraseological and metaphorically derived processes in the system network for TRANSITIVITY Abstract
Gordon Tucker
Hybridity in Systemic Functional Linguistics 4. Hybridity and process types Abstract
Jorge Arús Hita
Hybridity in Systemic Functional Linguistics 5. Re-orienting semantic dispositions: The role of hybrid forms of language use in university learning Abstract
Caroline Coffin
Hybridity in Systemic Functional Linguistics 7. The multilayeredness of hybridity in the written stylistic analysis argument Abstract
Anne Isaac
Hybridity in Systemic Functional Linguistics 8. Activity types, discourse types and role types: Interactional hybridity in professional-client encounters Abstract
Srikant Sarangi
Hybridity in Systemic Functional Linguistics 9. Hybridization: How language users graft new discourses on old root stock Abstract
Geoff Thompson
Hybridity in Systemic Functional Linguistics 11. Woolf’s Lecture/Novel/Essay A Room of One’s Own Abstract
Carol Torsello
Hybridity in Systemic Functional Linguistics 12. Genre and register hybridization in an historical text Abstract
Michael Cummings
Hybridity in Systemic Functional Linguistics 13. Hybrid contexts and lexicogrammatical choices: Interpersonal uses of language in peer review reports in linguistics and mathematics Abstract
Akila Sellami-Baklouti
Hybridity in Systemic Functional Linguistics 14. The permeable context of institutional and newspaper discourse: A corpus-based functional case study of the European sovereign debt crisis Abstract
Sabrina Fusari
Hybridity in Systemic Functional Linguistics 15. In the nature of language: Reflections on permeability and hybridity Abstract
Ruqaiya Hasan
Hybridity in Systemic Functional Linguistics Acknowledgements Abstract
Donna R. Miller, Paul Bayley
Hybridity in Systemic Functional Linguistics List of figures Abstract
Donna R. Miller, Paul Bayley
Hybridity in Systemic Functional Linguistics List of tables Abstract
Donna R. Miller, Paul Bayley
Hybridity in Systemic Functional Linguistics Index Abstract
Donna R. Miller, Paul Bayley
The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa List of Maps Abstract
John C. Wilkinson
The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa Abbreviations and conventions Abstract
John C. Wilkinson
The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa Foreword Abstract
John C. Wilkinson
The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa 1. The Omani perspective: part 1 Abstract
John C. Wilkinson
The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa 2. The Omani perspective part II: growing British influence Abstract
John C. Wilkinson
The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa 3. The early Arab penetration into the African mainland Abstract
John C. Wilkinson
The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa 4. Oman and Zanzibar: Britain and France Abstract
John C. Wilkinson
The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa 5. Barghash’s reign: the first dozen years Abstract
John C. Wilkinson
The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa 6. The mainland Abstract
John C. Wilkinson
The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa 7. AIC phase I Abstract
John C. Wilkinson
The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa 8. German colonization in East Africa Abstract
John C. Wilkinson
The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa 9. Confrontation Abstract
John C. Wilkinson
The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa 10. The Swahili uprising Abstract
John C. Wilkinson
The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa 11. The Emin Pasha Relief Expedition (EPRE): part 1 Abstract
John C. Wilkinson
The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa 12. The Emin Pasha Relief Expedition: part II Abstract
John C. Wilkinson
The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa 13. EIC: consolidation of state: the Arab Zone Abstract
John C. Wilkinson
The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa 14. The Arab Zone Abstract
John C. Wilkinson
The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa 15. First clashes Abstract
John C. Wilkinson
The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa 16.War Abstract
John C. Wilkinson
The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa 17. ENVOI: Zanzibar 1896 Abstract
John C. Wilkinson
The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa Appendix: Arab Materials in Belgian Archives Abstract
John C. Wilkinson
The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa Maps Abstract
John C. Wilkinson
The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa References Including Select Bibliography Abstract
John C. Wilkinson
The Arabs and the Scramble for Africa Indexes Abstract
John C. Wilkinson
Impoliteness in Corpora Contents Abstract
Hatice Çelebi
Impoliteness in Corpora List of Figures Abstract
Hatice Çelebi
Impoliteness in Corpora List of Tables Abstract
Hatice Çelebi
Impoliteness in Corpora List of Abbreviations Abstract
Hatice Çelebi
Impoliteness in Corpora Acknowledgements Abstract
Hatice Çelebi
Impoliteness in Corpora Preface Abstract
Hatice Çelebi
Impoliteness in Corpora Introduction: Impoliteness in Spoken Corpora Abstract
Hatice Çelebi
Impoliteness in Corpora Impoliteness Phenomena, Conversation and Corpus Linguistics Abstract
Hatice Çelebi
Impoliteness in Corpora A Methodological Perspective to Studying Impoliteness: Research Design and Corpora Abstract
Hatice Çelebi
Impoliteness in Corpora Impoliteness in Conversation: The British English and Turkish Abstract
Hatice Çelebi
Impoliteness in Corpora Revisiting the Methodological Perspective: Emerging Issues Abstract
Hatice Çelebi
Impoliteness in Corpora Conclusion Abstract
Hatice Çelebi
Impoliteness in Corpora References Abstract
Hatice Çelebi
Impoliteness in Corpora Index Abstract
Hatice Çelebi
Claiming Identity in the Study of Religion Introduction: Culture, Religion, and the Fabrication of Identities Abstract
Monica R. Miller
Claiming Identity in the Study of Religion 1. Well, Isn’t That Special?’: What We Talk about When We Talk about Identity Abstract
K. Merinda Simmons
Claiming Identity in the Study of Religion 2. Will Your Cognitive Anchor Hold in the Storms of Culture? Abstract
Russell T. McCutcheon
Claiming Identity in the Study of Religion 3. Everything is a Cemetery: On the History Behind the ‘Ahistorical' Abstract
Leslie Dorrough Smith
Claiming Identity in the Study of Religion 4. The Melancholy Empire Builder: The Life and Works of Mircea Eliade Abstract
Russell T. McCutcheon
Claiming Identity in the Study of Religion 5. Who Is the Nigger?: Strategies of Using the ‘N’ Word and Having it Both Ways Abstract
Monica R. Miller
Claiming Identity in the Study of Religion 6. A Gift with Diminished Returns: On Jeff Kripal's The Serpent's Gift Abstract
Russell T. McCutcheon
Claiming Identity in the Study of Religion 7. Conceptual Colonialism: How Descriptions Carry Explanations Abstract
Craig Martin
Claiming Identity in the Study of Religion 8. It’s a Lie. There’s No Truth in It! It’s a Sin!”: The Cost of Saving Others from Themselves Abstract
Russell T. McCutcheon
Claiming Identity in the Study of Religion 9. Authorizing Identifications, Disciplining Techniques: The Affinities of Public Advocacy Abstract
Steven Ramey
Claiming Identity in the Study of Religion 10. Affinities, Benefits, and Costs: The ABCs of Good Scholars Gone Public Abstract
Russell T. McCutcheon
Claiming Identity in the Study of Religion 11. What’s New is Old Again: The Αναπαλαίωση of Tradition Abstract
Vaia Touna
Claiming Identity in the Study of Religion 12. The Resiliency of Conceptual Anachronisms: On the Limits of ‘the West’ and ‘Religion' Abstract
Russell T. McCutcheon
Claiming Identity in the Study of Religion Accidental Favorites: The Implicit in the Study of Religion Abstract
Steven Ramey
Claiming Identity in the Study of Religion Acknowledgements Abstract
Monica R. Miller
Claiming Identity in the Study of Religion Sources Abstract
Monica R. Miller
Claiming Identity in the Study of Religion Index Abstract
Monica R. Miller
Strategic Acts in the Study of Identity Preface Abstract
Vaia Touna
Strategic Acts in the Study of Identity On the Strategies of Identity Formation Abstract
Craig Martin
Strategic Acts in the Study of Identity 1. Nostalgia and the Discourse Concerning 'Nones' Abstract
Steven Ramey
Strategic Acts in the Study of Identity 2. Response to Steven Ramey: The Constitutive Discourse of Description Abstract
Vaia Touna
Strategic Acts in the Study of Identity 3. Reply to Vaia Touna: Situated Descriptions Abstract
Steven Ramey
Strategic Acts in the Study of Identity 4. Strategizing Subjectivity: Creolization and Intentionality in Studies of Caribbean Religions Abstract
K. Merinda Simmons
Strategic Acts in the Study of Identity 10. Strategic Acts I and II Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Strategic Acts in the Study of Identity 5. Response to K. Merinda Simmons: When is it OK to Borrow? Discourses on Syncretism and Cultural Appropriation Abstract
Craig Martin
Strategic Acts in the Study of Identity 6. Reply to Craig Martin: “The Other Is Not”: Mediating Specialness and Specificity Abstract
K. Merinda Simmons
Strategic Acts in the Study of Identity 7. Writing Women out of Women’s Movements: The Discursive Boundaries of Feminism Abstract
Leslie Dorrough Smith
Strategic Acts in the Study of Identity 8. Response to Leslie Dorrough-Smith: Transgressions Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Strategic Acts in the Study of Identity 9. Reply to Russell T. McCutcheon: Navigating the Politics of Comparison Abstract
Leslie Dorrough Smith
Strategic Acts in the Study of Identity Appendix Abstract
Vaia Touna, K. Merinda Simmons, Craig Martin, Steven Ramey, Leslie Dorrough Smith, Russell McCutcheon
Strategic Acts in the Study of Identity Index Abstract
Vaia Touna
Recovering Women’s Rituals in the Ancient Near East Introduction to Women in the Near East Abstract
Julye Bidmead
Recovering Women’s Rituals in the Ancient Near East Methodology Abstract
Julye Bidmead
Recovering Women’s Rituals in the Ancient Near East Mesopotamia -- i. Birth Rituals ii. Puberty rituals iii. Marriage Rituals iv. Fertility Rituals v. Death rituals vi. Other rites involving women’s bodies vii. Women participating in male rites of passage viii. Summary of women’s rituals in Mesopotamia Abstract
Julye Bidmead
Recovering Women’s Rituals in the Ancient Near East Evidence : Textual Sources and Archaeological Remains Abstract
Julye Bidmead
Recovering Women’s Rituals in the Ancient Near East Israel and Canaan -- i. Birth Rituals ii. Puberty rituals iii. Marriage Rituals iv. Fertility Rituals v. Death rituals vi. Other rites involving women’s bodies vii. Women participating in male rites of passage viii. Summary of women’s rituals in Israel and Canaan Abstract
Julye Bidmead
Recovering Women’s Rituals in the Ancient Near East Comparative Analysis Abstract
Julye Bidmead
Recovering Women’s Rituals in the Ancient Near East Appendices Abstract
Julye Bidmead
Recovering Women’s Rituals in the Ancient Near East Bibliography Abstract
Julye Bidmead
Entanglements Preface Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Entanglements Sources Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Entanglements Introduction Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Entanglements Naming the Unnameable? Theological Language and the Academic Study of Religion (1990) Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Entanglements Ideology and the Problem of Naming: A Reply (1991) Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Entanglements Returning the Volley to William E. Arnal (1998) Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Entanglements Of Strawmen and Humanists: A Reply to Bryan Rennie (1999) Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Entanglements A Brief Response from a Fortunate Man (2000) Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Entanglements Who Sets the Ground Rules? A Response to "Comparativism, Then and Now" (2000) Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Entanglements Artifacts Not Relics: A Response to "Missing Links in the Study of Religions! (2000) Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Entanglements Filling in the Cracks with Resin: A Response to John Burris's "Text and Context in the Study of Religion" (2003) Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Entanglements A Few Words on the Temptation to Defend the Honor of a Text (2004) Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Entanglements Theorizing the Politics of "Religion": Rejoinder to Rober A. Segal (2005) Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Entanglements The Perils of Having One's Cake and Eating it Too: Some Thoughts in Response (2005) Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Entanglements Theses on Professionalization (2007) Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Entanglements A Response to Professor Robert Campany's "Chinese Religious History and its Implications for Writing 'Religion' (2008) Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Entanglements "As it Was in the Beginning...": The Modern Problem of the Ancient Self (2010) Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Entanglements A Direct Question Deserves a Direct Answer: A Reply to Atalia Omer's "Can a Critic be a Caretaker too?" (2012) Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Entanglements Recovering the Human: A Tale of Nouns and Verbs: A Rejoinder to Ann Taves (2012) Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Entanglements Three Dots and a Dash Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Entanglements The Sacred is the Profane (2012) Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Entanglements Afterword Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Entanglements References Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Entanglements Index Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Buddhist Monks and the Politics of Lanka's Civil War Notes on Translations, Pali and Sinhala Words Abstract
Suren Raghavan
Buddhist Monks and the Politics of Lanka's Civil War A Paradise Poisoned? Burden of the Past—Blunder of the Present Abstract
Suren Raghavan
Buddhist Monks and the Politics of Lanka's Civil War The Social and Political role of the Saṅgha in Lanka Abstract
Suren Raghavan
Buddhist Monks and the Politics of Lanka's Civil War An Army in Yellow Robes: Saṅgha Political Resistance 1815–2010 Abstract
Suren Raghavan
Buddhist Monks and the Politics of Lanka's Civil War Three Saṅgha Activists and their Politics Abstract
Suren Raghavan
Buddhist Monks and the Politics of Lanka's Civil War Epilogue Abstract
Suren Raghavan
Buddhist Monks and the Politics of Lanka's Civil War Appendices Abstract
Suren Raghavan
Buddhist Monks and the Politics of Lanka's Civil War References Abstract
Suren Raghavan
Buddhist Monks and the Politics of Lanka's Civil War Preface Abstract
Suren Raghavan
Buddhist Monks and the Politics of Lanka's Civil War Federalism and Sinhala Buddhist Nationalism Abstract
Suren Raghavan
Buddhist Monks and the Politics of Lanka's Civil War Index Abstract
Suren Raghavan
Buddhist Monks and the Politics of Lanka's Civil War List of Figures Abstract
Suren Raghavan
Buddhist Monks and the Politics of Lanka's Civil War Acknowledgements Abstract
Suren Raghavan
The Power of Language Preface Abstract
Lynne Young, Michael Fitzgerald, Saira Fitzgerald
The Power of Language Introduction Abstract
Lynne Young, Michael Fitzgerald, Saira Fitzgerald
The Power of Language Language and International Conflict Abstract
Lynne Young, Michael Fitzgerald, Saira Fitzgerald
The Power of Language Language and Political Fear Abstract
Lynne Young, Michael Fitzgerald, Saira Fitzgerald
The Power of Language Language and Racism Abstract
Lynne Young, Michael Fitzgerald, Saira Fitzgerald
The Power of Language Language and Advertising Abstract
Lynne Young, Michael Fitzgerald, Saira Fitzgerald
The Power of Language Language and Organizations Abstract
Lynne Young, Michael Fitzgerald, Saira Fitzgerald
The Power of Language Language in Modern Trends Abstract
Lynne Young, Michael Fitzgerald, Saira Fitzgerald
The Power of Language Power in Spoken Language Abstract
Lynne Young, Michael Fitzgerald, Saira Fitzgerald
The Power of Language Multimodal Communication Abstract
Lynne Young, Michael Fitzgerald, Saira Fitzgerald
The Power of Language Language and Social Media Abstract
Lynne Young, Michael Fitzgerald, Saira Fitzgerald
The Power of Language Acknowledgements Abstract
Lynne Young, Michael Fitzgerald, Saira Fitzgerald
The Power of Language References Abstract
Lynne Young, Michael Fitzgerald, Saira Fitzgerald
The Power of Language Name Index Abstract
Lynne Young, Michael Fitzgerald, Saira Fitzgerald
The Power of Language Subject Index Abstract
Lynne Young
Death's Dominion Introduction: Discursive Acts and the Formation of Memory at the Graves of the Saints Abstract
Nathaniel Morehouse
Death's Dominion To Begin: The Life of the Dead is Set in the Memory of the Living Abstract
Nathaniel Morehouse
Death's Dominion To Build Up: The Erection of Shrine and Reputation Abstract
Nathaniel Morehouse
Death's Dominion To Control: The Places and Practices Associated With the Remains of the Saints Abstract
Nathaniel Morehouse
Death's Dominion To Reject: Not Everyone Loves a Corpse Abstract
Nathaniel Morehouse
Death's Dominion To Accept: Unification Through Travel Abstract
Nathaniel Morehouse
Death's Dominion Conclusion Abstract
Nathaniel Morehouse
Death's Dominion Acknowledgements Abstract
Nathaniel Morehouse
Death's Dominion Bibliography Abstract
Nathaniel Morehouse
Death's Dominion Index Abstract
Nathaniel Morehouse
Thunder in their Hearts South Africa: Jazz, Apartheid, King Kong Abstract
Francis Gooding
Thunder in their Hearts King Kong in London: the late 1950s and early 1960s Abstract
Francis Gooding
Thunder in their Hearts Very Urgent: the 1960s Abstract
Francis Gooding
Thunder in their Hearts Blue Notes for Mongezi: 1970s Abstract
Francis Gooding
Thunder in their Hearts Jabula: 1970s Abstract
Francis Gooding
Thunder in their Hearts London Township: the 1980s Abstract
Francis Gooding
Thunder in their Hearts Spirits Rejoice Abstract
Francis Gooding
Thunder in their Hearts The legacy of exile Abstract
Francis Gooding
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Jamaica’s history of great records Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Great songs from the golden age of mento singles Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Count Lasher Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Chin’s Calypso Sextet Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Great Jamaican R&B Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae The Skatalites Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Bob Marley & The Wailers, Part 1: Ska and more at Studio One Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae More great ska songs Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Prince Buster Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Great Treasure Isle rock steady songs Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Great rock steady from other studios Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Desmond Dekker & The Aces with The Dynamites at Beverly’s Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Toots & The Maytals Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae The Ethiopians Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Great Studio One rock steady and reggae instrumentals Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae More great Studio One rock steady and pre-roots reggae songs Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Bob Marley & The Wailers, Part 2: Self-produced singles in their middle period Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Bob Marley & The Wailers, Part 3: The JAD productions in their middle period Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Bob Marley & The Wailers, Part 4: An LP produced by Leslie Kong in their middle period Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Bob Marley & The Wailers, Part 5: Produced by Lee Perry in their middle period Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Bob Marley & The Wailers, Part 6: Work with sundry other producers in their middle period Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae More great early reggae Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Jimmy Cliff Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Nora Dean Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Augustus Pablo Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Lee Perry before the Black Ark Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Lee Perry and the Black Ark sound Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Junior Murvin at the Black Ark Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae The Congos at the Black Ark and elsewhere Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae More great dub Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Great mento-reggae by Stanley Beckford and others Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Great mento after the golden age Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae More great reggae instrumentals Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae The Abyssinians Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Burning Spear Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae More great Nyabinghi and Nyabinghi-reggae songs Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Dennis Brown Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Gregory Isaacs Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Black Uhuru and Michael Rose Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae More great Sly & Robbie songs Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Black Slate Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Steel Pulse Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae More great roots reggae Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Big Youth Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae More great DJ songs Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Bob Marley & The Wailers, Part 7: The internationally released LPs Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Bunny Wailer, after The Wailers Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Peter Tosh, after The Wailers Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Great dub poetry Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Great Jamaica Jazz Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Barrington Levy and the birth of dancehall Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Johnny Osbourne Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae More great dancehall Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Coda: More great songs, but difficult to categorize Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Acknowledgments Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Introduction Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Bibliography Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Index of names Abstract
Michael Garnice
The Ultimate Guide to Great Reggae Index of songs Abstract
Michael Garnice
Setting Out on the Great Way Sara Boin-Webb: Translator of Buddhist Texts Abstract
Russell Webb
Setting Out on the Great Way Early Mahāyāna: Laying out the Field Abstract
Paul Harrison
Setting Out on the Great Way How the Unborn was Born: The Riddle of Mahāyāna Origins Abstract
Peter Skilling
Setting Out on the Great Way The Forest Hypothesis Abstract
David Drewes
Setting Out on the Great Way Recruitment and Retention in Early Bodhisattva Sodalities Abstract
Daniel Boucher
Setting Out on the Great Way The Concept of 'Remodelling the World' Abstract
Shizuka Sasaki
Setting Out on the Great Way Abhidharma in Early Mahāyāna Abstract
Johannes Bronkhorst
Setting Out on the Great Way Looking for Mahāyāna Bodhisattvas: A Reflection on Visual Evidence in Early Indian Buddhism Abstract
Juhyung Rhi
Setting Out on the Great Way Early Mahāyāna in Gandhāra: New Evidence from the Bajaur Mahāyāna Sūtra Abstract
Ingo Strauch
Setting Out on the Great Way Altered States and the Origins of the Mahāyāna Abstract
Douglas Osto
Setting Out on the Great Way Index Abstract
Paul Harrison
Setting Out on the Great Way Figures Abstract
Paul Harrison
The Academic Study of The Qur'an Preface Abstract
Andrew Rippin
The Academic Study of The Qur'an What is the Qur’an? Abstract
Andrew Rippin
The Academic Study of The Qur'an What do we mean by “Academic scholarship”? The interaction between religious studies and theology Abstract
Andrew Rippin
The Academic Study of The Qur'an The culture of scholarship: Muslim Medieval scholarship on the Qur’an and Medieval Christian approaches to the Qur’an Abstract
Andrew Rippin
The Academic Study of The Qur'an The emergence of academic scholarship on the Qur’an in the 19th century Abstract
Andrew Rippin
The Academic Study of The Qur'an Developments in the 20th century Abstract
Andrew Rippin
The Academic Study of The Qur'an The current state of Quranic studies: “disarray”? Abstract
Andrew Rippin
The Academic Study of The Qur'an The reception of academic scholarship Abstract
Andrew Rippin
The Academic Study of The Qur'an Muslim reformist thought and the impact of scholarship Abstract
Andrew Rippin
Grammatical Metaphor in Chinese Introduction Abstract
Yang Yanning
Grammatical Metaphor in Chinese Research Background Abstract
Yang Yanning
Grammatical Metaphor in Chinese A framework for the functional analysis of Chinese Abstract
Yang Yanning
Grammatical Metaphor in Chinese Identification of grammatical metaphor in Chinese Abstract
Yang Yanning
Grammatical Metaphor in Chinese Categorization of grammatical metaphor in Chinese Abstract
Yang Yanning
Grammatical Metaphor in Chinese The use of grammatical metaphor in written Chinese Abstract
Yang Yanning
Grammatical Metaphor in Chinese The use of grammatical metaphor in spoken Chinese Abstract
Yang Yanning
Grammatical Metaphor in Chinese Comparison of grammatical metaphor in Chinese and English Abstract
Yang Yanning
Grammatical Metaphor in Chinese Conclusions and future directions Abstract
Yang Yanning
Grammatical Metaphor in Chinese References Abstract
Yang Yanning
Grammatical Metaphor in Chinese Index Abstract
Yang Yanning
Writing Systems
Acknowledgements Abstract
Geoffrey Sampson
Writing Systems
Introduction Abstract
Geoffrey Sampson
Writing Systems
Theoretical preliminaries Abstract
Geoffrey Sampson
Writing Systems
The earliest writing Abstract
Geoffrey Sampson
Writing Systems
A syllabic system: Linear B Abstract
Geoffrey Sampson
Writing Systems
Consonantal writing Abstract
Geoffrey Sampson
Writing Systems
European alphabetic writing Abstract
Geoffrey Sampson
Writing Systems
Influences on graph-shape evolution Abstract
Geoffrey Sampson
Writing Systems
A featural system: Korean Hangul Abstract
Geoffrey Sampson
Writing Systems
A logographic system: Chinese writing Abstract
Geoffrey Sampson
Writing Systems
Pros and cons of logography Abstract
Geoffrey Sampson
Writing Systems
A mixed system: Japanese writing Abstract
Geoffrey Sampson
Writing Systems
Writing systems and information technology Abstract
Geoffrey Sampson
Writing Systems
Conclusion Abstract
Geoffrey Sampson
Writing Systems
References Abstract
Geoffrey Sampson
Writing Systems
Index Abstract
Geoffrey Sampson
Writing Systems
English Spelling Abstract
Geoffrey Sampson
Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class 5. Writing Differently: Creating Different Spaces for Student Learning Abstract
Fiona English
Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class 6. Creative Approaches to Research-Based Essays Abstract
Theresa Malphrus Welford
Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class 8. Reconsidering the Essay's Definition in the University Classroom: Writing, Disjunction and the Active Nature of Thought Abstract
Olivia Archibald
Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class 9. The Wide World of Nonfiction: Breaking Barriers of Form to Empower and Improve Student Writing Abstract
Sonya Huber
Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class 10. The Creative "I" Workshop Abstract
Xu Xi
Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class 11. Travel Writing without Leaving Home Abstract
Robin Hemley
Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class 12. May the Farce Be with You: Reflections on "Extreme Puppet Theater" as a Vehicle toward Something Else Abstract
Mark Spitzer
Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class 13. Highways and Sinkholes: Incorporating Creativity Strategies in the Writing Classroom Abstract
Shirley Lim
Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class 14. Watching/Reading: Graphic Narratives and University Writing Abstract
Jeffrey Mather
Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class 15. Re-Presenting Academic Writing to Popular Audiences: Using Digital Infographics and Timelines Abstract
David Gruber
Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class 16. Online Writing as a Discovery Process: Synchronous Collaboration Abstract
Brian King
Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class 17. Mashing, Modding, and Memeing: Writing for a New Generation of University Students Abstract
Rodney Jones
Sects & Stats Preface Abstract
James Lewis
Sects & Stats Are Meaningful Generalizations about New Religious Movement Members Still Possible? Abstract
James Lewis
Sects & Stats 1 Whatever Happened to Youthful Converts? Abstract
James Lewis
Sects & Stats 2 Social Networks and Conversion Abstract
James Lewis
Sects & Stats 3 Increasing Complexity versus Prior Generalizations: Census Data and Longitudinal Approaches Abstract
James Lewis
Sects & Stats 4 Toward a Paradigm for Longitudinal Studies: The Order of Christ Sophia Abstract
James Lewis
Sects & Stats 5 The Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness: Demographic Patterns, 1998–2011 Abstract
James Lewis
Sects & Stats 6 Demise of the Teen Witch Fad Abstract
James Lewis
Sects & Stats 7 Who Serves Satan? Abstract
James Lewis
Sects & Stats 8 New Religious Movements and Gender – The Case of Scientology Abstract
James Lewis
Sects & Stats 9 Post-Involvement Attitudes Abstract
James Lewis
Sects & Stats 10 Member versus Ex-member Profiles Abstract
James Lewis
Sects & Stats Directions for Future Research Abstract
James Lewis
Sects & Stats Anglophone Census and National Survey Data on New Religious Movements Abstract
James Lewis
Sects & Stats References Abstract
James Lewis
Sects & Stats Index Abstract
James Lewis
Anime, Religion and Spirituality Japanese Modernity and the Manga and Anime Art Forms Abstract
Katherine Buljan, Carole M Cusack
Anime, Religion and Spirituality The New Life of Old Beliefs: Religious and Spiritual Concepts in Anime Abstract
Katherine Buljan, Carole M Cusack
Anime, Religion and Spirituality From Realistic to Supernatural: Genres in Anime Abstract
Katherine Buljan, Carole Cusack
Anime, Religion and Spirituality Power Within: The Fan’s Embrace of Profane and Sacred Worlds in Anime Abstract
Katherine Buljan, Carole M Cusack
Anime, Religion and Spirituality Acknowledgements Abstract
Katherine Buljan, Carole M Cusack
Anime, Religion and Spirituality Conclusion Abstract
Katherine Buljan, Carole M Cusack
Anime, Religion and Spirituality Index Abstract
Katherine Buljan, Carole Cusack
Anime, Religion and Spirituality Introduction Abstract
Katherine Buljan, Carole Cusack
Anime, Religion and Spirituality Bibliography Abstract
Katherine Buljan, Carole Cusack
The Singing Voice in Contemporary Cinema The Singing Voice in Contemporary Cinema Abstract
Diane Hughes, Mark Evans
The Singing Voice in Contemporary Cinema Singing, Sonic Authenticity and Stardom in Dancer in the Dark Abstract
Nessa Johnston
The Singing Voice in Contemporary Cinema Find Your Voice: Narratives of Women’s Voice Loss in American Cinema Abstract
Katherine Meizel
The Singing Voice in Contemporary Cinema The Female Singing Voice: Gospel, Blues, Epic Stories and Animation Abstract
Anne Power
The Singing Voice in Contemporary Cinema Singing a Life in Bondage: Black Vocality and Subjectivity in 12 Years a Slave Abstract
Gianpaolo Chiriacò
The Singing Voice in Contemporary Cinema Ghost Singers: The Singing Voice in Korean Pop Cinema Abstract
Sarah Keith, Alex Mesker
The Singing Voice in Contemporary Cinema Voices of Sheila: Resignification in Filmic and Non-filmic Contexts Abstract
Nina Menezes
The Singing Voice in Contemporary Cinema Before #MeToo: Hearing Vulnerability Abstract
Diane Hughes, Mark Evans
The Singing Voice in Contemporary Cinema Trailer Trash or Inspired Vocality? Song as Promotion and Aesthetic Object in Cinematic Previews Abstract
James Deaville, Agnes Malkinson
The Singing Voice in Contemporary Cinema 'You’ve Got a Friend in Me': Singing Voices in the Toy Story Films Abstract
Natalie Lewandowski, Penny Spirou
The Singing Voice in Contemporary Cinema The Singing Voice and its Use to Evoke Unease, Discomfort and Violence Abstract
Liz Giuffre, Mark Thorley
The Singing Voice in Contemporary Cinema From Despicable to Happy: Animated Vocality in the Evolution of Felonius Gru Abstract
Veronica Stewart, Diane Hughes
The Singing Voice in Contemporary Cinema Index Abstract
Diane Hughes, Mark Evans
Scouse Pop Preface Abstract
Paul Skillen
Scouse Pop Foreword Abstract
Paul Du Noyer
Scouse Pop Acknowledgements Abstract
Paul Skillen
Scouse Pop Appendix 1: List of interviews Abstract
Paul Skillen
Scouse Pop Appendix 2: Scouse Pop TV Abstract
Paul Skillen
Scouse Pop Notes Abstract
Paul Skillen
Scouse Pop Bibliography Abstract
Paul Skillen
Scouse Pop Index Abstract
Paul Skillen
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion Introduction Abstract
Thomas Dähnhardt, Fabrizio Ferrari
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion 1. A Modern Kalpavṛkṣa: Sathya Sāī Bābā and the Wish-Fulfilling Tree Abstract
Antonio Rigopoulos
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion 4. Perfumed Islam: The Culture of Scent at the Nizamuddin Basti Abstract
Mikko Viitamäki
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion Chapter 5 Rice culture: Cultivation and worship of a divine plant in western Odisha Abstract
Uwe Skoda
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion Chapter 10 Tree Hugger: On the Audumbarī Rite of the Sāmaveda Abstract
Finnian Gerety
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion Chapter 6 Caryota Urens: from vegetable manifestation of God to the Sacred Tree of the Shamans of Orissa Abstract
Stefano Beggiora
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion Index Abstract
Fabrizio Ferrari
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion 3. Divine Flora, Divine Love: The Place of Natural Scenery in the Ultimate Vision of Krṣna Bhakti Details
Graham Schweig
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion 2. "Pagoda Tree": Plants and Other Foliate Motifs on Indian Coins through History Abstract
Shailendra Bhandare
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion 5. The Bodhi Tree and Other Plants in the Pali Tipitaka Abstract
Antonella Serena Comba
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion Chapter 8 Divine flashes and herbal power: the use and importance of psychotropic plants in South Asian Sufi rituals and disciplines Abstract
Thomas Dähnhardt
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion 6. Wood, Water and Waste: Material Aspects of Mortuary Practices in South Asia Abstract
Albertina Nugteren
Soulless Matter, Seats of Energy Introduction Abstract
Fabrizio Ferrari, Thomas Dähnhardt
Soulless Matter, Seats of Energy 1. Five Stones – Four Rivers – One Town: The Hindu Pañcāyatanapūjā Abstract
Mikael Aktor
Soulless Matter, Seats of Energy 2. A “Sulphurous” Śakti: The Worship of Goddess Hiṅgulā in Baluchistan Abstract
Francesco Brighenti
Soulless Matter, Seats of Energy 3. From Iron to Sapphire: Indian Myths and Rituals about Saturn, the Implacable Lord of Celestial Spheres Abstract
Monia Marchetto, Manuel Hoefer
Soulless Matter, Seats of Energy 4. Mineral Healing: Gemstone Remedies in Astrological and Medical Traditions Abstract
Anthony Cerulli, Caterina Guenzi
Soulless Matter, Seats of Energy 5. Mercury Tonics (Rasāyana) in Sanskrit Medical Literature Abstract
Dagmar Wujastyk
Soulless Matter, Seats of Energy 6. When Ngülchu is not Mercury: Tibetan Taxonomies of 'Metals' Abstract
Barbara Gerke
Soulless Matter, Seats of Energy 7. In Search of the Sadhu’s Stone: Metals and Gems as Theraputic Technologies of Transformation in Vernacular Aesceticism in North India Abstract
Antoinette DeNapoli
Soulless Matter, Seats of Energy 8. Deg Tegh Fateh: Metal as Material and Metaphor in Sikh Tradition Abstract
Eleanor Nesbitt
Soulless Matter, Seats of Energy 9. A Little Lipstick Goes a Long Way: Chit-chatting with Women in the Rāmāyaṇa and Mahābhārata Abstract
Deeksha Sivakumar
Soulless Matter, Seats of Energy 10. Ratna: A Buddhist World of Precious Things Abstract
Mattia Salvini
Soulless Matter, Seats of Energy 11. When Earth Comes Alive: Earth-Bodied Beings in Jain Tradition Abstract
Ana Bajželj
Soulless Matter, Seats of Energy List of Figures Abstract
Fabrizio Ferrari, Thomas Dähnhardt
Soulless Matter, Seats of Energy List of Tables Abstract
Fabrizio Ferrari, Thomas Dähnhardt
Soulless Matter, Seats of Energy Index Abstract
Fabrizio Ferrari
Prophets and Prophecy in the Qur'an Preface Abstract
Anthony Johns
Prophets and Prophecy in the Qur'an Literary and aesthetic matrices: The Qur'an as a unique religio-literary entity Abstract
Anthony Johns
Prophets and Prophecy in the Qur'an The scope of human experiences and encounters: Affinities with meta-historical covenant and the modes of presentation Abstract
Anthony Johns
Prophets and Prophecy in the Qur'an Prophetic figures in the Qur'an: A common heritage Abstract
Anthony Johns
Prophets and Prophecy in the Qur'an Personalities and figures in the Qur'an: the dynamic of doctrine and ethics in Qur'anic narratives on prophets Abstract
Anthony Johns
Prophets and Prophecy in the Qur'an Doctrine and dogma in the treatment of exempla Abstract
Anthony Johns
Prophets and Prophecy in the Qur'an Attitudes to the corpora of extra-islamic material Abstract
Anthony Johns
Prophets and Prophecy in the Qur'an Stories of prophets in the exegetical literature: individual and spiritual perspectives Abstract
Anthony Johns
Prophets and Prophecy in the Qur'an Designs and features of the narratives: dramatic dialogue and the element of wonder Abstract
Anthony Johns
Finding Myth and History in the Bible Editorial Preface Abstract
Lukasz Niesiolowski-Spano
Finding Myth and History in the Bible Giovanni Garbini and Minimalism Abstract
Thomas L. Thompson
Finding Myth and History in the Bible Abbreviations Abstract
Lukasz Niesiolowski-Spano
Finding Myth and History in the Bible Hos 2:2 and the Dating of the Book of Hosea Abstract
Giovanni Deiana
Finding Myth and History in the Bible The Same Old Story Abstract
Niels Peter Lemche
Finding Myth and History in the Bible Farewell to the 'Blind and Lame‹' (2 Sam. 5:6-10) Abstract
Lukasz Niesiolowski-Spano
Finding Myth and History in the Bible Jonah and the triffid. A suggestion for the qiqayon Abstract
Chiara Peri
Finding Myth and History in the Bible Ethnicity and the Bible: Multiple Judaisms Abstract
Thomas L. Thompson
Finding Myth and History in the Bible Index of References Abstract
Lukasz Niesiolowski-Spano
Finding Myth and History in the Bible Index of Authors Abstract
Lukasz Niesiolowski-Spano
New Religiosity in Contemporary Sweden The Meditating Dala Horse Project: A Presentation Abstract
Liselotte Frisk, Peter Åkerbäck
New Religiosity in Contemporary Sweden A Presentation of the Religious Landscape in Dalarna Abstract
Liselotte Frisk, Peter Åkerbäck
New Religiosity in Contemporary Sweden Religion Anywhere: Structure and Content Abstract
Liselotte Frisk, Peter Åkerbäck
New Religiosity in Contemporary Sweden Comparing Dalarna with Other Areas Abstract
Liselotte Frisk, Peter Åkerbäck
New Religiosity in Contemporary Sweden Contemporary Religious Arenas: Retreat Centres, Health and Coaching Institutes, and Health Fairs Abstract
Liselotte Frisk, Peter Åkerbäck
New Religiosity in Contemporary Sweden Mindfulness in Dalarna: A Focused Area of Study Abstract
Liselotte Frisk, Peter Åkerbäck
New Religiosity in Contemporary Sweden The Church of Sweden: Its Response to Religious Pluralism Abstract
Liselotte Frisk
New Religiosity in Contemporary Sweden Dalarna: A Local Place in a Global World Abstract
Liselotte Frisk, Peter Åkerbäck
New Religiosity in Contemporary Sweden Secularization, Individualism and Identity Abstract
Liselotte Frisk, Peter Åkerbäck
New Religiosity in Contemporary Sweden Conclusion Abstract
Liselotte Frisk, Peter Åkerbäck
New Religiosity in Contemporary Sweden Acknowledgements Abstract
Liselotte Frisk, Peter Åkerbäck
New Religiosity in Contemporary Sweden References Abstract
Liselotte Frisk
New Religiosity in Contemporary Sweden Index Abstract
Liselotte Frisk
The Archaeology of Nuragic Sardinia Introduction Abstract
Gary Webster
The Archaeology of Nuragic Sardinia Early Bronze Age: twenty-third to eighteenth centuries BC Abstract
Gary Webster
The Archaeology of Nuragic Sardinia Middle Bronze Age: eighteenth to thirteenth centuries BC Abstract
Gary Webster
The Archaeology of Nuragic Sardinia Late Bronze Age: thirteenth to tenth centuries BC Abstract
Gary Webster
The Archaeology of Nuragic Sardinia Iron Age 1, or Geometric Period: tenth to eight centuries BC Abstract
Gary Webster
The Archaeology of Nuragic Sardinia List of Figures and Tables Abstract
Gary Webster
The Archaeology of Nuragic Sardinia Acknowledgements Abstract
Gary Webster
The Archaeology of Nuragic Sardinia Preface Abstract
Gary Webster
The Archaeology of Nuragic Sardinia Postscript Abstract
Gary Webster
The Archaeology of Nuragic Sardinia References Abstract
Gary Webster
The Archaeology of Nuragic Sardinia Index of Sites Abstract
Gary Webster
Face and Face Practices in Chinese Talk-in-Interaction Acknowledgements Abstract
Wei-Lin Chang
Face and Face Practices in Chinese Talk-in-Interaction Transcription symbols and abbreviations Abstract
Wei-Lin Chang
Face and Face Practices in Chinese Talk-in-Interaction Introduction Abstract
Wei-Lin Chang
Face and Face Practices in Chinese Talk-in-Interaction Emic and etic perspectives on face Abstract
Wei-Lin Chang
Face and Face Practices in Chinese Talk-in-Interaction An interactional pragmatics approach to investigating face practices Abstract
Wei-Lin Chang
Face and Face Practices in Chinese Talk-in-Interaction Emic concepts of face Abstract
Wei-Lin Chang
Face and Face Practices in Chinese Talk-in-Interaction Emic practices of face: dyadic interactions vs multiparty interactions Abstract
Wei-Lin Chang
Face and Face Practices in Chinese Talk-in-Interaction Demystifying face in Chinese: emerging themes in business interactions Abstract
Wei-Lin Chang
Face and Face Practices in Chinese Talk-in-Interaction Conclusion Abstract
Wei-Lin Chang
Face and Face Practices in Chinese Talk-in-Interaction References Abstract
Wei-Lin Chang
Face and Face Practices in Chinese Talk-in-Interaction Index Abstract
Wei-Lin Chang
Philosophy and the End of Sacrifice Introduction Abstract
Peter Jackson, Anna-Pya Sjödin
Philosophy and the End of Sacrifice 1. The Principle of Equivalence and the Interiorization of Ritual: The “End” of Ritual? Abstract
Stephanie Jamison
Philosophy and the End of Sacrifice 2.Ritual Interiorization and Abstract Action Abstract
Clemens Cavallin
Philosophy and the End of Sacrifice 3. Lord over this Whole World: Agency and Philosophy in Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad Abstract
Anna-Pya Sjödin
Philosophy and the End of Sacrifice 4. “The End of Sacrifice” and the Absence of “Religion”: The Pecuiar Case of India Abstract
Gerald Larson
Philosophy and the End of Sacrifice 5. The Crisis of Sacrifice Abstract
Peter Jackson
Philosophy and the End of Sacrifice 6. The End of Sacrifice Revisited Abstract
Guy Stroumsa
Philosophy and the End of Sacrifice 7. The All as logikê thusia:The Egyptian Prehistory of a Hermetic Idea Abstract
Jørgen Sørensen
Philosophy and the End of Sacrifice 8. No End to Sacrifice in Hermetism Abstract
Christian Bull
Philosophy and the End of Sacrifice 9. Beyond Righteousness and Transgression: Reading the Gospel of Truth and the Gospel of Judas from an Acosmic Perspective Abstract
Jörgen Magnusson
Philosophy and the End of Sacrifice 10. Sacrificial Subjectivity: Faith and Interiorization of Cultic Practice in the Pauline Letters Abstract
Hans Ruin
Philosophy and the End of Sacrifice 11. Philosophical Sacrifice Abstract
Marcia Sa Cavalcante Schuback
Philosophy and the End of Sacrifice Prelims Abstract
Peter Jackson
Philosophy and the End of Sacrifice Index Abstract
Peter Jackson
A History of Biblical Israel List of Illustrations Abstract
Axel Knauf, Philippe Guillaume
A History of Biblical Israel List of Tables Abstract
Axel Knauf, Philippe Guillaume
A History of Biblical Israel Preface Abstract
Axel Knauf, Philippe Guillaume
A History of Biblical Israel Introduction Abstract
Axel Knauf, Philippe Guillaume
A History of Biblical Israel 1. From Merenptah to Rameses VI Abstract
Axel Knauf, Philippe Guillaume
A History of Biblical Israel 2. From Ephraim to Mamre: The Tribes in the Early Iron Age Abstract
Axel Knauf, Philippe Guillaume
A History of Biblical Israel 3. From Saul to Jeroboam I: State Formation Abstract
Axel Knauf, Philippe Guillaume
A History of Biblical Israel 4. From Omri to Jeroboam II: The Consolidation of Levantine Kingdoms Abstract
Axel Knauf, Philippe Guillaume
A History of Biblical Israel 5. From Tiglath-Pileser to Ashurbanipal: The Integration of Levantine Kingdoms in the Neo-Assyrian Realm Abstract
Axel Knauf, Philippe Guillaume
A History of Biblical Israel 6. From Nabopolassar to Nebuchadnezzar Abstract
Axel Knauf, Philippe Guillaume
A History of Biblical Israel 7. From Nebuchadnezzar II to Xerxes I: Mizpah, Samaria, and Jerusalem’s First “Second Temple” Abstract
Axel Knauf, Philippe Guillaume
A History of Biblical Israel 8. From Artaxerxes I to Ptolemy I: The Second “Second Temple” and Torah Abstract
Axel Knauf, Philippe Guillaume
A History of Biblical Israel 9. From Ptolemy II to Antiochus III: The Bible in Greek Abstract
Axel Knauf, Philippe Guillaume
A History of Biblical Israel 10. From Antiochus III to Salome Alexandra Abstract
Axel Knauf, Philippe Guillaume
A History of Biblical Israel 11. “Pax” Romana and Jewish Wars Abstract
Axel Knauf, Philippe Guillaume
A History of Biblical Israel Appendix Abstract
Axel Knauf, Philippe Guillaume
A History of Biblical Israel Bibliography and Abbreviations Abstract
Axel Knauf, Philippe Guillaume
A History of Biblical Israel Index of Biblical and other Ancient References Abstract
Axel Knauf, Philippe Guillaume
A History of Biblical Israel Index of Modern Authors Abstract
Ernst Axel Knauf
A History of Biblical Israel Index of Subjects Abstract
Ernst Axel Knauf
Creativity and Writing Pedagogy 1. Someone Recorded Crickets and It Sounds like Humans Singing Abstract
Harriet Millan
Creativity and Writing Pedagogy 2. Towards a Creative Writing Pedagogy Abstract
Martha Pennington
Creativity and Writing Pedagogy 3. Writing and Drugs Abstract
Alice Flaherty
Creativity and Writing Pedagogy 4. Underlying Factors of Creative Thinking as a Foundation for Creative Writing Pedagogy Abstract
Fredricka Reisman
Creativity and Writing Pedagogy 5. Detecting the Creative in Written Discourse Abstract
Sky Marsen
Creativity and Writing Pedagogy 6. Examining “Small c” Creativity in the Writing Classroom Abstract
Dorothea Lasky
Creativity and Writing Pedagogy 7. The Student as Witness: Cultivating Creativity in the Yogic Body of Research Abstract
Rebecca Ingalls
Creativity and Writing Pedagogy 8. Keeping the Creative Pipes from Freezing: An Essay on Creativity Abstract
Martha Silano
Creativity and Writing Pedagogy 9. Beating Drums in the Caves of the Underworld: The Creative Process as a Journey into the Spirit World Abstract
Laura Valeri
Creativity and Writing Pedagogy 10. How to Write an Earthquake/Comment écrire/Mou pou 12 Janvye, edited by Beaudelaine Pierre and Nataša Ďurovičová: A Review Abstract
Sonya Huber
Creativity and Writing Pedagogy 11. Permanent Evolution: E-Literature and (R)evolutions of Authorship and Readership Abstract
Emma Bolden
Creativity and Writing Pedagogy 12. Using Fractals to Undermine Familiarity: Implementing Writing Pedagogy through the Operations of Shape and Chance Abstract
Ravi Shankar
Creativity and Writing Pedagogy 13. Inspiring Each Other: Student Collaboration in the Poetry Writing Workshop Abstract
Lisa Sewell
Creativity and Writing Pedagogy 14. The Creative Process and Travel Abstract
Robin Hemley
Creativity and Writing Pedagogy 15. Assessing Creativity in College through Writing Abstract
Robert Sternberg
Creativity and Writing Pedagogy Preface Abstract
Harriet Levin Millan, Martha Pennington
Creativity and Writing Pedagogy Editors Abstract
Harriet Levin Millan
Creativity and Writing Pedagogy Contributors Abstract
Harriet Levin Millan, Martha Pennington
Creativity and Writing Pedagogy Author Index Abstract
Harriet Levin Millan
Creativity and Writing Pedagogy Subject Index Abstract
Harriet Levin Millan
Nuragic Sanctuaries Author's Introduction Abstract
Nicola Ialongo
Nuragic Sanctuaries Defining the question: a brief history of studies on Nuragic chronology Abstract
Nicola Ialongo
Nuragic Sanctuaries The proposed chronological framework Abstract
Nicola Ialongo
Nuragic Sanctuaries Diachronic Development of Nuragic Sanctuaries and Other Cultic Contexts Abstract
Nicola Ialongo
Nuragic Sanctuaries Nuragic Social Structure and its Transformations through Time Abstract
Nicola Ialongo
Nuragic Sanctuaries The Study of Ritual: Methodological Framework Abstract
Nicola Ialongo
Nuragic Sanctuaries Symbols in Practice: Ritual Display of Status and the Institutionalization of Power Relations Abstract
Nicola Ialongo
Nuragic Sanctuaries Ritual and Embedded Means of Economic Control Abstract
Nicola Ialongo
Nuragic Sanctuaries Sanctuaries and Settlement Organization: ‘Confederacies’ as Alternatives to ‘Paramount Chiefdoms’ in Modeling Nuragic Power Relations Abstract
Nicola Ialongo
Nuragic Sanctuaries A State-Formation Perspective Abstract
Nicola Ialongo
Nuragic Sanctuaries Conclusion Abstract
Nicola Ialongo
Marine Ventures 2. Shells on the Hill: Marine Fauna in the Caves with Upper Pleistocene and Holocene Levels in La Garma Archaeological Zone, Cantabria, Spain Abstract
Esteban Álvarez-Fernández
Marine Ventures 3. The Emergence of Sedentism in Mesolithic Western Norway. A Case-study from the Rockshelters of Sævarhelleren and Olsteinhelleren by the Hardanger Fjord Abstract
Knut Bergsvik, Anne Hufthammer, Kenneth Ritchie
Marine Ventures 4. Exploring the Role of Pinnipeds in the Human Colonization of the Seascapes of Patagonia and Scandinavia Abstract
Hein Bjerck, Heidi Breivik, Ernesto Piana, A. Francisco J. Zangrando
Marine Ventures 5. On the Applicability of Environmental and Ethnographic Reference Frames: An Example from the High-latitude Seascapes of Norway and Tierra del Fuego Abstract
Heidi Breivik, Hein Bjerck, A. Francisco J. Zangrando, Ernesto Piana
Marine Ventures 19. Chaloupes and Kayaks: European Mariners and the Seascapes of Intercultural Contact Abstract
Amanda Crompton, Lisa Rankin
Marine Ventures 6. Hakai, a Late-glacial to Early Holocene Paleoshoreline ‘Sweet Spot’ on the West Coast of Canada Abstract
Daryl Fedje, Duncan McLaren
Marine Ventures 11. Home by the Sea: Exploring Traditions of Dwelling Reoccupation and Settlement Stability among Marine Foragers in Norway and Tierra del Fuego Abstract
Silje Fretheim, Ernesto Piana, Hein Bjerck, A. Francisco J. Zangrando
Marine Ventures 21. Marine Ventures in Stone Age Rock Art of Fennoscandia Abstract
Jan Magne Gjerde
Marine Ventures 12. Coastal Hazards, Resiliency and the Co-evolution of Human-natural Systems along the Southeast Coast of Sri Lanka during the Late Quaternary (ca. 30,000-3000 years BP): Preliminary Findings of the 2013 Bundala Archaeological Survey Abstract
Hans Harmsen, Pryantha Karunaratne
Marine Ventures 22. Marine Ventures and Thomas Bridges' Yamana-English Dictionary Abstract
Magnhild Husøy, Elisabeth Swensen
Marine Ventures 23. Quartz Utilization along the Coast of Southern Norway: Results from a Stone Age Survey in Aust-Agder Abstract
Svein Nielsen, Joachim Åkerstrøm, Jo-Simon Stokke, Knut Eskeland
Marine Ventures 24. Kayaks and Chaloupes: Labrador Inuit and the Seascapes of Inter‐Cultural Contact Abstract
Lisa Rankin, Amanda Crompton
Marine Ventures 9. Searching for Maritime Hunter-gatherer Archaeological Record in the Shifting Shorelines of the South Pacific Coast (Chonos and Guaitecas Archipelago, Chile) Abstract
Omar Báez, Manuel Bontesii, Flavia Repettoii
Marine Ventures 13. Icescapes and Archaeology: Interactions Above and Below Zero Abstract
Jason Rogers
Marine Ventures 14. A Submerged Mesolithic Grave Site Reveals Remains of the First Norwegian Seal Hunters Abstract
Birgitte Skar, Kirsten Lidén, Gunilla Eriksson, Berit Sellevold
Marine Ventures 15. Rethinking the Mesolithic of the Sado Paleoestuary, Portugal: Semi-sedentary Hunter-gatherers Abstract
Maria Soares
Marine Ventures 16. Marine Adaptation in the Middle Mesolithic of South-eastern Norway Abstract
Steinar Solheim, Per Persson
2001 - 2500 of 13173 Items << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >> 

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