Browse Title Index

Issue Title
Antipodean Riffs Acknowledgements Abstract
Bruce Johnson
Antipodean Riffs 11. Examining the Legend and Music of Australian Saxophonist, Frank Smith Abstract
Ralph Whiteoak
Antipodean Riffs 13. Expressive Identity in the Voices of Three Australian Saxophonists: McGann, Sanders and Gorman Abstract
Sandy Evans
Antipodean Riffs 14. Sex and the Sonic Smorgasbord The Necks—Extending the ‘Jazz’ Piano Trio Format Abstract
Jane Galbraith
Antipodean Riffs Index Abstract
Bruce Johnson
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Chapter 1: Researching Language Teaching and Learning: Three Research Approaches Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Chapter 2: Underlying Worldviews (Philosophies) for Mixing Methods Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Chapter 3: Following a Purpose and Achieving Goals in Undertaking MMR Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Chapter 4: Mixed Methods Research Designs Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Chapter 5: Research Questions, Sampling Procedures and Data Collection Strategies Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Chapter 6: Analysing Data and Making Inferences Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Chapter 7: Writing Proposals for MMR Studies Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Chapter 8: A Framework for Analysing MMR Studies Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Chapter 9: Researching Language Components Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Chapter 10: Researching Communication Skills Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Chapter 11: Researching Motivation and Attitude Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Chapter 12: Researching Language Testing and Assessment Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Chapter 13: Round up of the book Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Preface Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Introduction Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning List of Figures Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning List of Tables Abstract
A. Riazi
Mixed Methods Research in Language Teaching and Learning Index Abstract
A. Riazi
The Godfather of British Jazz Early Inspiration Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz A Wing and a Prayer Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz Champing at the Jazz Bit Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz Soho Nights Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz Late Set Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz Grass Roots Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz Time and Changes Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz Nepotism Begins at Home Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz 'Twas Ever Thus Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz The Jazz Marie Celeste Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz Onwards and Sideways Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz The Godfather of British Jazz Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz Discography Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz Preface Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz Acknowledgements Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz Notes Abstract
Clark Tracey
The Godfather of British Jazz Index Abstract
Clark Tracey
Human Communication across Cultures Language, Communication and Culture Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures The Structural Features of Language Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Pragmatics Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Cooperative Principle and Implicature Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Speech Acts Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Routines Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Politeness Strategies Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Conversational Organization Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Social Factors Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Dialects Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Language and Ethnicity Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Gender Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Bilingualism Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Preface for Instructors Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Preface for Students Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Acknowledgements Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Author Biographies Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Glossary Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Bibliography Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Human Communication across Cultures Index Abstract
Vincent Remillard, Karen Williams
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion In Honour of Tim Jensen Abstract
Peter Antes, Armin Geertz, Mikael Rothstein
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 1. The Magic and Drudgery in J.Z. Smith's Theory of Comparison Abstract
Ivan Strenski
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 2. Revisiting Comparative Religion in the Light of Contemporary Criticism Abstract
Morny Joy
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 3. Comparative and Historical Studies of Religions: The Return of Science Abstract
Luther Martin
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 4. The Historical and Comparative Study of Religions: A Rhetorical Approach Abstract
Jørgen Sørensen
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 5. Taking Comparativism Two Levels Further and One Step Backwards Abstract
Anders Petersen, Jesper Sørensen
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 6. A Method Without Explanatory Theory: Ugo Bianchi’s Historical-Comparative Methodology after Thirty Years Abstract
Giulia Gasparro
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 7. Myth, Space, and the History of Religions: Reflections on the Comparative Study Of Ancient Wilderness Mythologies from Mesopotamia, the Hebrew Bible, and Early Christianity Abstract
Laura Feldt
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 8. History of Religions Without an Object?: Comparing Theoretical Objects in the History of Religions and in Anthropology Abstract
Jeppe Jensen
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 9. Towards a Secular Theory of Religious Experience Abstract
Olav Hammar
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 10. Conceptions of Religion in the Cognitive Science of Religion Abstract
Armin Geertz
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 11. Phenomenology of Religion Revisited Abstract
Peter Antes
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 12. Fanfare for the Common e.g.: On the Strategic Use of the Mundane Abstract
Russell T. McCutcheon
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 13. Theories as Borders: Sites of Entry and Exit in Comparative Religion Abstract
Veikko Anttonen
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 14. Claims for a Plurality of Knowledges in the Comparative Study of Religions Abstract
Donald Wiebe
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 15. Why the Concept of “World Religion” Has Survived in Japan: On the Japanese Reception of Max Weber’s Comparative Religion Abstract
Satoko Fujiwara
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 16. The Study and Making of Christian Religion in Danish Academic Theology Abstract
Jens-André Herbener
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 17. O Felix Culpa! On Teaching Religion Around Theologians Abstract
Gustavo Benavides
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 18. Religious Studies in Brazil: An Area (Still) under Construction Abstract
Silas Guerriero
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 19. Normative Rationality and the Future Prospects of Religion Education: The Perspective of Scientific Realism Abstract
Matti Kamppinen
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 20. “RS-Based RE”: Tim Jensen’s Straightforward Contribution to the Development of Didactics of the Academic Study of Religions Abstract
Wanda Alberts
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 21. Tracing the “Non-Denominational”: Japan and the UK Abstract
Brian Bocking
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 22. Teaching the Secular Moral Code in French State Schools: The Debate Between Providing an Upbringing and Providing an Education From the French Revolution to Our Time Abstract
Valentine Zuber
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 23. Privileging Communication: Evidentiary Admissible Statements and Comparison in the Study of Religion Abstract
Abrahim Khan
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 24. Whose Rights? The Danish Debate on Ritual Infant Male Circumcision as a Human Rights Issue Abstract
Mikael Aktor
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 25. Current Perspectives on the Notion of Toleration in the Roman World Abstract
María del Mar Marcos Sánchez
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 26. Pluralism and Plurality in the Study of Religions Abstract
Christoph Bochinger
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 27. Utopia and Heterotopia in Post-Apartheid South African Muslim Discourse Abstract
Abdulkader Tayob
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 28. What Is a “God” Actually?: Some Comparative Reflections Abstract
Einar Thomassen
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 29. What Became of Superhuman Beings?: Companions and Field Guides in the Study of Religion Abstract
Ingvild Gilhus
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 30. The Alimentary Construction of Social and Supernatural Identities: Religious Commensality Codes of the Penan with a Comparative Twist Abstract
Mikael Rothstein
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 31. Salvific Space and Religious Pluralism: Did Hindu Pilgrimage Develop from the Vedic Tradition? Abstract
Knut Jacobsen
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 32. Sounds Religious Abstract
Rosalind Hackett
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 33. The Study of Religion in Russia: The Foundation of the Museum of the History of Religion Abstract
Marianna Shakhnovich
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 34. Beyond Comparative Religion: Theology of Religions and Ethical Mysticism Abstract
Jan Hjärpe
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion 35. Raffaele Pettazzoni and Károly Marót: Companions-in-Arms in the Field of the History of Religions Abstract
Giovanni Casadio
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion Tim Jensen's Bibliography Abstract
Peter Antes
Contemporary Views on Comparative Religion Index Abstract
Peter Antes
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 1. The Present and Future of Ancient Religion Abstract
Brent Nongbri
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 4. Imagining Religion in Antiquity: A How To Abstract
Kevin Schilbrack
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 5. Philosophical Reflections on the Presocratics: A Contribution to the Scientific Study of Religion Abstract
Donald Wiebe
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 7. Theorizing About (Which?) Origins: Herodotus on the Gods Abstract
Nickolas Roubekas
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 10. Manipulating "Religion": The Egyptian ‘Theologoumena’ in Diodorus Siculus Abstract
Panayotis Pachis
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 13. Religion, Geography, and the Impossibility of Jewish Identity Abstract
Sarah Imhoff
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 14. Whither Shall we Go? Tertullian and Christian Identity Formation Abstract
Nickolas Roubekas
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 15. The Anachronism of "Early Christian Communities" Abstract
Sarah Rollens
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 16. Cognitive Study of (Ancient) Religions Abstract
Leonardo Ambasciano
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 18. Texts Abstract
James Crossley
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 20. Epilogue: The Jabberwocky Dilemma - Take Religion for Example Abstract
Luther Martin
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity Editor's Preface Abstract
Nickolas Roubekas
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity 12. Defining Judaism: The Case of Philo Abstract
Michael Satlow
Theorizing Religion in Antiquity Index Abstract
Nickolas Roubekas
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías La comunicación mediada por computador y su integración en el aprendizaje de segundas lenguas [The integration of Computer-mediated Communication in Second Language Learning] Abstract
Margarita Vinagre , Marta González-Lloret
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías Telecolaboración y creación de relatos digitales: Una propuesta metodológica [Telecollaboration and digital Story Creation: A Methodological Proposal] Abstract
Ana Sevilla Pavón, Ana Gimeno Sanz
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías La complejidad lingüística en la comunicación mediada por computadora [Linguistic Complexity in CMC] Abstract
Karina Collentine
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías ‘¡Flipo con tus clases!’: La formación de profesorado en la didáctica de lenguas a través de clases invertidas y telecolaboración [‘Your Classes Flip Me Out!': The Training of Language Teachers Through Flipped Classes and Telecollaboration] Abstract
Melinda Dooly
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías La adquisición de competencias para inglés profesional con la metodología a distancia [The acquisition of Professional English Competences in a Distance Learning Education Environment] Abstract
María Jordano de la Torre, Pilar Rodríguez Arancón
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías Dinámicas de colaboración eficaz en la comunicación mediada por computador: Estudio de un caso de profesores en formación a distancia [Effective Collaborative Dynamics in Computer-Mediated Communication: A Case Study of Teacher Training in Distance Education] Abstract
Margarita Vinagre
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías Mundos virtuales en la enseñanza de lenguas: hacia un aprendizaje significativo a través de la interacción, la acción y el juego [Virtual Worlds in Language Education: Towards Meaningful Learning through Interaction, Action and Play] Abstract
Kristi Jauregi Ondarra, Silvia Canto
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías Episodios relacionados con la lengua según el tipo de interlocutor en la comunicación mediada por computadores [Language Related Episodes and Interloctutor Type in CMC] Abstract
M. Camino Bueno-Alastuey
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías Escritura colaborativa en el siglo XXI [Collaborative Writing in the 21st Century] Abstract
Ana Oskoz, Idoia Elola
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías El desarrollo pragmático en una segunda lengua a través de la comunicación mediada por tecnologías: Una visión panorámica [CMC L2 Pragmatic Development: An Overview] Abstract
Marta González-Lloret
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías AICLE/EMI y CMC: Un tándem efectivo para el desarrollo de la interacción comunicativa escrita [CLIL/EMI and CMC: An Effective Tandem to Develop Written Interaction] Abstract
María Luisa Pérez Cañado
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías Direcciones de investigación de la CMT para la del aprendizaje y enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras y segundas lenguas [Directions of CMC for Foreign and Second Language Teaching and Learning Research] Abstract
Lourdes Ortega
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías Lista de Figuras y Tablas [List of Figures and Tables] Abstract
Marta González-Lloret, Margarita Vinagre
Comunicación Mediada por Tecnologías Índice [Index] Abstract
Marta González-Lloret, Margarita Vinagre
Summer Farms Introduction Abstract
John Collis
Summer Farms Pastoral Exploitation of the Caspian and Don Steppes and the North Caucasus during the Bronze Age: seasonality and isotopes Abstract
Natalia Shishlina, Yuri Larionova
Summer Farms ‘Salaš’: summer farming and transhumance in the Czech Republic from a (pre)historic and environmental perspective Abstract
Dagmar Dreslerová
Summer Farms Hard cheese: upland pastoralism in the Italian Bronze and Iron Ages Abstract
Mark Pearce
Summer Farms Shepherds and miners through time in the Veneto highlands: ethnoarchaeology and archaeology Abstract
Mara Migliavacca
Summer Farms Seasonal settlements and husbandry resources in the Ligurian Apennines (17th–20th centuries) Abstract
Anna Stagno
Summer Farms The ‘invisible’ shepherd and the ‘visible’ dairyman: ethnoarchaeology of alpine pastoral sites in the Val di Fiemme (eastern Italian Alps) Abstract
Francesco Carrer
Summer Farms Going up the mountain! Exploitation of the Trentino highlands as summer farms during the Bronze Age: the Dosso Rotondo site at Storo (northern Italy) Abstract
Franco Nicolis, Elisabetta Mottes, Michele Bassetti, Elisabetta Castiglioni, Mauro Rottoli, Sara Ziggiotti
Summer Farms Pastoral land use and climate between the 17th and 19th century in the Italian Southern Alps (Pasubio massif, Trento): a preliminary report Abstract
John Collis, Marco Avanzini Avanzini, Isabella Salvador
Summer Farms Alpine huts, livestock and cheese in the Oberhasli region (Switzerland): medieval and early modern building remains and their historical context Abstract
Brigitte Andres
Summer Farms An historical ecology of the Neolithic to Medieval Periods in the southern French Alps: a reassessment of ‘driving forces’ Abstract
Kevin Walsh, Florence Mocci
Summer Farms An Archaeological Approach to the brañas: summer farms in the pastures of the Cantabrian Mountains (northern Spain) Abstract
David Gonzalez Alvarez, Margarita Fernández Mier, Pablo López Gómez
Summer Farms Elusive sel sites: the geoarchaeological quest for Icelandic shielings and the case of Þorvaldsstaðasel, in northeast Iceland Abstract
Patrycja Kupiec, Karen Milek, Guðrún Gísladóttir, James Woollett
Summer Farms List of Figures Abstract
John Collis
Summer Farms List of Tables Abstract
John Collis
Summer Farms List of Contributors Abstract
John Collis
Summer Farms Index Abstract
John Collis
Do You Want to Know a Secret? Foreword Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? Little Children -- 1943-1958 Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? I'll Be on My Way -- 1958-1962 Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? Silver Dream -- 1963-1964 Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? It's Gotta Last Forever -- 1964-1966 Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? Twilight Time -- 1967-1970 Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? You Make Me Feel Like Someone -- 1966-1967 Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? You Can't Live on Memories -- 1972-1983 Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? I Won the Fight --1984-2006 Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? To Liverpool with Love -- from 2006 Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? Recordings List Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? Acknowledgements Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? We're Doing Fine -- 1963-1964 (part 2) Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? Gone Away -- 1970-1971 Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? Notes Abstract
Billy Kramer
Do You Want to Know a Secret? Index Abstract
Billy Kramer
Landmarks in CALL Research Introduction Abstract
Greg Kessler
Landmarks in CALL Research Index Abstract
Greg Kessler
A Critical Edition of ʿUmdat al-Nāzir ʿalā al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir Introduction Abstract
Khadiga Musa
A Critical Edition of ʿUmdat al-Nāzir ʿalā al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir 1. Defining al-Qawāʿid and al-Qawāʿid al-Fiqhiyyah Abstract
Khadiga Musa
A Critical Edition of ʿUmdat al-Nāzir ʿalā al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir 2. The Relation Between al-Qawāʿid al-Fiqhiyyah and al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir Abstract
Khadiga Musa
A Critical Edition of ʿUmdat al-Nāzir ʿalā al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir 3. The Origins of al-Qawāʿid al-Fiqhiyyah Abstract
Khadiga Musa
A Critical Edition of ʿUmdat al-Nāzir ʿalā al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir 4. The Development of al-Qawāʿid al-Fiqhiyyah Abstract
Khadiga Musa
A Critical Edition of ʿUmdat al-Nāzir ʿalā al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir 5. The Purpose of al-Qawāʿid al-Fiqhiyyah Abstract
Khadiga Musa
A Critical Edition of ʿUmdat al-Nāzir ʿalā al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir 6. Ibn Nujaym and his al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir Abstract
Khadiga Musa
A Critical Edition of ʿUmdat al-Nāzir ʿalā al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir 7. Abū ‘l-Suʿūd and his Commentary Abstract
Khadiga Musa
A Critical Edition of ʿUmdat al-Nāzir ʿalā al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir 8. The Manuscripts Abstract
Khadiga Musa
A Critical Edition of ʿUmdat al-Nāzir ʿalā al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir The edited text of ‘Umdat al-Nāẓir ‘alā al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir Abstract
Khadiga Musa
A Critical Edition of ʿUmdat al-Nāzir ʿalā al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir References Abstract
Khadiga Musa
A Critical Edition of ʿUmdat al-Nāzir ʿalā al-Ashbāh wa’l-Naẓāʾir Index Abstract
Khadiga Musa
The Qur’ān and Kerygma From al-Fātiḥah to Hallelujah: The Qur’ānic Psalter of Ḥafṣ al-Qūṭī Abstract
Jeffrey Einboden
The Qur’ān and Kerygma “Verily have I Found Allāh Oft-Returning”: The Qur’ānic Poetics of Sulaimān al-Ghazzī Abstract
Jeffrey Einboden
The Qur’ān and Kerygma “The Religion of the Messiah in Multitudes”: Echoes of the Qur’ān across Christian Schisms Abstract
Jeffrey Einboden
The Qur’ān and Kerygma “Adheres to the Arabic Idiom”: Ludovico Marracci’s Qur’ānic Vulgates Abstract
Jeffrey Einboden
The Qur’ān and Kerygma “By Origin and Language an Hebrew”: The Genesis of a Judaic Qur’ān Abstract
Jeffrey Einboden
The Qur’ān and Kerygma A “Totally Typological” Christian Qur’ān: Northrop Frye’s Triple Mirror Abstract
Jeffrey Einboden
The Qur’ān and Kerygma Introduction Abstract
Jeffrey Einboden
The Qur’ān and Kerygma Coda: “Synthesis of the Word” Abstract
Jeffrey Einboden
The Qur’ān and Kerygma Acknowledgements Abstract
Jeffrey Einboden
The Qur’ān and Kerygma Bibliography Abstract
Jeffrey Einboden
The Qur’ān and Kerygma Index Abstract
Jeffrey Einboden
Theory in a Time of Excess Introduction: Theory in a Time of Excess Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Theory in a Time of Excess 21. Theory is the Best Accessory: Branding and the Power of Scholarly Compartmentalization Abstract
Leslie Smith
Theory in a Time of Excess 2. On the Restraint of Theory Abstract
Jason Blum
Theory in a Time of Excess 3. It's Hard out there for a Theorist Abstract
Michael Altman
Theory in a Time of Excess 4. Signifying 'Theory': Toward a method of Mutually Assured Deconstruction Abstract
Richard Newton
Theory in a Time of Excess 6. A Reply Details
Jason Blum
Theory in a Time of Excess 12. What the Cognitive Science of Religion Is (And Is Not) Abstract
Claire White
Theory in a Time of Excess 14. Of Elephants and Riders: Cognition, Reason, and Will in the Study of Religion Abstract
Matt Sheedy
Theory in a Time of Excess 13. 'Show me the Money': Big Money Donors and the Cognitive Science of Religion Abstract
Brad Stoddard
Theory in a Time of Excess 15. A Reply Abstract
Claire White
Theory in a Time of Excess 16. The Study of Religion, Bricolage and Brandom Abstract
Matt Bagger
Theory in a Time of Excess 17. Precision and Excess: Doing the Discipline of Religious Studies Abstract
Rebekka King
Theory in a Time of Excess 18. On Druids, the Dude, and Doing Excessive Theory Abstract
Dennis LoRusso
Theory in a Time of Excess 19. Reliabilism and the Limits of Pragmatism Abstract
Robyn Walsh
Theory in a Time of Excess 20. A Reply Abstract
Matt Bagger
Theory in a Time of Excess 7. The High Stakes of Identifying (with) One's Object of Study Abstract
K. Merinda Simmons
Theory in a Time of Excess 10. The Rhetoric of Disinterest for Authorizing our Critical Position: Historicizing Critical Theory in Religious Studies Abstract
Stephen Young
Theory in a Time of Excess 8. New Materialism and the Objects of Religious Studies Abstract
Martha Smith-Roberts
Theory in a Time of Excess 9. Killing the Scholar: Critical Theory, Relevance, and Objects of Study Abstract
Thomas Whitley
Theory in a Time of Excess 11. A Reply Abstract
K. Merinda Simmons
Theory in a Time of Excess 5. On the Restraint of Consciousness Abstract
Tara Baldrick-Morrone
Theory in a Time of Excess 1. Establishing a Beachhead: NAASR, Twenty Years Later Abstract
Luther Martin, Donald Wiebe
Theory in a Time of Excess Afterword: Feast and Famine in the Study of Religion Abstract
Russell T. McCutcheon
Theory in a Time of Excess Index Details
Aaron Hughes
Sensual Religion Introduction Abstract
Graham Harvey
Sensual Religion 1. A Pleasing Odour for Yahweh: The Smell of Sacrifices on Mount Gerizim and in the Hebrew Bible Abstract
Anne Katrine Gudme
Sensual Religion 2. Wafting Incense and Heavenly Foods: The Importance of Smell in Chinese Religion Abstract
Shawn Arthur
Sensual Religion 3. The Taste of Religion in the Roman World Abstract
Zena Kamash
Sensual Religion 4. Candomblé’s Eating Myths: Religion Stated in Food Language Abstract
Patricia de Souza
Sensual Religion 5. Sight and the Byzantine Icon Abstract
Angeliki Lymberopoulou
Sensual Religion 6. ‘Seeing’ my Beloved: Darśan and the Sikhi Perspective Abstract
Opinderjit Takhar
Sensual Religion 7. Resounding Mysteries: Sound and Silence in the Eleusinian Soundscape Abstract
Georgia Petridou
Sensual Religion 8. North American Indigenous Song, the Sacred and the Senses Abstract
Byron Dueck
Sensual Religion 9. The Texture of the Gift: Religious Touching in the Greco-Roman World Abstract
Jessica Hughes
Sensual Religion 10. Touching, Crafting, Knowing: Religious Artefacts and the Fetish within Animism Abstract
Amy Whitehead
Sensual Religion Series Foreword Abstract
Graham Harvey
Sensual Religion List of Figures Abstract
Graham Harvey
Sensual Religion Index Abstract
Graham Harvey
New Age in Norway Church Religion and New Age: An Encounter between Rivals? Abstract
Lisbeth Mikaelsson
New Age in Norway From ‘Network’ to ‘Visions’: The Role of the Umbrella Organisation VisionWorks in the Norwegian Alternative Movement Abstract
Margrethe Løøv
New Age in Norway Bad, Banal and Basic. New Age in the Norwegian News Press and Entertainment Media Abstract
Siv Ellen Kraft
New Age in Norway Spiritual Tourism Abstract
Torunn Selberg
New Age in Norway New Age in Norwegian Religion Education: An Analysis of Development in Curricula and Textbooks for RE in Secondary and Upper-secondary Education 1996-2008 Abstract
Bengt-Ove Andreassen
New Age in Norway Alternative Medicine: Health-oriented Spiritual Practices in Norway Abstract
Anne Kalvig
New Age in Norway Angels: Between Secularization and Re-enchantment Abstract
Ingvild Gilhus
New Age in Norway New Age and Norwegian ’Conspirituality’ Abstract
Asbjørn Dyrendal
New Age in Norway Contemporary Spiritualism in Norway: Faith Assemblies and Market Products Abstract
Anne Kalvig
New Age in Norway Sami-shamanism in Norway: A Patchwork of Traditions and Organizations Abstract
Trude Fonneland
New Age in Norway Hindu-inspired Meditation Movements in Norway: TM, Acem and the Art of Living Foundation Abstract
Inga Tøllefsen
New Age in Norway “Bumper Car Ride Through a Maze of Spiritual Trips”: Multiple Involvements, Changes across Time, and Deep Structure in the Alternative Spiritual Milieu Abstract
James Lewis, Oscar-Torjus Utaaker
New Age in Norway New Age in Sweden: A Comparison with Norway Abstract
Liselotte Frisk
New Age in Norway New Religions and “New Religiosity” in Denmark: A Very Brief Subjective Note Abstract
Mikael Rothstein
New Age in Norway List of Figures and List of Tables Abstract
Ingvild Gilhus
New Age in Norway Contributors Abstract
Ingvild Gilhus
New Age in Norway New Age in Norway Abstract
Ingvild Gilhus, Siv Ellen Kraft
New Age in Norway Index Abstract
Ingvild Gilhus
Walking Through Jordan Introduction Abstract
Michael Neeley, Geoffrey Clark, P. M. Michele Daviau
Walking Through Jordan An Early Bronze Age Basalt Bowl and Macehead from Khirbat al-­‐Mudayna ath-­‐Thamad Abstract
Steven Edwards
Walking Through Jordan Burton MacDonald and the Stone Age in Jordan Abstract
Geoffrey Clark
Walking Through Jordan Reassessing Nelson Glueck’s Pioneer Studies of Eastern Palestine-Part One: The Surveys Abstract
Eveline van der Steen
Walking Through Jordan Nelson Glueck’s “Madeba line” and the Tall Madaba Archaeological Project Abstract
Jonathan Ferguson
Walking Through Jordan The Finnish Jabal Hārūn Project: An Assessment Abstract
Zbigniew Fiema
Walking Through Jordan A Newly Discovered Iron Age II Cave Tomb at Khirbat al-Mudayna on the Wadi ath-­‐Thamad Abstract
Robert Chadwick
Walking Through Jordan Industrial Furnishings at Khirbet al-­‐Mudayna ath-­Thamad: Clues from Egyptian Culture Abstract
P. M. Michele Daviau
Walking Through Jordan The Iron Age Pottery from Burton MacDonald's Last Three Surveys in the Highlands of Southern Jordan Abstract
Larry Herr
Walking Through Jordan North Jordan during the Early Iron Age: An Historic and Archaeological Synthesis Abstract
Zeidan Kafafi
Walking Through Jordan Pliny, Petra and the Aromatics Trade Abstract
Andrew Smith
Walking Through Jordan Monastic Traditions in Central Jordan: The Tall Ma’in Archaeological Survey Abstract
Debra Foran
Walking Through Jordan Going Over Old Ground: Archaeological Survey in Jordan Then and Now Abstract
Edward Banning
Walking Through Jordan Changing Perspectives on the Pre-‐Pottery Neolithic: The Wadi al-­‐Hasa after Burton MacDonald Abstract
Jane Peterson
Walking Through Jordan The Middle Epipaleolithic at Tor at-­Tareeq in the Wadi al-­‐Hasa, Jordan Abstract
Deborah Olszewski, Natalie Munro, Michael Kennerty
Walking Through Jordan Archaeological and Geomorphological Investigations of the Late Epipaleolithic in West-­central Jordan: TBAS 212 in a Regional Context Abstract
Michael Neeley, J. Hill
Walking Through Jordan The Khirbat Iskandar Regional Survey: A Preliminary Look Abstract
Suzanne Richard
Walking Through Jordan The EB IV Pottery from the Southern Ghors and Northeast ‘Arabah Survey: Regionalism Re-examined Abstract
Stanley Klassen
Walking Through Jordan The Barqa Landscape Project, 2009 Abstract
Russell Adams, Hannah Friedman, James Anderson, Michael Homan, John Grattan, Lynne Rouse
Walking Through Jordan List of Figures Abstract
Michael Neeley
Walking Through Jordan List of Tables Abstract
Michael Neeley
Walking Through Jordan A Note about Place Names Abstract
Michael Neeley
Walking Through Jordan Index Abstract
Michael Neeley
Walking Through Jordan Index of Place Names Abstract
Michael Neeley
Profane Landscapes, Sacred Spaces Preface Details
Miroslav Bárta, Jiri Janak
Profane Landscapes, Sacred Spaces Climate Change, Fishing and the Nile: Changes in Fishing Techniques and Technologies at the End of the Old Kingdom Abstract
John Burn
Profane Landscapes, Sacred Spaces The Pyramid of the Theban Mountain Abstract
Andrzej Ćwiek
Profane Landscapes, Sacred Spaces Some Profane and Sacred Features from Thebes. Hunting Grounds (?) and High Places in the West Bank Abstract
Andrés Espinel
Profane Landscapes, Sacred Spaces Ancient Egyptian Response to the Natural World Abstract
Linda Evans
Profane Landscapes, Sacred Spaces Running with Images: Ritualised Script in the Vogellauf, Rudderlauf and Vasenlauf Abstract
Jiri Janak
Profane Landscapes, Sacred Spaces The Sacred Landscape of Dra Abu el-Naga Abstract
Ángeles Jiménez-Higueras
Profane Landscapes, Sacred Spaces Ancient Egyptians and the Representation of Foreign Landscapes: The Ash-Tree Reconsidered Abstract
Claudia Kemna
Profane Landscapes, Sacred Spaces Lake Khufu: On the Waterfront at Giza – Modelling Water Transport Infrastructure in Dynasty IV Abstract
Mark Lehner
Profane Landscapes, Sacred Spaces Visitors’ Graffiti: Traces of a Re-Appropriation of Sacred Spaces and a Demonstration of Literacy in the Landscape Abstract
Hana Navratilova
Profane Landscapes, Sacred Spaces Did Hatshepsut Inherit Djeser-Djeseru? Abstract
Claire Ollet
Profane Landscapes, Sacred Spaces Sacred Places in the Profane Landscapes of Lower Nubia: A Case Study from the Czechoslovak Concessions Abstract
Lenka Varadzinová (Suková)
Profane Landscapes, Sacred Spaces List of Figures Abstract
Miroslav Bárta, Jiří Janák
Profane Landscapes, Sacred Spaces List of Tables Abstract
Miroslav Bárta, Jiří Janák
Profane Landscapes, Sacred Spaces Index Abstract
Miroslav Bárta
Social and Cognitive Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount 1. Social and Cognitive Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount: Introduction Details
Rikard Roitto, Colleen Shantz, Petri Luomanen
Social and Cognitive Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount 4. Altruism and Prosocial Ideals in the Sermon: Between Human Nature and Divine Potential Abstract
Thomas Kazen
Social and Cognitive Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount 2. It's All in How You Look at It: The Eyes and Morality in Matthew 6:22-23 Abstract
Colleen Shantz
Social and Cognitive Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount 10. 'Whoever is Kind to the poor Lends to Yahweh, and will be Repaid in Full' (Prov 19:17): Patterns of Indirect Reciprocity in the Book of Proverbs and in the Sermon on the Mount Abstract
Anne Katrine Gudme
Social and Cognitive Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount 5. Ritual Acts in the Sermon on the Mount Abstract
Rodney Werline
Social and Cognitive Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount 3. Perception of Risk in the Sermon on the Mount Abstract
Rikard Roitto
Social and Cognitive Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount 6. Emotional Repression and Physical Mutilation? The Cognitive and Behavioural Impact of Exaggeration in the Sermon on the Mount Abstract
Thomas Kazen
Social and Cognitive Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount 7. Parables in the Sermon on the Mount: A Cognitive and Rhetorical Perspective Abstract
Lauri Thuren
Social and Cognitive Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount 8. Is there a Reason to Worry? A Pragma-Dialectical Analysis of Matthew 6: 25-34 Abstract
Niilo Lahti
Social and Cognitive Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount 12. Remembering the Sermon in the Mountains of France Abstract
Alicia Batten
Social and Cognitive Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount 9. Hypocrites and the Pure in Heart: Religion as an Evolved Strategy for In-Group Formation Abstract
John Teehan
Social and Cognitive Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount 11. Macarisms and Identity Formation: Insights from the Comparison of 4Q525 and the Sermon on the Mount Abstract
Elisa Uusimaki
Social and Cognitive Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount Foreword Details
Rikard Roitto, Colleen Shantz, Petri Luomanen
Social and Cognitive Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount Index of References Abstract
Rikard Roitto, Colleen Shantz, Petri Luomanen
Social and Cognitive Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount Index of Modern Authors Details
Rikard Roitto, Colleen Shantz, Petri Luomanen
Social and Cognitive Perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount Index of Subjects Details
Rikard Roitto, Colleen Shantz, Petri Luomanen
Ḥanafī Māturīdīsm Conclusion Abstract
Ayedh Alddosari
Ḥanafī Māturīdīsm Introduction Abstract
Ayedh Alddosari
Ḥanafī Māturīdīsm 1. Establishing the Authorship of al-Hādī Abstract
Ayedh Alddosari
Ḥanafī Māturīdīsm 2. Al-Khabbāzī’s Personal Details Abstract
Ayedh Alddosari
Ḥanafī Māturīdīsm 3. The Life and Times of al-Khabbāzī Abstract
Ayedh Alddosari
Ḥanafī Māturīdīsm 4. The Ḥanafī Roots of the Māturīdī Madhhab Abstract
Ayedh Alddosari
Ḥanafī Māturīdīsm 5. The Sunni Ḥanafīs after al-Ṭaḥāwī and al-Māturīdī Abstract
Ayedh Alddosari
Ḥanafī Māturīdīsm 6. The Recovery of the Māturīdī School: From Neglect to Prevalence Abstract
Ayedh Alddosari
Ḥanafī Māturīdīsm 7. al-Hādī Abstract
Ayedh Alddosari
Ḥanafī Māturīdīsm The Edited Text of al-Hadi Abstract
Ayedh Alddosari
Ḥanafī Māturīdīsm Photocopied Specimens from Ten Manuscripts of al-Hādī Abstract
Ayedh Alddosari
Ḥanafī Māturīdīsm Miscellaneous Documents Abstract
Ayedh Alddosari
Ḥanafī Māturīdīsm References Abstract
Ayedh Aldosari
Ḥanafī Māturīdīsm Index Abstract
Ayedh Aldosari
Ḥanafī Māturīdīsm Introduction Abstract
Ayedh Aldosari
Theoretical Frameworks for the Study of Graeco-Roman Religions Introduction Details
Panayotis Pachis
Theoretical Frameworks for the Study of Graeco-Roman Religions Euripides as Social Critic: The Morality of Revenge Details
Larry Alderink
Theoretical Frameworks for the Study of Graeco-Roman Religions Forgery, Propaganda and Power in Christian Antiquity: Some Methodological Remarks Details
Pier Beatrice
Theoretical Frameworks for the Study of Graeco-Roman Religions Canonical Representative of the Third Function in Rome Quirinus Details
Dominique Briquel
Theoretical Frameworks for the Study of Graeco-Roman Religions How to Write a Survey of Greek Religion from the Point of View of the Comparative Study of Religion Details
Giovanni Casadio
Theoretical Frameworks for the Study of Graeco-Roman Religions Cult and the Ancient Urban Landscape: A Case Study of Mithraism and Roman Topography Details
Alison Griffith
Theoretical Frameworks for the Study of Graeco-Roman Religions Literary Sources and Archaeological Evidence in the History of Early Roman Religion Details
Charles Guittard
Theoretical Frameworks for the Study of Graeco-Roman Religions Kingship and the Hellenistic Cosolidation of Religio-Political Power Details
Luther H. Martin
Theoretical Frameworks for the Study of Graeco-Roman Religions The Hellenistic Era as an Age of Propaganda: The Case of Isis' Cult Details
Panayotis Pachis
Theoretical Frameworks for the Study of Graeco-Roman Religions The Encounters of Novelty and Conservatism in Hellenistic Religion and Analogical Reasoning Details
Petra Pakkanen
Theoretical Frameworks for the Study of Graeco-Roman Religions The Teachings of Zosimos: A Micro-Level Study of Syncretism Details
Jonathan Peste
Theoretical Frameworks for the Study of Graeco-Roman Religions A Few Historical-Religious Frameworks for the Study of the Oriental Cults in the Roman Empire Details
Ennio Sanzi
Theoretical Frameworks for the Study of Graeco-Roman Religions Tempo della Storia e Tempo della Salvezza nello Gnosticismo Details
Giulia Gasparro
Theoretical Frameworks for the Study of Graeco-Roman Religions Becoming a Different Person: Baptism as an Initiation Ritual Details
Einar Thomassen
Comida y cultura en el mundo hispánico/Food and Culture in the Hispanic World ¿De qué Humor estás Hoy? (Good Humour/Bad Humour) Abstract
Ana Gómez-Bravo
Comida y cultura en el mundo hispánico/Food and Culture in the Hispanic World Reglas Dietéticas y Persecución Religiosa (Dietary Laws and Religious Persecution) Abstract
Ana Gómez-Bravo
Comida y cultura en el mundo hispánico/Food and Culture in the Hispanic World Chocolate y el Mundo Azteca (Chocolate and the Aztec World) Abstract
Ana Gómez-Bravo
Comida y cultura en el mundo hispánico/Food and Culture in the Hispanic World Tradiciones Nativas Americanas: Incas, Aimaras y Mapuches (Native American Traditions: Incas, Aymara and Mapuches Abstract
Ana Gómez-Bravo
Comida y cultura en el mundo hispánico/Food and Culture in the Hispanic World Intercambio Colombino (Columbian Exchange) Abstract
Ana Gómez-Bravo
Comida y cultura en el mundo hispánico/Food and Culture in the Hispanic World Comida de Película: Identidades Culturales (Movie Food: Cultural Identities) Abstract
Ana Gómez-Bravo
Comida y cultura en el mundo hispánico/Food and Culture in the Hispanic World Los Gauchos y el Fuego (The Gauchos and Fire) Abstract
Ana Gómez-Bravo
Comida y cultura en el mundo hispánico/Food and Culture in the Hispanic World Cocina y Mestizaje (Cooking and Intercultural Relationships) Abstract
Ana Gómez-Bravo
Comida y cultura en el mundo hispánico/Food and Culture in the Hispanic World Centroamérica y las Aportaciones Mayas (Central America and the Mayan Contributions) Abstract
Ana Gómez-Bravo
Comida y cultura en el mundo hispánico/Food and Culture in the Hispanic World Gustos y Disgustos: El Sabor de la Tierra (Likes and Dislikes: The Taste of my Land) Abstract
Ana Gómez-Bravo
Comida y cultura en el mundo hispánico/Food and Culture in the Hispanic World Dietas Carnívoras, Dietas Vegetarianas (Carnivores and Vegetarians) Abstract
Ana Gómez-Bravo
Comida y cultura en el mundo hispánico/Food and Culture in the Hispanic World Mapas Gastronómicos: España (Gastronomic Maps: Spain) Abstract
Ana Gómez-Bravo
Comida y cultura en el mundo hispánico/Food and Culture in the Hispanic World Naciones Culturales y Gastronómicas: Euskadi (Cultures and Gastronomic Nations: Basque Country) Abstract
Ana Gómez-Bravo
Comida y cultura en el mundo hispánico/Food and Culture in the Hispanic World Foreword Abstract
Ana Gómez-Bravo
Comida y cultura en el mundo hispánico/Food and Culture in the Hispanic World Obras citadas (Works Cited and Credits) Abstract
Ana Gómez-Bravo
Comida y cultura en el mundo hispánico/Food and Culture in the Hispanic World Índice (Index) Abstract
Ana Gómez-Bravo
Ecology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe 1. Environment and Adaptation of Forager Pioneers in the North-western Regions of Europe Abstract
Birgitte Skar, Heidi Breivik
Ecology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe 11. The Pioneer Settlements of Gotland: A behavioural ecology approach Abstract
Jan Apel, Jan Storå
Ecology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe 12. The Use of Aquatic Resources by Early Mesolithic Foragers in Southern Scandinavia Abstract
Adam Boethius
Ecology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe 5. Huseby Klev and the Quest for Pioneer Subsistence Strategies: Diversification of a Maritime Lifestyle Abstract
Adam Boethius
Ecology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe 4. Seal-hunting in the Final Paleolithic of Northern Europe Abstract
Erwin Cziesla
Ecology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe 2. Marine and Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna in Skagerak and Southern Norway in the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Abstract
Leif Jonsson
Ecology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe 9. A Small Preboreal Settlement Site at Kanaljorden, Motala, Sweden Abstract
Fredrik Hallgren
Ecology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe 6. Waterworld: Environment, Animal Exploitation, and Fishhook Technology in the North-Eastern Skagerrak Area During the Early And Middle Mesolithic (9500–6300 cal BC) Abstract
Anja Mansrud, Per Persson
Ecology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe 7. Hunting Elk at the Foot of the Mountains: Remains from 8,000 Years of Foraging at the Edge of the Hardangervidda Plateau in Southern Norway Abstract
Axel Mjaerum
Ecology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe 13. Seascapes of Stability and Change: The Archaeological and Ecological Potential of Early Mesolithic Seascapes, with Examples from Haväng in the South-Eastern Baltic, Sweden Abstract
Bjorn Nilsson, Arne Sjöström, Per Persson
Ecology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe 8. The Earliest Settlement in the Middle Scandinavian Inland: A Discussion about Joel Boaz’s Pioneers in the Mesolithic Abstract
Per Persson
Ecology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe 15. An Early Holocene Bearded Seal from the Trondheim Fjord: Environmental and Archaeological Implications Abstract
Jorgen Rosvold, Heidi Breivik
Ecology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe 3. Why Walk When You Can Take a Boat? Moving Beyond the North Central European Plain Abstract
Lou Schmitt
Ecology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe 14. Seal and Reindeer: Immediate and Continuous Utilization of Coast and Mountain in the Early Mesolithic of North-Western Norway Abstract
Frode Svendsen
Ecology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe 16. The Changing Landscape of Prehistoric Orkney Abstract
Caroline Wickham-Jones, Richard Bates, Sue Dawson, Alastair Dawson, Martin Bates
Ecology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe 17. Economy and Environment During the Early Mesolithic of Western Scotland: Repeated Visits to a Fishing Locality on a Small Island in the Inner Hebrides Abstract
Karen Wicks, Steven Mithen
Ecology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe 10. Way Out East: Evidence of Early Maritime Technologies from the East Coast of Sweden Abstract
Mattias Petterson, Roger Wikell
Ecology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe General Preface to the Series Abstract
Håkon Glørstad
Ecology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe List of Tables Abstract
Per Persson
Ecology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe List of Appendices Abstract
Per Persson
Ecology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe List of Figures Abstract
Per Persson
Ecology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe List of Contributors Abstract
Per Persson
Ecology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe Index Abstract
Per Persson
Technology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe Axes in Transformation: A Bifocal View of Axe Technology in the Oslo Fjord area, Norway, c. 9200–6000 cal BC Abstract
Carine Eymundsson, Guro Fossum, Anja Mansrud, Lucia Koxvold, Axel Mjaerum
Technology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe Transmission of Knowledge, Crafting and Cultural Traditions, Interregional Contact and Interaction, 7300 Cal BC Abstract
Eva David, Mathilda Kjällquist
Technology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe Continuity and Change in Late- and Post-Glacial Social Networks: Knowledge Transmission and Blade Production Methods in Ahrensburg and Early Mesolithic Northwestern Europe Abstract
Inger Berg-Hansen
Technology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe Middle Mesolithic Blade Technology in Sweden, c. 8th Millennium BC Abstract
Michel Guinard
Technology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe The Pioneer Settlement of Scandinavia and its Aftermath: New Evidence from Western and Central Scandinavia Abstract
Hege Damlien, Mathilda Kjällquist, Kjel Knutsson
Technology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe Raw-material and Blade Technology Variability: A Case Study of Mesolithic Pressure Blade Methods in the Wolin Island Region (North-Western Poland) Abstract
Michal Adamczyk
Technology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe Postglacial Pioneer Colonisation of Eastern Fennoscandia: Modeling Technological Change Abstract
Mikael Manninen, Esa Hertell, Petro Pesonen, Miikka Tallavaara
Technology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe Early Mesolithic Regional Mobility and Social Organization: Evidence from Lithic Blade Technology and Microlithic Production In Southern Scandinavia Abstract
Mikkel Sørensen
Technology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe An Examination of Theories on Lithic Reduction Methods in Swiderian Technology Abstract
Witold Grużdź
Technology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe The Early Settlement of Northern Europe: Technology and Communication Abstract
Jan Apel, Håkon Glørstad, Helena Knutsson, Kjel Knutsson
Technology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe Preface Abstract
Håkon Glørstad
Technology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe List of Tables and Appendices Abstract
Kjel Knutsson, Helena Knutsson, Jan Apel, Håkon Glørstad
Technology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe List of Figures Abstract
Kjel Knutsson, Helena Knutsson, Jan Apel, Håkon Glørstad
Technology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe List of Contributors Abstract
Kjel Knutsson, Helena Knutsson, Jan Apel, Håkon Glørstad
Technology of Early Settlement in Northern Europe Index Abstract
Kjel Knutsson, Helena Knutsson, Jan Apel, Håkon Glørstad
Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe The Pioneer Colonisation of Northern Norway Abstract
Jan Kleppe
Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe Large Mesolithic House – Pits at Tønsnes, Coastal Northern Norway: Evidence of a Winter Aggregation Site? Abstract
Jan Magne Gjerde, Marianne Skandfer
Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe Macro-level Predictive Modelling of Early Stone Age Pioneer Settlement Locations in Varanger, Northern Norway Abstract
Hans Peter Blankholm
Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe Aareavaara and the Pioneer Period in Northern Sweden Abstract
Olof Östlund
Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe From Russia, with Love – Eastern Intruders in the North Norwegian Mesolithic Abstract
Tuija Rankama, Jarmo Kankaanpää
Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe Early Mesolithic Central Norway: A Review of Research History, Settlements, and Tool Tradition Abstract
Heidi Breivik, Hein Bjerck
Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe TTent, Hut or House? A Discussion on Early Mesolithic Dwellings in Light of the Site Mohalsen 2012-II, Vega, Northern Norway Abstract
Silje Fretheim, Hein Bjerck, Heidi Breivik, A. Francisco J. Zangrando
Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe The Early Mesolithic of Western Norway Abstract
Leif Åstveit
Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe The First One Thousand Years – Human Colonization and Differentiated Landscape Use in Southwestern Norway 10,000 to 9000 Years BP. Abstract
Sveinung Bang-Andersen
Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe The Pioneer Settlement of Southwestern Norway: A Case Study Abstract
Sigrid Dugstad
Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe The Pioneer Settlement of Eastern Norway Abstract
Hege Damlien, Steinar Solheim
Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe Pauler 2: An Ordinary Early Mesolithic Site in South-Eastern Norway? Abstract
Astrid Nyland
Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe The Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe—Pioneering, Resource Use, Coping with Change: New Investigations Abstract
Hans Peter Blankholm
Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe General Preface to the Series Abstract
Håkon Glørstad
Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe List of Tables Abstract
Hans Peter Blankholm
Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe List of Appendices Abstract
Hans Peter Blankholm
Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe List of Figures Abstract
Hans Peter Blankholm
Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe List of Contributors Abstract
Hans Peter Blankholm
Early Economy and Settlement in Northern Europe Index Abstract
Hans Peter Blankholm
The History of European Jazz European Jazz: Stories that Needed to be Told Abstract
Francesco Martinelli
The History of European Jazz 1. France Abstract
Xavier Prevost
The History of European Jazz 2a. Great Britain: 1900 - 1960 Abstract
Alyn Shipton
The History of European Jazz 2b. Great Britain: 1950-2010: Late-flowering Seeds of the Triangular Trade Abstract
Duncan Heining
The History of European Jazz 3. Ireland Abstract
Cormac Larkin
The History of European Jazz 4. Germany Abstract
Martin Pfleiderer
The History of European Jazz 5. The Netherlands Abstract
Bert Vuijsje
The History of European Jazz 6. Belgium Abstract
Jean-Pol Schroeder
The History of European Jazz 7. Luxembourg Abstract
Marc Demuth
The History of European Jazz 8. Denmark Abstract
Tore Mortensen
The History of European Jazz 9a. Sweden: 1919-1969 Abstract
Jan Bruer
The History of European Jazz 10. Finland Abstract
Juha Henriksson
The History of European Jazz 11. Norway Abstract
Bjorn Stendahl
The History of European Jazz 12. Iceland Abstract
Vernhardur Linnet
The History of European Jazz 13. Poland Abstract
Krystian Brodacki
The History of European Jazz 14. Czech Republic Abstract
Yvetta Kajanova
The History of European Jazz 16. Hungary: The road to independence Abstract
Gabor Turi
The History of European Jazz 18. Austria Abstract
Andreas Felber
The History of European Jazz 19. Switzerland Abstract
Bruno Spoerri
The History of European Jazz 20. Russia: Ninety-five Years in Search of an Identity Abstract
Cyril Moshkow
The History of European Jazz 21. Belarus Abstract
Dmitri Podberezsky
The History of European Jazz 22. Ukraine Abstract
Alexander Yudin
The History of European Jazz 23. Spain Abstract
Chema Martinez
The History of European Jazz 24a. Portugal: 1920-1974 Abstract
Pedro Cravinho
The History of European Jazz 25. Italy Abstract
Francesco Martinelli
The History of European Jazz 26. Latvia Abstract
Indrikis Veitners
The History of European Jazz 27. Lithuania Abstract
Ruta Skudiene
The History of European Jazz 28. Estonia Abstract
Tiit Lauk
The History of European Jazz 29. Greece Abstract
Sakis Papadimitriou
The History of European Jazz 30. Former Yugoslavia (including Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Vojvodina and Kosovo) Abstract
Mike Mazur, Iço Vidmar, Eleni Novakovska, Edin Zubčević
The History of European Jazz 31. Bulgaria Abstract
Vladimir Gadjev
The History of European Jazz 32. Turkey Abstract
Hulya Tuncag
The History of European Jazz 33. Azerbaijan Abstract
Rain Sultanov
The History of European Jazz 34. Armenia Abstract
Armen Manukian
The History of European Jazz 35. Early African American Entertainers Abstract
Rainer Lotz
The History of European Jazz 36. Django Reinhardt and jazz manouche Abstract
Michael Dregni
The History of European Jazz 37. Jews and Jewish Music Abstract
Gabriele Coen
The History of European Jazz 38. The Avant- Garde: Black-and-White Atlantic Dialogues, c. 1960s Abstract
Michael Heffley
The History of European Jazz 39. Film Abstract
Selwyn Harris
The History of European Jazz 40. Festivals Abstract
George McKay
The History of European Jazz 24b. Portugal: 1974-2010 Abstract
Rui Paes
The History of European Jazz Series Editor's Note Abstract
Alyn Shipton
The History of European Jazz 9b. Sweden: 1970-2000 Abstract
Måns Wallgren
The History of European Jazz 15. Slovakia Abstract
Yvetta Kajanova
The History of European Jazz 17. Romania Abstract
Virgil Mihaiu
The History of European Jazz Subject Index Abstract
Francesco Martinelli
The History of European Jazz Index of Works Abstract
Francesco Martinelli
On Verbal Art Ripples in a Timeless World Abstract
Rebekah Wegener, Stella Neumann, Antje Oesterle
On Verbal Art Language, Linguistics and Verbal Art: The Contribution of Ruqaiya Hasan to the Study of Literature Abstract
Annabelle Lukin
On Verbal Art On Being a Literature Teacher: A Language Based Perspective Abstract
David Butt
On Verbal Art Striking a Chord on the Reader: On Metaphor as a Constituent of the Grammar of Verbal Art Abstract
Timo Lothmann
On Verbal Art ‘That’s Not Normal Rabbit Behaviour’: On the Track of the Grammar of Fictional Worlds Abstract
Rebekah Wegener, Timo Lothmann
On Verbal Art Foregrounding and defamiliarization in Peter Carey’s ‘Conversations with Unicorns’ Abstract
Martin Tilney
On Verbal Art The Analysis of a Sonnet Abstract
Kathryn Tuckwell
On Verbal Art Software-assisted Systemic Socio-Semantic Stylistics – Appraising tru* in J.M. Coetzee’s Foe Abstract
Donna R Miller, Antonella Luporini
On Verbal Art Jane Austen’s Shapely Sentence and the Differentiation of Dialogue from Narrative: Towards a Clause Complex of Her Own Abstract
Fang Li
On Verbal Art Simone de Beauvoir's Construal of Language and Literature in Mémoires d'une Jeune Fille Rangée (1958): A Hasanian Perspective Abstract
Alice Caffarel-Cayron
On Verbal Art Appraisal and Master Identities in Contemporary Spanish Crime fiction: The Case of Los Mares del Sur and its Translations into English and German Abstract
Anna Espunya
On Verbal Art Openings in Fiction: An Approach to Verbal Art Based on Hallidayian, Cognitive and Hasanian Principles Abstract
Peter Wenzel
On Verbal Art Future Directions in the Study of Verbal Art Abstract
Wendy Bowcher
On Verbal Art Author Index Abstract
Rebekah Wegener
On Verbal Art Subject Index Abstract
Rebekah Wegener
Contours of the Flesh Introduction Abstract
Darlene Juschka
Contours of the Flesh Pain, the Body and Signification Abstract
Darlene Juschka
Contours of the Flesh Mythic Caesura, Pain and the Boundary between Non-human and Human Animals Abstract
Darlene Juschka
Contours of the Flesh Ancient Spartan Masculinities and Pain: A Case Study Abstract
Darlene Juschka
Contours of the Flesh Penetrating the Body of the Masculine Other: White Masculinity, War, and Ritualized Torture Abstract
Darlene Juschka
Contours of the Flesh Cut to the Bone: Pain, Foreskins, and Masculinities Abstract
Darlene Juschka
Contours of the Flesh Afterword Abstract
Darlene Juschka
Contours of the Flesh Acknowledgements Abstract
Darlene M. Juschka
Contours of the Flesh Notes Abstract
Darlene M. Juschka
Contours of the Flesh References Abstract
Darlene M. Juschka
Contours of the Flesh Index Abstract
Darlene M. Juschka
Religion in Five Minutes Preface Abstract
Aaron Hughes, Russell McCutcheon
Religion in Five Minutes 1. Is everyone religious? Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Religion in Five Minutes 2. Where does the word religion come from? Abstract
David McConeghy
Religion in Five Minutes 3. What does it take for something to be classified as a “religion”? Abstract
Robyn Walsh
Religion in Five Minutes 4. Can sports be a religion? Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Religion in Five Minutes 5. What is the difference between religion and mythology? Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Religion in Five Minutes 6. What is the difference between religion and philosophy? Abstract
Nathan Dickman
Religion in Five Minutes 7. What is the difference between a religion and a cult? Abstract
Jason Blum
Religion in Five Minutes 8. Do all religious adherents believe in the concept of a higher power? Abstract
Steven Ramey
Religion in Five Minutes 9. Do all religions have sacred books? Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Religion in Five Minutes 10. Do all religions have miracles? Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Religion in Five Minutes 11. How did religion start? Abstract
Nickolas Roubekas
Religion in Five Minutes 12. What is the function of religion? Abstract
Rick Moore
Religion in Five Minutes 13. What’s the difference between rituals and habits? Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Religion in Five Minutes 14. Can I be spiritual but not religious? Abstract
Michael Stausberg
Religion in Five Minutes 15. Is atheism, or secularism, just another religion? Abstract
Craig Martin
Religion in Five Minutes 16. Why is religion so often involved in politics? Abstract
Ian Alexander Cuthbertson
Religion in Five Minutes 18. How many religions are there? Abstract
Michael Altman
Religion in Five Minutes 17. What is the oldest religion? Abstract
Vaia Touna
Religion in Five Minutes 19. How does religion spread and what is its appeal? Abstract
Sarah Dees
Religion in Five Minutes 20. Why do so many people believe that only one religion can be right? Abstract
Nathan Dickman
Religion in Five Minutes 21. If everyone worships a god, why are there so many distinctions in religions? Abstract
Leslie Smith
Religion in Five Minutes 22. Do people actually believe in their religious practices because they want to, or because of how they were raised? Abstract
Nathan Colborne
Religion in Five Minutes 23. Can people belong to more than one religion? Abstract
Ann Taves
Religion in Five Minutes 24. Who are the ‘Nones’ and why are they so important? Abstract
Mike Graziano
Religion in Five Minutes 80. What is the future of “religion”? Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Religion in Five Minutes 81. What is the future of religion? Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Religion in Five Minutes 25. Are there any religions that do not have official leaders? Abstract
Jason Ellsworth
Religion in Five Minutes 26. Is it true that women play a lesser role in most religions? Abstract
Leslie Smith
Religion in Five Minutes 27. Why do women in some religions cover up their faces, or even their whole bodies? Abstract
Leslie Smith
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