Browse Title Index

Issue Title
Indian Cookery 25. Curry of Ox Pallates Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 26. Nugalu Curry Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 27. Melay Curry Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 28. Lobster Curry Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 29. Oyster Curry Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 30. Fillet of Sole Curry Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 31. Skate Curry Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 32. Crab Curry Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 33. Salmon Curry Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 34. Perriwinkle Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 35. Prawn Curry Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 36. Khubob Curry Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 37. Khuhob Darakee Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 38. Thurah Khubob Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 39. Khubob of Fowl Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 40. Pullows Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 41. Chicken Pullow Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 42. Mutton Pullow Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 43. Lamb Pullow Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 44. Kidney Pullow Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 45. Fish Pullow Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 46. Fish Tamarind Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 47. Bullachong Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 48. Cuthree Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 49. Pullow Mixture Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 50. Ghee Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 51. Curry Sauce Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 52. To Boil Rice Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 53. Mutton Chops as served in India Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 54. Hot Pot Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 55. Normandy Pippin Chutnee Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 56. Tomato and Apple Chutnee Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 57. Oriental Sauce for Chops and Steaks Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 58. Curry Powder Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 59. Curry Powder another way Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery 60. Names of Spices, &c. Abstract
Richard Terry
Indian Cookery Advertisements of the Era Abstract
Richard Terry
Social Practices in Higher Education Perceived Effectiveness of AWE for Focus on Forms, Focus on Meaning, and Interactional Modifications Abstract
Aysel Saricaoglu, Evgeny Chukharev-Hudilainen, Hui-Hsien Feng
Social Practices in Higher Education Corpus-based Knowledge Framework Analysis: A Deliberation of Methodology and Outcomes Abstract
Elena Cotos
Social Practices in Higher Education The Knowledge Framework for Building Teacher Awareness of Language in Content Instruction Abstract
Jesse Gleason, Elena Schmitt
Social Practices in Higher Education Opportunities and Challenges of the Knowledge Framework for In-service Teacher Development: A Case Study Abstract
Jingzi Huang, Margaret Berg
Social Practices in Higher Education The Role of Functional Recasts in EFL Undergraduate Students’ Learning of Intercultural Communication Abstract
Masaki Kobayashi, Emi Kobayashi
Social Practices in Higher Education Coaching as Activity/Social Practice Abstract
Carolyn Kristjánsson, Bernard A. Mohan
Social Practices in Higher Education Disciplinary Differences in the Knowledge Structures in University Lecture Slides Abstract
Zhi Li
Social Practices in Higher Education Causal Explanations in Physics: A Functional Analysis of EFL Lectures and Textbook Excerpts Abstract
Kimberly Becker, Xiaoping Liang
Social Practices in Higher Education Implementing the Knowledge Framework in a Content-Based Language Teaching Classroom Abstract
Hong Ma, Jian Zhou
Social Practices in Higher Education Voting as a Social Activity: Voter Suppression, the Common Good, and Evidence Abstract
Bernard A. Mohan
Social Practices in Higher Education Knowledge Structures as Designs: Tracing Patterns across Textual Trajectories Abstract
Diane Potts
Social Practices in Higher Education Enhancing Disciplinary Learning Experience through an Adjunct English-across-the-Curriculum Model Abstract
Esther Ka-man Tong, Cecilia Fung-Kan Pun, Phoebe Siu
Social Practices in Higher Education A Knowledge Framework Approach to Linguistic Research and Teaching Abstract
Tammy Slater
Social Practices in Higher Education Student Academic Writing: Situated Enactment of Genre, Argument, and Knowledge Structure Abstract
Constant Leung
Social Practices in Higher Education Online Teacher Training Using the Knowledge Framework and the Teaching–Learning Cycle for Literacy Development Abstract
Stephanie Link, Jesse Gleason
Social Practices in Higher Education Learning and Using the Knowledge Framework as a Language and Content Teaching Unit Project: A Case Study Abstract
Amy Walton, Gulbahar H. Beckett
Social Practices in Higher Education Index Details
Tammy Slater
The Bible for the Curious 1. Approaching the Bible Abstract
Philip Davies
The Bible for the Curious 2. Who Wrote the Old Testament and How? Abstract
Philip Davies
The Bible for the Curious 3. The Old Testament and History Abstract
Philip Davies
The Bible for the Curious 4. The Biblical Stories of Israel Abstract
Philip Davies
The Bible for the Curious 5. A History of Ancient Israels Abstract
Philip Davies
The Bible for the Curious 6. Ancient Judaisms Abstract
Philip Davies
The Bible for the Curious 7. The Gospels Story Abstract
Philip Davies
The Bible for the Curious 8. The Acts of the Apostles Abstract
Philip Davies
The Bible for the Curious 9. The New Testament Letters Abstract
Philip Davies
The Bible for the Curious 10. Revelation: The End of the Story Abstract
Philip Davies
The Bible for the Curious 11. Divination: Prophecy & Apocalyptic Abstract
Philip Davies
The Bible for the Curious 12. Law, Wisdom and Prayer Abstract
Philip Davies
The Bible for the Curious Postscript Abstract
Philip Davies
The Bible for the Curious Index Abstract
Philip Davies
The Bible for the Curious List of Figures, Maps and Charts Abstract
Philip Davies†
Data and Argumentation in Historical Pragmatics Introduction Abstract
Katalin Nagy
Data and Argumentation in Historical Pragmatics Object-scientific Part of the Study: Initial Stage of Grammaticalization of the Catalan “anar + infinitive” Construction Abstract
Katalin Nagy
Data and Argumentation in Historical Pragmatics Methodological Part of the Study: Data and Argumentation in Historical Pragmatics Abstract
Katalin Nagy
Data and Argumentation in Historical Pragmatics Grammaticalization of the Catalan “anar + infinitive” Construction Abstract
Katalin Nagy
Data and Argumentation in Historical Pragmatics Summary Abstract
Katalin Nagy
Data and Argumentation in Historical Pragmatics Occurrences of the Catalan “anar + infinitive” and “anar a + infinitive” in the Corpus Abstract
Katalin Nagy C.
Data and Argumentation in Historical Pragmatics Acknowledgments Abstract
Katalin Nagy C.
Data and Argumentation in Historical Pragmatics Abbreviations Abstract
Katalin Nagy C.
Data and Argumentation in Historical Pragmatics Notes Abstract
Katalin Nagy C.
Data and Argumentation in Historical Pragmatics Historical Sources Abstract
Katalin Nagy C.
Data and Argumentation in Historical Pragmatics References Abstract
Katalin Nagy C.
Data and Argumentation in Historical Pragmatics Author Index Abstract
Katalin Nagy C.
Data and Argumentation in Historical Pragmatics Subject Index Abstract
Katalin Nagy C.
Religion and Sight Setting Our Sights on Religion Abstract
Louise Child, Aaron Rosen
Religion and Sight 1. Darkness Visible: The Art of Sam Winston Abstract
Aaron Rosen
Religion and Sight 2. Visibly Invisible: Muslim Women in Twenty-first Century Political Cartoons Abstract
Tahnia Ahmed
Religion and Sight 3. Obscuring Two-Spirit Deaths in the Films Conversion and Fire Song Abstract
Gabriel Estrada
Religion and Sight 4. Sensing Reelism: Portals to Multiple Realities and Relationships in World, Indigenous, and Documentary Cinema Abstract
Louise Child
Religion and Sight 5. The Female Gaze: Sight and the Medusa Myth Abstract
Gina Bevan
Religion and Sight 6. ‘A Power Invisible’: How Somnambulists’ Blindness Reflected Debate on the Existence of Soul Abstract
Martina Bartlett
Religion and Sight 7. The Experience of Seeing: Spirit Possession as Performance Abstract
Bettina Schmidt
Religion and Sight 11. Seeing the Gods: Divine Embodiment through Visualisation in Tantric Buddhist Practice Abstract
Dawn Collins
Religion and Sight 8. Piet Mondrian’s Abstraction as a Way of Seeing the Sacred Abstract
Lieke Wijnia
Religion and Sight 9. Sacred Landscapes, New Conversations: Paul Nash’s Visionary Paintings of the Wittenham Clumps Abstract
Molly Kady
Religion and Sight 10. A Hand Outstretched in Darkness: Evangelical Encounters with Art Abstract
Philip Francis
Religion and Sight List of Figures Abstract
Louise Child, Aaron Rosen
Religion and Sight Series Foreword Abstract
Graham Harvey
Religion and Sight Index Abstract
Louise Child
English Language Teacher Beliefs Introduction: Why Beliefs Matter and Outline of this Book Abstract
Farahnaz Faez, Michael Karas
English Language Teacher Beliefs Conceptualizing Beliefs Abstract
Farahnaz Faez, Michael Karas
English Language Teacher Beliefs Beliefs and Reflective Practice Abstract
Farahnaz Faez, Michael Karas
English Language Teacher Beliefs Sources of Beliefs Abstract
Farahnaz Faez, Michael Karas
English Language Teacher Beliefs Types of Beliefs Abstract
Farahnaz Faez, Michael Karas
English Language Teacher Beliefs Researching Teachers' Beliefs: Practical Methods Abstract
Farahnaz Faez, Michael Karas
English Language Teacher Beliefs Beliefs and Language Teacher Education Abstract
Farahnaz Faez, Michael Karas
English Language Teacher Beliefs Beliefs and Teaching (Practice): Internal Factors Abstract
Farahnaz Faez, Michael Karas
English Language Teacher Beliefs Beliefs and Teaching (Practice): External Factors Abstract
Farahnaz Faez, Michael Karas
English Language Teacher Beliefs Conclusion: Beliefs and the Future Abstract
Farahnaz Faez, Michael Karas
Using Video to Support Teacher Reflection and Development in ELT Video and Teacher Development Abstract
Laura Baecher, Steve Mann, Cecilia Nobre
Using Video to Support Teacher Reflection and Development in ELT The Context of Video Use Abstract
Laura Baecher, Steve Mann, Cecilia Nobre
Using Video to Support Teacher Reflection and Development in ELT Video as a Process and a Material in Learning about Teaching Abstract
Laura Baecher, Steve Mann, Cecilia Nobre
Using Video to Support Teacher Reflection and Development in ELT Learning to Look Descriptively at Teaching through Video Abstract
Laura Baecher, Steve Mann, Cecilia Nobre
Using Video to Support Teacher Reflection and Development in ELT Reflecting through Video: Self-Observation Abstract
Laura Baecher, Steve Mann, Cecilia Nobre
Using Video to Support Teacher Reflection and Development in ELT Video Observation with Peers Abstract
Laura Baecher, Steve Mann, Cecilia Nobre
Using Video to Support Teacher Reflection and Development in ELT The Role of Video in Supervision Abstract
Laura Baecher, Steve Mann, Cecilia Nobre
Using Video to Support Teacher Reflection and Development in ELT Video in Research Abstract
Laura Baecher, Steve Mann, Cecilia Nobre
Using Video to Support Teacher Reflection and Development in ELT Acknowledgements Details
Laura Baecher, Steve Mann, Cecilia Nobre
Using Video to Support Teacher Reflection and Development in ELT Series Editor's Preface Details
Thomas Farrell
Using Video to Support Teacher Reflection and Development in ELT Introduction Abstract
Laura Baecher, Steve Mann, Cecilia Nobre
Using Video to Support Teacher Reflection and Development in ELT References Details
Laura Baecher, Steve Mann, Cecilia Nobre
Using Video to Support Teacher Reflection and Development in ELT Index Details
Laura Baecher, Steve Mann, Cecilia Nobre
Cultural Mapping and Musical Diversity Cultural Mapping and Musical Diversity Abstract
Britta Sweers, Sarah Ross
Cultural Mapping and Musical Diversity Introduction Abstract
Britta Sweers
Cultural Mapping and Musical Diversity 1. Kulturkreise, Culture Areas and Chronotopes: Old Concepts Reconsidered for the Mapping of Music Cultures Today Abstract
Marcello Sorce Keller
Cultural Mapping and Musical Diversity 2. Mancunian Irish: Identity, Cultural Intimacy and Musical Hybridization – Urban Ethnomusicology and Cultural Mapping Abstract
Svend Kjeldsen
Cultural Mapping and Musical Diversity 3. Dying Language, Multi-Identity and Music for the Young Abstract
Pekka Suutari
Cultural Mapping and Musical Diversity 4. Mapping 'Inconvenient' Music Heritage Abstract
Ana Hofman
Cultural Mapping and Musical Diversity Introduction Abstract
Britta Sweers
Cultural Mapping and Musical Diversity 5. Landscapes and Flower Songs: Proposing the Hypothesis of Agriculturalist-Pastoralist Coalescence as the Origin of Hua’er Festivals Abstract
Lukas Park
Cultural Mapping and Musical Diversity 6. Climate and Environment in Idelsohn’s History of Hebrew Music Abstract
Shai Burstyn
Cultural Mapping and Musical Diversity 7.Dancing the Landscape: Music, Place, Collective Memory, and Identity in a Highland Bolivia Pilgrimage Abstract
Tom Solomon
Cultural Mapping and Musical Diversity 8. The Space of the Gong Culture in the Central Highlands of Vietnam: Old and New Directions in Ede Traditional Music Abstract
Vincenzo della Ratta
Cultural Mapping and Musical Diversity Introduction Abstract
Sarah Ross
Cultural Mapping and Musical Diversity 9. Historical Voices Reloaded – Rethinking Archival Responsibilities Compared to Intangible Cultural Heritage Abstract
Gerda Lechleitner
Cultural Mapping and Musical Diversity 10. Intangible Cultural Heritage and Policy Making in Poland Abstract
Marzanna Poplawska
Cultural Mapping and Musical Diversity 11. Mapping and Representing Musical Diversity in Switzerland: The Role of Artists, Ethnomusicologists, and Officials Abstract
Marc-Antoine Camp, Brigitte Bachmann-Geiser, David Vitali, Dieter Ringli, Patricia Jäggi
Cultural Mapping and Musical Diversity 12. Tracing the Minhag Ashkenaz in Swiss Synagogue Music: Advocates of Intangible Cultural Heritage Meet Agents of Cultural Sustainability Abstract
Sarah Ross
Cultural Mapping and Musical Diversity Introduction Abstract
Sarah Ross
Cultural Mapping and Musical Diversity 13. Flamenco for Andalusia, Flamenco for Humanity: Regionalisation and Intangible Cultural Heritage in Spain Abstract
Matthew Machin-Autenrieth
Cultural Mapping and Musical Diversity 14. Questioning Safeguarding: Heritage and Capabilities at Jemaa el Fnaa Square, Morocco Abstract
Tom Beardslee
Cultural Mapping and Musical Diversity 15. The Verbuňk under the Pressure of World Fame Abstract
Zuzana Jurkova
Cultural Mapping and Musical Diversity List of Figures Abstract
Britta Sweers, Sarah M. Ross
Cultural Mapping and Musical Diversity Preface and Acknowledgements Abstract
Britta Sweers, Sarah M. Ross
Cultural Mapping and Musical Diversity Index Abstract
Britta Sweers, Sarah M. Ross
Dudjom Rinpoche's Vajrakīlaya Works Introduction Abstract
Cathy Cantwell
Dudjom Rinpoche's Vajrakīlaya Works gTer ston and Tradent: Innovation and Conservation in Tibetan Treasure Literature Abstract
Robert Mayer
Dudjom Rinpoche's Vajrakīlaya Works Reincarnation and Personal Identity in the Lives of Tibetan Masters: Linking the Revelation Cycles of Three Lamas of the Dudjom Tradition Abstract
Cathy Cantwell
Dudjom Rinpoche's Vajrakīlaya Works Dudjom Rinpoche's Work on the Vajrakīlaya who Overwhelms Māra's Troops with his Splendour (phur bu bdud dpung zil gnon) Abstract
Cathy Cantwell
Dudjom Rinpoche's Vajrakīlaya Works Dudjom Rinpoche's Work on the Ultra Secret Razor (yang gsang spu gri) Vajrakīlaya Abstract
Cathy Cantwell
Dudjom Rinpoche's Vajrakīlaya Works The Dudjom Vajrakīlaya Heritage: Dudul Dorje's Vajrakīlaya Revelation Abstract
Cathy Cantwell
Dudjom Rinpoche's Vajrakīlaya Works The Dudjom Vajrakīlaya Heritage: Dudjom Lingpa's Vajrakīlaya Cycles Abstract
Cathy Cantwell
Dudjom Rinpoche's Vajrakīlaya Works Introducing Dudjom Rinpoche's Meteoric Iron Razor Vajrakīlaya (phur bu gnam lcags spu gri), and its Ritual Manual Abstract
Cathy Cantwell
Dudjom Rinpoche's Vajrakīlaya Works Dudjom Rinpoche's Compilation of the Medicinal Accomplishment Text for the Meteoric Iron Razor Vajrakīlaya Abstract
Cathy Cantwell
Dudjom Rinpoche's Vajrakīlaya Works Further Texts of the Meteoric Iron Razor Vajrakīlaya Abstract
Cathy Cantwell
Dudjom Rinpoche's Vajrakīlaya Works Dudjom Rinpoche's Revelation of the Razor Disintegration-on-Touch Vajrakīlaya (spu gri reg phung) Abstract
Cathy Cantwell
Dudjom Rinpoche's Vajrakīlaya Works Dudjom Rinpoche's Re-presentation of Pema Lingpa's Ultra Secret Razor Lifeforce Vajrakīlaya (yang gsang srog gi spu gri) Abstract
Cathy Cantwell
Dudjom Rinpoche's Vajrakīlaya Works The Vajrakīlaya Sections of the New Edited Collection of Pema Lingpa's Collected Works Abstract
Cathy Cantwell
Dudjom Rinpoche's Vajrakīlaya Works Dudjom Rinpoche's Work on Zilnon Namkhai Dorje's (zil gnon nam mkha'i rdo rje) Ultra Secret Quintessence Action (yang gsang phrin las bcud dril) Vajrakīlaya Abstract
Cathy Cantwell
Dudjom Rinpoche's Vajrakīlaya Works Concluding Reflections Abstract
Cathy Cantwell
Dudjom Rinpoche's Vajrakīlaya Works List of Figures Abstract
Cathy Cantwell
Dudjom Rinpoche's Vajrakīlaya Works Acknowledgements Abstract
Cathy Cantwell
Dudjom Rinpoche's Vajrakīlaya Works Note on representation of Tibetan in this book Abstract
Cathy Cantwell
Dudjom Rinpoche's Vajrakīlaya Works Bibliography Abstract
Cathy Cantwell
Dudjom Rinpoche's Vajrakīlaya Works Index Abstract
Cathy Cantwell
Spirituality and Wellbeing Introduction Abstract
Jeff Leonardi, Bettina Schmidt
Spirituality and Wellbeing 3. Made in the Image: The Christian Understanding of the Body Abstract
Jeff Leonardi
Spirituality and Wellbeing 4. Spirituality and Wellbeing in Traditional China: Food, Self-Sacrifice, and Spiritual Practice in a Chinese Buddhist Legend Abstract
Thomas Jansen
Spirituality and Wellbeing 9. Religiosity, Spirituality and Wellbeing in the Perception of Brazilian Health and Mental Health Professionals Abstract
Marta Helena de Freitas
Spirituality and Wellbeing 10. Compassionate Presence: Buddhist Practice and the Person-Centred Approach to Counselling and Psychotherapy Abstract
Rebecca Seale
Spirituality and Wellbeing 5. ‘Spiritus Contra Spiritum’: Spirituality, Belief and Discipline in Alcoholics Anonymous Abstract
Wendy Dossett
Spirituality and Wellbeing 8. To Thine Own Self be True: Alcoholics Anonymous, Recovery and Care of the Self Abstract
Lymarie Rodriguez
Spirituality and Wellbeing 6. Narratives of Spirituality and Wellbeing: Cultural Differences and Similarities between Brazil and the UK Abstract
Bettina Schmidt
Spirituality and Wellbeing 2. Clinical Parapsychology: The Interface Between Anomalous Experiences and Psychological Wellbeing Abstract
Chris Roe
Spirituality and Wellbeing 1. Spirituality and Wellbeing: Is there a Necessary Link? Toward a Critical Approach to the Study of Spirituality Abstract
Everton de Oliveira Maraldi
Spirituality and Wellbeing 7. Using Autoethnography to Explore the Experience of Spirituality in Epilepsy Abstract
Louise Spiers
Spirituality and Wellbeing Acknowledgements Abstract
Bettina Schmidt, Jeff Leonardi
Spirituality and Wellbeing List of Figures Abstract
Bettina Schmidt, Jeff Leonardi
Spirituality and Wellbeing Index Abstract
Bettina Schmidt, Jeff Leonardi
How and Why Books Matter The Iconic Books Project Abstract
James Watts
How and Why Books Matter How Books Matter: The Three Dimensions of Scriptures Abstract
James Watts
How and Why Books Matter Iconic Books and Texts Abstract
James Watts
How and Why Books Matter Relic Texts Abstract
James Watts
How and Why Books Matter Iconic Digital Texts: How Rituals Materialize Virtual Texts Abstract
James Watts
How and Why Books Matter Desecrated Scriptures and the News Media Abstract
James Watts
How and Why Books Matter Ancient Iconic Texts Abstract
James Watts
How and Why Books Matter Rival Iconic Texts: Ten Commandments Monuments and the U.S. Constitution Abstract
James Watts
How and Why Books Matter Book Aniconism: The Codex, Translation and Beliefs about Immaterial Texts Abstract
James Watts
How and Why Books Matter Mass Literacy and Scholarly Expertise Abstract
James Watts
How and Why Books Matter Why Books Matter: Preservation and Disposal Abstract
James Watts
How and Why Books Matter List of Figures Abstract
James Watts
How and Why Books Matter Acknowledgements Abstract
James Watts
How and Why Books Matter Bibliography Abstract
James Watts
How and Why Books Matter Author Index Abstract
James Watts
How and Why Books Matter Subject Index Abstract
James Watts
Capitalizing Jerusalem Preface Abstract
Beatrice St. Laurent
Capitalizing Jerusalem Let the Buildings Speak but not Looking Backward from the Future Abstract
Beatrice St. Laurent
Capitalizing Jerusalem Setting the Stage for Jerusalem: From Arabia to Bilād al-Shām Abstract
Beatrice St. Laurent
Capitalizing Jerusalem Sanctity Renewed Abstract
Beatrice St. Laurent
Capitalizing Jerusalem Stabilizing the Stables: Jerusalem’s First Mosque Abstract
Beatrice St. Laurent
Capitalizing Jerusalem The Umayyad Royal Audience Pavilion: The Dome of the Chain Abstract
Beatrice St. Laurent
Capitalizing Jerusalem The Diadem of Mu‘āwiya’s Jerusalem: The Dome of the Rock Abstract
Beatrice St. Laurent
Capitalizing Jerusalem Spolia: Adaptive Re-use and Intentional Messaging Abstract
Beatrice St. Laurent
Capitalizing Jerusalem Capitalizing Jerusalem Abstract
Beatrice St. Laurent
A Short Introduction to the Study of Language What is Language? Abstract
Ellen Thompson
A Short Introduction to the Study of Language Language and Other Animal Communication Systems Abstract
Ellen Thompson
A Short Introduction to the Study of Language Teaching Human Language to Apes Abstract
Ellen Thompson
A Short Introduction to the Study of Language Language Learning Abstract
Ellen Thompson
A Short Introduction to the Study of Language Experiments in Language Acquisition Abstract
Ellen Thompson
A Short Introduction to the Study of Language Abnormal Language Abstract
Ellen Thompson
A Short Introduction to the Study of Language Bilingualism Abstract
Ellen Thompson
A Short Introduction to the Study of Language Are there Primitive Languages? Abstract
Ellen Thompson
A Short Introduction to the Study of Language Non-Standard Dialects Abstract
Ellen Thompson
A Short Introduction to the Study of Language Preface Abstract
Ellen Thompson
A Short Introduction to the Study of Language References Abstract
Ellen Thompson
A Short Introduction to the Study of Language Index Abstract
Ellen Thompson
Jews Prologue Abstract
Peter Cave, Dan Cohn-Sherbok
Jews 1. Who is a Jew? Abstract
Peter Cave, Dan Cohn-Sherbok
Jews 2. What is Judaism? Abstract
Peter Cave, Dan Cohn-Sherbok
Jews 3. What is Jewish Morality? Abstract
Peter Cave, Dan Cohn-Sherbok
Jews 4. Do Jews Not Care about Animal Welfare? Abstract
Peter Cave, Dan Cohn-Sherbok
Jews 5. Zionism: 'Next Year, in Jerusalem' - but Whose Jerusalem? Abstract
Peter Cave, Dan Cohn-Sherbok
Jews 6. Does the Holocaust Make Israel's Existence a Special Case? Abstract
Peter Cave, Dan Cohn-Sherbok
Jews 7. Why are Jews so Hated? Abstract
Peter Cave, Dan Cohn-Sherbok
Jews 8. Is there a Future for Jews and Judaism Outside of Israel? Abstract
Peter Cave, Dan Cohn-Sherbok
Jews 9. What Determines a Nation's Territorial Rights? Abstract
Peter Cave, Dan Cohn-Sherbok
Jews 10. Are Jews Collectively Responsible for Israeli military actions? Abstract
Peter Cave, Dan Cohn-Sherbok
Jews 11. One State, Two States or No-State-at-All Solution - and Where? Abstract
Peter Cave, Dan Cohn-Sherbok
Jews 12. Are not Muslims Better Off in Israel than in Islamic States? Abstract
Peter Cave, Dan Cohn-Sherbok
Jews 13. Does Israel Deserve to Lose the Sympathy Vote to the Palestinians? Abstract
Peter Cave, Dan Cohn-Sherbok
Jews 14. Boycotts: Should We Stop Buying Israel's Avacados, Dates and Pomegranites? Abstract
Peter Cave, Dan Cohn-Sherbok
Jews 15. Can Israel be a Jewish State - and, if so, for How Long? Abstract
Peter Cave, Dan Cohn-Sherbok
Jews 16. Can a Jewish State be a Liberal Democracy, Avoiding Apartheid? Abstract
Peter Cave, Dan Cohn-Sherbok
Jews 17. 'Scratch an Anti-Zionist and You'll Find an Anti-Semite.' Really? Abstract
Peter Cave, Dan Cohn-Sherbok
Jews 18. Are Anti-Zionist Jews Nothing but Self-Hating Jews? Abstract
Peter Cave, Dan Cohn-Sherbok
Jews 19. Does Jewish Humour Show Jews to be Unfit for a State of Their Own? Abstract
Peter Cave, Dan Cohn-Sherbok
Jews 20. What has Israel Done for the Jews? Abstract
Peter Cave, Dan Cohn-Sherbok
Jews 21. What has Israel Done for the World? Abstract
Peter Cave, Dan Cohn-Sherbok
Jews Epilogue Abstract
Peter Cave, Dan Cohn-Sherbok
Jews Bibliography Abstract
Peter Cave, Dan Cohn-Sherbok
Jews Further Reading Abstract
Peter Cave, Dan Cohn-Sherbok
Jews Index Abstract
Peter Cave, Dan Cohn-Sherbok
Sounds Irish, Acts Global Introduction Abstract
Michael Mary Murphy, Jim Rogers
Sounds Irish, Acts Global The Irish Arrive: Early Stages in the Music Industry Abstract
Michael Mary Murphy
Sounds Irish, Acts Global 1930s Ireland: Law and Order, Business and Nationalism Abstract
Michael Mary Murphy
Sounds Irish, Acts Global The Global Music Industries and Ireland Abstract
Jim Rogers
Sounds Irish, Acts Global The 1950s: Elvis and Ireland’s Catholic Pop Abstract
Michael Mary Murphy
Sounds Irish, Acts Global Horslips: Advancing DIY and Enterprise in the Irish Music Scene Abstract
Michael Mary Murphy
Sounds Irish, Acts Global U2: Local and Global Abstract
Michael Mary Murphy
Sounds Irish, Acts Global How Teenagers and Students Shaped Culture Abstract
Michael Mary Murphy
Sounds Irish, Acts Global Enya: '…not created by the record industry' Abstract
Michael Mary Murphy
Sounds Irish, Acts Global The Corrs: ...'genetically engineer the perfect pop group' Abstract
Michael Mary Murphy
Sounds Irish, Acts Global Riverdance: Creating Profitable Local Culture Abstract
Michael Mary Murphy
Sounds Irish, Acts Global Boyzone: 'Search is on for an Irish Take That' Abstract
Michael Mary Murphy
Sounds Irish, Acts Global Westlife: 'He’s got to be kidding me' Abstract
Michael Mary Murphy
Sounds Irish, Acts Global U2, the Virgin Prunes and Graphic Art Abstract
Michael Mary Murphy
Sounds Irish, Acts Global Conclusion Abstract
Michael Mary Murphy, Jim Rogers
Sounds Irish, Acts Global Bibliography Details
Michael Mary Murphy, Jim Rogers
Sounds Irish, Acts Global Index Details
Michael Mary Murphy, Jim Rogers
Uprising in Tahrir Square Dedication and Acknowledgements Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square Notes to Teachers Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square Notes to Students Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square Create Your Character! Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square Useful Information Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square The Revolution Begins Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square Internet Blackout Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square A Friday Unlike Any Other Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square A Knock on the Door Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square Pursuit Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square The Tanks Roll into Cairo Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square Caught in the Chaos Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square "The Battle of the Camel" Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square Women Speak Out Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square Brotherhood and Solidarity Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square Power to the People! Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square Postscript Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square Character Reflections Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square Credits Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square Guided Reflection Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square After the Fall of Mubarak’s Regime Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square About the Author Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square Author’s Note Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square List of Web and Video Resources Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square Appendix A Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square Appendix B Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square Appendix C Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square Vocabulary Master List Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Uprising in Tahrir Square Writing Rubrics Abstract
Abdelkader Berrahmoun
Bikutsi Notes to the Reader Abstract
Anja Brunner
Bikutsi Introduction: Putting Bikutsi in Context Abstract
Anja Brunner
Bikutsi The Sound of Yaoundé in the 1970s Abstract
Anja Brunner
Bikutsi Women’s Song-and-Dance-Pieces: The "Original" Bikutsi Abstract
Anja Brunner
Bikutsi Bikutsi on the Məndzáŋ: Dance Music on Xylophone Ensembles Abstract
Anja Brunner
Bikutsi Musical Changes towards Beti Music by Modern Dance Bands in Yaoundé in the 1970s Abstract
Anja Brunner
Bikutsi Performing Beti "Village" Music: The Bikutsi of Les Vétérans Abstract
Anja Brunner
Bikutsi Bikutsi in the 1980s: Political Change, Diversification, the Use of Television, and Les Têtes Brulées Abstract
Anja Brunner
Bikutsi Conclusion: Bikutsi Shifts Abstract
Anja Brunner
Bikutsi List of Figures Details
Anja Brunner
Bikutsi Acknowledgements / Remerciements Details
Anja Brunner
Bikutsi Notes Details
Anja Brunner
Bikutsi Bibliography Details
Anja Brunner
Bikutsi Index Details
Anja Brunner
Archaeology, Politics and Islamicate Cultural Heritage in Europe Foreword Details
Bethany Walker
Archaeology, Politics and Islamicate Cultural Heritage in Europe 1. Introduction Abstract
David J. Govantes-Edwards
Archaeology, Politics and Islamicate Cultural Heritage in Europe 2. Shooting Ourselves in the Foot: A Personal Take on the Political Abstract
Chloë Duckworth
Archaeology, Politics and Islamicate Cultural Heritage in Europe 3. Politics and the History of al-Andalus Abstract
David J. Govantes-Edwards
Archaeology, Politics and Islamicate Cultural Heritage in Europe 4. Gendered Pasts: Women in al-Andalus Abstract
Mikel Herrán, Nicola Clarke
Archaeology, Politics and Islamicate Cultural Heritage in Europe 5. Accentuating the Ordinary: Pottery and Everyday Life in Islamic Sicily Abstract
Veronica Testolini, Peter Day
Archaeology, Politics and Islamicate Cultural Heritage in Europe 6. Rethinking the Borders of Islamic Art: Paterna Ceramics from the Fourteenth Century to Today Abstract
Anna McSweeney
Archaeology, Politics and Islamicate Cultural Heritage in Europe 7. The Last Islamicate Society in South-western Europe: The Projection of Power in the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada Abstract
Alberto García Porras
Archaeology, Politics and Islamicate Cultural Heritage in Europe 9. The Material Past of the Other: The Ottoman Architectural Heritage of Greek Macedonia Abstract
Ioannis Stavridopoulos
Archaeology, Politics and Islamicate Cultural Heritage in Europe 10. Between Transculturation and Re-enculturation: The Gravestones of Ottoman Bosnia and Europe's Islamicate Archaeology Abstract
Amila Buturovic
Archaeology, Politics and Islamicate Cultural Heritage in Europe 11. The Central Bazaar in the City of Bolgar on the Volga Abstract
Vladimir Koval, Denis Yurievich Badeev
Archaeology, Politics and Islamicate Cultural Heritage in Europe 12. Nomadic Islam: An Archaeological Approach to the Islamization of the Caspian Steppe Abstract
Irina Shingiray
Archaeology, Politics and Islamicate Cultural Heritage in Europe 13. From "Islamic Art" to "Muslim Heritage": The Display of Islam in Museums of Europe and Beyond Abstract
Virginie Rey
Archaeology, Politics and Islamicate Cultural Heritage in Europe 14. Islamicate Archaeology and its Counter-Narratives Abstract
Philip Wood
Archaeology, Politics and Islamicate Cultural Heritage in Europe 8. Damnatio Memoriae: Islamic Medieval Archaeology in the Balearic Island of Menorca Abstract
Amalia Perez-Juez, Elena Sintes Olives
Archaeology, Politics and Islamicate Cultural Heritage in Europe List of Figures Details
David J. Govantes-Edwards
Archaeology, Politics and Islamicate Cultural Heritage in Europe List of Tables Details
David J. Govantes-Edwards
Archaeology, Politics and Islamicate Cultural Heritage in Europe Index Details
David J. Govantes-Edwards
Indigenizing Movements in Europe Entering the Magic Mists: Irish Contemporary Paganism, Celticity and Indigeneity Abstract
Jenny Butler
Indigenizing Movements in Europe Bear Feasts in a Land without Wild Bears: Experiments in Creating Animist Rituals Abstract
Graham Harvey
Indigenizing Movements in Europe Is Druidry Indigenous? The Politics of Pagan Indigeneity Discourse Abstract
Suzanne Owen
Indigenizing Movements in Europe ‘Witch’ and ‘Shaman’: Discourse Analysis of the Use of Indigenizing Terms in Italy Abstract
Angela Puca
Indigenizing Movements in Europe Negotiating the Prehistoric Past for the Creation of the Global Future: “Back to Nature” Worldview and Golden Age Myth among Lithuanian Anastasians Abstract
Rasa Pranskevičiūtė-Amoson
Indigenizing Movements in Europe Powwowing My Way: Exploring Johnson’s Concepts of Indigenizing and Extending through the Lived Expressions of American Indian-ness by European Powwow Enthusiasts Abstract
Christina Welch
Indigenizing Movements in Europe Indigenizing the Goddess: Reclaiming Territory, Myth and Devotion in Glastonbury Abstract
Amy Whitehead
Indigenizing Movements in Europe Modes of Indigenizing: Remarks on Indigenous Religion as a Method Abstract
Bjørn Tafjord
Indigenizing Movements in Europe Introduction: Indigenizing Movements in Europe Abstract
Graham Harvey
Indigenizing Movements in Europe Index Abstract
Graham Harvey
Queering the English Language Classroom What is Queering and Why Should We All Do It? Abstract
Joshua Paiz
Queering the English Language Classroom Queer Inquiry as Pedagogy Abstract
Joshua Paiz
Queering the English Language Classroom Troubling Normative Classroom Spaces Abstract
Joshua Paiz
Queering the English Language Classroom Troubling Normative Curricular Materials Abstract
Joshua Paiz
Queering the English Language Classroom Gauging Reactions & Addressing Challenges Abstract
Joshua Paiz
Queering the English Language Classroom Goals and Outcomes of the Queered Classroom Space Abstract
Joshua Paiz
Queering the English Language Classroom Conclusion Abstract
Joshua Paiz
Queering the English Language Classroom A Special Note on Frigid Contexts Abstract
Joshua Paiz
Queering the English Language Classroom Preface Abstract
Joshua Paiz
Queering the English Language Classroom List of Abbreviations Abstract
Joshua Paiz
Queering the English Language Classroom Notes Abstract
Joshua Paiz
Queering the English Language Classroom References Abstract
Joshua Paiz
Queering the English Language Classroom Index Abstract
Joshua Paiz
Recreating the Images of Chan Master Huineng Introduction Abstract
Hailing Yu
Recreating the Images of Chan Master Huineng Same Chan Master, Different Images: The Story of Huineng and its Translations Abstract
Hailing Yu
Recreating the Images of Chan Master Huineng Verbs of Saying and Images of Huineng Abstract
Hailing Yu
Recreating the Images of Chan Master Huineng Personal Pronouns and Images of Huineng Abstract
Hailing Yu
Recreating the Images of Chan Master Huineng Mood and Modality and Images of Huineng Abstract
Hailing Yu
Recreating the Images of Chan Master Huineng Images of Huineng on Book Covers and in Verbal Texts Abstract
Hailing Yu
Recreating the Images of Chan Master Huineng Paratextual Attitude and the Image of Huineng Abstract
Hailing Yu
Recreating the Images of Chan Master Huineng Text Complexity and Images of Huineng Abstract
Hailing Yu
Recreating the Images of Chan Master Huineng Conclusion Abstract
Hailing Yu
Recreating the Images of Chan Master Huineng Appendix: English Translations of the Platform Sutra Abstract
Hailing Yu
Recreating the Images of Chan Master Huineng List of Figures Abstract
Hailing Yu
Recreating the Images of Chan Master Huineng List of Tables Abstract
Hailing Yu
Recreating the Images of Chan Master Huineng Preface Abstract
Hailing Yu
Recreating the Images of Chan Master Huineng Notes Abstract
Hailing Yu
Recreating the Images of Chan Master Huineng References Abstract
Hailing Yu
Recreating the Images of Chan Master Huineng Index Abstract
Hailing Yu
The Life of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya Ananda Metteyya and Liminality Abstract
Elizabeth Harris, John Crow
The Life of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya The Formative Years Abstract
Elizabeth Harris, John Crow
The Life of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya Allan Bennett in Colonial Ceylon Abstract
Elizabeth Harris, John Crow
The Life of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya Ananda Metteyya in Colonial Burma Abstract
Elizabeth Harris, John Crow
The Life of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya Ananda Metteyya’s Mission to Britain and Return to Colonial Burma Abstract
Elizabeth Harris, John Crow
The Life of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya In Britain: 1914-1923 Abstract
Elizabeth Harris, John Crow
The Life of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya Ananda Metteyya’s Legacy Abstract
Elizabeth Harris, John Crow
The Life of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya Acknowledgements Details
Elizabeth Harris, John Crow
The Life of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya Concluding Thoughts Details
Elizabeth Harris, John Crow
The Life of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya Selective Glossary Details
Elizabeth Harris, John Crow
The Life of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya Bibliography Details
Elizabeth Harris, John Crow
Selected Writings of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya Excerpts from Allan Bennett's Letters and Esoteric Notebooks (1893-1900) Abstract
Allan Bennett
Selected Writings of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya The Ritual for the Evocation Unto Visible Appearance of The Great Spirit Taphthartharath (1911) Abstract
Allan Bennett
Selected Writings of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya A Note on Genesis (1909) Abstract
Allan Bennett
Selected Writings of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya The Foundation of the Sangha of the West Being an Account of the Upasampada Ordination of Bhikkhu Ananda Maitriya (1902) Abstract
Allan Bennett
Selected Writings of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya Revised Prospectus of the Buddhasāsana Samāgama or the International Buddhist Society (1903) Abstract
Allan Bennett
Selected Writings of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya Excerpts from the Buddhist Correspondence of Ananda Metteyya Abstract
Allan Bennett
Selected Writings of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya 9. The Faith of the Future or The Law of Righteousness (1903) Abstract
Allan Bennett
Selected Writings of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya The Wisdom of the Aryas (given as lectures in 1919-1920, published in 1923) Abstract
Allan Bennett
Selected Writings of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya The Religion of Burma (1910) Abstract
Allan Bennett
Selected Writings of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya Extension of the Empire of Righteousness to Western Lands: Address of Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya, Director of the Buddhasasana Samagama, at the Sixth Annual Convention of the International Buddhist Society, December 17, 1908 (1909) Abstract
Allan Bennett
Selected Writings of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya Introduction Abstract
Elizabeth Harris, John Crow
Selected Writings of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya The Four Noble Truths (1901) Abstract
Allan Bennett
Selected Writings of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya On The Culture of Mind (Edited and reprinted as ‘Training the Mind’ by Aleister Crowley) (1902) Abstract
Allan Bennett
Selected Writings of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya Animism and Law (1902) Abstract
Allan Bennett
Selected Writings of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya Devotion in Buddhism (1909) Abstract
Allan Bennett
Selected Writings of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya Right Understanding (1913) Abstract
Allan Bennett
Selected Writings of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya Buddhism: A Religion of Compassion (1921) Abstract
Allan Bennett
Selected Writings of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya Buddhism and the Western World (1921) Abstract
Allan Bennett
Selected Writings of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya The Doctrine of the Aryas (1921) Abstract
Allan Bennett
Selected Writings of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya In the Shadow of Shwe Dagon (1903-1904) Abstract
Allan Bennett
Selected Writings of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya Propaganda (1908) Abstract
Allan Bennett
Selected Writings of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya Obituary: Col. H.S Olcott (1908) Abstract
Allan Bennett
Selected Writings of Allan Bennett, Bhikkhu Ananda Metteyya The Word of the Buddha [poem] (1908) Abstract
Allan Bennett
Religions of a Single God Towards a General Theory of Religion Abstract
Zeba Crook
Religions of a Single God Chapter 2: History of Judaism Abstract
Zeba Crook
Religions of a Single God Chapter 3: History of Christianity Abstract
Zeba Crook
Religions of a Single God Chapter 4: History of Islam Abstract
Zeba Crook
Religions of a Single God Chapter 5: Jewish Theology and Theological Writings Abstract
Zeba Crook
Religions of a Single God Chapter 6: Christian Theology and Theological Writings Abstract
Zeba Crook
Religions of a Single God Chapter 7: Islamic Theology and Theological Writings Abstract
Zeba Crook
Religions of a Single God Chapter 8: Jewish Practice and Holy Days Abstract
Zeba Crook
Religions of a Single God Chapter 9: Christian Practice and Holy Days Abstract
Zeba Crook
Religions of a Single God Chapter 10: Islamic Practice and Holy Days Abstract
Zeba Crook
Religions of a Single God Chapter 11: Latter-Day Saints and Baha’i Religion Abstract
Zeba Crook
Religions of a Single God List of Figures Abstract
Zeba Crook
Religions of a Single God List of Text Boxes Abstract
Zeba Crook
Religions of a Single God Sources and Acknowledgments Abstract
Zeba Crook
Religions of a Single God Bibliography Abstract
Zeba Crook
Religions of a Single God Index Abstract
Zeba Crook
Religions of a Single God Part One Introduction Abstract
Zeba Crook
Religions of a Single God Part Two Introduction Abstract
Zeba Crook
Religions of a Single God Part Three Introduction Abstract
Zeba Crook
Religions of a Single God Part Four Introduction Abstract
Zeba Crook
Inflectional Morphology in Harmonic Serialism From Optimality Theory to Harmonic Serialism Abstract
Gereon Muller
Inflectional Morphology in Harmonic Serialism Extended Exponence Abstract
Gereon Muller
Inflectional Morphology in Harmonic Serialism Disjunctive Blocking Revisited Abstract
Gereon Muller
Inflectional Morphology in Harmonic Serialism Suppletion Abstract
Gereon Muller
Inflectional Morphology in Harmonic Serialism Consequences Abstract
Gereon Muller
Inflectional Morphology in Harmonic Serialism Background Abstract
Gereon Müller
Inflectional Morphology in Harmonic Serialism Acknowledgements Abstract
Gereon Müller
Inflectional Morphology in Harmonic Serialism References Abstract
Gereon Müller
Inflectional Morphology in Harmonic Serialism Index Abstract
Gereon Müller
Philip Larkin 'I Hope Jazz has Founds its Enoch Powell' Abstract
Ian Smith
Philip Larkin 1922-1940 Abstract
Ian Smith
Philip Larkin 1940-1943 Abstract
Ian Smith
Philip Larkin Trouble at Willow Gables Abstract
Ian Smith
Philip Larkin A Record Diary Abstract
Ian Smith
Philip Larkin Jazz in Hull: Larkin’s Life in Hull and his Life as a Jazz Listener and Enthusiast Abstract
Ian Smith
Philip Larkin 'An Enormous Yes' Abstract
Ian Smith
Philip Larkin Appendix: Setting Larkin to Jazz Abstract
Ian Smith
The Invention of Religions 1. Christian Culture and the History of Religions Abstract
Daniel Dubuisson
The Invention of Religions 2. Two Major Paradigms Abstract
Daniel Dubuisson
The Invention of Religions 3. A Nineteenth-Century Science Abstract
Daniel Dubuisson
The Invention of Religions 4. Religious Studies in the United States Abstract
Daniel Dubuisson
The Invention of Religions 5. The Targets Abstract
Daniel Dubuisson
The Invention of Religions 6. Major Criticisms Abstract
Daniel Dubuisson
The Invention of Religions 7. Major Contributions Abstract
Daniel Dubuisson
The Invention of Religions 8. What Future for Critical Studies? Abstract
Daniel Dubuisson
The Invention of Religions 9 Conclusion Abstract
Daniel Dubuisson
The Invention of Religions Introduction Abstract
Daniel Dubuisson
The Invention of Religions Bibliography Abstract
Daniel Dubuisson
The Invention of Religions Notes Abstract
Daniel Dubuisson
The Invention of Religions Person and Author Index Abstract
Daniel Dubuisson
The Invention of Religions Subject Index Abstract
Daniel Dubuisson
The Buddha’s Middle Way Introduction Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Buddha’s Middle Way The Middle Way in the Buddha’s Ministry Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Buddha’s Middle Way The Buddha's Metaphors Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Buddha’s Middle Way Issues in the Buddhist Interpretation of the Middle Way Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Buddha’s Middle Way Interpreting the Eightfold Path Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Buddha’s Middle Way Interpreting Buddhist Teachings Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Buddha’s Middle Way Alternative Sources of the Middle Way Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Buddha’s Middle Way Conclusion Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Buddha’s Middle Way Acknowledgements Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Buddha’s Middle Way Foreword Abstract
Stephen Batchelor
The Buddha’s Middle Way Bibliography Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Buddha’s Middle Way Index Abstract
Robert Ellis
Painting the Mediterranean Phoenician Preface Abstract
Dalit Regev
Painting the Mediterranean Phoenician Introduction Abstract
Dalit Regev
Painting the Mediterranean Phoenician The Canaanite-Phoenician Continuum Abstract
Dalit Regev
Painting the Mediterranean Phoenician Trade and Diaspora Networks Abstract
Dalit Regev
Painting the Mediterranean Phoenician The Early Networks and the Canaanite-Phoenician International Style Abstract
Dalit Regev
Painting the Mediterranean Phoenician Canaanite-Phoenician Style and Corpus Abstract
Dalit Regev
Painting the Mediterranean Phoenician Phoenician Networks: Geographical Zones and Central Nodes Abstract
Dalit Regev
Painting the Mediterranean Phoenician Phoenician Industrial Networks Abstract
Dalit Regev
Painting the Mediterranean Phoenician Conclusions Abstract
Dalit Regev
Painting the Mediterranean Phoenician List of Maps Abstract
Dalit Regev
Painting the Mediterranean Phoenician Abbreviations Abstract
Dalit Regev
Painting the Mediterranean Phoenician Endnotes Abstract
Dalit Regev
Painting the Mediterranean Phoenician Bibliography Abstract
Dalit Regev
Painting the Mediterranean Phoenician Index Abstract
Dalit Regev
New Light on Canaanite-Phoenician Pottery Introduction Abstract
Dalit Regev
New Light on Canaanite-Phoenician Pottery Preface Abstract
Dalit Regev
New Light on Canaanite-Phoenician Pottery The Phoenician Assemblage and Distribution Abstract
Dalit Regev
New Light on Canaanite-Phoenician Pottery The Phoenician Amphorae Abstract
Dalit Regev
New Light on Canaanite-Phoenician Pottery Decorated Ware Abstract
Dalit Regev
New Light on Canaanite-Phoenician Pottery Canaanite-Phoenician Coarse Ware Abstract
Dalit Regev
New Light on Canaanite-Phoenician Pottery Special Cases Abstract
Dalit Regev
New Light on Canaanite-Phoenician Pottery Conclusions Abstract
Dalit Regev
New Light on Canaanite-Phoenician Pottery List of Figures Abstract
Dalit Regev
New Light on Canaanite-Phoenician Pottery List of Photos Abstract
Dalit Regev
New Light on Canaanite-Phoenician Pottery Endnotes Abstract
Dalit Regev
New Light on Canaanite-Phoenician Pottery References Abstract
Dalit Regev
New Light on Canaanite-Phoenician Pottery Index Abstract
Dalit Regev
Systemic Functional Translation Studies What is Systemic Functional Translation Studies? Abstract
Ma Yuanyi, Wang Bo
Systemic Functional Translation Studies The Environments of Translation Abstract
Ma Yuanyi, Wang Bo
Systemic Functional Translation Studies Systemic Functional Translation Studies and the Metafunctional Modes of Meaning Abstract
Ma Yuanyi, Wang Bo
Systemic Functional Translation Studies Register and Systemic Functional Translation Studies Abstract
Ma Yuanyi, Wang Bo
Systemic Functional Translation Studies Technology-based Approaches in Systemic Functional Translation Studies Abstract
Ma Yuanyi, Wang Bo
Systemic Functional Translation Studies Current Situation and Future Direction of Systemic Functional Translation Studies Abstract
Ma Yuanyi, Wang Bo
Systemic Functional Translation Studies Abbreviations and Symbols Details
Bo Wang, Yuanyi Ma
Systemic Functional Translation Studies Abbreviations for Interlinear Glossing Details
Bo Wang, Yuanyi Ma
Systemic Functional Translation Studies Acknowledgements Details
Bo Wang, Yuanyi Ma
Systemic Functional Translation Studies Foreword Details
Erich Steiner
Systemic Functional Translation Studies List of Tables Details
Bo Wang, Yuanyi Ma
Systemic Functional Translation Studies List of Figures Details
Bo Wang, Yuanyi Ma
Systemic Functional Translation Studies Introduction Abstract
Bo Wang, Yuanyi Ma
Systemic Functional Translation Studies Notes Details
Bo Wang, Yuanyi Ma
Systemic Functional Translation Studies Bibliography Details
Bo Wang, Yuanyi Ma
Systemic Functional Translation Studies Sources of Some Examples Details
Bo Wang, Yuanyi Ma
Systemic Functional Translation Studies Index Details
Bo Wang, Yuanyi Ma
Engaging Language Learners through CALL Introduction Abstract
Nike Arnold, Lara Ducate
Engaging Language Learners through CALL SLA Theories and Practices in CALL Abstract
Bonnie Youngs
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