Browse Title Index

Issue Title
Engaging Language Learners through CALL Normalizing Online Learning: Adapting to a Changing World of Language Teaching Abstract
Senta Goertler
Engaging Language Learners through CALL Culture and CALL Abstract
Sarah Guth, Francesca Helm
Engaging Language Learners through CALL Technology-enhanced Listening: How does it Look and What can we Expect? Abstract
Maribel Montero Perez
Engaging Language Learners through CALL CALL and L2 Reading: Current Research and Application Abstract
Alan Taylor
Engaging Language Learners through CALL Digital Literacies as Emergent Multifarious Repertoires Abstract
Jonathon Reinhardt, Steven Thorne
Engaging Language Learners through CALL Writing between the Lines: Acquiring Writing Skills and Digital Literacies through Social Tools Abstract
Idoia Elola, Ana Oskoz
Engaging Language Learners through CALL Interpersonal Communication in Intracultural CMC Abstract
Zsuzsanna Abrams
Engaging Language Learners through CALL Targeting Pronounciation (and Perception) with Technology Abstract
Mary O'Brien
Engaging Language Learners through CALL Communities: Exploring Digital Games and Social Networking Abstract
Julie Sykes, Christopher Holden, Stephanie Knight
Engaging Language Learners through CALL Evaluation of Courseware/Tutorial Apps and Online Resource Websites Abstract
Philip Hubbard
Engaging Language Learners through CALL Index Abstract
Nike Arnold, Lara Ducate
Writing Better Essays Instructor's Guide Abstract
David Rogers
Writing Better Essays Developing a Trusted Process of Writing and Revision Abstract
David Rogers
Writing Better Essays Preparing, Creating, and Structuring Your First Draft Abstract
David Rogers
Writing Better Essays Developing Your Paragraphs Abstract
David Rogers
Writing Better Essays Bridging by Connectives: The Art of Creating Transitions Abstract
David Rogers
Writing Better Essays Bridging by Forms of Repetition Abstract
David Rogers
Writing Better Essays Bridging through Reference Abstract
David Rogers
Writing Better Essays Series Editor's Preface Details
Martha Pennington
Writing Better Essays Practicing Imitation and Revising Your Paragraphs Abstract
David Rogers
Writing Better Essays Looking More Closely at Your Thesis Statements Abstract
David Rogers
Writing Better Essays Adding Introductions Abstract
David Rogers
Writing Better Essays Reviewing Your Final Essays Abstract
David Rogers
Writing Better Essays Submitting Your Final Essays Abstract
David Rogers
Writing Better Essays Appendix A: Bibliography of Authoritative Sources on Essay Writing, Rhetoric, and Composition Details
David Rogers
Writing Better Essays Appendix B: Stages in Our Writing Process for Argumentative Essays Details
David Rogers
Writing Better Essays Appendix C: Sample Topics for Further Practice Details
David Rogers
Writing Better Essays Acknowledgements Details
David Rogers
Writing Better Essays References Details
David Rogers
Writing Better Essays Author Index Details
David Rogers
Writing Better Essays Subject Index Details
David Rogers
Explorations in Women, Rights, and Religions Sexual Violence, Religion and Women’s Rights in a Global Perspective Abstract
Louise du Toit
Explorations in Women, Rights, and Religions Understanding Human Rights from Indigenous Women’s Perspectives Abstract
Sylvia Marcos
Explorations in Women, Rights, and Religions Women, Ordination, and a Buddhist Perspective: A Violation of Rights? Abstract
Carola Roloff
Explorations in Women, Rights, and Religions Examining Competing Claims in the Dialogue over Sex Education in Ontario: Women, Rights and Religion Abstract
Pamela Dickey Young
Explorations in Women, Rights, and Religions Continued Discrimination under the Indian Act Abstract
Beverly Jacobs
Explorations in Women, Rights, and Religions Women’s Rights and Religion: Jewish Style Abstract
Norma Baumel Joseph
Explorations in Women, Rights, and Religions Maria Clara in the Twenty-first Century: The Uneasy Discourse between the Cult of the Virgin Mary and the Filipino Women’s Lived Realities Abstract
Jeane Peracullo
Explorations in Women, Rights, and Religions The Reconstruction of Muslim Women’s Property Rights in the Twenty-first Century Abstract
Zaleha Kamaruddin
Explorations in Women, Rights, and Religions Charity and Justice: A Conversation with Evangelical Christian Women Serving Marginalized Populations in British Columbia Abstract
Kathryn Chan, Erin Thrift
Explorations in Women, Rights, and Religions Women, Rights Talk, and African Pentecostalism Abstract
Rosalind Hackett
Explorations in Women, Rights, and Religions Politicizing Piety: Women’s Rights and Roles in the Tarbiyah Movement in Indonesia Abstract
Diah Arimbi
Explorations in Women, Rights, and Religions Women’s Freedom of Religion Claims in Canada: Assessing the Role of Choice Abstract
Jennifer Koshan, Jonnette Watson Hamilton
Explorations in Women, Rights, and Religions Women, Rights and Religion in India: Questioning the Tradition Abstract
Asha Mukherjee
Explorations in Women, Rights, and Religions Caring Detachment in Buddhism and Implications for Women’s Rights Abstract
Suwanna Satha-Anand
Explorations in Women, Rights, and Religions Afterword: Women and Religion in Global and Local Perspective Abstract
Paul Bramadat
Explorations in Women, Rights, and Religions Explorations in Women, Rights, and Religions Abstract
Morny Joy
Explorations in Women, Rights, and Religions Index Abstract
Morny Joy
Chicago Calling A Question of Definiteness Abstract
D. Todd Allen
Chicago Calling Boy Chile Comin' Abstract
D. Todd Allen
Chicago Calling Struttin' With Abstract
D. Todd Allen
Chicago Calling All I Need in this Creation, Little Bit o'Wife and a Big Plantation Abstract
D. Todd Allen
Chicago Calling Sometimes I Live in the Country, Sometimes I Live in the Town Abstract
D. Todd Allen
Chicago Calling In the Mornin', You Shall be Free, 'Fore Day, You Shall be Free Abstract
D. Todd Allen
Chicago Calling Good Mornin' Blues, Blues How do You do? Abstract
D. Todd Allen
Chicago Calling Let it Shine on Me Abstract
D. Todd Allen
Chicago Calling I'm a Stranger Here, Just Blowed in your Town Abstract
D. Todd Allen
Chicago Calling I Live the Life I Love and I Love the Life I Live Abstract
D. Todd Allen
Chicago Calling Got My Mojo Working Abstract
D. Todd Allen
Chicago Calling I Can't be Satisfied Abstract
D. Todd Allen
Chicago Calling Preaching the Blues Abstract
D. Todd Allen
Chicago Calling When that Train Come Along Abstract
D. Todd Allen
Chicago Calling No Use in Preachin' the Blues Abstract
D. Todd Allen
The Geography of Urbanism in Roman Asia Minor Towards Defining Cities in Roman Asia Minor Abstract
Rinse Willet
The Geography of Urbanism in Roman Asia Minor The Rise of the Roman Urban Pattern Abstract
Rinse Willet
The Geography of Urbanism in Roman Asia Minor The Urban Pattern: Self-governing Cities Abstract
Rinse Willet
The Geography of Urbanism in Roman Asia Minor Secondary Agglomerations and Regional Settlement Patterns Abstract
Rinse Willet
The Geography of Urbanism in Roman Asia Minor The Urban Hierarchy Abstract
Rinse Willet
The Geography of Urbanism in Roman Asia Minor Monumentality and Cities Abstract
Rinse Willet
The Geography of Urbanism in Roman Asia Minor Epilogue Abstract
Rinse Willet
The Geography of Urbanism in Roman Asia Minor Appendix I: Settlement Data Abstract
Rinse Willet
The Geography of Urbanism in Roman Asia Minor Appendix II: Hinterlands and Territories Abstract
Rinse Willet
The Geography of Urbanism in Roman Asia Minor Preface Abstract
Rinse Willet
The Geography of Urbanism in Roman Asia Minor List of Figures Abstract
Rinse Willet
The Geography of Urbanism in Roman Asia Minor List of Tables Abstract
Rinse Willet
The Geography of Urbanism in Roman Asia Minor Classical Source Abbreviations Abstract
Rinse Willet
The Geography of Urbanism in Roman Asia Minor Bibliography Abstract
Rinse Willet
The Geography of Urbanism in Roman Asia Minor Index Abstract
Rinse Willet
A Preference Hierarchy Model of Same-Turn Repair Operations in Talk-in-Interaction Introduction Abstract
Zsuzsanna Németh
A Preference Hierarchy Model of Same-Turn Repair Operations in Talk-in-Interaction The Metatheoretical Background of the Research: Kertész and Rákosi’s (2012, 2014) p-model of Plausible Argumentation Abstract
Zsuzsanna Németh
A Preference Hierarchy Model of Same-Turn Repair Operations in Talk-in-Interaction The Object Theoretical Background of the Research: Conversation Analysis Abstract
Zsuzsanna Németh
A Preference Hierarchy Model of Same-Turn Repair Operations in Talk-in-Interaction The Corpus and Methodology of the Study Abstract
Zsuzsanna Németh
A Preference Hierarchy Model of Same-Turn Repair Operations in Talk-in-Interaction Four Repair Operations Abstract
Zsuzsanna Németh
A Preference Hierarchy Model of Same-Turn Repair Operations in Talk-in-Interaction Recycling and Replacement Abstract
Zsuzsanna Németh
A Preference Hierarchy Model of Same-Turn Repair Operations in Talk-in-Interaction Hypothesis on the Preference Hierarchy of Repair Operations Abstract
Zsuzsanna Németh
A Preference Hierarchy Model of Same-Turn Repair Operations in Talk-in-Interaction Conclusion and Future Directions Abstract
Zsuzsanna Németh
A Preference Hierarchy Model of Same-Turn Repair Operations in Talk-in-Interaction Acknowledgements Details
Zsuzsanna Németh
A Preference Hierarchy Model of Same-Turn Repair Operations in Talk-in-Interaction Transcription Conventions (Jefferson 2004) Details
Zsuzsanna Németh
A Preference Hierarchy Model of Same-Turn Repair Operations in Talk-in-Interaction Abbreviations Details
Zsuzsanna Németh
A Preference Hierarchy Model of Same-Turn Repair Operations in Talk-in-Interaction List of Figures Details
Zsuzsanna Németh
A Preference Hierarchy Model of Same-Turn Repair Operations in Talk-in-Interaction List of Tables Details
Zsuzsanna Németh
A Preference Hierarchy Model of Same-Turn Repair Operations in Talk-in-Interaction Notes Details
Zsuzsanna Németh
A Preference Hierarchy Model of Same-Turn Repair Operations in Talk-in-Interaction References Details
Zsuzsanna Németh
A Preference Hierarchy Model of Same-Turn Repair Operations in Talk-in-Interaction Index of Authors Details
Zsuzsanna Németh
A Preference Hierarchy Model of Same-Turn Repair Operations in Talk-in-Interaction Index of Subjects Details
Zsuzsanna Németh
The Reflective Cycle of the Teaching Practicum An Introduction to Reflective Practice and the Practicum Abstract
Fiona Farr, Angela Farrell
The Reflective Cycle of the Teaching Practicum Frameworks and Approaches for Reflecting on Practice Abstract
Fiona Farr, Angela Farrell
The Reflective Cycle of the Teaching Practicum Preparing for Teaching: Social Learning, Mentors and Observations Abstract
Fiona Farr, Angela Farrell
The Reflective Cycle of the Teaching Practicum Reflecting on Preparation and Planning Abstract
Fiona Farr, Angela Farrell
The Reflective Cycle of the Teaching Practicum Reflecting on the L2 Classroom Environment Abstract
Fiona Farr, Angela Farrell
The Reflective Cycle of the Teaching Practicum Reflecting on Teaching Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation Abstract
Fiona Farr, Angela Farrell
The Reflective Cycle of the Teaching Practicum Reflecting on Teacher Talk and Interactional Skills Abstract
Fiona Farr, Angela Farrell
The Reflective Cycle of the Teaching Practicum Post-Observation Feedback: A Tale of Two Teachers Abstract
Fiona Farr, Angela Farrell
The Reflective Cycle of the Teaching Practicum Conclusions and Looking Forward Abstract
Fiona Farr, Angela Farrell
The Reflective Cycle of the Teaching Practicum List of Acronyms Details
Fiona Farr, Angela Farrell
The Reflective Cycle of the Teaching Practicum Acknowledgements Details
Fiona Farr, Angela Farrell
The Reflective Cycle of the Teaching Practicum Series Editor's Preface Details
Thomas Farrell
The Reflective Cycle of the Teaching Practicum References Abstract
Fiona Farr, Angela Farrell
The Reflective Cycle of the Teaching Practicum Index Details
Fiona Farr, Angela Farrell
Josiah Preface Abstract
Lowell Handy
Josiah Josiah: An Introduction Abstract
Lowell Handy
Josiah Josiah Was Dead to Begin With Abstract
Lowell Handy
Josiah The Wise Man: Josiah's Busy Scribes Abstract
Lowell Handy
Josiah Josiah Is Not Jeroboam and Other Kingly Questions Abstract
Lowell Handy
Josiah A Man of God and Huldah: Prophets in the Tale of Josiah Abstract
Lowell Handy
Josiah Religion in the Time of Josiah: Reconstruction, Text and Invention Abstract
Lowell Handy
Josiah Time for a Change (er, um, a 'Reform')? Abstract
Lowell Handy
Josiah An Invitation to Dinner: Josiah and His Passover Narratives Abstract
Lowell Handy
Josiah The Popular Afterlife of Josiah: The King in World Histories Abstract
Lowell Handy
Josiah Art of the Story of the King Abstract
Lowell Handy
Josiah Creating Memories of Josiah Abstract
Lowell Handy
Josiah Abbreviations Abstract
Lowell Handy
Josiah Bibliography Abstract
Lowell Handy
Josiah Index of Scripture References Abstract
Lowell Handy
Josiah Index of Authors Abstract
Lowell Handy
Josiah Index of Subjects Abstract
Lowell Handy
Myth Theorized From Nineteenth- to Twentieth-Century Theorizing about Myth in Britain and Germany: Tylor versus Blumenberg Abstract
Robert Segal
Myth Theorized Max Müller on Religion and Myth Abstract
Robert Segal
Myth Theorized Frazer on Adonis Abstract
Robert Segal
Myth Theorized Frazer on Osiris Abstract
Robert Segal
Myth Theorized Frazer and Campbell on Myth: Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Approaches Abstract
Robert Segal
Myth Theorized Campbell’s Non-Jungian Approach to Myth Abstract
Robert Segal
Myth Theorized Are There Modern Myths for Eliade? Abstract
Robert Segal
Myth Theorized Eliade on Myth and Science Abstract
Robert Segal
Myth Theorized Dubuisson on Twentieth-Century Theorists of Myth: Foreword to Daniel Dubuisson, Twentieth Century Mythologies: Dumézil, Lévi-Strauss, Eliade Abstract
Robert Segal
Myth Theorized Myth and Literature Abstract
Robert Segal
Myth Theorized Hell and Paradise for Milton and Others Abstract
Robert Segal
Myth Theorized Must Mythic Heroes Be Male? Abstract
Robert Segal
Myth Theorized Does Synchronicity Bring Myth Back to the World? Abstract
Robert Segal
Myth Theorized Introduction Abstract
Robert Segal
Myth Theorized The Bible as Myth, Science, Religion, and Philosophy Abstract
Robert Segal
Myth Theorized Acknowledgements Details
Robert Segal
Myth Theorized Notes Details
Robert Segal
Myth Theorized Bibliography Details
Robert Segal
Myth Theorized Index Details
Robert Segal
Building Blocks of Religion By Way of Introduction Abstract
Göran Larsson, Andreas Nordin, Jonas Svensson
Building Blocks of Religion The Building Block Approach: An Overview Abstract
Ann Taves, Egil Asprem
Building Blocks of Religion Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Analysing the Reception of and Debate Over the Building Block Approach Abstract
Göran Larsson
Building Blocks of Religion Qur'ans through the Lens of Moral Foundations: An Explorative Study of Qur’an Translations in a Building Block Framework Abstract
Jonas Svensson
Building Blocks of Religion Invisible Hands and Sacred Unicorns: Occulture as a Schema for Supernatural Ascriptions in the Millennial Generation Abstract
Ingela Visuri
Building Blocks of Religion Computing Consilience: How Modeling and Simulation can Contribute to Worldview Studies Abstract
Fount LeRon Shults
Building Blocks of Religion Fantastic Stories, Emotions and Ancient Religions: Open Questions and Ideas in Conversation with the Building Block and Worldviews Approach Abstract
Laura Feldt
Building Blocks of Religion Counterintuitive Supernaturalism as a Building Block of Religious Dream Imagery Abstract
Andreas Nordin
Building Blocks of Religion Comments and Reflections Abstract
Ann Taves, Egil Asprem
Building Blocks of Religion Preface Abstract
Göran Larsson, Andreas Nordin, Jonas Svensson
Building Blocks of Religion Index Abstract
Göran Larsson, Andreas Nordin, Jonas Svensson
What to Remember, What to Teach Discursive Construction of Memories: Pedagogical Practices as Spaces for Intergenerational Transmission of Recent Past Abstract
Teresa Oteíza
What to Remember, What to Teach Remembering Recent Past of Human Rights Violations from the Official Documents Promoted by the State Abstract
Teresa Oteíza
What to Remember, What to Teach Official History Textbooks, Social Memory and Historizing the Memory of Recent Chilean Past Abstract
Teresa Oteíza
What to Remember, What to Teach History Classroom Interactions as Micro Spaces of ‘Doing’ Memory Abstract
Teresa Oteíza
What to Remember, What to Teach Multimodality and Historical Evidentiality: The Space of Symbolic Images in the Transmission of Memory in Textbooks Abstract
Teresa Oteíza
What to Remember, What to Teach Transmission of Memory and Co-construction of the Past by New Generations of Youths and History Teachers Abstract
Teresa Oteíza
What to Remember, What to Teach Recontextualization of Historical Memories into History Secondary Education in Chilean Schools Abstract
Teresa Oteíza
What to Remember, What to Teach Acknowledgements Details
Teresa Oteíza
What to Remember, What to Teach List of Figures and Multimodal Examples Details
Teresa Oteíza
What to Remember, What to Teach References Details
Teresa Oteíza
What to Remember, What to Teach Subject Index Details
Teresa Oteíza
What to Remember, What to Teach Author Index Details
Teresa Oteíza
Function in Systemic Functional Linguistics Introduction Abstract
Zhang Delu
Function in Systemic Functional Linguistics Studies on the Concept of Function Abstract
Zhang Delu
Function in Systemic Functional Linguistics The Development of the Concept in Systemic Functional Linguistics Abstract
Zhang Delu
Function in Systemic Functional Linguistics The Meanings of Function in the Theory of SFL Abstract
Zhang Delu
Function in Systemic Functional Linguistics Application of the Functional Theory to Related Disciplines Abstract
Zhang Delu
Function in Systemic Functional Linguistics Issues and Controversies and the Prospect of Functional Theory in SFL Abstract
Zhang Delu
Miniature Books Religious Miniature Books: Introduction and Overview Abstract
Kristina Myrvold, Dorina Parmenter
Miniature Books Ritualizing the Size of Books Abstract
James W. Watts
Miniature Books On the Functions of Miniaturizing Books in Jewish Religion Abstract
Marianne Schleicher
Miniature Books Words in a Nutshell: Miniaturizing Texts in Early Modern England Abstract
Lucy Razzall
Miniature Books Small Things of Greatest Consequence: Miniature Bibles in America Abstract
Dorina Parmenter
Miniature Books Diminutive Divination and the Implications of Scale: A Miniature Quranic Falnama of the Safavid Period Abstract
Heather Coffey
Miniature Books Mite Qurans for Indian Markets: David Bryce in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Abstract
Kristina Myrvold
Miniature Books Miniature Qurans in the First World War: Religious Comforts for Indian Muslim Soldiers Abstract
Kristina Myrvold, Andreas Johansson
Miniature Books Size Matters! Miniature Mushafs and the Landscape of Affordances Abstract
Jonas Svensson
Miniature Books Gitamahatmya! Paratexts in Miniature Bhagavad Gitas with Special Reference to Pictures and Gender Abstract
Jon Skarpeid
Miniature Books Sutras Working in Buddha’s Belly and Buddhists’ Pockets: Miniature Sutras in Korean Buddhism Abstract
Yohan Yoo, Woncheol Yun
Miniature Books List of Figures Abstract
Kristina Myrvold
Miniature Books Index Abstract
Kristina Myrvold
This is Bop The Verge of Impossibility Abstract
Peter Jones
This is Bop You’ve Got Something Money Can’t Buy Abstract
Peter Jones
This is Bop Mitigating Circumstances Abstract
Peter Jones
This is Bop We Don’t Want No Singers, Man Abstract
Peter Jones
This is Bop The Most Beautiful Thing Abstract
Peter Jones
This is Bop A Mouthful of Hot Rice Abstract
Peter Jones
This is Bop Everybody Got Tired Abstract
Peter Jones
This is Bop The Mistakes are the Only Part That’s Jazz Abstract
Peter Jones
This is Bop No Chord is Better Than the Wrong Chord Abstract
Peter Jones
This is Bop We Need You to Control Him Abstract
Peter Jones
This is Bop Keep Smiling Abstract
Peter Jones
This is Bop The Voice, the Scat, the Vocalese Abstract
Peter Jones
This is Bop The Lyrics Abstract
Peter Jones
This is Bop The Wisdom and Philosophy Abstract
Peter Jones
This is Bop Discography Abstract
Peter Jones
This is Bop Notes Abstract
Peter Jones
This is Bop Bibliography Abstract
Peter Jones
This is Bop Index Abstract
Peter Jones
The Use and Dissemination of Religious Knowledge in Antiquity 1. Access to Religious Knowledge in Ancient Babylonia Abstract
Andrew George
The Use and Dissemination of Religious Knowledge in Antiquity 2. Public Lamentation in Ancient Mesopotamia Abstract
Sam Mirelman
The Use and Dissemination of Religious Knowledge in Antiquity 3. Textual Strategies for Disseminating Torah Knowledge among Ordinary Jews ca. 350-200 BCE Abstract
Diana Edelman
The Use and Dissemination of Religious Knowledge in Antiquity 4. The Production and Dissemination of Knowledge within the Qumran Community Abstract
David Hamidovic
The Use and Dissemination of Religious Knowledge in Antiquity 5. ‘If They are Not Prophets, They Are Sons of Prophets': Folk Religion (Minhag) as a Source of Law in Rabbinic Judaism Abstract
Philip Alexander
The Use and Dissemination of Religious Knowledge in Antiquity 6. Interaction between Rabbis and Non-Rabbinic Jews in Palestinian Rabbinic Literature of Late Antiquity Abstract
Catherine Hezser
The Use and Dissemination of Religious Knowledge in Antiquity 7. Medieval Jewish Liturgy as Religious Education Abstract
Stefan Reif
The Use and Dissemination of Religious Knowledge in Antiquity 9. The Dissemination of Religious Knowledge through Apocrypha in Egyptian Monasteries Abstract
Hugo Lundhaug
The Use and Dissemination of Religious Knowledge in Antiquity 8. Reading Thecla: Holy Women as Transmitters of Knowledge Abstract
Christine Amadou
The Use and Dissemination of Religious Knowledge in Antiquity 10. Religious Knowledge and Models of Authority in Sixth-Century Gaza Abstract
Jan Stenger
The Use and Dissemination of Religious Knowledge in Antiquity Introduction Abstract
Catherine Hezser
The Use and Dissemination of Religious Knowledge in Antiquity Acknowledgements Abstract
Catherine Hezser
The Use and Dissemination of Religious Knowledge in Antiquity Subject Index Details
Catherine Hezser, Diana Edelman
The Use and Dissemination of Religious Knowledge in Antiquity Index of Sources Details
Catherine Hezser, Diana Edelman
The Use and Dissemination of Religious Knowledge in Antiquity Index of Modern Authors Details
Catherine Hezser, Diana Edelman
Seaways to Complexity Introduction: Towards a Theory of Sociopolitical Complexity Abstract
Knut Ivar Austvoll
Seaways to Complexity Modelling Changing Regional Complexity Abstract
Knut Ivar Austvoll
Seaways to Complexity Regional Variations 1: The Archaeology of Settlements Abstract
Knut Ivar Austvoll
Seaways to Complexity Regional Variations 2: Burial Patterns Abstract
Knut Ivar Austvoll
Seaways to Complexity Regional Variations 3: Lithics, Metal and Ship Motifs in Rock Art Abstract
Knut Ivar Austvoll
Seaways to Complexity Regional and Chronological Variation: Overview and Case Studies Abstract
Knut Ivar Austvoll
Seaways to Complexity Seaways to Complexity Abstract
Knut Ivar Austvoll
Seaways to Complexity List of Figures Details
Knut Ivar Austvoll
Seaways to Complexity List of Tables Details
Knut Ivar Austvoll
Seaways to Complexity Acknowledgements Details
Knut Ivar Austvoll
Seaways to Complexity References Details
Knut Ivar Austvoll
Seaways to Complexity Index Details
Knut Ivar Austvoll
Key Terms for Language Teachers Age Abstract
Alessandro Benati
Key Terms for Language Teachers Communication Abstract
Alessandro Benati
Key Terms for Language Teachers Corrective Feedback Abstract
Alessandro Benati
Key Terms for Language Teachers Explicit and Implicit Abstract
Alessandro Benati
Key Terms for Language Teachers Focus on Form Abstract
Alessandro Benati
Key Terms for Language Teachers Input Abstract
Alessandro Benati
Key Terms for Language Teachers Interaction and Negotiation of Meaning Abstract
Alessandro Benati
Key Terms for Language Teachers Language Abstract
Alessandro Benati, Víctor Parra-Guinaldo
Key Terms for Language Teachers Language Tasks Abstract
Alessandro Benati
Key Terms for Language Teachers Learning and Acquisition Abstract
Alessandro Benati, Víctor Parra-Guinaldo
Key Terms for Language Teachers L1 and L2 Acquisition Abstract
Alessandro Benati
Key Terms for Language Teachers Motivation Abstract
Alessandro Benati
Key Terms for Language Teachers Output Abstract
Alessandro Benati
Key Terms for Language Teachers Language Teaching Method Abstract
Alessandro Benati
Key Terms for Language Teachers The Role of the Instructor and the Learner Abstract
Alessandro Benati
Key Terms for Language Teachers Introduction Abstract
Alessandro Benati
Key Terms for Language Teachers Instruction Abstract
Alessandro Benati
Key Terms for Language Teachers Language Tests Abstract
Alessandro Benati
Key Terms for Language Teachers Working Memory Abstract
Alessandro Benati
Key Terms for Language Teachers Epilogue Abstract
Alessandro Benati
Key Terms for Language Teachers Acknowledgements Details
Alessandro Benati
Key Terms for Language Teachers About the Author Details
Alessandro Benati
Key Terms for Language Teachers About this Book Details
Alessandro Benati
Key Terms for Language Teachers Bibliography Details
Alessandro Benati
Books as Bodies and as Sacred Beings Introduction Abstract
James Watts
Books as Bodies and as Sacred Beings Body Building in the Hindu Tantric Tradition: The Advantages and Confusions of Scriptural Entextualization in the Worship of the Goddess Kali Abstract
Rachel McDermott
Books as Bodies and as Sacred Beings Embodying the Qu’ran Abstract
Katharina Wilkens
Books as Bodies and as Sacred Beings Saints’ Lives as Performance Art Abstract
Virginia Burrus
Books as Bodies and as Sacred Beings Performing Scriptures: Ritualizing Written Texts in Seolwi-seolgyeong, the Korean Shamanistic Recitation of Scriptures Abstract
Yohan Yoo
Books as Bodies and as Sacred Beings Aspiring Narratives of Previous Births: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Written and Visual Media in Ancient Gandhara Abstract
Jason Neelis
Books as Bodies and as Sacred Beings Scriptures, Materiality, and the Digital Turn: The Iconicity of Sacred Texts in a Liminal Age Abstract
Bradford Anderson
Books as Bodies and as Sacred Beings Daoist Writs and Scriptures as Sacred Beings Abstract
Jihyun Kim
Books as Bodies and as Sacred Beings Being the Bible: Sacred Bodies and Iconic Books in Bring Your Bible to School Day Abstract
Dorina Parmenter
Books as Bodies and as Sacred Beings Books as Sacred Beings Abstract
James Watts
Books as Bodies and as Sacred Beings List of Figures Details
James Watts, Yohan Yoo
Books as Bodies and as Sacred Beings Author Index Details
James Watts, Yohan Yoo
Books as Bodies and as Sacred Beings Subject Index Details
James Watts, Yohan Yoo
The Five-Minute Linguist Foreword Abstract
Ben Zimmer
The Five-Minute Linguist Introduction Abstract
Caroline Myrick, Walt Wolfram
The Five-Minute Linguist 1. Why Learn about Language? Abstract
Robert Rodman†
The Five-Minute Linguist 2. You're a Linguist? How Many Languages do You Speak? Abstract
Paul Chapin†
The Five-Minute Linguist 3. What's the Difference between Dialects and Languages? Abstract
G. Tucker Childs
The Five-Minute Linguist 4. Do All Languages have the Same Grammar? Abstract
Mark C. Baker
The Five-Minute Linguist 5. How Many Languages are there in the World? Abstract
M. Paul Lewis
The Five-Minute Linguist 6. Why is Chomsky Such a Big Deal in Linguistics? Abstract
Greg Carlson
The Five-Minute Linguist 7. How are the Sounds of a Language Made? Abstract
Peter Ladefoged†
The Five-Minute Linguist 8. Is there a Right Way to Put Words Together? Abstract
Dennis Preston
The Five-Minute Linguist 9. What Makes a Word 'Real'? Abstract
Anne Curzan
The Five-Minute Linguist 10. What is Grammatical Gender? Abstract
Caroline Myrick
The Five-Minute Linguist 11. What is an Artificial Language? Abstract
Christopher Moseley
The Five-Minute Linguist 12. Do Animals Use Language? Abstract
Donna Jo Napoli
The Five-Minute Linguist 13. What Happens if You are Raised without Language? Abstract
Susan Curtiss
The Five-Minute Linguist 14. Can Animals Understand Us? Abstract
Robin Queen
The Five-Minute Linguist 15. What is 'Speaking in Tongues'? Abstract
Walt Wolfram
The Five-Minute Linguist 16. How Many Kinds of Writing Systems are there? Abstract
Peter Daniels
The Five-Minute Linguist 17. What Ever Happened to Esperanto? Abstract
Arika Okrent, E. M. Rickerson
The Five-Minute Linguist 18. Why Do Linguists Study Brains? Abstract
Lise Menn
The Five-Minute Linguist 19. Does our Language Affect the Way We Think? Abstract
Geoffrey K. Pullum
The Five-Minute Linguist 20. How does the Brain Handle Multiple Languages? Abstract
Judith Kroll, Kinsey Bice
The Five-Minute Linguist 21. Can You Lose Language? Abstract
Daniel Kempler, Mira Goral
The Five-Minute Linguist 22. What was the Original Language? Abstract
Barry Hilton
The Five-Minute Linguist 23. Do All Languages Come from the Same Source? Abstract
Allan R. Bomhard
The Five-Minute Linguist 24. What Language did Adam and Eve Speak? Abstract
E. M. Rickerson
The Five-Minute Linguist 25. Where Does Grammar Come From? Abstract
Joan Bybee
The Five-Minute Linguist 26. Where did Writing Come From? Abstract
Peter Daniels
The Five-Minute Linguist 27. Where did English Come From? Abstract
John Algeo
The Five-Minute Linguist 28. Is Latin Really Dead? Abstract
Frank Morris
The Five-Minute Linguist 29. Do Languages Have to Change? Abstract
John McWhorter
The Five-Minute Linguist 30. Aren't Pidgins and Creoles Just Bad English? Abstract
John Lipski
The Five-Minute Linguist 31. Do Deaf People Everywhere Use the Same Sign Language? Abstract
Leila Monaghan
The Five-Minute Linguist 32. Do Men and Women Talk Differently? Abstract
Deborah Cameron
The Five-Minute Linguist 33. Can Someone 'Sound Gay'? Abstract
Rusty Barrett
The Five-Minute Linguist 34. Why Do Languages Die? Abstract
Christopher Moseley
The Five-Minute Linguist 35. How Do Babies Learn Their Mother Tongue? Abstract
Lauren Stites, Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek
The Five-Minute Linguist 36. How Many Languages Can a Person Learn? Abstract
Richard Hudson
The Five-Minute Linguist 37. What Causes Foreign Accents? Abstract
Steven H. Weinberger
The Five-Minute Linguist 38. What Does it Mean to be Bilingual? Abstract
Agnes Bolonyai
The Five-Minute Linguist 39. What Makes Some Languages Harder to Learn than Others? Abstract
Barry Hilton
The Five-Minute Linguist 40. Can Monolingualism be Cured? Abstract
Katherine Sprang
The Five-Minute Linguist 41. How Have Our Ideas about Language Learning Changed through the Years? Abstract
June K. Phillips
The Five-Minute Linguist 42. What is the Connection between Language and Society? Abstract
Jon Forrest
The Five-Minute Linguist 43. What are Lingua Francas? Abstract
Nicholas Ostler
The Five-Minute Linguist 44. How Can a Country Function with More than One Official Language? Abstract
Vijay Gambhir
The Five-Minute Linguist 45. Why Do People Fight Over Language? Abstract
Paul B. Garrett
The Five-Minute Linguist 46. What is Gendered Language? Abstract
Caroline Myrick
The Five-Minute Linguist 47. What is the Language of the United States? Abstract
David Goldberg
The Five-Minute Linguist 48. Is there a Language Crisis in the United States? Abstract
Julie Tetel-Andresen
The Five-Minute Linguist 49. Are American Dialects Dying? Abstract
Walt Wolfram
The Five-Minute Linguist 50. How Many Native American Languages are there? Abstract
Marianne Mithun
The Five-Minute Linguist 51. What is African American English? Abstract
Nicole Holliday
The Five-Minute Linguist 52. What is the Future of Spanish in the United States? Abstract
Maria Carreira
The Five-Minute Linguist 53. How is Language Used on Social Media? Abstract
Lauren Squires
The Five-Minute Linguist 54. Can Computers Teach Languages Faster and Better? Abstract
Trude Heift
The Five-Minute Linguist 55. How Good is Machine Translation? Abstract
Kevin Knight
The Five-Minute Linguist 56. Is Text Messaging Changing How I Write and Speak? Abstract
Joel Schneier
The Five-Minute Linguist 57. Why Should Teachers Care about Linguistics? Abstract
Anne Charity Hudley, Christine Mallinson
The Five-Minute Linguist 58. Should Schools Teach Grammar? Abstract
Richard Hudson
The Five-Minute Linguist 59. Is Elementary School too Early to Teach Foreign Languages? Abstract
Gladys C. Lipton
The Five-Minute Linguist 60. Why Study Languages Abroad? Abstract
Sheri Spaine Long
The Five-Minute Linguist 61. What is Bilingual Education? Abstract
Phillip Carter
The Five-Minute Linguist 62. How are Dictionaries Made? Abstract
Erin McKean
The Five-Minute Linguist 63. Why Do We Need Translators if We Have Dictionaries? Abstract
Kevin Hendzel
The Five-Minute Linguist 64. How are Endangered and Sleeping Languages Being Revitalized? Abstract
Tracy Hirata-Edds, Mary Linn, Marcellino Berardo, Lizette Peter, Gloria Sly, Tracy Williams
The Five-Minute Linguist 65. Can You Use Languages to Solve Crimes? Abstract
Natalie Schilling
The Five-Minute Linguist 66. How Can You Keep Languages in a Museum? Abstract
Jill Robbins, Pat Barr-Harrison, Gregory Nedved
The Five-Minute Linguist Index Abstract
Caroline Myrick, Walt Wolfram
Jazz on BBC Radio 1922-1972 Jazz and the Birth of the BBC, 1922-1932 Abstract
Tim Wall
Jazz on BBC Radio 1922-1972 Presenting Ellington and Recorded Jazz, 1933-1942 Abstract
Tim Wall
Jazz on BBC Radio 1922-1972 Jazz Club, 1947-1974 Abstract
Tim Wall
Jazz on BBC Radio 1922-1972 The Road to British Mainstream Jazz, 1943-1965 Abstract
Tim Wall
Jazz on BBC Radio 1922-1972 The BBC and New British Jazz, 1965-1972 Abstract
Tim Wall
Many Buddhas, One Buddha Preface Abstract
Naomi Appleton
Many Buddhas, One Buddha 1. Crossing the Flood of Rebirth Abstract
Naomi Appleton
Many Buddhas, One Buddha 2. The Avadānaśataka Abstract
Naomi Appleton
Many Buddhas, One Buddha 3. Many Buddhas Abstract
Naomi Appleton
Many Buddhas, One Buddha 4. Śākyamuni’s Past Lives Abstract
Naomi Appleton
Many Buddhas, One Buddha 5. Independent Buddhahood Abstract
Naomi Appleton
Many Buddhas, One Buddha 6. Miracles, Offerings, Aspirations and Predictions Abstract
Naomi Appleton
Many Buddhas, One Buddha 7. And Then the Buddha Smiled Abstract
Naomi Appleton
Many Buddhas, One Buddha 8. Structure of the Avadānaśataka Abstract
Naomi Appleton
Many Buddhas, One Buddha 9. Many Buddhas, Many Buddhisms Abstract
Naomi Appleton
Many Buddhas, One Buddha 10. One Buddha, Many Lessons Abstract
Naomi Appleton
Many Buddhas, One Buddha First Decade (Stories 1-10) Abstract
Naomi Appleton
Many Buddhas, One Buddha Second Decade (Stories 11-20) Abstract
Naomi Appleton
Many Buddhas, One Buddha Third Decade (Stories 21-30) Abstract
Naomi Appleton
Many Buddhas, One Buddha Fourth Decade (Stories 31-40) Abstract
Naomi Appleton
Many Buddhas, One Buddha Glossary Abstract
Naomi Appleton
Many Buddhas, One Buddha Part A Notes Abstract
Naomi Appleton
Many Buddhas, One Buddha Note on the translation Abstract
Naomi Appleton
Many Buddhas, One Buddha Part B Notes Abstract
Naomi Appleton
Many Buddhas, One Buddha Bibliography Abstract
Naomi Appleton
Many Buddhas, One Buddha Index Abstract
Naomi Appleton
The Mother of All Tableaux Introduction Abstract
Nazarré Merchant, Alan Prince
The Mother of All Tableaux The EST Typology Abstract
Nazarré Merchant, Alan Prince
The Mother of All Tableaux EST: The MOAT and its EPOs Abstract
Nazarré Merchant, Alan Prince
The Mother of All Tableaux Analysis of the MOAT Abstract
Nazarré Merchant, Alan Prince
The Mother of All Tableaux Working out the MOAT: Jump to the CSys Abstract
Nazarré Merchant, Alan Prince
The Mother of All Tableaux Compatibility and the Join Abstract
Nazarré Merchant, Alan Prince
The Mother of All Tableaux Geometry Abstract
Nazarré Merchant, Alan Prince
The Mother of All Tableaux Appendix I: Leg Set Partition of EST Abstract
Nazarré Merchant, Alan Prince
The Mother of All Tableaux Appendix II: EST: SKBs and Hasse Diagrams Abstract
Nazarré Merchant, Alan Prince
The Mother of All Tableaux Appendix III: EST.CSys: SKBs and Hasse Diagrams Abstract
Nazarré Merchant, Alan Prince
The Mother of All Tableaux Appendix IV: Notation Abstract
Nazarré Merchant, Alan Prince
The Mother of All Tableaux Overview Abstract
Nazarré Merchant, Alan Prince
The Mother of All Tableaux Acknowledgements Details
Nazarré Merchant, Alan Prince
The Mother of All Tableaux Bibliography Details
Nazarré Merchant, Alan Prince
The Mother of All Tableaux Definitions, Facts, Remarks, Lemmas, Theorems and Corollaries Details
Nazarré Merchant, Alan Prince
The Mother of All Tableaux Index Details
Nazarré Merchant, Alan Prince
System in Systemic Functional Linguistics Introduction: Conceptualizing Language Systemically Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
System in Systemic Functional Linguistics The System in Semogenesis: Emergence of Complexity Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
System in Systemic Functional Linguistics The System as a Fractal Principle: The System in Relation to Other Dimensions of Organization Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
System in Systemic Functional Linguistics The System as a Navagational Tool in Language Description and Text Analysis Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
System in Systemic Functional Linguistics The System in Different Domains of Application Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
System in Systemic Functional Linguistics The System: Challenges and Possibilities Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
System in Systemic Functional Linguistics Conclusion Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
System in Systemic Functional Linguistics Systemic Conventions Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
System in Systemic Functional Linguistics List of Tables Details
Christian Matthiessen
System in Systemic Functional Linguistics List of Figures Details
Christian Matthiessen
System in Systemic Functional Linguistics Preface Details
Christian Matthiessen
System in Systemic Functional Linguistics Notes Details
Christian Matthiessen
System in Systemic Functional Linguistics References Details
Christian Matthiessen
System in Systemic Functional Linguistics About the Author Details
Christian Matthiessen
System in Systemic Functional Linguistics Index Details
Christian Matthiessen
Buddhist Responses to Religious Diversity Introduction Abstract
Douglas Duckworth, Abraham Vélez de Cea , Elizabeth Harris
Buddhist Responses to Religious Diversity 1. The Buddha and the Diversity of Spiritual Paths Abstract
Bhikkhu Bodhi
Buddhist Responses to Religious Diversity 2. Was the Buddha an Exclusivist? Abstract
Abraham Vélez de Cea
Buddhist Responses to Religious Diversity 3. Paths of Liberation? Theravāda Buddhist Approaches to Religious Diversity Abstract
Perry Schmidt-Leuikel
Buddhist Responses to Religious Diversity 4. Openness towards the Religious Other in Buddhism Abstract
Carola Roloff
Buddhist Responses to Religious Diversity 5. Buddhism and the Religious Other: Twenty-First Century Dambulla and the Presence of Buddhist Exclusivism in Sri Lanka Abstract
Elizabeth Harris
Buddhist Responses to Religious Diversity 6. The Contemporary Tibetan Buddhism Rimé Response to Religious Diversity Abstract
Rachel Pang
Buddhist Responses to Religious Diversity 8. Buddhism and Beyond: The Question of Pluralism Abstract
Douglas Duckworth
Buddhist Responses to Religious Diversity 10. Thoughts on Why, How and What Buddhists Can Learn from Christian Theologians Abstract
John Makransky
Buddhist Responses to Religious Diversity 11. Suffering and Its Relief: A Buddhist Approach to Religious Pluralism Abstract
Christopher Ives
Buddhist Responses to Religious Diversity 12. Religious Diversity and Dialogue: A Buddhist Perspective Abstract
Asanga Tilakaratne
Buddhist Responses to Religious Diversity 13. Finding the Right Questions about Religious Diversity: What Buddhist Could Contribute to Discussions of Religious Diversity Abstract
Rita Gross
Buddhist Responses to Religious Diversity 7. How Nonsectarian is "Nonsectarian"?: Jorge Ferrer’s Pluralist Alternative to Tibetan Buddhist Inclusivism Abstract
Douglas Duckworth
Buddhist Responses to Religious Diversity 9. The Dalai Lama and Religious Diversity Abstract
Abraham Vélez de Cea
Buddhist Responses to Religious Diversity Acknowledgements Abstract
Douglas Duckworth, Abraham Vélez de Cea , Elizabeth Harris
Buddhist Responses to Religious Diversity Abbreviations Abstract
Douglas Duckworth, Abraham Vélez de Cea , Elizabeth Harris
Buddhist Responses to Religious Diversity Index Abstract
Douglas Duckworth, Abraham Vélez de Cea , Elizabeth Harris
Tradition Talking Tradition Abstract
Steven Engler
Tradition Pure Tradition vs. History Abstract
Steven Engler
Tradition Invention and Authority Abstract
Steven Engler
Tradition Tradition and Modernity Abstract
Steven Engler
Tradition Agency and Reason Abstract
Steven Engler
Tradition Key Thinkers of Tradition Abstract
Steven Engler
Tradition Conclusion Details
Steven Engler
Tradition Introduction Details
Steven Engler
Tradition List of figures and text boxes Details
Steven Engler
Tradition Notes on usage Details
Steven Engler
Tradition Acknowledgements Details
Steven Engler
Tradition Further Reading Details
Steven Engler
Tradition Bibliography Details
Steven Engler
Tradition Index Details
Steven Engler
Tradition Case Study 1: Traditionalism and the denial of historical truth Details
Steven Engler
Tradition Case Study 2: Normative tradition in Candomblé Details
Steven Engler
Tradition Case Study 3: Great and little traditions Details
Steven Engler
Tradition Case Study 4: Indigenous tradition and Canadian law Details
Steven Engler
Words of Experience A Shaykh for All Occasions Abstract
Bruce Lawrence
Words of Experience Is Islam a "Religion"? Contesting Din-Religion Equivalence in Twentieth Century Islamist Discourse Abstract
Brannon Ingram
Words of Experience Muslim Writings on Hinduism in Colonial India Abstract
Ali Mian
Words of Experience Sons of the Green Light: Khidr and Sufism in the Ansaru Allah Community/Nubian Islamic Hebrews Abstract
Michael Knight
Words of Experience Religion, Islam, Hinduism, Sufism and Yoga Abstract
Joy Laine, James Laine
Words of Experience Ascension Visions of Sufi Masters: The Rhetoric of Authority in Visionary Experiences of Ibn Abī Jamra ( 699/1300) and Rūzbihān Baqlī (d. 606/1209) Abstract
Frederick Colby
Words of Experience "It's in the Bones": Muslim Pathologies and the Problem of Representation in Disgraced Abstract
Samah Choudhury
Words of Experience Sufism's Ambivalent Publics Abstract
Katherine Ewing
Words of Experience Sufi Cyberscapes: The Inayati Order in the Virtual Ecosystem of American Islam Abstract
Robert Rozehnal
Words of Experience Carl Ernst's Methodology of Sufi Studies Abstract
F. Cangüzel Zülfikar
Words of Experience Translation, Travel, Transfiguration and the Practice of Scholarship in the Study of Religion Abstract
Brannon Wheeler
Words of Experience Negotiating the State and the Persianate: Carl Ernst's Living Legacy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Abstract
Candace Mixon
Words of Experience Writing, Doing and Performing the Future of Islamic Studies: The Practical Example of Carl W. Ernst Abstract
Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst
Words of Experience Epistemic Authority and a Just World: Remaking Islamic Studies through Collaborative Practices Abstract
Katie Merriman
Words of Experience Afterword Abstract
Carl Ernst
Words of Experience Acknowledgements Abstract
Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst, Brannon Wheeler
Words of Experience Index Abstract
Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst, Brannon Wheeler
Levantine Entanglements Preface Details
Terje Stordalen, Øystein LaBianca
Levantine Entanglements A New Format for Writing the History of the Levant: Introduction to the Volume Abstract
Terje Stordalen, Øystein LaBianca
Levantine Entanglements 1. The Region of the Levant and the Importance of the Local Perspective Abstract
Terje Stordalen, Øystein LaBianca
Levantine Entanglements 2. Cultural Production in the Iron Age Southern Levant Abstract
Terje Stordalen
Levantine Entanglements 3. Lenses on Accumulative Cultural Production in the Southern Levant: Toward a Middle-Range Interpretive Methodology Abstract
Øystein LaBianca
Levantine Entanglements 4. Local Power and Social Discourse: Villages in Early Globalizations of the Southern Levant Abstract
Terje Stordalen
Levantine Entanglements Panel A: Places and Ideologies Abstract
Øystein LaBianca
Levantine Entanglements 5. Drivers of Accumulative Cultural Production in the Southern Levant: The View from Tall Hisban, Jordan Abstract
Øystein LaBianca, Jeffrey Hudon
Levantine Entanglements 7. Place-Making in the Jordanian Madaba Plains: The Contested Space of Tall Ḥesbān and Its Village Surroundings Abstract
Frode Jacobsen
Levantine Entanglements 8. Local Dynamics of Globalization in the Roman Near East: The Case of Palmyra Abstract
Eivind Seland
Levantine Entanglements Panel B: Scriptures - Ideology, Practices and Community Abstract
Terje Stordalen
Levantine Entanglements 10. Dynamics of Power and the Re-Invention of “Israel” in Persian Empire Judah Abstract
Kåre Berge
Levantine Entanglements 9. Early Forms of Judaism as a Mixture of Strategies of Cultural Heterogeneity and the Re-embedding of Local Culture in Archaic Globalization Abstract
Diana Edelman
Levantine Entanglements 11. The Production of Authority in Levantine Scriptural Ecologies: An Example of Accumulative Cultural Production Abstract
Terje Stordalen
Levantine Entanglements Panel C: Pilgrimage- Localities and Global Discourse Abstract
Terje Stordalen
Levantine Entanglements 12. The Production of the Constantinian Holy Land Abstract
Øyvind Norderval
Levantine Entanglements 14. Local Cult, Transforming Miracles, and Global Discourses: Saint George in Lydda Abstract
Christine Amadou
Levantine Entanglements 15. The Infrastructure of Shared Sacred Sites in Hatay, Turkey: Interreligious Dynamics of Saint Veneration in the Northern Levant Abstract
Jens Kreinath
Levantine Entanglements Panel D: Polycentrism - Local Communities and Trans-local Formations Abstract
Øystein LaBianca, Terje Stordalen
Levantine Entanglements 16. Itinerancy in Manichaean Networks of the Levant and Egypt Abstract
Håkon Teigen
Levantine Entanglements 17. Reconstructing Homeland at a Time of Globalizing Change: Peasant Migration in Late Medieval Syria Abstract
Bethany Walker
Levantine Entanglements 18. Honor, Shame and Hospitality: The Distribution of Power in the Premodern Levant Abstract
Eveline van der Steen
Levantine Entanglements Concluding Reflections: On a Way Forward for Understanding the Levant Abstract
Terje Stordalen, Øystein LaBianca
Levantine Entanglements Abbreviations Details
Terje Stordalen, Øystein LaBianca
Levantine Entanglements List of Illustrations Details
Terje Stordalen, Øystein LaBianca
Levantine Entanglements 6. Heshbon in the Biblical Record: A History of Remembering Abstract
Terje Stordalen
Levantine Entanglements 13. The Agency of Women in Curating the Christian Holy Land Abstract
Jill E. Marshall
Levantine Entanglements Index Details
Terje Stordalen, Øystein LaBianca
Global Phenomenologies of Religion Introduction: The Contested Legacies of Phenomenologies of Religion Abstract
Satoko Fujiwara, David Thurfjel, Steven Engler
Global Phenomenologies of Religion “There Was No Dutch School of Phenomenology of Religion”: Academic Implacability and Historical Accidents – An Interview with Jan G. Platvoet (The Netherlands) Abstract
Markus Altena Davidsen
Global Phenomenologies of Religion Phenomenology of Religion Meets Theory of Science - A Lethal Encounter: Interviews with Peter Antes and Hubert Seiwert (Germany) Abstract
Katja Triplett
Global Phenomenologies of Religion Semantic Confusions and the Mysteries of Life: An Interview with Ulf Drobin (Sweden) Abstract
David Thurfjel
Global Phenomenologies of Religion Universal Parallels, Meaningful Lives and Predisposed Minds: A Conversation (Finland) Abstract
Veikko Anttonen, Teuvo Laitila
Global Phenomenologies of Religion Nec cum te nec sine te: An Interview with Giovanni Casadio (Italy) Abstract
Alessandro Testa
Global Phenomenologies of Religion A Proposal for an Epistemologically Humble Phenomenology: An Interview with Denise Cush (United Kingdom) Abstract
Suzanne Owen
Global Phenomenologies of Religion “Why … So Complicated?”; “a Term with No Subscribers”: Interviews with Charles H. Long and Ivan Strenski (United States) Abstract
Eric Ziolkowski
Global Phenomenologies of Religion Religiologie and Existential/Therapeutic Phenomenologies of Religion: Interviews with Louis Rousseau and Earle H. Waugh (Canada) Abstract
Steven Engler
Global Phenomenologies of Religion The Grammar to Read "Religion in Culture": An Interview with Chin-Hong Chung (South Korea) Abstract
Sukman Jang
Global Phenomenologies of Religion “What’s Wrong with Philosophy?”: Interviews with Toshimaro Hanazono and Yoshiko Oda (Japan) Abstract
Satoko Fujiwara
Global Phenomenologies of Religion Afterword: The Meta-theoretical Landscape of Phenomenologies of Religion Abstract
Satoko Fujiwara, David Thurfjel, Steven Engler
Global Phenomenologies of Religion Index of Institutions Abstract
Satoko Fujiwara, David Thurfjell, Steven Engler
Global Phenomenologies of Religion Index of Professional Associations and Journals Abstract
Satoko Fujiwara, David Thurfjell, Steven Engler
Global Phenomenologies of Religion Index of Names Abstract
Satoko Fujiwara, David Thurfjell, Steven Engler
Global Phenomenologies of Religion General Index Abstract
Satoko Fujiwara, David Thurfjell, Steven Engler
Two Bold Singermen and the English Folk Revival Introduction Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Two Bold Singermen and the English Folk Revival Fields and Fishing Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Two Bold Singermen and the English Folk Revival Two Norfolk Families Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Two Bold Singermen and the English Folk Revival First Work, First Songs Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Two Bold Singermen and the English Folk Revival The First Folk Revival Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Two Bold Singermen and the English Folk Revival A World Turned Upside Down Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Two Bold Singermen and the English Folk Revival Mr Moeran Comes Collecting Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Two Bold Singermen and the English Folk Revival Harry Finds Fame Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Two Bold Singermen and the English Folk Revival Building the Repertoire Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
6001 - 6500 of 13174 Items << < 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 > >> 

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