Browse Title Index

Issue Title
Two Bold Singermen and the English Folk Revival "All We Had for Entertainment" Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Two Bold Singermen and the English Folk Revival Sam is "Discovered" Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Two Bold Singermen and the English Folk Revival On the Road Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Two Bold Singermen and the English Folk Revival The Road Goes on Forever? Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Two Bold Singermen and the English Folk Revival Acknowledgements Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Two Bold Singermen and the English Folk Revival Notes Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Two Bold Singermen and the English Folk Revival Selected Discography Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Two Bold Singermen and the English Folk Revival Bibliography Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Two Bold Singermen and the English Folk Revival Index Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Identity and the Sacred Foreword Abstract
Adam Powell
Identity and the Sacred Introduction Abstract
Hans Mol
Identity and the Sacred Basic Argument Abstract
Hans Mol
Identity and the Sacred 2. Evolution, Differentiation and Identity Abstract
Hans Mol
Identity and the Sacred 3. Marginality and Alienation Abstract
Hans Mol
Identity and the Sacred 4. Charisma and Conversion Abstract
Hans Mol
Identity and the Sacred 5. The Fragile Frame of Identity Abstract
Hans Mol
Identity and the Sacred 6. Kindred Concepts and Relevance Abstract
Hans Mol
Identity and the Sacred 7. Cohesion and Prejudice Abstract
Hans Mol
Identity and the Sacred 8. Morality Abstract
Hans Mol
Identity and the Sacred 9. Legitimation: Economy, Polity, Science Abstract
Hans Mol
Identity and the Sacred 10. Legitimation: Class and Family Abstract
Hans Mol
Identity and the Sacred 11. Self and Sexuality Abstract
Hans Mol
Identity and the Sacred 12. Cults and Sect Abstract
Hans Mol
Identity and the Sacred 13. Universal Religions Abstract
Hans Mol
Identity and the Sacred 14. Objectification Abstract
Hans Mol
Identity and the Sacred 15. Commitment Abstract
Hans Mol
Identity and the Sacred 16. Ritual Abstract
Hans Mol
Identity and the Sacred 17. Myths, Theology and Dreams Abstract
Hans Mol
Identity and the Sacred Conclusion Abstract
Hans Mol
Animal Iconography in the Archaeological Record Introduction: The Third Dimension and Animal Iconography in Archaeology Abstract
Laerke Recht, Katarzyna Zeman-Wisniewska
Animal Iconography in the Archaeological Record Zoomorphic Terracotta Figurines of the Halaf Culture and New Evidence of Secondary Product Exploitation in 6th Millennium BC Northern Mesopotamia Abstract
Nicola Scheyhing
Animal Iconography in the Archaeological Record Neolithic Vessels with Animal Characteristics: Modifications of Material as Negotiations of Clay Bodyscapes Abstract
Evangelia Voulgari
Animal Iconography in the Archaeological Record The Minoan Monkey: Ties between the Aegean and Indus River Valley via Mesopotamia Abstract
Marie Nicole Pareja
Animal Iconography in the Archaeological Record How Many Tentacles? Octo-pus and X-pus in the Aegean Bronze Age: A New Archaeozoological Approach Abstract
Lucia Alberti, Giambattista Bello
Animal Iconography in the Archaeological Record Lions and Other Animal Representations Found in Funerary Contexts in Archaic Macedonia Abstract
Nathalie del Socorro
Animal Iconography in the Archaeological Record Bird-shaped Vessels of Bronze Age Cyprus as Three-dimensional Objects Abstract
Katarzyna Zeman-Wisniewska
Animal Iconography in the Archaeological Record The Role of the Horse in Ancient Egypt: In Society and Imagery Abstract
Lonneke Delpeut
Animal Iconography in the Archaeological Record ‘Flying Gallop’ Iconography and its Representation in the Burial Rites of the Eurasian Bronze Age Abstract
Igor Chechuchkov, Emma Usmanova, Olga Gumirova
Animal Iconography in the Archaeological Record Buckle up! A Comparison of Ornamental Design on Pazyryk Riding Gear of the Sites Pazyryk-1, Berel’11 and Ak-Alakha-3 with Regard to Supra-regional Exchange during the 3rd Century BC Abstract
Anna-Elisa Stümpel
Animal Iconography in the Archaeological Record Horns as Symbols in Bronze Age Scandinavian Southern Tradition Rock Art Abstract
Joanna M. Lawrence
Animal Iconography in the Archaeological Record Dogs of Roman Britain: Secular, Sacred or Consumed? Abstract
Branka Franicevic
Animal Iconography in the Archaeological Record Dragons, Griffins and Leucrottas: Supernatural Creatures in the Eastern Baltic Abstract
Tõnno Jonuks
Animal Iconography in the Archaeological Record Index Details
Laerke Recht, Katarzyna Zeman-Wisniewska
The Thought of Sangharakshita Introduction Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Thought of Sangharakshita Making Buddhism Universal Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Thought of Sangharakshita Practice Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Thought of Sangharakshita Interpreting Buddhist Tradition Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Thought of Sangharakshita Controversies Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Thought of Sangharakshita Conclusion Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Thought of Sangharakshita Bibliography Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Thought of Sangharakshita Reference List of Sangharakshita’s Lectures and Seminars Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Thought of Sangharakshita Index Abstract
Robert Ellis
Phonology in Systemic Functional Linguistics Bottom-up: Building Meanings from the Level of Expression Abstract
Lucía Inés Rivas
Phonology in Systemic Functional Linguistics What are the Choices? Phonological Resources Abstract
Lucía Inés Rivas
Phonology in Systemic Functional Linguistics Giving Shape to an Oral Text: Textual Meanings Abstract
Lucía Inés Rivas
Phonology in Systemic Functional Linguistics The Way You Say It: Intonation and Interpersonal Meanings Abstract
Lucía Inés Rivas
Phonology in Systemic Functional Linguistics Level is Also Significant: Pitch Level Choices Abstract
Lucía Inés Rivas
Phonology in Systemic Functional Linguistics Beyond Intonation: Paralinguistic Features Abstract
Lucía Inés Rivas
Phonology in Systemic Functional Linguistics To Conclude: Possible Directions in Research and in Language Teaching Abstract
Lucía Inés Rivas
Understanding Attitude in Intercultural Virtual Communication Introduction Abstract
Ana Oskoz, Margarita Vinagre
Understanding Attitude in Intercultural Virtual Communication Reconsidering Attitude as a Relational and Negotiated Sociocognitive Construct Abstract
Zsuzsanna Abrams
Understanding Attitude in Intercultural Virtual Communication Intercultural Virtual Communication and Novice Learners: Attitudes, Perception and Beliefs Abstract
Lyudmila Klimanova, Valentina Vinokurova
Understanding Attitude in Intercultural Virtual Communication Exploring Attitude in Bilingual Virtual Exchanges: A Linguistic Perspective Abstract
Margarita Vinagre , Ana Oskoz
Understanding Attitude in Intercultural Virtual Communication Linguistic and Non-Linguistic Choices and Attitudes in an East-West Telecollaboration Abstract
Carolin Fuchs, Tsz Yan Lo, Sneha Thapa
Understanding Attitude in Intercultural Virtual Communication Understanding L2 Teachers’ Attitudes via Their Uses of Multimodal Resources in Telecollaboration Abstract
Meei-Ling Liaw, Sabrina Priego
Understanding Attitude in Intercultural Virtual Communication What’s with the Attitude? Exploring Attitudinal Resources in Telecollaboration for Teacher Education Abstract
D. Joseph Cunningham, Marianna Ryshina-Pankova
Understanding Attitude in Intercultural Virtual Communication Researching Emotions and Attitude through Student Teachers’ Reflections on Virtual Exchange Abstract
Francesca Helm, Alice Baroni
Understanding Attitude in Intercultural Virtual Communication Index Abstract
Ana Oskoz, Margarita Vinagre
Muslims and Christians Debate Justice and Love Introduction Abstract
David Johnston
Muslims and Christians Debate Justice and Love Racial Justice in the United States Abstract
David Johnston
Muslims and Christians Debate Justice and Love Justice as Respect for Human Rights Abstract
David Johnston
Muslims and Christians Debate Justice and Love Justice as Shar’ia’s Central Purpose Abstract
David Johnston
Muslims and Christians Debate Justice and Love Yusuf al-Qaradawi: Shari’a’s Objectives and Social Justice Abstract
David Johnston
Muslims and Christians Debate Justice and Love Justice and Love: Prince Ghazi and the Common Word Abstract
David Johnston
Muslims and Christians Debate Justice and Love Justice and Love: Christian Perspectives Abstract
David Johnston
Muslims and Christians Debate Justice and Love Justice and Love: Muslim-Christian Synergy Abstract
David Johnston
Muslims and Christians Debate Justice and Love Bibliography Abstract
David Johnston
Muslims and Christians Debate Justice and Love Index Abstract
David Johnston
Muslims and Christians Debate Justice and Love Biblical References Abstract
David Johnston
Muslims and Christians Debate Justice and Love Qur’anic References Abstract
David Johnston
Post-lineage Yoga 1. Introduction Abstract
Theo Wildcroft
Post-lineage Yoga 2. Researching Post-lineage Yoga Abstract
Theo Wildcroft
Post-lineage Yoga 3. Coming Together Abstract
Theo Wildcroft
Post-lineage Yoga 4. Yoga Camp Life Abstract
Theo Wildcroft
Post-lineage Yoga 5. Case Studies Abstract
Theo Wildcroft
Post-lineage Yoga 6. The Construction of Practice Abstract
Theo Wildcroft
Post-lineage Yoga 7. Teaching Post-lineage Yoga Abstract
Theo Wildcroft
Post-lineage Yoga 8. Creating a Shared Repertoire Abstract
Theo Wildcroft
Post-lineage Yoga 9. Culture and Community Abstract
Theo Wildcroft
Post-lineage Yoga 10. Conclusion: A Global Movement Abstract
Theo Wildcroft
Post-lineage Yoga Glossary Abstract
Theo Wildcroft
Post-lineage Yoga List of Figures Abstract
Theodora Wildcroft
Post-lineage Yoga Preface Abstract
Theodora Wildcroft
Post-lineage Yoga Acknowledgements Abstract
Theodora Wildcroft
Post-lineage Yoga References Abstract
Theodora Wildcroft
Post-lineage Yoga Index Abstract
Theodora Wildcroft
Jesus and Addiction to Origins Editor's Foreword Abstract
Russell T. McCutcheon
Jesus and Addiction to Origins Preface Abstract
Willi Braun
Jesus and Addiction to Origins 1. Religion: A Guide Abstract
Willi Braun
Jesus and Addiction to Origins 2. The Irony of Religion Abstract
Willi Braun
Jesus and Addiction to Origins 3. Introducing Religion Abstract
Willi Braun
Jesus and Addiction to Origins 4. Jesus and Addiction to Origins Abstract
Willi Braun
Jesus and Addiction to Origins 5. Christian Origins and the Gospel of Mark: Fragments of a Story Abstract
Willi Braun
Jesus and Addiction to Origins 6. The Sayings Gospel Q and the Making of an Early Jesus Group Abstract
Willi Braun
Jesus and Addiction to Origins 7. In the Beginning was not the Word Abstract
Willi Braun
Jesus and Addiction to Origins 8. Sex, Gender and Empire: Virgins and Eunuchs in the Ancient Mediterranean World Abstract
Willi Braun
Jesus and Addiction to Origins 9. Physiotherapy of Femininity in Early Christianity: Ideology and Practice Abstract
Willi Braun
Jesus and Addiction to Origins 10. "Our Religion Compels us to make a Distinction": Prolegomena on Meals and Social Formation Abstract
Willi Braun
Jesus and Addiction to Origins Reification, Religion and the Relics of the Past Abstract
William Arnal
Jesus and Addiction to Origins Sources Abstract
Willi Braun
Jesus and Addiction to Origins Index Abstract
Willi Braun
Komeda The First Festival of the Sweater Bands Abstract
Magdalena Grzebałkowska
Komeda Thirty-eight Years to Go ... Abstract
Magdalena Grzebałkowska
Komeda Twenty-three Years to Go ... Abstract
Magdalena Grzebałkowska
Komeda Twenty-one Years to Go ... Abstract
Magdalena Grzebałkowska
Komeda Nineteen Years to Go ... Abstract
Magdalena Grzebałkowska
Komeda Seventeen Years to Go ... Abstract
Magdalena Grzebałkowska
Komeda Twelve Years to Go ... Abstract
Magdalena Grzebałkowska
Komeda Eleven Years to Go ... Abstract
Magdalena Grzebałkowska
Komeda Ten Years to Go ... Abstract
Magdalena Grzebałkowska
Komeda Seven Years to Go ... Abstract
Magdalena Grzebałkowska
Komeda Four Years to Go ... Abstract
Magdalena Grzebałkowska
Komeda Two Years to Go ... Abstract
Magdalena Grzebałkowska
Komeda Eight Months to Go ... Abstract
Magdalena Grzebałkowska
Komeda Half a Year to Go ... Abstract
Magdalena Grzebałkowska
Komeda Seventeen Days to Go ... Abstract
Magdalena Grzebałkowska
Komeda Translator's Note Abstract
Halina Maria Boniszewska
Komeda Author's Acknowledgements Abstract
Magdalena Grzebałkowska
Komeda Sources Abstract
Magdalena Grzebałkowska
Komeda Select Discography Abstract
Magdalena Grzebałkowska
Komeda Select Bibliography Abstract
Magdalena Grzebałkowska
Komeda Endnotes Abstract
Magdalena Grzebałkowska
Komeda Index of Names Abstract
Magdalena Grzebałkowska
Turkish Folk Music between Ghent and Turkey Prologue Details
Liselotte Sels
Turkish Folk Music between Ghent and Turkey Turkish Folk Music in a Transnational Context Abstract
Liselotte Sels
Turkish Folk Music between Ghent and Turkey A Brief History of Turkish Music in Ghent Abstract
Liselotte Sels
Turkish Folk Music between Ghent and Turkey The Turkish Folk Music Network in Ghent Abstract
Liselotte Sels
Turkish Folk Music between Ghent and Turkey Turkish Folk Music in Theory and Practice Abstract
Liselotte Sels
Turkish Folk Music between Ghent and Turkey Turkish Folk Music Notation and the TRT Archive Abstract
Liselotte Sels
Turkish Folk Music between Ghent and Turkey Turkish Folk Music Events in Turkey and Ghent Abstract
Liselotte Sels
Turkish Folk Music between Ghent and Turkey Contextual and Musical Aspects of Performances in Turkey and Ghent Abstract
Liselotte Sels
Turkish Folk Music between Ghent and Turkey Case Study of a Song: 'Hüdayda' Abstract
Liselotte Sels
Turkish Folk Music between Ghent and Turkey Musical Functions in Turkey and Ghent Abstract
Liselotte Sels
Turkish Folk Music between Ghent and Turkey Looking Back and Forward Abstract
Liselotte Sels
Turkish Folk Music between Ghent and Turkey Appendix 2: Glossary of Turkish Terms Abstract
Liselotte Sels
Turkish Folk Music between Ghent and Turkey Appendix 1: Remarks on the Turkish Language Details
Liselotte Sels
Turkish Folk Music between Ghent and Turkey Appendix 4: Visited Institutions and Consulted Informants in Turkey Details
Liselotte Sels
Turkish Folk Music between Ghent and Turkey Preface and Acknowledgements Details
Liselotte Sels
Turkish Folk Music between Ghent and Turkey Appendix 3: Attended Events Details
Liselotte Sels
Turkish Folk Music between Ghent and Turkey List of Figures and Tables Details
Liselotte Sels
Turkish Folk Music between Ghent and Turkey Notes Details
Liselotte Sels
Turkish Folk Music between Ghent and Turkey Bibliography Details
Liselotte Sels
Turkish Folk Music between Ghent and Turkey Index Details
Liselotte Sels
Scoring Second Language Spoken and Written Performance Introduction Abstract
Ute Knoch, Judith Fairbairn, Yan Jin
Scoring Second Language Spoken and Written Performance Understanding Raters and Ratings Abstract
Ute Knoch, Judith Fairbairn, Yan Jin
Scoring Second Language Spoken and Written Performance Measuring Rating Quality Abstract
Ute Knoch, Judith Fairbairn, Yan Jin
Scoring Second Language Spoken and Written Performance Rater Cognition Abstract
Ute Knoch, Judith Fairbairn, Yan Jin
Scoring Second Language Spoken and Written Performance Approaches to Enhancing Rating and Score Quality Abstract
Ute Knoch, Judith Fairbairn, Yan Jin
Scoring Second Language Spoken and Written Performance Rater-mediated Judgment with or without Rating Scales Abstract
Ute Knoch, Judith Fairbairn, Yan Jin
Scoring Second Language Spoken and Written Performance Technology in Scoring Abstract
Ute Knoch, Judith Fairbairn, Yan Jin
Scoring Second Language Spoken and Written Performance Validating Scoring Processes Abstract
Ute Knoch, Judith Fairbairn, Yan Jin
Scoring Second Language Spoken and Written Performance Conclusions Abstract
Ute Knoch, Judith Fairbairn, Yan Jin
Scoring Second Language Spoken and Written Performance List of Figures Abstract
Ute Knoch, Judith Fairbairn, Yan Jin
Scoring Second Language Spoken and Written Performance List of Tables Abstract
Ute Knoch, Judith Fairbairn, Yan Jin
Scoring Second Language Spoken and Written Performance References Abstract
Ute Knoch, Judith Fairbairn, Yan Jin
Scoring Second Language Spoken and Written Performance Index Abstract
Ute Knoch, Judith Fairbairn, Yan Jin
The Dissolution of the Monasteries in England and Wales Introduction Abstract
Hugh Willmott
The Dissolution of the Monasteries in England and Wales Monastic England and Wales at the Dissolution Abstract
Hugh Willmott
The Dissolution of the Monasteries in England and Wales The Dispersal and Acquisition of Monastic Property Abstract
Hugh Willmott
The Dissolution of the Monasteries in England and Wales The Destruction and Asset Stripping of the Religious Houses Abstract
Hugh Willmott
The Dissolution of the Monasteries in England and Wales Avenues for Common Opportunity Abstract
Hugh Willmott
The Dissolution of the Monasteries in England and Wales New Landscapes of Leisure Abstract
Hugh Willmott
The Dissolution of the Monasteries in England and Wales Concluding Remarks Abstract
Hugh Willmott
The Dissolution of the Monasteries in England and Wales The Conversion to Domestic Use Abstract
Hugh Willmott
The Dissolution of the Monasteries in England and Wales List of Figures Abstract
Hugh Willmott
The Dissolution of the Monasteries in England and Wales List of Tables Abstract
Hugh Willmott
The Dissolution of the Monasteries in England and Wales Acknowledgements Abstract
Hugh Willmott
The Dissolution of the Monasteries in England and Wales Notes Abstract
Hugh Willmott
The Dissolution of the Monasteries in England and Wales Bibliography Abstract
Hugh Willmott
The Dissolution of the Monasteries in England and Wales Index Abstract
Hugh Willmott
Constellated Ministry The Changing Landscape of Today’s Spiritualities Abstract
Holli Emore
Constellated Ministry Who Are Contemporary Pagans? Abstract
Holli Emore
Constellated Ministry A New Ministry Model Abstract
Holli Emore
Constellated Ministry Stories from Pagan Leaders Abstract
Holli Emore
Constellated Ministry Moving Into the Future Abstract
Holli Emore
Constellated Ministry Vision for the Future Abstract
Holli Emore
Constellated Ministry Introduction Abstract
Holli Emore
Constellated Ministry Resources Abstract
Holli Emore
Constellated Ministry Bibliography Abstract
Holli Emore
Constellated Ministry Appendix: Group or Solitary: Choices and Spiritual Care Needs in Contemporary Pagan Practice Abstract
Holli Emore
Constellated Ministry Index Abstract
Holli Emore
Exploring Shinto Preface and Acknowledgements Abstract
Michael Pye
Exploring Shinto 1. What is Shinto? Abstract
Michael Pye
Exploring Shinto 2. Essentialism in Early Shinto Studies Abstract
Gaétan Rappo
Exploring Shinto 3. On Writing the History of Shinto Abstract
Marcus Teeuwen
Exploring Shinto 4. Medieval Tendai Buddhist Views of Kami Abstract
Yeonjoo Park
Exploring Shinto 5. Conceptions of Kami in the Writings of Tendai Monk Jien Abstract
Vladlena Fedianiya
Exploring Shinto 6. Buddhist-Shinto Syncretization at the Medieval Suwa Shrine Abstract
Iwasawa Tomoko
Exploring Shinto 7. Underground Buddhism at the Ise Shrines Abstract
D. Max Moermann
Exploring Shinto 8. Shinto Spaces and Shinbutsu Interaction in the Noh Abstract
Dunja Jelesijevic
Exploring Shinto 9. Buddhist-style Pilgrimage with Shinto Meanings Abstract
Michael Pye
Exploring Shinto 10. Why does Shin Buddhism Reject the Worship of the Kami? Abstract
Robert Rhodes
Exploring Shinto 11. Multiple Divinities in Shin Buddhist Temples Abstract
Markus Ruesch
Exploring Shinto 12. Responsive Reflections on Buddhism and Shinto Abstract
Katja Triplett
Exploring Shinto 13. Sect Shinto and the Case of Ooyashirokyo Abstract
Michael Pye
Exploring Shinto 14. Meiji Government Policy, Sect Shinto and Fusokyo Abstract
Shishino Fumio
Exploring Shinto 15. Introducing the Faith of Shinshukyo Abstract
Yoshimura Masanori
Exploring Shinto 16. Tenrikyo and Omotokyo in the Context of Kyoha Shinto Abstract
Avery Morrow
Exploring Shinto 17. A Postscript on Shinto Diversity Abstract
Michael Pye
Exploring Shinto Index Abstract
Michael Pye
The Buddha's Path of Peace Preface Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace Introduction Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace 1. Right Speech: What I Say Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace 2. Right Acting: What I Do Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace 3. Right Livelihood: How I Live & Work Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace 4. Right Effort: Directing the Mind Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace 5. Right Concentration: Breathing Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace 6. Right Concentration: Objects Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace 7. Right Mindfulness: Refining Attention Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace 8. Right Mindfulness: Anchor & Buoy Model Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace 9. Right Mindfulness: Full Awareness Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace 10. Right Mindfulness: Insight Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace 11. Right Understanding: Ignorance & Nibbāna Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace 12. Right Understanding: The Horizons Model Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace 13. Right Understanding: The Mirror Model Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace 14. Right Understanding: The Reflections Model Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace 15. Right Understanding: Self & Waveform Model Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace 16. Right Understanding: The Emergence Model Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace 17. Right Understanding: Self-Evaluation Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace 18. Right Resolve: A Change of Heart Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace 19. Right Resolve: Silence Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace A Global Awakening? Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace Posture Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace Glossary of Neologisms Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace List of Figures, Tables, Exercises, Metaphors and Parables Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace Acknowledgements Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace Foreword Abstract
Amaro Bhikkhu
The Buddha's Path of Peace References and Notes Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace Bibliography Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
The Buddha's Path of Peace Index Abstract
Geoffrey Hunt
Key Categories in the Study of Religion 12. The Field is Not One/The Body is Smart: Rethinking Theory in the Study of Religion Abstract
Megan Goodwin
Key Categories in the Study of Religion 14. Addressing Gender Parity in Critical Pedagogy Abstract
Tara Baldrick-Morrone
Key Categories in the Study of Religion 13. A Happy Headache Abstract
Emily Crews
Key Categories in the Study of Religion 16. “There is No Place for the State in the Bedrooms of the Nation”: The Case of Québec’s Bill 21 Abstract
Jennifer Selby
Key Categories in the Study of Religion 15. The "Muscle Jew" and Maccabean Heroism of the Jewish Legion during World War I Abstract
Tim Langille
Key Categories in the Study of Religion 1. Paper Terrorism: Religion, Paperwork, and the Contestation of State Power in the “Sovereign Citizen” Movement Abstract
Michael McVicar
Key Categories in the Study of Religion 2. The Rohingya, Buddhism, and the Category "Religion" Abstract
Tenzan Eaghll
Key Categories in the Study of Religion 4. The Material Production of Otherworldly Citizenship: From Paper to Digital Files to Bodies Abstract
Lauren Griffin
Key Categories in the Study of Religion 3. Citizenship, Religion, and the Frailty of Secular Sovereignty Abstract
Daniel Miller
Key Categories in the Study of Religion 6. Signifying “Der Rassist” in Religious Studies and the Axes of Social Difference Abstract
Richard Newton
Key Categories in the Study of Religion 9. Reworking Our Schemes Abstract
Craig Prentiss
Key Categories in the Study of Religion 7. Of Dualisms and Doppelgängers: Mapping Ancient Minds and Bodies in Religious Studies Abstract
Robyn Walsh
Key Categories in the Study of Religion 8. Dark S(k)in: Two Versions of Newton’s Crimen Oscuro Abstract
Rudy Busto
Key Categories in the Study of Religion 10. That's a Racist Question: Interrogating Racism in the Study of American Religions Abstract
Martha Smith Roberts
Key Categories in the Study of Religion 17. Regulating Religion to Maintain the Status Quo Abstract
Suzanne Owen
Key Categories in the Study of Religion 21. Definition, Comparison, Critique Abstract
Johan Strijdom
Key Categories in the Study of Religion 20. Who’s Afraid of Class Analysis? Rethinking Identity and Class in the Study of Religion Abstract
James Dennis LoRusso
Key Categories in the Study of Religion 18. A Gramscian Inversion: Hegemony in Theory and in Practice Abstract
Thomas Carrico
Key Categories in the Study of Religion 19. The Druid Network as a Capitalist Success Story: or, Why The Druid Network’s Charity Status is Beside the Point Abstract
Neil George
Key Categories in the Study of Religion Introduction: Critique in Context Abstract
Rebekka King
Key Categories in the Study of Religion 5. Paper Terrorism as Counter-Conduct Abstract
Michael McVicar
Key Categories in the Study of Religion 11. The Trope Has Been Set: Race and Religion as Critical Entanglement Abstract
Richard W. Newton, Jr.
Key Categories in the Study of Religion 22. The Public Good Requirement Abstract
Suzanne Owen
Key Categories in the Study of Religion Index Details
Rebekka King
Remembering J. Z. Smith Preface Abstract
Emily Crews, Russell McCutcheon
Remembering J. Z. Smith Remembering Jonathan Z. Smith (1938-2017) Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
Remembering J. Z. Smith 1. Introduction: Remembering J.Z. Smith - Shaping our Field and Our Work in the Comparative Study of Religion (American Academy of Religion's Comparative Studies in Religion Unit Panel) Abstract
Kathryn McClymond
Remembering J. Z. Smith 2. The Poetics and Politics of Comparison: From Revolutionary Suicide to Mass Murder (AAR Panel) Abstract
Hugh Urban
Remembering J. Z. Smith 3. The Magus: Jonathan Z. Smith and “the Absolute Wonder of the Human Imagination” (AAR Panel) Abstract
Kimberley Patton
Remembering J. Z. Smith 4. Citing Smith (AAR Panel) Abstract
Kurtis Schaeffer
Remembering J. Z. Smith 5. J. Z. Smith on Comparison: Insights and Appropriations (AAR Panel) Abstract
Oliver Freiberger
Remembering J. Z. Smith 6. Wrestling with Angels and Heavy Books (AAR Panel) Abstract
Eric Mortensen
Remembering J. Z. Smith 7. Introduction: In Memory of Gene M. Tucker (1935-2018) and J.Z. Smith (1938-2017) (Society of Biblical Literature Wisdom of the Ages Panel) Abstract
Zev Garber
Remembering J. Z. Smith 8. A Matter of Interest: In Memory of Jonathan Z. Smith (SBL Panel) Abstract
Ron Cameron
Remembering J. Z. Smith 9. Introduction: Remembering J.Z. Smith (North American Association for the Study of Religion Panel) Abstract
Willi Braun, Russell McCutcheon
Remembering J. Z. Smith 10. Transformed Agendas: Generalism in the Work of Jonathan Z. Smith and the Study of Religion (NAASR Panel) Abstract
Stephanie Frank
Remembering J. Z. Smith 11. J. Z. Smith and the Necessary Double-Face (NAASR Panel) Abstract
Sam Gill
Remembering J. Z. Smith 12. Remembering J. Z. Smith: Some Personal Reflections (NAASR Panel) Abstract
James Tabor
Remembering J. Z. Smith 13. J. Z. Smith: The College’s Iconoclastic, Beloved, Chain-smoking Dean Abstract
Pete Grieve
Remembering J. Z. Smith 14. How I Failed J. Z. Smith Abstract
Brett Colasacco
Remembering J. Z. Smith 15. The Positive Genealogy of J. Z. Smith Abstract
Tenzan Eaghll
Remembering J. Z. Smith 16. In the Laboratory of Taxonomy and Classification (When the Chips Were Really Down) Abstract
Richard Hecht
Remembering J. Z. Smith 17. My Preliminary Journey through the World of J. Z. Smith Abstract
Mitsutoshi Horii
Remembering J. Z. Smith 18. On J. Z. Smith and the Remarkable Abstract
Richard Newton
Remembering J. Z. Smith 19. “It Ain’t Too High, and it Ain’t Too Theoretical” Abstract
William O'Connor
Remembering J. Z. Smith 20. A Matter of Difference: On the Legacy of J. Z. Smith Abstract
Matt Sheedy
Remembering J. Z. Smith 21. On Articulate Choice Abstract
Vaia Touna
Remembering J. Z. Smith 22. J. Z. Smith’s Gift Abstract
Donald Bruce Woll
Remembering J. Z. Smith 23. Significant, Significance, Signifier Abstract
Ipsita Chatterjea
Remembering J. Z. Smith 24. Interviews Abstract
Sam Gill, Amir Hussain, Donald Wiebe, Carole Myscofski, Christopher Lehrich, Eugene Gallagher, Ron Cameron, Michael Altman
Remembering J. Z. Smith 25. Clues to a Great Mystery Abstract
Emily Crews
Remembering J. Z. Smith 26. Academic Freedom and Academic Responsibility Abstract
J. Z. Smith
Remembering J. Z. Smith Index Abstract
Emily Crews, Russell McCutcheon
The Religious Body Imagined Introduction Details
Pamela Winfield, Mina Garcia
The Religious Body Imagined 1. People of the Book, Women of the Body: Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Women's Reproductive Literacy Abstract
Michal Raucher
The Religious Body Imagined 2. The Male Body and Catholic Piety in Early Modern Spain Abstract
Elizabeth Rhodes
The Religious Body Imagined 3. Harvey Milk’s (Sexual and Sacred) Body Abstract
William Gilders
The Religious Body Imagined 4. Non-binary Sexual and Gender Identities in the Community: The Khuntha as an Isolated Being in the Mosque Abstract
Saqer Almarri
The Religious Body Imagined 5. Lope’s El Hamete de Toledo: The Infidel’s Body as Conquered Land Abstract
Mina Garcia
The Religious Body Imagined 6. The Embodied Palimpsest: Dancing Kinesthetic Empathy in Bharatanatyam Abstract
Katherine Zubko
The Religious Body Imagined 8. Surveilled, Harmonized, Purified: The Body in Chinese Religious Culture Abstract
Ori Tavor
The Religious Body Imagined 9. Seeing, Imagined, and Lived: Creating Darshan in Transnational Gaudiya Vaishnavism Abstract
Anandi Silva Knuppel
The Religious Body Imagined 10. 'The Body is a Tool for Remembrance': Healing, Transformation and the Instrumentality of the Body in a North American Sufi Order Abstract
Megan Adamson Sijapati
The Religious Body Imagined 7. Religion and the Imperial Body Politic of Japan Abstract
Pamela Winfield
The Religious Body Imagined Acknowledgements Details
Pamela Winfield, Mina Garcia
The Religious Body Imagined List of Figures Details
Pamela Winfield, Mina Garcia
The Religious Body Imagined Index Details
Pamela Winfield, Mina Garcia
Ritual and Democracy Introduction Abstract
Sarah Pike, Jone Salomonsen, Paul-Francois Tremlett
Ritual and Democracy 3. Making Ritual Enactments Political: Free Speech after the Charlie Hebdo Attacks Abstract
Zaki Nahaboo
Ritual and Democracy 1. Rituals of Resistance and the Struggle over Democracy in Turkey Abstract
Agnes Czajka
Ritual and Democracy 2. A Tale of Two Energies: The Political Agency of Things Abstract
Paul-Francois Tremlett
Ritual and Democracy 4. Affective Communitas and Sacred Geography: Mapping Place and Movement in Norwegian Pilgrimage Abstract
Marion Grau
Ritual and Democracy 5. How to Do Things with Rituals, or Disrupting Protestant Lutheran Theology: Converting Refugees and the Eucharist Abstract
Gitte Buch-Hansen
Ritual and Democracy 6. Dances of Self-development as a Resource for Participatory Democracy Abstract
Michael Houseman, Marie Mazzella di Bosco
Ritual and Democracy 7. Trans-Indigenous Festivals: Democracy and Emplacement Abstract
Graham Harvey
Ritual and Democracy Acknowledgements Abstract
Sarah Pike, Jone Salomonsen, Paul-Francois Tremlett
Ritual and Democracy Index Abstract
Sarah Pike, Jone Salomonsen, Paul-Francois Tremlett
Recreating the Nephilim Enter the Nephilim Resistance Abstract
Deane Galbraith
Recreating the Nephilim 1. Copulating Angels and Race Mixing Abstract
Deane Galbraith
Recreating the Nephilim 2. Demonic Insemination Abstract
Deane Galbraith
Recreating the Nephilim 3. Enochic Judaism: Inventing a Judaism Uncorrupted by Jews Abstract
Deane Galbraith
Recreating the Nephilim 4. Evangelicals Hooked on Angel Sex: An Overview of Key Figures and Groups in the Nephilim Resistance Movement Abstract
Deane Galbraith
Recreating the Nephilim 5. Constructing the Enemy: Resisting Humanity's Transmutation into Nephilim Abstract
Deane Galbraith
Recreating the Nephilim 6. Searching for Evidence of Giants: The Lure of Hidden Knowledge Abstract
Deane Galbraith
Recreating the Nephilim Conclusion Abstract
Deane Galbraith
Representations of Antiquity in Film The Importance of Popular Culture Abstract
Kevin McGeough
Representations of Antiquity in Film Film as History and History as Hyperreality Abstract
Kevin McGeough
Representations of Antiquity in Film Nero the Nazi and Akhenaten the Lutheran: The Presentism of the Ancient World on Film Abstract
Kevin McGeough
Representations of Antiquity in Film Evil Seductresses, Feisty Housewives, and the Temptation of Victor Mature Abstract
Kevin McGeough
Representations of Antiquity in Film The Judean People’s Front and Jesus’s Mod Tour Bus: Musicals and Comedies Set in the Ancient World Abstract
Kevin McGeough
Representations of Antiquity in Film Gods, Monsters, and Musclemen Abstract
Kevin McGeough
Representations of Antiquity in Film Cavegirls and the Upper Paleolithic Fur Bikini Abstract
Kevin McGeough
Representations of Antiquity in Film The New Epic: Ultraviolence, Comic Books, and CGI Abstract
Kevin McGeough
Representations of Antiquity in Film Conclusions Abstract
Kevin McGeough
Representations of Antiquity in Film Epic Egyptian Kitsch: Historical Thinking and Statecraft in Ancient Epics Abstract
Kevin McGeough
Representations of Antiquity in Film From the Arthouse to the Grindhouse: The Ancient Epic Subverted Abstract
Kevin McGeough
Representations of Antiquity in Film List of Figures Details
Kevin McGeough
Representations of Antiquity in Film Acknowledgements Details
Kevin McGeough
Representations of Antiquity in Film References Details
Kevin McGeough
Representations of Antiquity in Film Subject Index Details
Kevin McGeough
Representations of Antiquity in Film Film and Television Index Details
Kevin McGeough
Representations of Antiquity in Film Actor/Performer Index Details
Kevin McGeough
Representations of Antiquity in Film Filmmaker Index Details
Kevin McGeough
Representations of Antiquity in Film Scholar Index Details
Kevin McGeough
Validity Introduction Abstract
Micheline Chalhoub-Deville, Barry O'Sullivan
Validity Historical Overview of Validity Abstract
Micheline Chalhoub-Deville, Barry O'Sullivan
Validity Principled Design, Test Development and Validation Abstract
Micheline Chalhoub-Deville, Barry O'Sullivan
Validity Validity and Consequences Abstract
Micheline Chalhoub-Deville, Barry O'Sullivan
Validity An Integrated Argument-based Approach to Validation Abstract
Micheline Chalhoub-Deville, Barry O'Sullivan
Validity Conclusion: Validation, Localisation and Case Studies Abstract
Micheline Chalhoub-Deville, Barry O'Sullivan
Validity List of Figures Abstract
Micheline Chalhoub-Deville, Barry O'Sullivan
Validity List of Tables Abstract
Micheline Chalhoub-Deville, Barry O'Sullivan
Validity References Abstract
Micheline Chalhoub-Deville, Barry O'Sullivan
Validity Appendix Abstract
Micheline Chalhoub-Deville, Barry O'Sullivan
Validity Index Abstract
Micheline Chalhoub-Deville, Barry O'Sullivan
Thinking with J. Z. Smith Introduction Abstract
Barbara Krawcowicz
Thinking with J. Z. Smith 1. J. Z. and Me Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Thinking with J. Z. Smith 2. Imagining a Proper Academic Study of Religion Inspired by J. Z. Smith Abstract
Sam Gill
Thinking with J. Z. Smith 4. An Uneasy Silence: J. Z. Smith and the Divorce of Race from Power Abstract
Craig Prentiss
Thinking with J. Z. Smith 3. Is J. Z. Smith a Nominalist… a Pragmatist… or a Constructionist? Does it Even Matter? Abstract
Indrek Peedu
Thinking with J. Z. Smith 6. The Semantics of Comparison in J. Z. Smith Abstract
Mark Gardiner, Steven Engler
Thinking with J. Z. Smith 7. Blending Ontologies and Epistemologies: Mapping Deontic Grids - Methodological Considerations for the Comparative study of Religion Abstract
Jeppe Sinding Jensen
Thinking with J. Z. Smith 5. When No "Magic" Dwells Abstract
Andrew Durdin
Thinking with J. Z. Smith 15. Teaching J. Z. Smith in Scandinavia Abstract
Gabriel Levy
Thinking with J. Z. Smith 14. Principles of Pedagogy: Thinking with Smith to Re-vision our Systems of Training Abstract
Andie Alexander
Thinking with J. Z. Smith 16. Is There Room for "This Sort of Reflexivity"? The Meaning of J. Z. Smith in Religious Education Abstract
Jack Laughlin, Kornel Zathureczky
Thinking with J. Z. Smith 9. Multiple Magdalenas: Locative, Utopian, and Other Orientations in an Indigenous Community Divided by an International Border Abstract
Seth Schermerhorn
Thinking with J. Z. Smith 11. Smith, Comparison, and Jewish Theology Abstract
Barbara Krawcowicz
Thinking with J. Z. Smith 8. Redescribing Two Old Tibetan Prayers with J. Z. Smith Abstract
Lewis Doney
Thinking with J. Z. Smith 10. Interpreting "Brahmanization" in the Indian Buddhist Monastery with J. Z. Smith Abstract
Nicholas Witkowski
Thinking with J. Z. Smith 13. Orphism: The Whole Created of Fragments - The –ism and the Formation of Religious Categories Abstract
Lech Trzcionkowski
Thinking with J. Z. Smith 12. Imagining the Past: A Case Study of Double Archaeology Abstract
Vaia Touna
Thinking with J. Z. Smith Preface Details
Russell McCutcheon
Thinking with J. Z. Smith 17. Mapping the Future of Smith’s Legacy: A Conversation Abstract
Andie Alexander, Aaron Hughes
Thinking with J. Z. Smith 18. A Response to Andie Alexander and Aaron Hughes Abstract
Willi Braun
Thinking with J. Z. Smith Acknowledgements Details
Barbara Krawcowicz
Thinking with J. Z. Smith Index Details
Barbara Krawcowicz
Reflecting on Leadership in Language Education Introduction and Overview: Reflecting on Leadership in Times of Crisis Abstract
Andy Curtis
Reflecting on Leadership in Language Education Introduction to the Question One Responses Abstract
Andy Curtis
Reflecting on Leadership in Language Education Introduction to the Question Two Responses Abstract
Andy Curtis
Reflecting on Leadership in Language Education Introduction to the Question Three Responses Abstract
Andy Curtis
Reflecting on Leadership in Language Education Introduction to the Question Four Responses Abstract
Andy Curtis
Reflecting on Leadership in Language Education Recapping and Reflecting Forward Abstract
Andy Curtis
Reflecting on Leadership in Language Education Series Editor's Preface Abstract
Thomas Farrell
Reflecting on Leadership in Language Education The Question One Responses Abstract
Okon Effiong, Christel Broady, Leo Mercado, Andy Curtis, Marjorie Rosenberg, Rosemary DePetro Orlando, Rosa Aronson, Deborah Healey, Neil J. Anderson, Kathleen M. Bailey
Reflecting on Leadership in Language Education The Question Two Responses Abstract
Okon Effiong, Christel Broady, Leo Mercado, Andy Curtis, Marjorie Rosenberg, Rosemary DePetro Orlando, Rosa Aronson, Deborah Healey, Neil J. Anderson, Kathleen M. Bailey
Reflecting on Leadership in Language Education The Question Three Responses Abstract
Okon Effiong, Christel Broady, Leo Mercado, Andy Curtis, Marjorie Rosenberg, Rosemary DePetro Orlando, Rosa Aronson, Deborah Healey, Neil J. Anderson, Kathleen M. Bailey
Reflecting on Leadership in Language Education The Question Four Responses Abstract
Okon Effiong, Christel Broady, Leo Mercado, Andy Curtis, Marjorie Rosenberg, Rosemary DePetro Orlando, Rosa Aronson, Deborah Healey, Neil J. Anderson, Kathleen M. Bailey
Reflecting on Leadership in Language Education Index Details
Andy Curtis
Critical Approaches to Cypriot and Wider Mediterranean Archaeology Reflections on Thirty Years of the Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology with Bernardo Abstract
John Cherry
Critical Approaches to Cypriot and Wider Mediterranean Archaeology 2. Cyprus’ External Connections in the Prehistoric Bronze Age Abstract
Jennifer Webb
Critical Approaches to Cypriot and Wider Mediterranean Archaeology 3. Toward a Social Life of People and Things on Late Bronze Age Cyprus Abstract
Kevin Fisher
Critical Approaches to Cypriot and Wider Mediterranean Archaeology 4. Cypriot Iron Age Communities in Time and Place: Considering Amathus in a Regional Context Abstract
Catherine Kearns
Critical Approaches to Cypriot and Wider Mediterranean Archaeology 5. Placing Politiko Phorades in the Historiography and Evolution of Late Cypriot Metallurgy Abstract
Vasiliki Kassianidou
Critical Approaches to Cypriot and Wider Mediterranean Archaeology 6. Mathiatis Mavrovouni: A Miner’s Sanctuary on the Island of Cyprus Abstract
Sophocles Hadjisavvas
Critical Approaches to Cypriot and Wider Mediterranean Archaeology 7. The Mountainous Landscapes of Cyprus in Antiquity: Deconstructing “Troodos” Abstract
Georgia Marina Andreou
Critical Approaches to Cypriot and Wider Mediterranean Archaeology 8. Towards a Post-survey Landscape Archaeology Abstract
Michael Given
Critical Approaches to Cypriot and Wider Mediterranean Archaeology 9. Middle Bronze Age Sicily: Imports, Networks, and the Myth of Insular Unity Abstract
Emma Blake
Critical Approaches to Cypriot and Wider Mediterranean Archaeology 10. Reinventing Persistent Memory Landscapes: The Late Minoan III Interventions in the Pre- and Proto-palatial Cemetery at Petras – Kephala (Siteia, Crete) Abstract
David W. Rupp, Metaxia Tsipopoulou
Critical Approaches to Cypriot and Wider Mediterranean Archaeology 11. Mobility and Labour Efforts along Prehistoric Roads and Least Cost Paths in the Argolid, Greece Abstract
Ann Brysbaert
Critical Approaches to Cypriot and Wider Mediterranean Archaeology 12. All the King’s Wine? Late Bronze Age Vineyards in Texts from Emar and Ugarit Abstract
Chris M. Monroe
Critical Approaches to Cypriot and Wider Mediterranean Archaeology 13. Mediterranean Entanglements: Exploring Material Connections in Iron Age Sardinia Abstract
Peter van Dommelen
Critical Approaches to Cypriot and Wider Mediterranean Archaeology 14. Time, Consilience and Climate-history Associations: Details, and the Case of the End of the Late Bronze Age (ca. 1200 BCE) Abstract
Sturt Manning
Critical Approaches to Cypriot and Wider Mediterranean Archaeology 15. Mariners’ Cuisine? Cypriot Cook ware from the Late Bronze II Age from the Tell Abu Hawam Anchorage Abstract
Michal Artzy, Jóse M. Martín-García
Critical Approaches to Cypriot and Wider Mediterranean Archaeology 16. Ceramics and Stone Anchors: Re-assessing the Anchorage of Maroni Tsaroukkas Abstract
Carrie Atkins
Critical Approaches to Cypriot and Wider Mediterranean Archaeology 17. Seascapes and Maritime Capacity of Late Roman Cyprus Abstract
Stella Demesticha
Critical Approaches to Cypriot and Wider Mediterranean Archaeology Bernard Knapp: An Introduction (Explicandum) Abstract
Sturt Manning
Critical Approaches to Cypriot and Wider Mediterranean Archaeology Introduction Abstract
Sturt Manning
Critical Approaches to Cypriot and Wider Mediterranean Archaeology List of Figures and Tables Details
Sturt Manning
Critical Approaches to Cypriot and Wider Mediterranean Archaeology Index Details
Sturt Manning
Narrative Visions and Visual Narratives in Indian Buddhism Setting the Scene: Verbal and Visual Narratives in Indian Buddhism Abstract
Naomi Appleton
Narrative Visions and Visual Narratives in Indian Buddhism 7. Interpretations and (Mis)understandings: Three Case Studies of Illustrations of the Buddha's Lifestory Abstract
John Strong
Narrative Visions and Visual Narratives in Indian Buddhism 2. Rethinking Chronology and Narrative Modes: The Case of Sancī Stūpa 2 Abstract
Flavia Zaghet
Narrative Visions and Visual Narratives in Indian Buddhism 3. The Power of Image and Imagery: Visualising the Divine and the Human in Painted Narratives of Ajaṇṭā Abstract
Madhulika Reddy
Narrative Visions and Visual Narratives in Indian Buddhism 4. Visualizing a Teaching: Sermon Scenes in Kucha Abstract
Monika Zin
Narrative Visions and Visual Narratives in Indian Buddhism 5. Localizing Narrative through Image: The Nun Utpalavarṇā in a Stone Relief from Kaushambi Abstract
Sonya Rhie Mace
Narrative Visions and Visual Narratives in Indian Buddhism 6. Beyond Textual and Visual “Versions”: The Story Cluster of the Six-tusked Elephant Bodhisattva Abstract
Naomi Appleton, Chris Clark
Narrative Visions and Visual Narratives in Indian Buddhism 8. The Buddha as Spiritual Sovereign: Narrative Figurations of Knowledge and Power Abstract
David Fiordalis
Narrative Visions and Visual Narratives in Indian Buddhism 9. Seeing the Dharma: Narrative Darśan in the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa Abstract
Natalie Gummer
Narrative Visions and Visual Narratives in Indian Buddhism 10. Making Senses of the Story: Narrative, Art and Affect in Ancient India Abstract
Jonathan Walters
Narrative Visions and Visual Narratives in Indian Buddhism Preface Details
Naomi Appleton
Narrative Visions and Visual Narratives in Indian Buddhism Abbreviations Details
Naomi Appleton
Narrative Visions and Visual Narratives in Indian Buddhism Index Details
Naomi Appleton
Play, Pain and Religion Introduction: Processes of Religioning Abstract
Alison Robertson
Play, Pain and Religion Setting the Scene Abstract
Alison Robertson
Play, Pain and Religion What it is that we do: Experiential Accounts of Play Abstract
Alison Robertson
Play, Pain and Religion The Play Experience (1): Making Play-Spaces Abstract
Alison Robertson
Play, Pain and Religion The Play Experience (2): Inside Play-Spaces Abstract
Alison Robertson
Play, Pain and Religion Subcultural Identity: Kink in Context and in Clothes Abstract
Alison Robertson
Play, Pain and Religion Kinky Bodies Abstract
Alison Robertson
Play, Pain and Religion Exploring the Edge Abstract
Alison Robertson
Play, Pain and Religion Kink Ritualizing Abstract
Alison Robertson
Play, Pain and Religion Conclusion: Gestalt Kink, Gestalt Religion Abstract
Alison Robertson
Play, Pain and Religion A Kink Glossary Details
Alison Robertson
Play, Pain and Religion Research Participants Details
Alison Robertson
Play, Pain and Religion List of Figures Details
Alison Robertson
Play, Pain and Religion References Details
Alison Robertson
Play, Pain and Religion Index Details
Alison Robertson
Resistance to Empire and Militarization Foreword Abstract
Collin Cowan
Resistance to Empire and Militarization Preface Abstract
Sudipta Singh
Resistance to Empire and Militarization Introduction Abstract
Jude Lal Fernando
Resistance to Empire and Militarization 1. Wars Beyond the Armed Forces: Colonialism and Militarization of Ethno-national Conflicts in Contemporary South Asia Abstract
Radha D'Souza
Resistance to Empire and Militarization 2. Contemporary Globalization and Militarization: From Speculation Blitz to the ‘War on Terror’ Rampage Abstract
Haluk Gerger
Resistance to Empire and Militarization 3. Peoples Against a New Cold War: Nuclear Imperialism or Dialogue for Reconciliation Abstract
Kinhide Mushakoji
Resistance to Empire and Militarization 4. Contesting Pasts, Presents, Futures: East Asia’s ‘Japan Problem’ and ‘Korea Problem’ Abstract
Gavan McCormack
Resistance to Empire and Militarization 5. The Geo-politics of Imperialism and the Unitary State of Sri Lanka: Militarization and Structural Genocide of the Eelam Tamil Nation Abstract
Athithan Jayapalan, Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam
Resistance to Empire and Militarization 6. Militarization and Everyday Struggle: A Case of Families of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances in Kashmir Abstract
Farrukh Faheem
Resistance to Empire and Militarization 7. “Enemies of the Nation, Heretics of the Church”: Conscientious Rejection of National Authority Abstract
Nami Kim
Resistance to Empire and Militarization 8. Okinawa People’s Philosophy of Direct Action against Capitalism and Imperialism from Post-World War II to the Present Abstract
Kozue Uehara
Resistance to Empire and Militarization 9. Understanding Non-feminist Groups through the Necessity to Resist Feminist Hegemony: The Palestinian Women’s Movement versus Hamas Abstract
Sara Ababneh
Resistance to Empire and Militarization 10. God vs Goliath: Theological Challenges to Empire in South Asia Abstract
Francis Gonsalves
Resistance to Empire and Militarization 11. The Empathetic Power of Suffering: The Memories of Killing, and Feminist Interfaith Spiritual Activism Abstract
Keun-Joo Christine Pae
Resistance to Empire and Militarization 12. The Qur'an, the Bible, and the Indigenous Peoples of Canaan: An Anti-Colonial Muslim Reading Abstract
Shadaab Rahemtulla
Resistance to Empire and Militarization 13. Counter-imperialistic Features in Biblical Israel Abstract
Youngseop Lim
Resistance to Empire and Militarization 14. Colonialism Still Matters: Militarization and Imperial Grand Strategy in the Era of US vs China Abstract
Andy Higginbottom
Resistance to Empire and Militarization 15. New Imperialisms and Struggles for Peace Abstract
Napoleón Saltos Galarza
Resistance to Empire and Militarization 16. Necropolitical Capitalism, the State of Exception and Accumulation by Dispossession Abstract
Luis Arizmendi
Resistance to Empire and Militarization 17. Hawaiʻi: A Pivot of Empire or Piko of Aloha ʻĀina? Abstract
Kyle Kajihiro
Resistance to Empire and Militarization 18. Existential Threats to the Pacific Islands: Oceania Resists the Long Reach of Empire Abstract
Vanessa Griffen, Gordon Nanau, Maureen Penjueli
Resistance to Empire and Militarization 19. Knowledge Militarized in Africa: On Crushing Ubuhlanti to Advance Pseudo-democratic and Economic Imagination in the Context of Empire Abstract
Vuyani Vellem
Resistance to Empire and Militarization 20. Resistance, Peoples’ Rights and the Role of the Churches in Latin America Abstract
Javier Giraldo Moreno
Resistance to Empire and Militarization 21. Empire, the Caribbean Church and the Gospel of Resistance Abstract
Garnett Roper
Resistance to Empire and Militarization Index Abstract
Jude Lal Fernando
The Spider Dance Preface Abstract
Giovanna Parmigiani
The Spider Dance Il Matto / The Fool Abstract
Giovanna Parmigiani
The Spider Dance Il Mago / The Magician Abstract
Giovanna Parmigiani
The Spider Dance La Papessa / The High Priestess Abstract
Giovanna Parmigiani
The Spider Dance L’Imperatrice / The Empress Abstract
Giovanna Parmigiani
The Spider Dance Il Mondo / The World Abstract
Giovanna Parmigiani
The Spider Dance La Temperanza / Temperance Abstract
Giovanna Parmigiani
The Spider Dance Appendix: Resources on Pizzica and Tarantismo Details
Giovanna Parmigiani
The Spider Dance Bibliography Details
Giovanna Parmigiani
The Spider Dance Index Details
Giovanna Parmigiani
Assessing Speaking Introduction Abstract
Fumiyo Nakatsuhara, Vivien Berry, Chihiro Inoue, Nahal Khabbazbashi
Assessing Speaking 1. Classroom Assessment and a Learning-oriented Approach to Language Testing Abstract
Fumiyo Nakatsuhara, Vivien Berry, Chihiro Inoue, Nahal Khabbazbashi
Assessing Speaking 2. Development of Large-scale High-stakes Testing Abstract
Fumiyo Nakatsuhara, Vivien Berry, Chihiro Inoue, Nahal Khabbazbashi
Assessing Speaking 3. Interactional Competence Abstract
Fumiyo Nakatsuhara, Vivien Berry, Chihiro Inoue, Nahal Khabbazbashi
Assessing Speaking 4. Speaking Tests and Interactive Listening Construct Abstract
Fumiyo Nakatsuhara, Vivien Berry, Chihiro Inoue, Nahal Khabbazbashi
Assessing Speaking 5. Use of Technology in the Delivery of Speaking Tests Abstract
Fumiyo Nakatsuhara, Vivien Berry, Chihiro Inoue, Nahal Khabbazbashi
Assessing Speaking 6. Use of Technology in Rating Speaking Tests Abstract
Fumiyo Nakatsuhara, Vivien Berry, Chihiro Inoue, Nahal Khabbazbashi
Assessing Speaking Ways Forward Abstract
Fumiyo Nakatsuhara, Vivien Berry, Chihiro Inoue, Nahal Khabbazbashi
Playing the Scene of Religion Introduction Abstract
Karen Zoppa
Playing the Scene of Religion Writing Lives Abstract
Karen Zoppa
Playing the Scene of Religion Setting the Scene Abstract
Karen Zoppa
Playing the Scene of Religion Beauvoir's Conversion Abstract
Karen Zoppa
Playing the Scene of Religion The Other Shore Abstract
Karen Zoppa
Playing the Scene of Religion A Moving Scene Abstract
Karen Zoppa
Playing the Scene of Religion Acknowledgements Details
Karen Elizabeth Zoppa
Playing the Scene of Religion Bibliography Details
Karen Elizabeth Zoppa
Playing the Scene of Religion Index of Names and Select Titles by Author Details
Karen Elizabeth Zoppa
Playing the Scene of Religion Index of Subjects Details
Karen Elizabeth Zoppa
News across Five Continents 1. Regional and Functional Variation Abstract
Jennifer Fest
News across Five Continents 2. Varieties of English - Concepts and Previous Work Abstract
Jennifer Fest
News across Five Continents 3. The Role of News and its Language Abstract
Jennifer Fest
News across Five Continents 4. A Functional Approach to Variation in English Abstract
Jennifer Fest
News across Five Continents 5. Defining Register for a Quantitative Analysis Abstract
Jennifer Fest
News across Five Continents 6. Corpus Design Abstract
Jennifer Fest
News across Five Continents 8. Tenor of Discourse Abstract
Jennifer Fest
News across Five Continents 7. Field of Discourse Abstract
Jennifer Fest
News across Five Continents 9. Mode of Discourse Abstract
Jennifer Fest
6501 - 7000 of 13174 Items << < 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 > >> 

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