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Issue Title
Iʿjāz al-bayān 31. Instalment from the Preceding Details
Ṣadr al-Dīn Qūnawī
Iʿjāz al-bayān 32. Instalment Details
Ṣadr al-Dīn Qūnawī
Iʿjāz al-bayān 33. Section Details
Ṣadr al-Dīn Qūnawī
Iʿjāz al-bayān 34. Conclusion and Comprehensive Guidance Details
Ṣadr al-Dīn Qūnawī
Iʿjāz al-bayān 35. Section of the 'Guidance' Promised Details
Ṣadr al-Dīn Qūnawī
Iʿjāz al-bayān 36. Completion of the Discussion on this Sign-verse According to the Requirement of the Antecedent Promise Details
Ṣadr al-Dīn Qūnawī
Iʿjāz al-bayān 37. Instalment in the Voice of Limit and Dawning Details
Ṣadr al-Dīn Qūnawī
Iʿjāz al-bayān 38. Instalment from the Preceding Details
Ṣadr al-Dīn Qūnawī
Iʿjāz al-bayān 39. Instalment On His Pronouncement: ‘Or Those Who Stray’ Details
Ṣadr al-Dīn Qūnawī
Iʿjāz al-bayān 40. Instalment Details
Ṣadr al-Dīn Qūnawī
Iʿjāz al-bayān 41. Another Instalment Details
Ṣadr al-Dīn Qūnawī
Iʿjāz al-bayān 42. An Instalment Higher and More August That Uncovers More Of the Secret by Branch and Root Details
Ṣadr al-Dīn Qūnawī
Iʿjāz al-bayān 43. The Descent to the Intelligences, a Familiarisation and an Elucidation of an Equivocation with a Precious Similitude Details
Ṣadr al-Dīn Qūnawī
Iʿjāz al-bayān 44. Section Details
Ṣadr al-Dīn Qūnawī
Iʿjāz al-bayān 45. Instalment from [the Preceding] in the Voice of Junction of the Junction Details
Ṣadr al-Dīn Qūnawī
Iʿjāz al-bayān 46. Instalment in an Instalment Containing a Modicum of the Canonical, Radicate and Qurʾānic Secrets Details
Ṣadr al-Dīn Qūnawī
Iʿjāz al-bayān 47. Instalment On the Junctions of Ordinances, Consonantly with the Book’s Conclusion Details
Ṣadr al-Dīn Qūnawī
Iʿjāz al-bayān 48. Instalment Details
Ṣadr al-Dīn Qūnawī
Iʿjāz al-bayān 49. The Closing Extolment Details
Ṣadr al-Dīn Qūnawī
Iʿjāz al-bayān Sources Details
Anthony Shaker
Iʿjāz al-bayān Endnotes Details
Anthony Shaker
Search for the New Land Search for the New Land Abstract
Mark Racz
Search for the New Land Acknowledgement: The Heritage of John Coltrane Abstract
Mark Racz
Search for the New Land Alkebu-lan: Spirituality and Politics in the 1970s Abstract
Mark Racz
Search for the New Land Bitches Brew: Miles and his Sidemen Abstract
Mark Racz
Search for the New Land Red Clay: The 1970s Mainstream Abstract
Mark Racz
Search for the New Land Money Blues: Gigs, Recording, Grants and Academia Abstract
Mark Racz
Search for the New Land Breezin’: Jazz and the Marketplace Abstract
Mark Racz
Search for the New Land Chi-Congo: Chicago and the AACM Diaspora Abstract
Mark Racz
Search for the New Land Message from the Tribe: Jazz Communities in St Louis, Los Angeles, Detroit and Hartford Abstract
Mark Racz
Search for the New Land Friends and Neighbors: The New York Loft Scene Abstract
Mark Racz
Search for the New Land Dreaming of the Masters Abstract
Mark Racz
Search for the New Land Set Me Free: Individuals and Iconoclasts Abstract
Mark Racz
Search for the New Land Gittin’ to Know Y’All: Americans in Europe Abstract
Mark Racz
Search for the New Land Old and New Dreams: Revivals and New Directions Abstract
Mark Racz
The Psychology of the Yogas Introduction Abstract
Gidi Ifergan
The Psychology of the Yogas The Psychological Layers in Patañjali’s Yoga Abstract
Gidi Ifergan
The Psychology of the Yogas Pratipakṣa Bhāvanā: Cultivating the Opposite Abstract
Gidi Ifergan
The Psychology of the Yogas Pratipakṣa Bhāvanā as Imagining the Opposite Abstract
Gidi Ifergan
The Psychology of the Yogas Western Psychology as a Temporary Complement to Yoga Abstract
Gidi Ifergan
The Psychology of the Yogas Between Classical Yoga and Dzogchen Abstract
Gidi Ifergan
The Psychology of the Yogas The Psychology of Tibetan Dzogchen: Ati Yoga Abstract
Gidi Ifergan
The Psychology of the Yogas Epilogue Abstract
Gidi Ifergan
The Psychology of the Yogas Glossary Abstract
Gidi Ifergan
The Psychology of the Yogas Foreword Abstract
Peter Fenner
The Psychology of the Yogas About the Author Abstract
Gidi Ifergan
The Psychology of the Yogas Notes Abstract
Gidi Ifergan
The Psychology of the Yogas Bibliography Abstract
Gidi Ifergan
The Psychology of the Yogas Index Abstract
Gidi Ifergan
Religion and Touch Religion and Sense of Touch Abstract
Christina Welch, Amy Whitehead
Religion and Touch 1. Tattooing Ritual and the Management of Touch in Polynesia Abstract
Sébastien Galliot
Religion and Touch 2. Touching Deities: Offerings, Energies and the Notion of Touch in Guyanese Hinduism Abstract
Sinah Theres Kloss
Religion and Touch 3. Accommodating Crisis: Exploring the Dynamics of Touch and Material Devotion in Alcalá de los Gazules Abstract
Gabriel Bayarri, Amy Whitehead
Religion and Touch 4. The Heathen Lyre: On Religion, Music and Touch Abstract
Andy Letcher
Religion and Touch 5. Being There: Anglo-Indian Roots Tourism Experiences Abstract
Robyn Andrews
Religion and Touch 6. The Senses and Their Absences in Balinese and Tamil Hinduism Abstract
Graeme MacRae
Religion and Touch 7. Death Doulas and Coffin Clubs: Exploring Touch and the End of Life Abstract
Suzi Garrod, Bronwyn Russell
Religion and Touch 8. Touch and Other Senses: Feeling the Truth in Basket Divination Abstract
Sonia Silva
Religion and Touch 9. 'I am broken, I am remade. And I am held tightly through all that comes between.' - BDSM and Religioning on the Edge Abstract
Alison Robertson
Religion and Touch 10. Religion, Touch and Death; Ritual and the Human Corpse Abstract
Christina Welch
Religion and Touch 11. Immersive Hugging as a Ritual Act Abstract
Michael Houseman
Religion and Touch 12. Handling Things Unseen: Tactile Aspects of the Christian Faith Abstract
George Chryssides
Religion and Touch List of Figures Details
Christina Welch, Amy Whitehead
Religion and Touch Acknowledgements Details
Christina Welch, Amy Whitehead
Religion and Touch Series Foreword Abstract
Graham Harvey
Religion and Touch Index Details
Christina Welch, Amy Whitehead
Language Teacher Identity and Reflective Practice Introduction Abstract
Zia Tajeddin
Language Teacher Identity and Reflective Practice Conceptualizing Teacher Identity Abstract
Zia Tajeddin
Language Teacher Identity and Reflective Practice Multiple Dimensions of Teacher Identity Abstract
Zia Tajeddin
Language Teacher Identity and Reflective Practice Teacher Identity in Teacher Education Abstract
Zia Tajeddin
Language Teacher Identity and Reflective Practice Teacher Identity Tensions and Coping Strategies Abstract
Zia Tajeddin
Language Teacher Identity and Reflective Practice Teacher Identity in the Context of Globalization and World Englishes Abstract
Zia Tajeddin
Language Teacher Identity and Reflective Practice Discursive Construction of Teacher Identity through Social Networking and Communities of Practice (COPs) Abstract
Zia Tajeddin
Language Teacher Identity and Reflective Practice Teacher Identity and Teaching Practice Abstract
Zia Tajeddin
Language Teacher Identity and Reflective Practice Encouraging Teacher Identity Development through Reflection Abstract
Zia Tajeddin
Language Teacher Identity and Reflective Practice Conclusion: Teacher Identity, Teacher Reflection, and the Future Direction Abstract
Zia Tajeddin
Somewhere Between Islam and Judaism Somewhere Between Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Somewhere Between Islam and Judaism 1. The Current State of Islamic Studies Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Somewhere Between Islam and Judaism 2. The Current State of Jewish Studies Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Somewhere Between Islam and Judaism 3. Destabilizing "Judaism" in Late Antiquity Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Somewhere Between Islam and Judaism 4. Zindīqs and the Construction of Islamic Orthodoxy Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Somewhere Between Islam and Judaism 5. Modern Back-Projections and their Repercussions Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Somewhere Between Islam and Judaism 6. The Study of Islam in the Age of Trump Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Somewhere Between Islam and Judaism 8. The Study of Religion as a National and Nationalist Project Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Somewhere Between Islam and Judaism 7. Abrahamic Religions: The Second Generation Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Somewhere Between Islam and Judaism Acknowledgements Details
Aaron Hughes
Somewhere Between Islam and Judaism Afterword Details
Aaron Hughes
Somewhere Between Islam and Judaism Notes Details
Aaron Hughes
Somewhere Between Islam and Judaism References Details
Aaron Hughes
Somewhere Between Islam and Judaism Index Details
Aaron Hughes
Thinking in Āsana List of Abbreviations Abstract
Matylda Ciołkosz
Thinking in Āsana Prologue Abstract
Matylda Ciołkosz
Thinking in Āsana 1. Introduction: The Legacy of Descartes and the Mind-machine Abstract
Matylda Ciołkosz
Thinking in Āsana 2. Towards Enactivism: Redefining the Mind and Cognition Abstract
Matylda Ciołkosz
Thinking in Āsana 5. Construing Yoga: A Sketch from a Few Perspectives Abstract
Matylda Ciołkosz
Thinking in Āsana Epilogue: Yoga, Autopoiesis, and Change Abstract
Matylda Ciołkosz
Thinking in Āsana Acknowledgements Details
Matylda Ciołkosz
Thinking in Āsana Bibliography Details
Matylda Ciołkosz
Thinking in Āsana Index Details
Matylda Ciołkosz
Thinking in Āsana 3. Enaction and Language Abstract
Matylda Ciołkosz
Thinking in Āsana 4. About this Study Abstract
Matylda Ciołkosz
Thinking in Āsana 6. The Legend and Legacy of Tirumalai Krishnamacharya Abstract
Matylda Ciołkosz
Thinking in Āsana 7. Viniyoga, or the Yoga of T.K.V. Desikachar Abstract
Matylda Ciołkosz
Thinking in Āsana 9. Ashtanga Yoga of K. Pattabhi Jois Abstract
Matylda Ciołkosz
Thinking in Āsana 10. Yogins, their Yogas, and their Worlds: A Summary Abstract
Matylda Ciołkosz
Thinking in Āsana 8. Iyengar Yoga Abstract
Matylda Ciołkosz
The Handbook on Music Business and Creative Industries in Education Editor’s Welcome Details
Daniel Walzer
The Handbook on Music Business and Creative Industries in Education Music Business Education: A German Perspective Abstract
Martin Lücke
The Handbook on Music Business and Creative Industries in Education Running a Student-Led Music Label: Design, Delivery and Evaluation of Music Business and Professional Practice Training Abstract
Ian Stevenson, Jeff Crabtree, Monica Rouvellas
The Handbook on Music Business and Creative Industries in Education Embedding Effectual Entrepreneurship across the Music Business Curriculum Abstract
Jeremy Peters
The Handbook on Music Business and Creative Industries in Education Thinking Out Loud: The 5Rs of Musicians’ Project and Career Decision-Making Abstract
Mathew Flynn
The Handbook on Music Business and Creative Industries in Education How Do I Look? The Importance of Visual Analysis for Musicians in Popular Music Higher Education Abstract
Helen Elizabeth Davies
The Handbook on Music Business and Creative Industries in Education Songwriting, Visuality and Technological Determinism: Exploring Artistic Responses to Perceived Negative Effects of Streaming on Songwriting and Production Abstract
Hussein Boon
The Handbook on Music Business and Creative Industries in Education Anyone Can be a Musician: Art School Pedagogy and the Rise of the Non-Musician Abstract
Simon Strange
The Handbook on Music Business and Creative Industries in Education Scaling Up: Teaching Contemporary Music through Repertoire Structures Abstract
Sean Foran, Jade O'Regan, Vincent Perry, Tom O'Halloran
The Handbook on Music Business and Creative Industries in Education 'How NOT to land an internship': A Case Study of Experiential Learning in Sound Recording and Music Production Education Abstract
Kirk McNally
The Handbook on Music Business and Creative Industries in Education Putting Down Roots: Making Music and Embracing Messiness in Graduate School Abstract
Taylor Ackley, Joe Sferra
The Handbook on Music Business and Creative Industries in Education Reconceptualizing Higher Education Programs in Music for a Rapidly Changing Global Creative Industries Sector: An Australian Perspective Abstract
Ryan Daniel
The Handbook on Music Business and Creative Industries in Education Index Details
Daniel Walzer
John Cassian and the Creation of Monastic Subjectivity Introduction: John Cassian's Journey Abstract
Joshua Daniel Schachterle
John Cassian and the Creation of Monastic Subjectivity Cassian's Context and Asceticism as Basis for Valid Authority Abstract
Joshua Daniel Schachterle
John Cassian and the Creation of Monastic Subjectivity Foucault, Cassian, and the Creation of Subjects Abstract
Joshua Daniel Schachterle
John Cassian and the Creation of Monastic Subjectivity Conflicts between Monasticism and the Church Abstract
Joshua Daniel Schachterle
John Cassian and the Creation of Monastic Subjectivity Cassian's Rhetorical Attempts to Separate Monasticism from the Church Abstract
Joshua Daniel Schachterle
John Cassian and the Creation of Monastic Subjectivity Conclusion Abstract
Joshua Daniel Schachterle
John Cassian and the Creation of Monastic Subjectivity Acknowledgements Details
Joshua Schachterle
John Cassian and the Creation of Monastic Subjectivity Preface Details
Joshua Schachterle
John Cassian and the Creation of Monastic Subjectivity Bibliography Details
Joshua Schachterle
John Cassian and the Creation of Monastic Subjectivity Index of Ancient Sources Details
Joshua Schachterle
John Cassian and the Creation of Monastic Subjectivity Index of Subjects Details
Joshua Schachterle
John Cassian and the Creation of Monastic Subjectivity Index of Modern Authors Details
Joshua Schachterle
Religion Evolving Introduction Abstract
Benjamin Purzycki, Richard Sosis
Religion Evolving The Extended Religious Phenotype: Religion as a Transsomatic Adaptation Abstract
Benjamin Purzycki, Richard Sosis
Religion Evolving Religion as a Cultural Solution to Social Living Abstract
Benjamin Purzycki, Richard Sosis
Religion Evolving Resistance, Subversion and the Absence of Religion in Traditional Societies Abstract
Benjamin Purzycki, Richard Sosis
Religion Evolving What do Gods Want? Abstract
Benjamin Purzycki, Richard Sosis
Religion Evolving What do Gods Know? Abstract
Benjamin Purzycki, Richard Sosis
Religion Evolving The Context of Supernatural Minds Abstract
Benjamin Purzycki, Richard Sosis
Religion Evolving Fostering Sharedness in Religious Communities Abstract
Benjamin Purzycki, Richard Sosis
Religion Evolving Extending Evolutionary Accounts of Religion beyond the Mind Abstract
Benjamin Purzycki, Richard Sosis
Religion Evolving Approaching Religion as a Complex Adaptive System Abstract
Benjamin Purzycki, Richard Sosis
Religion Evolving Prospects for an Evolutionary Ethnography of Religion Abstract
Benjamin Purzycki, Richard Sosis
Religion Evolving Conclusion Abstract
Benjamin Purzycki, Richard Sosis
Religion Evolving Figures Details
Benjamin Purzycki, Richard Sosis
Religion Evolving Acknowledgements Details
Benjamin Purzycki, Richard Sosis
Religion Evolving References Details
Benjamin Purzycki, Richard Sosis
Religion Evolving Index Details
Benjamin Purzycki, Richard Sosis
Healing, Disease and Placebo in Graeco-Roman Asclepius Temples Introduction Abstract
Olympia Panagiotidou
Healing, Disease and Placebo in Graeco-Roman Asclepius Temples Setting the Theoretical Framework Abstract
Olympia Panagiotidou
Healing, Disease and Placebo in Graeco-Roman Asclepius Temples Forming Ideas about Asclepius and His Healing Power Abstract
Olympia Panagiotidou
Healing, Disease and Placebo in Graeco-Roman Asclepius Temples The Spread of the Asclepius Cult: Deciding to Visit an Asclepieion Abstract
Olympia Panagiotidou
Healing, Disease and Placebo in Graeco-Roman Asclepius Temples Taking the Journey: Arriving at the Asclepieia Abstract
Olympia Panagiotidou
Healing, Disease and Placebo in Graeco-Roman Asclepius Temples The Culmination of Incubation: Creating the Miracle Abstract
Olympia Panagiotidou
Healing, Disease and Placebo in Graeco-Roman Asclepius Temples Completing the Loop Abstract
Olympia Panagiotidou
Healing, Disease and Placebo in Graeco-Roman Asclepius Temples Figures Details
Olympia Panagiotidou
Healing, Disease and Placebo in Graeco-Roman Asclepius Temples Acknowledgements Details
Olympia Panagiotidou
Healing, Disease and Placebo in Graeco-Roman Asclepius Temples References Details
Olympia Panagiotidou
Healing, Disease and Placebo in Graeco-Roman Asclepius Temples Index Details
Olympia Panagiotidou
Back to Reason Preface Abstract
Niels Peter Lemche
Back to Reason Introduction Abstract
Niels Peter Lemche
Back to Reason The Minimalist–Maximalist Controversy Abstract
Niels Peter Lemche
Back to Reason The Road to Minimalism Abstract
Niels Peter Lemche
Back to Reason Back to Reason Abstract
Niels Peter Lemche
Back to Reason Bibliography Details
Niels Peter Lemche
Back to Reason Index of Scripture References Details
Niels Peter Lemche
Back to Reason Index of Modern Authors Details
Niels Peter Lemche
Back to Reason Index of Subjects Details
Niels Peter Lemche
Identity, Multilingualism and CALL Introduction to the Volume: On the State of Identity Research in CALL Abstract
Liudmila Klimanova
Identity, Multilingualism and CALL Language, Identity and Positioning in Virtual Exchange Abstract
Francesca Helm, Mirjam Hauck
Identity, Multilingualism and CALL Multilingual Identities and Intercultural Education during Telecollaboration: A Heritage Language Learner Case Study Abstract
Carly Lesoski
Identity, Multilingualism and CALL #multilingualself: Hashtagging as a Resource for Performing a Multilingual Identity Abstract
Ilona Vandergriff
Identity, Multilingualism and CALL Language Learning Hashtags on TikTok in Chinese, Italian, and Russian Abstract
Boris Vazquez-Calvo, Liudmila Shafirova, Leticia-Tian Zhang
Identity, Multilingualism and CALL Multilingualism in a Box? Identity in non-CMC CALL Abstract
Judith Buendgens-Kosten
Identity, Multilingualism and CALL Examining Identity Performance of Multilingual Students in Computer Science Education: A Narrative Case Study Abstract
Sharin Jacob, Jonathan Montoya, Mark Warschauer
Identity, Multilingualism and CALL On Becoming Language Education Professionals: Reframing Doctoral Students’ Perceptions of Language Teacher Identity Negotiations Abstract
Patrick Mannion, John Liontas
Identity, Multilingualism and CALL Construction and Performance of Online Foreign Language Teacher Identity: A Case Study of Korean as a Foreign Language Teachers Abstract
Seojin Park
Identity, Multilingualism and CALL Engagement in the Expression of Learners' Identity within Virtual Exchange Asynchronous Discussions Abstract
Ana Sevilla Pavón, Anna Nicolaou
Identity, Multilingualism and CALL Cycles of Translanguaging and Group Identity Performances in Multi-Party Video Mediated Telecollaboration: Triggers, Consequences, and Implications Abstract
Liudmila Klimanova
Identity, Multilingualism and CALL Cultural Identity and Intercultural Learning: Individual Learners’ Experiences in Telecollaboration Abstract
Anastasia Izmaylova
Identity, Multilingualism and CALL The Effects of Multimodal Communication on the Development of New Types of Learner Imagination Abstract
Borbala Gaspar
Identity, Multilingualism and CALL Re-establishing Multilingual Identities through Telecollaborative Experience Abstract
Se Jeong Yang
Identity, Multilingualism and CALL Index Details
Liudmila Klimanova
Voice and Mirroring in L2 Pronunciation Instruction Introduction to Voice and Mirroring in L2 Pronunciation Instruction Abstract
Darren LaScotte, Colleen Meyers, Elaine Tarone
Voice and Mirroring in L2 Pronunciation Instruction Bottom-Up and Top-Down Theories of Second-Language Acquisition Abstract
Darren LaScotte, Colleen Meyers, Elaine Tarone
Voice and Mirroring in L2 Pronunciation Instruction Top-Down Research on Interlanguage Phonology Abstract
Darren LaScotte, Colleen Meyers, Elaine Tarone
Voice and Mirroring in L2 Pronunciation Instruction Research on the Impact of Internalized Voices on Interlanguage Phonology Abstract
Darren LaScotte, Colleen Meyers, Elaine Tarone
Voice and Mirroring in L2 Pronunciation Instruction Top-Down Pronunciation Pedagogies with a Focus on Voice and Intelligibility Abstract
Darren LaScotte, Colleen Meyers, Elaine Tarone
Voice and Mirroring in L2 Pronunciation Instruction The Mirroring Project Abstract
Darren LaScotte, Colleen Meyers, Elaine Tarone
Voice and Mirroring in L2 Pronunciation Instruction Conclusion Abstract
Darren LaScotte, Colleen Meyers, Elaine Tarone
Voice and Mirroring in L2 Pronunciation Instruction Appendix A: Student Worksheets and Handouts for Mirroring Activities in L2 Classrooms Details
Darren LaScotte, Colleen Meyers, Elaine Tarone
Voice and Mirroring in L2 Pronunciation Instruction Appendix B: Teacher Notes for the Mirroring Project Details
Darren LaScotte, Colleen Meyers, Elaine Tarone
Voice and Mirroring in L2 Pronunciation Instruction Series Editor's Preface Details
Martha Pennington
Voice and Mirroring in L2 Pronunciation Instruction Acknowledgements Details
Darren LaScotte, Colleen Meyers, Elaine Tarone
Voice and Mirroring in L2 Pronunciation Instruction List of Abbreviations Details
Darren LaScotte, Colleen Meyers, Elaine Tarone
Voice and Mirroring in L2 Pronunciation Instruction References Details
Darren LaScotte, Colleen Meyers, Elaine Tarone
Voice and Mirroring in L2 Pronunciation Instruction Author Index Details
Darren LaScotte, Colleen Meyers, Elaine Tarone
Voice and Mirroring in L2 Pronunciation Instruction Subject Index Details
Darren LaScotte, Colleen Meyers, Elaine Tarone
Religion and Senses of Humour Series Introduction Details
Graham Harvey
Religion and Senses of Humour Introduction Details
Stephen Gregg
Religion and Senses of Humour The Far Side of Religion Abstract
Timothy Stanley
Religion and Senses of Humour Fart and Bum Jokes: Everyday Religion and Children's Literature Abstract
Anita Lawrence
Religion and Senses of Humour How does it Feel to be a Cartoonist after the Muhammad Controversy? Abstract
Pål Botvar
Religion and Senses of Humour Reductio ad Absurdum: Purposeful Offence in Comedy and Religion Abstract
Stephen Gregg
Religion and Senses of Humour “There were an Atheist, a Jew, and a Muslim…”: (Non)Religion in Contemporary Comedy Abstract
Ilaria Biano
Religion and Senses of Humour A Joke, Just Like on Top Gear: A Theological Reading of the Work of Stewart Lee Abstract
Manon James
Religion and Senses of Humour The Double-Edged Knife of Humour in Indonesia - Dakwah and Religious Blasphemy Abstract
Yuangga Kurnia Yahya
Religion and Senses of Humour Jesus in the Guava Tree – Mockery and Memes against Brazilian Pentecostalism Abstract
Leonardo Vasconcelos de Castro Moreira
Religion and Senses of Humour Smiling Pain: Coping with Illness and Death through Humour Abstract
Giorgio Scalici
Religion and Senses of Humour A Laughing Guru: Finding Meaning through Jokes and Humour Abstract
Nicole Graham
Eberhard Weber Prelude Abstract
Eberhard Weber
Eberhard Weber A Stroke of Bad Luck Abstract
Eberhard Weber
Eberhard Weber If Only I Knew Abstract
Eberhard Weber
Eberhard Weber Under the Grand Piano Abstract
Eberhard Weber
Eberhard Weber "A Dab Hand" Abstract
Eberhard Weber
Eberhard Weber "Hey, How About It?" Abstract
Eberhard Weber
Eberhard Weber Free!? Abstract
Eberhard Weber
Eberhard Weber Telephone Bass Player Abstract
Eberhard Weber
Eberhard Weber "I'm Gonna Get Myself One!" Abstract
Eberhard Weber
Eberhard Weber New Colours Abstract
Eberhard Weber
Eberhard Weber Philharmonic Full Circle Abstract
Eberhard Weber
Eberhard Weber Well Received Abstract
Eberhard Weber
Eberhard Weber "Now You've Made It!" Abstract
Eberhard Weber
Eberhard Weber Down Under Abstract
Eberhard Weber
Eberhard Weber Longer than Most Marriages Abstract
Eberhard Weber
Eberhard Weber United (Kingdom) Abstract
Eberhard Weber
Eberhard Weber Border Crossings Abstract
Eberhard Weber
Eberhard Weber Highs and Lows Abstract
Eberhard Weber
Eberhard Weber To Poona, Please! Abstract
Eberhard Weber
Eberhard Weber Home Advantage? Abstract
Eberhard Weber
Eberhard Weber Perfect Sound Abstract
Eberhard Weber
Eberhard Weber Postlude Abstract
Eberhard Weber
Eberhard Weber Discography Details
Eberhard Weber
Eberhard Weber Index Details
Eberhard Weber
God/Terror Prologue Details
Volker Küster
God/Terror 1. The Power of Images Abstract
Volker Küster
God/Terror 2. Apocalypse Now - Does 9/11 Mark an Epochal Boundary? Abstract
Volker Küster
God/Terror 3. Conflicting Images of God Abstract
Volker Küster
God/Terror 4. The Powerlessness of Images Abstract
Volker Küster
God/Terror 5. Beyond Apocalypse - Dealing with Guilt in Societal Transformation Processes Abstract
Volker Küster
God/Terror 6. In Conflict with God Abstract
Volker Küster
God/Terror Epilogue Details
Volker Küster
God/Terror List of Illustrations Details
Volker Küster
God/Terror Bibliography Details
Volker Küster
God/Terror Index Details
Volker Küster
Absolutization List of Figures and Tables Details
Robert Ellis
Absolutization Foreword to the Middle Way Philosophy Series Details
Iain McGilchrist
Absolutization Preface Abstract
Robert Ellis
Absolutization Acknowledgements Details
Robert Ellis
Absolutization Introduction Abstract
Robert Ellis
Absolutization Early Buddhism Abstract
Robert Ellis
Absolutization Systems Theory Abstract
Robert Ellis
Absolutization Embodied Meaning Abstract
Robert Ellis
Absolutization Philosophy Abstract
Robert Ellis
Absolutization Psychology Abstract
Robert Ellis
Absolutization The Unity of Absolutizing Phenomena Abstract
Robert Ellis
Absolutization Criteria for a Response: Practicality Abstract
Robert Ellis
Absolutization Criteria for a Response: Universal Aspiration Abstract
Robert Ellis
Absolutization Criteria for a Response: Judgement Focus Abstract
Robert Ellis
Absolutization Criteria for a Response: Error Focus Abstract
Robert Ellis
Absolutization Conclusion: Criteria for a Middle Way Abstract
Robert Ellis
Absolutization Appendix Details
Robert Ellis
Absolutization The Old and New Middle Way Philosophy Series Details
Robert Ellis
Absolutization Bibliography Details
Robert Ellis
Absolutization Index Details
Robert Ellis
Ivor Cutler An Introduction Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Ivor Cutler Return to Y'Hup Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Ivor Cutler Early Life Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Ivor Cutler A Life in the Clouds Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Ivor Cutler Back to School Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Ivor Cutler A Life of Whimsical Fantasies Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Ivor Cutler When Life was Fab Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Ivor Cutler Life Inside the Sitting Room Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Ivor Cutler A Life on the Page Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Ivor Cutler A Life on the Stage Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Ivor Cutler Quite a Few Lives on the Wireless Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Ivor Cutler Ivor for Hire Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Ivor Cutler Covering Ivor Cutler Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Ivor Cutler A Life Outside the Limelight Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Ivor Cutler Long Players Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Ivor Cutler "I Will Become a Hermes" Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Ivor Cutler A Life on Screen Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Ivor Cutler Discography Details
Bruce Lindsay
Ivor Cutler Acknowledgements Details
Bruce Lindsay
Ivor Cutler Notes Details
Bruce Lindsay
Ivor Cutler Bibliography Details
Bruce Lindsay
Ivor Cutler Index Details
Bruce Lindsay
Religion as Relation Introduction: Religion as Relation Abstract
Peter Berger, Marjo Buitelaar, Kim Knibbe
Religion as Relation Philosophy of Religion: Is Religion Universal? Abstract
Dennis Vanden Auweele
Religion as Relation Turning the Tables: The History of Philosophy as a Field of Enquiry for Religious Studies Abstract
Christoph Jedan
Religion as Relation Normative Pictures: The History of Christianity from a Theological Perspective Abstract
Henk van den Belt
Religion as Relation Relations of Religion in the Graeco-Roman World: Formative Judaism and Christianity Abstract
Steve Mason
Religion as Relation Ancient Religious Texts and Intertextuality: Plato's and Plutarch's Myths of the Afterlife Abstract
Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta
Religion as Relation Religion as a Meaning System Abstract
Anja Visser
Religion as Relation Religion as Attachment: A Psychological Exploration of Relational Dynamics in God Representations Abstract
Hanneke Schaap-Jonker
Religion as Relation Bridging Inner and Outer Worlds: A Psychodynamic Approach to Meaningful Mourning Abstract
Hanneke Muthert
Religion as Relation Dilemmas in Participant Observation in Religious Contexts Abstract
Kim Knibbe
Religion as Relation Away from the Centre: On the Edges and Adjacencies of Religious Forms Abstract
Simon Coleman
Religion as Relation The Importation and Generation of the Religious and the Sacred in Political Song Abstract
Joram Tarusarira
Religion as Relation Comparing Notes: The Anthropological Approach to the Study of Islam in Europe Abstract
Marjo Buitelaar
Religion as Relation Configurations of Values Abstract
Peter Berger
Religion as Relation Epilogue: Studying Religion in Context - Diversity and Commonalities in Approaches Abstract
Peter Berger, Marjo Buitelaar, Kim Knibbe
Religion as Relation Acknowledgements Details
Peter Berger, Marjo Buitelaar, Kim Knibbe
Religion as Relation Index Details
Peter Berger, Marjo Buitelaar, Kim Knibbe
Archaeology at Home When does the Past Begin? Abstract
Hein Bjerck
Archaeology at Home My Father's Things Abstract
Hein Bjerck
Archaeology at Home Scorched Memories from My Uncle’s Burnt Home Abstract
Hein Bjerck
Archaeology at Home A Home from the Deep Past Abstract
Hein Bjerck
Archaeology at Home Things, Memories, Life and Time Abstract
Hein Bjerck
Archaeology at Home Acknowledgements Details
Hein Bjerck
Archaeology at Home Humans and Non-humans that Found their Way into this Book Details
Hein Bjerck
Archaeology at Home List of Figures Details
Hein Bjerck
Archaeology at Home Notes Details
Hein Bjerck
Archaeology at Home Photo Credits Details
Hein Bjerck
Archaeology at Home References Details
Hein Bjerck
Archaeology at Home About the Author Details
Hein Bjerck
Preserving Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age A Sense of Urgency Abstract
Nicola Lercari, Willeke Wendrich
Preserving Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age At-Risk Cultural Heritage, Open Communication and Stealth Archaeology Abstract
Willeke Wendrich
Preserving Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age Global Heritage, Knowledge Provenance, and Digital Preservation: Defining a Critical Approach Abstract
Anaïs Guillem, Nicola Lercari
Preserving Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age Resolving Analog and Digital Records in Cultural Heritage Sites in Mexico: The Case of Cempoala Abstract
Geneviève Lucet
Preserving Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age From the Field to the CAVE: A Workflow for Collecting, Storing, and Sharing Archaeological Data Abstract
Thomas Levy, Brady Liss, Ho Jung Yoo, Ioannis Liritzis, Margie Burton
Preserving Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age A Diversified Approach to Earthen Architecture Conservation: Implementing Digital Monitoring and Spatial Analysis at Çatalhöyük Abstract
Arianna Campiani, Ashley Lingle, Nicola Lercari
Preserving Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age Ancient Egyptian Coffins in 3D: Digital Analysis, Visualization, and Dissemination Abstract
Rita Lucarelli, Kea Johnston
Preserving Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age The Digital Context of At-Risk Textual Archives Abstract
Adam G. Anderson
Preserving Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age Data as At-Risk Cultural Heritage: The DIG Data Publication Initiative Abstract
Deidre Brin
Preserving Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age At-Risk Worldwide: Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Digital Data Abstract
Francis P. McManamon, Leigh Anne Ellison
Preserving Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age CollectionSpace at the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology: A Strategic Information Platform Abstract
Christopher R. Hoffman, Benjamin Porter, Michael T. Black
Preserving Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age CAVEkiosk: Cultural Heritage Visualization and Dissemination Abstract
Jürgen P. Schulze, Glynn Williams, Connor Smith, Philip P. Weber, Thomas Levy
Preserving Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age List of Figures and Tables Details
Nicola Lercari, Willeke Wendrich, Benjamin Porter, Margie Burton, Thomas Levy
Preserving Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age Preface Abstract
Thomas Levy, Margie Burton
Preserving Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age Index Details
Nicola Lercari, Willeke Wendrich, Benjamin Porter, Margie Burton, Thomas Levy
Exonerating the Distinguished Jurists Preface Details
Abdul-Hakim al-Matroudi
Exonerating the Distinguished Jurists Introduction Details
Abdul-Hakim al-Matroudi
Exonerating the Distinguished Jurists Translation of Rafʿ al-Malām ʿan al-Aʾimma al-Aʿlām Abstract
Ahmad Ibn ‘Abd al-Halim Ibn Taymiyyah
Exonerating the Distinguished Jurists Reasons for Divergence of a Scholar's Opinion from a Ḥadῑth Details
Abdul-Hakim al-Matroudi
Exonerating the Distinguished Jurists The Opinions of Scholars and the Question of Error Details
Abdul-Hakim al-Matroudi
Exonerating the Distinguished Jurists Can a Scholar who Fails to Adhere to the Implications of a Text be Chastened? Details
Abdul-Hakim al-Matroudi
Exonerating the Distinguished Jurists The Purpose of Threats of Punishment within Textual Evidence Details
Abdul-Hakim al-Matroudi
Exonerating the Distinguished Jurists The Implications of Categorical and Probable Ḥadῑths Details
Abdul-Hakim al-Matroudi
Exonerating the Distinguished Jurists General and Specific Threats of Punishment Details
Abdul-Hakim al-Matroudi
Exonerating the Distinguished Jurists Categorical Proof and the Threat of Punishment Details
Abdul-Hakim al-Matroudi
Exonerating the Distinguished Jurists Threat(s) of Punishment in Case of Difference of Opinion Details
Abdul-Hakim al-Matroudi
Exonerating the Distinguished Jurists Conclusion Details
Abdul-Hakim al-Matroudi
Exonerating the Distinguished Jurists Bibliography Details
Abdul-Hakim al-Matroudi
Exonerating the Distinguished Jurists Index Details
Abdul-Hakim al-Matroudi
Kansas City Jazz Preface Details
Con Chapman
Kansas City Jazz Roots: Ragtime, Minstrelsy and Tent Shows Abstract
Con Chapman
Kansas City Jazz From Stomp to Swing: From Tuba to Bull Fiddle Abstract
Con Chapman
Kansas City Jazz Riffs and Jams Abstract
Con Chapman
Kansas City Jazz Bennie Moten and his Competitors Abstract
Con Chapman
Kansas City Jazz From Boogie-Woogie to Bop Abstract
Con Chapman
Kansas City Jazz From Bennie to Basie Abstract
Con Chapman
Kansas City Jazz Rhythm: From Banjo to Guitar, Two Drums to Trap Set Abstract
Con Chapman
Kansas City Jazz Shouters and Singers Abstract
Con Chapman
Kansas City Jazz Tenor Legacy Abstract
Con Chapman
Kansas City Jazz The Clouds of Joy and the Lady Who Swung the Band Abstract
Con Chapman
Kansas City Jazz The Rockets That Didn't Quite Take Off Abstract
Con Chapman
Kansas City Jazz Jay McShann and the Last of the Great Kansas City Bands Abstract
Con Chapman
Kansas City Jazz Bird Takes Flight Abstract
Con Chapman
Kansas City Jazz A Little Evil Will Do You Good Abstract
Con Chapman
Kansas City Jazz Trumpets Abstract
Con Chapman
Kansas City Jazz Trombones Abstract
Con Chapman
Kansas City Jazz Buster Smith and Other Altos B.B. (Before Bird) Abstract
Con Chapman
Kansas City Jazz Acknowledgements Details
Con Chapman
Kansas City Jazz Notes Details
Con Chapman
Kansas City Jazz Select Bibliography and Abbreviations Details
Con Chapman
Kansas City Jazz Index Details
Con Chapman
The Qur'an Preface Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an Introduction: Is the Qur’ān in English Still the Qur’ān? Of Translators, Traitors, and Traders Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an Guide to Further Reading Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an Abbreviations Details
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an Timeline Details
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an The World of Islam c. 750 CE Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an Synopsis: The Qur’ān at a Glance Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 1. The Opening Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 2. The Cow Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 3. House of ‘Imrān Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 4. Women Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 5. The Table Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 6. Livestock Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 7. The Heights Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 8. The Spoils Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 9. Repentance Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 10. Jonah Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 11. Hūd Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 12. Joseph Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 13. The Thunder Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 14. Abraham Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 15. Al-Ḥijr Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 16. The Bee Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 17. The Journey Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 18. The Cave Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 19. Mary Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 20. Ṭā’ Hā’ Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 21. The Prophets Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 22. The Pilgrimage Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 23. The Believers Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 24. The Light Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 25. The Deliverance Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 26. The Poets Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 27. The Ant Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 28. The Story Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 29. The Spider Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 30. The Romans Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 31. Luqmān Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 32. The Prostration Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 33. The Factions Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 34. Sheba Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 35. Creator Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 36. Yā’ Sīn Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 37. The Ones Who Line Up Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 38. Ṣād Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 39. The Companies Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 40. Forgiver Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 41. Made Distinct Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 42. Consultation Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 43. Decoration Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 44. The Smoke Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 45. The Kneeling Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 46. The Sand Dunes Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 47. Muḥammad Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 48. The Victory Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 49. The Private Rooms Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 50. Qāf Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 51. The Scatterers Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 52. The Mountain Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 53. The Star Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 54. The Moon Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 55. The Merciful Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 56. The Falling Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 57. Iron Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 58. The Disputer Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 59. The Gathering Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 60. The Examined Woman Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 61. The Lines Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 62. The Assembly Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 63. The Hypocrites Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 64. Mutual Defrauding Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 65. Divorce Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 66. The Forbidding Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 67. The Kingdom Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 68. The Pen Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 69. The Payment Due Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 70. The Stairways Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 71. Noah Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 72. The Jinn Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 73. The Enwrapped One Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 74. The Cloaked One Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 75. The Resurrection Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 76. The Human Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 77. The Ones Sent Forth Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 78. The News Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 79. The Snatchers Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 80. He Frowned Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 81. The Shrouding Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 82. The Rending Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 83. The Defrauders Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 84. The Splitting Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 85. The Constellations Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 86. The Night Visitor Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 87. The Most High Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 88. The Covering Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 89. The Dawn Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 90. The Land Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 91. The Sun Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 92. The Night Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 93. The Morning Light Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 94. The Expanding Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 95. The Fig Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 96. The Clot Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 97. The Decree Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 98. The Clear Sign Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 99. The Earthquake Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 100. The Runners Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 101. The Striking Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 102. Rivalry Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 103. The Afternoon Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 104. The Slanderer Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 105. The Elephant Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 106. Quraysh Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 107. Assistance Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 108. Abundance Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 109. The Disbelievers Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 110. Help Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 111. The Fiber Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 112. Devotion Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 113. The Daybreak Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an 114. Humans Abstract
A.J. Droge
The Qur'an Index to the Qur’ān Details
A.J. Droge
Venue Stories Foreword Abstract
Emma Warren
Venue Stories Introduction Abstract
Fraser Mann, Robert Edgar, Helen Pleasance
Venue Stories Peripheral Dancing: The Jazz Rooms, Brighton, 1984 Abstract
Helen Pleasance
Venue Stories Finding the Dirt: Nesh at Elektrowerkz Abstract
Fraser Mann
Venue Stories Chatting to Jarvis Abstract
Robert Edgar
Venue Stories Fascinating Rhythms Abstract
Beth Hughes
Venue Stories The Bull and Gate, Kentish Town, London 1987-1989 Abstract
Polly Hancock
Venue Stories Weapons of Bass Destruction Abstract
Kevin Narrainen
Venue Stories Girls with Guitars Abstract
Vim Renault, Lene Cortina
Venue Stories (Princess) Charlotte and her 1980s Offspring, O'Jays Abstract
Ruth Miller
Venue Stories The Brewery Arts Centre Abstract
Peter Atkinson
Venue Stories 'Nothing Comes Easy': Small Venue Concerts with the Wedding Present Abstract
David Lewis Gedge, Jon Stewart
8001 - 8500 of 13174 Items << < 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 > >> 

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