Browse Title Index

Issue Title
Local Experiences of Connectivity and Mobility in the Ancient West-Central Mediterranean 4. Mining, Movement, and Migration in the Industrial Landscapes of Roman Iberia Abstract
Linda R. Gosner
Local Experiences of Connectivity and Mobility in the Ancient West-Central Mediterranean 5. A Lower-Case 'g' globalized World? Examining Three Paradigms of Culture Contact in Middle and Late Bronze Age Sicily Abstract
Anthony Russell
Local Experiences of Connectivity and Mobility in the Ancient West-Central Mediterranean 6. ‘The Missing link’? Sardinia, Corsica, and Italy: Their Connections in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages Abstract
Jeremy Hayne
Local Experiences of Connectivity and Mobility in the Ancient West-Central Mediterranean 7. The Business of 'Becoming': Connectivity, Trade, and Community Formation in the Northwest Mediterranean Abstract
Catherine Steidl
Local Experiences of Connectivity and Mobility in the Ancient West-Central Mediterranean 8. A Shotgun Wedding? Culture Mixing as Phoenician Mercantile Strategy in the Bay of Cadiz (ca. 800-600 BC) Abstract
Antonio Saez Romero, Philip Johnston
Local Experiences of Connectivity and Mobility in the Ancient West-Central Mediterranean 9. Isolation and Connectivity: The Maghrib and the Mediterranean in the 1st Millennium BC Abstract
David L. Stone
Local Experiences of Connectivity and Mobility in the Ancient West-Central Mediterranean 10. At the Margins of 'Orientalization': Funerary Ritual and Local Practice in Apennine Central Italy Abstract
Jessica Nowlin
Local Experiences of Connectivity and Mobility in the Ancient West-Central Mediterranean 11. Intra and Inter-island Connectivity in the Balearic Islands in Antiquity Abstract
Catalina Florit
Local Experiences of Connectivity and Mobility in the Ancient West-Central Mediterranean 12. Local Heroes: Alternative Histories of the Western Mediterranean Abstract
Peter van Dommelen, Miguel Cau Ontiveros
Local Experiences of Connectivity and Mobility in the Ancient West-Central Mediterranean 13. Local Experiences and Global Connections: Finding the Balance Abstract
Tamar Hodos, Carolina López-Ruiz
Local Experiences of Connectivity and Mobility in the Ancient West-Central Mediterranean 14. A Place for the Local Abstract
Linda R. Gosner, Jeremy Hayne
Local Experiences of Connectivity and Mobility in the Ancient West-Central Mediterranean List of Figures Details
Linda R. Gosner, Jeremy Hayne
Local Experiences of Connectivity and Mobility in the Ancient West-Central Mediterranean List of Tables Details
Linda R. Gosner, Jeremy Hayne
Local Experiences of Connectivity and Mobility in the Ancient West-Central Mediterranean Index Details
Linda R. Gosner, Jeremy Hayne
The Other Voice Introduction Abstract
Carola Darwin
The Other Voice Vienna Circles Abstract
Carola Darwin
The Other Voice The Woman Question Abstract
Carola Darwin
The Other Voice Composers Abstract
Carola Darwin
The Other Voice Performers Abstract
Carola Darwin
The Other Voice Writers and Teachers Abstract
Carola Darwin
The Other Voice Conclusion Details
Carola Darwin
Teaching Awareness in the Buddhist Tradition Tracing the Path of the Dharma Details
Chiara Neri, Francesco Sferra
Teaching Awareness in the Buddhist Tradition 8. Evil According to Buddhism Abstract
Francesco Sferra
Teaching Awareness in the Buddhist Tradition 6. The Teaching of Awareness in Corrado Pensa’s Thought Abstract
Chiara Neri
Teaching Awareness in the Buddhist Tradition 1. The Meditative Cultivation of Joy Abstract
Bhikkhu Analayo
Teaching Awareness in the Buddhist Tradition 2. The Concept of Pariyogāhaṇa in the Epistemology of the Paṭisambhidāmagga: An Immersion in Knowledge and Liberation Abstract
Giuliano Giustarini
Teaching Awareness in the Buddhist Tradition 3. Buddhist Awareness as a Means to Unveil the Past and Emancipate the Future: The Buddhist Awareness Camps Project in post-1990 Nepal Abstract
Chiara Letizia
Teaching Awareness in the Buddhist Tradition 4. An Unshakeable Awareness: Siddhas and Jīvanmukti According to the Mokṣopāya Abstract
Bruno Lo Turco
Teaching Awareness in the Buddhist Tradition 5. Framing the Other: Mindfulness, Photography, and a Reflexive Approach to Comparative Religions Abstract
Filippo Marsili
Teaching Awareness in the Buddhist Tradition 7. A Joyful Song Celebrating Buddhist Practice Abstract
Marta Sernesi
Teaching Awareness in the Buddhist Tradition Foreword Details
Joseph Goldstein
Teaching Awareness in the Buddhist Tradition Bibliography of Corrado Pensa: Works from 1962-2020 Details
Chiara Neri, Francesco Sferra
Teaching Awareness in the Buddhist Tradition 9. The Loveliness of the Ordinary Abstract
Christina Feldman
Teaching Awareness in the Buddhist Tradition 10. Ānāpānasati: A Brief Introduction Abstract
Larry Rosenberg
Teaching Awareness in the Buddhist Tradition 11. Living in Mindfulness and Wisdom Abstract
Andrea Schnöller
Teaching Awareness in the Buddhist Tradition Index of Names Details
Chiara Neri, Francesco Sferra
Teaching Awareness in the Buddhist Tradition Index of Texts (Sanskrit, Pāli and Prakrit) Details
Chiara Neri, Francesco Sferra
Teaching Awareness in the Buddhist Tradition Index of Terms Details
Chiara Neri, Francesco Sferra
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes Preface Details
Diana Edelman, Philippe Guillaume
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 1. How Does One Read the Bible from a Scholarly Perspective? Abstract
Diana Edelman
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 3. Can One Be Religious in a Scientific World? Abstract
Adrien Chauvet
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 5. Why Multiple Biblical Canons? Abstract
Jean-Claude Loba Mkole
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 7. Who Wrote the Hebrew Bible? Abstract
Diana Edelman
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 8. Why Are There Anonymous, Pseudonymous, and Fictitious Texts in the Bible? Abstract
Philippe Guillaume
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 21. Preexilic, Exilic, and Postexilic: Can We Date the Books of the Hebrew Bible? Abstract
Diana Edelman
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 13. How Do We Determine Biblical Genres? Abstract
Diana Edelman
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 9. Who Are the Audiences of the Bible? Abstract
Jason M. Silverman
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 10. What Does "Tanak" Stand For? Abstract
Elaine Adler Goodfriend
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 11. What Are the Pentateuch, Hexateuch, and Enneateuch? Abstract
Jean-Louis Ska
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 33. The Septuagint: Why Was the Hebrew Bible Translated into Greek? Abstract
Ellen De Doncker
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 34. What Do the Dead Sea Scrolls Reveal about the Biblical Text? Abstract
Sidnie White Crawford
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 35. Was Philo of Alexandria the Earliest Biblical Commentator? Abstract
Maria Sokolskaya
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 29. How Should We Read the "Archaeological Evidence?" Abstract
Raz Kletter
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 39. How Do the Moon, Month, and Sabbath Regulate Biblical Calendars? Abstract
Philippe Guillaume
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 40. Does the Hebrew Bible Apply Holiness to Space or to Time? Abstract
Philippe Guillaume
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 42. Did Giants, Nephilim, and Other Creatures Ruin the World? Abstract
Elena L. Dugan
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 44. Why Were the Ancestors De-divinized? Abstract
Diana Edelman
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 41. Which Numbers Can Be Symbolic in the Hebrew Bible? Abstract
Elaine Adler Goodfriend
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 12. Is There a "Book of the Twelve" or Are There Twelve Booklets of Minor Prophets? Abstract
Elena Di Pede
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 48. Israel in Twelve Tribes: Ideal or Real? Abstract
Andrew Tobolowsky
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 20. Why Are There so Many Genealogies in the Bible? Abstract
Dexter Callender, Jr.
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 49. Is "Torah" Law or Teaching? Abstract
Megan B. Turton
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 38. Who Were and Are the Samaritans? Abstract
Benedikt Hensel
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 24. Why Are There Two Versions of Israel's Past in the Hebrew Bible? Abstract
Rodney Duke
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 17. Wisdom: Where Is It Found? Abstract
Michael C. Legaspi
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 16. What Are Psalms Doing in the Hebrew Bible? Abstract
Bernard Gosse
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 18. What Is the Purpose of Proverbs? Abstract
Sonny Zaluchu
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 15. Is There Apocalyptic Literature in the Hebrew Bible? Abstract
Emmanouil Gkinidis
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 43. What Does the Hebrew Bible Say about Angels and Demons? Abstract
Elisa Uusimaki
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 46. Did the Hebrews Believe in an Afterlife? Abstract
Jan Åge Sigvartsen
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 26. Did the Hebrews Conquer Canaan? Abstract
Erin Darby
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 54. Does the Hebrew Bible Endorse Genocide? Abstract
James Anderson
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 53. Can Religious Texts Serve as Legitimate Explanations of the Origin of the Universe and Terrestrial Life in a Scientific World? Abstract
Fabien Revol
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 25. Is There Such a Thing as a "Deuteronomistic History"? Abstract
Philippe Guillaume
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 45. Heaven, Hell, or She’ol? Abstract
Diana Edelman
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 27. Was Josiah’s Scroll Lost and Found Twice? Abstract
Diana Edelman
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 50. Where Is the Magic? Abstract
Shawna Dolansky
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 47. How Did Yhwh Became One? Abstract
James S. Anderson
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 55. Is the Hebrew Bible Patriarchal? Abstract
Philippe Guillaume
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 56. Are There Polemics (Even) in the Hebrew Bible? Abstract
Diana Edelman
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 57. Is the Hebrew Bible “Pro-Choice” or “Pro-Life”? Abstract
Athalya Brenner
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 51. Were the Biblical Prophets Diviners? Abstract
Philippe Guillaume
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 60. Is Abraham/Ibrahim an Ecumenical Figure? Abstract
Carol Bakhos
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 61. Why Is Melchizedek So Mysterious? Abstract
Panagiotis Kampouris
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 62. Joseph: Does His Ability to Interpret Dreams Represent Actual Divinatory Practice? Abstract
Scott Noegel
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 63. Moses: How Many Faces? Abstract
Benedetta Rossi
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 64. Ruth: Whore or Matriarch? Abstract
Philippe Guillaume
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 65. King David: Famous or Infamous? Abstract
Baruch Halpern
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 66. Jezebel: Does She Deserve Her Bad Reputation? Abstract
Kristin Joachimsen
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 67. How Many Isaiahs? Abstract
Ehud Ben Zvi
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 68. Jeremiah: Why Is He So Well Remembered? Abstract
Benedetta Rossi
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 69. Jonah: How to Survive in the Belly of Hell? Abstract
Philippe Guillaume
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 19. Is the Book of Job a Theodicy? Abstract
Philippe Guillaume
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 70. Is Satan in the Hebrew Scriptures? Abstract
E. Macarena Garcia Garcia
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 71. Was Qohelet Fighting Depression? Abstract
Steinar Skarpnes
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 72. Synchronic versus Diachronic Readings: Why Choose? Abstract
Diana Edelman
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 73. What Is Source Criticism? Abstract
Kåre Berge
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 74. What Is “P” - Source or Editor? Abstract
Philippe Guillaume
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 75. What Is Historical Criticism? Abstract
Michael C. Legaspi
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 76. What Are Redaction and Text Criticism? Abstract
Kåre Berge
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 77. What Are Literary and Form Criticism? Abstract
Kåre Berge
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 78. What Is Ideological Criticism of the Hebrew Bible? Abstract
Patton Taylor
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 79. How Are Memory Studies Applied to the Study of the Hebrew Bible? Abstract
Ehud Ben Zvi
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 80. How Is Social Anthropology Used to Understand the Hebrew Bible? Abstract
Emanuel Pfoh
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 81. How Are Gender Approaches Used in the Study of the Hebrew Bible? Abstract
Rhiannon Graybill
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 82. What Is Post-Colonial Studies and How Is It Applied to the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament? Abstract
Sonia Wong
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 83. What Is Reception Criticism and How Is It Practiced in Hebrew Bible Scholarship? Abstract
Erin Runions
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 2. What Is Religion? Abstract
David McConeghy
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 4. Do All Religions Have Sacred Books? Abstract
Russell McCutcheon
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 6. What Is Biblical Exegesis? Abstract
Pauline Viviano
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 14. Are There Myths in the Hebrew Bible? Abstract
James Linville
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 22. How Did Scribes Periodize the Past in the Hebrew Bible? Abstract
Diana Edelman
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 23. What Was the Minimalist versus Maximalist Debate? Abstract
Emanuel Pfoh
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 28. Can Archaeology Prove the Truth of Biblical Texts? Abstract
Tammi J. Schneider
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 30. How is Archaeology Used to Support Nationalism? Abstract
Erin Darby
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 31. Is It Ethical to Excavate in Contested Areas? Abstract
Laura Wright
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 32. How Do You Define Cultic Context? Abstract
Jonathan Greer
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 36. What Is Old Testament Theology? Abstract
Pauline Viviano
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 37. What Is Rabbinic Interpretation? Abstract
Zev Farber
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 52. What is a Covenant? Abstract
Diana Edelman
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 58. How Does the Hebrew Bible Deal with Ecological Issues? Abstract
Jonathan K. Kavusa
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes 59. Does (or How Does) the Old Testament Deal with LGBTQIA Issues? Abstract
Rhiannon Graybill
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes Scripture Index Details
Diana Edelman, Philippe Guillaume
The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures in Five Minutes Subject Index Details
Diana Edelman, Philippe Guillaume
Between Pride and Despair: Stories of Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef and Wet Tropics Rainforests Between Pride and Despair: Stories of Queensland's Great Barrier Reef and Wet Tropics Rainforests Details
Iain McCalman, Kerrie Foxwell-Norton
Between Pride and Despair: Stories of Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef and Wet Tropics Rainforests Caring for Colour: Multispecies Aesthetics at the Great Barrier Reef Abstract
Killian Quigley
Between Pride and Despair: Stories of Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef and Wet Tropics Rainforests Aquariums and Human–Animal Relations at the Great Barrier Reef Abstract
Ann Elias
Between Pride and Despair: Stories of Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef and Wet Tropics Rainforests Great Barrier Reef World Heritage: Nature in Danger Abstract
Celmara Pocock
Between Pride and Despair: Stories of Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef and Wet Tropics Rainforests Coal versus Coral: Australian Climate Change Politics sees the Great Barrier Reef in Court Abstract
Claire Konkes, Cynthia Nixon, Libby Lester, Kathleen Williams
Between Pride and Despair: Stories of Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef and Wet Tropics Rainforests Women of the Great Barrier Reef: Stories of Gender and Conservation Abstract
Kerrie Foxwell-Norton, Deb Anderson, Anne M. Leitch
Between Pride and Despair: Stories of Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef and Wet Tropics Rainforests Drawing a Line in the Sand: Bioengineering as Conservation in the Face of Extinction Debt Abstract
Josh Wodak
Between Pride and Despair: Stories of Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef and Wet Tropics Rainforests Reef and Rainforest Reflection: Coralations - Back to the Breath Details
Irus Braverman
Between Pride and Despair: Stories of Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef and Wet Tropics Rainforests Reef and Rainforest Reflection: Basket Case! Details
Carden C. Wallace
Between Pride and Despair: Stories of Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef and Wet Tropics Rainforests Reef and Rainforest Reflection: Sounds of Silence Details
Diane Tarte
Between Pride and Despair: Stories of Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef and Wet Tropics Rainforests Reef and Rainforest Reflection: Urannah - The Isolated Home of Rare Species Details
Peter McCallum
Between Pride and Despair: Stories of Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef and Wet Tropics Rainforests Reef and Rainforest Reflection: The Daintree Blockade - Making (Radio) Waves Details
Bill Wilkie
Between Pride and Despair: Stories of Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef and Wet Tropics Rainforests Reef and Rainforest Reflection: 'Tourist Fiction'- Cassowaries in Mission Beach Details
Leonard Andy
Between Pride and Despair: Stories of Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef and Wet Tropics Rainforests A Reflection on the Role of Tourism within Vulnerable Biodiverse Reef and Rainforest Regions: A Case-Study from Mission Beach and the Cassowary Coast Details
Iain McCalman
Between Pride and Despair: Stories of Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef and Wet Tropics Rainforests Reef and Rainforest Reflection: Beautiful Shells and their Connection to the Reef Abstract
Chrissy Grant
Deuteronomy Saying Goodbye to the Theory of the Influence of Esarhaddon’s Succession Adê on Deuteronomy 13 and 28 Abstract
Diana Edelman
Deuteronomy The Role of The Oath-Bound Agreement (Berît) in the Book of Deuteronomy Abstract
Diana Edelman
Deuteronomy Geographical Dimensions of the Book of Deuteronomy Abstract
Diana Edelman
Deuteronomy Basic Tools to Figure Out the Economy of Deuteronomy 12–26 Abstract
Philippe Guillaume
Deuteronomy Yhwh (ha)Elohim and a Reconceived Yahwism in the Book of Deuteronomy Abstract
Diana Edelman
Deuteronomy Master Scribe and Forefather of a Scribal Guild: Moses in Deuteronomy Abstract
Benedetta Rossi
Deuteronomy Pragmatic, Utopian and Dystopian Deuteronomy Abstract
Philippe Guillaume
Deuteronomy Deuteronomic Parenting Abstract
Philippe Guillaume
Deuteronomy Ethnic Israel and Power in Deuteronomy Abstract
Kåre Berge
Deuteronomy Between Self-Legitimation and Propaganda: Torah in Deuteronomy Abstract
Benedetta Rossi
Deuteronomy Deuteronomy's Fearsome "Pedagogy" Abstract
Kåre Berge
Deuteronomy Deuteronomy's Ethics Abstract
Georg Braulik
Deuteronomy Deuteronomy: The Samaritan Version Abstract
Sidnie White Crawford
Deuteronomy Deuteronomy’s Influence on the Formation of the Psalter Abstract
Bernard Gosse
Deuteronomy Where and When Might Deuteronomy Have Been Written? Abstract
Diana Edelman
Deuteronomy The Role of Deuteronomy in the Pentateuch Abstract
Richard Nelson
Deuteronomy Deuteronomy in Dialogue with Ancient Near Eastern Law Collections Abstract
Megan B. Turton
Deuteronomy Deuteronomy as Utopia: New Possibilities for Reading an Old Friend/Foe Abstract
Madhavi Nevader
Deuteronomy Landscape in Deuteronomy: What Were the Literati Imagining and Why? Abstract
Ehud Ben Zvi
Researching Global Religious Landscapes Foreword Details
Alana Vincent
Researching Global Religious Landscapes Editorial Preface Details
Peter Nynäs, Ruth Illman
Researching Global Religious Landscapes Contesting the Dichotomy of Universalism and Particularism: A Mixed-Methods Approach to the Study of Religions from a Global Perspective Abstract
Peter Nynäs, Ruth Illman, Nurit Novis-Deutsch
Researching Global Religious Landscapes Translation and Major Categories in the Study of Religions: The Case of "Religion" and "Spirituality" in West Bengal Abstract
Måns Broo, Marcus Moberg, Peter Nynäs, Mallarika Sarkar Das, Sohini Ray
Researching Global Religious Landscapes The Cognitive Study of Religiosity and Contemporary Lived Religion: Complementarity as a Methodological Approach Abstract
Slawomir Sztajer, Rafael Fernández-Hart, Ben-Willie Kwaku Golo, Sidney Castillo
Researching Global Religious Landscapes Heteronormative Religion? Attitudes to Abortion and Same-Sex Relationships on a Global Scale Abstract
Peter Nynäs, Ariela Keysar, Clara Marlijn Meijer, Sofia Sjö
Researching Global Religious Landscapes The Multiplicity of Chinese and Indian Religions: A Critical Reappraisal of the Notion of “Eastern Religion” Abstract
Måns Broo, Ruby Sain
Researching Global Religious Landscapes Conceptualizations of the “Sacred Individual”: A Comparative Study of Russian and Finnish Young Adults Abstract
Polina Vrublevskaya, Marcus Moberg, Karoliina Dahl
Researching Global Religious Landscapes Secular Identities in Context: Emerging Prototypes among Non-religious Young Adults Abstract
Janne Kontala, Ariela Keysar, Sawsan Kheir
Researching Global Religious Landscapes Multiple Identifications: Growing Diversity and Complexity in Religious and Secular Worldviews Abstract
Ruth Illman, Peter Nynäs, Nurit Novis-Deutsch
Researching Global Religious Landscapes Towards a New Methodological Perspective: Concluding Reflections on Cross-cultural Research in the Study of Religions Abstract
Peter Nynäs, Ruth Illman, Rafael Fernández-Hart
Researching Global Religious Landscapes List of Figures and Tables Details
Peter Nynäs, Ruth Illman, Nurit Novis-Deutsch, Rafael Fernández-Hart
Researching Global Religious Landscapes List of Online Appendices Details
Peter Nynäs, Ruth Illman, Nurit Novis-Deutsch, Rafael Fernández-Hart
Researching Global Religious Landscapes Index Details
Peter Nynäs, Ruth Illman, Nurit Novis-Deutsch, Rafael Fernández-Hart
Researching Global Religious Landscapes Appendix 1. The YARG Faith Q-set (Version b) Details
Peter Nynäs, David Wulff, Mika Lassander, Ruth Illman, Rafael Fernández-Hart, Ariela Keysar, Maria Klingenberg, Ben-Willie Kwaku Golo, Nurit Novis-Deutsch, Ruby Sain, Marat Shterin, Slawomir Sztajer
Researching Global Religious Landscapes Appendix 2. The YARG Prototypes: Results from a Cross-Cultural Q-Methodological Study of Religiosity – Short National Descriptions of Faith Q-set Prototypes Details
Peter Nynäs, Janne Kontala, Mika Lassander, Sofia Sjö
Researching Global Religious Landscapes Appendix 3. The YARG Survey Details
Peter Nynäs, Mika Lassander, Marcus Moberg
Researching Global Religious Landscapes Appendix 4. The YARG Interview Model Details
Peter Nynäs, Ruth Illman, Marcus Moberg, Sofia Sjö
Ray Brown Preface Details
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown Foreword Details
Alyn Shipton
Ray Brown The Steel City and the Aluminum Bass (1926-1944) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown Working the Territory (1944-1945) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown Dizzy, Bird, and Bop (1945-1946) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown The Dizzy Gillespie Big Band (1946) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown "The New Star" (1947) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown Fitzgerald, Granz, and Peterson (1947-1949) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown Time Changes: Fitzgerald to Peterson (1950) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown The Oscar Peterson Duo and Early Trio (1950-1952) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown Navigating the Changes: Transitions (1953) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown The Studio Recordings of the First Classic Oscar Peterson Trio (1954-1958) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown The JATP Tours and Records (1954-1958) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown The Classic Oscar Peterson Trio with Singers (1954-1958) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown The Session Recordings of the Classic Oscar Peterson Trio (1954-1958) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown Sideman Sessions Without Peterson (1955-1958) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown Bass Hits!, This Is Ray Brown and The Poll Winners (1956-1958) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown The Second Classic Oscar Peterson Trio (Part 1) (1959-1961) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown The Second Classic Oscar Peterson Trio (Part 2) (1962-1965) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown Solo and Sideman Sessions (1959-1965) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown Commercial Studio Efforts (1966-1969) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown Jazz Efforts (1966-1969) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown Sessions (1970-1974) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown The L.A. Four (1974-1983) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown Sideman Sessions (1975-1979) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown Brown’s Bag: Albums listing Ray Brown as a Leader (1975-1979) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown Milt Jackson, Dizzy Gillespie, Monty Alexander, and Notable Sideman Sessions (1980-1984) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown The Ray Brown Trio with Gene Harris and Further Leadership (1980-1991) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown Sideman Sessions (1985-1989) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown Sessions (1990-1994) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown Green and Brown: The Ray Brown Trio (1991-2002) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown Some of My Best Friends and Final Sideman Sessions (1994-2002) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown Super Bass (1991-2000) Abstract
Jay Sweet
Ray Brown Coda: Remembering Ray Brown Abstract
Jay Sweet
The Gathering Introduction Abstract
Vanessa R. Sasson
The Gathering Many Years Later: Vimala Remembers the Gathering Women Abstract
Vanessa R. Sasson
The Gathering The Buddha Said No Abstract
Vanessa R. Sasson
The Gathering Vimala's Story Begins Abstract
Vanessa R. Sasson
The Gathering The Leap Abstract
Vanessa R. Sasson
The Gathering The Gathering Abstract
Vanessa R. Sasson
The Gathering The Past Comes Charging In Abstract
Vanessa R. Sasson
The Gathering Many Years Later: Vimala and Darshani Abstract
Vanessa R. Sasson
The Gathering The Walking Begins Abstract
Vanessa R. Sasson
The Gathering Patachara Abstract
Vanessa R. Sasson
The Gathering Beads and Mirrors Abstract
Vanessa R. Sasson
The Gathering The Long Road Abstract
Vanessa R. Sasson
The Gathering Flying Horses Abstract
Vanessa R. Sasson
The Gathering The Flying Sage Abstract
Vanessa R. Sasson
The Gathering River Mud Abstract
Vanessa R. Sasson
The Gathering Vesali Abstract
Vanessa R. Sasson
The Gathering Hollowed-Out Mess Abstract
Vanessa R. Sasson
The Gathering The Great Woman Tree Abstract
Vanessa R. Sasson
The Gathering Bhadda Kundalakesa Abstract
Vanessa R. Sasson
The Gathering Muttering and Mad Abstract
Vanessa R. Sasson
The Gathering Motherhood Lost and Found Abstract
Vanessa R. Sasson
The Gathering Ananda Abstract
Vanessa R. Sasson
The Gathering The Eight Heavies Abstract
Vanessa R. Sasson
The Gathering Many Years Later: The Great Immensity Abstract
Vanessa R. Sasson
The Gathering Notes Abstract
Vanessa R. Sasson
The Gathering Study Questions Details
Vanessa R. Sasson
The Gathering Bibliography Details
Vanessa R. Sasson
The Gathering Acknowledgements Details
Vanessa R. Sasson
Formation Preface Details
Brad Mehldau
Formation Tom Sawyer Details
Brad Mehldau
Formation New York Details
Brad Mehldau
Formation Meta Blues Details
Brad Mehldau
Formation The Long Goodbye Details
Brad Mehldau
Formation Epilogue Details
Brad Mehldau
Formation Selected Discography Details
Brad Mehldau
Formation Acknowledgements Details
Brad Mehldau
Formation Index Details
Brad Mehldau
Formation List of Illustrations Details
Brad Mehldau
Nikāya Buddhism and Early Chan The Wrong and the Right Forms of Meditation Abstract
Grzegorz Polak
Nikāya Buddhism and Early Chan Calm and Insight, Concentration and Wisdom Abstract
Grzegorz Polak
Nikāya Buddhism and Early Chan The World of Experience Abstract
Grzegorz Polak
Nikāya Buddhism and Early Chan Can there be Methodless Meditation? Abstract
Grzegorz Polak
Nikāya Buddhism and Early Chan Meditation as an Extension of a Specific Way of Life Abstract
Grzegorz Polak
Nikāya Buddhism and Early Chan Calming the Mind through Awareness Abstract
Grzegorz Polak
Nikāya Buddhism and Early Chan Beyond Method Abstract
Grzegorz Polak
Nikāya Buddhism and Early Chan Conclusions Abstract
Grzegorz Polak
Nikāya Buddhism and Early Chan Introduction Abstract
Grzegorz Polak
Nikāya Buddhism and Early Chan Meditative Cessation as a Process of Cognitive Deconstruction Abstract
Grzegorz Polak
Nikāya Buddhism and Early Chan Acknowledgements Details
Grzegorz Polak
Nikāya Buddhism and Early Chan Abbreviations Details
Grzegorz Polak
Nikāya Buddhism and Early Chan Notes on References to the Source Texts Details
Grzegorz Polak
Nikāya Buddhism and Early Chan Bibliography Details
Grzegorz Polak
Nikāya Buddhism and Early Chan Index Details
Grzegorz Polak
Empirical Perspectives on the Use of Hungarian Nominal Demonstratives Introduction Details
Enikő Tóth
Empirical Perspectives on the Use of Hungarian Nominal Demonstratives Demonstratives - Meaning and Use Abstract
Enikő Tóth
Empirical Perspectives on the Use of Hungarian Nominal Demonstratives Different Approaches to Demonstratives Abstract
Enikő Tóth
Empirical Perspectives on the Use of Hungarian Nominal Demonstratives Empirical Studies on the Use of Hungarian Demonstratives Abstract
Enikő Tóth
Empirical Perspectives on the Use of Hungarian Nominal Demonstratives Contrastive Uses of Hungarian Demonstratives Abstract
Enikő Tóth
Empirical Perspectives on the Use of Hungarian Nominal Demonstratives Conclusion Abstract
Enikő Tóth
From Tapas to Modern Yoga Introduction Abstract
Daniela Bevilacqua
From Tapas to Modern Yoga Hindu Asceticism and Religious Movements Abstract
Daniela Bevilacqua
From Tapas to Modern Yoga The Ascetic Path of Traditional Sampradāyas Abstract
Daniela Bevilacqua
From Tapas to Modern Yoga "Prācīn Yog" Tapasyā from Past to Present Abstract
Daniela Bevilacqua
From Tapas to Modern Yoga Haṭha Yoga from a Historical and Ethnographic Perspective Abstract
Daniela Bevilacqua
From Tapas to Modern Yoga The Yoga Sādhanā (External Practices) Abstract
Daniela Bevilacqua
From Tapas to Modern Yoga Yoga Sādhanā (Internal Practices) Abstract
Daniela Bevilacqua
From Tapas to Modern Yoga "Modern" Yoga and "Traditional" Sādhus Abstract
Daniela Bevilacqua
From Tapas to Modern Yoga Conclusion Abstract
Daniela Bevilacqua
From Tapas to Modern Yoga Acknowledgements Details
Daniela Bevilacqua
From Tapas to Modern Yoga Note on Transliteration Details
Daniela Bevilacqua
From Tapas to Modern Yoga Preface Details
Daniela Bevilacqua
From Tapas to Modern Yoga Appendix 1: Religious Festivals Details
Daniela Bevilacqua
From Tapas to Modern Yoga Appendix 2: Notes on Sādhus Details
Daniela Bevilacqua
From Tapas to Modern Yoga List of Illustrations Details
Daniela Bevilacqua
From Tapas to Modern Yoga References Details
Daniela Bevilacqua
From Tapas to Modern Yoga Index Details
Daniela Bevilacqua
Embodied Reception Editors’ Preface Details
Henriette Hanky, Knut Jacobsen, István Keul
Embodied Reception 1. Introduction Abstract
Henriette Hanky
Embodied Reception 2. Training—Sensing—Predicting: Towards a Theory of the Reception of Practices as Embodied Abstract
Anne Koch
Embodied Reception 3. The Search for Rigour in Ethnographies of Bodily Practice Abstract
Theodora Wildcroft
Embodied Reception 4. Transpersonal Therapy and a Tantric Temple: The Parātrīśikā in Western Practice Abstract
István Keul
Embodied Reception 5. Practicing the Yogasūtra? An Approach to the Analysis of Contemporary Yoga Philosophy’s Somatic Aspects Abstract
Laura von Ostrowski
Embodied Reception 6. Lay Sāṃkhyayoga Practices in Contemporary India Abstract
Knut Jacobsen
Embodied Reception 7. Embodied Receptions and the Creation of B.K.S. Iyengar's Light on Prāṇāyāma Abstract
Suzanne Newcombe
Embodied Reception 8. Between Patañjali and Psychology: Acem’s "Classical, Meditative Yoga" Abstract
Margrethe Løøv
Embodied Reception 9. Kaḷarippayaṟṟ˘ in Performance: Adoptions and Adaptations of a South Indian Martial Art Abstract
Lucy May Constantini
Embodied Reception 10. Osho in a Nutshell? Dynamic Meditation and the Relationship of Bodily Performance and Meaning-Making Abstract
Henriette Hanky
Embodied Reception 11. “Being Here Fully”: Autoethnographic Approaches to Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction as an Embodied Group Interaction of an Authentic Self Abstract
Alan Schink
Embodied Reception 12. Moving Beyond the Mind Through “Listening by Heart”: The Role of Experience in Modern Advaitic Satsangs Abstract
Elin Thorsén
Embodied Reception 13. Aligning the Good and the Beautiful: Yogic Aesthetics in a Globalized World Abstract
Amanda Lucia
Embodied Reception List of Figures Details
Henriette Hanky, Knut Jacobsen, István Keul
Embodied Reception Index Details
Henriette Hanky, Knut Jacobsen, István Keul
Narratives of Peace in Religious Discourses Foreword Details
Alessandro Saggioro
Narratives of Peace in Religious Discourses The Crux of Peace: An Introduction Details
Maria Fallica
Narratives of Peace in Religious Discourses Theological and Philosophical Bases for Dialogue Between Religions in Cusanus’ De pace fidei Abstract
Beatrice Tramontano
Narratives of Peace in Religious Discourses Pius II, Nicholas of Cusa, and the Crusade to Retake Constantinople and Jerusalem Abstract
Nathan Ron
Narratives of Peace in Religious Discourses The Political Peace of Luis Vives and the Religious Peace of Pico della Mirandola: Philosophical Perspectives Between Italy and Spain Abstract
Manuel López Forjas , Veronica Tartabini
Narratives of Peace in Religious Discourses Peace, Prophecy, and the Apocalyptic Expectation: Girolamo Benivieni’s Letter to Clement VII Abstract
Maria Fallica
Narratives of Peace in Religious Discourses The Ambiguities of Erasmus’ Religious Peace: A Reading of De amabili ecclesiae concordia (1533) Abstract
Ludovico Battista
Narratives of Peace in Religious Discourses Specula Pacis: Cosmopolitan Pacifism in Desiderius Erasmus and Thomas More Abstract
Antonello Mori , Antonio Senneca
Narratives of Peace in Religious Discourses Peace in the Material World: Objects as a Meeting Points for Islamic and Christian Traditions in Late Sixteenth-Century Spain Abstract
Francisco Moreno Díaz del Campo
Narratives of Peace in Religious Discourses Political and Religious Moderates in the French Wars of Religion and the Revolt of the Netherlands: A Comparative Perspective Abstract
Alberto Hernández Pérez
Narratives of Peace in Religious Discourses Religious Co-existence in Malta, 1530-1798 Abstract
Francis Ciappara
Narratives of Peace in Religious Discourses Tolerance, Peace and Otherness in Spanish Jesuit Thought of the Baroque Period Abstract
David Martín López
Narratives of Peace in Religious Discourses "Tiered Tolerance": Protestants and the "Other" after 1685 Abstract
Nora Baker
Narratives of Peace in Religious Discourses Religious Freedom and History of Religions in Benjamin Constant Abstract
Roberto Celada Ballanti
Narratives of Peace in Religious Discourses Index Details
Ludovico Battista, Maria Fallica, Beatrice Tramontano
Be Like Adam's Son Foreword Details
Isabella Camera d’Afflitto
Be Like Adam's Son Introduction Details
Fernanda Fischione, Arturo Monaco
Be Like Adam's Son 1. From Ǧihād “until the Day of Resurrection” to Nonviolence: The Debate on War and Peace in the Mid-1960s Post-Nahḍah Arab Generation Abstract
Paola Pizzi
Be Like Adam's Son 2. Kun ka-ibn Ādam: Nonviolence and Quranic Interpretation in Ǧawdat Saʿīd’s Thought Abstract
Pietro Menghini
Be Like Adam's Son 3. The Iran-Iraq War in Iraqi Novels: Oblivion and Disappearance Abstract
Ronen Zeidel
Be Like Adam's Son 4. The Painful Path towards Civil Liberties and Social Justice Followed by the Iraqi Hayāt Šarārah Abstract
Elvira Diana
Be Like Adam's Son 5. Pluralism and Ethno-Religious Identities in Iraqi Fiction: ʿAbdullāh Ṣaḫī’s Trilogy on Thawra City Abstract
Antonio Pacifico
Be Like Adam's Son 6. In Search of the Virtuous City: Coexistence and (In)Hospitality in ‘Alī Badr’s ʿĀzif al-ġuyūm Abstract
Annamaria Bianco
Be Like Adam's Son 7. Literature as a Mirror: The Search for Peace and Pacification in Moroccan Society as Depicted in Banāt al-ṣubbār (2018) by Karīmah Aḥdād Abstract
Paola Viviani
Be Like Adam's Son 8. Youssef Fadel’s Trilogy: Testifying Violence to Negotiate Peace in Moroccan Literature Abstract
Cristina Dozio
Be Like Adam's Son 9. Lā tuṣāliḥ in the Sīrat al-Zīr Sālim: A Hymn to Long-term Peace Abstract
Daniela Potenza
Be Like Adam's Son 10. Twofold Slavery: Slave in Malta, Slave to Love of his Beloved Master: The Peaceful Letter a Muslim Sent to Baldassarre Loyola Mandes S.J. (1631-1667) Abstract
Federico Stella
Be Like Adam's Son 11. Peace and Justice: A Catholic Palestinian Response to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Abstract
Paolo Maggiolini
Be Like Adam's Son 12. A Thousand and One Jordans: The Story of Rafedìn Abstract
Odetta Pizzingrilli
Be Like Adam's Son Index of Names Details
Fernanda Fischione, Arturo Monaco
Be Like Adam's Son Index of Subjects Details
Fernanda Fischione, Arturo Monaco
Religious Studies Beyond the Discipline Foreword Details
Raj Balkaran
Religious Studies Beyond the Discipline Acknowledgements Details
Russell McCutcheon
Religious Studies Beyond the Discipline Preface Details
Russell McCutcheon
Religious Studies Beyond the Discipline Introduction Details
Russell McCutcheon
Religious Studies Beyond the Discipline 1. “The University Absolutely Had Nothing in Place…”: Life After Grad School with Bradley Sommer Abstract
Jacob Barrett, Erica Bennett, Bradley J. Sommer
Religious Studies Beyond the Discipline 2. “A Series of Decisions Which Are Going to Affect You Over Time…”: Life After Grad School with Pamela Gilbert Abstract
Jacob Barrett, Erica Bennett, Pamela K. Gilbert
Religious Studies Beyond the Discipline 3. “What I’m Doing is Pivoting My Career…”: Life After Grad School with Jared Powell Abstract
Jacob Barrett, Erica Bennett, Jared Powell
Religious Studies Beyond the Discipline 4. “Be Thoughtful About What Skills You’re Developing…”: Life After Grad School with Shannon Trosper Schorey Abstract
Jacob Barrett, Erica Bennett, Shannon Schorey
Religious Studies Beyond the Discipline 5. A Manifesto on Earning and Awarding a Ph.D. Abstract
Andrew Ali Aghapour, Shannon Schorey, Thomas Whitley, Vaia Touna, Russell McCutcheon
Religious Studies Beyond the Discipline 6. The Future of an Illusion Abstract
Barbara R. Ambros, Randall Styers
Religious Studies Beyond the Discipline 7. A Response to the Manifesto Abstract
David Frankfurter
Religious Studies Beyond the Discipline 8. In the Best Scenario… Abstract
Martin Kavka
Religious Studies Beyond the Discipline 9. The Way We Lived Then, and Now: The Ph.D. and its Employments Abstract
Richard A. Rosengarten
Religious Studies Beyond the Discipline Afterword Details
Emily Crews
Religious Studies Beyond the Discipline Appendix 1: Tracking Doctoral Graduates in the Study of Religion Details
Russell McCutcheon
Religious Studies Beyond the Discipline Appendix 2: SBL/AAR Position Advertisements, 2001-2019 Details
Russell McCutcheon
Religious Studies Beyond the Discipline Resources Details
Russell McCutcheon
Religious Studies Beyond the Discipline Index Details
Russell McCutcheon
Les Parisiennes Introduction Abstract
Diana Ambache
Les Parisiennes 1.Opéras, Citoyennes, Sonates, et Mélodies Abstract
Diana Ambache
Les Parisiennes 2. Paris - the artistic centre of Europe Abstract
Diana Ambache
Les Parisiennes 3. Vocal music, prodigious talent, and new pianism Abstract
Diana Ambache
Les Parisiennes 4. Meyerbeer’s Prophète, Viardot at Chopin’s funeral, chamber music societies in the Second Republic 1848-1852 Abstract
Diana Ambache
Les Parisiennes 5. Opéra, chamber music, and more songs in the Second Republic Abstract
Diana Ambache
Les Parisiennes 6. Chamber music and Piano Études in the Second Empire 1852-1870 Abstract
Diana Ambache
Les Parisiennes 7. La Belle Époque 1870-1940 Abstract
Diana Ambache
Les Parisiennes Biography Abstract
Diana Ambache
Ruth One Plus One Equals Three: The Economics of Land Shares According to Boaz Abstract
Philippe Guillaume
Ruth The Torah in Ruth? Abstract
Philippe Guillaume
Ruth Reading Ruth Canonically as the Central Panel in a Literary Triptych Abstract
William Krisel
Ruth After the Idyll Ends: Ruth and the Uses of Disappointment Abstract
Rhiannon Graybill
Ruth Obed, Son of Boaz, an Israelite: Should Ruth be Read through the Lens of Deuteronomy’s Laws about Moabites? Abstract
Jonathan Thambyrajah
Ruth Naomi and Ruth: A Tale of Two Wives? Abstract
William Krisel
Ruth It’s a Charming Story of Faithful Living, but …: Interpretive Tensions in the Book of Ruth Abstract
Rebecca Lindsay
Ruth Wisdom in a Time of Prose: Form, Function, and the Book of Ruth Abstract
Laura Quick
Jonah Words Hurled Upon the Sea: Scribal Culture and the Role of Writing in the Book of Jonah Abstract
Amy Erickson
Religious Super-diversity and Peacebuilding across Asia and its Diasporas Religious Diversity, Plurality and Pluralism: Towards an Analytical Grid Abstract
Dionigi Albera, Mariachiara Giorda
Religious Super-diversity and Peacebuilding across Asia and its Diasporas 7. ‘Out-of-place’ Muslims: Public Islam and Youth Activism in Sites of Modernity Abstract
Andrea Priori
Religious Super-diversity and Peacebuilding across Asia and its Diasporas 2. Nonviolence and Interreligious Dialogue in Islam: the Case of Jawdat Said Abstract
Viviana Schiavo
Religious Super-diversity and Peacebuilding across Asia and its Diasporas 4. Super-diverse Ancestors: Cemeterial Recollections as Practices of Coexistence in Rural Java Abstract
Roberto Rizzo
Religious Super-diversity and Peacebuilding across Asia and its Diasporas 5. Narrating the Past and the Future: Religious Super-diversity Formation of Catholic Communities in Vietnam Abstract
Yuqing Du
Religious Super-diversity and Peacebuilding across Asia and its Diasporas 8. The Digital Darśana: Celebrating Durgā Pūjā 2020 During the Pandemic Abstract
Valeria Giampietri, Randa Khalil, Ludovica Tozzi
Religious Super-diversity and Peacebuilding across Asia and its Diasporas 3. Post-War Religious Dynamics: A Case-study from Nepal Abstract
Davide Torri
Religious Super-diversity and Peacebuilding across Asia and its Diasporas 6. Migration, Religious Super-diversity, and Cohabitation: Notes from an Ethnographic Research on the Sinhala Community in Messina (Sicily) Abstract
Giovanni Cordova
Religious Super-diversity and Peacebuilding across Asia and its Diasporas Introduction Details
Alessandro Saggioro, Carmelo Russo
Religious Super-diversity and Peacebuilding across Asia and its Diasporas 9. Religious ‘superconflict’: Durgā Pūjā and a Muslim Funeral in a Plural District of Rome, Italy Abstract
Carmelo Russo
War, Peace and Resilience in the Ancient World Narratives ‘I did not want war; the gods did!’ Ancient Near Eastern Justifications for War in the Late Bronze Age Abstract
Sasha Alessandro Volpi
War, Peace and Resilience in the Ancient World Narratives Myth to Epic: The Imagination of War in Syro-Mesopotamia Abstract
Jérôme Pace
War, Peace and Resilience in the Ancient World Narratives Divine Aid in Military Campaigns of South Mesopotamian Rulers in the Late Third and Early Second Millennia BCE Abstract
Iakov Kadochnikov
War, Peace and Resilience in the Ancient World Narratives 'Reconcile the gods of Babylonia with your gods!': Rewriting of the Past and Storytelling of the Present at the Time of the Assyrian King Esarhaddon (681-669 BC) Abstract
Marinella Ceravolo
War, Peace and Resilience in the Ancient World Narratives The Practical Dimension of Neo-Assyrian Militarism. Terror of War or an Ideological Path to Power? Abstract
Krzysztof Ulanowski
War, Peace and Resilience in the Ancient World Narratives The Phoenicians’ Impiety in the Narrative Process of Herodotus’ Work: The Theft of the Statue of Apollo as an Omen of Barbaric Defeat Abstract
Jérémy Bonner
War, Peace and Resilience in the Ancient World Narratives Anchored in Resilience during Wars: The Eleusinian Mysteries Abstract
War, Peace and Resilience in the Ancient World Narratives In the Name of Jupiter: Prodigies and Omens in Silius Italicus’ Punica Abstract
Diletta Vignola
War, Peace and Resilience in the Ancient World Narratives When Rome Spared Capua: The Intervention of God Pan in Silius’ Punica (XIII, 314-347) Abstract
Émilie Borron
War, Peace and Resilience in the Ancient World Narratives 'Heaven, however, resented this haughty spirit': Religion in the Caudine Forks Narration and Historiographical Interventions Abstract
Davide Morelli
War, Peace and Resilience in the Ancient World Narratives Inter febres morbosque reipublicae: Orosius on Roman Wars in Hist. 3, 8 Abstract
Elisa Manzo
War, Peace and Resilience in the Ancient World Narratives Scourges in Late IV Century, a Syriac Point of View Abstract
Matteo Poiani
Community Archaeology in Israel/Palestine The Nature and Development of Community Archaeology in Israel/Palestine: An Introduction Abstract
Raz Kletter, Liora Kolska Horwitz
Community Archaeology in Israel/Palestine Sebastia: Promoting Community’s Role in Preserving Cultural Heritage in Conflict Areas Abstract
Osama Hamdan, Carla Benelli
Community Archaeology in Israel/Palestine Something Old, Something New: Conducting Community Archaeology at the Wrong Site Abstract
Tawfiq Daʿadli
Community Archaeology in Israel/Palestine Community Archaeology in Israel: Test Cases, Observations – and Questions Abstract
Gideon Sulimani
Community Archaeology in Israel/Palestine A Socialist Critique of Archaeology in Israel: Community and Antiquities as Social Value Abstract
Ianir Milevski
Community Archaeology in Israel/Palestine Community Archaeology before Community Archaeology? Dhahr el-Mazra‘a (Nahariya) and Kfar Bar’am Abstract
Raz Kletter
Community Archaeology in Israel/Palestine Community Archaeology and the Har Michia Rock Art Park in the Negev/al-Naqab Abstract
Joshua Schmidt, Liora Kolska Horwitz
Community Archaeology in Israel/Palestine Archaeological Communities in the Shadow of Dividedness: Impressions from Israeli and Palestinian Scholars Abstract
Dirk Conradie
Community Archaeology in Israel/Palestine “Truth springeth out of the earth” (Psalm 85:12): The Museum Curator and Community Archaeology Abstract
Irit Ziffer
Community Archaeology in Israel/Palestine Archaeology in a Tray: Integrating Students with Autism in Laboratory Research Abstract
Nimrod Marom, Nofar Shamir, Inbal Vortman-Shoham, Marissa Hartston, Roee Shafir, Lee Perry Gal, Bat-Sheva Hadad, Guy Bar-Oz
Community Archaeology in Israel/Palestine Silwan (East Jerusalem): Trying to Breach the Archaeological Siege of a Community under Occupation Abstract
Yoni Mizrahi
Community Archaeology in Israel/Palestine Toward a Decolonial and Denationalized Public Archaeology Abstract
Raphael Greenberg
Community Archaeology in Israel/Palestine An Afterword on History, Archaeology and Heritage in Israel/Palestine Abstract
Emanuel Pfoh
Community Archaeology in Israel/Palestine List of Figures Details
Raz Kletter, Liora Kolska Horwitz, Emanuel Pfoh
Community Archaeology in Israel/Palestine Index of People Details
Raz Kletter, Liora Kolska Horwitz, Emanuel Pfoh
Community Archaeology in Israel/Palestine Index of Places Details
Raz Kletter, Liora Kolska Horwitz, Emanuel Pfoh
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants What are approximants? Abstract
Martin Ball
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants 1. Articulatory Aspects of Approximants Details
Eleanor Lawson, James Scobbie
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants 2. Acoustic Aspects of Approximants Details
Sherman Charles
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants 3. Perceptual Aspects of Approximants Details
Grant McGuire
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants 4. Phonological Aspects of Approximants Details
Harry van der Hulst, Jeroen van de Weijer
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants 5. Sociolinguistics Aspects of Approximants Details
Claire Nance
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants 6. Approximant Systems in the Languages of the World Details
Ian Maddieson
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants 7. Transcription of Approximants Details
Martin Ball
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants 8. Acquisition of Maltese Approximants Details
Helen Grech
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants 9. Acquisition of Spanish Approximants Details
Jessica A. Barlow, Philip Combiths
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants 10. Acquisition of Laterals in Portuguese Details
Marcia Keske-Soares, Marizete Ilha Ceron
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants 11. Acquisition of English Rhotic Approximants Details
Rachael Knight, Peter Flipsen
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants 12. Approximants in Clinical Populations Details
Joseph Stemberger, Sarah Masso, Joanne Cleland
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants 13. From half-sounds to approximants: The history of /l/ and /j/ in Hungarian Details
Mária Gósy, Ruth Bahr
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants 14. The Greek approximants Details
Ioannis Papakyritsis
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants 15. Approximants in Italian Details
Chiara Meluzzi
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants 16. Spanish approximants Details
Mauricio Figueroa, Brandon Rogers
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants 17. Approximants in the Celtic Languages Details
Pavel Iosad
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants 19. Approximants in Tamil Details
Hemalatha Nagarajan, Meena Debashish, Nivedha Narayanaswamy
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants 18. The Perception of Dense Approximant Inventories in Hindi and Malayalam Details
Philip Howson, Irfana Madathodiyil
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants 20. The liquids /ɹ/ and /l/ in Mandarin Chinese Details
Shuwen Chen, Zhiqiang Zhu, Peggy Mok
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants 21. Approximants in Australian Languages Details
Brett Baker, Marija Tabain
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants 22. Maasai Details
Didier Demolin, Michael Karani, Alain Ghio
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants 23. Approximants in Tupi-Guarani Languages Details
Fernando O. de Carvalho
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants 24. Irish English /ɹ/ Details
Nicola Bessell, Alice Lee, Aoife Trang Hennessy
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants 25. Pharyngeals in Hebrew and Arabic Details
Asher Laufer
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants 26. Is a Category Approximant Justified Phonetically and/or Phonologically? Details
Eugenio Martínez Celdrán , Lourdes Romera Barrios, Wendy Elvira-Garcia
The Phonetics and Phonology of Approximants Afterword Details
Martin Ball
The Satipaṭṭhānasutta with Pemasiri Thera’s Commentary Introduction Details
Tamara Ditrich
The Satipaṭṭhānasutta with Pemasiri Thera’s Commentary Introducing the Four Foundations of Mindfulness (cattāro satipaṭṭhānā) Abstract
Tamara Ditrich
The Satipaṭṭhānasutta with Pemasiri Thera’s Commentary Contemplation of the Body (kāyānupassanā) Abstract
Tamara Ditrich
The Satipaṭṭhānasutta with Pemasiri Thera’s Commentary Contemplation of Feelings (vedanānupassanā) Abstract
Tamara Ditrich
The Satipaṭṭhānasutta with Pemasiri Thera’s Commentary Contemplation of the Mind (cittānupassanā) Abstract
Tamara Ditrich
The Satipaṭṭhānasutta with Pemasiri Thera’s Commentary Contemplation of Phenomena (dhammānupassanā) Abstract
Tamara Ditrich
The Satipaṭṭhānasutta with Pemasiri Thera’s Commentary Conclusion Abstract
Tamara Ditrich
Korean Religious Texts in Iconic and Performative Rituals Preface / Acknowledgement Details
Yohan Yoo
Korean Religious Texts in Iconic and Performative Rituals Introduction: Explaining Sacred Texts and Religion by Using Korean Examples Abstract
Yohan Yoo
Korean Religious Texts in Iconic and Performative Rituals Possession and Repetition: How Korean Lay Buddhists Appropriate Scriptures Abstract
Yohan Yoo
Korean Religious Texts in Iconic and Performative Rituals Performative Scripture Reading Rituals in Early Korean Protestantism Abstract
Yohan Yoo
Korean Religious Texts in Iconic and Performative Rituals Sensory Readings of Scriptures by Neo-Confucian Scholars Abstract
Yohan Yoo
Korean Religious Texts in Iconic and Performative Rituals Performing Scriptures: Ritualizing Sacred Texts in Korean Shamanic Recitation Abstract
Yohan Yoo
Korean Religious Texts in Iconic and Performative Rituals Powerful Tiny Scriptures: Miniature Sutras in Korean Buddhism Abstract
Yohan Yoo
Korean Religious Texts in Iconic and Performative Rituals Scriptures for Recitation in Donghak (Eastern Learning) Abstract
Yohan Yoo
If I Forget You, Jerusalem! 1. "If I Forget you, Jerusalem!" Abstract
Niels Peter Lemche
If I Forget You, Jerusalem! 2. Emphatic Time in the Old Testament Abstract
Niels Peter Lemche
If I Forget You, Jerusalem! 3. Justice as Pre-existing World Order Abstract
Niels Peter Lemche
If I Forget You, Jerusalem! 4. Messiah in the Book of Isaiah Abstract
Niels Peter Lemche
If I Forget You, Jerusalem! 5. Old Testament Texts as Rewritten Literature Abstract
Niels Peter Lemche
If I Forget You, Jerusalem! 6. Psalm 2: Between Past and Future Abstract
Niels Peter Lemche
If I Forget You, Jerusalem! 7. The Introduction to David's Psalms: New Reflections on Psalm 2 Abstract
Niels Peter Lemche
If I Forget You, Jerusalem! 8. Sociology and Prophetical Literature Abstract
Niels Peter Lemche
If I Forget You, Jerusalem! 9. History and Memory in the Old Testament Abstract
Niels Peter Lemche
If I Forget You, Jerusalem! 10. On History, Sociology, and Theology: Old Testament Perspectives Abstract
Niels Peter Lemche
If I Forget You, Jerusalem! 11. On Historical Memory in the Historiography of the Old Testament Abstract
Niels Peter Lemche
If I Forget You, Jerusalem! 12. Ezra and the Pentateuch Abstract
Niels Peter Lemche
If I Forget You, Jerusalem! 13. What have We Done and Where are We Moving? Personal Remarks about a Change of Paradigm Abstract
Niels Peter Lemche
If I Forget You, Jerusalem! 14. Après le déluge: The Copenhagen School or Chaos? Abstract
Niels Peter Lemche
If I Forget You, Jerusalem! 15. The History of Israel’s Religion and the History of Israel: Identical or Different Abstract
Niels Peter Lemche
If I Forget You, Jerusalem! 16. Geography as Memory Abstract
Niels Peter Lemche
If I Forget You, Jerusalem! 17. Israel and its Land Abstract
Niels Peter Lemche
If I Forget You, Jerusalem! 18. Israel as an Ideological Construction Abstract
Niels Peter Lemche
If I Forget You, Jerusalem! 19. The Relevance of Social-critical Exegesis for Old Testament Theology Abstract
Niels Peter Lemche
If I Forget You, Jerusalem! 272 BCE - A terminus a quo Abstract
Niels Peter Lemche
If I Forget You, Jerusalem! Preface Details
Niels Peter Lemche
If I Forget You, Jerusalem! Acknowledgements Details
Niels Peter Lemche
If I Forget You, Jerusalem! Abbreviations Details
Niels Peter Lemche
If I Forget You, Jerusalem! Bibliography Details
Niels Peter Lemche
If I Forget You, Jerusalem! Index of Scripture References Details
Niels Peter Lemche
If I Forget You, Jerusalem! Index of Modern Authors Details
Niels Peter Lemche
If I Forget You, Jerusalem! Index of Subjects Details
Niels Peter Lemche
Archaeology of Urban Bondage From New Amsterdam to New York Details
Augustin F.C. Holl
Archaeology of Urban Bondage 1. Archaeology of the Atlantic Enslavement Systems Abstract
Augustin F.C. Holl
Archaeology of Urban Bondage 2. The Making of the Negro Burial Ground Abstract
Augustin F.C. Holl
Archaeology of Urban Bondage 3. The Early Sequence (ca. 1650 – 1740) Abstract
Augustin F.C. Holl
Archaeology of Urban Bondage 4. The Middle Sequence (ca. 1740 – 1780) Abstract
Augustin F.C. Holl
Archaeology of Urban Bondage 5. The Late Sequence (ca. 1780 – 1796) Abstract
Augustin F.C. Holl
Archaeology of Urban Bondage 6. The African Burial Ground: A Global Assessment Abstract
Augustin F.C. Holl
Archaeology of Urban Bondage Afterword Abstract
Augustin F.C. Holl
Archaeology of Urban Bondage List of Figures and Tables Details
Augustin F.C. Holl
Archaeology of Urban Bondage Acknowledgements Details
Augustin F.C. Holl
Archaeology of Urban Bondage Preface Details
Augustin F.C. Holl
Archaeology of Urban Bondage References Details
Augustin F.C. Holl
Archaeology of Urban Bondage Appendix I Details
Augustin F.C. Holl
The Speech Acts of Irish The Speech Acts of Irish Abstract
Brian Nolan
The Speech Acts of Irish The Role of Situation, Context, and Common Ground in Speech Acts Abstract
Brian Nolan
The Speech Acts of Irish Understanding Speech Acts Abstract
Brian Nolan
The Speech Acts of Irish The Assertive Speech Act Abstract
Brian Nolan
The Speech Acts of Irish The Evidential Utterance as a Type of Assertive Speech Act Abstract
Brian Nolan
The Speech Acts of Irish The Directive Speech Acts Abstract
Brian Nolan
The Speech Acts of Irish The Question as a Type of Directive Speech Act Abstract
Brian Nolan
The Speech Acts of Irish The Commissive Speech Act Abstract
Brian Nolan
The Speech Acts of Irish The Expressive Speech Act Abstract
Brian Nolan
The Speech Acts of Irish The Declarative Speech Act Abstract
Brian Nolan
9501 - 10000 of 13174 Items << < 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 > >> 

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