Browse Title Index

Issue Title
The Speech Acts of Irish Indirect Speech Acts Abstract
Brian Nolan
The Speech Acts of Irish Concluding Comments on the Speech Acts of Irish Abstract
Brian Nolan
The Speech Acts of Irish References Details
Brian Nolan
The Speech Acts of Irish Index Details
Brian Nolan
Embodied Meaning and Integration List of Diagrams Details
Robert Ellis
Embodied Meaning and Integration Foreword to the Middle Way Philosophy Series Details
Iain McGilchrist
Embodied Meaning and Integration Acknowledgements Details
Robert Ellis
Embodied Meaning and Integration Introduction Details
Robert Ellis
Embodied Meaning and Integration Embodied Meaning Details
Robert Ellis
Embodied Meaning and Integration The Trouble with Representationalism Details
Robert Ellis
Embodied Meaning and Integration Taking Embodied Meaning Seriously Details
Robert Ellis
Embodied Meaning and Integration The Fragmentation of Meaning Details
Robert Ellis
Embodied Meaning and Integration Integration of Meaning Details
Robert Ellis
Embodied Meaning and Integration Conclusion Details
Robert Ellis
Dancehalls, Glitterballs and DJs Where Will It End? An Introduction Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Dancehalls, Glitterballs and DJs When Did it All Begin? Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Dancehalls, Glitterballs and DJs Spin Me Right Round Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Dancehalls, Glitterballs and DJs It Don’t Mean a Thing Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Dancehalls, Glitterballs and DJs A Night at the London Palladium Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Dancehalls, Glitterballs and DJs Dance Like Fred and Ginger, Sing Like Gracie and George Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Dancehalls, Glitterballs and DJs Swing Until You Win Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Dancehalls, Glitterballs and DJs V-Discs, Clubmobiles and a Platter Pilot Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Dancehalls, Glitterballs and DJs Rock, Roll and 45s Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Dancehalls, Glitterballs and DJs Le Discothèque est ici Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Dancehalls, Glitterballs and DJs It’s All Over Town Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Dancehalls, Glitterballs and DJs A Beat Boom, a Baby Boom Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Dancehalls, Glitterballs and DJs A Land of a Thousand Dances Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Dancehalls, Glitterballs and DJs On the Way Down and on the Way Up Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Dancehalls, Glitterballs and DJs Music, Fashion and Passion Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Dancehalls, Glitterballs and DJs Disco Britannia! Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Dancehalls, Glitterballs and DJs Disco Charts and Chat Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Dancehalls, Glitterballs and DJs Disco Breaks Out Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Dancehalls, Glitterballs and DJs Disco's Death Knell Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Dancehalls, Glitterballs and DJs Disco’s Alive! Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Dancehalls, Glitterballs and DJs Preface Details
Bruce Lindsay
Dancehalls, Glitterballs and DJs How to Do the Tickle Toe Abstract
Bruce Lindsay
Dancehalls, Glitterballs and DJs Endnotes Details
Bruce Lindsay
Dancehalls, Glitterballs and DJs Selective Discography Details
Bruce Lindsay
Dancehalls, Glitterballs and DJs Bibliography Details
Bruce Lindsay
How to Do Things with Myths Introduction: Myths, Performatives, Performances and Performers Abstract
Ivan Strenski
How to Do Things with Myths “Sola Scriptura”: Max Müller’s Theory of Myths Abstract
Ivan Strenski
How to Do Things with Myths French Connections: Durkheimian Ritualism Replaces Müller’s Hegemony of Myth Abstract
Ivan Strenski
How to Do Things with Myths About Henri Hubert: Durkheim’s Mythologist Abstract
Ivan Strenski
How to Do Things with Myths What Lévi-Strauss May or May Not Owe to Henri Hubert Abstract
Ivan Strenski
How to Do Things with Myths Müller’s Legacy, Broken: Malinowski and the Pragmatist Theory of Myths Abstract
Ivan Strenski
How to Do Things with Myths Taking Responsibility for the Concept of “Myth” Abstract
Ivan Strenski
How to Do Things with Myths Conceptual Problems for Robert A. Segal and Jonathan Z. Smith Abstract
Ivan Strenski
How to Do Things with Myths Henri Hubert Undoes Aryanist Political Myths Abstract
Ivan Strenski
How to Do Things with Myths The Myth of Moscow, Third Rome: What It Seeks to “Do” Abstract
Ivan Strenski
The Discerning Clear Gaze of Yoga Preface Details
Gidi Ifergan
The Discerning Clear Gaze of Yoga Introduction: Metamorphosis of a Gaze Abstract
Gidi Ifergan
The Discerning Clear Gaze of Yoga The Sense of I-am-ness Asmitā Abstract
Gidi Ifergan
The Discerning Clear Gaze of Yoga The True Self Puruṣa Abstract
Gidi Ifergan
The Discerning Clear Gaze of Yoga The Discerning Clear Gaze Viveka-Khyāti Abstract
Gidi Ifergan
The Discerning Clear Gaze of Yoga Meditation on the Sense of I-am-ness Abstract
Gidi Ifergan
The Discerning Clear Gaze of Yoga Concluding Observations Details
Gidi Ifergan
The Discerning Clear Gaze of Yoga Yogasūtra: Authors, Texts and Readers Details
Gidi Ifergan
The Discerning Clear Gaze of Yoga Glossary Details
Gidi Ifergan
The Discerning Clear Gaze of Yoga About the Author Details
Gidi Ifergan
The Discerning Clear Gaze of Yoga Bibliography Details
Gidi Ifergan
The Discerning Clear Gaze of Yoga Index Details
Gidi Ifergan
Collaborative AI An Introduction to AI: A General Guide for Real Humans Abstract
Joshua Paiz
Collaborative AI AI in Education and English Language Teaching: Building an AI- rich World Abstract
Joshua Paiz
Collaborative AI AI and Language Learning & Teaching Abstract
Joshua Paiz
Collaborative AI Pedagogical Approaches for AI Integration: Human Expertise + AI Support Abstract
Joshua Paiz
Collaborative AI Assessment and Feedback in the AI-support Classroom Abstract
Joshua Paiz
Collaborative AI Ethics and Inclusion in an AI-rich World Abstract
Joshua Paiz
Collaborative AI Towards Collaborative AI: Classroom and Institutional Policy Considerations Abstract
Joshua Paiz
Collaborative AI Teacher Professional Development for AI Integration Abstract
Joshua Paiz
Collaborative AI Looking Ahead: AI, ELT, and Human Expertise Abstract
Joshua Paiz
The Reality of Arabic in Israel Preface Details
Hezi Brosh
The Reality of Arabic in Israel Introduction Abstract
Hezi Brosh
The Reality of Arabic in Israel The Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Brief Historical Background Abstract
Hezi Brosh
The Reality of Arabic in Israel The Vital Role of Arabic in Israel's National Security and Diplomacy Abstract
Hezi Brosh
The Reality of Arabic in Israel Language Policy: The Intersection of Politics and Culture Abstract
Hezi Brosh
The Reality of Arabic in Israel The Status of the Arabic Language Abstract
Hezi Brosh
The Reality of Arabic in Israel Sociopolitical Context and Students’ Attitudes and Motivation Abstract
Hezi Brosh
The Reality of Arabic in Israel Arabic Education in Jewish Schools: Challenges and Sociopolitical Dynamics Abstract
Hezi Brosh
The Reality of Arabic in Israel The History of Arabic Teaching and Learning Abstract
Hezi Brosh
The Reality of Arabic in Israel Navigating Current Challenges: Arabic Education in Jewish Schools Abstract
Hezi Brosh
The Reality of Arabic in Israel Bottom-Up Initiatives for Jewish-Arab Integration Abstract
Hezi Brosh
The Reality of Arabic in Israel Arabic Diglossia Abstract
Hezi Brosh
The Reality of Arabic in Israel The Impact of Diglossia on ATL Abstract
Hezi Brosh
The Reality of Arabic in Israel The Arabic Teacher in Israel: Challenges and Significance Abstract
Hezi Brosh
The Reality of Arabic in Israel Culture in the Arabic Language Classroom Abstract
Hezi Brosh
The Reality of Arabic in Israel Implications Abstract
Hezi Brosh
The Reality of Arabic in Israel Building Bridges: The Transformative Potential of ATL in Israel - Summary Abstract
Hezi Brosh
Technology-mediated Crisis Response in Language Studies 1. Working through Crises Details
Senta Goertler, Jesse Gleason
Technology-mediated Crisis Response in Language Studies 2. Remote Language Teaching and Changes in College-level World Language Educators' Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Online Language Teaching Abstract
Li Jin, Yi Xu, Elizabeth Deifell
Technology-mediated Crisis Response in Language Studies 3. An Examination of Online isiZulu Language Learning During COVID-19: A South African Perspective Abstract
Roshni Gokool, Shamila Naidoo
Technology-mediated Crisis Response in Language Studies 8. Language Teachers as ERT Professionals During COVID: A Perspective from Professional Didactics Abstract
Jill Landry, Marie-Josee Hamel
Technology-mediated Crisis Response in Language Studies 5. The Future of Language Education in the Light of COVID: A European Survey Project on Lessons Learned and Ways Forward Abstract
Bernd Rüschoff
Technology-mediated Crisis Response in Language Studies 6. Post-Pandemic Language Teaching: Language Instructors’ Technology Integration Practices Abstract
Luca Giupponi, Bethany Zulick , Emily Heidrich Uebel
Technology-mediated Crisis Response in Language Studies 7. Spanish Language Teachers’ Experiences During the Pandemic: From In-person to Online Teaching and Back Abstract
Claudia Sanchez Gutierrez, Ana Ortega Perez , Ana Ruiz Alonso Bartol, Paloma Fernandez Mira, Diane Querrien , Shelley Dykstra
Technology-mediated Crisis Response in Language Studies 4. Developing and Implementing Virtual Reality Simulations for Medical Spanish as a Response to Emergency Teaching Abstract
Giovanni Zimotti, Alyssia Miller De Rutté
Technology-mediated Crisis Response in Language Studies 9. The Impact of Technology-informed Crisis Response on Post-pandemic Spanish Proficiency Abstract
Jesse Gleason, Andy Bartlett
Technology-mediated Crisis Response in Language Studies 10. Exploring Flipped English-medium Content Courses in Japanese Higher Education Abstract
Elizabeth Lavolette, Mayumi Asaba
Technology-mediated Crisis Response in Language Studies 11. Confronting Crisis with Craft: Students’ Perceptions of Language Teaching During the COVID-19 Pandemic Abstract
Kimberly Morris , Mikaela Robarge , Pablo Robles Garcia
Technology-mediated Crisis Response in Language Studies 12. Feeling Through Technology: Affect and Emotional Attachments During Remote Teaching Abstract
Chantelle Warner, Wenhao Diao
Technology-mediated Crisis Response in Language Studies 14. The Infinite Loop of Change: A Reflection on the Technology-mediated Transformation of a TESOL Program Abstract
Elena Schmitt, Anastasia Sorokina
Technology-mediated Crisis Response in Language Studies 15. Crisis Response and Crisis Preparedness: Moving Forward Abstract
Senta Goertler, Jesse Gleason
Technology-mediated Crisis Response in Language Studies 13. Predicting Success in Difficult Times: A Latent Class Analysis of World Language - Teachers’ Online Experience During the COVID-19 Pandemic Abstract
Marta Tecedor, Inmaculada Gómez Soler
Technology-mediated Crisis Response in Language Studies Acknowledgements Details
Senta Goertler, Jesse Gleason
Technology-mediated Crisis Response in Language Studies Index Details
Senta Goertler, Jesse Gleason
From the Ground to the Sky Foreword Details
Timothy Darvill
From the Ground to the Sky Introduction: Ten Years of Skyscape Archaeology Details
Fabio Silva, Liz Henty
From the Ground to the Sky 3. Reflecting the Sky in Water: A Phenomenological Exploration of Water-skyscapes Abstract
Ilaria Cristofaro
From the Ground to the Sky 4. A Neolithic World View Lost in Translation: The Case of the Tarxien Temples Abstract
Katya Stroud
From the Ground to the Sky 5. Analysis of Structures' Orientations in Archaeoastronomy: Methods for the Quantitative Statistical Assessment of Peaks in Composite Probability Distributions Abstract
José Abril Hernández
From the Ground to the Sky 7. Cosmo-Logics in Contemporary Lowland South America Abstract
Alejandro López, Augustina Altman
From the Ground to the Sky 6. Notes on the Accuracy of Google Earth Pro Heading Information for Archaeoastronomy and Landscape Archaeology Studies Abstract
William Romain
From the Ground to the Sky 8. The Great Stone Circle (B) at Grange, Co. Limerick: A Ceremonial Space for All Seasons? Abstract
Frank Prendergast
From the Ground to the Sky 9. Crab Supernova Rock Art: A Comprehensive, Critical and Definitive Review Abstract
Edwin Krupp
From the Ground to the Sky 10. Using Virtual Reality to understand Astronomical knowledge and Historical Landscapes at Preclassic Ceros, Belize Abstract
Jeffrey Vadala, Susan Milbrath
From the Ground to the Sky 11. "Sun Marker": A Laboratory for Experiential Cultural Astronomy Abstract
Angela Richman, Von Del Chamberlain, Joe Pachak
From the Ground to the Sky 12. Investigating Archaeology and Astronomy at the Hurlers, Cornwall 2013-2019 Abstract
Jacky Nowakowski, Carolyn Kennett, James Gossip, Brian Sheen
From the Ground to the Sky 13. The Golden Hat of Schifferstadt: An Astronomically Significant Deposit Location? Abstract
Luca Amendola
From the Ground to the Sky 14. "A Slow Convergence"? Archaeoastronomy and Archaeology Abstract
Anthony Aveni, Timothy Pauketat, Juan Belmonte, Timothy Darvill
Body in Ritual Introduction Abstract
Eva Kundtová Klocová
Body in Ritual Body, Mind, and Religion Abstract
Eva Kundtová Klocová
Body in Ritual Ritual as Communication Abstract
Eva Kundtová Klocová
Body in Ritual Power Asymmetry Abstract
Eva Kundtová Klocová
Body in Ritual Kneeling Abstract
Eva Kundtová Klocová
Body in Ritual Conclusion Abstract
Eva Kundtová Klocová
Roman Gentrification Introduction Details
Peter de Graaf
Roman Gentrification Gentrification Theory and the Roman Town Abstract
Peter de Graaf
Roman Gentrification Town and Country Relationships in the Normalurbs Abstract
Peter de Graaf
Roman Gentrification The Transformation of the Etruscan Primary Towns Abstract
Peter de Graaf
Roman Gentrification The Former Independent Towns of Latium Abstract
Peter de Graaf
Roman Gentrification Campania and the Evidence from Pompeii Abstract
Peter de Graaf
Roman Gentrification The Transformation of the Greek Colonial Poleis of Magna Graecia and Sicily Abstract
Peter de Graaf
Roman Gentrification The Roman Towns of Northern Italy and Picenum Abstract
Peter de Graaf
Roman Gentrification Urban Transformation and Roman Gentrification Abstract
Peter de Graaf
Environmental Spirituality and Wellbeing Introduction Details
Jeff Leonardi
Environmental Spirituality and Wellbeing 1. Knowing and Un-knowing: Extending the Spectrum of Meaning to Include what Really Matters Abstract
Jeff Leonardi
Environmental Spirituality and Wellbeing 2. Reconnecting with Nature and Spiritual Experience Abstract
John Reader
Environmental Spirituality and Wellbeing 10. Creative Biosynergy and the Person-Centered Psychology of Global Spiritual Well- Becoming Abstract
Anthony Rose
Environmental Spirituality and Wellbeing 4. Julian of Norwich and Spiritual Depth: Spiritual Experience and Relational Intimacy Abstract
Robert Fruehwirth
Environmental Spirituality and Wellbeing 5. Beloved on the Earth: A Buddhist and Person-centred Approach to the Ecological Crisis Abstract
Becky Seale
Environmental Spirituality and Wellbeing 6. Spiritual Experience and Counselling Abstract
William West
Environmental Spirituality and Wellbeing 7. How it is Going the Marriage of Heaven and Earth? Spirituality, Wellbeing and Environment in Brazil Abstract
Marta Helena de Freitas, Pierre Yves Lenik
Environmental Spirituality and Wellbeing 8. La Pachamama’s Soul: Understanding Ecospirituality Through Archetypal Intersubjectivity Abstract
Hannah Yakovah Armbrust
Environmental Spirituality and Wellbeing 3. Spiritual Experiences of Interconnectedness Abstract
Marianne Rankin
Environmental Spirituality and Wellbeing 9. Wellbeing is the Feeling of Being “one with the world and my surroundings”: Reflection about the Environmental Dimension of Wellbeing in Brazil Abstract
Bettina Schmidt
Environmental Spirituality and Wellbeing Preface Details
Jeff Leonardi
Grażyna Bacewicz Early Life: Łódź Abstract
Joanna Sendłak
Grażyna Bacewicz Student Days: Warsaw and Paris Abstract
Joanna Sendłak
Grażyna Bacewicz Marriage and Recognition Abstract
Joanna Sendłak
Grażyna Bacewicz War and Resistance Abstract
Joanna Sendłak
Grażyna Bacewicz Compositions between Performances Abstract
Joanna Sendłak
Grażyna Bacewicz Art versus Realism Abstract
Joanna Sendłak
Grażyna Bacewicz Achievements and Losses Abstract
Joanna Sendłak
Grażyna Bacewicz Chronology of Life and Work Details
Joanna Sendłak
Grażyna Bacewicz Selected Works Details
Joanna Sendłak
Grażyna Bacewicz References Details
Joanna Sendłak
Grażyna Bacewicz Further Reading Details
Joanna Sendłak
Grażyna Bacewicz Index of Names Details
Joanna Sendłak
Grażyna Bacewicz Series Editor's Preface Details
Alyn Shipton
Grażyna Bacewicz Distant Travels and Family Matters Abstract
Joanna Sendłak
Grażyna Bacewicz A Final Creative Outpouring Abstract
Joanna Sendłak
Violence, Conspiracies, and New Religions Violence, Conspiracies, and New Religions Abstract
Margo Kitts
Violence, Conspiracies, and New Religions 1. Researching Religious Terrorism Abstract
Mark Juergensmeyer
Violence, Conspiracies, and New Religions 2. Conspiracy Theories Across Borders Abstract
Michael Barkun
Violence, Conspiracies, and New Religions 3. Lost Cause: The Rise and Fall of a Symbolic Crusade Movement Abstract
David Bromley
Violence, Conspiracies, and New Religions 4. By the Cleansing Flames of Fire: Koran burnings, Racialized Religion and Politized Nostalgia in Sweden Abstract
Mattias Gardell
Violence, Conspiracies, and New Religions 5. James R. Lewis and Jonestown Studies Abstract
Rebecca Moore
Violence, Conspiracies, and New Religions 6. The Charisma of David Koresh Abstract
Catherine Wessinger
Violence, Conspiracies, and New Religions 7. Invented Religions and the Law: The Significance of Colanders, Hoods, and Pirate Costumes for Members of Jediism and the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Abstract
Carole Cusack
Violence, Conspiracies, and New Religions 8. Director’s Cu(l)ts, Reel Researchers: Exploring Sects in the Movies Abstract
Stefano Bigliardi, Abdelmojib Chouhbi, Mohamed Amine Ghafil, Amine Nakari, Danya Tazi Mokha, Salma Zahidi
Violence, Conspiracies, and New Religions 9. The Complicated Relationship between Xie Jiao and Cult in the PRC Abstract
Zhang Xinzhang, Xu Weiwei
Ritual, Personhood and the New Animism Introduction: Live in Fragments No More Details
Paul-Francois Tremlett, David Robertson
Ritual, Personhood and the New Animism Exhibitionism: Animism, Kinship and Conservation at Science and Art Museums around the World Abstract
Bron Taylor
Ritual, Personhood and the New Animism Rituals, Wood, Bone, and Stone: Material Approaches to Indigenous Religions Abstract
Amy Whitehead
Ritual, Personhood and the New Animism In Search of Ceremony: Dialogues with Indigeneity and Graham Harvey at the ORIGINS Festival Abstract
Michael Walling
Ritual, Personhood and the New Animism Harebrained? Abstract
Michael Houseman
Ritual, Personhood and the New Animism The Ritual Use of Plants in the Caribbean Abstract
Christina Welch
Ritual, Personhood and the New Animism Spirit Possession and Trance as Humpty Dumpty words: Reflection on Adjusted Styles of Communication Abstract
Bettina Schmidt
Ritual, Personhood and the New Animism ‘Guesthood’ as a Scientific Method: Principles Supporting Relational Research Abstract
James Cox
Ritual, Personhood and the New Animism The Animacy of Fire and Personhood of Plants in Land Restoration Abstract
Sarah Pike
Ritual, Personhood and the New Animism Indigenous Tourism: A Perfect Site for ‘Guesthood’ Research? Abstract
Helen Jennings
Sacred Psychology A Wayward Beginning Abstract
Samuel Bendeck Sotillos
Sacred Psychology Birth as Theophany Abstract
Samuel Bendeck Sotillos
Sacred Psychology The Metaphysics of Trauma Abstract
Samuel Bendeck Sotillos
Sacred Psychology The Enigma of Psychosis Abstract
Samuel Bendeck Sotillos
Sacred Psychology Addiction and Wholeness Abstract
Samuel Bendeck Sotillos
Sacred Psychology Death as Transformation Abstract
Samuel Bendeck Sotillos
Sacred Psychology Theoretical Presuppositions Abstract
Samuel Bendeck Sotillos
Sacred Psychology Rehabilitating Psychology Abstract
Samuel Bendeck Sotillos
Al-Ghazālī’s Moral Psychology Introduction Details
Joel Craig Richmond
Al-Ghazālī’s Moral Psychology Relinquishing Vice Abstract
Joel Craig Richmond
Al-Ghazālī’s Moral Psychology The Scale of Action Abstract
Joel Craig Richmond
Al-Ghazālī’s Moral Psychology Elements of Restraint Abstract
Joel Craig Richmond
Al-Ghazālī’s Moral Psychology Reorientations of Thought Abstract
Joel Craig Richmond
Al-Ghazālī’s Moral Psychology Self-Surrender Abstract
Joel Craig Richmond
Al-Ghazālī’s Moral Psychology Conclusion Details
Joel Craig Richmond
Al-Ghazālī’s Moral Psychology Bibliography Details
Joel Craig Richmond
The Mariavites Abbreviations Details
Damian Cyrocki
The Mariavites Preface Details
Damian Cyrocki
The Mariavites Introduction Abstract
Damian Cyrocki
The Mariavites Events Leading up to the Revelations of 1983 Abstract
Damian Cyrocki
The Mariavites Mariavites Inside the Roman Catholic Church Abstract
Damian Cyrocki
The Mariavites Period between Schism with Rome and the Death of Mateczka Abstract
Damian Cyrocki
The Mariavites Reforms in the Church of Mariavites Abstract
Damian Cyrocki
The Mariavites Aftermath of the Reforms Abstract
Damian Cyrocki
The Mariavites Conclusions Abstract
Damian Cyrocki
The Mariavites Bibliography Details
Damian Cyrocki
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 Foreword Details
David Butt
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 Editorial Introduction Details
Kazuhiro Teruya, Kaela Peijia Zhang, Diana Slade
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 Introduction Details
Christian Matthiessen
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 A Grammar and a Lexicon for a Text-production System Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 Systemic Grammar in Computation: The NIGEL Case Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 Semantics for a Systemic Grammar: The Chooser and Inquiry Framework Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 Two Approaches to Semantic Interfaces in Text Generation Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 Metafunctional Complementarity and Resonance in Syntagmatic Organization Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 Fuzziness Construed in Language: A Linguistic Perspective Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 On the Idea of Theory-neutral Description Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 Interview with Christian Matthiessen (Cardiff 1998) Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 Halliday’s Conception of Language as a Probabilistic System Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 Instantial Systems and Logogenesis Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 Systemic Functional Morphology: The Lexicogrammar of the Word Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 The Architecture of Language According to SFL: Some Reflections on Implications for Neurosemiotics Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 List of Figures Details
Christian Matthiessen, Kazuhiro Teruya, Kaela Peijia Zhang, Diana Slade
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 List of Tables Details
Christian Matthiessen, Kazuhiro Teruya, Kaela Peijia Zhang, Diana Slade
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Part 2 Acknowledgements Details
Christian Matthiessen, Kazuhiro Teruya, Kaela Peijia Zhang, Diana Slade
Advancing Critical CALL across Institutions and Borders 1. Introduction to Critical CALL across Institutions and Borders Abstract
Emma Britton, Angelika Kraemer, Theresa Austin, Hengyi Liu, Xinyue Zuo
Advancing Critical CALL across Institutions and Borders 2. Critical Virtual Exchange: At the Interface of Critical CALL, Critical Digital Literacy, and Critical Global Citizenship Education Abstract
Mirjam Hauck
Advancing Critical CALL across Institutions and Borders 3. Advancing Inclusion through Pre-Mobility Virtual Exchange Abstract
Ángela-María Alonso-Morais
Advancing Critical CALL across Institutions and Borders 4. COILing Discrimination Narratives across Continents: A Virtual Exchange Project between a Community College in New York City and a Four-Year College in Jordan Abstract
Deniz Gokcora, Raymond Oenbring
Advancing Critical CALL across Institutions and Borders 5. Using Technology and Art in a Middle School Exploratory Heritage Language Program: Diversity Matters Abstract
Lulu Ekiert, Theresa Austin
Advancing Critical CALL across Institutions and Borders 6. Indigenizing Language Pedagogies with Technology: Entangling Human and Nonhuman Affordances for Indigenous Language and Culture Maintenance, Revitalization, and Reclamation Abstract
Sabine Siekmann, Joan Parker Webster, Steven L. Thorne
Advancing Critical CALL across Institutions and Borders 7. Developing an Interactive AI-Based Spoken Dialog System for Improving Oral Proficiency in Indonesian and Burmese Abstract
Rahmi Aoyama, Maw Maw Tun, Reza Neiriznaghadehi
Advancing Critical CALL across Institutions and Borders 8. Technology-Enabled Interinstitutional Professional Development for Less Commonly Taught Languages Abstract
Emily Heidrich Uebel, Luca Giupponi, Koen Van Gorp, Thomas Garza
Advancing Critical CALL across Institutions and Borders 9. Interinstitutional and Transnational Language Teacher Professional Development: Teachers’ Critical Reflections and Future Directions Abstract
An Sakach, Trang Phan
Advancing Critical CALL across Institutions and Borders 10. Advancing Arabic Language Education: Empowering Teachers and Promoting Critical CALL through the Arabic Teachers’ Council Abstract
Kamilia Rahmouni
Long Agos and Worlds Apart Introduction Abstract
Sean Egan
Long Agos and Worlds Apart All Our Yesterdays Abstract
Sean Egan
Long Agos and Worlds Apart Almost Grown Abstract
Sean Egan
Long Agos and Worlds Apart I Can't Dance with You Abstract
Sean Egan
Long Agos and Worlds Apart I Feel Much Better Abstract
Sean Egan
Long Agos and Worlds Apart Something I Want to Tell You Abstract
Sean Egan
Long Agos and Worlds Apart Wham Bam Thank You Mam Abstract
Sean Egan
Long Agos and Worlds Apart It's Too Late Abstract
Sean Egan
Long Agos and Worlds Apart Own Up Time Abstract
Sean Egan
Long Agos and Worlds Apart Afterglow Abstract
Sean Egan
Long Agos and Worlds Apart Acknowledgements Details
Sean Egan
Long Agos and Worlds Apart Selected Bibliography Details
Sean Egan
Long Agos and Worlds Apart Index Details
Sean Egan
Gender and Sacred Textures Gender and Sacred Text(ure)s: Extending the Field of Sacred Text Studies Details
Marianne Schleicher
Gender and Sacred Textures Old Norse Women’s Use of Sacred Textures in Crisis Situations Abstract
Emma C. Sørlie Jørgensen
Gender and Sacred Textures Drinkable Ink or Womb-Destroying Words? A Solution for Suspected Adultery in Numbers 5:11–31 Abstract
Rosanne Liebermann
Gender and Sacred Textures Jewish Women and Sacred Text(ure)s: Making Women’s Religious Agency in Jewish Book Culture Intelligible Abstract
Marianne Schleicher
Gender and Sacred Textures The Gender of Purple Manuscripts and the Makeup of Sacred Scriptures Abstract
Thomas Rainer
Gender and Sacred Textures “Then Queen Esther Daughter of Abihail Wrote”: Gendered Agency and Ritualized Writing in Jewish Scriptural Practice Abstract
Joanna Homrighausen
Gender and Sacred Textures “I Left My Bible At Home…”: Evangelical Women’s Bodies as Biblical Text in the Workplace during the 1980s Abstract
Rachel E. C. Beckley
Gender and Sacred Textures Doing Piety through Care: Embodied Enactments of the Qur’an and Gender Perceptions in Muslim families in Contemporary Denmark Abstract
Abir Mohamad Ismail
Celebration of Awareness Introduction Details
Erich Fromm
Celebration of Awareness Foreword Details
Ivan Illich
Celebration of Awareness A Call to Celebration Details
Ivan Illich
Celebration of Awareness Violence: A Mirror for Americans Details
Ivan Illich
Celebration of Awareness Not Foreigners, Yet Foreign Details
Ivan Illich
Celebration of Awareness The Eloquence of Silence Details
Ivan Illich
Celebration of Awareness The Seamy Side of Charity Details
Ivan Illich
Celebration of Awareness The Vanishing Clergyman Details
Ivan Illich
Celebration of Awareness The Powerless Church Details
Ivan Illich
Celebration of Awareness The Futility of Schooling Details
Ivan Illich
Celebration of Awareness School: The Sacred Cow Details
Ivan Illich
Celebration of Awareness Sexual Power and Political Potency Details
Ivan Illich
Celebration of Awareness Planned Poverty: The End Result of Technical Assistance Details
Ivan Illich
Celebration of Awareness A Constitution for Cultural Revolution Details
Ivan Illich
Deschooling Society Introduction Details
Ivan Illich
Deschooling Society Why We Must Disestablish School Details
Ivan Illich
Deschooling Society Phenomenology of School Details
Ivan Illich
Deschooling Society Ritualization of Progress Details
Ivan Illich
Deschooling Society Institutional Spectrum Details
Ivan Illich
Deschooling Society Irrational Consistencies Details
Ivan Illich
Deschooling Society Learning Webs Details
Ivan Illich
Deschooling Society Rebirth of Epimethean Man Details
Ivan Illich
Disabling Professions Disabling Professions Details
Ivan Illich
Disabling Professions Healthism and Disabling Medicalization Details
Irving K. Zola
Disabling Professions Professionalized Service and Disabling Help Details
John McKnight
Disabling Professions Lawyers and Litigants: A Cult Reviewed Details
Jonathan Caplan
Disabling Professions Craftsman into Baby Sitter Details
Harley Shaiken
Energy and Equity Foreword Details
José Antonio Viera-Gallo
Energy and Equity The Energy Crisis Details
Ivan Illich
Energy and Equity The Industrialization of Traffic Details
Ivan Illich
Energy and Equity Speed-Stunned Imagination Details
Ivan Illich
Energy and Equity Net Transfer of Lifetime Details
Ivan Illich
Energy and Equity The Ineffectiveness of Acceleration Details
Ivan Illich
Energy and Equity The Radical Monopoly of Industry Details
Ivan Illich
Energy and Equity The Elusive Threshold Details
Ivan Illich
Energy and Equity Degrees of Self-Powered Mobility Details
Ivan Illich
Energy and Equity Dominant vs Subsidiary Motors Details
Ivan Illich
Energy and Equity Underequipment, Overdevelopment and Mature Technology Details
Ivan Illich
Gender Sexism and Economic Growth Details
Ivan Illich
Gender The Reported Economy Details
Ivan Illich
Gender The Unreported Economy Details
Ivan Illich
Gender Shadow Work Details
Ivan Illich
Gender The Feminization of Poverty Details
Ivan Illich
Gender Ambiguous Complementarity Details
Ivan Illich
Gender Socio-Biological Sexism Details
Ivan Illich
Gender Social-Science Sexism Details
Ivan Illich
Gender Gender and Tools Details
Ivan Illich
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Ivan Illich
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Ivan Illich
Gender Gender and Wedlock Details
Ivan Illich
Gender Space/Time and Gender Details
Ivan Illich
Gender Gender and the Home Details
Ivan Illich
Gender Gender and the Grasp of Reality Details
Ivan Illich
Gender Gender and Speech Details
Ivan Illich
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Ivan Illich
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Ivan Illich
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Ivan Illich
Gender From Broken Gender to Economic Sex Details
Ivan Illich
H2O and the Waters of Forgetfulness H2O and the Waters of Forgetfulness Details
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past Introduction Details
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past The De-Linking of Peace and Development Abstract
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past The Right to Dignified Silence Abstract
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past I Too Have Decided to Keep Silent Abstract
Ivan Illich
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Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past Silence is a Commons Abstract
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past Dwelling Abstract
Ivan Illich
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Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past Disvalue Abstract
Ivan Illich
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Ivan Illich
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Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past The History of Homo Educandus Abstract
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past Taught Mother Tongue Abstract
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past H2O and the Waters of Forgetfulness Abstract
Ivan Illich
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Ivan Illich
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Ivan Illich
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Ivan Illich
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Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past The Institutional Construction of a New Fetish: Human Life Abstract
Ivan Illich
In the Mirror of the Past Medical Ethics: A Call to De-bunk Bio-ethics Abstract
Ivan Illich
In the Vineyard of the Text Introduction Details
Ivan Illich
In the Vineyard of the Text Reading toward Wisdom Details
Ivan Illich
In the Vineyard of the Text Order, Memory, and History Details
Ivan Illich
In the Vineyard of the Text Monastic Reading Details
Ivan Illich
In the Vineyard of the Text Lectio in Latin Details
Ivan Illich
In the Vineyard of the Text Scholastic Reading Details
Ivan Illich
In the Vineyard of the Text From Recorded Speech to the Record of Thought Details
Ivan Illich
In the Vineyard of the Text From Book to Text Details
Ivan Illich
Limits to Medicine Preface Details
Ivan Illich
Limits to Medicine Introduction Details
Ivan Illich
Limits to Medicine 1. The Epidemics of Modern Medicine Details
Ivan Illich
Limits to Medicine 2. The Medicalization of Life Details
Ivan Illich
Limits to Medicine 3. The Killing of Pain Details
Ivan Illich
Limits to Medicine 4. The Invention and Elimination of Disease Details
Ivan Illich
Limits to Medicine 5. Death Against Death Details
Ivan Illich
Limits to Medicine 6. Specific Counterproductivity Details
Ivan Illich
Limits to Medicine 7. Political Countermeasures Details
Ivan Illich
Limits to Medicine 8. The Recovery of Health Details
Ivan Illich
Shadow Work Introduction Details
Ivan Illich
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Ivan Illich
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Ivan Illich
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Ivan Illich
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Ivan Illich
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Ivan Illich
ABC Preface Details
Ivan Illich, Barry Sanders
ABC Words and History Details
Ivan Illich, Barry Sanders
ABC Memory Details
Ivan Illich, Barry Sanders
ABC Text Details
Ivan Illich, Barry Sanders
ABC Translation and Language Details
Ivan Illich, Barry Sanders
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Ivan Illich, Barry Sanders
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Ivan Illich, Barry Sanders
ABC From Taught Mother Tongue to Newspeak and Uniquack Details
Ivan Illich, Barry Sanders
ABC Silence and the We Details
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Ivan Illich
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Ivan Illich
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Ivan Illich
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Ivan Illich
The Right to Useful Unemployment Outflanking the New Professional Details
Ivan Illich
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Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality Introduction Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality Two Watersheds Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality Convivial Reconstruction Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality 1. Biological Degradation Details
Ivan Illich
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Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality 3. Overprogramming Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality 4. Polarization Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality 5. Obsolescence Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality 6. Frustration Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality 1. The Demytholization of Science Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality 2. The Rediscovery of Language Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality 3. The Recovery of Legal Procedure Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality 1. Myths and Majorities Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality 2. From Breakdown to Chaos Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality 3. Insight into Crisis Details
Ivan Illich
Tools for Conviviality 4. Sudden Change Details
Ivan Illich
Food and Communication Fava Beans and Béchamel: Translating Egyptian Food as Modern Cuisine Details
Anny Gaul
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