Browse Title Index

Issue Title
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Eurydice Abstract
Ian Plant
Zarathustra and Zoroastrianism Every Beginning is Zarathustra Abstract
Michael Stausberg
What the Buddha Thought Everything Is Burning: The Centrality of Fire in the Buddha's Thought Abstract
Richard Gombrich
Landmarks in CALL Research Evolutionary Trajectories, Internet-mediated Expression, and Language Education Abstract
Steven L. Thorne, J. Scott Payne
Jordan Evolving Landscape and Environment in Jordan Abstract
Phillip Macumber
Language, Interaction and Frontotemporal Dementia Examining Perseverative Behaviors of a Frontotemporal Dementia Patient and Caregiver Responses: The Benefits of Observing Ordinary Interactions and Reflections on Caregiver Stress Abstract
Lisa Mikesell
The Language Impact Expansion and Limitation Abstract
Alwin Frank Fill
Global Tribe Experience, the Orient and Goatrance Abstract
Graham St John
Language, Interaction and Frontotemporal Dementia Exploring the Moral Bases of Frontotemporal Dementia through Social Action Abstract
Michael Sean Smith
Heavy Metal Extreme music for extreme people? Norwegian black metal and transcendent violence Abstract
Michelle Phillipov
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Fabulla Abstract
Ian Plant
Face, Communication and Social Interaction 1. Face and interaction Abstract
Michael Haugh
Indian Religions Faculties, Breaths and Offices: Some Vedic and Sâ›khya Notions of the Body and Personality Abstract
Dermot Killingley
Charming Beauties and Frightful Beasts Falling Rain, Reigning Power in Reptilian Affairs: The Balancing of Religion and the Environment Abstract
Ivette Vargas-O’Bryan
Send in the Clones Fandom and Collective Participation Abstract
Georgina Gregory
The Music of Fantasy Cinema Fantasy and the Exotic Other: The Films of Ray Harryhausen Abstract
Mark Brill
The Music of Fantasy Cinema Fantasy Meets Electronica: Legend and the Music of Tangerine Dream Abstract
Lee Barron
Charming Beauties and Frightful Beasts Fear, Reverence and Ambivalence. Divine Snakes in Contemporary South India Abstract
Amy Allocco
An Introduction to Irish English Fictional representations of Irish English Abstract
Carolina P. Amador-Moreno Amador Moreno
Teaching Linguistics Field methods: Where the rubber meets the road Abstract
Wes Collins
An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies Fields of linguistics Abstract
Anne McCabe
Multimodal Transcription and Text Analysis Film texts and genres Abstract
Anthony Baldry, Paul J. Thibault
Zarathustra and Zoroastrianism First Encounters Abstract
Michael Stausberg
Dialogue in Focus Groups Focus groups as a dialogical method Abstract
Ivana Markova, Per Linell, Michèle Grossen, Anne Salazar Orvig
Dialogue in Focus Groups Focus groups as communicative activity types Abstract
Ivana Markova, Per Linell, Michèle Grossen, Anne Salazar Orvig
Dialogue in Focus Groups Focus groups through the lens of dialogism Abstract
Ivana Markova, Per Linell, Michèle Grossen, Anne Salazar Orvig
Celestial India Following the Steps of the Orientalists – The Quest for the Linguistic Origins Abstract
Isaac Lubelsky
Language in Psychiatry Foreword Abstract
Bill Fraser
The Archaeology of Medieval Spain, 1100-1500 Foreword Abstract
John Schofield
Face, Communication and Social Interaction Foreword Abstract
Yoshiko Matsumoto
London, 1100-1600 Foreword Details
John Schofield
Teaching Linguistics Foreword Abstract
Brian Joseph
Communication and Professional Relationships in Healthcare Practice Foreword Abstract
Sally Candlin, Peter Roger
Enculturation Processes in Primary Language Acquisition Foreword Abstract
John Schumann
Earth, Empire and Sacred Text Foreword by Bishop Kenneth Cragg Details
Kenneth Cragg
Sermon of One Hundred Days Foreword by Hwang Soon-Il Abstract
Hwang Soon-II
How Buddhism Acquired a Soul on the Way to China Foreword: The Late Jungnok Park Abstract
Richard Gombrich
Metonymy in Language, Thought and Brain Formal metonymy Abstract
Boguslaw Bierwiaczonek
Tend your Garden Forward by Kia Jane Richmond Abstract
Mary Anna Kruch
Prolegomena to a History of Islamicate Manichaeism Fragments of Manichaean Scripture: A Classified Collection of Islamicate Testimonia Abstract
John C. Reeves
Applied Linguistics at the Interface Frame shifting and identity construction during whole class instruction Abstract
Vally Lytra
Global Tribe Freak out: the trance carnival Abstract
Graham St John
Listening to Shin Buddhism Freedom and Necessity in Shinran’s Concept of Karma (1986) Abstract
Ueda Yoshifumi
System and Corpus Frequency profiles of some basic grammatical systems: an interim report Abstract
Christian Matthiessen
Celestial India Friedrich Max Müller – Orientalism at the Zenith Abstract
Isaac Lubelsky
Movies, Moves and Music From Choreocinema To Experimental Screendance: A Personal Archaeology Abstract
Greg Faller
System and Corpus From concordance to text: appraising ‘giving’ in Alma Mater donation requests Abstract
Donna R. Miller
Finding Myth and History in the Bible From Moses to the Essenes Abstract
Etiene Nodet
Nothing Could be Further from the Truth FROM THE PUBLISHER TO THE READER Abstract
Janet Sinllanto Joyce II
Indian Religions From Totapuri to Maharaji (Prem Rawat)? Reflections on a Lineage (Parampara) Abstract
Ron Geaves
Send in the Clones From “Ghost” and Cover Bands, to Pop Parody and Tributes Abstract
Georgina Gregory
Beyond Meditation Full Details of Original Publication Abstract
Michael Pye
Listening to Shin Buddhism Full Details of Original Publication Abstract
Michael Pye
Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics through the Cardiff Grammar Full Guidelines for clause analysis Abstract
Robin Fawcett
Buddhist Temples of Kyōto and Kamakura Further Bibliographical Notes Abstract
Michael Pye
An Introduction to the Grammar of Old English Further Readings Abstract
Michael Cummings
Finding Myth and History in the Bible G. Garbini and the Poetry of Leah Goldberg Abstract
Francesco Bianchi
Teaching Linguistics Games for exploring language origins and change Abstract
Alison Wray
Analysing Literary Sumerian Gendered literacy and numeracy in the Sumerian literary corpus Abstract
Eleanor Robson
The Lost Women of Rock Music General Editor’s Preface Details
Derek Scott
Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science General Index Abstract
Nancy with Erin Colfax Gorrell
Beyond Meditation General Index Abstract
Michael Pye
Listening to Shin Buddhism General Index Abstract
Michael Pye
Beyond Meditation General Introduction Abstract
Michael Pye
Listening to Shin Buddhism General Introduction Abstract
Michael Pye
Origin and Evolution of Languages Genetic evolution and the evolution of languages Abstract
Luigi Cavalli-Sforza
Contrastive Discourse Analysis Genre- and culture-specific aspects of evaluation: Insights from the contrastive analysis of English and Italian online property advertising Abstract
Gabrina Pounds
Send in the Clones Getting Established and Maintaining a Career Abstract
Georgina Gregory
Genre Relations Getting going with genre Abstract
JR Martin, David Rose
The Imagined Sky Giotto’s Sky: The Fresco Paintings of the First Floor Salone of the Palazzo della Ragione, Padua, Italy Abstract
Darrelyn Gunzburg
AoL East and West Globalization/Glocalization Abstract
Inga Bårdsen Tøllefsen, Milda Ališauskienė, James R. Lewis
Language in Psychiatry Glossary Abstract
Jonathan Fine
An Introduction to English Sentence Structure Glossary Abstract
Jon Jonz
The Archaeology of Medieval Spain, 1100-1500 Glossary Abstract
Magdalena Valor, Avelino Gutiérrez
Sermon of One Hundred Days Glossary Abstract
Hwang Soon-II
The Qurʾān Glossary of Key Names, Terms, and Abbreviations Abstract
A. J. Droge
The Language Impact Glossary of Terms Abstract
Alwin Frank Fill
Nick Cave God, Pain and the Love Song Abstract
Roland Boer
Listening to Shin Buddhism Goodness and Naturalness (1951) Abstract
Kenryō Kanamatsu
Tend your Garden Growing Process Writing Linked to the Arts Abstract
Mary Anna Kruch
Charming Beauties and Frightful Beasts Guardian Spirits, Omens and Meat for the Clans: The Place of Animals among the Apatanis of Arunachal Pradesh Abstract
Sarit Chaudhuri
The Qurʾān Guide to Further Reading Abstract
A. J. Droge
An Unholy Row Guide to Recordings Abstract
Dave Gelly
Technomad Hardcore, You Know the Score Abstract
Graham St John
Nick Cave Hearing Around Corners: Nick Cave Meets Ernst Bloch Abstract
Roland Boer
Heavy Metal Heavy metal and the deafening threat of the apolitical Abstract
Niall Scott
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Hedyle Abstract
Ian Plant
Indian Religions Height and Size in Indian Iconography Abstract
Christopher Aslet
Heavy Metal Hellfest: The thing that should not be? Local perceptions and Catholic discourses on metal culture in France Abstract
Gérôme Guibert
Lionel Richie Hello Abstract
Sharon Davis
Charming Beauties and Frightful Beasts Her Majesty’s Servants: The Tame and the Wild under the British Raj Abstract
Davide Torri
Indian Religions Hinduism—Hindutva—Hindu Dharma Abstract
Klaus Klostermaier
Elements of Music Management Music Development: The Role of A and R - Music will Never Stop Abstract
Sally Gross
Genre Relations Histories Abstract
JR Martin, David Rose
AoL East and West History Abstract
Inga Bårdsen Tøllefsen, Milda Ališauskienė, James R. Lewis
The Disappearance of Writing Systems History without Text Abstract
Chris Gosden
Beyond Meditation Hōnen Shōnin (1133–1212) and the Jōdo Ideal Abstract
Beatrice Lane Suzuki
Charming Beauties and Frightful Beasts Horses that Weep, Birds that Tell Fortunes: Animals in South Asian Muslim Ritual and Myth Abstract
David Pinault
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Hortensia Abstract
Ian Plant
London, 1100-1600 Houses, daily life and neighbourhoods Abstract
John Schofield
The Archaeology of Medieval Spain, 1100-1500 Housing and Domestic Life Abstract
Avelino Gutiérrez, Magdalena Valor
The Five-Minute Linguist How are dictionaries made? Abstract
Erin McKean
The Five-Minute Linguist How are the sounds of language made? Abstract
Peter Ladefoged
The Five-Minute Linguist How can you keep languages in a museum? Abstract
Amelia C. Murdoch
The Five-Minute Linguist How different are Spanish and Portuguese? Abstract
Ana Maria Carvalho
The Five-Minute Linguist How do babies learn their mother tongue? Abstract
Roberta Michnick Golinko
The Five-Minute Linguist How does the brain cope with multiple languages? Abstract
Henk Haarmann
The Five-Minute Linguist How good is machine translation? Abstract
David Savignac
The Five-Minute Linguist How have our ideas about language learning changed through the years? Abstract
June K. Phillips
The Five-Minute Linguist How many kinds of writing systems are there? Abstract
Peter T. Daniels
The Five-Minute Linguist How many languages are there in the world? Abstract
M. Paul Lewis
The Five-Minute Linguist How many languages can a person learn? Abstract
Richard Hudson
The Five-Minute Linguist How many Native American languages are there? Abstract
Marianne Mithun
Systemic Functional Perspectives of Japanese How to argue in Japanese: a systemic functional interpretation of the logico-semantic relations in Japanese expression Abstract
Motoki Sano, Elizabeth A. Thomson
System and Corpus How to handle lexical semantics in SFL: a corpus study of purposes for using size adjectives Abstract
Serge Sharoff
London, 1100-1600 Human health and the environment Abstract
John Schofield
Chasin' the Bird I remember you Abstract
Brian Priestley
Rural Landscapes of the Punic World Ibiza: the Making of New Landscapes Abstract
Carlos Gómez Bellard
William Rutherford
The Imagined Sky Imagery and Narrative in an Ancient Horoscope: P.Lond. 130 (Greek Horoscopes No. 81) Abstract
Roger Beck
The Imagined Sky Images in the Heavens: A Cultural Landscape Abstract
Bernadette Brady
Indian Religions Images of Samkara: Understanding the Other Abstract
Jacqueline Suthren Hirst
An Introduction to Irish English Implications for English as a foreign language teachers and learners Abstract
Carolina P. Amador-Moreno Amador Moreno
A History of Pottery and Potters in Ancient Jerusalem Imported Slip-glazed and Plain Pottery from Greece Abstract
H. J. Franken
Culture and Gender of Voice Pitch Impressionistic observations of men’s and women’s voice Abstract
Ikuko Patricia Yuasa
Earogenous Zones In Extremis: The Roots, Soundscapes and Significations of Twenty-first-century Zombie Porn Abstract
Ralph G. Marsh
Beyond Meditation In Memory of Sasaki Gesshō Abstract
Michael Pye
A History of Pottery and Potters in Ancient Jerusalem In Search of the Jerusalem Potters Abstract
H. J. Franken
Analysing Literary Sumerian In the company of ni2 'self' and 'fear(someness)' Abstract
Graham Cunningham
Terror Tracks Incorporating Monsters: Music as Context, Character and Construction in Kubrick’s The Shining Abstract
Jeremy Barham
The Disappearance of Writing Systems Increasingly Redundant: The Growing Obsolescence of the Cuneiform Script in Babylonia from 539 BC1 Abstract
David Brown
Myth and Politics in Ancient Near Eastern Historiography Index Abstract
Mario Liverani
Language in Psychiatry Index Abstract
Jonathan Fine
Multimodal Transcription and Text Analysis Index Abstract
Anthony Baldry, Paul J. Thibault
System and Corpus Index Abstract
Geoff Thompson, Susan Hunston
The Last Miles Index Abstract
George Cole
Bob Dylan Index Abstract
Keith Negus
Language and Education: Learning and Teaching in Society Index Abstract
Jonathan J. Webster
Local Power in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia Index Abstract
Andrea Seri
The Disappearance of Writing Systems Index Abstract
John Baines, John Bennet, John Houston
Chasin' the Bird Index Abstract
Brian Priestley
Genre Relations Index Abstract
JR Martin, David Rose
Systemic Functional Perspectives of Japanese Index Abstract
Elizabeth A. Thomson, William S. Armour
Dialogue in Focus Groups Index Abstract
Ivana Markova, Per Linell, Michèle Grossen, Anne Salazar Orvig
Jazz Visions Index Abstract
Peter Ind
An Introduction to English Sentence Structure Index Abstract
Jon Jonz
Language, Identity and Study Abroad Index Abstract
Jane Jackson
The Archaeology of Medieval Spain, 1100-1500 Index Abstract
John Schofield
Being Prez Index Abstract
Dave Gelly
Terror Tracks Index Abstract
Philip Hayward
Delivering Processing Instruction in Classrooms and in Virtual Contexts Index Abstract
James F. Lee, Alessandro G. Benati
Language, Cognition and Space Index Abstract
Vyvyan Evans, Paul Chilton
Send in the Clones Index Abstract
Georgina Gregory
Face, Communication and Social Interaction Index Abstract
Francesca Bargiela-Chiappini, Michael Haugh
Elvis Costello Index Abstract
Dai Griffiths
Explorations in Stylistics Index Abstract
Andrew Goatly
Individual Differences and Processing Instruction Index Abstract
James F. Lee, Alessandro G. Benati
Notes from the Fortune-Telling Parrot Index Abstract
David Pinault
An Introduction to the Grammar of Old English Index Abstract
Michael Cummings
Everyday Readers Index Abstract
Ian Collinson
Earogenous Zones Index Abstract
Bruce Johnson
An Introduction to Irish English Index Abstract
Carolina P. Amador-Moreno Amador Moreno
Zarathustra and Zoroastrianism Index Abstract
Michael Stausberg
Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics through the Cardiff Grammar Index Abstract
Robin Fawcett
The Phonology of Contrast Index Abstract
Anna Lubowicz
The Structure of Modern Irish Index Abstract
Brian Nolan
Gender Matters Index Abstract
Sara Mills
Historical Archaeologies of Cognition Index Abstract
James Symonds, Anna Badcock, Jeff Oliver
Reflective Writing for Language Teachers Index Abstract
Thomas S. C. Farrell
London, 1100-1600 Index Abstract
John Schofield
Language, Interaction and Frontotemporal Dementia Index Abstract
Andrea W. Mates, Lisa Mikesell, Michael Sean Smith
What the Buddha Thought Index Abstract
Richard Gombrich
Sermon of One Hundred Days Index Abstract
Hwang Soon-II
Literacy and Social Responsibility Index Abstract
Frances Christie, Alyson Simpson
Brian Wilson Index Abstract
Kirk Curnutt
Ibn 'Arabi and the Contemporary West Index Abstract
Isobel Jeffery-Street
Teaching Linguistics Index Abstract
Koenraad Kuiper
James Brown Index Abstract
John Scannell
Morphosyntactic Alternations in English Index Abstract
Pilar Guerrero Medina
An Unholy Row Index Abstract
Dave Gelly
The Language Impact Index Abstract
Alwin Frank Fill
Orientalists, Islamists and the Global Public Sphere Index Abstract
Dietrich Jung
Celestial India Index Abstract
Isaac Lubelsky
Issues in Second Language Teaching Index Abstract
Alessandro G. Benati
East by Mid-East Index Abstract
Anchi Hoh, Brannon Wheeler
Heavy Metal Index Abstract
Titus Hjelm
The Lost Women of Rock Music Index Abstract
Helen Reddington
Nina Simone Index Abstract
Richard Elliott
Developing Systemic Functional Linguistics Index Abstract
Fang Yan, Jonathan J. Webster
How Buddhism Acquired a Soul on the Way to China Index Abstract
Jungnok Park †
Buddhist Temples of Kyōto and Kamakura Index Abstract
Michael Pye
The Applied Linguistic Individual Index Details
Phil Benson
Charming Beauties and Frightful Beasts Index Abstract
Fabrizio M. Ferrari, Thomas Dähnhardt
Lay Buddhism and Spirituality Index Abstract
Michael Pye
Enculturation Processes in Primary Language Acquisition Index Abstract
Anna Dina L. Joaquin
Jazz Me Blues Index Abstract
Chris Barber
Falco and Beyond Index Abstract
Ewa Mazierska
Prolegomena to a History of Islamicate Manichaeism Index of Ancient and Medieval Authors, Tradents, and Personages Abstract
John C. Reeves
Origin and Evolution of Languages Index of Authors Abstract
Bernard Laks, Jean-Paul Demoule, Serge Cleuziou, Pierre Encrevé
Earth, Empire and Sacred Text Index of Authors Abstract
David L. Johnston
About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period Index of Authors Details
Benedikt Hensel, Ehud Ben Zvi, Diana Edelman
Earth, Empire and Sacred Text Index of Biblical and Qur’anic References Abstract
David L. Johnston
Prolegomena to a History of Islamicate Manichaeism Index of Citations of Primary Sources Abstract
John C. Reeves
Origin and Evolution of Languages Index of Languages Abstract
Bernard Laks, Jean-Paul Demoule, Serge Cleuziou, Pierre Encrevé
Prolegomena to a History of Islamicate Manichaeism Index of Manichaeans and of Individuals Suspected or Accused of Zandaqa Abstract
John C. Reeves
Explorations in Stylistics Index of metaphor themes Abstract
Andrew Goatly
Prolegomena to a History of Islamicate Manichaeism Index of Modern Authors Abstract
John C. Reeves
From Language to Multimodality Index of names Abstract
Carys Jones, Eija Ventola
Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science Index of Poems Abstract
Nancy with Erin Colfax Gorrell
Prolegomena to a History of Islamicate Manichaeism Index of Scriptural and Parascriptural Characters Abstract
John C. Reeves
Origin and Evolution of Languages Index of Subjects Abstract
Bernard Laks, Jean-Paul Demoule, Serge Cleuziou, Pierre Encrevé
Earth, Empire and Sacred Text Index of Subjects Abstract
David L. Johnston
From Language to Multimodality Index of subjects Abstract
Carys Jones, Eija Ventola
Whys & Therefores INDEX OF TECHNICAL TERMS Abstract
William Rutherford
Open Up the Doors Index to Bible References Abstract
Mark Evans
The Qurʾān Index to the Qur’ān Abstract
A. J. Droge
AoL East and West Indigenization Abstract
Inga Bårdsen Tøllefsen, Milda Ališauskienė, James R. Lewis
Terror Tracks Inflamed: Synthetic Folk Music and Paganism in the Island World of The Wicker Man Abstract
Jon Fitzgerald, Philip Hayward
From Language to Multimodality Information about the authors Abstract
Carys Jones, Eija Ventola
The Structure of Modern Irish Information structure: Focus and copula clefts Abstract
Brian Nolan
Elements of Music Management Artistic Entrepreneurship: The Business of Art and the Art of Business Abstract
George Musgrave
Landmarks in CALL Research Interactional Features of Synchronous Computer-Mediated Communication in the Intermediate L2 Class: A Sociocultural Case Study Abstract
Mark Darhower
Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics through the Cardiff Grammar Interlude: a systemic functional grammar for the structures introduced so far Abstract
Robin Fawcett
Lee Morgan interlude: jazz criticism and race politics in the early 1960s Abstract
Tom Perchard
The Last Miles Into the shadows Abstract
George Cole
Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics through the Cardiff Grammar Introducing the syntax of TRANSITIVITY and MOOD: a simple example Abstract
Robin Fawcett
The Qurʾān Introduction Abstract
A. J. Droge
Mortuary Ritual and Society in Bronze Age Cyprus Introduction Abstract
Priscilla Keswani
Explorations in Functional Syntax Introduction Abstract
G. David Morley
The Last Miles Introduction Abstract
George Cole
Prolegomena to a History of Islamicate Manichaeism Introduction Abstract
John C. Reeves
Local Power in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia Introduction Abstract
Andrea Seri
Chasin' the Bird Introduction Abstract
Brian Priestley
Chomskyan Linguistics and Its Competitors Introduction Abstract
Pius ten Hacken
Language and Verbal Art Revisited Introduction Abstract
Donna R. Miller, Monica Turci
Language, Identity and Study Abroad Introduction Abstract
Jane Jackson
Open Up the Doors Introduction Abstract
Mark Evans
Debating Orientalization Introduction Abstract
Nicholas C. Vella, Corinna Riva
Earth, Empire and Sacred Text Introduction Abstract
David L. Johnston
Delivering Processing Instruction in Classrooms and in Virtual Contexts Introduction Abstract
James F. Lee, Alessandro G. Benati
Language, Cognition and Space Introduction Abstract
Paul Chilton
Send in the Clones Introduction Details
Georgina Gregory
Dub in Babylon Introduction Abstract
Christopher Partridge
The Development of Scientific Writing Introduction Abstract
David Banks
From Language to Multimodality Introduction Abstract
Carys Jones, Eija Ventola
Culture and Gender of Voice Pitch Introduction Abstract
Ikuko Patricia Yuasa
English Tense and Aspect in Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar Introduction Abstract
Carl Bache
An Introduction to the Grammar of Old English Introduction Abstract
Michael Cummings
Everyday Readers Introduction Abstract
Ian Collinson
Earogenous Zones Introduction Abstract
Bruce Johnson
The Phonology of Contrast Introduction Abstract
Anna Lubowicz
The Structure of Modern Irish Introduction Abstract
Brian Nolan
Trad Dads, Dirty Boppers and Free Fusioneers Introduction Abstract
Duncan Heining
The Power of Technology in the Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean (Prologue): A Tale of ‘Frescoes’ Abstract
Ann Brysbaert
The Power of Technology in the Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean The Power of Technology, Knowledge and Social Agency Abstract
Ann Brysbaert
The Power of Technology in the Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean Technological Style and the Power of Technology and Knowledge Abstract
Ann Brysbaert
The Power of Technology in the Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean Archaeometric Approaches to Technologies and Materials Abstract
Ann Brysbaert
The Power of Technology in the Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean Painted Plaster in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Abstract
Ann Brysbaert
The Power of Technology in the Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean Considering Material Culture and Social Identities Abstract
Ann Brysbaert
The Power of Technology in the Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean Technology and Social Agency of Painted Plaster Abstract
Ann Brysbaert
Reflective Writing for Language Teachers Introduction Abstract
Thomas S. C. Farrell
London, 1100-1600 Introduction Abstract
John Schofield
Language, Interaction and Frontotemporal Dementia Introduction Abstract
Michael Sean Smith, Andrea W. Mates, Lisa Mikesell
What the Buddha Thought Introduction Abstract
Richard Gombrich
Sermon of One Hundred Days Introduction Abstract
Venerable Seongcheol
Chinese Discourse and Interaction Introduction Abstract
Yuling Pan, Dániel Z. Kádár
Buddy Holly Introduction Details
Dave Laing
Brian Wilson Introduction Abstract
Kirk Curnutt
Ibn 'Arabi and the Contemporary West INTRODUCTION Abstract
Isobel Jeffery-Street
Teaching Linguistics Introduction Abstract
Koenraad Kuiper
Morphosyntactic Alternations in English Introduction Abstract
Pilar Guerrero Medina
Issues in Second Language Teaching Introduction Abstract
Alessandro G. Benati
Beyond 2.0 Introduction Abstract
Steve Collins, Sherman Young
The Lost Women of Rock Music Introduction Abstract
Helen Reddington
Nina Simone Introduction Abstract
Richard Elliott
How Buddhism Acquired a Soul on the Way to China Introduction Abstract
Jungnok Park †
Buddhist Temples of Kyōto and Kamakura 1 Introduction Abstract
Michael Pye
Metonymy in Language, Thought and Brain Introduction Abstract
Boguslaw Bierwiaczonek
The Five-Minute Linguist Introduction Abstract
E. M. Rickerson
Charming Beauties and Frightful Beasts Introduction Abstract
Fabrizio M. Ferrari, Thomas Dähnhardt
Nick Cave Introduction Abstract
Roland Boer
Lay Buddhism and Spirituality 1 Introduction Abstract
Michael Pye
Falco and Beyond Introduction Abstract
Ewa Mazierska
Methods for the Study of Religious Change Introduction Abstract
André Droogers, Anton van Harskamp
Everyday Humanism Introduction Abstract
Dale McGowan, Anthony B. Pinn
Distant Views of the Holy Land Introduction Abstract
Felicity Cobbing, David Jacobson
The Imagined Sky Introduction Abstract
Darrelyn Gunzburg
Essays in Speech Processes Introduction: The Animal-to-Human Speech Connection- Harvey Sussman’s conjectures Abstract
Augustine Agwuele, Celeste Domsch
Ludomusicology Introduction Abstract
Michiel Kamp, Tim Summers, Mark Sweeney
Elements of Music Management Introduction Details
Sally Gross, George Musgrave
The Insider/Outsider Debate Preface Abstract
Stephen Gregg, George Chryssides
Celestial India Introduction and Author’s Acknowledgements Abstract
Isaac Lubelsky
Enculturation Processes in Primary Language Acquisition Introduction and overview Abstract
Anna Dina L. Joaquin
Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science Introduction Entering Common Ground: Let Science Poetry Lead the Way Abstract
Nancy with Erin Colfax Gorrell
The 'Backwards' Research Guide for Writers Introduction for Instructors: The Context for Seeking as Research Abstract
Sonya Huber
Contrastive Discourse Analysis Introduction Functional and corpus perspectives in contrastive discourse analysis Abstract
Maite Taboada, Susana Doval Suárez, Elsa González Álvarez
Communication and Professional Relationships in Healthcare Practice Introduction to the Book Abstract
Sally Candlin, Peter Roger
Analysing Literary Sumerian Introduction to the study of Sumerian Abstract
Jeremy Black †, Gabor Zolyomi
Lee Morgan introduction: black philadelphia Abstract
Tom Perchard
The Music of Fantasy Cinema Introduction: Finding Fantasy Abstract
Janet K. Halfyard
Heavy Metal Introduction: Heavy metal as controversy and counterculture Abstract
Titus Hjelm, Keith Kahn-Harris, Mark LeVine
Tend your Garden Introduction: How I Came to Tender My Garden Abstract
Mary Anna Kruch
Multimodal Transcription and Text Analysis Introduction: Multimodal texts and genres Abstract
Anthony Baldry, Paul J. Thibault
Gender Matters Introduction: why gender matters Abstract
Sara Mills
The Five-Minute Linguist Is British English the best English? Abstract
Orin Hargraves
The Five-Minute Linguist Is elementary school too early to teach foreign languages? Abstract
Gladys C. Lipton
Indian Religions Is Hinduism an Offshoot of Buddhism? Abstract
Knut A. Jacobsen, Ninian Smart
The Five-Minute Linguist Is Latin really dead? Abstract
Frank Morris
Local Power in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia IS MESOPOTAMIAN HISTORY… HISTORY? Abstract
Andrea Seri
The Five-Minute Linguist Is studying Japanese worth the effort? Abstract
Blaine Erickson
The Five-Minute Linguist Is Swahili the language of Africa? Abstract
Donald Osborn
The Five-Minute Linguist Is there a language crisis in the United States? Abstract
Catherine Ingold
What the Buddha Thought Is This Book To Be Believed? Abstract
Richard Gombrich
The Five-Minute Linguist Isn’t Pidgin English just bad English? Abstract
John M. Lipski Lipski
Beyond 2.0 It’s the Music, Stupid Abstract
Steve Collins, Sherman Young
An Unholy Row It’s Trad, Dad! Abstract
Dave Gelly
What the Buddha Thought Jain Antecedents Abstract
Richard Gombrich
Being Prez Jammin’ the blues Abstract
Dave Gelly
Nick Cave Jesus of the Moon, or, Christology Abstract
Roland Boer
Thomas Scheffer
Tilman Seidensticker
David Pinault
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Julia Balbilla Abstract
Ian Plant
Being Prez Jumpin’ at Mesner’s Abstract
Dave Gelly
Being Prez Jumpin’ at the woodside Abstract
Dave Gelly
Lionel Richie Just for you Abstract
Sharon Davis
Being Prez Just jivin’ around Abstract
Dave Gelly
Language and Verbal Art Revisited Kanak sprak: the linguistic features of Turkish migrants’ communicative style in Feridun Zaimoğlu’s works Abstract
Sandro Moraldo
Charming Beauties and Frightful Beasts Karman and Compassion: Animals in the Jain Universal History Abstract
Eva de Clercq
Lionel Richie Keep on dancing Abstract
Sharon Davis
Genre Relations Keeping going with genre Abstract
JR Martin, David Rose
Issues in Second Language Teaching Key Developments in Second Language Teaching Abstract
Alessandro G. Benati
Issues in Second Language Teaching Key Issues in Grammar Teaching Abstract
Alessandro G. Benati
Issues in Second Language Teaching Key Issues in Interactional and Corrective Feedback Abstract
Alessandro G. Benati
Issues in Second Language Teaching Key Issues in the Teaching of Listening Abstract
Alessandro G. Benati
Issues in Second Language Teaching Key Issues in the Teaching of Reading Abstract
Alessandro G. Benati
Issues in Second Language Teaching Key Issues in the Teaching of Speaking Abstract
Alessandro G. Benati
Issues in Second Language Teaching Key Issues in the Teaching of Writing Abstract
Alessandro G. Benati
Issues in Second Language Teaching Key Questions in Second Language Teaching: Implementing Principles of Learning Abstract
Alessandro G. Benati
Issues in Second Language Teaching Key Terms Abstract
Alessandro G. Benati
Prosody Matters Keyword Index Abstract
Toni Borowsky, Shigeto Kawahara, Takahito Shinya, Mariko Sugahara
The Neolithisation of Denmark Kitchen Middens from the Danish Stone Age excavated for the National Museum Abstract
S. Muller, C. Neergaard, C.G.J. Petersen, E. Rostrup, H. Winge
Indian Religions Kumbha Melâ and the Media Abstract
Anna S. King
David Pinault
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Laïs Abstract
Ian Plant
An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies Language and mind Abstract
Anne McCabe
System and Corpus Language as choice: what is chosen? Abstract
Michael Hoey
An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies Language, biology and learning Abstract
Anne McCabe
An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies Language change Abstract
Anne McCabe
Developing Systemic Functional Linguistics 1. Language evolving: Some Systemic Functional reflexions on the history of meaning Abstract
M.A.K. Halliday
An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies Language variation Abstract
Anne McCabe
The Language Impact Language World Impact: Further Examples Abstract
Alwin Frank Fill
Origin and Evolution of Languages Languages, genes, and prehistory, with special reference to Europe Abstract
Bernard Comrie
The Disappearance of Writing Systems Late Khipu Use Abstract
Frank Solomon
Nina Simone Lateness Abstract
Richard Elliott
Tend your Garden Learner-Centered Writing in an e-Universe Abstract
Mary Anna Kruch
Lee Morgan learning and teaching, formal and informal Abstract
Tom Perchard
Systemic Functional Perspectives of Japanese Learning how to mean in Japanese as an additional language Abstract
William S. Armour, Reiko Furuya
Teaching Linguistics Learning phonology as a way to learn how theories are improved Abstract
Andrew Carstairs-McCarthy
Enculturation Processes in Primary Language Acquisition Learning via eavesdropping Abstract
Anna Dina L. Joaquin
Nina Simone Legacy Abstract
Richard Elliott
An Unholy Row Let’s Settle for Music Abstract
Dave Gelly
Explorations in Stylistics Lexico-grammar and process in Golding’s Pincher Martin Abstract
Andrew Goatly
Everyday Readers Life after text: the analysis of everyday cultural practices Abstract
Ian Collinson
The Archaeology of Medieval Spain, 1100-1500 Life, Death and Memory Abstract
Fernando Gil, Magdalena Valor
Lee Morgan life in the bebop business and the soul-jazz style Abstract
Tom Perchard
Teaching Linguistics LING101 Abstract
Koenraad Kuiper
Origin and Evolution of Languages Linguistic history and computational cladistics Abstract
Don Ringe, Teddy Warnow
Aspects of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics Linguistic worldview and how to reconstruct it Abstract
Jerzy Bartminski
An Introduction to the Grammar of Old English List of Abbreviations Abstract
Michael Cummings
Jordan List of Contributors Details
Russell Adams
Language and Verbal Art Revisited List of Contributors Details
Donna R. Miller
Historical Archaeologies of Cognition List of Contributors Abstract
James Symonds, Anna Badcock, Jeff Oliver
Teaching Linguistics List of Contributors Abstract
Koenraad Kuiper
Heavy Metal List of Contributors Abstract
Titus Hjelm
Uruk List of Diagrams and Figures Details
Mario Liverani
Jordan List of Figures Details
Russell Adams
The Archaeology of Medieval Spain, 1100-1500 List of figures Abstract
Magdalena Valor, Avelino Gutierrez
Earth, Empire and Sacred Text List of Figures Details
David L. Johnston
Send in the Clones List of Figures Details
Georgina Gregory
London, 1100-1600 List of Figures Details
John Schofield
Historical Archaeologies of Cognition List of Figures and Tables Abstract
James Symonds, Anna Badcock, Jeff Oliver
The Disappearance of Writing Systems List of Illustrations Details
John Baines, John Bennet, Stephen Houston
Celestial India List of Illustrations Abstract
Isaac Lubelsky
Buddhist Temples of Kyōto and Kamakura List of Illustrations Abstract
Beatrice Lane Suzuki †
Listening to Shin Buddhism List of Illustrations Abstract
Michael Pye
Lay Buddhism and Spirituality List of Illustrations Abstract
Michael Pye
Falco and Beyond List of Illustrations Abstract
Ewa Mazierska
Everyday Readers List of References Abstract
Ian Collinson
Local Power in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia List of Tables Details
Andrea Seri
The Disappearance of Writing Systems List of Tables Details
John Baines, John Bennet, Stephen Houston
Jordan List of Tables Details
Russell Adams
Elvis Costello List of Tables and Appendices Abstract
Dai Griffiths
Literacy and Social Responsibility Literacy and social responsibility Abstract
Frances Christie, Alyson Simpson
Literacy and Social Responsibility Literacy and the Arts Abstract
Robyn Ewing
Literacy and Social Responsibility Literacy as a theme in educational theory and policy Abstract
Frances Christie
The Last Miles Live Around The World Abstract
George Cole
Elements of Music Management Music Marketing: Streams, Sales and Fan Accumulation - Life's a Stream Abstract
Graham Ball
Local Power in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia LOCAL POWER AND THE WRITING OF OLD BABYLONIAN HISTORY Abstract
Andrea Seri
London, 1100-1600 London’s region Abstract
John Schofield
Jazz Me Blues Long Time Travellin’ Abstract
Chris Barber
Trad Dads, Dirty Boppers and Free Fusioneers Lotta Continua Abstract
Duncan Heining
Earogenous Zones Lust in Space: Science Fiction Themes and Sex Cinema (1960–82) Abstract
Philip Hayward
Trad Dads, Dirty Boppers and Free Fusioneers Lutte Ouvrière Abstract
Duncan Heining
Contrastive Discourse Analysis Lying as metaphor in a bilingual phraseological corpus (German-Spanish) Abstract
Ana Mansilla
Bob Dylan Lyrics Abstract
Keith Negus
Lionel Richie Machine gun Abstract
Sharon Davis
Beyond Meditation Mahāyāna Buddhism Abstract
Murakami Senshō
Listening to Shin Buddhism Mahāyāna Buddhism and Japanese Culture (1931) Abstract
Yamabe Shūgaku
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Maia Abstract
Ian Plant
Earogenous Zones Making “a Mall Movie about a Man with a 13-inch Penis”: Popular Music Representations of Pornographic Intention Abstract
Liz Giuffre
Local Power in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia Map of Mesopotamia in the Old Babylonian Period Details
Andrea Seri
The Qurʾān Map: The World of Islam c. 750 CE Abstract
A. J. Droge
The Imagined Sky Mapping the Heavens: The Ceiling of the Sala Bologna in the Vatican Palace Abstract
Emily Urban
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Maria Abstract
Ian Plant
Explorations in Stylistics Marked Theme and its interpretation in A. E. Housman’s A Shropshire Lad Abstract
Andrew Goatly
System and Corpus Matching corpus data and system networks: using corpora to modify and extend the system networks for transitivity in English Abstract
Amy Neale
Tend your Garden Maxim-izing Motivation via Teacher Imagination Abstract
Mary Anna Kruch
Language in Psychiatry Meaning oddly: how a speaker can sound strange Abstract
Jonathan Fine
An Introduction to Irish English Meaning what they say: the pragmatics of Irish English Abstract
Carolina P. Amador-Moreno Amador Moreno
The Lost Women of Rock Music Media Gatekeepers and Cultural Intermediaries Abstract
Helen Reddington
London, 1100-1600 Medieval and Tudor London after 1600 Abstract
John Schofield
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Melinno Abstract
Ian Plant
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Melissa Abstract
Ian Plant
Metonymy in Language, Thought and Brain Metonymy in morphology Abstract
Boguslaw Bierwiaczonek
Metonymy in Language, Thought and Brain Metonymy in pragmatics Abstract
Boguslaw Bierwiaczonek
Metonymy in Language, Thought and Brain Metonymy in semantics Abstract
Boguslaw Bierwiaczonek
Metonymy in Language, Thought and Brain Metonymy in the embodied mind Abstract
Boguslaw Bierwiaczonek
The Last Miles Miles alive Abstract
George Cole
The Last Miles Miles – his life and music before 1975 Abstract
George Cole
The Last Miles Miles – the man Abstract
George Cole
The Last Miles Miles’s album discography 1980–1991 Abstract
George Cole
The Last Miles Miles’s band line-ups 1981–1991 Abstract
George Cole
The Last Miles Miles’s guest recordings Abstract
George Cole
The Last Miles Miles’s live repertoire 1981–1991 Abstract
George Cole
The Last Miles Miles’s other recordings Abstract
George Cole
Enculturation Processes in Primary Language Acquisition Mirror neurons for the interactional instinct and culture learning Abstract
Anna Dina L. Joaquin
Systemic Functional Perspectives of Japanese Modelling writing: using the genre approach in the Japanese as a foreign language classroom Abstract
Yuko Ramzan, Elizabeth A. Thomson
Lee Morgan modes, changes and ‘the beatles’ Abstract
Tom Perchard
Whys & Therefores MODIFICATION Abstract
William Rutherford
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Moero Abstract
Ian Plant
Charming Beauties and Frightful Beasts Monstrous Animals on Hindu Temples, with Special Reference to Khajuraho Abstract
David Smith
Language in Psychiatry Mood disorders Abstract
Jonathan Fine
What the Buddha Thought More about Karma, and Its Social Context Abstract
Richard Gombrich
The Phonology of Contrast Morphological contrast Abstract
Anna Lubowicz
Mortuary Ritual and Society in Bronze Age Cyprus Mortuary Ritual and Society: Some Theoretical Considerations Abstract
Priscilla Keswani
Mortuary Ritual and Society in Bronze Age Cyprus Mortuary Ritual, Social Structure, and Macro-Processual Change in the Cypriot Bronze Age Abstract
Priscilla Keswani
Tend your Garden Motivating Writing with Choice and Critical Thinking Abstract
Mary Anna Kruch
Applied Linguistics at the Interface Motivation in foreign language learning Abstract
Marion Williams
System and Corpus Multimodal corpus linguistics Abstract
Paul J. Thibault, Paul Thibault
Literacy and Social Responsibility Multiple literacies: implications for changed pedagogy Abstract
Alyson Simpson, Maureen Walsh
Earogenous Zones Multiple Positions: Sound,Sex and Aural Dominance in 9 Songs Abstract
Andrea Warren
Bob Dylan Music Abstract
Keith Negus
Elvis Costello Music Abstract
Dai Griffiths
The Music of Fantasy Cinema Music and Fantasy Types in Tim Burton’s Edward Scissorhands Abstract
Alexander G. Binns
Lee Morgan music and opportunity in tioga Abstract
Tom Perchard
Elements of Music Management Law: Geographical Boundaries in Outta Space Abstract
Sally Gross
Terror Tracks Music of the Night: Scoring the Vampire in Contemporary Film Abstract
Janet K. Halfyard
Earogenous Zones Musical Loops: Eyes Wide Shut... Ears Wide Open Abstract
Kevin Clifton
Earogenous Zones Music,Image,Orgasm:Getting off on the Short bus Abstract
Marianne Tatom Letts
David Pinault
Beyond Meditation My Socialism Abstract
Takagi Kenmyō
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Myia Abstract
Ian Plant
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Myrtis Abstract
Ian Plant
Reflective Writing for Language Teachers Narrative Reflective Writing Abstract
Thomas S. C. Farrell
Björk Nationalism Abstract
Nicola Dibben
Björk Nature Abstract
Nicola Dibben
Whys & Therefores NEGATIVES... NEGATIVES... Abstract
William Rutherford
Listening to Shin Buddhism Nembutsu as Remembrance (1977) Abstract
Marco Pallis
Jazz Me Blues New Orleans to London Abstract
Chris Barber
Origin and Evolution of Languages New perspectives on the origin of languages Abstract
Merritt Ruhlen
Technomad New Tribal Gathering: Vibe-Tribes and Mega-Raves Abstract
Graham St John
The Velvet Underground New York City Abstract
Richard Witts
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Nicobule Abstract
Ian Plant
Language, Identity and Study Abroad Niki’s journey Abstract
Jane Jackson
David L. Johnston
The Lost Women of Rock Music Noise, Violence and Femininity Abstract
Helen Reddington
Systemic Functional Perspectives of Japanese Nominalisation and nouniness as meaning strategies in Japanese political manifestos Abstract
Kinuko Suto, Christopher Barnard
Conflicts in Interpretation Nominals with and without an article: distribution, interpretation and variation Abstract
Petra Hendriks, Helen de Hoop, Irene Kramer, Henriette de Swart, Joost Zwarts
An Introduction to English Sentence Structure Nonwh- Complementation, Apposition, Discontinuity; Nonfinite Wh- Clauses Preliminaries Nonwh- Complement Clauses Nonfinite Nonwh- Complement Clauses Nonwh- That Complement Clauses Appositive Nonwh- That Clauses Discontinuity: Extraposition Discontinuity: Raising Nonfinite Wh- Clauses Conclusion Practice with Terminology Analyzing and Reporting Multiclausal Sentences Sentences for Analysis Dialog for Analysis Abstract
Jon Jonz
Rural Landscapes of the Punic World North Africa: Rural Settlement and Agricultural Production Abstract
Elizabeth Fentress, Roald F. Docter
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Nossis Abstract
Ian Plant
The Last Miles Notes Abstract
George Cole
Chasin' the Bird Notes Abstract
Brian Priestley
Genre Relations Notes Abstract
JR Martin, David Rose
The Archaeology of Medieval Spain, 1100-1500 Notes Abstract
Magdalena Valor, Avelino Gutiérrez
Being Prez Notes Details
Dave Gelly
Open Up the Doors Notes Details
Mark Evans
Send in the Clones Notes Details
Georgina Gregory
Elvis Costello Notes Abstract
Dai Griffiths
The Development of Scientific Writing Notes Abstract
David Banks
London, 1100-1600 Notes Abstract
John Schofield
What the Buddha Thought Notes Abstract
Richard Gombrich
Brian Wilson Notes Abstract
Kirk Curnutt
An Unholy Row Notes Abstract
Dave Gelly
The Lost Women of Rock Music Notes Abstract
Helen Reddington
Nina Simone Notes Abstract
Richard Elliott
Falco and Beyond Notes Abstract
Ewa Mazierska
Whys & Therefores Notes and Solutions Abstract
William Rutherford
The Disappearance of Writing Systems Notes on contributors Details
John Baines, John Bennet, Stephen Houston
12001 - 12500 of 13174 Items << < 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 > >> 

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