Browse Title Index

Issue Title
Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science Notes on Contributors Abstract
Nancy with Erin Colfax Gorrell
Debating Orientalization Notes on the Phoenician Component of the Orientalizing Horizon Abstract
Eric Gubel
Global Tribe Nothing lasts Abstract
Graham St John
The Disappearance of Writing Systems Now You See It; Now You Don’t! The Disappearance of the Linear A Script on Crete Abstract
John Bennet
Chasin' the Bird Now's the time Abstract
Brian Priestley
AoL East and West NRMs; Guru Movements; New Age Abstract
Inga Bårdsen Tøllefsen, Milda Ališauskienė, James R. Lewis
The Music of Fantasy Cinema Numinous Ambience: Spirituality, Dreamtimes and Fantastic Aboriginality Abstract
Philip Hayward
Tend your Garden Nurturing the Whole Learner in an Inquiry-Rich Environment Abstract
Mary Anna Kruch
Orientalists, Islamists and the Global Public Sphere Observing Multiple Modernities: Globalization, World Society, and the Global Public Sphere Abstract
Dietrich Jung
An Introduction to the Grammar of Old English Old English groups and phrases Abstract
Michael Cummings
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Olympias Abstract
Ian Plant
An Unholy Row Ominously into the Culture Belt Abstract
Dave Gelly
Analysing Literary Sumerian On divine-referent bull metaphors in the ETCSL corpus Abstract
Laura Feldt
Finding Myth and History in the Bible On Finding Myth and History in the Bible Abstract
Emanuel Pfoh
The Neolithisation of Denmark On Professor Worsaae's Division of the Stone Age Abstract
J. Japetus, J.J.S. Steenstrup
Buddy Holly On Stage, 1956–1959 Abstract
Dave Laing
The Disappearance of Writing Systems On the Demise of Egyptian Writing: Working with a Problematic Source Basis Abstract
Martin Stadler
Debating Orientalization On the Organization of the Phoenician Colonial System in Iberia Abstract
Maria Eugenia Aubet
Trad Dads, Dirty Boppers and Free Fusioneers One Scotch, One Bourbon, One Beer Abstract
Duncan Heining
Conflicts in Interpretation Optimization of interpretation Abstract
Petra Hendriks, Helen de Hoop, Irene Kramer, Henriette de Swart, Joost Zwarts
Lee Morgan organisation and protest Abstract
Tom Perchard
Orientalists, Islamists and the Global Public Sphere Orientalism: Edward Said and His Critics Abstract
Dietrich Jung
Orientalists, Islamists and the Global Public Sphere Orientalist Constructions, Islamic Reform and Islamist Revolution Abstract
Dietrich Jung
Debating Orientalization Orientalization and Prehistoric Cyprus: The Social Life of Oriental Goods Abstract
A. Bernard Knapp
Debating Orientalization Orientalizing: Five Historical Questions Abstract
Nicholas Purcell
Lay Buddhism and Spirituality Original Publication Details Abstract
Michael Pye
Origin and Evolution of Languages Origins and evolution of languages: retrospectives and 1 perspectives Abstract
Bernard Laks, Jean-Paul Demoule, Serge Cleuziou, Pierre Encrevé
Technomad Outback Vibes: Dancing Up Country Abstract
Graham St John
Ibn 'Arabi and the Contemporary West OUTREACH Abstract
Isobel Jeffery-Street
System and Corpus Pain expressions in Japanese Abstract
Motoko Hori
David Pinault
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Pamphila Abstract
Ian Plant
Conflicts in Interpretation Paradigmatic preposition patterns Abstract
Petra Hendriks, Helen de Hoop, Irene Kramer, Henriette de Swart, Joost Zwarts
Sounding Funny Paranormal Product: The Music and Promotion of Ghostbusters Abstract
Jon Fitzgerald, Philip Hayward
Chasin' the Bird Parker's mood Abstract
Brian Priestley
Elvis Costello Past Abstract
Dai Griffiths
Conflicts in Interpretation Patterns of negation in natural language Abstract
Petra Hendriks, Helen de Hoop, Irene Kramer, Henriette de Swart, Joost Zwarts
Lee Morgan performance, competition and status in the ‘cool world’ Abstract
Tom Perchard
Global Tribe Performing risk and the arts of consciousness Abstract
Graham St John
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Perictione I & II Abstract
Ian Plant
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Perpetua Abstract
Ian Plant
Language in Psychiatry Personality disorders Abstract
Jonathan Fine
Language in Psychiatry Pervasive development disorders Abstract
Jonathan Fine
Jazz Me Blues Petite Fleur Abstract
Chris Barber
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Philaenis Abstract
Ian Plant
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Philinna Abstract
Ian Plant
Beyond Meditation Philosophical Foundations of Shin Buddhism Abstract
Sasaki Gesshō
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Phintys Abstract
Ian Plant
The Phonology of Contrast Phonological contrast Abstract
Anna Lubowicz
System and Corpus Phraseology and system: a contribution to the debate Abstract
Susan Hunston
London, 1100-1600 Plate Section Details
John Schofield
Jazz Me Blues Plate section Abstract
Chris Barber
Notes from the Fortune-Telling Parrot Pluralism and Religious Identity in Pakistan Abstract
David Pinault
Continuing Discourse on Language Word as Linguist Abstract
Edwin Thumboo
Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics through the Cardiff Grammar POLARITY, ‘Contrastive Newness’ and Preliminary Guidelines with an improved Mood Test Abstract
Robin Fawcett
Nina Simone Politics Abstract
Richard Elliott
Origin and Evolution of Languages Poor design features in language as clues to its prehistory Abstract
Andrew Carstairs-McCarthy
Terror Tracks Popular Songs and Ordinary Violence: Exposing Basic Human Brutality in the Films of Rob Zombie Abstract
Laura Wiebe Taylor
The Neolithisation of Denmark Population Plasticity in Stone Age Denmark Abstract
Pia Bennike, Verner Alexandersen
Nina Simone Possession Abstract
Richard Elliott
A History of Pottery and Potters in Ancient Jerusalem Post-Exilic Pottery from the Other Ancient Dumps Abstract
H. J. Franken
Celestial India Postscript Abstract
Isaac Lubelsky
A History of Pottery and Potters in Ancient Jerusalem Pottery from the 10th Century BCE Abstract
H. J. Franken
A History of Pottery and Potters in Ancient Jerusalem Pottery from the 12th Century BCE Abstract
H. J. Franken
A History of Pottery and Potters in Ancient Jerusalem Pottery from the Byzantine Period Abstract
H. J. Franken
A History of Pottery and Potters in Ancient Jerusalem Pottery from the Early Bronze Age Abstract
H. J. Franken
A History of Pottery and Potters in Ancient Jerusalem Pottery from the Middle Bronze Age Abstract
H. J. Franken
AoL East and West Practices Abstract
Inga Bårdsen Tøllefsen, Milda Ališauskienė, James R. Lewis
Contrastive Discourse Analysis Pragmatic triangulation and misunderstanding: A prosodic perspective Abstract
Jesús Romero-Trillo
Aspects of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics Prawica ‘right wing’ and lewica ‘left wing’: profiles in contemporary discourse Abstract
Jerzy Bartminski
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Praxilla Abstract
Ian Plant
The Qurʾān Preface Abstract
A. J. Droge
Language in Psychiatry Preface Abstract
Jonathan Fine
Multimodal Transcription and Text Analysis Preface Abstract
Anthony Baldry, Paul J. Thibault
System and Corpus Preface Details
Geoff Thompson, Susan Hunston
Prolegomena to a History of Islamicate Manichaeism Preface Abstract
John C. Reeves
Local Power in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia Preface Details
Andrea Seri
The Disappearance of Writing Systems Preface Details
John Baines, John Bennet, Stephen Houston
Chasin' the Bird Preface Abstract
Brian Priestley
Genre Relations Preface Abstract
JR Martin, David Rose
Dialogue in Focus Groups Preface Abstract
Ivana Markova, Per Linell, Michèle Grossen, Anne Salazar Orvig
Jazz Visions Preface Details
Peter Ind
The 9/11 Handbook Preface Abstract
Hans G. Kippenberg, Tilman Seidensticker
An Introduction to English Sentence Structure Preface Abstract
Steven Jones
Being Prez Preface Details
Dave Gelly
Analysing Literary Sumerian Preface Abstract
Jarle Ebeling, Graham Cunningham
Delivering Processing Instruction in Classrooms and in Virtual Contexts Preface Abstract
James F. Lee, Alessandro G. Benati
Elvis Costello Preface Abstract
Dai Griffiths
Individual Differences and Processing Instruction Preface Abstract
James F. Lee, Alessandro G. Benati
An Introduction to Irish English Preface Abstract
Carolina P. Amador-Moreno Amador Moreno
Zarathustra and Zoroastrianism Preface Abstract
Michael Stausberg
Tend your Garden Preface Details
Mary Anna Kruch
What the Buddha Thought Preface Abstract
Richard Gombrich
Whys & Therefores Preface Details
William Rutherford
Brian Wilson Preface Abstract
Kirk Curnutt
Prosody Matters Preface Abstract
Toni Borowsky, Shigeto Kawahara, Takahito Shinya, Mariko Sugahara
Orientalists, Islamists and the Global Public Sphere Preface Abstract
Dietrich Jung
Issues in Second Language Teaching Preface Abstract
Alessandro G. Benati
Developing Systemic Functional Linguistics Preface Abstract
Jonathan J. Webster, Fang Yan
How Buddhism Acquired a Soul on the Way to China Preface Abstract
Jungnok Park †
The Applied Linguistic Individual Preface Abstract
Phil Benson
Charming Beauties and Frightful Beasts Preface Abstract
Fabrizio M. Ferrari, Thomas Dähnhardt
The Language Impact Preface and Acknowledgements Details
Alwin Frank Fill
Jordan Preface and Acknowledgments Details
Russell Adams
Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics through the Cardiff Grammar Preface to the Second Edition (updated) Details
Robin Fawcett
Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics through the Cardiff Grammar Preface to the Third Edition Details
Robin Fawcett
Beyond Meditation Preface with Acknowledgements Abstract
Michael Pye
Buddhist Temples of Kyōto and Kamakura Preface with Acknowledgements Abstract
Michael Pye
Listening to Shin Buddhism Preface with Acknowledgements Abstract
Michael Pye
Lay Buddhism and Spirituality Preface with Acknowledgements Abstract
Michael Pye
An Introduction to English Sentence Structure Preliminaries
Practice with Terminology
Analyzing and Reporting Clause Elements
Some Bracketing and Labeling Conventions
Sentences for Analysis
Jon Jonz
An Introduction to English Sentence Structure Preliminaries
Verb Groups
Practice with Terminology
Analyzing and Reporting Verb Groups
Sentences for Analysis
Jon Jonz
An Introduction to English Sentence Structure Preliminaries
Word Groups
Practice with Terminology
Analyzing and Reporting Word Groups and Phrases
Some Bracketing and Labeling Conventions
Sentences for Analysis
Jon Jonz
An Introduction to English Sentence Structure Preliminaries Clauses as Models of Everyday Events Processes Practice with TerminologySome Bracketing and Labeling Conventions Sentences for Analysis Abstract
Jon Jonz
An Introduction to English Sentence Structure Preliminaries
Nonwh- Subordinate Clauses
Practice with Terminology
Analyzing and Reporting Multiclausal Sentences
Sentences for Analysis
Text for Analysis
Dialog for Analysis
Jon Jonz
An Introduction to English Sentence Structure Preliminaries
Noun Groups
Putting Units Together
Practice with Terminology
Analyzing and Reporting Noun Groups
Sentences for Analysis
Jon Jonz
An Introduction to English Sentence Structure Preliminaries
Embedded Wh- Clauses
Practice with Terminology
Analyzing and Reporting Multiclausal Sentences
Sentences for Analysis
Jon Jonz
An Introduction to English Sentence Structure Preliminaries
Focus on Language as Representation
Some Words Left Over
Practice with Terminology
Jon Jonz
An Introduction to English Sentence Structure Preliminaries
The Power of Beginnings
Practice with Terminology
Analyzing and Reporting Yes/No Questions, Imperatives, Negatives, and Content Questions
Sentences for Analysis
Jon Jonz
The Last Miles Prelude Abstract
George Cole
Analysing Literary Sumerian Pre-verbal /n/:function, distribution, and stability Abstract
Paul Delnero
Being Prez Prez returns Abstract
Dave Gelly
Zarathustra and Zoroastrianism Priesthood, Rituals and Ritual Infrastructures Abstract
Michael Stausberg
Language and Verbal Art Revisited Private pleasure, public discourse: refl ections on engaging with literature Abstract
Ruqaiya Hasan
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Proba Abstract
Ian Plant
English Tense and Aspect in Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar Problems with the IFG approach to tense Abstract
Carl Bache
Genre Relations Procedures and procedural recounts Abstract
JR Martin, David Rose
Delivering Processing Instruction in Classrooms and in Virtual Contexts Processing Instruction research: foci and findings Abstract
James F. Lee, Alessandro G. Benati
Reflective Writing for Language Teachers Professional Development Abstract
Thomas S. C. Farrell
Aspects of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics Profiling and the subject-oriented interpretation of the world Abstract
Jerzy Bartminski
Terror Tracks Prog Rock, the Horror Film and Sonic Excess: Dario Argento, Morricone and Goblin Abstract
Tony Mitchell
Language and Verbal Art Revisited Projection in literary and in non-literary texts Abstract
Carol Torsello
Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science Prolegomenon (What is Being Said First) Connections: Bridging the Cultural Divide Abstract
Nancy with Erin Colfax Gorrell
Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science Prologue “Dances with Stars”: How I Wrote My First Science Poem Abstract
Nancy with Erin Colfax Gorrell
Global Tribe Psychedelic festivals, visionary arts and cosmic events Abstract
Graham St John
Terror Tracks Psycho-Analysis: Form and Function in Bernard Herrmann'’s Music for Hitchcock’'s Masterpiece Abstract
James Wierzbicki
Teaching Linguistics Psycholinguistics for linguists Abstract
Paul Warren
Language in Psychiatry Psychotic disorders Abstract
Jonathan Fine
Global Tribe Psyculture in Israel and Australia Abstract
Graham St John
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Ptolemaïs Abstract
Ian Plant
London, 1100-1600 Public buildings and concerns Abstract
John Schofield
Whys & Therefores QUESTIONS... QUESTIONS... Abstract
William Rutherford
Scouse Pop Rainy Day Music: Art Pop and the Scouse Romantic Abstract
Paul Skillen
Notes from the Fortune-Telling Parrot RAW MEAT SKYWARD: PARIAH-KITE RITUALS IN LAHORE Abstract
David Pinault
The Imagined Sky Reach for the Stars! Light, Vision and the Atmosphere Abstract
Tim Ingold
Whys & Therefores REALLY BEING POSSESSED Abstract
William Rutherford
Jazz Me Blues Really the Blues Abstract
Chris Barber
Technomad Rebel Sounds and Dance Activism: Rave and the Carnival of Protest Abstract
Graham St John
Ibn 'Arabi and the Contemporary West RECENT BESHARA EDUCATION: THE COURSES AND THEIR AIMS Abstract
Isobel Jeffery-Street
Landmarks in CALL Research Recent Developments in Technology and Language Learning: A Literature Review and Meta-analysis Abstract
Yong Zhao
Sounding Funny Red In Tooth And Lipstick: Music and Sound Design in Lesbian Vampire Killers Abstract
Claire Butkus, Jon Fitzgerald
The Velvet Underground Reed Abstract
Richard Witts
Language in Psychiatry References Abstract
Jonathan Fine
Multimodal Transcription and Text Analysis References Abstract
Anthony Baldry, Paul J. Thibault
The Last Miles References Abstract
George Cole
Language and Education: Learning and Teaching in Society References Details
Jonathan J. Webster
Genre Relations References Abstract
JR Martin, David Rose
Chomskyan Linguistics and Its Competitors References Abstract
Pius ten Hacken
Dialogue in Focus Groups References Abstract
Ivana Markova, Per Linell, Michèle Grossen, Anne Salazar Orvig
An Introduction to English Sentence Structure References Abstract
Jon Jonz
Language, Identity and Study Abroad References Details
Jane Jackson
Delivering Processing Instruction in Classrooms and in Virtual Contexts References Abstract
James F. Lee, Alessandro G. Benati
Explorations in Stylistics References Abstract
Andrew Goatly
The Development of Scientific Writing References Abstract
David Banks
An Introduction to Irish English References Abstract
Carolina P. Amador-Moreno Amador Moreno
Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics through the Cardiff Grammar References Details
Robin Fawcett
The Structure of Modern Irish References Abstract
Brian Nolan
Conflicts in Interpretation References Abstract
Petra Hendriks, Helen de Hoop, Irene Kramer, Henriette de Swart, Joost Zwarts
Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science References Abstract
Nancy with Erin Colfax Gorrell
Tend your Garden References Details
Mary Anna Kruch
The 'Backwards' Research Guide for Writers References Details
Sonya Huber
Reflective Writing for Language Teachers References Abstract
Thomas S. C. Farrell
Whys & Therefores REFERENCES Details
William Rutherford
The Language Impact References Abstract
Alwin Frank Fill
Exploring College Writing References Abstract
Dan Melzer
Orientalists, Islamists and the Global Public Sphere References Abstract
Dietrich Jung
How Buddhism Acquired a Soul on the Way to China References Abstract
Jungnok Park †
The Applied Linguistic Individual References Details
Phil Benson
Enculturation Processes in Primary Language Acquisition References Abstract
Anna Dina L. Joaquin
Reflective Writing for Language Teachers Reflecting For Action Abstract
Thomas S. C. Farrell
Reflective Writing for Language Teachers Reflecting in the First Year(s) and Beyond Abstract
Thomas S. C. Farrell
The Imagined Sky Reflections on the Farnese Atlas: Exploring the Scientific, Literary and Pictorial Antecedents of the Constellations on a Graeco-Roman Globe Abstract
Kristen Lippincott
Reflective Writing for Language Teachers Reflective Practice Abstract
Thomas S. C. Farrell
London, 1100-1600 Religion and religious ways of life Abstract
John Schofield
The Archaeology of Medieval Spain, 1100-1500 Religions and Religious Buildings Abstract
Magdalena Valor, Fernando Miguel
Zarathustra and Zoroastrianism Religious Concepts, Models and Narratives Abstract
Michael Stausberg
Beyond Meditation Rennyo Shōnin (1415–1499): a Great Teacher of Shin Buddhism Abstract
Sugihira Shizutoshi
Genre Relations Reports and explanations Abstract
JR Martin, David Rose
Ludomusicology Game and Play in Music Video Games Abstract
Anahid Kassabian, Freya Jarman
Textbook Gods Representations of Indigenous Australian Religions in New South Wales (NSW) Higher School Certificate Studies of Religion Textbooks Abstract
Carole Cusack
Rural Landscapes of the Punic World Rereading Punic Agriculture: Representation, Analogy and Ideology in the Classical Sources Abstract
Véronique Krings
Chomskyan Linguistics and Its Competitors Research programmes Abstract
Pius ten Hacken
Language, Identity and Study Abroad Research site and methodological framework Abstract
Jane Jackson
Textbook Gods Researching Materials Used to Teach about World Religions in Schools in England Abstract
Barbara Wintersgill
Open Up the Doors Resistance or Accommodation: The ‘World’ of Quality Abstract
Mark Evans
The Disappearance of Writing Systems Revelatory Scripts, ‘the Unlettered Genius’, and the Appearance and Disappearance of Writing Abstract
John Monaghan
Conflicts in Interpretation Rhetorical structure Abstract
Petra Hendriks, Helen de Hoop, Irene Kramer, Henriette de Swart, Joost Zwarts
Terror Tracks Rhythms of Evil: Exorcizing Sound from The Exorcist Abstract
Mark Evans
Global Tribe Riot of passage: liminal culture and the logics of sacrifice Abstract
Graham St John
Beyond 2.0 Rise of the Machine Abstract
Steve Collins, Sherman Young
David Pinault
Trad Dads, Dirty Boppers and Free Fusioneers Rivers of Babylon, Rivers of Blood Abstract
Duncan Heining
AoL East and West Role of the Guru Abstract
Inga Bårdsen Tøllefsen, Milda Ališauskienė, James R. Lewis
The Archaeology of Medieval Spain, 1100-1500 Rural Settlement and Landscape Abstract
Magdalena Valor, Iñaki García Camino
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Salpe Abstract
Ian Plant
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Samithra Abstract
Ian Plant
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Sappho Abstract
Ian Plant
Rural Landscapes of the Punic World Sardinia: Diverging Landscapes Abstract
Peter van Dommelen, Stefano Finocchi
Terror Tracks Scary Movies, Scary Music: Uses and Unities of Heavy Metal in the Contemporary Horror Film Abstract
Lee Barron, Ian Inglis
Textbook Gods School Bible in the Service of The Danish National Church—A Case Study Abstract
Jens-André Herbener
AoL East and West Science Abstract
Inga Bårdsen Tøllefsen, Milda Ališauskienė, James R. Lewis
The Music of Fantasy Cinema Scoring Fantasy Girls: Music and Female Agency in Indiana Jones and The Mummy films Abstract
Janet K. Halfyard, Victoria Hancock
Terror Tracks Scoring the Edge Abstract
Philip Hayward
The Disappearance of Writing Systems Script Obsolescence in Ancient Italy: From Pre-Roman to Roman Writing Abstract
Kathryn Lomas
An Introduction to Irish English Searching corpora for data Abstract
Carolina P. Amador-Moreno Amador Moreno
Nick Cave Searching the Holy Books Abstract
Roland Boer
Technomad Secret Sonic Societies and Other Renegades of Sound Abstract
Graham St John
Jazz Visions Select Discography Abstract
Peter Ind
Being Prez Select Discography Abstract
Dave Gelly
Brian Wilson Select Discography Abstract
Kirk Curnutt
London, 1100-1600 Selling and making Abstract
John Schofield
Beyond 2.0 Shaking the Foundations Abstract
Steve Collins, Sherman Young
Indian Religions Shamanic Powers, Village Religion and Esoteric Exchange: How Far is Tantra a Specifically Indian Phenomenon? Abstract
Geoffrey Samuel
Beyond Meditation Shin Buddhism as the Religion of Hearing Abstract
Yokogawa Kenshō
Listening to Shin Buddhism Shin Religion as I Believe it (1951) Abstract
Kaneko Daiei
Listening to Shin Buddhism Shinran and Contemporary Thought (1980) Abstract
Yoshinori Takeuchi
Listening to Shin Buddhism Shinran’s Way in the Modern World (1978) Abstract
Alfred Bloom
Listening to Shin Buddhism Shinran’s World: A Dialogue of Shin Buddhism and Zen Buddhism (1961: published in three parts in 1985, 1986 and 1988) Abstract
Kaneko Daiei, Keiji Nishitani, Soga Ryōjin, Suzuki Daisetsu
The Five-Minute Linguist Should we be studying Russian? Abstract
Benjamin Rifkin
Rural Landscapes of the Punic World Sicily and Malta: between Sea and Countryside Abstract
Antonella Spanò Giammellaro†, Francesca Spatafora, Peter van Dommelen
The Last Miles Siesta Abstract
George Cole
Origin and Evolution of Languages Simulating the expansion of farming and the differentiation of European languages Abstract
Domenico Parisi, Francesco Antinucci, Francesco Natale, Federico Cecconi
Trad Dads, Dirty Boppers and Free Fusioneers Sisters of Swing, Brothers in Arms Abstract
Duncan Heining
Jordan Sites and Places Mentioned in the Text Abstract
Russell Adams
An Unholy Row Six Months in a Palais . . . Abstract
Dave Gelly
An Unholy Row Skiffle Abstract
Dave Gelly
Language, Interaction and Frontotemporal Dementia Social Regulation in Frontotemporal Dementia: A Case Study Abstract
Salvatore Torrisi
Enculturation Processes in Primary Language Acquisition Socializing the prefrontal cortex Abstract
Anna Dina L. Joaquin
Literacy and Social Responsibility Socially responsible literacy education: toward an ‘organic relation’ to our place and time Abstract
Peter Freebody
An Introduction to Irish English Some key notions Abstract
Carolina P. Amador-Moreno Amador Moreno
Chomskyan Linguistics and Its Competitors Some modern competitors Abstract
Pius ten Hacken
Nick Cave Some Routine Atrocity, or, Apocalyptic Abstract
Roland Boer
Challenging Sonority Sequential Constraints on Codas in Palestinian Arabic Abstract
Samira Farwaneh
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Sotira Abstract
Ian Plant
Björk Sound Abstract
Nicola Dibben
Whys & Therefores SOUND & SPELLING ONE Abstract
William Rutherford
Whys & Therefores SOUND & SPELLING THREE Abstract
William Rutherford
Whys & Therefores SOUND & SPELLING TWO Abstract
William Rutherford
Terror Tracks Sound and Music in Hammer’s Vampire Films Abstract
Michael Hannan
Sounding Funny Sound, Comedy and Cinematic Modernism: Kaasua, komisario Palmu! Abstract
Kimmo Laine, Anu Juva
Earogenous Zones Sound Decisions: Interviews with Ole Ege Abstract
Bruce Johnson
Whys & Therefores SOUND, SPELLING, MEANING Abstract
William Rutherford
Technomad Sound System Exodus: Tekno-Anarchy in the UK and Beyond Abstract
Graham St John
Sounding Funny Sounding Funny: the importance of hearing (as well as seeing) the joke Abstract
Liz Giuffre, Mark Evans
Tend your Garden Sowing the Seeds of Formative, Authentic Assessment Abstract
Mary Anna Kruch
Whys & Therefores SPACE, TIME, PERSON Abstract
William Rutherford
Contrastive Discourse Analysis Spanish Venga and its English equivalents: A contrastive study of teenage talk Abstract
Anna-Brita Stenström
Charming Beauties and Frightful Beasts Sparrows and Lions: Fauna in Sikh Imagery, Symbolism and Ethics Abstract
Eleanor Nesbitt
Conflicts in Interpretation Speaking versus understanding in language acquisition Abstract
Petra Hendriks, Helen de Hoop, Irene Kramer, Henriette de Swart, Joost Zwarts
The Archaeology of Medieval Spain, 1100-1500 Special Topics Abstract
Magdalena Valor, Avelino Gutierrez
Global Tribe Spiritual technology: transition and its prosthetics Abstract
Graham St John
Terror Tracks Spooked by Sound: The Blair Witch Project Abstract
Rebecca Coyle
David Pinault
The Last Miles Star People Abstract
George Cole
Beyond 2.0 Star Wars Abstract
Steve Collins, Sherman Young
Orientalists, Islamists and the Global Public Sphere State, Science, Religion and Islam: Modern Europe Between Positivism and Christian Apology Abstract
Dietrich Jung
Textbook Gods Stones and Bones: Indigenous African Religions and the “Evolution” of World Religions Abstract
James Lewis
Genre Relations Stories Abstract
JR Martin, David Rose
Isobel Jeffery-Street
The Inbox Student-Teacher E-mail: An Introduction Abstract
Jennifer Ewald
Chomskyan Linguistics and Its Competitors Subject Index Abstract
Pius ten Hacken
Language and Verbal Art Revisited Subject Index Abstract
Donna R. Miller
Open Up the Doors Subject Index Details
Mark Evans
The Development of Scientific Writing Subject Index Abstract
David Banks
Conflicts in Interpretation Subject index Abstract
Petra Hendriks, Helen de Hoop, Irene Kramer, Henriette de Swart, Joost Zwarts
Tend your Garden Subject Index Abstract
Mary Anna Kruch
The 'Backwards' Research Guide for Writers Subject Index Details
Sonya Huber
Exploring College Writing Subject Index Abstract
Dan Melzer
Creativity and Discovery in the University Writing Class Subject Index Abstract
Alice Chik, Tracey Costley, Martha Pennington
Applied Linguistics at the Interface Subverting conversational repair in a hostile email discussion Abstract
Sandra Harrison
Sufism, Pluralism and Democracy 4. Sufi Politics in the Contemporary West: The Role and Definition of Sufism in the Works of Javad Nurbakhsh (1926-2008) Abstract
Milad Milani
Heavy Metal Suicide solutions? Or, how the emo class of 2008 were able to contest their media demonization, whereas the headbangers, burnouts or ‘children of ZoSo’ generation were not Abstract
Andy Brown
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Sulpicia Abstract
Ian Plant
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Sulpicia II Abstract
Ian Plant
Metonymy in Language, Thought and Brain Summary and prospects for future research Abstract
Boguslaw Bierwiaczonek
Delivering Processing Instruction in Classrooms and in Virtual Contexts Summary, conclusions, and recommendations for the practice of PI Abstract
James F. Lee, Alessandro G. Benati
The Music of Fantasy Cinema Superconductors: Music, Fantasy and Science in The Sorcerer’s Apprentice Abstract
Janet K. Halfyard
The Music of Fantasy Cinema Superman as Mythic Narrative: Music, Romanticism and the ‘Oneiric Climate’ Abstract
Ben Winters
Bob Dylan Surroundings Abstract
Keith Negus
Lee Morgan symbolism, signification and the sidewinder Abstract
Tom Perchard
Analysing Literary Sumerian Symbols and conventions Abstract
Jarle Ebeling, Graham Cunningham
An Introduction to the Grammar of Old English Synopsis of systemic functional grammar Abstract
Michael Cummings
The Qurʾān Synopsis: The Qur’ān at a Glance Abstract
A. J. Droge
Beyond Meditation Synoptic List of Text Titles Abstract
Michael Pye
Listening to Shin Buddhism Synoptic List of Text Titles Abstract
Michael Pye
Lay Buddhism and Spirituality Synoptic List of Text Titles Abstract
Michael Pye
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Syra Abstract
Ian Plant
System and Corpus System and corpus: two traditions with a common ground Abstract
Geoff Thompson, Susan Hunston
Systemic Functional Perspectives of Japanese Systemic functional theory: description and application Abstract
Elizabeth A. Thomson, William S. Armour
System and Corpus Systemic incorporation: on the relationship between corpus and systemic functional grammar Abstract
Gordon Tucker
Charming Beauties and Frightful Beasts Talking Animals: Explorations in an Indian Literary Genre Abstract
Patrick Olivelle
Teaching Linguistics Teaching formal semantics Abstract
Barbara Partee
Teaching Linguistics Teaching historical linguistics: A personal memoir Abstract
Harold Koch
Teaching Linguistics Teaching language acquisition Abstract
Susan Foster-Cohen
Teaching Linguistics Teaching linguistic approaches to nonliteral language or We really knew how to have fun Abstract
Diana Van Lancker Sidtis
Teaching Linguistics Teaching morphology Abstract
Laurie Bauer
Teaching Linguistics Teaching pragmatics Abstract
Christopher Potts
Teaching Linguistics Teaching sociolinguistics Abstract
Miriam Meyerhoff
Teaching Linguistics Teaching syntax Abstract
Sandra Chung
Lee Morgan teaching tradition and change Abstract
Tom Perchard
Björk Technology Abstract
Nicola Dibben
The Archaeology of Medieval Spain, 1100-1500 Technology, Craft and Industry Abstract
Ricardo Córdoba
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Telesilla Abstract
Ian Plant
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Terentia Abstract
Ian Plant
Terror Tracks Terror in the Outback: Wolf Creek and Australian Horror Cinema Abstract
Philip Hayward, Harry Minassian
Prolegomena to a History of Islamicate Manichaeism Testimonia about Manichaean Teachings Abstract
John C. Reeves
Terror Tracks Texas Chainsaws: Audio Effect and Iconicity Abstract
Rebecca Coyle, Philip Hayward
Language and Verbal Art Revisited Text linguistics and comparative literature: towards an interdisciplinary approach to written tales. Angela Carter’s translations of Perrault Abstract
Ute Heidmann, Jean-Michel Adam
Intonation in the Grammar of English Texts with detailed commentary Abstract
M.A.K. Halliday, William S. Greaves
David L. Johnston
The Lost Women of Rock Music The Aftermath Abstract
Helen Reddington
Applied Linguistics at the Interface The agonism and the ecstacy: conflict and argument in applied linguistics Abstract
Richard Badger
What the Buddha Thought The Antecedents of the Karma Doctrine in Brahminism Abstract
Richard Gombrich
Tilman Seidensticker, Albrecht Fuess, Moez Khalfaoui
Mortuary Ritual and Society in Bronze Age Cyprus The Archaeological Record of Mortuary Practice in Cyprus: Formation Processes, Sampling Issues, and a Methodology for Interpretation Abstract
Priscilla Keswani
Trad Dads, Dirty Boppers and Free Fusioneers The Artsman Cometh Abstract
Duncan Heining
Local Power in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia THE ASSEMBLY ( puḫrum) Abstract
Andrea Seri
The Velvet Underground The band Abstract
Richard Witts
Ibn 'Arabi and the Contemporary West THE BESHARA TRUST: EARLY YEARS Abstract
Isobel Jeffery-Street
Trad Dads, Dirty Boppers and Free Fusioneers The Best Things in Life Are Free Abstract
Duncan Heining
Charming Beauties and Frightful Beasts The Biggest Star of All: The Elephant in Hindi Cinema Abstract
Rachel Dwyer
AoL East and West The Body Abstract
Inga Bårdsen Tøllefsen, Milda Ališauskienė, James R. Lewis
Trad Dads, Dirty Boppers and Free Fusioneers The Brain Drain Abstract
Duncan Heining
Lee Morgan the break: new york, dizzy gillespie and blue note records Abstract
Tom Perchard
The Lost Women of Rock Music The Brighton Scene Abstract
Helen Reddington
Beyond Meditation The Buddha and Shinran Abstract
Yamabe Shūgaku
Beyond Meditation The Buddha as Preacher Abstract
Akanuma Chizen
What the Buddha Thought The Buddha as Satirist; Brahmin Terms as Social Metaphors Abstract
Richard Gombrich
What the Buddha Thought The Buddha's Appropriation of Four (or Five?) Brahminical Terms Abstract
Richard Gombrich
What the Buddha Thought The Buddha's Positive Values: Love and Compassion Abstract
Richard Gombrich
What the Buddha Thought The Buddha's Pragmatism and Intellectual Style Abstract
Richard Gombrich
Listening to Shin Buddhism The Buddhist Doctrine of Vicarious Suffering (1927) Abstract
Kaneko Daiei
Jordan The Byzantine Period Abstract
Pamela Watson
Enculturation Processes in Primary Language Acquisition The caregiver’s instinct Abstract
Anna Dina L. Joaquin
Jordan The Chalcolithic Period Abstract
Stephen Bourke
Chomskyan Linguistics and Its Competitors The Chomskyan revolution Abstract
Pius ten Hacken
Local Power in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia THE CITY (ālum) Abstract
Andrea Seri
Local Power in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia THE CITY ELDERS (šībūt ālim) Abstract
Andrea Seri
Systemic Functional Perspectives of Japanese The components and structure of the context base, a database for computer text generation Abstract
Yusuke Takahashi, Ichiro Kobayashi, Michiaki Iwazume
Listening to Shin Buddhism The Concept of Grace in Paul, Shinran and Luther (1976) Abstract
Fritz Buri
Listening to Shin Buddhism The concept of the Pure Land in the Teaching of Nāgārjuna (1966) Abstract
Susumu Yamaguchi
Aspects of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics The conception of the linguistic worldview in comparative research Abstract
Jerzy Bartminski
Indian Religions The Curious History of the Dasanâmï-Samnyâsïs Abstract
Matthew Clark
The Disappearance of Writing Systems The Death of Mexican Pictography Abstract
Elizabeth Boone
The Disappearance of Writing Systems The Disappearance of Writing Systems: Hieroglyphic Luwian Abstract
J. Hawkins
The Neolithisation of Denmark The Discovery of Kitchen Middens from the Stone Abstract
J.J.S. Steenstrup, J.G. Forchhammer, J.J.A. Worsaae
The Archaeology of Medieval Spain, 1100-1500 The Display of Secular Power Abstract
Magdalena Valor, Avelino Gutiérrez
Mortuary Ritual and Society in Bronze Age Cyprus The Early and Middle Bronze Age Abstract
Priscilla Keswani
Jordan The Early Bronze Age IV Abstract
Gaetano Palumbo
Jordan The Early Bronze Age I–III Abstract
Graham Philip
James Brown The Early Years Abstract
John Scannell
Applied Linguistics at the Interface The effects of structured input activities and explicit information on the acquisition of gender agreement in Italian and the simple past in Spanish Abstract
Alessandro G. Benati, Paula Romero-Lopez
Delivering Processing Instruction in Classrooms and in Virtual Contexts The effects of structured input activities on the acquisition of two Japanese linguistic features Abstract
James F. Lee, Alessandro G. Benati
The Last Miles The eighties music – cover versions Abstract
George Cole
Whys & Therefores THE END OF THE WORLD Abstract
William Rutherford
Beyond Meditation The Enlightened Mind of the Buddha and the Shin Teaching Abstract
Sasaki Gesshō
Aspects of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics The Ethnolinguistic School of Lublin and Anglo-American cognitive linguistics Abstract
Jörg Zinken
Functional Dimensions of Ape-Human Discourse The evolutionary dimension: the thin edge of the wedge – grammar and discourse in the evolution of language Abstract
James D. Benson, William S. Greaves, Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, Jared P. Taglialatela, Paul Thibault
Literacy and Social Responsibility The experience of Youth Off The Streets Abstract
Fr. Chris Reiley, Karelynne Randall
The Structure of Modern Irish The expression of modality in Irish Abstract
Brian Nolan
Heavy Metal The extreme metal ‘connoisseur’ Abstract
Nicola Allett
The Velvet Underground The Factory Abstract
Richard Witts
James Brown The Foundations of Funk Abstract
John Scannell
Essays in Speech Processes The Frame Problem in Speech Communication: Defining the Dimensional Space for Phonetic Categorization Abstract
Andrew Lotto, Lori Holt
The Phonology of Contrast The framework: PC theory Abstract
Anna Lubowicz
AoL East and West The Future Abstract
Inga Bårdsen Tøllefsen, Milda Ališauskienė, James R. Lewis
Terror Tracks The Ghostly Noise of J-Horror: Roots and Ramifications Abstract
James Wierzbicki
James Brown The Godfather of Post-Soul Abstract
John Scannell
An Introduction to Irish English The grammar of Irish English Abstract
Carolina P. Amador-Moreno Amador Moreno
David Pinault
David Pinault
Jordan The Hellenistic Period and the Nabataeans Abstract
Stephan Schimid
Indian Religions The Hindu Imagination and Imaginary Hinduisms Abstract
David Smith
Indian Religions The Hindu Religion and War Abstract
Hans Bakker
An Introduction to Irish English The history of the English language in Ireland Abstract
Carolina P. Amador-Moreno Amador Moreno
Rural Landscapes of the Punic World The Iberian Peninsula: Landscapes of Tradition Abstract
José Luis López Castro
Listening to Shin Buddhism The Idea and the Man (a response to Yamabe Shūgaku) (1932) Abstract
C.A.F. Rhys Davids
Functional Dimensions of Ape-Human Discourse The ideational dimension: evidence for symbolic language processing in a bonobo (Pan paniscus) Abstract
James D. Benson, William S. Greaves, Michael O'Donnell, Jared P. Taglialatela
The Structure of Modern Irish The impersonal passive Abstract
Brian Nolan
Tilman Seidensticker
Enculturation Processes in Primary Language Acquisition The interactional instinct for cultural learning Abstract
Anna Dina L. Joaquin
Language, Interaction and Frontotemporal Dementia The Interactive Organization of “Insight”: Clinical Interviews with Frontotemporal Dementia Patients Abstract
Netta Avineri
Functional Dimensions of Ape-Human Discourse The interpersonal dimension: confrontation and support in bonobo-human discourse Abstract
James D. Benson, Peter Fries, William S. Greaves, Kazuyoshi Iwamoto, Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, Jared P. Taglialatela
Jordan The Iron Age Abstract
Larry Herr, Mohammed Najjar
Chasin' the Bird The jumpin’ blues Abstract
Brian Priestley
Language in Psychiatry The kinds of meanings to be heard Abstract
Jonathan Fine
Applied Linguistics at the Interface The L2 learner corpus: reviewing its potential for the early stages of learning Abstract
Anne Ife
The Disappearance of Writing Systems The Last Traces of Meroitic? A Tentative Scenario for the Disappearance of the Meroitic Script Abstract
Claude Rilly
Reflective Writing for Language Teachers The Last Word on Reflection? Abstract
Thomas S. C. Farrell
Mortuary Ritual and Society in Bronze Age Cyprus The Late Bronze Age Abstract
Priscilla Keswani
Jordan The Late Bronze Age Abstract
John Strange
A History of Pottery and Potters in Ancient Jerusalem The Later (Roman) Dump Pottery Abstract
H. J. Franken
The Structure of Modern Irish The layered structure of the Irish word Abstract
Brian Nolan
The Structure of Modern Irish The layered structure of the noun phrase Abstract
Brian Nolan
Explorations in Stylistics The limits of politeness: a butler’s pragmatic dilemmas in Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day Abstract
Andrew Goatly
Sermon of One Hundred Days The Madhyamaka Abstract
Venerable Seongcheol
Sermon of One Hundred Days The Mahā-parinirvāna Sūtra Abstract
Venerable Seongcheol
Listening to Shin Buddhism The Mahāyāna Structure of Shinran’s Thought (1984) Abstract
Ueda Yoshifumi
The Last Miles The Man With The Horn Abstract
George Cole
Analysing Literary Sumerian The meaning and function of multiword-verb combinations with and without ak 'to do' Abstract
Jarle Ebeling
Listening to Shin Buddhism The Meaning of Salvation in the Doctrine of Pure Land 61 Buddhism (1965) Abstract
Kaneko Daiei
Language and Verbal Art Revisited The meaning of ‘dark*’ in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness Abstract
Monica Turci
Indian Religions The Medieval Saivite World Portrayed on the Prâkâra Wall of the Mallikârjuna Temple at Srisailam Abstract
Richard Shaw
Jordan The Middle Bronze Age Abstract
Steven Falconer
Jordan The Middle Islamic and Crusader Periods Abstract
Alan Walmsley
The Buddha’s Middle Way The Middle Way in the Buddha’s Early Life Abstract
Robert Ellis
Ibn 'Arabi and the Contemporary West THE MUHYIDDIN IBN ‘ARABI SOCIETY Abstract
Isobel Jeffery-Street
Functional Dimensions of Ape-Human Discourse The multistratal dimension: a methodology for phonemic analysis of vocalizations of language competent bonobos Abstract
James D. Benson, Meena Debashish, William S. Greaves, Jennifer Lukas, Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, Jared P. Taglialatela
English Tense and Aspect in Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar The narrative mode Abstract
Carl Bache
Jordan The Neolithic Period Abstract
Gary Rollefson
Beyond 2.0 The New Intermediaries Abstract
Steve Collins, Sherman Young
The Disappearance of Writing Systems The Obsolescence and Demise of Cuneiform Writing in Elam Abstract
Jeremy Black †
Local Power in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia THE OLD BABYLONIAN PERIOD Abstract
Andrea Seri
An Introduction to the Grammar of Old English The Old English clause from the experiential perspective Abstract
Michael Cummings
An Introduction to the Grammar of Old English The Old English clause from the interpersonal perspective Abstract
Michael Cummings
An Introduction to the Grammar of Old English The Old English clause from the textual perspective Abstract
Michael Cummings
Debating Orientalization The Orientalizing Period in Etruria: Sophisticated Communities Abstract
Corinna Riva
Debating Orientalization The Orientalizing Phenomenon: Hybridity and Material Culture in the Western Mediterranean Abstract
Peter van Dommelen
Origin and Evolution of Languages The origin of language as a product of the evolution of modern cognition Abstract
Gilles Fauconnier, Mark Turner
Jordan The Ottoman Period Abstract
Alison McQuitty
Jordan The Palaeolithic Period, including the Epipalaeolithic Abstract
Deborah Olszewski
Language in Psychiatry The partnership of language and psychiatry Abstract
Jonathan Fine
Earogenous Zones The Peculiar ‘Love’ Music in Oshima’s Ai no korida Abstract
James Wierzbicki
Jordan The Persian Period Abstract
Piotr Bienkowski
The Structure of Modern Irish The personal passive construction and its variants Abstract
Brian Nolan
Indian Religions The Philosophy of Religion from the Perspective of Indian Religions Abstract
Karel Werner
The Disappearance of Writing Systems The Phoenix of Phoinikēia: Alphabetic Reincarnation in Arabia Abstract
Michael Macdonald
Ibn 'Arabi and the Contemporary West THE PILGRIMAGE THROUGH TURKEY Abstract
Isobel Jeffery-Street
Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics through the Cardiff Grammar The place of syntax in an overall model of language Abstract
Robin Fawcett
Aspects of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics The Polish DOM (house/home) in its physical, social, and cultural aspects Abstract
Jerzy Bartminski
Aspects of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics The Polish OJCZYZNA (homeland): its base stereotype and ideological profiles Abstract
Jerzy Bartminski
Aspects of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics The Polish stereotype of the mother: towards a cognitive definition Abstract
Jerzy Bartminski
Notes from the Fortune-Telling Parrot THE POLITICS OF JOGGING: WOMEN’S STATUS IN PAKISTAN Abstract
David Pinault
Analysing Literary Sumerian The polysemy and productivity of the formative element nam in Old Babylonian literary Sumerian Abstract
Balint Tanos
A History of Pottery and Potters in Ancient Jerusalem The Pottery from Square A XVIII, 6th–5th Centuries BCE Abstract
H. J. Franken
Explorations in Stylistics The pragmatics of co-operation and politeness in two extracts from Harold Pinter’s The Birthday Party Abstract
Andrew Goatly
Language, Interaction and Frontotemporal Dementia The Prefrontal Cortex: Through Maturation, Socialization, and Regression Abstract
Anna Dina L. Joaquin
Comida y cultura en el mundo hispánico/Food and Culture in the Hispanic World Comida, Cultura y Tradiciones Ancestrales (Ancestral Food, Culture and Traditions) Abstract
Ana Gómez-Bravo
Multimodal Transcription and Text Analysis The printed page Abstract
Anthony Baldry, Paul J. Thibault
Orientalists, Islamists and the Global Public Sphere The Problem: The Essentialist Image of Islam Abstract
Dietrich Jung
Continuing Discourse on Language The Published Works of M.A.K. Halliday Abstract
Ruqaiya Hasan
Scouse Pop The Audience Respond Abstract
Paul Skillen
Earogenous Zones The Push/Pull Game: The Dynamics of Sound in Bertolucci’s Last Tango in Paris, The Last Emperor and The Sheltering Sky Abstract
Lesley Chow
Local Power in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia THE RABIĀNUM Abstract
Andrea Seri
Technomad The Rave-olution? Abstract
Graham St John
The Structure of Modern Irish The recipient and passive GET construction with ‘faigh’ Abstract
Brian Nolan
Buddy Holly The Recordings, 1955–1959 Abstract
Dave Laing
Reflective Writing for Language Teachers The Reflective Teaching Journal Abstract
Thomas S. C. Farrell
The Structure of Modern Irish The reflexive constructions in Modern Irish Abstract
Brian Nolan
Beyond Meditation The Religion of Shinran Shōnin (1173–1262) Abstract
Sasaki Gesshō
Tilman Seidensticker
Chomskyan Linguistics and Its Competitors The research programme of Chomskyan linguistics Abstract
Pius ten Hacken
Open Up the Doors The Rise and Rise of Pentecostal Music: History, Hillsong and Star Texts Abstract
Mark Evans
The Last Miles The road to Tutu: Miles and Prince Abstract
George Cole
The Last Miles The road to Tutu: Rubberband – the lost Miles Davis album Abstract
George Cole
The Last Miles The road to Tutu: the background Abstract
George Cole
Jordan The Roman Period Abstract
Philip Freeman
Sermon of One Hundred Days The Romanization of the Korean Language (Hangeul) Abstract
Venerable Seongcheol
Beyond Meditation The Saintly Figures Abstract
Michael Pye
The Language Impact The Scope of Impact Linguistics Abstract
Alwin Frank Fill
Beyond Meditation The Shinran Revival of 1922 Abstract
Mino Kōgetsu
Beyond Meditation The Shinran Shōnin Celebration Abstract
Beatrice Lane Suzuki
Charming Beauties and Frightful Beasts The Silent Killer: The Ass as Personification of Illness in North Indian Folklore Abstract
Fabrizio M. Ferrari
Finding Myth and History in the Bible The Siloam Tunnel Revisited Abstract
Philip Davies
The Disappearance of Writing Systems The Small Deaths of Maya Writing Abstract
Stephen Houston
Literacy and Social Responsibility The social context of literacy acquisition: achieving good beginnings Abstract
Tony Vinson
The Lost Women of Rock Music The Social Context: Academic Writing on Subcultures, the Rock Press and “Women in Music” Abstract
Helen Reddington
The 9/11 Handbook THE SOCIAL MATRIX OF THE ATTACK Abstract
Hans G. Kippenberg
Chasin' the Bird The song is you Abstract
Brian Priestley
James Brown The Soul Era Abstract
John Scannell
An Introduction to Irish English The sounds of Irish English Abstract
Carolina P. Amador-Moreno Amador Moreno
Celestial India The Sources of the Theosophical Doctrine Abstract
Isaac Lubelsky
Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics through the Cardiff Grammar The special case of 'being’ as a Main Verb - and some related concepts Abstract
Robin Fawcett
Aspects of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics The stereotype as an object of linguistic description Abstract
Jerzy Bartminski
Aspects of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics The stereotype of the sun in folk Polish Abstract
Jerzy Bartminski
The Imagined Sky The Strange History of British Archaeoastronomy Abstract
Ronald Hutton
Celestial India The Struggle for the Leadership of the Indian National Movement, 1907–1919 Abstract
Isaac Lubelsky
Celestial India The Struggle Over the Leadership of the Theosophical Society, 1889–1907 Abstract
Isaac Lubelsky
The Archaeology of Medieval Spain, 1100-1500 The Study of Medieval Archaeology Abstract
Magdalena Valor, Avelino Gutierrez
Aspects of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics The subject’s viewpoint(s) in language, text, and discourse Abstract
Jerzy Bartminski
Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics through the Cardiff Grammar The syntax of Circumstances and other types of Adjunct Abstract
Robin Fawcett
Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics through the Cardiff Grammar The syntax of TRANSITIVITY: five more concepts Abstract
Robin Fawcett
Systemic Functional Perspectives of Japanese The system of THEME in Japanese Abstract
Elizabeth A. Thomson
Beyond Meditation The Teaching of Ippen Shōnin (1239–1289) Abstract
Sugihira Shizutoshi
Beyond Meditation The Teaching of Shin Buddhism and the Religious Life Abstract
Sasaki Gesshō
Technomad The Technoccult, Psytrance, and the Millennium Abstract
Graham St John
Beyond 2.0 The Technology of Music Abstract
Steve Collins, Sherman Young
Being Prez The territory Abstract
Dave Gelly
Delivering Processing Instruction in Classrooms and in Virtual Contexts The theory and practice of Processing Instruction Abstract
James F. Lee, Alessandro G. Benati
Celestial India The Theosophical Doctrine Abstract
Isaac Lubelsky
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