Browse Title Index

Issue Title
Celestial India The Theosophical Society – The Quest for the Spiritual Source Abstract
Isaac Lubelsky
The Language Impact The Three Levels of Language Impact Abstract
Alwin Frank Fill
Nick Cave The Total Depravity of Cave’s Literary World Abstract
Roland Boer
Beyond Meditation The Triple Body of the Buddha Abstract
Akanuma Chizen
The Music of Fantasy Cinema The Tritone Within: Interpreting Harmony in Elliot Goldenthal’s Score for Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within Abstract
Scott Murphy
Jordan The Umayyad and Abbasid Periods Abstract
Donald Whitcomb
Beyond Meditation The Unfolding of the Nenbutsu Teaching Abstract
Sugihira Shizutoshi
Contrastive Discourse Analysis The use of it-clefts in the written production of Spanish advanced learners of English Abstract
Susana Doval Suárez, Elsa González Álvarez
Teaching Linguistics The value of linguistics to the ESL/EFL classroom practitioner Abstract
David Mendelsohn
Send in the Clones The Value of Paying Tribute: Critical Responses Abstract
Georgina Gregory
The Last Miles The verdict on the music of the 1980s Abstract
George Cole
Global Tribe The vibe at the end of the world Abstract
Graham St John
Debating Orientalization The View from East Greece: Miletus, Samos and Ephesus Abstract
Sarah P. Morris
Sermon of One Hundred Days The Vijñapti-mātra Abstract
Venerable Seongcheol
An Introduction to Irish English The vocabulary of Irish English Abstract
Carolina P. Amador-Moreno Amador Moreno
Analysing Literary Sumerian The Vocabulary of Literary Sumerian: a corpus-driven investigation Abstract
Jarle Ebeling
Beyond Meditation The Way to the Land of Bliss Abstract
Yamabe Shūgaku
Multimodal Transcription and Text Analysis The web page Abstract
Anthony Baldry, Paul J. Thibault
Buddy Holly The West Texas Musicscape and Buddy Holly’s Musical Idiolect, 1950–1955 Abstract
Dave Laing
Aspects of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics The ‘cognitive definition’ in the description of stereotypes Abstract
Jerzy Bartminski
Heavy Metal The ‘double controversy’ of Christian metal Abstract
Marcus Moberg
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Theano Abstract
Ian Plant
Dialogue in Focus Groups Themata in dialogue: taking social knowledge as shared Abstract
Ivana Markova, Per Linell, Michèle Grossen, Anne Salazar Orvig
Zarathustra and Zoroastrianism Thematic Bibliography Abstract
Michael Stausberg
Contrastive Discourse Analysis Thematic Parentheticals in Dutch and English Abstract
Mike Hannay, María de los Ángeles Gómez González
Open Up the Doors Theomusicological Frameworks for Congregational Song Analysis Abstract
Mark Evans
A History of Pottery and Potters in Ancient Jerusalem Theory and Practice of Ceramic Studies in Archeology Abstract
H. J. Franken
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Theosebeia Abstract
Ian Plant
Celestial India Theosophy and the World Teacher: The Esoteric Alternative Abstract
Isaac Lubelsky
Indian Religions Theravada Revivalism in Nepal: Reflections on the Early Years Abstract
David N. Gellner
Jazz Me Blues There’ll be Some Changes Made Abstract
Chris Barber
Whys & Therefores THOSE LITTLE WORDS Abstract
William Rutherford
Language and Verbal Art Revisited Thought experiments in verbal art: examples from Modernism Abstract
David Butt
Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics through the Cardiff Grammar Three new elements: Infinitive, Auxiliary Extension and Vocative Abstract
Robin Fawcett
Lionel Richie Three times a lady Abstract
Sharon Davis
Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics through the Cardiff Grammar Three types of Auxiliary Verb, one type of ‘Theme’ and one type of ‘Newness’ Abstract
Robin Fawcett
Charming Beauties and Frightful Beasts Tigers, Tiger Spirits and Were-tigers in Tribal Orissa Abstract
Stefano Beggiora
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Timaris Abstract
Ian Plant
Indian Religions Time and the Sarvâstivâdins Abstract
David Bastow
The Qurʾān Timeline Abstract
A. J. Droge
Scouse Pop To be Somebody: Ambition and the Desire to be Different Abstract
Paul Skillen
Textbook Gods To Learn about the Other and to Get to Know Him: Judaism and the Jewish Community of Quebec as represented in Ethics and Religious Culture Textbooks Abstract
Sivane Hirsch, Marie McAndrew
Exploring College Writing To the Reader Abstract
Dan Melzer
Whys & Therefores TOGETHERNESS Abstract
William Rutherford
Contrastive Discourse Analysis Topic and topicality in text: A contrastive study of English and Spanish narrative texts Abstract
Raquel Hildalgo, Angela Downing
Finding Myth and History in the Bible Toponymy Riddles Abstract
Mario Liverani
David L. Johnston
Contrastive Discourse Analysis Towards a comparison of cohesive reference in English and German: System and text Abstract
Kerstin Kunz, Erich Steiner
Language, Identity and Study Abroad Towards a critical praxis in study abroad Abstract
Jane Jackson
English Tense and Aspect in Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar Towards an alternative Abstract
Carl Bache
The Archaeology of Medieval Spain, 1100-1500 Trade, Transport and Travel Abstract
Avelino Gutiérrez, Magdalena Valor
Bob Dylan Traditions Abstract
Keith Negus
AoL East and West Transcendental Meditation and the Art of Living Foundation Abstract
Inga Bårdsen Tøllefsen, Milda Ališauskienė, James R. Lewis
Enculturation Processes in Primary Language Acquisition Transcription conventions Abstract
Anna Dina L. Joaquin
Zarathustra and Zoroastrianism Transitions and Festivals Abstract
Michael Stausberg
Hans G. Kippenberg, Tilman Seidensticker, Albrecht Fuess, Moez Khalfaoui
Language and Verbal Art Revisited Translation teaching and methodology: a linguistic analysis of a literary text Abstract
Mirella Agorni
Uruk Translators' Preface Details
Zainab Bahrani, Marc Van De Mieroop
Global Tribe Transnational psyculture Abstract
Graham St John
The Last Miles Tribute albums Abstract
George Cole
Send in the Clones Tribute Bands in Context Abstract
Georgina Gregory
Heavy Metal Triumph of the maggots? Valorization of metal in the rock press Abstract
Hélène Laurin
Lionel Richie Truly Abstract
Sharon Davis
An Unholy Row Trumpet in a Handcart Abstract
Dave Gelly
The Last Miles Tutu Abstract
George Cole
Explorations in Stylistics Typographical conventions Abstract
Andrew Goatly
Lee Morgan under art blakey’s influence Abstract
Tom Perchard
Landmarks in CALL Research Understanding and Working with 'Failed Communication' in Telecollaborative Exchanges Abstract
Robert O'Dowd, Markus Ritter
The Last Miles Unreleased Miles – the music in the vaults Abstract
George Cole
The Archaeology of Medieval Spain, 1100-1500 Urban Settlement Abstract
Magdalena Valor, Avelino Gutierrez
Uruk Uruk, the First Complex Society in the Ancient Near East Abstract
Mario Liverani
Language, Interaction and Frontotemporal Dementia Using Social Deficits in Frontotemporal Dementia to Develop a Neurobiology of Person Reference Abstract
Andrea W. Mates
Intonation in the Grammar of English Using the CD Abstract
M.A.K. Halliday, William S. Greaves
Aspects of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics Values as the foundation of linguistic worldview Abstract
Jerzy Bartminski
Analysing Literary Sumerian Variation in the multiword expression igi bar in the Old Babylonian period Abstract
Gabor Zolyomi
Aspects of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics Varieties of fate: the Polish los and dola; the Russian sud’ba Abstract
Jerzy Bartminski
Aspects of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics Viewpoint, perspective, and linguistic worldview Abstract
Jerzy Bartminski
Textbook Gods Visual Engagement: Textbooks and the Materiality of Religion Abstract
Mary Hayward
Heavy Metal Voice of our blood National Socialist discourses in black metal Abstract
Benjamin Hedge Olson
Culture and Gender of Voice Pitch Voice pitch and expression of emotion Abstract
Ikuko Patricia Yuasa
Culture and Gender of Voice Pitch Voice Pitch, Politeness and Gender Abstract
Ikuko Patricia Yuasa
Language, Identity and Study Abroad Vygotskian, Bakhtinian, and Bourdieusian perspectives Abstract
Jane Jackson
Indian Religions Walking in the Mother’s Footsteps: Dravidian Virgin Goddesses as Empowering Role Models for Women Abstract
Alleyn Diesel
Lionel Richie We are the world Abstract
Sharon Davis
The Last Miles We Want Miles Abstract
George Cole
Landmarks in CALL Research Web 2.0, Synthetic Immersive Environments, and Mobile Resources for Language Education Abstract
Julie M. Sykes, Ana Oskoz, Steven L. Thorne
Elvis Costello Websites Abstract
Dai Griffiths
The Archaeology of Medieval Spain, 1100-1500 Websites for Spanish medieval archaeology Abstract
Magdalena Valor, Avelino Gutiérrez
An Unholy Row Welcome to Club Eleven! Abstract
Dave Gelly
Beyond 2.0 What about Me? Abstract
Steve Collins, Sherman Young
The Five-Minute Linguist What are lingua francas? Abstract
Nicholas Ostler
Origin and Evolution of Languages What can we learn about the earliest human language by comparing languages known today? Abstract
Lyle Campbell
The Five-Minute Linguist What causes foreign accents? Abstract
Steven H. Weinberger
What the Buddha Thought What Did the Buddha Mean by ´No Soul´? Abstract
Richard Gombrich
Origin and Evolution of Languages What do creoles and pidgins tell us about the evolution of language? Abstract
Salikoko Mufwene
The Five-Minute Linguist What does it mean to be bilingual? Abstract
Dora Johnson
The Five-Minute Linguist What does it take to learn a language well? Abstract
Nina Garrett
The Five-Minute Linguist What happens if you are raised without language? Abstract
Susan Curtiss
The Five-Minute Linguist What is Cajun and where did it come from? Abstract
Robyn Holman
Aspects of Cognitive Ethnolinguistics What is cognitive ethnolinguistics? Abstract
Jerzy Bartminski
Beyond Meditation What is the True Sect of the Pure Land? Abstract
Sasaki Gesshō
The Five-Minute Linguist What is ‘speaking in tongues’? Abstract
Walt Wolfram
The Five-Minute Linguist What language did Adam and Eve speak? Abstract
E.M. Rickerson
Whys & Therefores WHAT NEXT, YOU IDIOM? Abstract
William Rutherford
The Five-Minute Linguist What was the original language? Abstract
Barry Hilton
The Five-Minute Linguist Whatever happened to Esperanto? Abstract
Arika Okrent, E. M. Rickerson
The Disappearance of Writing Systems Whatever Happened to Kharoṣṭhī? The Fate of a Forgotten Indic Script Abstract
Richard Solomon
The Five-Minute Linguist What’s exciting about Icelandic? Abstract
Pardee Lowe Jr.
The Five-Minute Linguist What’s Gullah? Abstract
Elizabeth Martinez-Gibson
The Five-Minute Linguist What’s the difference between dialects and languages? Abstract
G. Tucker Childs
The Five-Minute Linguist What’s the difference between Hebrew and Yiddish? Abstract
Neil G. Jacobs
The Five-Minute Linguist What’s the future of Spanish in the United States? Abstract
Maria Carreira
The Five-Minute Linguist What’s the language of India? Abstract
Vijay Gambhir
The Five-Minute Linguist What’s the language of the United States? Abstract
David Goldberg
The Five-Minute Linguist What’s the right way to put words together? Abstract
Dennis R. Preston
The Five-Minute Linguist Where did English come from? Abstract
John Algeo
The Five-Minute Linguist Where did writing come from? Abstract
Peter T. Daniels
The Five-Minute Linguist Where does grammar come from? Abstract
Joan Bybee
Debating Orientalization W(h)ither Orientalization Abstract
Robin Osborne
Dialogue in Focus Groups Who is speaking in focus groups? The dialogical display of heterogeneity Abstract
Ivana Markova, Per Linell, Michèle Grossen, Anne Salazar Orvig
AoL East and West Who Joins? Abstract
Inga Bårdsen Tøllefsen, Milda Ališauskienė, James R. Lewis
The Five-Minute Linguist Who speaks Italian? Abstract
Dennis Looney
Invitation to Systemic Functional Linguistics through the Cardiff Grammar Who this book is for, where it comes from, and how to read it Abstract
Robin Fawcett
The Music of Fantasy Cinema Who Wants to Live Forever: Glam Rock, Queen and Fantasy Film Abstract
J. Drew Stephen
The Five-Minute Linguist Why do American Southerners talk that way? Abstract
Walt Wolfram
The Five-Minute Linguist Why do languages die? Abstract
Christopher Moseley
The Five-Minute Linguist Why do people fight over language? Abstract
Paul B. Garrett
The Five-Minute Linguist Why do we need translators if we have dictionaries? Abstract
Kevin Hendzel
The Five-Minute Linguist Why learn about language? Abstract
Robert Rodman
Language in Psychiatry Why look at language in psychiatry? Abstract
Jonathan Fine
The Five-Minute Linguist Why study languages abroad? Abstract
Sheri Spaine Long
Charming Beauties and Frightful Beasts Winged Messengers, Feathered Beauties and Beaks of Divine Wisdom: The Role of Birds in Hindi-Urdu Allegorical Love Stories Abstract
Thomas Dähnhardt
Contrastive Discourse Analysis Word order and information structure in English and Swedish Abstract
Jennifer Herriman
Elvis Costello Words Abstract
Dai Griffiths
Whys & Therefores WORDS & CATEGORIES Abstract
William Rutherford
Whys & Therefores WORDS... WORDS... Abstract
William Rutherford
Whys & Therefores WORDS, WORDS... AGAIN Abstract
William Rutherford
Scouse Pop Some Aspects of the Music Industry in Liverpool Abstract
Paul Skillen
Brian Wilson Works cited Abstract
Kirk Curnutt
The Disappearance of Writing Systems Writing and its Multiple Disappearances Abstract
John Baines
Reflective Writing for Language Teachers Writing as Reflective Practice Abstract
Thomas S. C. Farrell
Women Writers of Ancient Greece and Rome Xanite Abstract
Ian Plant
The Five-Minute Linguist You’re a linguist? How many languages do you speak? Abstract
Paul Chapin
The Last Miles You’re Under Arrest Abstract
George Cole
Earogenous Zones Zero Gravity: Science Fiction Themed Porn Cinema and Its Soundtracks 1990–2010 Abstract
Philip Hayward, Emil Stoichkov
Zarathustra and Zoroastrianism Zoroastrian Influences on Judaism, Christianity and Islam Abstract
Andres Hultgård
Everyday Readers ´‘A lot of Morrison’s' stuff is sad´’: readers, repertoires, texts Abstract
Ian Collinson
Everyday Readers ´‘I can read any time, but I can’t read anywhere´’: the place of everyday reading Abstract
Ian Collinson
Everyday Readers ´‘You give a bit of yourself when you give a book´’: books, readers and social networks Abstract
Ian Collinson
Brian Wilson ‘A Companion for Your Lonely Soul’: Musical and Sonic Motifs Abstract
Kirk Curnutt
Teaching Linguistics ‘Beyond compare’: Supervising postgraduate research Abstract
Janet Holmes
Lee Morgan ‘drug’: politics and the end of hip Abstract
Tom Perchard
Prolegomena to a History of Islamicate Manichaeism ‘Historical’ Testimonia about Manichaeism and Manichaeans Abstract
John C. Reeves
Heavy Metal ‘How you gonna see me now’: Recontextualizing metal artists and moral panics Abstract
Brad Klypchak
Brian Wilson ‘I Hear the Sound of a Gentle Word’: Lyrical Themes and Gestures Abstract
Kirk Curnutt
Being Prez ‘I just loved that music’ Abstract
Dave Gelly
Heavy Metal ‘I want you to support local metal’: A theory of metal scene formation Abstract
Jeremy Wallach, Alexandra Levine
Being Prez ‘Ivey-Divey!’ Abstract
Dave Gelly
Brian Wilson ‘I’m the Pied Piper’: The Peculiar Appeal of Brian Wilson Abstract
Kirk Curnutt
Being Prez ‘Let’s review the books’ Abstract
Dave Gelly
Open Up the Doors ‘Nothing New Under the Sun’: Learning from History Abstract
Mark Evans
Lee Morgan ‘quick progress’ Abstract
Tom Perchard
Being Prez ‘The hippest thing I ever heard’ Abstract
Dave Gelly
Teaching Linguistics ‘Two loaves where there seems to be one’: Metaphors we teach by Abstract
Kate Burridge
Being Prez ‘Von Hangman is here’ Abstract
Dave Gelly
Being Prez ‘Well, okay. So now we’ll find out what happens’ Abstract
Dave Gelly
Heavy Metal ‘[I] hate girls and emo[tion]s’: Negotiating masculinity in grindcore music Abstract
Rosemary Overell
Textbook Gods “Christianity” or “the Christianity”—That is the Question Abstract
Annika Hvithamar
Finding Myth and History in the Bible “Historical” Israel and “biblical” Israel, or ethnicity as a symbol
Gian Luigi Prato
Orientalists, Islamists and the Global Public Sphere “Islam as a Problem:” The Formation of Islamic Studies Abstract
Dietrich Jung
Earogenous Zones “It’s Gotta Be That New Wave Music”: Music in New Wave Hookers Carries the Joke Abstract
Laura Wiebe Taylor
Terror Tracks “Like Razors through Flesh”: Hellraiser’s Sound Design and Music Abstract
Karen Collins
Finding Myth and History in the Bible “To Each His Own Job.” On Job 42:1-6 Abstract
Thomas Bolin
Finding Myth and History in the Bible “When Dreams Come True”: Jerusalem/Hierosolyma and Jewish Nationalism in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods. Abstract
Ingrid Hjelm
13001 - 13174 of 13174 Items << < 22 23 24 25 26 27 

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