Browse Title Index

Issue Title
Venue Stories In Memory of The Standard: Hard Rock in East London Abstract
Anna Maria Barry
Venue Stories The New Breed: 1990s Mod Revival Scene in Leeds Abstract
Abigail Gaines
Venue Stories Sitting on the Bench in Leicester's Charlotte Abstract
Ed Garland
Venue Stories Kings Cross, Kentish Town and Kensington Gore via Gallowgate: In Search of the Goldilocks Zone Abstract
Julianne Regan
Venue Stories Spiritual Auras: Jungle Venues in Birmingham and the West Midlands 1993-1997 Abstract
Penelope Wickson
Venue Stories The Wheat from the Chaff Abstract
Matt Colbeck
Venue Stories More than a Club: The Genius Loci of Eric's Abstract
Penny Kiley
Venue Stories Coming of Age at the Warehouse, Liverpool, 1981 Abstract
Dawn Amber Harvey
Venue Stories The Rainbow Venues and Swingamajig: Closing the Doors on the Home of One of Birmingham's Favourite Festivals Abstract
Chris Inglis
Venue Stories Sold-out, Locked out, Power out Abstract
Tom Hingley
Venue Stories Mothers Club in Erdington Abstract
Alan G. Smith
Venue Stories Music Spaces and Music Memory Abstract
Anna Elias
Venue Stories Glitter, Rubber Ducks, and Dinghies: The Georgian Theatre and the Teesside Gigging Community in the Early 2010s Abstract
Amy McCarthy
Venue Stories The Rock Garden: Conversations with My Dad, a Punk-rock DJ Abstract
Tom Jackson
Venue Stories Final Word Abstract
Mark Davyd
Venue Stories ...for a Girl Details
Tarryn Watkins
Paul Weller Introduction Abstract
Arthur Lizie, Jr.
Paul Weller Modernism Abstract
Arthur Lizie, Jr.
Paul Weller Modes Abstract
Arthur Lizie, Jr.
Paul Weller Messages Abstract
Arthur Lizie, Jr.
Paul Weller Model Abstract
Arthur Lizie, Jr.
Krishnamacharya on Kundalini Preface Details
Simon Atkinson
Krishnamacharya on Kundalini Introduction Abstract
Simon Atkinson
Krishnamacharya on Kundalini The Yogayājñavalkya – Krishnamacharya’s Main Source on Kuṇḍalinī Abstract
Simon Atkinson
Krishnamacharya on Kundalini Kuṇḍalinī in Other Vaiṣṇava Texts Abstract
Simon Atkinson
Krishnamacharya on Kundalini A Union of Yoga-s – Linking Haṭhayoga and Patañjali via Kuṇḍalinī Abstract
Simon Atkinson
Krishnamacharya on Kundalini The Symbolism of Serpents Abstract
Simon Atkinson
Krishnamacharya on Kundalini Kuṇḍalinī in Śrīvaiṣṇavism Abstract
Simon Atkinson
Krishnamacharya on Kundalini Discussion and Conclusion Abstract
Simon Atkinson
Krishnamacharya on Kundalini Dating the Yogayājñavalkya and Related Texts Details
Simon Atkinson
Krishnamacharya on Kundalini List of Tables, Figures and Plates Details
Simon Atkinson
Krishnamacharya on Kundalini Acknowledgements Details
Simon Atkinson
Krishnamacharya on Kundalini Glossary Details
Simon Atkinson
Krishnamacharya on Kundalini Bibliography Details
Simon Atkinson
Krishnamacharya on Kundalini Index Details
Simon Atkinson
About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period: An Introduction to the Volume Abstract
Benedikt Hensel
About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period 1. The Complexity of a Site: “Edom” in Persian Period from the Perspectives of Historical Research, Hebrew Bible Studies and Ancient Near Eastern Studies Abstract
Benedikt Hensel
About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period 2. Edom in the Persian Period, Relations with the Negev, and the Arabian Trade: The Archaeological Evidence Abstract
Piotr Bienkowski
About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period 3. The Genesis of Idumea Abstract
Yigal Levin
About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period 4. The Evolution of an Edomite/Idumean Identity: Hellenistic Maresha as a Case Study Abstract
Ian Stern
About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period 5. Edom in Judah: Identity and Social Entanglement in the Late Iron Age Negev Abstract
Andrew J. Danielson
About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period 6. Dry Climate During the Early Persian Period and Its Impact on the Establishment of Idumea Abstract
Dafna Langgut, Oded Lipschits
About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period 7. A Tale of Two Provinces: Judah and Edom During the Persian Period Abstract
Alexander Fantalkin, Oren Tal
About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period 8. Idumean in Light of the Votive Deposits of Terracotta Figurines Abstract
Adi Erlich
About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period 9. A Monumental Hellenistic-Period Ritual Compound in Upper Idumea: New Findings from Ḥorbat ʿAmuda Abstract
Michal Haber, Oren Gutfeld, Pablo Betzer
About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period 10. Edom in the Nabonidus Chronicle: A Land Conquered or a Vassal Defended? A Reappraisal of the Annexation of North Arabia by the Late Babylonian Empire Abstract
Hanspeter Schaudig
About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period 11. Have There Been Prophets in Edom? An Ostracon from Ḥorvat ‘Uza Once More Abstract
Bob Becking
About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period 12. Economic and Administrative Realia of Rural Idumea at the End of the Persian Period Abstract
Diana Edelman
About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period 13. The Aramaic Divination Texts Abstract
Esther Eshel, Michael Langlois, Mark Geller
About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period 14. Edom as a Complex Site of Memory among the Literati of Late Persian/early Hellenistic Judah: Some Observations Abstract
Ehud Ben Zvi
About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period 15. Think Positive! How the Positive Portrayal of Edom in Late Biblical Texts Leads to New Perspectives on Understanding the Literary History of Genesis, Deuteronomy, and Chronicles Abstract
Benedikt Hensel
About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period 16. The “Edom Texts” in Samuel–Kings in Inner- and Extrabiblical Perspective Abstract
Stephen Germany
About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period 17. Late Historical Edom and Reading Edom, Seir, and Esau in the Prophetic Literature through Persian Lenses: Preliminary Observations Abstract
Diana Edelman
About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period 18. The Contribution of Chronicles to the Memory Argument about Edom as Reflected in the Core Repertoire of the Yehudite Literati of the Late Persian/Early Hellenistic Period Abstract
Ehud Ben Zvi
About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period Index of Sources Details
Benedikt Hensel, Ehud Ben Zvi, Diana Edelman
About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period Subject Index Details
Benedikt Hensel, Ehud Ben Zvi, Diana Edelman
Spectres of John Ball Introduction: 1381 Abstract
James Crossley
Spectres of John Ball The Quest for the Historical John Ball Abstract
James Crossley
Spectres of John Ball Exit Ball: Late Medieval Receptions Abstract
James Crossley
Spectres of John Ball Ball and the English Reformation Abstract
James Crossley
Spectres of John Ball Ghosts of 1381: Uneasy Heresies, Radicalisms, and Discontents in Late Elizabethan and Early Jacobean England Abstract
James Crossley
Spectres of John Ball The Priest of Baal in Revolutionary England Abstract
James Crossley
Spectres of John Ball Perverted Liberty and the End of Stuart England: Ball among Whigs, Tories, Jacobites, and Other Mobs  Abstract
James Crossley
Spectres of John Ball Georgian John: From Mob Rule to Reasonable Demands  Abstract
James Crossley
Spectres of John Ball Revolution, Once Again: A Freeborn Englishman in the Late Eighteenth Century Abstract
James Crossley
Spectres of John Ball The Second Coming of John Ball: John Baxter, Robert Southey and Radicalism of the 1790s  Abstract
James Crossley
Spectres of John Ball After Waterloo: The Poet Laureate’s John Ball Abstract
James Crossley
Spectres of John Ball ‘Peaceably If We May, Forcibly If We Must’: Ball among the Chartists Abstract
James Crossley
Spectres of John Ball Haranguing after Chartism: The Making of the Victorian Ball  Abstract
James Crossley
Spectres of John Ball Class Struggle among the Historians Abstract
James Crossley
Spectres of John Ball William Morris: Delaying Ball’s New World Abstract
James Crossley
Spectres of John Ball Still Dreaming of John Ball  Abstract
James Crossley
Spectres of John Ball Red John? Ball after the Great War  Abstract
James Crossley
Spectres of John Ball Bolshevik Ball Abstract
James Crossley
Spectres of John Ball Cold War Ball Abstract
James Crossley
Spectres of John Ball Rodney Hilton: Ball at the End of Historical Materialism?  Abstract
James Crossley
Spectres of John Ball Ball after 1968 Abstract
James Crossley
Spectres of John Ball 1381/1981 Abstract
James Crossley
Spectres of John Ball Twenty-First Century Ball Abstract
James Crossley
Spectres of John Ball Epilogue Abstract
James Crossley
Spectres of John Ball Bibliography Abstract
James Crossley
Spectres of John Ball Subject Index Details
James Crossley
Spectres of John Ball Person Index Details
James Crossley
Beer Terroir Introduction Abstract
Braden Neihart
Beer Terroir Water Abstract
Braden Neihart
Beer Terroir Grain Abstract
Braden Neihart
Beer Terroir Hops Abstract
Braden Neihart
Beer Terroir Yeast Abstract
Braden Neihart
Beer Terroir Local Flavor Abstract
Braden Neihart
Beer Terroir History Abstract
Braden Neihart
Beer Terroir Conclusion Abstract
Braden Neihart
Systemic Functional Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching Foreign Language Teaching and Systemic Functional Linguistic Theory Abstract
Anne McCabe
Systemic Functional Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching Foreign Language Teaching Applications and Systemic Functional Linguistics Abstract
Anne McCabe
Systemic Functional Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching SFL and Other Approaches to Foreign Language Teaching/Learning Abstract
Anne McCabe
Systemic Functional Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching SFL and Foreign Language Teaching: Issues Abstract
Anne McCabe
Systemic Functional Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching SFL and Foreign Language Teaching: Possibilities Abstract
Anne McCabe
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy Foreword Details
Roger T. Ames
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy Preface and Acknowledgements Details
Mohammed Rustom
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 1. The Great Treatise of the Yijing Abstract
Joseph A. Adler
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 2. Dao as the Origin Abstract
Robert A. Carleo III
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 3. Nāgārjuna: Fundamental Verses on the Middle Way - Tsongkhapa: Ocean of Reasoning Abstract
Jay L. Garfield
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 4. Āryadeva: Treatise on the Division of Parts Abstract
Jan Westerhoff
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 5. Śaṅkara: The Commentary on the Aphorisms of Brahman Abstract
Swami Gambhirananda, Swami Medhananda
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 6. Zhang Junfang: The Discourse on Primordial Energy Abstract
Livia Kohn
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 7. Avicenna: The Healing Abstract
Davlat Dadikhuda
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 8. Zhou Dunyi: Explanation of the Diagram of the Great Ultimate Abstract
Bryan Van Norden, Justin Tiwald
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 9. Cao Wenyi: The Song of the Ultimate Source of the Great Dao Abstract
Robin R. Wang
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 10. Maimonides: The Guide of the Perplexed - Asher Crescas, Efodi, and Shem Tov: Commentaries on The Guide of the Perplexed Abstract
James T. Robinson
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 11. Ibn al-Fāriḍ: The Versification of the Wayfaring - Saʿīd al-Dīn Farghānī: The Final End of the Perceptual Tools Abstract
William C. Chittick
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 12. Mullā Ṣadrā: The Book of Metaphysical Penetrations and The Four Noetic Journeys - ʿAbd Allāh Javādī Āmulī: The Sealed Wine Abstract
Muhammad U. Faruque
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 13. Liu Zhi: Nature and Principle in Islam Abstract
Sachiko Murata
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 14. René Guénon: The Multiple States of Being Abstract
Gregory Vandamme
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 15. Sri Aurobindo: The Life Divine Abstract
Swami Medhananda
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 16. Thomas Yellowtail: Acbadadea, The Maker of All Things Above Abstract
Michael Fitzgerald
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 17. Xunzi: Xunzi Abstract
Winnie Sung
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 18. Īśvarakṛṣṇa: Verses on Enumeration Abstract
Mikel Burley
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 19. Al-Fārābī: The Book of Letters Abstract
Rosabel Ansari
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 20. Prabhācandra: The Sun that Makes the Lotus of the Object of Knowledge Blossom Abstract
Marie-Hélène Gorisse
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 21. Nāṣir-i Khusraw: The Traveler’s Provision Abstract
Khalil Andani
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 22. Al-Ghazālī: The Intentions of the Philosophers - Moses Narboni: Commentary on The Intentions of the Philosophers Abstract
Yonatan Shemesh
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 23. ʿAyn al-Quḍāt: The Essence of Reality Abstract
Mohammed Rustom
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 24. Rāmānujācārya: The Essence of the System: Book on Language Abstract
Elisa Freschi
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 25. Shihāb al-Dīn Suhrawardī: The Philosophy of Illumination Abstract
Jari Kaukua
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 26. Isaac ibn Latif: Treasures of the King Abstract
James T. Robinson
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 27. Tanḥum ha-Yerushalmi: Introduction to Ecclesiastes Abstract
Raphael Dascalu
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 28. Jayatīrtha: The Nectar of Logic Abstract
Michael T. Williams
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 29. Charles Eastman: The Great Mystery Abstract
Michael Fitzgerald
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 30. Keiji Nishitani: The Duty of Critique and the Problem of Fascism Abstract
Melanie Coughlin
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 31. Mou Zongsan: Appearances and Things-in-Themselves Abstract
David Elstein
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 32. Oludamini Ogunnaike: On Africana Philosophy Abstract
Mohammed Rustom
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 33. Confucius: The Analects Abstract
Winnie Sung, Peimin Ni
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 34. Mencius: The Mencius Abstract
Winnie Sung
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 35. The Essential Precepts of Master Redpine Abstract
Livia Kohn
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 36. Sun Simiao: On Happiness and Long Life Abstract
Livia Kohn
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 37. Patañjali: Yogasūtra Abstract
Christopher Key Chapple
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 38. Śāntideva: How to Lead an Awakened Life - Gyeltsap: Introduction to How to Lead an Awakened Life Abstract
Jay L. Garfield
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 39. Abū Bakr al-Rāzī: The Philosophical Way of Life Abstract
Peter Adamson
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 40. Abraham Maimonides: The Worshippers’ Sufficiency Abstract
Raphael Dascalu
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 41. Isaac Ibn Latif: Gate of Heaven Abstract
James T. Robinson
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 42. Madhusūdana Sarasvatī: The Elixir of Devotion Abstract
Shankar Nair
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 43. Charles Eastman: The Moral Code Abstract
Michael Fitzgerald
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 44. Kim Iryŏp: Meditation and the Attainment of the Mind Abstract
Jin Y. Park
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 45. Hilmi Ziya Ülken: Ethics of Love Abstract
Taraneh Wilkinson, Recep Alpyağıl
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 46. Bābā Ẓahīn Shāh Tājī, Signs of Beauty Details
Amer Latif
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 47. Ngaimarish ole Mulo: Wisdom, Conflict Resolution, and Peace Abstract
Gail Presbey, Daniel Sasine
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 48. Seyyed Hossein Nasr: The Garden of Truth Abstract
Justin Cancelliere
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 49. Laozi: The Classic of the Way and Potency Abstract
Alexus McLeod
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 50. Akṣapāda Gautama: Nyāya-sūtra - Pakṣilasvāmin Vātsyāyana and Uddyotakara: Commentaries on the Nyāya-sūtra Abstract
Matthew R. Dasti, Stephen Phillips
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 51. Sima Chengzhen: The Discourse on Dao and Its Embodiment Abstract
Livia Kohn
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 52. Saadia Gaon: Commentary on Genesis Abstract
Adi Shiran
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 53. Isaac Ibn Ghiyath: Commentary on Ecclesiastes Abstract
James T. Robinson
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 54. Ibn Ṭufayl: Living, Son of the Awake Abstract
Taneli Kukkonen
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 55. Rāmānuja: Commentary on the Bhagavadgītā - Veṅkaṭanātha: Shedding Light on the Contextual Meaning of the Bhagavadgītā Abstract
Elisa Freschi
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 56. Lu Xiangshan: Recorded Sayings Abstract
Philip J. Ivanhoe
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 57. Ibn Kammūna: The New Wisdom Abstract
Bakinaz Abdalla
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 58. Dāwūd al-Qayṣarī: On Recognizing Real Love Abstract
Noah H. Taj
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 59. Jalāl al-Dīn Dawānī: The New Treatise on Establishing the Necessary Being Abstract
Davlat Dadikhuda
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 60. The Chilam Balam of Chumayel Abstract
Alexus McLeod
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 61. Bartolomé Herrera: On the Sovereignty of the Intelligence Abstract
Armando Montoya Jordán, Rafael Augusto Campos García-Calderón
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 62. Swami Vivekananda: Practical Vedanta Abstract
Swami Medhananda
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 63. Wāṣif ʿAlī Wāṣif: Separation and Union Abstract
Amer Latif
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 64. Thomas Yellowtail: Make Your Choice Abstract
Michael Fitzgerald
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 65. Vasubandhu: The Commentary on the Treasury of Abhidharma Abstract
Charles Goodman
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 66. Candrakīrti: Introduction to the Middle Way and Its Autocommentary Abstract
Jay L. Garfield
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 67. Saraha: The Deathless Body Treasury Diamond Song Abstract
Lara Braitstein, Julia Stenzel
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 68. Haribhadrasūri: Introduction to the Doctrine of Non-One-Sidedness Abstract
Anil Mundra
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 69. Bhaṭṭa Rāmakaṇtha: An Examination of Self and God Abstract
Alex Watson
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 70. Cheng Yi: What Kind of Learning Was It that Yanzi Loved? Abstract
Philip J. Ivanhoe
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 71. Zeng Cao: The Transmission of the Dao from Zhongli to Lü Abstract
Livia Kohn
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 72. Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī: The Lofty Pursuits Abstract
Nora Jacobsen Ben Hammed
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 73. Ibn ʿArabī: The Meccan Openings Abstract
Amer Latif
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 74. Tanḥum ha-Yerushalmi: Commentary on the Song of Songs Abstract
Raphael Dascalu
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 75. Maḥmūd Shabistarī: The Rosegarden of Mystery - Shams al-Dīn Lāhījī: Keys to the Wonderous Exposition Abstract
Mukhtar H. Ali
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 76. Hakuin: The Sound of One Hand Abstract
Masayo Suemura
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 77. Charles Eastman: On the Border-Land of Spirits Abstract
Michael Fitzgerald
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 78. Black Elk: The Keeping of the Soul Abstract
Michael Fitzgerald
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 79. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan: The Hindu View of Life Abstract
Swami Medhananda
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy 80. Luis Villoro: The Origin and Task of Existentialism in Mexico Abstract
Carlos Alberto Sánchez
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy Appendix 1: Timeline of Philosophers Details
Mohammed Rustom
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy Appendix 2: Sourcebook Contributors Details
Mohammed Rustom
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy Appendix 3: Some Suggested Titles in Global Philosophy Details
Mohammed Rustom
A Sourcebook in Global Philosophy List of Figures Details
Mohammed Rustom
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy Foreword to the Middle Way Philosophy Series Details
Iain McGilchrist
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy Introduction Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy a. Uncertainty, 'Knowledge', and Sceptical Argument Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy b. Scepticism is not Negative Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy c. Scepticism is not Impractical Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy d. Scepticism, Embodiment, and Meaningfulness Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy e. Scepticism is not Selective Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy f. Scepticism does not Threaten Meaning Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy g. Scepticism Applies to Values and Facts Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy a. Optionality and Adaptiveness Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy b. Complexity and Antifragility Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy c. Slowness Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy d. Synthesis Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy e. Suppression Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy f. Probabilizing Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy g. Weighing Up Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy a. Systemic Continuity Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy b. Tipping Points Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy c. Practical Discontinuity Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy d. Continuity of Persons Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy e. Continuity of Time Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy f. Continuity of Space Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy g. Continuity of Training Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy a. Wary as Serpents Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy b. Even-handedness Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy c. Strong, not Weak, Agnosticism Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy e. Awareness of Sceptical Slippage Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy f. Awareness of Unholy Alliances Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy g. Agnosticism and Psychological Development Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy a. Recognizing Conflict Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy b. Reframing Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy c. Responses to Intractability Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy d. Integration of Desire, Meaning, and Belief Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy e. Individual and Group Integration Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy f. Temporary Integration Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy g. Asymmetrical Integration Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy a. The Middle Way as a Framework of Practices Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy b. The Threefold Practice Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy c. Individual Integration of Desire Practices Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy d. Socio-political Integration of Desire Practices Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy e. Individual Integration of Meaning Practices Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy f. Socio-political Integration of Meaning Practices Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy g. Individual Integration of Belief Practices Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy h. Socio-political Integration of Belief Practices Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy d. Awareness of Appropriation and Lumping Abstract
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy List of Figures and Tables Details
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy Acknowledgements Details
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy Appendix Details
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy The Old and New Middle Way Philosophy Series Details
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy Bibliography Details
Robert Ellis
The Five Principles of Middle Way Philosophy Index Details
Robert Ellis
Power and Agency in the Lives of Contemporary Tibetan Nuns Note on Non-English Terms Details
Mitra Härkönen
Power and Agency in the Lives of Contemporary Tibetan Nuns 1. Tibetan Women- "Extraordinarily Liberated" or "Shockingly Oppressed"? Abstract
Mitra Härkönen
Power and Agency in the Lives of Contemporary Tibetan Nuns 2. Intersectionality: A Theory and a Method Abstract
Mitra Härkönen
Power and Agency in the Lives of Contemporary Tibetan Nuns 3. Doing Research in the Contested Tibetan Field Abstract
Mitra Härkönen
Power and Agency in the Lives of Contemporary Tibetan Nuns 4. The Idea of Nunhood Matures Abstract
Mitra Härkönen
Power and Agency in the Lives of Contemporary Tibetan Nuns 5. Donning the Robes Abstract
Mitra Härkönen
Power and Agency in the Lives of Contemporary Tibetan Nuns 6. Finding a Place to Stay Abstract
Mitra Härkönen
Power and Agency in the Lives of Contemporary Tibetan Nuns 7. Life as a Nun Abstract
Mitra Härkönen
Power and Agency in the Lives of Contemporary Tibetan Nuns 8. Oppressive Social Institutions of Tibet under Chinese Rule Abstract
Mitra Härkönen
Power and Agency in the Lives of Contemporary Tibetan Nuns 9. Internalized and Forced Discipline Abstract
Mitra Härkönen
Power and Agency in the Lives of Contemporary Tibetan Nuns 10. Hegemonic Ideologies and Doctrines Abstract
Mitra Härkönen
Power and Agency in the Lives of Contemporary Tibetan Nuns 11. Domination in Everyday Practices Abstract
Mitra Härkönen
Power and Agency in the Lives of Contemporary Tibetan Nuns 12. Freedom in Monasticism Abstract
Mitra Härkönen
Power and Agency in the Lives of Contemporary Tibetan Nuns 13. Agency as Resistance and Cultural Maintenance Abstract
Mitra Härkönen
Power and Agency in the Lives of Contemporary Tibetan Nuns 14. Compassionate Agency Abstract
Mitra Härkönen
Power and Agency in the Lives of Contemporary Tibetan Nuns 15. Increasing Opportunities Abstract
Mitra Härkönen
Power and Agency in the Lives of Contemporary Tibetan Nuns 16. Between Oppression and Opportunities Abstract
Mitra Härkönen
Power and Agency in the Lives of Contemporary Tibetan Nuns Appendix: Short Biographies of the Nuns Details
Mitra Härkönen
Power and Agency in the Lives of Contemporary Tibetan Nuns References Details
Mitra Härkönen
Power and Agency in the Lives of Contemporary Tibetan Nuns Index Details
Mitra Härkönen
Exploring Islamic Philosophy Working Definitions Abstract
Sayeh Meisami
Exploring Islamic Philosophy Essence and Existence Abstract
Sayeh Meisami
Exploring Islamic Philosophy Knowledge and Perceiving Abstract
Sayeh Meisami
Exploring Islamic Philosophy Soul and Body Abstract
Sayeh Meisami
Exploring Islamic Philosophy Virtue and Practice Abstract
Sayeh Meisami
Exploring Islamic Philosophy Dying and Immortality Abstract
Sayeh Meisami
Exploring Islamic Philosophy Islamic Philosophy Today Abstract
Sayeh Meisami
Exploring Islamic Philosophy Further Reading and Bibliography Abstract
Sayeh Meisami
Exploring Hindu Philosophy Conceptual Constellations Abstract
Ankur Barua
Exploring Hindu Philosophy Unity and its Concrete Multitudes Abstract
Ankur Barua
Exploring Hindu Philosophy Knowing the Roots of Reality Abstract
Ankur Barua
Exploring Hindu Philosophy Therapies for Liberation Abstract
Ankur Barua
Exploring Hindu Philosophy Finding a Home in the World Abstract
Ankur Barua
Exploring Hindu Philosophy Multiple Modes of Morality Abstract
Ankur Barua
Exploring Hindu Philosophy Reorienting the Mind’s Compass Abstract
Ankur Barua
Exploring Hindu Philosophy Further Reading Details
Ankur Barua
Exploring Hindu Philosophy Index Details
Ankur Barua
Exploring Hindu Philosophy Preface Details
Ankur Barua
Exploring Hindu Philosophy Series Foreword Details
Mohammed Rustom
Exploring Hindu Philosophy Glossary Details
Ankur Barua
Exploring Hindu Philosophy Notes Details
Ankur Barua
Exploring Hindu Philosophy Bibliography Details
Ankur Barua
Case Studies in the Silk Roads Archaeology Archaeology of the Silk Roads: Old Questions, New Answers Abstract
Branka Franicevic, Krisztina Kinga Hoppál
Case Studies in the Silk Roads Archaeology 1. More than Monkeys: Global Interfaces and the Earliest Evidence for Exchange along the Silk Roads Abstract
Marie Nicole Pareja
Case Studies in the Silk Roads Archaeology 2. Caravan Animals: Distribution of Wealth and Disease Abstract
Branka Franicevic
Case Studies in the Silk Roads Archaeology 3. Searching for Ancestry along the Silk Roads: The Zichy Collection of the Ferenc Hopp Museum of Asiatic Arts Abstract
Krisztina Kinga Hoppál, Marina Kuznetsova-Fetisova
Case Studies in the Silk Roads Archaeology 4. Reconsidering the Role of Central Asia in the Making of Islamic Glazes during the 9TH to 13TH Centuries CE Abstract
Carmen Ting
Case Studies in the Silk Roads Archaeology 5. All Roads Lead to the East? Interpreting Roman Objects Discovered along the Easternmost Sections of the Silk Road(s) Abstract
Krisztina Kinga Hoppál
Case Studies in the Silk Roads Archaeology 6. The Dzhety-Asar Culture of the Lower Syr Darya – Evolution of Culture and Typology of Settlements Abstract
Martin Sebastian Goffriller, Irina Arzhantseva, Heinrich Härke
Case Studies in the Silk Roads Archaeology 7. The Nala Sopara Surface Survey Project – A Report on the Archaeological Investigation of the Ancient Indian Ocean Port Abstract
Emilia Smagur, Riza Abbas, Sitaram Toraskar, Andrzej Romanowski
Case Studies in the Silk Roads Archaeology 8. Trade Dynamics in East Africa: The Continuation of Ancient Silk Road Settlements in the 1st Millennium CE Abstract
Marike van Aerde, Samatar Ahmed Botan
Case Studies in the Silk Roads Archaeology 9. The Lack of Representation of Menstruation in Archaeological Studies: A Consideration of Beliefs, Customs, and the Silk Road Abstract
Dulcie Sidney Daffodil Newbury, Karina Croucher
Case Studies in the Silk Roads Archaeology 10. A Comparison of the Role of Religion in the Development of Urban Places around the North Sea and in Japan Abstract
Andrew RJ Hutcheson, Simon Kaner
Case Studies in the Silk Roads Archaeology 11. Funerary Customs of the Silk Road Cultures and Eurasian Acculturation Abstract
Branka Franicevic
Exploring Africana Philosophy Being, Space/Time and Blackness Abstract
Oludamini Ogunnaike
Exploring Africana Philosophy What is a Human Being? Abstract
Oludamini Ogunnaike
Exploring Africana Philosophy Symbolism, Ritual and Power Abstract
Oludamini Ogunnaike
Exploring Africana Philosophy Empire, Race and Freedom Abstract
Oludamini Ogunnaike
Exploring Africana Philosophy Rationality, Orality and Language Abstract
Oludamini Ogunnaike
Exploring Africana Philosophy Metaphilosophy Abstract
Oludamini Ogunnaike
Exploring Africana Philosophy Africana Philosophy Today Abstract
Oludamini Ogunnaike
Exploring Africana Philosophy Further Reading and Bibliography Abstract
Oludamini Ogunnaike
Hidden Man All in the Family Abstract
John Altman
Hidden Man School Days Abstract
John Altman
Hidden Man We're Jamming Abstract
John Altman
Hidden Man Legends 1 (Peter Green, Nick Drake, John Martyn, Harry Nilsson, Tim Hardin, Tim Buckley, Muddy Waters, Jimi Hendrix ... and Robert Duvall) Abstract
John Altman
Hidden Man The London Beat Abstract
John Altman
Hidden Man Forty Eight Years (and Counting) of Python Abstract
John Altman
Hidden Man Whispering Wheels, You Sexy Thing, Muhammad Ali, and Freddie Mercury and the Sausages Abstract
John Altman
Hidden Man BBC, Early Commercials, Bowie, Dietrich, Jule Styne and Early Van Abstract
John Altman
Hidden Man Sir Van the Man Abstract
John Altman
Hidden Man More Legends 2 (Paul Kossoff, Bob Marley, Peter Cook, Dudley Moore, John Ogdon, Spike Milligan, Mick Jagger, George Harrison) Abstract
John Altman
Hidden Man An Intrusion and an Explanation Abstract
John Altman
Hidden Man Records Abstract
John Altman
Hidden Man Television Abstract
John Altman
Hidden Man Movies (1) Abstract
John Altman
Hidden Man More Legends 3 (Classic Movie and Jazz Stars Including Orson Welles, Ava Gardner, Fred Astaire, Chet Baker) Abstract
John Altman
Hidden Man Movies (2) Abstract
John Altman
Hidden Man Commercials Abstract
John Altman
Hidden Man Going Live Abstract
John Altman
Hidden Man LA Life Abstract
John Altman
Hidden Man Amy Abstract
John Altman
Hidden Man More Legends 4 (Michael Jackson, Quincy Jones, Prince, Mark Ronson, Sacha Baron Cohen, Mike Stoller) Abstract
John Altman
Hidden Man What Was That All About? Abstract
John Altman
Hidden Man Shanghai, Honeymoons and Chat Shows, Paris and Vladivostok Abstract
John Altman
Hidden Man Awards and Recognition Abstract
John Altman
Hidden Man The Ones That Got Away Abstract
John Altman
Hidden Man Today and Beyond Abstract
John Altman
Hidden Man Acknowledgements Details
John Altman
Hidden Man Testimonials Details
John Altman
Hidden Man Introduction Abstract
John Altman
Hidden Man Index Details
John Altman
Reconstructing the Variant Generation Process of Hadith Preface Abstract
Hiroyuki Yanagihashi
Reconstructing the Variant Generation Process of Hadith Variant Generation of Hadiths in al-Bukhārī’s Ṣaḥīḥ Abstract
Hiroyuki Yanagihashi
Reconstructing the Variant Generation Process of Hadith Hadiths Related to Pre-emption Abstract
Hiroyuki Yanagihashi
Reconstructing the Variant Generation Process of Hadith Hadiths Related to Several Prohibited Transactions Abstract
Hiroyuki Yanagihashi
Reconstructing the Variant Generation Process of Hadith Synthesis Abstract
Hiroyuki Yanagihashi
Reconstructing the Variant Generation Process of Hadith Bibliography Details
Hiroyuki Yanagihashi
Reconstructing the Variant Generation Process of Hadith Index Details
Hiroyuki Yanagihashi
Love in the Teachings of Ibn ‘Arabī Introduction Abstract
Hany Talaat Ahmed Ibrahim
Love in the Teachings of Ibn ‘Arabī Love in the Qur’ān, the Sunnah, and Early Sufism Abstract
Hany Talaat Ahmed Ibrahim
Love in the Teachings of Ibn ‘Arabī Background Texts to Ibn ‘Arabī’s Doctrine of Love Abstract
Hany Talaat Ahmed Ibrahim
Love in the Teachings of Ibn ‘Arabī Ibn ‘Arabī’s Metaphysics in Context Abstract
Hany Talaat Ahmed Ibrahim
Love in the Teachings of Ibn ‘Arabī A Case Study of Chapter 178 of al-Futūḥāt al-Makkiyya (The Meccan Openings) Abstract
Hany Talaat Ahmed Ibrahim
Love in the Teachings of Ibn ‘Arabī Conclusion Abstract
Hany Talaat Ahmed Ibrahim
Love in the Teachings of Ibn ‘Arabī Preface Details
Hany Talaat Ahmed Ibrahim
Love in the Teachings of Ibn ‘Arabī Dedication Details
Hany Talaat Ahmed Ibrahim
Love in the Teachings of Ibn ‘Arabī Addendum 1 Details
Hany Talaat Ahmed Ibrahim
Love in the Teachings of Ibn ‘Arabī Addendum 2 Details
Hany Talaat Ahmed Ibrahim
Love in the Teachings of Ibn ‘Arabī Addendum 3 Details
Hany Talaat Ahmed Ibrahim
Love in the Teachings of Ibn ‘Arabī Bibliography Details
Hany Talaat Ahmed Ibrahim
Love in the Teachings of Ibn ‘Arabī Index Details
Hany Talaat Ahmed Ibrahim
Studying the Religious Mind Studying the Religious Mind Abstract
Armin Geertz
Studying the Religious Mind 1. Go WILD, Not WEIRD Abstract
Martha Newson, Michael Buhrmester, Dimitris Xygalatas, Harvey Whitehouse
Studying the Religious Mind 2. Cognitively Informed Ethnography: Using Mixed Methods to Capture the Complexity of Religious Phenomena in Two Ecologically Valid Settings Abstract
Hugh Turpin, Mark Stanford
Studying the Religious Mind 3. Experimental Cognitive Science of Religion Abstract
Dimitris Xygalatas
Studying the Religious Mind 4. The Experimental Study of Religion: Or There and Back Again Abstract
Jesper Sørensen, Kristoffer Nielbo
Studying the Religious Mind 5. Fast and Slow: Questions and Observations in the Psychology of Religion Abstract
Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi
Studying the Religious Mind 6. The Embodiment of Worship: Relations among Postural, Psychological, and Physiological Aspects of Religious Practice Abstract
Patty Van Cappellen, Megan Edwards
Studying the Religious Mind 7. Past its Prime? A Methodological Overview and Critique of Religious Priming Research in Social Psychology Abstract
Shoko Watanabe, Sean Laurent
Studying the Religious Mind 8. Religious Experience in Mediterranean Antiquity Abstract
István Czachesz
Studying the Religious Mind 9. Ritual Mourning in Daniel's Interpretation of Jeremiah's Prophecy Abstract
Angela Kim Harkins
Studying the Religious Mind 10. Tours of Heaven in Light of the Neuroscientific Study of Religious Experience Abstract
István Czachesz
Studying the Religious Mind 11. (Religious) Language and the Decentering Process: McNamara and De Sublimitate on the Ecstatic Effect of Language Abstract
Christopher Holmes
Studying the Religious Mind 12. Do You Need Cognitive Neuroscience to Understand Religious Cognition, Experience and Texts? Abstract
Patrick McNamara
Studying the Religious Mind 13. What is Cognitive Historiography, Anyway? Method, Theory, and a Cross-Disciplinary Decalogue Abstract
Leonardo Ambasciano
Studying the Religious Mind 14. The Rites of the Day of Blood (dies sanguinis) in the Graeco-Roman Cult of Cybele and Attis: A Cognitive Historiographical Approach Abstract
Panayotis Pachis
Studying the Religious Mind 15. The Gendered Deep History of the Bona Dea Cult Abstract
Leonardo Ambasciano
Studying the Religious Mind 16. Defilement and Moral Discourse in the Hebrew Bible: An Evolutionary Framework Abstract
Yitzhaq Feder
Studying the Religious Mind 17. Exploring the Challenges and Potentialities of the Database of Religious History for Cognitive Historiography Abstract
Brenton Sullivan, Michael Muthukrishna, Frederick Tappenden, Edward Slingerland, M. Willis Monroe
Studying the Religious Mind 18. An Introduction to Seshat: Global History Databank Abstract
Peter Turchin, et. al.
Studying the Religious Mind 19. Mining the Past – Data-Intensive Knowledge Discovery in the Study of Historical Textual Traditions Abstract
Kristoffer Nielbo, Ryan Nichols, Edward Slingerland
Studying the Religious Mind 20. The Computational Science of Religion Abstract
Justin Lane, Fount LeRon Shults
Studying the Religious Mind 21. Advancing the Cognitive Science of Religion through Replication and Open Science Abstract
Suzanne Hoogeveen, Michiel van Elk
Studying the Religious Mind 22. Promoting the Benefits and Clarifying Misconceptions about Preregistration, Preprints, and Open Science for the Cognitive Science of Religion Abstract
Christopher Kavanagh, Rohan Kapitány
Studying the Religious Mind 23. The Arts Transform the Cognitive Science of Religion Abstract
Joseph Bulbulia
Studying the Religious Mind 24. Toward a Second Wave of Consilience in the Cognitive Scientific Study of Religion Abstract
Edward Slingerland
Studying the Religious Mind List of Figures Details
Armin Geertz
Studying the Religious Mind List of Tables Details
Armin Geertz
Studying the Religious Mind Index Details
Armin Geertz
¡Maldito Coronavirus! Music and Sound in the Pandemic Moment Abstract
Daniel Margolies, J.A. Strub
¡Maldito Coronavirus! Viru Viru Viru Viru Abstract
Daniel Margolies, J.A. Strub
¡Maldito Coronavirus! Las Cumbias del Coronavirus Abstract
Daniel Margolies, J.A. Strub
¡Maldito Coronavirus! Un Huapango para esta Cuarentena Abstract
Daniel Margolies, J.A. Strub
¡Maldito Coronavirus! Los Corridos del Coronavirus Abstract
Daniel Margolies, J.A. Strub
¡Maldito Coronavirus! Llorando, Tomando, Bailando, Rezando Abstract
Daniel Margolies, J.A. Strub
¡Maldito Coronavirus! Maldita Pandemia Abstract
Daniel Margolies, J.A. Strub
¡Maldito Coronavirus! Acknowledgements Details
Daniel S. Margolies, J.A. Strub
¡Maldito Coronavirus! References Details
Daniel S. Margolies, J.A. Strub
¡Maldito Coronavirus! Index Details
Daniel S. Margolies, J.A. Strub
The Economy of Deuteronomy's Core Abbreviations Details
Philippe Guillaume
The Economy of Deuteronomy's Core Foreword and Acknowledgements Details
Philippe Guillaume
The Economy of Deuteronomy's Core 1. Expenses and Incomes Abstract
Philippe Guillaume
The Economy of Deuteronomy's Core 2. Deuteronomy’s Economic Actors: Beyond a Single People of Brothers Abstract
Philippe Guillaume
The Economy of Deuteronomy's Core 3. Three Institutions and their Interplay: Beyond the Temple of Jerusalem Abstract
Philippe Guillaume
The Economy of Deuteronomy's Core 4. Yearly Tithes for Whom and How Much? Abstract
Philippe Guillaume
The Economy of Deuteronomy's Core 5. Claiming a Greater Share of Deuteronomic Tithes Abstract
Philippe Guillaume
The Economy of Deuteronomy's Core 6. Outlines of an Older Deuteronomic Core Abstract
Philippe Guillaume
The Economy of Deuteronomy's Core 7. Urdeuteronomium After de Wette Abstract
Philippe Guillaume
The Economy of Deuteronomy's Core Conclusion Details
Philippe Guillaume
The Economy of Deuteronomy's Core Bibliography Abstract
Philippe Guillaume
The Economy of Deuteronomy's Core Introduction Details
Philippe Guillaume
The Economy of Deuteronomy's Core Index of Authors Details
Philippe Guillaume
The Economy of Deuteronomy's Core Index of Biblical References Details
Philippe Guillaume
The Economy of Deuteronomy's Core Index of Subjects Details
Philippe Guillaume
Interactions of Vowel Quality and Prosody in East Slavic Acknowledgements Details
Janina Mołczanow
Interactions of Vowel Quality and Prosody in East Slavic List of Abbreviations Details
Janina Mołczanow
Interactions of Vowel Quality and Prosody in East Slavic Theoretical Background Abstract
Janina Mołczanow
Interactions of Vowel Quality and Prosody in East Slavic East Slavic Vowel Patterns: Basic Generalisations Abstract
Janina Mołczanow
Interactions of Vowel Quality and Prosody in East Slavic East Slavic Metrical System Abstract
Janina Mołczanow
Interactions of Vowel Quality and Prosody in East Slavic Extreme Reduction Abstract
Janina Mołczanow
Interactions of Vowel Quality and Prosody in East Slavic Tone-driven Reduction Abstract
Janina Mołczanow
Interactions of Vowel Quality and Prosody in East Slavic Harmonic Systems Abstract
Janina Mołczanow
Interactions of Vowel Quality and Prosody in East Slavic Vowel Reduction in the Context of Palatalized Consonants Abstract
Janina Mołczanow
Interactions of Vowel Quality and Prosody in East Slavic Concluding Remarks Abstract
Janina Mołczanow
Interactions of Vowel Quality and Prosody in East Slavic References Details
Janina Mołczanow
Interactions of Vowel Quality and Prosody in East Slavic Language Index Details
Janina Mołczanow
Interactions of Vowel Quality and Prosody in East Slavic Subject Index Details
Janina Mołczanow
Religion and Marxism Preface Details
Paul-Francois Tremlett
Religion and Marxism Introducing Marx Abstract
Paul-Francois Tremlett
Religion and Marxism Marx: Religion, Ideology, Power, and Change Abstract
Paul-Francois Tremlett
Religion and Marxism Engels: The First Marxist Historian and Anthropologist of Religion Abstract
Paul-Francois Tremlett
Religion and Marxism Hegemony, Ideology, and Religion: Althusser, Gramsci, and the Embrace of Uncertainty Abstract
Paul-Francois Tremlett
Religion and Marxism The Frankfurt School: Horkheimer, Habermas, and Religion Abstract
Paul-Francois Tremlett
Religion and Marxism Marxism and Liberation Theology Abstract
Paul-Francois Tremlett
Religion and Marxism Conclusions Abstract
Paul-Francois Tremlett
Religion and Marxism Glossary Details
Paul-Francois Tremlett
Religion and Marxism References Details
Paul-Francois Tremlett
Religion and Marxism About the Author Details
Paul-Francois Tremlett
Religion and Marxism Index Details
Paul-Francois Tremlett
Cooperative Learning through a Reflective Lens Hurray for Cooperation Abstract
George Jacobs, Anita Lie, Siti Mina Tamah
Cooperative Learning through a Reflective Lens Background on Cooperative Learning Abstract
George Jacobs, Anita Lie, Siti Mina Tamah
Cooperative Learning through a Reflective Lens Eight Principles of Cooperative Learning Abstract
George Jacobs, Anita Lie, Siti Mina Tamah
Cooperative Learning through a Reflective Lens Nuts of Bolts of Cooperative Learning Abstract
George Jacobs, Anita Lie, Siti Mina Tamah
Cooperative Learning through a Reflective Lens Assessment in Cooperative Learning Abstract
George Jacobs, Anita Lie, Siti Mina Tamah
Cooperative Learning through a Reflective Lens Cooperative Learning and Reflective Practice Abstract
George Jacobs, Anita Lie, Siti Mina Tamah
Cooperative Learning through a Reflective Lens Teachers Cooperatively Reflecting on their Students' Use of Cooperative Learning Abstract
George Jacobs, Anita Lie, Siti Mina Tamah
Cooperative Learning through a Reflective Lens Putting it all Together: Cooperative Learning and Teacher Reflection in Language Lessons Abstract
George Jacobs, Anita Lie, Siti Mina Tamah
Cooperative Learning through a Reflective Lens Hurray for Cooperative Learning through a Reflective Lens Abstract
George Jacobs, Anita Lie, Siti Mina Tamah
Cooperative Learning through a Reflective Lens Series Editor's Preface Details
Thomas Farrell
Cooperative Learning through a Reflective Lens References Details
George Jacobs, Anita Lie, Siti Mina Tamah
Cooperative Learning through a Reflective Lens Index Details
George Jacobs, Anita Lie, Siti Mina Tamah
Muslim Identities Preface to Second Edition Details
Aaron Hughes
Muslim Identities Acknowledgements Details
Aaron Hughes
Muslim Identities Religious Studies and the Academic Study of Islam Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Muslim Identities 1. Arabia Prior to the Advent of Islam Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Muslim Identities 2. The Making of the Last Prophet Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Muslim Identities 3. The Quran: The Foundation Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Muslim Identities 4. The Spread of Islam Beyond the Arabian Peninsula Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Muslim Identities 5. Early Sectarianism and the Formation of Shiʿism Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Muslim Identities 6. Legal Developments and the Gradual Emergence of Sunni Islam Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Muslim Identities 7. Sufism: The Mystical Strain in Islam Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Muslim Identities 8. The Maintenance of Muslim Identities: Beliefs and Schools Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Muslim Identities 9. The Performance of Muslim Identities Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Muslim Identities 10. Encounters with Modernity Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Muslim Identities 11. Gender and Construction of Muslim Women Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Muslim Identities 12. Islam and “the West” Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Muslim Identities 13. The Inconvenient Muslim: From Majority to Minority Abstract
Aaron Hughes
Muslim Identities Glossary Details
Aaron Hughes
Muslim Identities Index Details
Aaron Hughes
Muslim Identities Selected Bibliography Details
Aaron Hughes
Teachers Reflecting on Boredom in the Language Classroom Introduction Details
Mirosław Pawlak, Mariusz Kruk, Joanna Zawodniak
Teachers Reflecting on Boredom in the Language Classroom Emotions in the Language Classroom Abstract
Mirosław Pawlak, Mariusz Kruk, Joanna Zawodniak
Teachers Reflecting on Boredom in the Language Classroom Conceptualizing Boredom Abstract
Mirosław Pawlak, Mariusz Kruk, Joanna Zawodniak
Teachers Reflecting on Boredom in the Language Classroom Perspectives on Boredom, its Causes and Solutions Abstract
Mirosław Pawlak, Mariusz Kruk, Joanna Zawodniak
Teachers Reflecting on Boredom in the Language Classroom Researching L2 Boredom in L2 Learning and Teaching Abstract
Mirosław Pawlak, Mariusz Kruk, Joanna Zawodniak
Teachers Reflecting on Boredom in the Language Classroom Boredom in the L2 Classroom: Listening to Teachers' Voices Abstract
Mirosław Pawlak, Mariusz Kruk, Joanna Zawodniak
Teachers Reflecting on Boredom in the Language Classroom Integrating Theory and Practice: Reflective Practice with Respect to Boredom Abstract
Mirosław Pawlak, Mariusz Kruk, Joanna Zawodniak
Teachers Reflecting on Boredom in the Language Classroom Awareness-raising Activities Stimulating Reflection on L2 Boredom Abstract
Mirosław Pawlak, Mariusz Kruk, Joanna Zawodniak
Teachers Reflecting on Boredom in the Language Classroom Conclusion Abstract
Mirosław Pawlak, Mariusz Kruk, Joanna Zawodniak
Teachers Reflecting on Boredom in the Language Classroom Series Editor's Preface Details
Thomas S.C. Farrell
Teachers Reflecting on Boredom in the Language Classroom Appendix 1 Details
Mirosław Pawlak, Mariusz Kruk, Joanna Zawodniak
Teachers Reflecting on Boredom in the Language Classroom Appendix 2 Details
Mirosław Pawlak, Mariusz Kruk, Joanna Zawodniak
Teachers Reflecting on Boredom in the Language Classroom References Details
Mirosław Pawlak, Mariusz Kruk, Joanna Zawodniak
Teachers Reflecting on Boredom in the Language Classroom Index Details
Mirosław Pawlak, Mariusz Kruk, Joanna Zawodniak
An Embodied Reading of the Shepherd of Hermas Seeing the Shepherd of Hermas with New Eyes Details
Angela Harkins
An Embodied Reading of the Shepherd of Hermas The Popularity of the Shepherd of Hermas in the Ancient World Abstract
Angela Harkins
An Embodied Reading of the Shepherd of Hermas Taking a Look at Hermas Abstract
Angela Harkins
An Embodied Reading of the Shepherd of Hermas Sticky Thoughts that Make Presence from Absence Abstract
Angela Harkins
An Embodied Reading of the Shepherd of Hermas Experiencing the Journey Abstract
Angela Harkins
An Embodied Reading of the Shepherd of Hermas Immersion in the Narrative World of Apocalyptic Visions Abstract
Angela Harkins
An Embodied Reading of the Shepherd of Hermas Conclusion Abstract
Angela Harkins
An Embodied Reading of the Shepherd of Hermas Abbreviations Details
Angela Harkins
An Embodied Reading of the Shepherd of Hermas Acknowledgements Details
Angela Harkins
An Embodied Reading of the Shepherd of Hermas Bibliography Details
Angela Harkins
An Embodied Reading of the Shepherd of Hermas Index of Ancient Texts Details
Angela Harkins
Dora Bright Preface Abstract
Anthony Bilton
Dora Bright Introduction Abstract
Anthony Bilton
Dora Bright Contemporaries Abstract
Anthony Bilton
Dora Bright The Brights of Sheffield Abstract
Anthony Bilton
Dora Bright The Bright Family Abstract
Anthony Bilton
Dora Bright The Early Years, 1880-1891 Abstract
Anthony Bilton
Dora Bright Mrs. Knatchbull, 1892-1900 Abstract
Anthony Bilton
Dora Bright The Dancing Girl, 1900-1907 Abstract
Anthony Bilton
Dora Bright London Calling, 1908-1920 Abstract
Anthony Bilton
Dora Bright Return to the Country, 1920-1939 Abstract
Anthony Bilton
Dora Bright Swansong, 1940-1951 Abstract
Anthony Bilton
Dora Bright Women in Music Today Abstract
Anthony Bilton
Dora Bright Overview of Major Works Abstract
Anthony Bilton
Dora Bright Appendix 2- Dora Bright Family Tree Details
Anthony Bilton
Dora Bright Appendix 3 - Music by Maurice Delara Bright (1825-1902) Details
Anthony Bilton
Dora Bright Appendix 4 - Royal Academy of Music Prizes Details
Anthony Bilton
Dora Bright Appendix 5 - Dedicated Works Details
Anthony Bilton
Dora Bright Appendix 6 - Recorded Works Details
Anthony Bilton
Dora Bright Acknowledgements Details
Anthony Bilton
Dora Bright List of Illustrations Details
Anthony Bilton
Dora Bright Appendix 1 - Catalogue Raisonné 2021 Details
Anthony Bilton
8501 - 9000 of 13174 Items << < 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 > >> 

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